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1. Describe the 4-business model of (Alibaba,amazon,payme,carousell): 4%

1. B2B (Alibaba, Amazon)
- Amazon, sell product to company
2. B2C (e-tail, e-business)
- Amazon, also b2c, since it also sells its products to customers.
3. C2C (carousell)
4. C2B (Priceline), they gain money from

2. What is O2O? Online to Offline? 4%

- O2O is mean Online to offline.
- Attract the customers from internet, such as give them physical promote code,
send the promote email, internet ad.
- Attracting them buy the goods from the physical store.
- Integrated the online and offline marketing strategy.

3. What is Web 1.0, web 2.0, web 3.0? (L1, P.10) 4%

- Web 1.0= information which mainly for read only.
- Web 2.0= the user-centered applications and social media technologies.
It mainly enhances the interactive, faster internet connectivity, reach out large
audiences, the capacity of easy search and user-and consumer-generated
- Web 3.0= is Collective Intelligence.
- Web 3.0+= the mobile platform
It is the recent development in internet infrastructure.
It enables access to the internet by wireless networks or cell-phone service.
Also, the mobile device means tablets and smartphone, and the common
platform is IOS, Android.

4. Describe 7 steps of buying process of e-shop? (L2-P5) 7%

1. Pre-shopping activities: Searching information
2. Enter e-shop
3. Register
4. E-catalog: Browsing, searching, comparing
5. Shopping Cart
6. Checkout: Payment
7. Shipping: Return

5. Pros + Cons of using/ Buying e-shop? 8%
 Pros:
1. Convenient: Buy the good in anytime and anywhere.
2. Cost savings: No need wasting cost of driving or tickets fee to stores. Also,
avoid queue up the line in holiday, reduce the wasting of time cost.
3. Get the complete information of the goods
4. Variety: can do the many compares with another store.
 Cons:
1. Increase the risk of Identity Theft, since paying the goods online, it is easy to
leak the personal information
2. Cant touch and fit the goods from physical store
3. Vendor Fraud: color difference, the seller lie on u.
4. Easy have the delay issues, as even though is the big company, which still will
easy occur delay issues, unless you pick it up from a physical store.

6. How google use the internet to use of the market?

1. Using the cookies, know the customers interest, then help the companies to put the
correct advertising service.
2. Help to analyze the data, like user’s behaviors date. It can show that what are the
visitor interest on the website, and what are their activities. Then the website can
depend on the date, to customizer each customer, such as if they interest that
things, then they mainly will show that things on that customers’ screen.

7. What + explain is strategy? (L3)

- Strategy is a long-term plan of the action designed to achieve the goals, since
there is a long-term plan, so most the company often “Winning”.
- Strategy means, follow the step by step by a plan,
- Immediate action means No plan.

8. Eight elements? (L3)

1. Value proposition – Why customers will choose u?
2. Revenue model – How to gain $? Ad? Subscription? Affiliate? Transaction fee?
3. Market opportunity– What mktspace u have? Size? Type?
4. Competitive environment – what competitor u have?
5. Competitive advantage – What is ur special than other?
6. Market strategy – How to plan the mkt?
7. Organization development – What org structure? Function?
8. Management team – What leader u need?

9. How to apply those things in yahoo??
1. Value proposition –As customer: Yahoo will provide free-to-use service and apps,
notably its email service and news portals. Also, it is convenient as phone,
internet, browsers all can received the message at the same time. Also, Yahoo is
placing adverts on its website or providing search engines that allow users to
2. Revenue model – Most of the reason of revenue increase that is the advertising
3. Market opportunity –
4. Competitive environment – Google
5. Competitive advantage – As Yahoo can provide one-stop portal for users where
they can find solution to everything they are looking for on the internet.
6. Market strategy – They have tangible and intangible resources, not only focus on
ad revenue.
7. Organization development –
8. Management team –

10. Five stages of customers buy thing? (L5-P6)

1. Awareness of need
2. Search for more information
3. Evaluation of alternatives
4. Actual purchase decision
5. post-purchase contact with firm

11. Three major issues when use the search click?? (L5-P13)
1. Link farm: groups of Web sites that link to one another, lead to boosting their
ranking in search engines
2. Content farms: Companies that ensure large volumes of textual content for
multiple website. Aims for attract the viewers and search engines.
3. Click fraud: Occurs when a competitor clicks on search engine results and ads.
Even though the clicks are not legal, but still forcing the advertiser to pay for the

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