(Prelim Reviewer) Information Assurance and Security Ii

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Rogationist College (St.

Anthony’s Boys Village Inc) Fourth Year – First Semester


CHAPTER 1: INFORMATION SECURITY AND Why do we need to study cybersecurity or

HUMAN ASPECTS Information Security?
What is Cybersecurity?  9 areas of specialization of
 the technology and process that is designed
1. Access control systems and
to protect networks and devices from
methodology: This deals with
attacks, damage, or unauthorized access.
protecting critical system resources
 essential for a country’s military, hospitals, from unauthorized modification.
large corporations, small businesses, and 2. Telecommunications and network
other organizations and individuals since security: This focuses on
data is now the cornerstone of any communications, protocols, and
organization network services, and the potential
The CIA Triad vulnerabilities associated with each.
3. Security management practices:
This area deals effectively with
catastrophic systems failures,
natural disasters, and other types of
service interruptions.
4. Security architecture and models:
This focuses mostly on having
security policies and procedures in
place. This particular security
domain involves policy planning for
just about every type of security
5. Law, investigation, and ethics: This
handles the legal issues associated
with computer security.
6. Application and system
development security: This person
covers things like database security
 Confidentiality: The principles of models and the implementation of
confidentiality assert that only authorized multilevel security for in-house
parties can access sensitive information and applications. 
functions. Example: military secrets. 7. Cryptography: Designed to help you
 Integrity: The principles of integrity assert understand how and when to use
that only authorized people and means can encryption. 
alter, add, or remove sensitive information 8. Computer operations security: This
and functions. Example: a user entering covers all those things that happen
incorrect data into the database. while your computers are running.
 Availability: The principles of availability 9. Physical security: This primarily
assert that systems, functions, and data addresses questions about physical
must be available on-demand according to access to your servers and
agreed-upon parameters based on levels of workstations.
Rogationist College (St. Anthony’s Boys Village Inc) Fourth Year – First Semester

automatically send emails, retrieve web

pages, and change computer settings.
Reason for Attacks
Key Terminologies:
 Money
 Network: connection between two or more
main reason for attacks
computers so that they can communicate
Hackers penetrate the system and then
with each other.
demand ransom from the victims
 Internet: means of connecting a computer
 other reasons:
to any other computer anywhere in the
o financial loss to the target
world via dedicated routers and servers.
o achieving a state’s military objective
 Internet Protocols (IP): data that is
transferred or received cannot follow any o damaging the reputation of the target
path. There are a set of rules that are o political
followed to control the flow of Five types of Attacks
the internet. These rules are called internet
protocol. 1. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
 IP Address: an address assigned to all o It is an attack used to restrict a user from
devices that connect to a computer network accessing the resources by flooding the
and uses the Internet Protocol for traffic that is used to access resources.
communication. An IP address looks like o A botnet controller controls all the bots
this: that are under it. The attacker sends a
 MAC Address: a unique identification command to the botnet controller that tells
number that every device that connects to all bots to attack a server so that the
the internet. Traditional MAC addresses are server will be flooded.
12-digit hexadecimal numbers. MAC o When a user wants to access a website,
address looks like this: D8-FC-93-C5-A5- he will not be able to, as the traffic on the
EO. (Media Access Control) website will be at full capacity.
 Domain Name Server (DNS): the
phonebook of the internet. All the IP
addresses and the name of the links are 2. Man in the Middle
saved in it. For example, you want to go to o Now, while you are completing the
google.com. You type this on your web transaction, you have to put in credit card
application. Then, this name goes to the details and the PIN. The attacker can
DNS server, and the DNS server finds the spoof you and monitor your transaction.
IP address of google.com. Then, the DNS As soon as you put in your details, he will
server returns it to your computer with the see them.
IP address. 3. Password Attack
 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol o Types:
(DHCP): a protocol that assigns an IP  Dictionary Attack: In this method, we
address to any device that wants to connect handle every password that is possible
to the internet. through the dictionary.
 Router: a protocol that assigns an IP  Brute force: This is a trial-and-error
address to any device that wants to connect method used to decode the password
to the internet. or data. This attack takes the most
 Bots: computer programs that control your amount of time.
computer without your knowledge. They
Rogationist College (St. Anthony’s Boys Village Inc) Fourth Year – First Semester

 Keylogger: As the name suggests, a o Email Attachments: You can send files
keylogger records all keystrokes on a through emails. These files may be
keyboard. Most hackers use images, documents, audio, or videos.
keyloggers to get passwords and Attackers send you an email, and you are
account details. encouraged to open the attached file. 
 Shoulder surfing: The attackers
observe the user’s keyboard by
looking over the user’s shoulder.
 Rainbow table: There are rainbow
tables that contain precomputed hash
values. Attackers use this table to find
the password of the user.
4. Email Attacks
o Phishing: The attacker sends bait, often
in the form of an email. It encourages
people to share their details. For
example, you receive an email like this:
5. Malware Attack
o Definitions:
 Malware: This is a malicious program
or software that disrupts or damages
the computer.
 Virus: A computer virus is a malicious
code that replicates by copying itself to
another program or document and
changes how a computer works. The
virus requires someone to knowingly or
unknowingly spread the infection
without the knowledge or permission of
o Spoofing: The attacker pretends to be a user or system administrator. An
another person or organization and example of a virus is the Melissa virus.
sends you an email stating that it is a  Worms: These are standalone
legitimate email. programs that run independently and
infect systems. For example,
W32.Alcra.F is a worm that propagates
through network share devices.
 Trojan Horse
o Functions of Malware:
 Overwhelming system resources:
Malware, especially worms, can spread
around and overwhelm a system or
network. Some malware creates so
many folders that no memory is left and
slows a computer down.
 Creating a backdoor: Let’s look at an
example: Microsoft sends updates
Rogationist College (St. Anthony’s Boys Village Inc) Fourth Year – First Semester

every Sunday on all Windows  Malicious advertisements: Never

platforms. How do these updates reach click on ads that you don’t trust. They
to your Windows OS? They create are created so that you can click on
backdoors from where they can send them, and hackers will receive details
updates. Similarly, hackers create about you. 
backdoors from where they can
continuously send viruses after getting
into a system.
 Disabling security functions: Some Physical Security
malware can disable antivirus software,
as well as security updates. This  Users should lock their workstations when
malware tends to last longer because they walk away, even for a minute. That is
there is no security to stop it. They tend all it takes for a malicious co-worker to send
to keep the system vulnerable to other out an email in the user’s name, or surf a
malware. website that downloads a virus or some
 Creating botnets: Hackers make other software unknown to the perpetrator.
botnets by purely coding. A botmaster At the end of the day, lock the room if
controls botnets, and they are usually possible, to protect the computer from
used to crash websites. Botmaster tells intruders who gain access to the building.
all botnets to flood the website by Physical security is the first line of defense
accessing the website at the same for client computers. Users who work from
time.  home should log off while they are going to
o Sources of Malware be away from home for an extended period
 Removable media: Removable media, of time. A laptop should never be left on a
like Pendrive, CDs, DVDs, and flash car seat or hotel room.
drives, may be used to send viruses to Authentication
your system. 
 Documents and executable files:  Every client computer should require a user
Viruses can be hidden in document to log in before using it. Whether the
files with the .exe extension. As soon credentials are local to the computer or
as you open them, the virus activates. stored on an authentication server, nobody
 Internet downloads: Download files should be able to use a computer without
only from trusted websites. If you logging in first. This stops everyone who is
download from untrusted websites, not an authorized user on the computer or
there may be chances that those files the network from using a client machine for
will contain viruses, and as soon as you mischievous purposes.
open them, the hacker might get
Anti-malware Software
access to your system. 
 Network connections: Be sure that  The abundance of malware in the form of
your service provider is genuine. If the viruses, worms, Trojan horses and more
network is unsecured, then it can be requires the use of anti-malware software
accessed by anyone. on every client machine. If one machine
 Email attachments: Never open email becomes infected, all machines on the
attachments unless the sender can be network will become infected. Viruses and
trusted. These files may contain viruses worms spread extremely fast, and it only
to create backdoors. takes a few minutes to infect every machine
on the network, even if there are thousands
Rogationist College (St. Anthony’s Boys Village Inc) Fourth Year – First Semester

of them. Large companies should deploy

enterprise versions of an anti-malware
product on all its client computers. Samller
companies of a hundred computers or less
may decide to deploy one of the many free
offerings available, but should use the same
software on all client computers.
Secure Protocols

 Where possible, users of client computers

should only connect with other computers
and servers using secure protocols. One of
these is HTTPS, or Secure HTTP, which
creates a secure connection to Web sites.
Another is Secure FTP, or file transfer
protocol, which encrypts user ID and
password information, unlike native FTP.
Rather than using Telnet to connect to a
remote computer, users should use Secure
Shell, which adds security to the remote

 The last line of defense for a client

computer is a personal firewall installed on
the machine. While an Internet firewall at
the organization’s Internet connection is the
first line of defense, the personal firewall
protects the client from attacks that get
through, as well as attacks that originate
from within the corporate network. Both
Windows and most Linux distributions have
a client firewall included, and Windows’
firewall is preconfigured for default
Recommendations for Computer Safety in the

 Software Protection
 Constant Updates
 Employee Education
 Regular Backups
 User Accounts

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