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Republic of the Philippines


San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249


1ST SEMESTER, S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Module in

MODULE NO.: __3________

NAME OF STUDENT: ___________________________________________________

YEAR / SECTION: ______________________________________________________
DATE RECEIVED: ______________________________________________________


Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249


Big Question: How can you as an adolescent be prepared for adult life by
accomplishing various developmental tasks according to developmental
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
1. Classify various developmental tasks according to developmental stage,
2. Evaluate your development in comparison with persons of the same age
group, and
3. List ways to become a responsible adolescent prepared for adult life.

“Maturity is achieved

when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values.”

Joshua L. Liebman



A personal timeline portrays the influential events and happenings of a person’s

life so that he can understand where he has gone wrong and right in the past. It helps to
plan the future in a better constructive way.

Using a bond paper, write the major events in your life and the significant people
in your life. You may add your age, specific dates and places. You may draw the
timeline horizontally, vertically, diagonally or even using ups and down depending on
your imagination. Be creative in your representations. You may also use symbols,
figures and drawings. Think of a title for your personal timeline.

You may use crayons or art materials depending on the available resources or
just a simple paper and pen may be fine. You can also go for the personal timeline
website template samples available online. The link is

Portfolio Output No. 5: My Personal Timeline with Reflection

Write about your Personal Timeline which you made in class. Answer the
following questions:

1. Is there a ‘center’ or a central theme in your timeline and life? If you will give a title
for your timeline what would it be and why?
2. Identify the turning points in your timeline. What were the thoughts, feelings and
actions that you experienced?
3. Who are/were the most significant people in your life? How did they influence you?
4. What would you change or add, if you could? How would each of these changes or
additions affect your life, or even change its present course?
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2016.
Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

. Where do you want to be in a year, 5 years, and 10 years? What do you expect your
future timeline will be?



Human Development focuses on human growth and changes across the

lifespan, including physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and
emotional growth.

The study of human developmental stages is essential to understanding how

humans learn, mature and adapt. Throughout their lives, humans go through various
stages of development.

The human being is either in a state of growth or decline, but either condition
imparts change. Some aspects of our life change very little over time, are consistent.
Other aspects change dramatically. By understanding these changes, we can better
respond and plan ahead effectively.

Developmental Stage Characteristics

1. Pre-natal Age when hereditary endowments and sex are fixed and
(Conception to birth) all body features, both external and internal are developed/
2. Infancy Foundation age when basic behavior are organized and
(Birth to 2 years) many ontogenetic maturation skills are developed.
3. Early Childhood Pre-gang age, exploratory, and questioning.
(2 to 6 years) Language and Elementary reasoning are
acquired and initial socialization is experienced
4. Late Childhood Gang and creativity age when self-help skills, social skills
(6 to 12 years) school skills, and play are developed.
5. Adolescence Transition age from childhood to adulthood when sex
(puberty to 18 years) maturation and rapid physical development occur resulting to
to changes in ways of feeling, thinking and acting
6. Early Adulthood Age of adjustment to new patterns of life and roles such as
(18 to 40 years) spouse, parent and breadwinner
7. Middle Age Transition age when adjustments to initial physical and
(40 years to retirement) mental decline are experienced.
8. Old Age Retirement age when increasingly rapid physical and mental
(Retirement to death) decline are experienced

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2016.
Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249



Robert J. Havighurst elaborated on the Developmental Tasks Theory in the most

systematic and extensive manner. His main assertion is that development is continuous
throughout the entire lifespan, occurring in stages, where the individual moves from one
stage to the next by means of successful resolution of problems or performance of
developmental tasks. These tasks are those that are typically encountered by most
people in the culture where the individual belongs. If the person successfully
accomplishes and masters the developmental task, he feels pride and satisfaction, and
consequently earns his community or society’s approval. This success provides a sound
foundation which allows the individual to accomplish tasks to be encountered at later
stages. Conversely, if the individual is not successful at accomplishing a task, he is
unhappy and is not accorded the desired approval by society, resulting in the
subsequent experience of difficulty when faced with succeeding developmental tasks.
This theory presents the individual as an active learner who continually interacts with a
similarly active social environment.

Havighurst proposed a bio psychosocial model of development, wherein the

developmental tasks at each stage are influenced by the individual’s biology
(physiological maturation and genetic makeup), his psychology (personal values and
goals) and sociology (specific culture to which the individual belongs).


Infancy and Early

Middle Childhood (6-12) Adolescence (13-18)
Childhood (0-5)
 Learning to walk  Learning physical skills  Achieving mature
 Learning to take solid necessary for ordinary relations with both sexes
foods games  Achieving a masculine
 Learning to talk  Building a wholesome or feminine social role
 Learning to control the attitude toward oneself  Accepting one’s
elimination of body wastes  Learning to get along physique
 Learning sex differences with age-mates  Achieving emotional
and sexual modesty  Learning an appropriate independence of adults
sex role  Preparing for marriage
 Acquiring concepts and  Developing fundamental and family life
language to describe skills in reading, writing,  Preparing for an
social and physical and calculating economic career
reality  Developing concepts  Acquiring values and an ethical
 Readiness for reading necessary for everyday ethical system to guide
 Learning to distinguish  living  behavior

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All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2016.
Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

right from wrong and Developing conscience, Desiring and achieving

developing a conscience morality, and a scale of socially responsibility
values behavior
 Achieving personal
 Developing acceptable
attitudes toward society

Early Adulthood (19-30) Middle Adulthood (30-60) Later Maturity (61-)

 Selecting a mate  Helping teenage  Adjusting to decreasing

 Learning to live with a children to become strength and health
partner happy and responsible  Adjusting to retirement
 Starting a family adults and reduced income
 Rearing children  Achieving adult social  Adjusting to death of
 Managing a home and civic responsibility spouse
 Starting an occupation  Satisfactory career  Establishing relations
 Assuming civic achievement with one’s own age
responsibility  Developing adult leisure group
time activities  Meeting social and civic
 Relating to one’s spouse obligations
as a person  Establishing satisfactory
 Accepting the living quarters
physiological changes of
middle age
 Adjusting to aging


Using the Developmental Tasks Summary Table above, assess your own level
of development as a Grade 11 student.
What are the expected What are the expected What are the expected
tasks you have tasks you have partially tasks you have not
successfully accomplished? accomplished?

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2016.
Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

Processing Questions:

1. Being in Grade 11, what are the developmental tasks expected of you? Rate
yourself from 1-10 (10 as the highest) on whether you have accomplished those
expected tasks.
2. As you are in Grade 11, you are in transition from high school to college, from
being an adolescent to young adult. How do you feel about this transition?
3. Do you think you are ready for this transition which may mean more
responsibilities and greater accountability? If no, what are the expected tasks
you need to work on? If yes, what are the ways to take so you can better plan
for the future?


For each of the following situations, decide whether the person followed these
guidelines for mindful speech:
Is what I want to say True?
Is what I want to say Helpful?
Am I the best one to say it?
Is it necessary to say it Now?
Is it Kind to this person and others?
[THINK definition from Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety by Dr. Christopher Willard]

In your journal, for each number, mark √ for yes, X for no, or ? if you’re not sure.
There could be more than one 'correct' answer. The purpose of this activity is to reflect
on the situations and whether you've witnessed or experienced something similar in
your own life.

1. I did really well on an exam. I said to my friends, “I got the top score. What did you
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T H I N K

2. One of my friends was bragging about getting a good score on a test, and I didn't
want to tell him I failed. I said, "Congratulations!" then started talking about something
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T H I N K

3. People kept telling me about this strange color Mrs. Jenkins dyed her hair. When I
saw her, I didn't think it looked that bad, so I told her, “Your hair’s not as weird as
everyone says it is.”
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2016.
Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T ____H____I____N____K

4. A woman with a big belly was about to enter the building. I told my friend, “We need
to go open the door for that lady. She’s pregnant.”
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K

5. A boy told his friend to hold the door open for me because I’m pregnant. I said, “Hey,
I’m not pregnant! You sayin’ I’m fat?”
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K

6. A boy told his friend to hold the door open for me because I’m pregnant. I said,
“Thank you for holding the door, but I’m actually not pregnant.”
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K

7. I saw a couple of kids cheating on a test. I went up to the teacher after class and
told him what I’d seen.
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K

8. I saw a girl looking at her phone during a test. I went up to the teacher after class and
told him she was cheating.
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K

9. I saw Maria’s boyfriend leaving the movie theater with another girl. I called Maria
and said her boyfriend was cheating on her.
Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K

10. I saw Maria’s boyfriend leaving the movie theater with another girl. I went up to
them and said hi, and asked “Where’s Maria tonight?”

Did I T.H.I.N.K. before I spoke? ____T____H____I____N____K

Remember: T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak. Have Mindful Speech.

Portfolio Output No. 6: Mindfulness with Reflection

Analyze each case on How Mindful Am I? Answer the following questions:

1. Has someone ever asked you a question that you really didn't want to answer?
How did you respond?
2. Have you ever gotten (or given) a “compliment” that really wasn’t a compliment?
How did you feel afterwards?
3. Did you ever do something to be helpful that turned out badly? What happened?
What do you wish had happened?

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2016.
Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

4. Have you ever caught someone cheating (either on a test or on a

boyfriend/girlfriend)? Did you say anything? Why or why not?
5. Have you ever gotten in trouble because someone caught you cheating (or
thought you were cheating)? What happened? What do you wish had
6. In what other situations have you seen someone T.H.I.N.K. (or not) before
speaking? What happened?

Remember: T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak. Have Mindful Speech.


Living mindfully is like being an artist: you need the right tools to practice your
craft, and you need to constantly refine your technique to achieve your creative
potential. In the same way, using the present moment tools below will help you to hone
a consistent mindfulness practice that will in time lead to a more aware, compassionate
and fulfilling way of life.

Tool 1: Breathe Mindfully. Use your breath as an anchor to still your mind and bring
your focus back to the present moment.

Tool 2: Listen Deeply. Listen with intention; let others fully express themselves and
focus on understanding how they think and feel.

Tool 3: Cultivate Insight. See life as it is, allowing each experience to be an opportunity
for learning.
Tool 4: Practice Compassion. Consider the thoughts and feelings of others and let
tenderness, kindness and empathy be your guides.

Tool 5: Limit Reactivity. Observe rather than be controlled by your emotions. Pause,
breathe, and choose a skillful response based on thoughtful speech and non-
violence under every condition.

Tool 6: Express Gratitude. Practice gratitude daily and expand it outward, appreciating
everyone and everything you encounter.

Tool 7: Nurture Mutual Respect. Appreciate our common humanity and value different
perspectives as well as your own.

Tool 8: Build Integrity. Cultivate constructive values and consistently act from respect,
honesty and kindness.

Tool 9: Foster Leadership. Engage fully in life and in community. Share your unique
talents and generosity so that others can also be inspired.

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2016.
Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

Tool 10: Be Peace. Cultivate your own inner peace, becoming an agent for
compassionate action and social good.

Which tools do you use most often? Which tools do you use least often? Can
you think of ways to incorporate those tools into your life? Which one could you try
O., Tuason, Vevian T. (2013). Psychology: Dimensions of the Human Mind. Mutya
Publishing House, Inc.



Instructor School Director

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2016.

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