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ACTIVITY 1: “Video-suri”

Direction: Watch the video and answer the following questions. Just click the link below.

The food security challenge - YouTube

The challenge - Global Food Security

Follow- up

1. What is the video all about?


The video is all about global food security which tackle about how we manage our food
and also the challenges we might encounter if we are not wise on using our food security.

2. What are the challenges presented in the video and how it can be solved?


the food security faces a number of challenges across both production and consumption
which research will be essential to solve. In agriculture, agriculture is essential, but uses 70% of
all fresh water, produces around a third of all greenhouse-gas emissions, and can lead to
biodiversity loss and soil degradation. With no new land for agriculture they find a new method
to sustainably to produce more food on available land will be essential. At the same time, food
consumption patterns need to change. Also one in three people suffers from some form of
malnutrition from hunger and undernutrition to overweight and obesity, making poor diet the
most significant cause of global disease. The demand of food such as meat and dairy continues to
grow every region, while the third of the food produced each year is wasted. Also the food
system will be carbon budget for a 2-degree temperature rise by 2050. Climate to this degree will
alter what can be grow and where, while also increasing extreme weather and changing the
spread of pests and diseases. This will lead to food production shocks, potentially triggering food
price spikes and civil unrest. The global food security program is working to address these
challenges through research and work with stakeholders from different disciplines to help deliver
a healthy and sustainable food system.

3. How can you contribute in order to have a global food security and sustainability?


In order to have a global food security and sustainability we need to reduce food waste,
globally about a third of all food is lost or wasted, as a result of various factors including
inefficient preparation or inadequate storage facilities. We need to raise low water productivity,
water is a major issue and we’ve written about it many times. Also improving irrigation systems
and planting crops that use less water would be an effective way to tackle this for example is
rice, and sugar cane. Also the use of fertilizer more efficiently. In the innovation of new
technology, we can maintain and improve food security in a sustainable way, the use of science
and technology we can sustain our food.

• Direction: Write an essay about ways on how you can be part of the solution- to help
alleviate food and water scarcity.

As student in order to be a part of the solution to help alleviate food and water scarcity. In water
scarcity in order to be a part of solution we need to think on how we preserve and sustain our
water, we need to recycle waste water in order to use again. Also invented new water
conservation technologies, right know everything is impossible through the innovation we can
create technology to sustain our water and food. Thus, improve irrigation and agriculture practice
because 70 percent of the world’s freshwater is used for agriculture. Improving irrigation can
help close supply and demand gaps and improving water catchment and harvesting. In
developing and enact better policies and regulation we can prevent problems through water and
food. Also we need to control the population, the more population increase the food and water
will decrease that because people become hungry because of the lack of food supplies. In
alleviate food as a student we need to reduce the food waste in order to sustain the food we eat.
Also we need to reduce the risk of commercializing if food is grown for the purposes of feeding
the community or nation, food insecurity level will go down that’s why we need to reduce the
risk of commercializing.

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