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Fundamental Theories
August 31, 2021

Environmental Problems in the Philippines: The reason why we study, adopt and implement
sound principles of environmental management.

They may be local in occurrence but their impacts are always global. Among the top
environmental problems in the Philippines are:

1.Climate change and natural disasters: health, safety, economic

2.Fast Growing population
3.Forest degradation
4.Biodiversity loss
5.Garbage and wastes

Basic paradigms in looking at the environment

Paradigm – is the logic of understanding things, a world view. It sets a pattern or

perspective in viewing a phenomenon. Thus a paradigm has a significant influence how
humans relate with his/ her environment; it provides for the ground and explanation in
configuring a relationship with his/ her surroundings.

The basic paradigms humans adopt in relations to their environment are:

A. Stewardship

Base on the Hebrew and Christian tradition that man is the custodian and steward that take care of
the Earth to make it productive and sustainable for man to live in. This is the core of the principle of
Sustainable Development.

B. Imperialism

Base on the belief that man has the right to subdue the Earth and controling nature, God
would give them respect. Conquering nature is the highest ambition a human can have. He
developed the modern view of science based upon the assumption that the aim of science is
to control nature.
C. Romanticism and

Realizing the destruction of the environment due to industrialization and growth of cities
romanticists advocate to get back to nature. These ideas are led the way for modern day
conservation and environmentalism as well as outdoor recreation and appreciation for natural
and historical heritage. Natural parks and green belts in the cities are product of romanticism.

D. Utilitarianism. A hedonist world view, that he most important things in life are happiness and
contentment and nothing matters which cannot appreciate these feelings. The environment
performs fundamental roles, such as the provision of the food chain and the shaping of rich
and diverse landscapes, to be used and enjoyed by any number of people. It is only for these
reasons that a utilitarian would want to protect and conserve the environment. It should be
noted that although the utilitarians seek pleasure, they accept that it is often necessary to
compromise short term pleasures, for the greater good over the long term.

Dimensions in Environmental management - refers to what constitute the environment. The

acceptance and understanding of environmental dimension is grounded upon what Philosophy
society and individuals embrace. Below are the different known environmental dimensions
known to environmental management practitioners:

1. Spiritual dimension –

Animism is the concept that all elements of the material world—all people, animals, objects,
geographic features, and natural phenomena—possess a spirit that connects them to each
other. Animism is a feature of various ancient and modern religions, including Shinto, the
traditional Japanese folk religion, Hindu. Pre-colonial Filipinos were animists, and worship
the spirits of nature and ancestral spirits.

2. Physical dimension – refer to the physical characteristics and their dynamics, such as
geographic features (land features), the weather and climatic elements (precipitation,
season), physical (temperature, pressure) and chemical elements (water, CO2)

3. Biological dimension – the organisms and ecosystem

4. Social & Human Dimension – mankind, society (population and its characteristics), culture
(patterned behaviors),

5. Political & Legal – policies of government and how they are exercised. Government is a
social institution that exercise power over a population

6. Moral Dimension - morals and ethics in relations between humans and the environment

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