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Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

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An extensive evaluation of CONWIP-card controlled and scheduled start T

time based production system designs
Debjit Roy , Vasudha Ravikumaran

Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, 380015, India


Keywords: Order release policies such as a card-controlled CONWIP policy aim to improve system responsiveness and
Manufacturing system minimize system-wide inventory levels. It is not clear if order release policies (without card control) can be
Tandem stations equally effective under certain settings of the production system design parameters. In this research, we study
Order release policies the performance of alternate order release (material control policies) such as CONWIP and scheduled start time
Queuing network models
policy under a variety of design parameter settings such as number of stations, station service time character-
Throughput matching
istics, availability of raw material, and the location of the bottleneck station using queuing network models.
Using an exhaustive numerical study, we observe that throughput times in CONWIP systems are about 2–50%
less compared to open control systems; however, for a balanced system, the Deterministic scheduled start time
policy performs equally well for a large set of production system designs. We further identify that the number of
stations and the location of the bottleneck station affect the choice of the order release policy. Additionally, we
also analyze the system for a variety of demand inter-arrival times and check its effect on the expected number of
backlogs and system-wide expected waiting times.

1. Introduction attached to the job during the manufacturing process. If jobs are
waiting to be processed, a new job enters the system as soon as the
Companies today must be responsive and agile enough to react processing of the previous job is completed. Since a few cards may
quickly to the fluctuations in customer demand and manage fulfillment be waiting to be paired with incoming jobs, the number of cards
operations with little inventory. Fulfilling customers’ orders by main- provides an upper bound on the total number of parts in progress.
taining large piles of raw-material, work-in-progress and finished goods There are mainly two types of card controlled systems in practice,
inventory not only ties up cash for working capital but also causes long namely:
throughput times and reduces market competitiveness. In a survey ○ Kanban system: This is a pull-based system where cards (known
conducted by R. Michael Donovan & Co., 82% of senior executives who as Kanbans) signal the replenishment of used material from in-
responded said that inventory reduction was a major concern [1]. ternal or external suppliers to the buffer of inventories. Kanbans
An effective manufacturing system design includes robust produc- reduce outages and shortages of materials and supplies, which
tion plans and efficient order release policies (also referred to as ma- improves customer service levels. Kanbans support pull produc-
terial control policies). As discussed by Lödding and Lohmann [2], the tion and continuous flow as the material is not produced at the
goal of production planners is to effectively manage capacity and in- supplier until a signal to replenish materials is received from the
ventories, which includes identifying the optimal capacity investments customer. Using this approach, Kanbans reduce overall inventory
in terms of machine and workforce (capabilities/skillsets, timing, levels (refer to Sugimori et al. [6], Buzacott and Shanthikumar
sizing) in the short, medium and long term under deterministic as well [7], Krieg and Kuhn [8], Wang and Wang [9], Gstettner and Kuhn
as stochastic inputs (for example, see Van Mieghem [3], Wu et al. [4] [10]).
and Alp and Tan [5] for a review of literature). The key material control ○ CONWIP system: CONWIP (constant work-in-progress) is also a
policies that are practised on the shop floor are: pull-oriented production control system, where the start of each
product manufacturing process is triggered by the completion of
• Card controlled system: It is a closed manufacturing system in which another at the end of the production line. CONWIP is a kind of
the flow of jobs in the system is controlled by cards. A card is single-stage Kanban system. While Kanban systems maintain

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Roy), (V. Ravikumaran).
Received 14 April 2018; Received in revised form 5 December 2018; Accepted 6 December 2018
Available online 19 December 2018
0278-6125/ © 2019 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

tighter control of system WIP through the individual cards at expected system throughput times. We also analyze the effect of de-
each workstation, CONWIP systems are easier to implement and mand inter-arrival time parameters on the system performance. The
adjust since only one set of system cards is used to manage system synchronization of the finished goods with the demand arrivals is
WIP. No part is allowed to enter the system without a card (au- modelled using a join/ fork station. We study the effects of demand
thority). After a finished part is completed at the last workstation, arrival rate and coefficient of variation (CV) of demand inter-arrival
a card is transferred to the first workstation and a new part is times on the expected number of backlogs and the expected waiting
pushed into the sequential process route. (Refer to Spearman time for the backlogs to clear. Backlog refers to any order that is waiting
et al. [11]). to be fulfilled, which is hence delayed.
• Scheduled start times policy: This system behaves as an open system The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We review the relevant
where the jobs enter the line and depart after one pass. Releases into literature in Section 2. The system description and formulation of the
the line are triggered by the material requirements plan without research questions are given in Section 3. The raw materials always
regard to the number of jobs in the line. Hence, the number of jobs available case is discussed in Section 4. The raw materials arriving at
in the system varies over time. The throughput (λ) of the system is some rate case is discussed in Section 5. The policy conclusions are
based on anticipated orders. A job enters the system at a rate, λ. derived in Section 6 and the conclusions are drawn in Section 7.
There are two types of scheduled start time policies, namely:
• Poisson policy: In this job scheduling policy, the product arrivals 2. Literature Review
follow a Poisson process (the jobs have exponentially distributed
inter-arrival times and the CV of job inter-arrival times is 1). (The We restrict the scope of the literature review to CONWIP and MRP
coefficient of variation (CV), also known as relative standard de- material control policies only. In particular, we review two areas: (i)
viation (RSD), is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation (σ) modeling CONWIP and MRP material control policies, and (ii) com-
to the mean (μ) of the variable.) This policy mimics the pattern in parison of alternate material control polices.
which the jobs arrive at the shop floor (Refer to Borthakur and
Medhi [12]). 2.1. Modeling CONWIP and MRP material control policies
• Deterministic policy: In this job scheduling policy, the product
inter-arrival times are constant and the CV of inter-arrival times is Spearman et al. [11] introduce a pull alternative to push known as
0. Even though the jobs arrive at the shop floor randomly, they are the CONWIP system. In this paper, the practical advantages of a pull
released for production at equally spaced inter-arrival times. system over push are outlined. Since then, several researchers have
• Card controlled system with authorized start times: Paired-cell modeled the CONWIP-controlled manufacturing system under different
overlapping loops of cards with authorization (POLCA) is a variant conditions. Economopoulos and Kouikoglou [18] study a single-stage,
of the Kanban card control policy and is typically suitable for constant work-in-process (CONWIP) production system that produces
companies that produce high-mix and low-volume products. POLCA one product to stock to cope with random demand. The objective is to
divides the work content into flexible and multidisciplinary staffed determine the CONWIP level and the base backlog that maximize the
work-cells. The production cell only makes semi-finished products mean profit rate of the system. Numerical results show that managing
for receiving work-cells which have free capacity. To ensure this inventories and backlogs jointly achieved higher profit than other
protocol, POLCA-cards circulate between the work-cells, which control policies. Gstettner and Kuhn [10] analyze the performance of a
signal if and where there is a capacity for further processing (refer to CONWIP system with a single product flow, exponential service time
Krishnamurthy and Suri [13]). distributions, and unlimited demand at the final buffer (saturated
• Workload regulated system: In this process, a job is released into the lines). Lee and Seo [19] apply a max-plus algebra based solution
network whenever the total amount of remaining work at the bot- method to compare the performance of three types of WIP-controlled
tleneck station falls below a threshold level (Refer to Lozinski and line production systems (m-node tandem queues with finite buffers)
Glassey [14] and Wein [15]). Also, clearing function based optimi- with constant processing times such as Kanban, CONWIP (constant
zation model that determines the size and the time phasing of the work-in-process) and DBR (drum-buffer-rope). Using a decomposition
individual production lots to balance the workload and minimize approach, Lagershausen et al. [20] analyze closed assembly (or dis-
the makespan have been proposed (Refer to Graves [16], Günther assembly) queuing networks with converging and diverging material
[17]). flow, finite buffer sizes, generally distributed processing times, and a
constant number of workpieces. Huang et al. [21] propose a heuristic
Though a card controlled system has advantages over an open algorithm of searching work-in-process (WIP) upper bound for a
system, managing the flow of cards requires more coordination among CONWIP system. Satyam and Krishnamurthy [22] analyze the perfor-
the stations and adds to the overhead costs. We expect that for a certain mance of the CONWIP-controlled manufacturing system using a closed
range of design parameters, the performance of open system policies queuing network with synchronization stations. Satyam and Krishna-
(modelled as an open queuing network with tandem stations) with murthy [23] extend the model for performance analysis of multi-pro-
deterministic start times and arrival rate equal to current customer duct CONWIP-controlled manufacturing systems by explicitly con-
demand rate could be comparable to a closed system (modelled as a sidering the effect of batch size constraints on production performance
closed queuing network) with N CONWIP cards, such that the using parametric characterizations and traffic process approximations.
throughput of the closed system is equal to the current customer de- Heragu and Gupta [24] argue why a semi-open queuieng network re-
mand rate. In cases where raw materials are always available, there is presentation of a CONWIP policy is a better modeling representation
no delay in production due to waiting time for raw material arrival. But than a closed-queuing network for the manufacturing system (also refer
raw materials required for production may not be available all the time. Roy [25]). While the CONWIP system is typically modeled in the lit-
Hence, the availability of raw materials becomes one of the factors erature using a closed queuing network, the MRP system is typically
affecting the output of the system. modeled as an open queuing network (see Krishnamurthy et al. [26]).
In this research, we aim to study the three material control policies –
CONWIP, Poisson scheduled start time and Deterministic scheduled 2.2. Comparison between CONWIP and MRP material control policies
start time – under different sets of design parameters. The experimental
setup has two model variants – (a) raw materials are always available Wein [27] assesses the impact of scheduling on the performance of
and (b) raw materials arrive at some rate. Through this research, we semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities. The performance measure
aim to analyze the effect of raw material arrival on expected WIP and considered here is the mean throughput time for a lot of wafers. The

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

goal is to compare the performance of Poisson, Workload regulated, based order release system in terms of throughput time performance.
CONWIP and Deterministic arrivals for a specific design data. He con- We contribute to this domain by performing a systematic and ex-
clude that when compared to Poisson policy, Deterministic scheduled tensive experimentation of both balanced and unbalanced system. We
start time policy performs better (16–20% throughput time reduction) address the concern by providing an analytical modeling framework for
than the CONWIP policy (8–16%). The Workload regulated system both open and closed system. For fair comparison of performance, we
performed better (21–26% throughput time reduction) than the De- use the same system operating parameters and perform an exhaustive
terministic scheduled start time policy. Whitt [28] investigates the re- simulation. To summarize, our study is different in comparison with the
lation between open and closed queueing network models. He con- existing literature in the following ways:
cludes that open queueing network models are analytically more
tractable but closed queueing network models are more realistic. • We study the effect of raw material availability on open and closed
Spearman and Zazanis [29] aim to show the benefits of a pull system in system performance.
relation to a push system such as less congestion, bounded WIP, and less • We develop a throughput matching algorithm to match the
throughput time variability. They conclude that, in CONWIP, with in- throughput performance between an open and a closed system.
creasing N, the throughput increases and then reaches an asymptote. In • We perform an extensive numerical experimentation to compare
a push system, if the throughput is increased beyond a certain point, the open and closed system performance with various design parameter
utilization increases and the WIP builds up without a bound. It was also setting in particular the location of the bottleneck, number of sta-
observed that controlling WIP was more robust than controlling tions, and the material availability rate.
throughput. The goal of Duenyas [30] is to compare CONWIP (generic
cards vs. product specific cards) with the Workload regulating policy. 3. System description and modeling approach
He concludes that throughput time with CONWIP (product specific
cards) exceeds the throughput time with generic cards by 3–110% and We consider a tandem manufacturing system where the jobs pro-
throughput time with CONWIP (product specific cards) exceeds the ceed to the subsequent station sequentially during the manufacturing
throughput time with Workload regulating policy by 10–40%. The process. We also assume that there exists sufficient buffer space for the
order of performance for the specific design data: CONWIP (Specific jobs to queue at the stations without any delays. We consider two
cards) performs better than the Workload regulated policy and the variants of the manufacturing system: a balanced system where all
Workload regulated policy performs better than CONWIP (generic stations have the same utilization and an unbalanced system where the
cards). Zahorjan [31] examines the effect of mean system performance workload varies among the stations.
measures on the workload representations chosen. He compares the an We use queuing network models to analyze alternate material
open and closed representations under equivalent constraints such that control strategies with a single product. Each manufacturing station is
that they result in identical system throughput or mean system popu- considered as a node and is characterized by the mean and CV of its
lation level for the job classes. It is shown that an open system has a service time. Product arrivals to the queue are characterized by the
greater response time than an equivalent closed system. mean and CV of inter-arrival times. As a product arrives, it is sent to the
subsequent station on an FCFS basis. If the station is busy, the product
2.3. Gap in literature and contributions of this research waits in a queue till it enters the station. The expected waiting time
depends on the mean and CV of the service time at the station, utili-
There have been two recent review articles focused on CONWIP zation of the station and arrival characteristics to the station. The ex-
material control strategies [32,33]. In Table 3, Jaegler et al. [32] pected service time and the expected waiting time in the queue together
conclude that “it appears that determining which type of system is best constitute the expected throughput time of the station. The summation
in which type of environment remains quite difficult and requires more of the expected throughput times at all stations gives the system-wide
research effort.” We found that inspite of a large number of papers expected throughput time in a single class system. The throughput time
present in this area, each study analyzes a specific scenario and the of a manufacturing process is the amount of time required for a product
larger implications are difficult to generalize. For instance, Framinan to pass through that process, thereby being converted from raw mate-
et al. [33] also discuss that CONWIP performs better than UNIF [34], rial into finished goods in the end of the process. The relationship be-
FIXED [35] or clock-work (Gilland 2002); however, they state that tween the expected WIP, throughput and the expected throughput time
there are limited studies to assess the impact of manufacturing condi- of the system is given by Little's Law [37].
tions on the performance of the CONWIP system. Roderick et al. [35] The design parameter set consists of the mean and CV of station
include comparison of material control strategies for a range of varia- service times, station utilization, the mean and CV of demand inter-
bility in processing times on performance measures and show that the arrival times. In addition to these parameters, we also consider the
FIXED release strategy yields a higher WIP and a lower throughput in mean and CV of raw material inter-arrival times. For modeling pur-
the system in comparison to CONWIP for exponential service times. poses, the order-fulfillment system is divided into two systems – System
Likewise, [44] state that lot release rule, UNIF, which does not consider I and System II. System I denotes the manufacturing system whereas
the system status, offers lower performance than CONWIP. However, System II denotes the demand fulfillment process.
we suggest that with appropriate inter-order release times and with System I: System I (manufacturing system) with CONWIP card
appropriate setting of CONWIP cards, both FIXED and CONWIP systems control policy is modeled using a closed queuing network whereas for
can achieve similar throughput. Further, most studies assume that raw Scheduled Start Time Policy, it is modeled with a tandem open queuing
materials are always available. We compare different order release network. It consists of K service stations, where the products are sent to
strategies where raw materials arrive at a certain rate i.e., how does the subsequent stations starting from station 1 to K on a first-come first-
uncertainty in the raw material availability affect system performance. served (FCFS) basis. Each station k is characterized by the mean (Dk)
It could happen that the orders are released but the raw materials re- and CV (cs,k) of the service times. The finished goods, after exiting the
quired for production are not yet available. Studies on comparison of last station, proceed to System II. In the CONWIP policy, the CONWIP
order release strategies with uncertain raw material availability are card is released from the last station and reaches the first station after
scarce. Bahaji and Kuhl [36] show that the push system outperforms the finished goods exit the last station. System I is analyzed for different
CONWIP in all experiments involving low mix and high volume. We sets of design parameters and the performance measures such as station
show that this result depends on both the location of the bottleneck and expected throughput times and expected work in progress are obtained.
the number of stations. For system with large number of stations and With respect to availability of raw materials, two analytical model
the last location of the bottleneck, CONWIP clearly outperforms push variants of System I are possible: (1) raw materials are always available:

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

Fig. 1. Modeling framework and organization of this paper.

in this case, the raw materials required for production are always that shows that the expected throughput time of an open system is
available without any delay. In such situations, raw materials are greater than that of the CONWIP system but diminishes as the number
purchased in bulk. Hence, the orders do not wait for the raw material to of stations increase. The following observation provides a theoretical
arrive, and (2) raw materials arrive according to a stochastic arrival justification for the current study. The number of CONWIP cards in the
process, characterized by the mean and CV of inter-arrival times ( p,11 practical system is typically set to an integer value. However, the
and cp,1). In such situations, raw materials are purchased in small throughput requirements of a manufacturing system can be time-
quantities. The synchronization between raw materials arrival buffer varying. In that case, the manufacturing manager can introduce
(p1) and order arrival buffer (f1) is modeled as a join/fork station. The CONWIP cards to increase throughput depending on demand require-
order waits for the raw materials to arrive. The changes in the CV of ments or remove CONWIP cards to adjust the production throughput to
raw material inter-arrival times affect the performance measures of the the demand. A time-average of the number of CONWIP cards in the
system. system can be a fractional number [38]. If we experiment with integral
System II: For both CONWIP policy and scheduled start time policy, values of CONWIP cards, then the throughput from the closed system
System II models the demand fulfillment process using a fork/join will be close to that of the open system, but may not match exactly. For
station. It consists of a finished products arrival buffer and a demand some special cases, the throughput may match exactly (discussed in
arrival buffer. Note that both buffers have finite space limits. The fin- numerical experiments).
ished goods arrive at a rate equal to the throughput of System I and the Theoretical result: Suppose we have a balanced single-class open
CV of inter-arrival times is equal to the CV of inter-departure times from BCMP network (FCFS scheduling) [39] with exponential service times
the last station in the manufacturing network. The order arrival is and a balanced closed BCMP network with identical exponential service
characterized by the mean demand inter-arrival times ( p,21 ) and its CV times and if the throughput of the closed network (λc) matches exactly
(cp,2). System II is analyzed for different values of CV of order inter- with throughput of the open network (λo), then:
arrival times and buffer capacities. The performance measures include
the expected number of backlogs, which wait at the buffer and the Ro Rc
expected waiting time for the backlogs to get fulfilled. Ro K (1)
Based on the modeling approach and the system description, the
framework for our analysis is summarized in Fig. 1. The two analytical where:
model variants of CONWIP policy (raw materials always available and
raw materials available at a given rate) are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 • R is the expected throughput time of the open network;

respectively. Likewise, the two analytical model variants of Scheduled • R is the expected throughput time of the closed network;

Start Time Policy are shown in Figs. 4 and 5 . • K is the number of stations in the network (K ≥ 2).
3.1. Formulation of research questions
Proof. Refer to Table 1 for notation
To compare scheduled start time policies (open queuing network) Since the closed system is a balanced system, the average number of
with CONWIP policy (closed queueing network), we first obtain a result jobs at each station in steady state would be N . By using arrival theorem

Fig. 2. Closed queuing network model for the CONWIP policy when raw materials are always available.

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

Fig. 3. Closed queuing network model for the CONWIP policy when raw materials arrive at rate λp,1.

Fig. 4. Open queuing network model for the scheduled start time policy when raw materials are always available.

(K 1) U
N= (b)
1 U

Q= o Ro = (c)
1 U

N= c Rc =
Dk (N + K 1) R c

Ro Rc N
=1 (d)
Ro Q
Fig. 5. Open queuing network model for the scheduled start time policy when
raw materials arrive at rate λp,1.
(K 1) U
Ro Rc 1 U K 1 1
=1 KU
=1 =
(see Lazowska et al. [40]), the average throughput time at any station Ro K K
1 U
observed by a tagged order arriving to a station in the closed CONWIP-
controlled system would be [1 + K ] Dk , which can be simplified as
N 1 □
] Dk . Hence, the total average throughput time, Rc, is given by
K+N 1
[ K
(K + N − 1)Dk. Table 1
N Additional notations used in the proof.
For a closed queueing network: using Little's Law, c = D (N + K 1)
(a). Symbol Parameter
For both systems (CONWIP controlled as well as open system with
λc Throughput of the closed queueing network
Poisson arrivals) to perform at equal throughput rate levels, we match λo Arrival rate to the open queueing network
their corresponding system throughput. N Number of CONWIP cards
Since λc = λo, D (N + K 1) = o
Q Expected queue length (including jobs in service) in open queueing
N+K 1 1 1 Rc Expected throughput time in closed queueing network
= = Ro Expected throughput time in open queueing network
N Dk o U Dk Expected Service time of station k
U Utilization of the station

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

Table 2 Table 4
Design parameters. Symbols and description.
S. no. Parameter Value Terms Description

1 Uk 80% K Number of stations

2 Dk (s) 1.0 Uk Utilization of the station k
3 λ (s−1) 0.8 Dk Expected service time of the station k
cs,k CV of service times at station k
ca,k CV of inter-arrival times at station k
cd,k CV of inter-departure times at station k
Table 3 N Number of CONWIP cards
Dunb Expected service time at bottleneck station
Comparison of expected throughput times.
Uunb Utilization of bottleneck station
K Ro Rc Ro Rc 1 cunb CV of service times at bottleneck station
Ro K λp,2 Demand arrival rate
cp,2 CV of demand inter-arrival times
3 15 8.75 0.40 0.33 Kf,2 Maximum queue length of finished goods arrival buffer
10 50 43.75 0.12 0.10 Kp,2 Maximum queue length of demand arrival buffer
λ Throughput of System I
Wk Expected waiting time at station k
Rk Expected throughput time of station k
3.1.1. Numerical validation R Expected throughput time of the entire system
WIP Expected work in progress
Consider a balanced single-class open network and a closed network
Lp,2 Expected number of backlogs
with exponential service times. The expected service time at the sta- Lf,1 Expected queue length of product arrival buffer
tions (Dk) is 1 s i.e., D1 = D2 = D3 = D4 = D5 = D6 = D7 = D8 = D9 Lk Expected queue length at station k
= D10 = 1 s, the station utilization Uk = 80% and the throughput of λp, 1 Raw material arrival rate
the system = 0.8 jobs per second. (See Table 2) λf, 1 Product arrival rate
cp, 1 CV of raw material inter-arrival times
From Table 3, we see that the benefit of the closed card controlled cf, 1 CV of inter-arrival times
system in terms of expected throughput times decreases with the in- Kp, 1 Maximum queue length of raw material buffer
creasing number of stations i.e., oR c with three stations and
R R 1
Kf, 1 Maximum queue length of product arrival buffer
o 3
OP Open Poisson start time policy
with 10 stations. We also observe that oR c due to the
Ro Rc 1 R R 1
Ro 10 o K OD Open deterministic start time policy
fact that we consider only integral values for the number of jobs in the CON CONWIP Policy
system, which is used to obtain the throughput time of the closed Nb Expected number of backlogs
W Expected waiting time for the backlogs to get fulfilled (System II)
network. The throughput matching algorithm is discussed later in Al-
gorithm 1.
Motivated by the above observation, we address the following re-
search questions for both balanced and unbalanced manufacturing
4.1.1. Analysis of Scheduled Start Time Policy
The single product system with K manufacturing stations operating
under scheduled start time policy is modeled with an open queuing
1. How do the Poisson and deterministic start time policies perform
network (see Fig. 4). The arrival process is either Poisson (ca,1 is 1) or
compared to the CONWIP policy for a particular configuration? How
Deterministic (ca,1 = 0) (refer to Borthakur and Medhi [12]). Each
does the relative performance change as the number of stations in
station is modeled using a GI/G/1 queue and the performance measures
the network varies?
are estimated using results from Marshall [41], Marshall [42] and Whitt
2. How does the change in mean and CV of service times as well as raw
[43]. The expected waiting time at each station is determined using Eq.
material inter-arrival times affect the relative performance of the
three policies?
3. Which material control policy is best suited for a given set of system Wk Dk Uk (ca2, k + cs2, k ) g /2(1 Uk ) (2)
parameters (such as station utilization, expected service times and
CV of service times, position of the bottleneck station for an un- where
balanced system)? 2 2
2(1 Uk ) (1 ca, k )
4. How do the three start time policies affect the expected number of g = exp 3Uk ca2, k + cs2, k
(ca2, k < 1)
backlogs and expected waiting time to fill the backlog?
= 1 (ca2, k 1)
In the subsequent sections, we analyze System I with CONWIP, The CV of inter-departure times (cd,k) which equals the CV of inter-
Poisson, and deterministic scheduled start time policies for both ba- arrival times for the next station is given by Eq. (3). [43]
lanced and unbalanced systems. We perform separate analyses for both
variants of System I, i.e., when raw materials are always available and cd2, k Uk2 cs2, k + (1 Uk2 ) ca2, k (3)
when raw materials arrive at some rate. The notation used for the The expected throughput time for System I is given by Equation (4).
model discussion are presented in Table 4. The expected WIP is estimated using Little's Law.

4. Raw materials are always available R= Rk

k=1 (4)
4.1. Model development and analysis where Rk = Dk + Wk, k = 1, …, K

In this section, we analyze the models where raw materials are al- 4.1.2. Analysis of CONWIP policy
ways available for production. Hence, there is no delay involved in the This section describes the queuing network model of a single pro-
availability of raw materials. duct with K manufacturing stations (labeled k = 1, …, K) operating

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

under the CONWIP policy (see Fig. 2). The total number of cards in the 4.1.4. Algorithm for throughput matching
system is equal to the number of parts in progress (N). To analyze the The solution algorithm begins with an initial value of throughput
CONWIP policy, we adapt the solution approach developed by Satyam λLB and progressively updates the estimates of throughput and different
and Krishnamurthy [22]. The analysis starts with the characterization traffic process parameters until they converge (within a user-specified
of the parameters of each station namely the CV of service times (cs,k), tolerance limit) and are consistent with the input parameters. The
station utilization (Uk) and the CV of inter-arrival times (ca,k) to the iterative procedure starts by equating the initial throughput estimate,
station and establishing a relation among these parameters (refer to Eq. λLB, to the arrival rate, λ, at station 1. To completely specify the arrival
(5)). Then the mean queue length is found in each station which de- process at station 1, an initial choice of ca,1 is also made. However, the
pends on the service times of the station (Dk) and the expected waiting initial choice of λ and ca,1 might not be consistent with each other.
time in that station (Wk) (Eqs. (6)–(10)). Finally, all the station para- Therefore, in the next step, the algorithm updates the initial estimate of
meters are linked together to give the linkage equation which states ca,1 till it is consistent with the current choice of λ. To update the es-
that the sum of the mean queue lengths at the stations is equal to the timate of ca,1, the algorithm uses the linkage and characterization
number of CONWIP cards (N)(refer to Eq. (10)). The equations are equations successively at each station in the routing. Subsequently, the
explained now. departure process parameters at station 1 and K are estimated. Since
departures from station K form the arrivals to station 1, a new estimate
1. Characteristic equation: of ca,1 is obtained. If the old and the new estimates of ca,1 are not within
The CV of inter-arrival times to station k + 1 (ca,k+1) is given as a a pre-defined tolerance limit (ε3), the procedure is repeated with the
function of the station utilization (Uk) and the CV of service times new estimate of ca,1. Once the algorithm obtains a value of ca,1, which is
(cs,k) at station k. consistent with the choice of λ, in the next step the algorithm verifies
whether the values of λ and ca, 1 are consistent with the other input
ca2, k + 1 (1 Uk2 ) cs2, k + Uk2 ca2, k (5)
parameters of the network. In particular, the algorithm verifies whether
the sum of the mean queue lengths at stations sums up to N. If this
2. Mean queue length equation for station k: equation is satisfied within a user-specified tolerance limit (ε2), the
The Mean queue length at each station is given by: algorithm proceeds to the next step. Otherwise, the choice of λ is in-
cremented by 0.001 and the above steps are repeated. In the next step,
Lk = (Dk + Wk ) (6)
the algorithm verifies if the λ obtained after the above step is equal to
the throughput of the open queueing network (λac) and is specified by
where the user. If this equation is satisfied within some user-specified toler-
ance limit (ε1), the algorithm terminates. Otherwise N is incremented
Dk2 cs2, k + ca2, k
Wk fk by 1 and the above steps are repeated till λ is equal to λac. Finally, we
1 Dk 2 (7) get the throughput of the closed system with N cards that matches the
arrival rate of the open system, λ.
and fk is a correction factor. Algorithm 1. Algorithm for throughput matching

4.1.3. Calculation of fk Given: K, λac, Dk, cs,k

To determine fk, a single-class product-form closed queuing net- Define: Δ1 = |λac − λ|, Δ2 = |L − N|, Δ3 = |ca,1 − ca,K|
Initialize: λ1 = λLB, N = 1, Δ1 = ε1 + 1
work, C is defined. The stations in C correspond to the manufacturing
while Δ1 > ε1 do
stations of the original model. To ensure that C has a product-form Initialize: Δ2 = ε2 + 1
solution, it is assumed that the service times are exponentially dis- while Δ2 > ε2 do
tributed for the manufacturing stations in C. Initialize: ca,1 = cs,1, Δ3 = ε3 + 1
while Δ3 > ε3 do
Under this assumption, network C has a product form solution that
Compute ca,1 and ca,K from Equation 7, compute Δ3 = |ca,1 − ca,K| and set
can be obtained using Mean Value Analysis to determine performance ca,1 = ca,K
measures such as the throughput, (λk), and the expected waiting time, end while
WC,k, at each station k in C. Next, consider an M/M/1 queue with arrival Compute fk from Eq. (10) and mean queue lenghts Lk from Equation 8 and 11,
rate equal to the throughput of the network C, λk, and exponential L=
k =1 Lk
service times Dk. Let WO,k be the expected waiting time in this M/M/1 Compute Δ2 = |L − N|
queue. Then, fk is defined as the ratio of the expected waiting time in C λ = λ + 0.001
end while
to the expected waiting time in the M/M/1 queue of station k.
Compute Δ1 = |λac − λ|
Therefore, fk is written as: N ++
end while
WC ,k 1 k Dk
fk = = WC , k 2
WO,k D
k k (8)
4.1.5. Analysis of demand fulfillment station
Therefore from Eq. (7), System II is a join station for both the CONWIP policy and the
scheduled start time policy. System II is analyzed for different values of
Dk2 cs2, k + ca2, k 1 k Dk
Wk WC ,k 2
order-inter arrival times ( p,21 ), its CV (cp,2), and buffer capacities. The
1 Dk 2 k Dk (9) performance measures include the expected number of backlogs and
the expected waiting time for the backlogs to get fulfilled. The syn-
1. Linkage equation: Note that the CONWIP card is sent back to Station chronization between the demand arrival and finished products arrival
1 immediately after production, hence this equation differs from the buffer are modeled as a join station (see Satyam and Krishnamurthy
linking equation proposed by Satyam and Krishnamurthy [22]. [22]).
Lk = N 4.2. Analytical model validation
k= 1 (10)
This section describes the set of design experiments conducted to
validate the analytical model results. The analytical results are

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

Table 5
Results of model validation.
Expected absolute error % Percentage error range
Policy No. of scenarios R W R W

Poisson 12 3.41 3.27 (1.14, 4.98) (0.7, 6.37)

CONWIP 12 1.69 3.33 (0.62, 3.18) (0.68, 6.43)
Deterministic 12 2.77 3.37 (0.88, 3.84) (0.66, 6.45)

validated using the models developed using Simulation with Arena Table 7
software. There are 36 scenarios (12 scenarios each for the three ma- Comparison of expected throughput times when raw materials are always
terial control policies) considered for the case when raw materials are available.
always present. For each material control policy, we have four scenarios Experiment no. λ N Comparison of expected throughput times
(two levels of expected service time, and two levels of CV of service
time) for the balanced system and eight scenarios for the unbalanced OP CON %dec. OD %dec.
system (two levels of expected service time, two levels of CV of service
1 0.8 3 6.50 3.75 −42.31 3.31 −49.08
time, and two levels of location of the bottleneck station). For each 2 0.8 7 15.00 8.75 −41.67 11.66 −22.27
scenario, 20 replications were run for 24 h with a warm up period of 3 0.8 11 14.80 13.75 −7.09 11.44 −22.70
5 h. The expected absolute error percentage is obtained for system 4 0.8 35 50.00 43.75 −12.50 46.51 −7.00
parameters – expected work in progress (WIP) for System I, expected 5 0.94 3 11.6 3.19 −72.5 3.19 −72.5
6 0.94 3 7.13 3.19 −55.25 3.67 −48.53
throughput time (R) for System I, expected number of backlogs in 7 0.94 11 23.11 11.70 −49.37 14.21 −37.50
System II and expected waiting time for the backlogs to get cleared in 8 0.94 11 23.11 11.70 −49.37 19.60 −15.19
|y y|
System II using the formula a y s × 100 , where ya is the result obtained 9 0.94 9 17.68 9.57 −45.87 9.33 −47.22
10 0.94 9 12.24 9.57 −21.81 9.93 −18.87
from analytical model and ys is the result obtained from the simulation
11 0.94 34 45.70 36.17 −20.85 37.29 −18.40
model. The distribution of the percentage error of the above mentioned 12 0.94 34 45.70 36.17 −20.85 43.24 −5.38
parameters is given in Appendix A. For the four parameters, the abso-
lute error percentage range and the expected values are given in
Table 5. The frequency distribution of the absolute percentage of error Table 8
for the expected throughput time of System I, expected work in progress Analysis of System II (balanced system).
in System I, expected number of backlogs in System II and expected K Kp,2 Kf,2 cp,2 cs,k Nb W (s)
waiting time for the backlog to get cleared in System II is given in
Appendix A. 3 3 100 0.5 0.3 1.64 1.37
10 7 100 0.5 1.0 5.19 4.32
3 3 100 1.0 0.3 1.59 1.32
4.3. Numerical results 10 7 100 1.0 1.0 5.12 4.26
3 3 100 2.5 0.3 1.45 1.21
10 7 100 2.5 1.0 4.6 3.83
In this section, we numerically analyze the models where raw ma-
3 11 100 0.5 0.3 9.28 7.73
terials are always available for production. For the performance eva- 10 18 100 0.5 1.0 16.23 13.53
luation of System II, the demand arrival rate is taken to be 1.2 jobs per 3 11 100 1.0 0.3 9.15 7.62
second. The effect of changes in the CV of demand inter-arrival times is 10 18 100 1.0 1.0 16.00 13.33
analyzed by changing the CV value to 0.5, 1 and 2.5 for each experi- 3 11 100 2.5 0.3 8.25 6.88
10 18 100 2.5 1.0 14.40 12.00
ment. The experimental details for both balanced and unbalanced sys-
tems are summarized in Table 6. The comparison of expected WIP and
expected throughput times for both systems is given in Table 7. cs,k = 0.3 and 1.0 respectively, the demand arrival rate λp,2 = 1.2 s−1
Balanced system: In this section, we consider that the stations of the the CV of demand inter-arrival times cp,2 = 0.5, 1, and 2.5 (see Table 8).
system have the same expected service times (Dk = 1) and we consider Unbalanced system: In this section, we consider that the system has
two values of the CV of service times (0.3 and 1). The values of the one bottleneck station with higher service times than the rest of the
expected number of backlogs and the expected waiting time for the stations (Dunb = 1 s and Dk = 0.8 s). We consider two extreme positions
backlogs to get fulfilled in a balanced system are calculated for the for the bottleneck station - the first station and the last station. These
number of stations K = 3 and 10, the CV of service times of the station

Table 6 Table 9
Design parameters for the case when raw materials are always available. Analysis of System II (unbalanced system).
Experiment no. K Uk Dk (s) cs,k Uunb Dunb (s) Position of bottleneck K cs,k Kp,2 Kf,2 cp,2 Nb W (s)

1 3 80% 1 0.3 – – – 3 0.3 3 100 0.5 1.15 0.96

2 3 80% 1 1.0 – – – 10 0.3 9 100 0.5 5.96 4.97
3 10 80% 1 0.3 – – – 3 0.3 3 100 1.0 1.14 0.95
4 10 80% 1 1.0 – – – 10 0.3 9 100 1.0 5.87 4.89
5 3 75% 0.8 0.3 94% 1.0 First station 3 0.3 3 100 2.5 1.02 0.85
6 3 75% 0.8 0.3 94% 1.0 Last station 10 0.3 9 100 2.5 5.26 4.38
7 3 75% 0.8 1.0 94% 1.0 First station 3 1.0 11 100 0.5 7.74 6.45
8 3 75% 0.8 1.0 94% 1.0 Last station 10 1.0 34 100 0.5 30.84 25.70
9 10 75% 0.8 0.3 94% 1.0 First station 3 1.0 11 100 1 7.63 6.36
10 10 75% 0.8 0.3 94% 1.0 Last station 10 1.0 34 100 1 30.38 25.32
11 10 75% 0.8 1.0 94% 1.0 First station 3 1.0 11 100 2.5 6.83 5.69
12 10 75% 0.8 1.0 94% 1.0 Last station 10 1.0 34 100 2.5 27.20 22.67

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

Fig. 8. Expected throughput time vs number of stations (upstream position of

Fig. 6. Expected throughput time vs number of stations when raw materials are bottleneck) (Experiments 7 and 11).
always available (Experiments 8 and 12).

two cases are analyzed separately. The value of the expected number of
backlogs and the expected waiting time for the backlogs to get fulfilled
in an unbalanced system are calculated for the number of stations K = 3
and 10, the CV of service times of the station cs,k = 0.3 and 1.0 re-
spectively, demand arrival rate λp,2 = 1.2 s−1 and the CV of demand
inter-arrival times cp,2 = 0.5, 1, and 2.5 (see Table 9).

4.4. Insights

As expected, from the numerical results, it can be concluded that

both Deterministic start time policy and CONWIP policy provide im-
proved performance over Poisson input, by reducing the expected
Fig. 9. Expected throughput time vs number of stations (downstream position
throughput times and expected work in progress (WIP).
of bottleneck) (Experiments 8 and 12).

4.4.1. Effect of change in the number of stations on expected throughput

for Poisson scheduled start time policy, deterministic scheduled start
time policy and CONWIP policy for an unbalanced system (see Fig. 7).
From the experiments, it is observed that as the number of stations
In all the cases, both Deterministic scheduled start time policy and
increases, the expected WIP of the system increases almost linearly. For
CONWIP policy perform better than Poisson scheduled start time policy
both balanced and unbalanced systems, as the number of stations in-
(illustrated in Figs. 8 and 9 ). For raw material arriving at some rate, as
creases, CONWIP policy performs better than both Poisson and de-
the CV of raw material inter-arrival time increases, the expected
terministic scheduled start time policies. Fig. 6 illustrates the variation
throughput time and expected WIP increases.
in expected the throughput time for Poisson scheduled start time policy,
deterministic scheduled start time policy, and CONWIP policy.
4.4.3. Effect of the location of bottleneck on throughput time
4.4.2. Effect of CV of service time on expected throughput time From the experiments, it is observed that the Poisson scheduled start
From the experiments, it is observed that as the CV of station service time policy performs better when the bottleneck station is placed in the
time increases, the expected WIP of the system increases nonlinearly. As downstream location. The deterministic scheduled start time policy
the CV increases, CONWIP policy becomes more efficient than both performs better when the bottleneck station is placed in the upstream
open Poisson and deterministic scheduled start time policies. As an il- location. The position of the bottleneck does not have any effect on the
lustration, we only show the variation in the expected throughput time CONWIP policy.

Fig. 10. Expected throughput time vs number of stations – Poisson scheduled

Fig. 7. Expected throughput time vs CV of service times – unbalanced system
start time policy (Experiments 5, 6, 9, and 10).
(Experiments 5 and 7).

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

Fig. 13. Expected number of backlogs vs CV of demand inter-arrival times for

Fig. 11. Expected throughput time vs number of stations – deterministic an unbalanced system with CV of service time is 1 and number of stations 10.
scheduled start time policy (Experiments 5, 6, 9, and 10).

5.1.1. Analysis of scheduled start time policy

This section describes the queuing network model of a single pro-
duct system with K manufacturing stations operating under the
scheduled start time policy (see Fig. 5). A station k is described by three
parameters – expected service time (Dk), CV (cs,k) of the service time
and station utilization (Uk). The product arrival process for Poisson and
dDeterministic scheduled start time policies are characterized by the
mean inter-arrival time ( f ,11), and the CV of inter-arrival times, cf,1 = 1
and cf,1 = 0, respectively. The raw material arrival process is char-
acterized by the mean inter-arrival times ( p,11) and CV of inter-arrival
times (cp,1). The raw material arrival buffer and the product arrival
buffer are considered as join stations.
After obtaining the arrival characteristics from the join station, all
the parameters are calculated in the same manner as in the case when
raw materials are always available. However, there is an additional
Fig. 12. Expected throughput time vs number of stations – CONWIP policy
(Experiments 5, 6, 9, and 10).
waiting time involved due to the queue in the product buffer. Hence,
the expected throughput time is given by:
Figs. 10–12 illustrate the variation in the expected throughput time
R= (Rk ) + Lf ,1/
for Poisson scheduled start time policy, deterministic scheduled start f ,1
time policy, and CONWIP policy, respectively.

4.4.4. Effect of CV of demand inter-arrival times on expected number of 5.1.2. Analysis of CONWIP policy
backlogs This section describes the queuing network model of a single pro-
From the analysis conducted on System II, it can be concluded that duct with K manufacturing stations operating under the CONWIP policy
when the raw materials are always available, the finished products’ (see Fig. 3). The total number of cards in the system is equal to the
inter-arrival times and their CV does not vary with the changes in the number of parts in progress (N). The product arrival process is char-
CV of demand inter-arrival times as they are independent of each other. acterized as Poisson if the CV of inter-arrival times (cf,1) is 1 or De-
Hence, when there are large variations in order arrivals (increasing CV terministic if cf,1 is 0 and the arrival rate is (λf,1). The raw material
of demand inter-arrival times), the number of finished products stored arrival process is characterized by the mean inter-arrival times ( p,11)
in the inventory increases which reduces the number of backlogs to be and CV of inter-arrival times (cp,1). The raw material arrival buffer and
fulfilled. Hence, as the CV of demand inter-arrival times increases, the the product arrival buffer is considered as a join station.
expected number of backlogs and the expected waiting time for the After obtaining the arrival characteristics from the join station, all
backlogs to get fulfilled decreases. This has been illustrated in Fig. 13. the parameters are calculated in the same manner as in the case when
raw materials are always available. In addition to the queue length at
the stations ( k = 1 Lk ), the linkage equation also considers the expected
5. Raw materials arrive at some rate queue length in the product arrival buffer (Lf,1).
5.1. Model development and analysis
Lf ,1 + Lk = N
k=1 (12)
In this section, it is considered that the raw materials arrive at some
rate. The product arrival buffer and raw material arrival buffer are The solution approach is identical to the one explained in Section 4.1.
taken as a join/fork station. It is analyzed according to the formulas
given by Satyam and Krishnamurthy [22]. In our model, the CONWIP 5.2. Analytical model validation
card is returned to the empty card buffer f, 1 as soon as the production
is complete. We also study the effect of changes in the CV of raw ma- There are 108 scenarios (36 each for three material control policies)
terial inter-arrival times on the system throughput and station utiliza- including both the model variants for the case with raw materials ar-
tion. riving at some rate. For the balanced case, we have 12 scenarios, which

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

Table 10
Results of model validation.
Policy No. of scenarios Expected absolute error % Percentage error range


Poisson 36 4.91 4.49 (3.47, 7.05) (2.98, 6.51)

CONWIP 36 4.03 4.51 (1.66, 7.35) (3.03, 6.53)
Deterministic 36 4.01 4.52 (1.86, 6.54) (3.99, 6.57)

comprise one raw material arrival rate, three levels of raw material
inter-arrival time CV, two levels of buffer limit K, and two levels of
service time CV. For the unbalanced case, we have 24 scenarios, which
comprise one raw material arrival rate, three levels of raw material
inter-arrival time CV, two levels of buffer limit K, two levels of service
time CV, and two levels of CV of the bottleneck station's service time.
The remaining experimental conditions are similar to the cases where
raw materials are always available. The distribution of percentage error
of the above mentioned parameters is given in Appendix A. For the four
parameters, the absolute error percentage range and expected values
are given in Table 10.

5.3. Numerical results Fig. 15. Expected throughput time vs number of stations (CV = 0.3)
(Experiments 1 and 7).
In this section, the numerical experiments are performed for the
case where raw materials arrive at some rate. The card/authorization 5.4. Insights
signal arrival buffer and raw material arrival buffer are taken as a join/
fork station. We also study the effect of changes in CV for the raw As expected, from the numerical results, it can be concluded that
material inter-arrival times on the system throughput and station uti- both Deterministic start time policy and CONWIP policy provided im-
lization. The experiments are described in Table 11. The analysis and proved performance over Poisson input, by reducing the expected
insights obtained for System II are similar to the ones obtained when throughput times and expected work in progress (WIP). The effect of
raw materials are always available. number of stations, CV of service times and location of bottleneck, and
Balanced System: In this section, we consider that the stations of the CV of raw material inter-arrival times on throughput time and number
system have the same expected service times (Dk = 1) and we consider of expected backlogs are discussed below.
two values of CV of service times (0.3 and 1). The comparison of the
expected throughput time, the value of expected number of backlogs
and the expected waiting time for the backlogs to get fulfilled are 5.4.1. Effect of CV of raw material inter-arrival times on expected
shown in Table 12. throughput time
Unbalanced System: In this section, we consider that the system From the experiments, it is observed that as the CV of raw material
has one bottleneck station with higher service times than the rest of the inter-arrival time increases, the expected system throughput time in-
stations. (Dunb = 1 and Dk = 0.8). We consider two positions for the creases for all the three policies. As an illustration, we only show this
bottleneck stations – first station and last station. These two cases are effect for the Poisson scheduled start time policy (see Fig. 14).
analyzed separately. The comparison of the expected throughput time,
the value of expected number of backlogs, and the expected waiting 5.4.2. Effect of CV of service times on expected throughput time
time for the backlogs to get fulfilled has been shown in Table 12. For low CV of service time and higher number of stations – CONWIP
performs better than the Deterministic scheduled start time policy and

Fig. 14. Expected throughput time vs Number of stations: CV of raw material

Fig. 16. Expected throughput time vs number of stations (CV = 1)
inter-arrival times for Poisson scheduled start time policy (Experiments 1, 2, 3,
(Experiments 4 and 10).
7, 8, and 9).

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

Fig. 17. Expected number of backlogs vs CV of raw material inter-arrival times

for an unbalanced system with CV of service times 0.3 and number of stations 3.
Fig. 19. Expected throughput time vs CV of service time for balanced system for
CONWIP policy.

Fig. 18. Expected throughput time vs CV of service time for balanced system for Fig. 20. Expected throughput time vs CV of service time for balanced system for
Poisson start-time scheduled policy. deterministic start-time scheduled policy.

both perform better than the Poisson scheduled start time policy (illu- can be concluded that the policies perform considerably better when
strated in Fig. 15). For high CV of service time and lower number of raw materials are always available. It is also observed that the policies
stations – CONWIP and deterministic scheduled start time policy per- follow similar trend under various design parameters irrespective of
form in a similar fashion and both perform considerably better than the raw material availability. In Figs. 18–20, we show the performance of
Poisson scheduled start time policy. For high CV of service time and Poisson, Deterministic and CONWIP policies for different values of CV
higher number of stations – CONWIP and deterministic scheduled start of service time for a balanced system with number of stations = 3 and
time policy perform in a similar fashion and both perform considerably CV of raw material inter-arrival times for raw material arriving at some
better than the Poisson scheduled start time policy (illustrated in rate case = 1. At low CV of service times, the raw material availability
Fig. 16). has less effect of throughput times.

5.4.3. Effect of CV of raw material inter-arrival time on expected number of 6.2. Choice of start time policies in balanced system
From the experiments, it is observed that as the CV of raw material From the experiments conducted on the balanced system for var-
inter-arrival time increases, the expected number of backlogs and the ious design input parameters (Sections 4.3 and 5.3), it can be con-
expected waiting time for the backlogs to get fulfilled also increases. cluded that for low CV of service time and high number of stations –
This relationship has been illustrated in Fig. 17. CONWIP outperforms the deterministic scheduled start time policy.
Further, both CONWIP and deterministic scheduled start time policies
6. Policy conclusions perform considerably better than the Poisson scheduled start time
policy. For the remaining scenarios, CONWIP performs similar to de-
6.1. Effect of raw material availability terministic scheduled start time policy. When raw materials arrive at
some rate, as the CV of raw material inter-arrival time increases, the
From the experiments conducted on both balanced and unbalanced expected throughput time and expected WIP increases. The summary
systems for various design input parameters (Sections 4.3 and 5.3), it of the performance comparison between CONWIP policy and

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

design trade-offs among three material control policies namely

CONWIP policy, Poisson scheduled start time policy, and deterministic
scheduled start time policy under a large set of design parameters. The
design parameters include station utilization (Uk), expected service
times of the station (Dk), CV of service times of the station (cs,k), lo-
cation of bottleneck for an unbalanced system, demand arrival rate,
CV of inter-arrival times, raw material arrival rate, and CV of raw
materials inter-arrival times (for the case where raw materials arrive
at some rate). From the numerical results, various insights were de-
veloped. As the number of stations increases, the expected throughput
time and expected WIP increases almost linearly. With an increase in
the CV of service times, CONWIP performs better than the other two
systems for a fixed number of service stations. As the CV of demand
Fig. 21. Performance comparison of CONWIP policy and deterministic sched-
inter-arrival times increases, the expected number of backlogs and the
uled start time policy for balanced system (refer to Tables 7 and 12).
expected waiting time for the backlogs to get fulfilled decreases. With
an increase in the CV of raw material inter-arrival times (for the case
where raw materials arrive at some rate), the throughput of the system
decreases and the expected throughput time, the expected number of
backlogs and the expected waiting time for the backlogs to get fulfilled
increases. As expected, the CONWIP and the deterministic scheduled
start time policies perform better than the Poisson scheduled policies
in all the cases. For a balanced system, the CONWIP performs better
than the Deterministic scheduled start time policy only when the CV of
service times is low, and the number of stations is high. For all the
other cases (for low CV of service times and less number of stations,
high CV of service times and any number of stations), their perfor-
mance is similar. In an unbalanced system, the CONWIP policy per-
forms similar to the Deterministic scheduled start time policy only for
upstream location of bottleneck and higher number of stations. For all
the other cases (for upstream location of the bottleneck and lower
Fig. 22. Performance comparison of CONWIP policy and deterministic sched-
number of stations and downstream location of bottleneck and any
uled start time policy for unbalanced system (refer to Tables 7 and 12).
number of stations), the CONWIP performs better than the
Deterministic scheduled start time policy. From the above observa-
tions it can be concluded that though CONWIP is a better material
deterministic scheduled start time policy for a balanced system is control policy in most cases and could be adopted on the shop floor for
shown in Fig. 21. all the design parameters considered in this research, the
Deterministic policy is comparable with CONWIP in some cases and
6.3. Choice of start time policies in unbalanced system hence can be adopted as an alternate start time policy. Further,
CONWIP and Deterministic policy performs similar when raw mate-
From the experiments conducted on unbalanced systems (Sections rials arrive at some rate. The performance of the deterministic policy
4.3 and 5.3), it can be concluded that CONWIP performs better than the deteriorates when raw materials are always available.
deterministic scheduled start time policy giving high reduction in ex- This research focuses on the evaluation of a single class system. We
pected throughput times and expected WIP for upstream location of the have analyzed the system for various design parameters. In future, a
bottleneck and lower number of stations as well as for downstream multiple class system (more than one product class) could be analyzed
location of the bottleneck for both higher and lower number of stations. for the various design parameters. For an unbalanced system, instead of
The performance of the CONWIP policy is approximately equal to that just one bottleneck station, a combination of two or more bottleneck
of the deterministic scheduled start time policy for the upstream loca- stations could be considered and the impact of its location on the
tion of the bottleneck and for a higher number of stations. In all the system parameters can be evaluated. More material control policies
cases, both deterministic scheduled start time policy and CONWIP such as POLCA and Workload regulated policies could be considered for
policy perform better than the Poisson scheduled start time policy. For performance analysis.
raw material arriving at some rate, as the CV of raw material inter-
arrival time increases, the expected throughput time and expected WIP
increases. The summary of the performance comparison between the Acknowledgements:
CONWIP policy and the deterministic scheduled start time policy for an
unbalanced system is shown in Fig. 22. We would like to thank Prof. Mary Vernon (University of
Wisconsin–Madison) for encouraging us to work in this area. We would
7. Conclusions and future work also like to thank the editor and reviewers for their feedback, which
helped us immensely to improve the structure and exposition of this
The contributions of this research lie in performance analysis and paper.

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

Appendix A

Table 11
Design parameters for the case when raw materials arrive at some rat.
Experiment no. System I parameters System II parameters

λp,1 (s−1) cp,1 K Dk (sec) cs,k Dunb cunb Bottleneck's position λp,2 (s−1) cp,2 Kp,2 Kf,2

1 0.8 0.5 3 1.0 0.3 – – – 0.8 0.5 100 3

2 0.8 1.0 3 1.0 0.3 – – – 0.8 1.0 100 3
3 0.8 2.5 3 1.0 0.3 – – – 0.8 2.5 100 3
4 0.8 0.5 3 1.0 1.0 – – – 0.8 0.5 100 11
5 0.8 1.0 3 1.0 1.0 – – – 0.8 1.0 100 11
6 0.8 2.5 3 1.0 1.0 – – – 0.8 2.5 100 11
7 0.8 0.5 10 1.0 0.3 – – – 0.8 0.5 100 7
8 0.8 1.0 10 1.0 0.3 – – – 0.8 1.0 100 7
9 0.8 2.5 10 1.0 0.3 – – – 0.8 2.5 100 7
10 0.8 0.5 10 1.0 1.0 – – – 0.8 0.5 100 35
11 0.8 1.0 10 1.0 1.0 – – – 0.8 1.0 100 35
12 0.8 2.5 10 1.0 1.0 – – – 0.8 2.5 100 35
13 0.94 0.5 3 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 first station 0.94 0.5 200 12
14 0.94 0.5 3 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 last station 0.94 0.5 200 12
15 0.94 1.0 3 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 first station 0.94 1.0 200 12
16 0.94 1.0 3 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 last station 0.94 1.0 200 12
17 0.94 2.5 3 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 first station 0.94 2.5 200 12
18 0.94 2.5 3 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 last station 0.94 2.5 200 12
19 0.94 0.5 3 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 first station 0.94 0.5 200 16
20 0.94 0.5 3 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 last station 0.94 0.5 200 16
21 0.94 1.0 3 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 first station 0.94 1.0 200 16
22 0.94 1.0 3 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 last station 0.94 1.0 200 16
23 0.94 2.5 3 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 first station 0.94 2.5 200 16
24 0.94 2.5 3 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 last station 0.94 2.5 200 16
25 0.94 0.5 10 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 first station 0.94 0.5 200 20
26 0.94 0.5 10 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 last station 0.94 0.5 200 20
27 0.94 1.0 10 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 first station 0.94 1.0 200 20
28 0.94 1.0 10 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 last station 0.94 1.0 200 20
29 0.94 2.5 10 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 first station 0.94 2.5 200 20
30 0.94 2.5 10 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.3 last station 0.94 2.5 200 20
31 0.94 0.5 10 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 first station 0.94 0.5 200 35
32 0.94 0.5 10 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 last station 0.94 0.5 200 35
33 0.94 1.0 10 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 first station 0.94 1.0 200 35
34 0.94 1.0 10 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 last station 0.94 1.0 200 35
35 0.94 2.5 10 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 first station 0.94 2.5 200 35
36 0.94 2.5 10 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 last station 0.94 2.5 200 35

Table 12
Comparison of expected throughput times and expected backlogs for the case when raw materials arrive at some rate.
Experiment no. Uunb % Uk % λ (s−1) N Comparison of expected throughput times System II analysis
OP CON %dec. OD %dec. Nb W (sec)

1 – 59.00 0.59 3 4.21 3.03 −28.03 3.01 −28.50 1.35 1.69

2 – 58.00 0.58 3 4.35 3.05 −29.89 3.03 −30.34 1.40 1.75
3 – 58.00 0.58 3 5.41 4.53 −16.27 4.31 −20.33 1.51 1.89
4 – 71.00 0.71 7 8.54 6.77 −20.73 5.21 −38.99 5.35 6.69
5 – 70.00 0.70 7 9 7 −22.22 5.39 −40.11 5.69 7.11
6 – 68.00 0.68 7 10.4 7.68 −26.15 6.87 −33.94 6.32 7.9
7 – 69.00 0.69 11 11.91 10.46 −12.17 10.51 −11.75 2.99 3.74
8 – 68.00 0.68 11 12.02 10.67 −11.23 10.92 −9.15 3.04 3.8
9 – 67.00 0.67 11 14.1 11.92 −15.46 12.7 −9.93 3.2 4
10 – 77.00 0.77 35 42.08 34.755 −17.40 34.965 −16.90 16.22 20.27
11 – 77.00 0.77 35 42.63 35.15 −17.55 35.64 −16.40 16.3 20.40
12 – 76.00 0.76 35 45.15 36.73 −18.65 37.16 −17.70 18.54 23.18
13 90.00 72.00 0.90 12 5.34 3.19 −40.26 3.51 −34.27 3.48 3.70
14 90.00 72.00 0.90 12 4.56 3.19 −30.04 3.71 −18.64 3.48 3.70
15 90.00 72.00 0.90 12 6.66 3.56 −46.55 4.59 −31.08 3.98 4.23
16 90.00 72.00 0.90 12 5.78 3.56 −38.41 4.75 −17.82 3.98 4.23
17 89.00 71.00 0.89 12 11.3 7.94 −29.73 9.01 −20.27 4.80 5.12
18 89.00 71.00 0.89 12 10.71 7.94 −25.86 9.67 −9.71 4.80 5.12
19 90.00 72.00 0.90 16 13.8 10.47 −24.13 11.01 −20.22 5.65 6.01
20 90.00 72.00 0.90 16 13.25 10.47 −20.98 12.1 −8.68 5.65 6.01
21 90.00 72.00 0.90 16 14.56 10.88 −25.27 11.77 −19.16 6.08 6.47
22 90.00 72.00 0.90 16 13.65 10.88 −20.29 12.61 −7.62 6.08 6.47
23 89.00 71.00 0.89 16 17.63 13.58 −22.97 14.93 −15.31 7.68 8.17
(continued on next page)

D. Roy, V. Ravikumaran Journal of Manufacturing Systems 50 (2019) 119–134

Table 12 (continued)

Experiment no. Uunb % Uk % λ (s−1) N Comparison of expected throughput times System II analysis
OP CON %dec. OD %dec. Nb W (sec)

24 89.00 71.00 0.89 16 16.04 13.58 −15.34 14.53 −9.41 7.68 8.17
25 91.00 73.00 0.91 20 12.73 9.18 −27.89 9.23 −27.49 5.84 6.21
26 91.00 73.00 0.91 20 11.68 9.18 21.40 10.02 −14.21 5.84 6.21
27 91.00 73.00 0.91 20 13.6 10.25 −24.63 10.2 −25.00 6.97 7.41
28 91.00 73.00 0.91 20 12.73 10.25 −19.48 11.37 −10.68 6.97 7.41
29 89.00 71.00 0.89 20 18.65 15.2 −18.50 15.3 −17.96 8.94 9.51
30 89.00 71.00 0.89 20 17.49 15.2 −13.09 16.03 −8.35 8.94 9.51
31 92.00 74.00 0.92 35 34.72 28.7 −17.34 29.06 −16.30 16.57 17.73
32 92.00 74.00 0.92 35 34.15 28.7 −15.96 32.94 −3.54 16.57 17.73
33 91.00 73.00 0.91 35 34.72 28.67 −17.43 28.87 −16.85 17.81 18.95
34 91.00 73.00 0.91 35 33.83 28.67 −15.25 31.56 −6.71 17.81 18.95
35 88.00 70.00 0.88 35 38.64 32.2 −16.67 32.57 −15.71 19.78 21.04
36 88.00 70.00 0.88 35 36.85 32.2 −12.62 35.2 −4.48 19.78 21.04

Appendix B. Results of model validation

Fig. 23 shows the frequency distribution of the absolute percentage of error for expected throughput time of System I. It also represents work in
progress of System I as it is directly correlated to throughput time. Fig. 24 shows the frequency distribution the expected waiting time for the
backlogs to get cleared in system II. It also represents expected number of backlogs in System II as it is directed correlated to expected waiting time.

Fig. 23. Abs error % (expected throughput time of System I).

Fig. 24. Abs error % (expected waiting time for the backlogs to get cleared in System II).

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