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Oswaldo Lira, Mariana Ortega

Modern pizza was originally invented in Naples, Italy, but the word pizza
is of Greek origin, derived from the Greek word pēktos which means solid
or coagulated. The ancient Greeks covered their bread with oils, herbs, and
cheese. Ingredients

- 1 1/2 kilo of flour

- 1 liter of water

- 60 grams of salt

- 15 grams of fresh yeast

- Pepperoni

- 200 grams of cream cheese or mozzarella

Recipe Active voice Passive voice

-Pour the room temperature water into a bowl and crumble the fresh yeast.
Mix until both ingredients are integrated
-The water is poured into a bowl and crumble the fresh yeast. Mixed until both
ingredients are integrated
-Add half of the flour little by little so that it becomes simple sugars and there
is no massacote to which you have to add water later. Break up all the lumps
-The half of the flour is added little by little so that it becomes simple sugars
and there is no massacote to which you have to add water later.
- Add the salt and then the rest of the flour. Mix and knead.
-The salt is added and the rest of the flour then is mixed and kneaded.

-Turn the dough out into a floured surface and knead for 15 minutes until smooth.
-The dough is turned into a floured and kneaded.
-Place it in a bowl and let it rest covered with a damp cloth for 2-3 hours for
the flour to ripen.
-The dough is pleaced in a bowl and covered with a damp cloth for 2-3 hours for
the flour to ripen.
-Divide the dough into 3-4 equal parts and place each bun on the floured counter
with a certain distance between them so that they do not stick.
-The dough is divided into 3-4 equal parts and is placed each bun on the floured
counter with a certain distance between them so that they do not stick.
-Pour a little olive oil into each pizza maker and place a bun in each one.
-The olive oil is poured into each pizza maker and placed a bun in each one.
-Roll out the dough with your hands until you reach the edges.
-The dough is rolled with your hands until the edges are reached
-Let it rest again for 30 minutes and then spread on each pizza a little fried
tomato sauce (to taste), cream cheese or mozzarella (or both) cut into
small pieces and the pepperoni slices.
-The dough is spreaded tomato sauce, cream cheese or mozzarella on each
pizza and cut in small pieces and the pepperoni slices.
-1 ½ kilo de Harina

-1 Litro de agua

-15 gramos de levadura fresca


-200 gramos de queso mozzarella

- Salsa de tomate frito

1. Vierte el agua a temperatura ambiente en un recipiente y desmenuza la levadura fresca. Mezcla hasta que se integren
ambos ingredientes.

2. Agrega la mitad de la harina de a poco para que se transforme en azúcares simples y no quede un masacote a lo cual
después tienes que añadirle agua. Rompe bien todos los grumos.

3. Incorpora la sal y después el resto de la harina. Mezcla y amasa.

4. Vuelca la masa sobre una superficie enharinada y amasa durante 15 minutos hasta obtener una masa suave.

5. Colócala en un recipiente y déjala descansar tapada con un paño húmedo durante 2-3 horas para que la harina madure.

6. Divide la masa en 3-4 partes iguales y coloca cada bollo sobre la mesada enharinada con una cierta distancia entre ellos
para que no se peguen.

7. Vierte un poco de aceite de oliva en cada pizzera y coloca un bollo en cada una.

8. Estira la masa con tus manos hasta llegar a los bordes.

9. Deja reposar nuevamente durante 30 minutos y, posteriormente, esparce sobre cada pizza un poco de salsa de tomate
frito (al gusto), queso cremoso o mozzarella (o ambos) cortados en trozos pequeños y las rodajas de pepperoni.

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