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Dragon Fruit juice

Juice is a healthy drink for the

body. For those who are runnijg a
diet program, juice is a mainstay
menu for weight loss. Various
vitamins and minerals that the
body needs are contained in the
Tools and msterials

1 Dragon Fruit

Yougurt/sweetened condended (for sugar

subtitute, but optional according to your taste)

Enough water

However, you need to know
how to make juice properly
using a blender. Here are the
steps :

2. 3.
Prepare all the tools Wash all the fruit to be Cut the fruit that will be
and materials needed blended. Do not forget to used as juice to make it
such as blender,fruit, peel the skin of the fruit smoother when blended
and enough water and set aside the seeds
that are not edible
However, you need to know
how to make juice properly
using a blender. Here are the
steps :

4. 5. 6.
After that, pour the juice into the glass. Don't forget to
Put the fruit together Turn on the blender on filter it first to get rid of the existing dregs.
and add enough water low speed for 10 So that you don't have to bother peeling fruit and
seconds. Then increase filtering the juice, you can make juice using the Hurom
Slow Juicer. This juicer has a technique of squeezing
the speed for the next 10 fruit / vegetables slowly, so it can produce juice
seconds, after that turn of without destroying the natural nutritional content
the blender when you contained. With the juice flow cover, you can mix the
fruit/vegetables in the juicer and prevent the juice from
feel the juice is smooth.
spilling when poured into the glass
Prepare a clean blender.
Cut the dragon fruit into
smaller pieces

Put the dragon fruit into a

How to Make blender, add a little water,

yougurt/sweetened condensed
and ice cubes.

Dragon Fruit Blend until smooth and

Juice :
well blended.

When it is smooth, turn off

the blender and pour the
juice into a glass

Serve and enjoy

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