Ingles Santiago 2

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The environment is the space in which people, animals, plants and every living being on
planet earth develops life. Any organism obtains from the environment the necessary
sustenance to guarantee its survival, not only food, but also shelter, air or energy,
therefore, maintaining balance is essential to ensure life as it is known today. In the case
of human beings, we need to consume a large amount of natural resources to eat, dress
or even to manufacture tools and other products that we then use in our daily activities,
take care of the ecosystem to make the use of these resources sustainable. and prevent
its disappearance.

Pollution and transformation

Life is constantly evolving. Since it originated millions of years ago, human beings have
been in continuous transformation, so that some adapted to the changing conditions of the
ecosystem while others disappeared along the way. In this way, life on Earth has managed
to persist over time in a natural way, managing to get ahead and succeed in such adverse
conditions as a great cataclysm in the climate, floods of the earth's crust or violent volcanic

Ways to protect the environment

1. Grow your own food: Organic products generate less environmental pollution since
fertilizers are not used.

2. Plant trees: Trees are essential for the world, they produce oxygen, reduce carbon
dioxide, absorb polluting gases, regulate temperature, among other benefits.

3. Save water: Water is an essential and scarce resource that we must use responsibly.

4. Separate garbage: It is important to separate waste into different containers: organic,

glass, cardboard, plastics and toxic waste. For your health, take care of your environment.

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