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PC Assembly

Student will demonstrate competency the following areas:

1. PC disassembly
2. PC parts identification
3. PC assembly

Developing Skilled Accomplished

0 pts 10 pts 20 pts

Remove PC Developing Skilled Accomplished

20 pts Student did not remove any Student removed most Student removed all components
components successfully from their components successfully from successfully from their PC.
PC. their PC.
Remove all components
from the PC.

Identify Developing Skilled Accomplished

20 pts Student correctly identified less Student correctly identified 4-7 Student correctly identified 8 or
than 3 components from components from disassembled more components from
disassembled PC. PC. disassembled PC.
Identify all components
from disassembled PC.

Assembly of PC Developing Skilled Accomplished

20 pts
Student could not correctly install Student correctly assembled Student correctly assembled all
any components into PC. most components into PC. components into PC.
Correctly install all
components into PC.
TOTAL SCORE Developing Skilled Accomplished
80 pts


Excellent Good Average Poor
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts

Keying Excellent Good Average Poor

Student keeps fingers on Student keeps fingers on Student keeps fingers on Student keeps fingers on the
d Position the home row keys 90% the home row keys 89% the home row keys 79% home row keys 69% or less
or more of the time while - 80% or more of the - 70% of time while of the time with no arched
typing with arched hands. time while typing with typing with partially hands.
arched hands. arched hands.

Eyes on the Excellent Good Average Poor

Student keeps eyes on Student keeps eyes on Student keeps eyes on Student keeps eyes on the
the material to be typed the material to be typed the material to be typed material to be typed 69 % or
90-100 % of the time. 89-80 % of the time. The 79-70 % of the time. The less of the time. The student
The student does not look student does not look at student does not look at does not look at the monitor
at the monitor or the monitor or keyboard. the monitor or keyboard. or keyboard. Always looks at
keyboard. keys.

Posture Excellent Good Average Poor

Student sits upright with Student sits upright with Student sits upright with Student sits slouched with
feet placed correctly feet placed correctly feet placed correctly feet crossed 69% of the time
underneath him/her and underneath him/her and underneath him/her and or more.
back against the chair back against the chair back against the chair
100-90 % of the time. 89-80 % of the time. 79-70% of the time.

Speed and Excellent Good Average Poor

Test Results Test results Test result Test result

20-25 WPM or more with 14-19 WPM or more with 9 -13 WPM or more with 8 WPM or less with 70%
90% accuracy 85% accuracy 75% accuracy accuracy

Motherboard components.
Computer Motherboard characteristic

Poor Fair Good Excellent

25 pts 50 pts 75 pts 100 pts

Understanding Poor Fair Good Excellent

Can clearly describe all Can clearly describe all Can clearly describe all Can clearly describe
4 Pts Identify and components of a components of a components of a and explain in detail all
explain in detail all motherboard. Explains motherboard. Explains motherboard. Explains components of a
Components of a details of each details of each details of each component motherboard. With
computer component with 25% components with 50% with with 75% accuracy. 100% accuracy.
motherboard. accuracy. accuracy. Can define 75% of all
Can define 25% of all Can define 50% of all components of a
components of a components of a motherboard
motherboard. motherboard.
Understands 25% of the
Complete clean OS installation
Students will create a complete installation of Microsoft Windows 7, Install all needed device drivers for the
computer, Perform all Windows Updates, and Install Application Software necessary for a computer.

Poor Fair Good Score

5 pts 8 pts 10 pts (N/A)

Install Poor Fair Good Score

Student was unable to Student was unable to successfully Student was able to successfully
System successfully install the install the appropriate Operating install the appropriate Operating
40 %
appropriate Operating System on the PC without close System, with very little
System guidance and assistance supervision and guidance
Correctly install
Operating System
on the PC.

Install all device Poor Fair Good Score

30 % Student was unable to Student was unable to successfully Student was able to successfully
locate, identify and locate, identify and install the locate, identify and install the
install the drivers on drivers on the PC; without close drivers on the PC with very little
Correctly identify the PC. guidance and assistance supervision and guidance
and install all
necessary device

Creating Poor Fair Good Score

20 % Student was unable to Student was able to perform Student was able to successfully
install Windows update Windows with all available
updates. partial updates for Windows. updates.
Perform all Windows

Independently Poor Fair Good Score

10 % Student was unable to Student was able to install 3 - 4 of Student was able to install all of
download and install the six required applications. the required applications.
any of the required
Installation of OS, software.
Creating Bootable
and Install all

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