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Smart Health: A Context-Aware Health Paradigm within Smart Cities

Article  in  IEEE Communications Magazine · August 2014

DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2014.6871673


560 8,411

11 authors, including:

Constantinos Patsakis Mauro Conti

University of Piraeus University of Padova


Ioannis Vlachos
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center


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Smart Health: A Context-Aware

Health Paradigm within Smart Cities
Agusti Solanas, Constantinos Patsakis, Mauro Conti, Ioannis S. Vlachos, Victoria Ramos,
Francisco Falcone, Octavian Postolache, Pablo A. Pérez-Martínez, Roberto Di Pietro,
Despina N. Perrea, and Antoni Martínez-Ballesté

ABSTRACT equip their cities with technological infrastruc-

tures able to support ambient intelligence, and
The new era of mobile health ushered in by foster social responsibility and respect for the
the wide adoption of ubiquitous computing and environment. In this sense, the opportunities for
mobile communications has brought opportuni- smart cities are boundless, and companies such
ties for governments and companies to rethink as IBM and Intel are taking action to consoli-
their concept of healthcare. Simultaneously, the date their leadership in this sector. They have
worldwide urbanization process represents a identified several important areas in which smart
formidable challenge and attracts attention cities will play a key role: public safety, energy
toward cities that are expected to gather higher and utilities, economic development, education,
populations and provide citizens with services in social services, and healthcare, among others.1
an efficient and human manner. These two Smart cities are strongly based on sensors that
A. Solanas, P. A. Pérez- trends have led to the appearance of mobile provide updated information about diverse vari-
Martínez, and A. health and smart cities. In this article we intro- ables, including temperature, humidity, allergens
Martínez-Ballesté are with duce the new concept of smart health, which is concentration, pollution, traffic conditions, and so
the Universitat Rovira i the context-aware complement of mobile health on. According to Chen and Kotz [2], the context
Virgili. within smart cities. We provide an overview of could be defined as “the environmental states and
the main fields of knowledge that are involved in settings that either determine an application’s behav-
C. Patsakis is with the the process of building this new concept. Addi- ior or in which an application event occurs and is
University of Piraeus. tionally, we discuss the main challenges and interesting to the user.” We understand these vari-
opportunities that s-Health would imply and ables, provided by the smart city infrastructure, as
M. Conti is with the Uni- provide a common ground for further research. the context that helps us to understand the living
versity of Padua. environment of a citizen at any time. Thus, by
INTRODUCTION properly using this information, we can provide
I. S. Vlachos and D. N. citizens and patients with healthcare applications
Perrea are with LESSR, The adoption of information and communication and services with active context awareness (i.e.,
Medical School of technologies (ICT) within the healthcare sector applications and services that automatically adapt
Athens. led to the concept of electronic health (e-health), to discovered context) by changing the applica-
which is contributing to reduced costs and tion’s and services’ behavior [2].
V. Ramos is with Instituto increased efficiency. Following the consolidation The main objective of this article is to coin
de Salud Carlos III. of e-health, the generalized use of mobile devices the concept of Smart Health (s-Health) as the
with positioning capabilities (e.g., smartphones) result of the natural synergy between m-health
F. Falcone is with Univer- opened the door to the idea of mobile health and smart cities, from the ICT perspective as
sidad Pública de Navarra. (m-health), which could be understood as the well as that of individuals and society. We identi-
delivery of healthcare services via mobile com- fy the main challenges and benefits implied by
O. Postolache is with munication devices. m-Health has extraordinary the new concept of health within smart cities,
Instituto de Telecomuni- potential since it adds to the advantages of e- and discuss its feasibility in practice.
cações/ISCTE-IUL, Lis- health all the benefits related to the ubiquity of The rest of the article is organized as follows.
boa. mobile devices (i.e., global monitoring capabili- The next section summarizes the main research
ties, wide availability, and immediacy). Although fields that would play a key role in the develop-
R. Di Pietro is with Uni- significant advances have been made, m-health is ment of s-health. Next, we describe our notion
versità di Roma Tre. still in its early stages and is evolving in parallel of s-health and emphasize its relevance, timeli-
to another very promising concept: smart cities, ness, impact, and feasibility. In the following sec-
1 which are also founded on ICT and aim to tack- tion we elaborate on the main challenges and
innovation/us/thesmarter- le local problems, from local economy and trans- opportunities that s-health implies. Finally, we
city/index.html, portation to quality of life and e-governance. conclude the article by providing a summary of Local governments are investing in ICT to our contribution and some final thoughts.

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THE PIECES OF THE ized, that enables them to use the provided ser-
vices on request, to manage cities and create the Smart cities are an
S-HEALTH PUZZLE momentum for corrective actions.
imminent need,
s-Health is a natural complement to the concept ELECTRONIC AND MOBILE HEALTH and have recently
of m-health within the context of smart cities With the promise of being helpful in addressing received much
that provide an extraordinarily rich context- open biomedical problems, ICT have attracted
aware environment. Due to the fact that s-health the attention of the medical community. A col- attention from
is a new concept, we can hardly analyze the state lection of devices and complex systems with industry and
of the art. However, we provide the reader with computers, sensors and databases are used in
academia. Private
a brief review of the main research areas related the so-called electronic health (e-health), which
to it. could be defined as: companies like IBM,
Intel, and Siemens
SMART CITIES “an emerging field in the intersection of med-
The concept of the smart city has not been strict- ical informatics, public health and business, are investing in smart
ly defined, and can still be considered a vague referring to health services and information cities, and the
idea. A definition of the concept is given by delivered or enhanced through the Internet and
scientific community
Caragliu in [1] and extended in Pérez-Martínez related technologies. In a broader sense, the
et al. [12] as follows: term characterizes not only a technical develop- has started to
ment, but also a state-of-mind, a way of thinking, analyze them
“Smart cities are cities strongly founded on an attitude, and a commitment for networked,
information and communication technologies global thinking, to improve health care locally, in detail.
that invest in human and social capital to regionally, and worldwide by using information
improve the quality of life of their citizens by and communication technology.”
fostering economic growth, participatory gover- Eysenbach, 2001 [4]
nance, wise management of resources, sustain-
ability, and efficient mobility, whilst they ICT might be used for a variety of health-
guarantee the privacy and security of the citi- related tasks, including communication between
zens.” patients, doctors, and carers; distant provision of
Pérez et al. (2013) [12] care; remote support to electronic diagnostic
medical records; medication adherence control,
Smart cities are an imminent need, and have and so on. ICT in the healthcare sector, if prop-
recently received much attention from industry erly used, can significantly contribute to the
and academia. Private companies like IBM, reduction of management costs and increased
Intel, and Siemens are investing in smart cities, efficiency. In this line, e-health substantially
and the scientific community has started to ana- reduces the displacement of professionals and
lyze them in detail [11]. The latest reports show patients, globally brings down the cost of medi-
that urbanization is progressing at an unprece- cal resources, and makes treatment and health
dented pace. Currently, 50 percent of the world watchfulness more comfortable to patients. All
population lives in cities, and this percentage is in all, e-health might be considered a revolution
expected to grow up to 70 percent by 2050. 2 in this area. However, a probably more impor-
Thus, the development of infrastructures to tant revolution is taking place due to the use of
address the needs of these huge amounts of peo- mobile devices (e.g., smartphones): mobile
ple is urgent. Moreover, big city infrastructures health (m-health), which could be defined as the
need efficiency in many aspects, from energy discipline founded on the use of mobile commu-
consumption to resource allocation. Therefore, nication devices in medicine or, more specifical-
the only way for cities to provide sustainability ly, the delivery of healthcare services via mobile
and a good quality of life to their citizens is communication devices; or:
through “smart” interaction with them by using
ICT to guarantee access to context-aware infor- “emerging mobile communications and net-
mation. work technologies for healthcare systems”
Several cities have already started to work Istepanian et al., 2006 [5]
toward the adoption of the concept. Amsterdam
has determined four areas (i.e., living, working, The use of mobile devices helps to perform
mobility, and public space) around the idea of tasks more efficiently. The remote monitoring of
sustainability, in which smart projects are con- patients and communication between profession-
ducted in order to improve the city. In Amster- als, relatives, and patients will especially benefit
dam, they focus on the reduction of CO 2 from m-health. m-Health redefines healthcare
emissions, but we could find other examples that services in three main aspects:
focus on other aspects as well. 3 Some other • It allows easy access to an unprecedented
examples of cities pursuing “smartness” are number of services and knowledge.
Vienna, Toronto, Paris, New York, London, • It can be user-oriented.
Tokyo, Copenhagen, Hong Kong, and Barcelona. • It can be personalized.
The widespread adoption of sensors within m-Health clearly extends the capabilities of 2
smart cities provides additional interactions indoor monitoring environments, and it is a pow-
through people-centric, participatory, and oppor- erful tool that allows the advance of several lines 3
tunistic sensing [8, 9]. In this context a smart city of research, such as the continuous assessment smarterplanet/us/en/
becomes a huge system of systems, which has to of the state of patients, early detection of emer- traffic_congestion/
provide citizens and local authorities with the gency situations, detection of changes in health nextsteps/solution/
processed information, in many cases personal- conditions, detection of abnormal situations, and G080151O85496M88.html

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Privacy Protection and Security — Privacy is

e-Health a fundamental right that has to be guaranteed.
Within the healthcare sector, privacy issues are
m-Health s-Health even more apparent than in other contexts. For
3 4 example, the continuous monitoring of patients
5 could be seen as an invasion of privacy, and it

must be carefully considered in order to stop


patients refraining from using that monitoring.

1 2 Private information retrieval and anonymization
techniques will play a key role in s-health.
Computer systems use passwords to identify
s-Health and authenticate people. In order to gain securi-
t city

ty in the process of authentication, security pro-
5 tocols mainly based on public key cryptography

have been widely used. In addition, biometric

features (iris, fingerprints, ECG, etc.) are gradu-
ally being adopted. Also, technologies such as
Figure 1. Set diagram for the health and smart city planes. The relation/pro- radio frequency identification (RFID) are used
jection/intersection between the two planes is represented as the area of for identification of physical objects and people.
s-Health, and the numbers refer to the examples given within the text. Secure identification and authentication will be
paramount for our s-health concept.

Other Related Fields — In addition to the

early detection of fragile situations. For the most aforementioned areas, the following are also relat-
recent advances on e-health and m-health the ed to the concept of s-health. A description of
interested reader can refer to [14]. each area is beyond the scope of this article. How-
ever, for the sake of completeness we enumerate
BRIEF SUMMARY OF RELATED RESEARCH AREAS them: remote patient monitoring and supervision;
In the following, we list some representative data mining and knowledge discovery; information
areas related to s-health. As a matter of fact, it systems; databases and big data; trust and interop-
cannot be comprehensive. Notwithstanding, it is erability; telemedicine; ambient assisted living; and
intended as an overview of areas that interweave cloud storage security and privacy.
within the context of m-health and smart cities
to contribute to the concept of s-health.
Cloud Computing and Distributed Sys- We are coining the concept of smart health as
tems — The emergence of mobile devices has the natural complement of mobile health in the
made millions of people turn to cloud-based context of smart cities. We are witnessing how
services. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), plat- advances in ICT are being leveraged by the
form as a service (PaaS), and software as a ser- healthcare sector to create m-health, and by local
vice (SaaS) have become common jargon. The and regional governments to foster the deploy-
reason behind this shift is the need for seamless ment of so-called smart cities. We can observe
syncing of contacts, calendar events, emails, these two trends toward the adoption of m-health
multimedia, and all kinds of data within a het- and the generalization of smart cities. Due to the
erogeneous environment comprising different fact that these two concepts are studied indepen-
devices, operating systems and applications. dently and deserve attention in their own rights,
Using cloud and distributed systems might help they have rarely converged into common points
diminish costs of software and hardware mainte- of contact. However, we claim that the infra-
nance as someone else handles the infra- structure and technologies of smart cities could
structure. Using cloud services and distributed be leveraged and mixed with the concepts of m-
systems is paramount for mobile health and health and telemedicine to create a novel and
smart cities since a wide variety of devices have richer ubiquitous concept: smart health.
to coexist in a very heterogeneous environment. Figure 1 represents our concept of smart
Hence, they will also be of great importance for health. We distinguish two planes, the health
the new concept of s-health. plane and the smart city plane. Although those
planes seem to be independent, when we logical-
Sensor Networks, Body Area Networks, ly project one over the other we observe an
and Their Interoperation — A key element to intersection that represents the provision of
provide s-health in a personalized way is the healthcare services with the infrastructure of a
possibility of gathering multiple data from smart city. From this view we can derive the fol-
patients and the environment. Due to their flexi- lowing definition for smart health:
bility, wireless systems are ideal candidates to be
the communication medium from the users to “Smart health (s-health) is the provision of
the infrastructure, as well as among infrastruc- health services by using the context-aware net-
tures. However, due to the great variety of net- work and sensing infrastructure of smart cities.”
work technologies, it is very difficult to
interoperate them; also, during the deployment According to this definition, smart health is a
phase, it is paramount to avoid radio-electric subset of e-health since s-health is based on the
interference and the like. ICT infrastructure of a smart city. However,

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1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2. Illustration of the examples of different kinds of health within the context of a smart city. Numbers refer to the subsets
depicted in Fig. 1.

smart health is different from m-health in the With the definition and consolidation of the
sense that the used underlying infrastructure new concept of s-health, we allow the extension
might not be mobile at all; in fact, in many cases of the coverage of health from hospitals and
it might consist of fixed sensors. With the aim of adapted homes to everywhere in the city. Also,
clarifying the above concepts, let us refer to the we provide the ground for the development of
following examples depicted in Fig. 2, which new techniques, models, interactions, and syner-
refers to the subsets illustrated in Fig. 1: gies that will contribute to the reduction of
Example 1 — Classical health. This is a typi- health costs, increased quality of life of patients,
cal health-related activity, that is, a doctor visit- early detection of illnesses, collection of invalu-
ing a patient with traditional tools (which do not able data for research, and the global improve-
necessarily involve ICT). ment of our society as a whole.
Example 2 — e-Health. This involves the use
of electronic health records (EHR) and databas- RELEVANCE AND TIMELINESS
es that store medical information of patients. The increasing average age of people and the
This is a subset of classical health that uses ICT. rise of chronic diseases will result in a dramatic
Example 3 — m-Health. An example is a growth in the need for assistance and healthcare
patient checking her prescriptions from her within the years to come, especially in metropoli-
mobile phone to guarantee medication adher- tan areas where there is a higher concentration
ence. This is a subset of e-health since it uses of inhabitants. There is an increasing demand
mobile devices to access medical data. for outpatient care, maintaining and restoring
Example 4 — s-Health. A patient gets infor- health, as well as maximizing the independence
mation from an interactive information pole to of patients and their relatives. Improvements in
check the pollution level as well as the level of medical technology have helped people to live
pollen and dust for which he has allergies. longer and with a better quality of life. Notwith-
Thanks to this information, the patient can avoid standing, our societies are faced with new social
areas that could be dangerous for his health con- and economic challenges due to the high expens-
dition. The information pole informs him about es of welfare systems, and the increasing number
the best route to go, and where the closest phar- of elderly and chronic patients. In the near
macies are to buy antihistamine pills. future healthcare provision will change from
Example 5 — m-Health augmented with s- centralized healthcare services, provided by doc-
Health. A cyclist wearing a bracelet with tors’ offices and hospitals, to health monitoring
accelerometers and vital constants monitoring based on ubiquitous and pervasive services. This
capabilities has an accident. The body sensor evolution has two causes. First, there is increas-
network detects the fall and sends an alert to the ing demand for better, more comprehensive and
city infrastructure. When the alert is received by proactive healthcare, whose key component is
the system, the conditions of the traffic are ana- the early-stage diagnosis of health issues provid-
lyzed, and an ambulance is dispatched through ed by long-term and unobtrusive monitoring.
the best possible route. In addition, the traffic Second, there is a need to mitigate the increas-
lights of the city are dynamically adjusted in ing healthcare expenses.
order to reduce the time needed by the ambu- By providing health services in patients’
lance to reach the cyclist. homes, not only may the expenses decrease, but
All in all, the main goal of smart health is to also, patients are provided with better quality of
promote health to a higher position within soci- life. In addition, with the new concept of s-
ety in a distributed, private, secure, efficient, and health, patients will also be monitored when they
sustainable way by reusing the principles of m- leave their homes using the infrastructure of the
health and smart cities in a convergent new smart city, and new data will be gathered for
paradigm of ubiquitous health. their benefit and that of society.

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S-HEALTH VS. M-HEALTH concept of s-health along with the big data and
The concept of cloud storage/computing paradigms will allow
The concept of s-health could be considered an the gathering of unprecedented amounts of data.
s-health could be augmentation of m-health with the sensing capa- These data are invaluable for the scientific com-
considered an bilities of smart cities. Actually, there are signifi- munity, which would be able to run experiments
augmentation of cant differences between them that justify the to gain knowledge on a variety of fundamental
adoption of the new concept. While it is clear areas of human behavior, healthcare, engineer-
m-health with the that the concept of s-health cannot be confused ing, and so on.
sensing capabilities with that of smart cities, the differences with m- Regarding feasibility, the concept of s-health
health must be highlighted. The main difference is a natural outcome of the mixture of well-
of smart cities. are the following. known areas. Society has already accepted the
Actually, there are Differences in information sources: The data concepts of m-health and smart cities; thus, it
significant used in m-health come from the patients. How- seems to be prepared to also embrace s-health.
ever, in the s-health approach the data are not
differences between only from patients but from a completely inde- CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES
them that justify pendent new source (i.e., the smart city sensing
infrastructure). This new source of information CHALLENGES
the adoption of surpasses m-health and justifies the appearance The concept of s-health comprises a bewildering
the new concept. of the new concept of s-health. set of research areas that generally work inde-
Differences in information flows: m-Health is pendently. The adoption of the s-health
personalized (user-centric), while s-health is not paradigm by citizens requires the fulfillment of
only user-centric but also city-centric. This technological, financial, logistic, and psychologi-
means that in m-health, data are collected from cal requirements [13]. The following is an indica-
patients and processed, and the results go back tive list of the main challenges that we envisage
to patients. However, s-health is not only user- s-health will have to overcome.
centric but also city-centric since the information
gathered by the patients also modifies the behav- Multidisciplinary Research and Interaction
ior of the city. For instance, in example 5, the — All the areas described above are being stud-
fall of the cyclist changes the behavior of the city ied worldwide by researchers and practitioners.
and leads to the modification of the traffic lights However, it is pretty unusual for those
that allows the easiest arrival of an ambulance researchers to work in the same institution; thus,
(clearly, this is beyond the scope of m-health). it is much more difficult for them to share their
knowledge to lead to interdisciplinary solutions
IMPACT AND FEASIBILITY such as the concept of s-health. Since this idea is
s-Health focuses globally on society since every- new, there is a need for interaction and collabo-
one will become a patient during their lifetime, ration among many actors (governments,
and we all participate in healthcare costs. In researchers, physicians, practitioners, etc.) to
addition, we believe that it is important to define define common ground from the very beginning,
and clarify this concept now to drive the efforts thus avoiding unnecessary redesigns and over-
of the diverse research communities toward a spending.
common and well defined concept of health
from the very beginning of its development, thus Security and Privacy — Although s-health
averting unnecessary duplication and overhead might help to mitigate many health-related
in the future. issues, its ability to gather unprecedented
The concept of s-health is groundbreaking by amounts of information could endanger the pri-
its very nature and will result in a clear step for- vacy of citizens. Protecting privacy and securing
ward. The proposed concept will have an impact the infrastructure is an inescapable challenge the
in many senses. research community is still struggling to address.
For society. The generalization and adoption Security and privacy protection is essential in
of the concept of s-health will benefit society as almost every aspect of our lives. However, in the
a whole. Improving healthcare services con- context of a smart city, it is even more important
tributes to the creation of a healthier society, due to the fact that the gathered information is
with healthier habits related to proper nutrition highly personal. From the data collected in a
and physical activity within the sustainable and smart city, it would be possible to infer citizens’
green philosophy of smart cities. Patients will habits, their social status, and even their religion.
greatly benefit from the concept of s-health since All these variables are very sensitive, and when
they will gain quality of life and independence, they are combined with health information, the
while their treatments become more efficient result is even more delicate. Thus, it implies a
and cheaper. Also, we believe that s-health could great challenge that is still to be studied in
contribute to the reduction of morbidity and detail. Some attempts have been done to define
mortality rates. the concept of citizen privacy and to provide
For governments. The adoption of the model ways of protecting it [10]. Also, many efforts are
of s-health we are proposing might significantly devoted to the protection of privacy in health; a
help reduce healthcare costs. Thanks to early representative project in this direction is Trust-
detection and prevention mechanisms, patients worthy Health and Wellness (THaW) [7]. THaW
will require fewer treatments. In addition, by is aimed at solving several challenges to provide
using the infrastructure of smart cities, unneces- trustworthy information systems for health and
sary duplicities are reduced, and deployed sys- wellness. Similarly, the Strategic Healthcare IT
tems will be more efficiently used. Advanced Research Projects on Security
For research. The infrastructures and the (SHARPS) project 4 aims at advancing the

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requirements, foundations, design, development OPPORTUNITIES

and deployment of security and privacy tools and The concept of
methods for m-health. Those projects are in the The concept of s-health is founded on the use of
edge of research and their challenge is the infrastructure of smart cities, which opens a s-health comprises a
formidable. wide range of opportunities for the development bewildering set of
of new health-related applications and services. research areas that
Sensor Integration— One of the main chal- The following is an indicative list aimed at illus-
lenges in the implementation of scenarios in trating the potential of s-health. generally work
which ambient intelligence is supported, is to independently. The
adequately account for the co-existence of het- Data Collection, Presentation, and Analysis
erogeneous systems. The system performance — Health-related data collection could be prac- adoption of the
has a clear topological and morphological tically redesigned, since information, which s-health paradigm by
dependence from the location at which it oper- nowadays is not considered, might become cen- citizens requires the
ates. This last statement holds especially true in tral to the provision of cutting edge health ser-
the case of dense urban locations, in which the vices. Real-time data could be collected from/by fulfillment of
main radio-electric phenomena are given by patients and healthy individuals, and combined technological,
multipath propagation. In the case of body area with city data. Citizens’ vital signs, routes, and
networks [6], an additional element of complexi- health records could seamlessly be integrated financial, logistic,
ty is added due to the presence and impact of with data derived from ubiquitous sensors, cam- and psychological
the human body in the wireless channel. Also, eras, weather reports, and forecasts. Proper use requirements.
privacy issues in the urban sensing ecosystem of such data could become the pillar of s-health
are a further research issue, only partially applications.
addressed thus far [3].
Prevention and Management of Critical
Big Data Management and the Cloud — Incidents— s-Health will allow the accurate
Big data is generally defined by the 3Vs: variety, prevention and efficient management of chronic
velocity, and volume. In a smart city these 3Vs and acute diseases and accidents. Comprehen-
are especially important, and they are even sive s-health data can be used to identify situa-
more relevant in the context of smart health. tions requiring intervention (e.g., cardiovascular
The data collected from the sensors are very events, falls, accidents), and provide automated
diverse: temperature, pollution, allergens, and and optimized management of each incident,
so on (variety); these data must be collected and including provision of guidance and notification
analyzed almost in real time to provide a useful to authorities (Example 5). In the case of a mild
service to citizens/patients (velocity); and the incident, the patient could be guided to the
amount of collected data is huge since thou- nearest pharmacy or healthcare provider, while
sands of sensors take measurements every few in life threatening situations, traffic information
seconds (volume). The huge amount of data could be used to dispatch and guide ambulances.
that are collected in real time pose a tremen- Comprehensive analysis of gathered data could
dous problem in both bandwidth and storage. A provide multiple means for more efficient dis-
possible way to approach this problem is by ease prevention, earlier detection of chronic ill-
embracing the cloud paradigm. However, it is nesses, and even the identification of novel
not straightforward to implement this solution health threats and risk factors.
since its scale has many implications for privacy,
security, multi-tenancy, access control, and so Effectiveness and Environmental Assess-
on. In addition, the mining and analysis of this ment — Patient monitoring data can be utilized
humongous amount of data is also a tremen- to identify non-optimally managed cases or non-
dous challenge for the artificial intelligence and responsive patients to a given treatment and
statistics communities. provide efficient assistance. For instance, s-
health systems could identify chronic patients
Usability and Human–Computer Interac- with vital signs contradictory to their prescribed
tion— How citizens interact with the city is an medication (abnormal heart rate, blood pres-
open issue to be solved. There are many prob- sure, blood glucose, etc.). Such data can be com-
lems to be addressed, such as designing better bined with a patient’s status, location, and
wearable and unobtrusive sensors, improving current activities in order to reduce false posi-
compactness and weight, increasing autonomy, tives and identify bona fide events requiring
simplifying interaction processes, making person- intervention. These applications might also have
alization easier, and improving reliability. Solv- a significant impact on the assessment of novel
ing these issues is essential for the success of interventions in clinical trials. s-Health systems
both smart cities and s-health. could seamlessly integrate long-term patient
monitoring, medical records, and efficiency
Others— In addition to the above, Postolache assessment methodologies with city sensors’
et al. [13] identified other challenges in the data. This integration renders an optimal setting
adoption of pervasive healthcare: financial con- for the provision of high-quality personalized
straints, underestimation of the complexity of medicine. Environmental conditions (tempera-
the technological challenges, organizational ture, pollution, humidity, etc.) and patients’ daily
issues, collaboration among all stakeholders (i.e., routes and activities could be used to fine-tune
patients, doctors, therapists, sociologists, engi- dosing at an unprecedented level of detail, while
neers, computer technicians), and the definition the ability of the system to actively and routinely
of proper quality audit processes and cultural assess the effectiveness of each intervention
aspects. could practically maximize all benefits. 4

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Engaging Patients and Families in Manag- lenges for its implementation and development,
While researchers are ing Their Health — In s-health, the citizens and highlight the possible implementation oppor-
are significantly empowered and efficiently tunities that s-health might imply in the near
already shaping our assisted in order to actively participate in man- future, which we believe are almost boundless.
future according to aging their health. s-Health systems can utilize
medical records data and vital signs in order to ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the established con-
provide optimal guidance for activities, habits, When this article was written Agusti Solanas was
cepts of smart cities and everyday tasks within the city. For instance, partly supported by a “Visiting Scientist 2012-2013”
and m-health, we an s-health application could provide patients grant funded by the University of Padua, Italy.
with heart or respiratory problems with an opti- Agusti Solanas and Antoni Martínez-Ballesté
believe that there is mal route by avoiding areas with high atmo- are with the Smart Health Research Group in
a need for a new spheric pollution levels. the Department of Computer Science and Math-
concept to which we ematics of Rovira i Virgili University and are
Improving Policy Decisions — s-Health sys- partly funded by “La Caixa Foundation” through
refer as smart health tems could facilitate public health management. project “SIMPATIC: Intelligent, Autonomous
(s-health), emerging Policies and decisions can be “personalized” to and Private Monitoring System based on ICT” -
each city and even district, based on data derived RECERCAIXA’12 and by the Government of
from the combina- from population, health hazards, environment, Catalonia under grant 2009 SGR 1135.
tion of smart cities climate, and available infrastructure. The oppor- Mauro Conti was supported by a Marie Curie
with electronic and tunities arising from mining such data in order Fellowship, for the project “PRISM-CODE: Priva-
to optimize public health decision making are cy and Security for Mobile Cooperative Devices”
mobile health boundless. funded by the European Commission (grant n.
services. PCIG11-GA-2012-321980), and by the PRIN pro-
Epidemic Control — s-Health data and ject “TENACE: Protecting National Critical
methodologies can also drastically increase our Infrastructures From Cyber Threats” (grant n.
efficiency in detecting and controlling epidemics. 20103P34XC) funded by the Italian MIUR.
Citizens’ vital signs, locations, and activities Octavian Postolache is partially supported by
could be used to detect probable new cases dur- Instituto de Telecomunicações and Fundação
ing an epidemic, efficiently identify areas of para a Ciẽncia e Tecnologia (project PTDC/
increased risk, and optimally manage a raging DTP-DES/1661/2012).
epidemic. Such methodologies can also be
applied to the detection and management of REFERENCES
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80 IEEE Communications Magazine • August 2014

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BIOGRAPHIES Publica de Navarra (UPNA) in Spain. From 1999 to 2000 he

worked as a microwave commissioning engineer at
AGUSTI SOLANAS [M’04] is head of the Smart Health Research Siemens-Italtel. From 2000 to 2008 he worked as a radio
Group and an associate professor in the Department of network engineer in Telefónica Móviles. In 2009 he co-
Computer Engineering and Mathematics at the Rovira i Vir- founded Tafco Metawireless. From 2003 to 2009 he was
gili University (URV) of Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain. He also an assistant lecturer at UPNA, becoming an associate
obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer engi- professor in 2009. His research area is artificial electromag-
neering from URV in 2002 and 2004, respectively, the lat- netic media, complex electromagnetic scenarios and wire-
ter with honours (Outstanding Graduation Award). He less system analysis. He has over 350 contributions in
received a Ph.D. in telematics engineering from the Techni- journal and conference publications. He was the recipient
cal University of Catalonia in 2007 with honours. His fields of the CST Best Paper Award in 2003 and 2005, Best Ph.D.
of activity are mobile health, smart health, data privacy, in 2006 awarded by the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de
ubiquitous computing, clustering, pattern recognition, evo- Telecomunicación, Doctorate award 2004–2006 awarded
lutionary computation, and artificial vision. He has by UPNA, Juan Lopez de Penalver Young Researcher Award
authored over 100 publications. He has served as Chair, 2010 awarded by the Royal Academy of Engineering of
Programme Committee member, and reviewer for several Spain, and Premio Talgo 2012 for Technological Innova-
conferences and journals. He has served as an external tion.
reviewer for the Romanian National Council for Scientific
Research. He is a member of the Association for Comput- O CTAVIAN A DRIAN P OSTOLACHE [M’99, SM’06] graduated in
ing Machinery (ACM). electrical engineering at the Gh. Asachi Technical University
of Iasi, Romania, in 1992, and received his Ph.D. degree in
C ONSTANTINOS P ATSAKIS is a lecturer in the Department of 1999 from the same university. In 2000 he became a prin-
Informatics, University of Piraeus, Greece. He received his cipal researcher of Instituto de Telecomunicações, and an
B.Sc. in mathematics from the University of Athens, assistant professor of EST/IPS Setubal and ISCTE-IUL Lisboa
Greece, and his M.Sc. in information security from Royal in 2001 and 2012, respectively. He is the founder and lead-
Holloway, University of London. He also received a Ph.D. er of the Pervasive Sensing and Computing research group.
from the University of Piraeus. His main areas of research His fields of interest are smart sensors, and pervasive sens-
include cryptography, security, privacy and number theory. ing and computing. He is author and co-author of 9
He has participated in several research and development patents, 7 books, 14 book chapters, 61 peer reviewed
European-funded projects. He has taught several computer papers in international journals, and more than 200 papers
science courses in Greek and Catalan universities. In the in proceedings of international conferences. He is an ACM
past, he worked as a researcher at the CRISES Research professional member, Chair of IEEE MeMeA 2014, Techni-
Group and the UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy in the Depart- cal Chair of ICST 2014, and an Associate Editor of IEEE
ment of Computer Science and Mathematics at URV and as Sensors Journal. He received the IEEE I&M outstanding
a research fellow at the Distributed Systems Group, Depart- reviewer and IEEE Best Associate Editor Awards.
ment of Computer Science, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
PABLO A. PÉREZ-MARTÍNEZ is a Ph.D candidate at the CRISES
MAURO CONTI [SM] obtained his Ph.D. from Sapienza Uni- Research Group and the UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy in
versity of Rome, Italy, in 2009. After his Ph.D., he was a the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at
postdoctoral researcher at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, URV. He obtained his B.Sc. degree in computer science
The Netherlands. Since 2011, he is an assistant professor at from the University of Lleida and his M.Sc. in computer sci-
the University of Padua, Italy. He has been a visiting ence and security from URV. His main fields of interest are
researcher at GMU (2008), the University of California at privacy and security in location-based services.
Los Angeles (UCLA) (2010), UCI (2012, 2013), and TU
Darmstadt (2013). He has been awarded a Marie Curie Fel- ROBERTO DI PIETRO [M] is an assistant professor in computer
lowship (2012) by the European Commission, and a Fellow- science at Università di Roma Tre, Italy. His main research
ship from the German DAAD (2013). His main research interests include security and privacy for wireless systems,
interest is in the area of security and privacy. In this area, cloud and virtualization security, security and privacy for
he has published more than 70 papers in international distributed systems, applied cryptography, computer foren-
peer-reviewed journals and conferences. He was a Panelist sics, and role mining for access control systems. He has
at ACM CODASPY 2011 and General Chair of SecureComm published more than 150 scientific contributions in these
2012 and ACM SACMAT 2013. topics, receiving more than 3200 citations. He was award-
ed a Chair of Excellence (2011–2012) from University Car-
IOANNIS S. VLACHOS received his B.Sc. from the Department los III, Madrid. He is a member of ACM and the IEEE
of Informatics, University of Piraeus, and his M.Sc. in Bioin- Computer Society.
formatics from the Department of Informatics and Telecom-
munications, University of Athens. He worked as a lecturer D ESPINA N P ERREA received her B.Sc. from the Chemical
from 2007 to 2012 at the Laboratory for Experimental School of the University of Patra (1973) and Ph.D. from
Surgery and Surgical Research, Medical School of Athens. Athens Medical School (1982). From 1982 to 1990, she
Since 2011 he is also part of DIANA-lab, BSRC, and Flem- was a lecturer at the Department of Experimental Surgery
ing. His research focus is biomedical data analysis, bioinfor- and Surgical Research of Athens Medical School. In 1990
matics, and machine learning. He has 12 awards for best she became an assistant Professor; in 1998 she was made
presentation, scholarships, and distinctions in international an associate professor; and in 2010 she became a full
competitions. He has 43 publications in peer-reviewed jour- professor. She has directed the laboratory since 2000. Her
nals and more than 80 congress announcements. His publi- research focus includes experimental pathobiochemistry,
cations have been cited more than 400 times. nutrition, atheromatosis, diabetes, metabolic syndrome,
and research protocols using animal models. She has par-
V ICTORIA R AMOS [M’90] received her Ph.D. in biomedical ticipated in more than 40 research programs both nation-
Engineering and telemedicine from the University of Alcala, ally and internationally funded. She has more than 200
Madrid, Spain, in 2005. Since 1996, she has been a articles in peer-reviewed journals, 10 letters in indexed
research scientist, and now she is a tenured scientist OPI at journals, and 223 chapters in books/congress publica-
the Health Institute Carlos III in the Research Area of tions.
Telemedicine and e-Health in Madrid, Spain. Her research
focuses on the area of wireless communications applica- ANTONI MARTÍNEZ-BALLESTÉ is a tenured assistant professor in
tions for home care and telemedicine applications focusing the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at
on new emergent health services. It involves standards URV). He received his M.Sc. degree in computer engineer-
related to human exposure, medical devices immunity, and ing from URV in 2002. He obtained his Ph.D. in telematics
radio communication EMC. She takes part in several Euro- engineering from Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya in
pean and Spanish standardizations committees. 2004 with honours. His research interests include security
and privacy aspects of information and communications
FRANCISCO FALCONE [M’05, SM’09] received his telecommuni- technologies and their users, specifically privacy in video
cations engineering degree (1999) and Ph.D. in communi- surveillance. He is also interested in e-health. He has
cations Engineering (2005), both from the Universidad authored over 70 publications.

IEEE Communications Magazine • August 2014 81

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