Criteria Concerning Focus and Activities: Y Y Y Y

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financial support

If you wish to submit a grant application to StichtingKinderpostzegels Nederland, your project must meet a number of criteria regarding focus, activities and financing. In addition to these criteria there are a number of restrictions you should bear in mind. criteria concerning focus and activities y y y y y y y y Children and their immediate interests should be central. The rights of the child should be the point of departure for the project. The main emphasis should be on integrating the children, e.g. enabling them to attend an ordinary school with other children. The project should focus on supporting children in their own neighbourhood and surroundings. The project should be rooted in the local community. Where possible there should be some participation by children and parents. Consultation, exchange of know-how and collaboration with local experts and with the authorities are essential. Projects, especially innovative ones, should aim to serve as an model to others.

financial criteria y y y The applicant should also make some kind of contribution, possibly by supplying manpower. The projects financial structure must be transparent, i.e. there must be a budget and a financing scheme available. It is important for the project to be sustainable. The application should explain how the project will continue after the grant comes to an end.

restrictions y y y y y y y y Emergency aid will not be considered for funding. Applicants from outside the listed countries are not eligible for funding, with the exception of applications for projects that have a regional or international effect. Kinderpostzegels does not grant money to projects that are the responsibility of the government. Kinderpostzegels does not provide any grants in the form of individual aid. Orphanages and residential homes, other than short-term shelters for reintegration and rehabilitation, are excluded. Kinderpostzegels does not finance any institutions with a profit motive. Fund formation is also not financed. Kinderpostzegels does not finance projects which involve curative medical care, formal education or judicial activities. Kinderpostzegels does not assist projects in the field of research.

All applications for funding are examined by independent committees. These consist of experts working in various fields within child-care services. The assessment of an application takes about two or three months. If the application is approved, you will receive a letter informing you of the size of the grant and the conditions attached to it. If the application is turned down, you will be notified and on the basis of this, you may submit a modified proposal or a (wellsubstantiated) request for your original application to be reconsidered. When the project is running, progress will be monitored based on interim reports to StichtingKinderpostzegels Nederland. A staff member of Kinderpostzegels will sometimes visit the project site to see how the project is being implemented and what kind of results are being obtained. final responsibility At the conclusion of the project a debriefing will take place, covering the focus, activities and finances. At this stage Kinderpostzegels considers whether the project activities deserve to continue in a structural way. Kinderpostzegels looks at whether the project organisation is capable of maintaining the activities on a regular basis using structural sources of funding or whether the project should become part of an existing organisation.

grant application
If you need money for a project that meets the criteria listed under guidelines, you may apply for a grant from StichtingKinderpostzegels Nederland. In order to do this, we ask you to complete a grant application. Dont forget to include the enclosures listed on the application form and send the whole package to:

StichtingKinderpostzegels Nederland AfdelingProjecten en Programma's Schipholweg 73/75 2316 ZL Leiden The Netherlands

application checklist
Your request for financial support should cover all items mentioned in this checklist. A correct and complete proposal ensures swift processing and a prompt response. You may print this checklist. a. organisation requesting financial support y Please state: o Name, Address, Postcode, Municipality, Country o Contact person o Telephone and fax number o Email address If the organisation responsible for implementing the project is not the same as the applicant, please give the name of the implementing organisation. State the legal position of the applicant in the country where the project will be carried out. Describe the background and purpose of the organisation. Give the name, address, account number and SWIFT code of the bank to which the money should be transferred.

y y y y

b. project y Please state: o The name of the project o The geographic location of the project o The social-economic situation in the area/region where the project will be carried out. Describe the project: o Aim of the project o The number of children who will benefit from the project

o o o o o o o o o o o c. costs y y

The general situation, reasons and need for the project. What do you hope to achieve? Is this project part of another project that is already operating? If so, describe the results so far. What results are envisaged from the project? Are there any long-term plans for the project for which you are requesting funds? Are there any similar projects that have been carried out by the applicant or other people in the same region? If so, what were the results? What operational measures have been taken to prepare for the project? (e.g. existing buildings, detailed planning, recruitment of managers, equipment.) What staff are needed? Are employees available for this project? (professional experience, qualifications, etc.) Are volunteers involved in the project? If so, how many and what is their role? What kind of contacts exist with the target group or their representatives? How do they participate in the decision-making process? How much time will it take to implement the project and when do you expect the project to be completed? Who is responsible for the project?

Please attach a copy of your most recent annual financial report. Please specify: o The total budget for the project. A detailed budget should be attached. o The applicant's resources for the implementation of the project, apart from the running costs. This should include an estimate of the approximate value of land, buildings, livestock, etc. o The amount of money that is requested from Kinderpostzegels, specifying for which part of the budget. o If the applicant has also applied for funding from other organisations (including authorities) apart from Kinderpostzegels, please give their names and the responses received and/or realistically expected. o Indicate the running costs for the project during the first few years. State the method and sources of financing to guarantee the continuation of the project.

d. additional The applicant must guarantee that, if the requested funding is granted, regular reports on the progress of the project will be sent to Kinderpostzegels. List of enclosures. Please send signed and dated applications to: StichtingKinderpostzegels Nederland Schipholweg 73 / 75 2316 ZL LEIDEN THE NETHERLANDS

International complaints procedure

Attention: this procedure concerns complaints on the conduct of or communication with employees of StichtingKinderpostzegels Nederland. The procedure is explicitly not related to settlement of project applications.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

A substantiated complaint may only be submitted in writing (letter or e-mail message). The deadline for submitting a complaint expires six months after the event to which the complaint is related - took place. The letter of complaint should be addressed to the director of the Projects Department. The project officer in charge will receive copy of said letter. Kinderpostzegels will confirm receipt of the letter and will indicate within which period of time an answer can be expected. The departmental director will make a decision on the complaint after also having heard the project officer in charge. The complainant will be notified of the decision in writing. In case the complainant does not agree with the explanation or suggested solution from Kinderpostzegels, he/she may re-submit the complaint in writing to the general director of Kinderpostzegels. Deadline for resubmitting is set within four weeks after the receipt of the decision letter of Kinderpostzegels. The general director will assess the validity of the decision made and whether the complaint procedure has been applied correctly. Within eight weeks the general director will notify the complainant of the outcome.

Send your complaint to: StichtingKinderpostzegels Nederland Director of the Projects Department Schipholweg 73/75 2316 ZL Leiden The Netherlands e-mail: director projects department

FAQs Are we eligible to apply? How do we apply? How often do you open a call for proposals? Who decides on the applications submitted? When do we receive an answer once we handed in our application? What is the maximum granted amount? Are there any limiting criteria? Is it useful to address the Dutch foundations mentioned on the website directly? What is meant by gender policy? Why is participation considered important?

Q: Are we eligible to apply? If you are a local grassroots, not-for-profit, registered NGO with a new project that structurally and innovatively improves the social situation of disadvantaged groups in your country, you are. The project should, however, preferably be an exponent of de-institutionalisation and inclusion, while explicitly including the beneficiaries of the project in its design and implementation. Investment costs should be included in the project budget. Q: How do we apply? Submit a short e-mail request for the CNF application package to the project co-ordinator in your country, visit their website, or download the English form from the CNF website. Subsequently you will receive the application forms and info material specifying our criteria and the mandate of the CNF, allowing you to apply according to our procedures before our first upcoming deadline. If your application misses a deadline it will automatically be transferred to the next upcoming deadline. Q: How often do you open a call for proposals? In Kaliningrad, Moldova and Ukraine project applications can be sent to the project coordinators all year round.

Organisations from Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina are invited to deliver their project proposals four times a year, generally mid February, beginning of May, beginning of August and mid November. In Serbia the call for proposals opens in January, April, August and October and closes one month later. In Montenegro the call for proposals is launched in February, May, September and November. Please, check the exact dates with the respective project co-ordinators. Q: Who decides on the applications submitted? If your application was submitted according to procedure it will be evaluated by the local CNF Advisory Committee in your country at its earliest convenience. In case this commission feels disallowed to formulate a comprehensive advice due to inconsistencies or unclarities in your application it might ask you to either clarify or reformulate parts of your application before proceeding. A visit of a local advisor to your organisation might be part of the application procedure. The project co-ordinating offices in Serbia, Montenegro and Ukraine have a mandate to reject applications directly. In the other countries the country co-ordinator together with the advisory committee in the Netherlands decides on all proposals. The Dutch foundations will proceed towards final decision making with regard to your application and inform you directly from the Netherlands with either a positive or negative response. Due to this procedure, and the large number of foundations cooperating in the CNF, this response might take quite some time before arriving at your doormat but all applicants will in due time receive an official reply. Q: When do we receive an answer once we handed in our application? The application procedure has various stages of decision making in your country and in The Netherlands. The whole process from first contact to final decision making might take up to nine months. CNF try to make the decision-making period as short as possible. All applicants will in due time receive an official reply. Q: What is the maximum granted amount? The budget should be realistic; there should be a balance between costs and results. In Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kaliningrad and Moldova there is no maximum amount per grant, as the amount differs per target group and depends on the type and size of activities. The maximum grant amount for applications in Serbia and Montenegro is 15,000. For Ukraine the maximum is 20,000 per grant.

Q: Are there any limiting criteria? In Ukraine projects of a general nature are limited to the four Western oblasts of Transcarpathia, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi. Projects for introducing and enhancing foster care arrangements, such as family type childrens homes and training of (future) foster families and foster children can be applied for throughout the country. In Bosnia and Herzegovina the target groups are children and youth in disadvantaged positions. Q: Is it useful to address the Dutch foundations mentioned on the website directly? No, all applications from one country go to the offices of the project co-ordination and are sent to the CNF country co-ordinator of that particular country. Q: What is meant by gender policy? Foundations within CNF consider it important that projects offer a safe environment for men and women to equally participate in execution and preparation of a project and in decision making structures of organisations. Q: Why is participation considered important? CNF consider that a project can only be efficient if the needs of the target group are taken into account, and beneficiaries are, where possible, involved in execution of the project.

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