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PLC Math Agenda Date: 9/7/2022

Archived PLC Math Agendas

Meeting Norms: Collective Commitments:

● We will be on time for the start of the ● We will share and celebrate
meeting, be prepared to begin work at
instructional success and student
the start of the meeting (including
having any items needed for the achievement.
meeting), start with prayer, and we will ● We will be flexible, willing to change,
end the meeting on time. and open to new ideas.
● We will have a set agenda at each ● We will work collaboratively with
meeting and stay on task with that colleagues to educate all students
utilizing a variety of age/ability level
● We will allow each member to have an
uninterrupted opportunity to contribute instructional methods and techniques.
to the discussion.
● We will make decisions using a majority
rules system, if the majority decides to
use the decision matrix we will
implement that matrix. Decisions will be
made within an agreed-upon timeframe.
● We will leave meetings with clear
expectations of what we need to
accomplish before the next meeting.
● We will not discuss with others (including
students) what is said in our PLC meetings.

Prayer: Bridget Dear Jesus, give our children ears to

accept instruction. Give them the
desire to learn from the wise and to
accept correction. Soften their hearts
so they can gain knowledge from their
teachers (and parents) and respect
their teachers throughout the day.

Meeting Attendees (and Roles as needed): Who was at the meeting:

Recorder: Barb Miltner ● Stacy Mickelson
Timekeeper: Stacy Mickelson ● Reggie Schulte
Resource Manager: Kathy Geers ● Barb Miltner
● Bridget Lemker
Facilitator: Bridget Lemker ● Kathy Geers
Summarizer: Reggie Schulte ● Cole Rabedeaux
Other Participants: Cole Rabedeaux

Updates: One minute of uninterrupted time to Link to timer:


Update Smart Goals. Link to Rocks (Update goals)

Count the # of students on def. Count Passes and enter
Number F’s
Department updates: No updates at this time.

What data is We will create learning goals for every math class Xavier offers. Tie all questions on
guiding our PLC semester exams to learning goals and essential standards.
work today?

Agenda/ Q1: What do we want our students to know? Body of evidence we are
Planning: using to make decisions:
Which of the 4 Q2: How will we know they have learned it? Department learning
questions will we goals and essential
be addressing? Q3:How will we respond when the students do not standards from the
learn? Common core.
(Highlight the
Question) Q4: How will we enrich and extend the learning for
students that are proficient?

Q5: How will we increase our instructional


Q6: How will we coordinate our efforts as a school?

Action Steps:
(Recorder) Essential Standards
HOW did we
Learning Goals
address the
question? Link to learning goals and input tool (we will do this next week)

1. Algebra Concepts (renaming) - Stacy will follow up with Katie.

2. Tutors for concepts 2(B), name for course and new code - Follow up
with Student Services - Victoria has been TAing and doing a nice job.
3. Redo data collection tool (Bridget will copy and Barb will set color
coding). Look at the new document.
Summary 1.
(decisions made,
action steps)

What our PLC 1.

needs from...

Agenda Topics for Next PLC: (Generate next Homework/Things to Do Before Next Meeting:
weeks agenda) ● Stacy will update name
● (see next week’s agenda document) ● Bridget Goals

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