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Republic of the Philippines


San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

2nd SEMESTER, S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Module in

MODULE NO.: __1________

NAME OF STUDENT: ___________________________________________________

YEAR / SECTION: ______________________________________________________
DATE RECEIVED: ______________________________________________________


Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249


To understand the problem of gender subordination, one must first two key concepts: sex and
gender. In common usage, the two terms are often interchanged. Each has a meaning distinct
from that of the other. This distinction has its important implications for the way we look at
existing inequality between women and men.

The course aims to clarify the distinction and its implications both for the present situation and
for social and personal change. It will first define sex and gender and explore the connections
between the two. This exploration will include a discussion of how gender is manifested in
contemporary Philippine Society, how it is commonly explained and how it is explained by more
contemporary social theory. This course will discuss the implications of gender on equality
between men and women. It will attempt to trace the development of gender to its present
Philippine context. Finally, it will briefly examine the social institutions that maintain gender.

In module 1, it tackles about sex and gender, what they are, how they differ. It discusses the
gender subordination and its history , gender and socialization.


- The student will be able to:

 Explore how gender is manifested

 Examine the different influences, factors and forces that shape the self.
 Compare and contrast how the self has been represented across the different
disciplines and perspectives and perspectives.
 Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in analyzing the development of one’s self
and identity by developing a theory of the self.


Activity 1.
INSTRUCTION: Review the list that is enumerated below. Identity if it is done by a
men or a woman. Explain why is that case or either to do those jobsboth jobsn
being itemized being listed.

“Sino Ako” by Jamie Rivera

“who am I” by Casting crowns


1. Who are you?

2. How would you describe yourself
3. Do you love yourself? Why or why not?
4. What are your most grateful in life?
5. What are the biggest and most important things you have learned in life so far?

Activity 2. Self- Examination

Look at yourself in the mirror and answer the following questions.

1. How can you describe yourself based on your own perspective or point of view?
“I am ____________________________________.”
2. What aspect of your self do you feel good about? Why?
3. What aspect of yourself do you feel good about ? Why?

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249



Sex and gender are two different concepts: sex is a biological fact, gender a social
construction. The distinction between male and female, and the definition of these categories
according to each one’s role in biological reproduction is universal in all human cultures. The
definition of gender categories

I. Identification Test: Read the sentences carefully. Identify and choose the answer on the
box. Write the answer on the blank. (15 points)
a. Psychology b. Philosophy c. Hyle d. arche e. rational soul f. appetitive
soul g. David Hume h. Socrates i. Rene Descartes j. Immanuel Kant
k. Gilbert Ryle l. Merleau-Ponty m. St. Thomas Aquinas n. St. Augustine
o. Self p. St. Augustine q. George Herbert Mead r. Sports s. family
t. peers u. Churchland v. language w. play x. psychoanalytic theory

______B____________1. It is the study of fundamental nature and knowledge, reality and

______D____________2. It is called the origin or source or primal nature.
_______H___________3. He said that every person is dualistic.
_________________4. It is a component of the soul where it is based more on desires (like
food, drinks, sleep, sexual needs etc.).
__________________5. He is one of the philosophers who said man is of bifurcated nature.
__________________6. He is the Father of Modern Philosophy.
__________________7. He stated that the self is nothing but a bundle of impressions and
__________________8. He agrees with the idea of Hume and stated that there is a mind that
regulates these impressions.
__________________9. For this philosopher, the living body, his thoughts, and experiences
are all one.
__________________10. His theory on the social self is based on the perspective that the self
emerges from social interactions such as observing and interacting with others.
__________________11. It is an agent of socialization that they introduce the children to the
expectations of the society.
__________________12. According to this theory of socialization, the unconscious mind
shapes the behavior.
__________________13. She has contributed to the fields of philosophy of neuroscience,
philosophy of the mind, and neuroethics
__________________14. It develops self by allowing individuals to respond to each other
through symbols, gestures, words and sounds.
__________________15. According to this philosopher, the soul is what makes us human.

II. Enumeration: List down or enumerate what are asked for each of the following. (10 points)
1. What are the 3 components of the soul?
a. _________________ b. __________________ c. __________________
2. According to Mead, there are three (3) activities develop the self. What are those?
a. _________________ b. __________________ c. __________________
3. Enumerate or list at least four (4) agents of socialization.
a. _______________b. _______________c. _____________ d. _______________

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

III. Essay: Explain and elaborate the question listed below. (5 points)
1. Do you agree that there is a difference between the body and the soul? What’s the
difference between the two?

RUBRIC (Analytic Rubric)

Score Content Organization Development Use of Language
5 Answer is appropriate to Clear sense of order. Develops each Uses technical or
the question. Content is Begins with a thesis or point with mat scientific
factually correct. topic sentence. specific details. terminology
Supporting points are Answers question appropriately and
presented in a logical completely. correctly. No
progression. major
grammatical or
spelling errors.
4 Answer is appropriate to May lack a thesis Each point Accurate word
the question. Content may sentence but presented supported with choice. No more
have one or two factual a logical progression. some details and than 2 major
errors. evidence. All errors and a few
important points minor errors.
3 Content relates peripherally Logic of argument is Sparse details or Ordinary word
to the question; contains minimally perceivable. evidence. choice: use of
significant factual errors. Points presented in a Question only harsh/ disturbing
seemingly random partially terminology
fashion, but all support answered. avoided. Some
argument. serious errors (but
they don’t impair
2 Content unrelated to Lacks clear Statements are Limited
question. organizational plan. unsupported by vocabulary: errors
Reader is confused. any detail or impair
explanation. communication.

Bandura, A. (1999). Social Cognitive Theory of Personality. In Pervin and John (ed)
Handbook of Personality Theory and Research. 2nd ed. Guilford Press 134-194. (For the
topic, The Self from Various Perspectives-The Self in Western and Oriental/Eastern
Thought) Belk (2013). Extended Self in a Digital Word. Journal of Consumer Research.
40.3.477-500 (For the topic, Unpacking the Self-The Digital Self) Chafee, J. (2013) Who
are you? Consciousness, Identity and the Self. In the Philosopher’s Way: Thinking
Critically about Profound Ideas. Pearson. 106-169 (For the topic, The Self from Various
Perspectives-Philosophy) , Brawner, Dalisay G., Arcega, Analiza F. Understanding the
Self. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc., 2018. Demetrio, Fernando & Zialcita(1991) .
The Soul, 95-97. One is not enough. 99-101. The Soul Book. GCF Books. (For the topic,
Unpacking the Self- the Spiritual Self), Fieldman, R. (2008) Understanding Psychology.
8th ed. McGraw Hill. Module 24: Understanding Human Sexual Response. 369-375.;
module 35: Diversity of Sexual Behavior. 379-385; Module 26; Sexual Difficulties. 389-
391 (For the topic, Unpacking the Self-The Sexual Self), internet :



Instructor OIC-Criminology Coordinator VP AA

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

Answer sheet:
1. Philosophy B
2. Arche D
3. Socrates H
4. appetitive soul F
5. St. Augustine N
6. Rene Descartes I
7. David Hume G
8. Immanuel Kant J
9. Merleau Ponty L
10. George Herbert Mead Q
11. The Family S
12. Psychoanalytic theory of socialization X
13. Patricia Churchland U
14. Language V
15. St. Thomas Aquinas M
a. Psychology b. Philosophy c. Hyle d. arche e. rational soul f. appetitive soul
g. David Hume h. Socrates i. Rene Descartes j. Immanuel Kant k. Gilbert
Ryle l. Merleau-Ponty m. St. Thomas Aquinas n. St. Augustine o. Self p.
St. Augustine q. George Herbert Mead r. Sports s. family t. peers u.
Churchland v. language w. play x. psychoanalytic theory


3 components of the soul

1. Rational soul
2. Appetitive soul
3. Spirited soul

3 activities of self
1. Language
2. Play
3. Games

Agents of socialization
2. school
3. religion
4. peers
5. media
6. sports

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