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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

IM – HPC 1 – SECOND SEM. 20 – 21


Bayombong Campus


YEAR LEVEL 1st Year TIME FRAME 5 hrs. WK NO. 14 IM NO. 13


 Kinds of Poultry
 Preparing Poultry for Cooking
 Methods of Cooking Poultry

The widest spread of all livestock enterprises specifically, the poultry production
III. LESSONremains
OVERVIEWand constitutes an important pillar of food and nutrition security improvement as
well as socio-cultural and economic development in the world. It is a major meat and egg
contributor and vital source of nutrients for people in many developing countries.

In this module, basic information will be given about the principles in preparing and
cooking poultry dishes, nutritional benefits, market forms, and plating and presenting the
finished products.


At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

 Identify the kinds of poultry according to age
 Recognize the market forms of poultry
 Recognize the different cuts of poultry
 Demonstrate the correct procedure in cooking poultry dishes.
 Show’s one creativity in presenting prepared poultry dishes

V. LESSON Poultry
CONTENT and Game Dishes

Poultry are feathered animals raised for the table for human consumption. They are
raised domestically and commercially. Chicken is the most popular kind of poultry. Game
birds are quails, pigeons, partridges, pheasants and wild ducks. They are hunted in the field or
forest and raised in captivity. Poultry and games are omnivores. They eat seeds and insects.

Poultry is the general term for domestic bird including chickens, turkeys, ducks,
geese, and game especially raised to be eaten for their meat and eggs. It is classified
according to breed, weight, and age.

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Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

IM – HPC 1 – SECOND SEM. 20 – 21

Kinds of Poultry

Chicken Duck Turkey Goose

1. Chicken

Chicken is the most common, popular and largest group of poultry as to age or
degree of maturity. They are classified as:
 Pullet - A baby chicken which is four to six weeks old and weighs mostly 1 lb. It is
suitable for roasting and grilling.
 Broiler - A young chicken usually 9 weeks old and weighs about 2 pounds. It has
soft, pliable, smooth skin and flexible breastbone cartilage.
 Capon - A surgically unsexed male chicken, weighing about 4 to 7 pounds with
tender, flavorful and lots of white meat. It is a more expensive poultry.
 Broiler Fowl - An older chicken weighing 8 pounds and about 8 months old.
Broilers provide at suitable for stews or casseroles.
 Layer-or the bro-hen - The laying hen is about 1 ½ years old and weighs 4 ½ to 6
 Stag - A male chicken with coarse skin, a toughened and darkened flesh and
hardened breastbone cartilage. It is under 10 months of age and weighs 3 to 6 pounds.
It is known as the rooster.

 Roasting Chicken - It is eight weeks old and weighs 3 to 4 pounds. It is the best
size for a family.

2. Turkey

Turkeys are not readily available in the market. They are classified into:

a. Fryer-roaster - A young turkey which is 16 weeks old and weighs 4 to 8 pounds. It

has tender meat, soft, smooth textured skin and flexible breastbone cartilage.

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IM – HPC 1 – SECOND SEM. 20 – 21

b. Young hen or young tom - Young hen weighs 12 to 16 pounds. while young tom
is 12 to 30 pounds.
c. Old hens or old toms - This is the breeding stock of turkey. Its meat is best used
or picked for casserole dishes.
d. Yearlings - These are turkeys under 15 months of age when marketed.

3. Duck

A duck is a fatty bird that is best roasted. It is marketed as duckling or young


 Broiler Duckling or "Fryer" - This is a young duck usually when 8 weeks of age,
with tender meat, soft bill and windpipe.
 Roaster Duckling - A young duck usually under 16 weeks of age with tender meat
and has bill that is completely hardened and windpipe that is easily dented.
 Mature Duck or Old Duck - This is more than 6 months old, with tough flesh,
hardened bill, and windpipe.

4. Goose

Young goose or gosling weighs from 4 to 10 pounds with tender, fatty, creamy-
white flesh which becomes light brown when cooked. It has a slightly gamey flavor.
Mature or old goose is more than 6 months old and weighs 10 to 18 pounds. These are
rarely used in food service.

Characteristics of Quality Poultry

The following are common characteristics of quality poultry.

 Chicken must be free from bad odor.
 Skin of the poultry is smooth and free from any damage such as tears. cuts. broken
bones, and burn.
 Flesh is white.
 The feet are soft and the breastbone is pliable.
 There is no black discoloration.
 The blood is completely drawn.
 There are no pinfeathers.

Market Forms of Poultry

Chicken and games are sold in the market or grocery stores in various purposes.
Following are the various market forms of poultry.

 Live Poultry - Live poultry are those that are still in cages. When buying live
poultry, choose those that are alert, healthy, well-feathered, free from broken bones,
bruises and blisters.
 Dressed Poultry - Dressed poultry are slaughtered poultry with head, feet, blood,
and feathers removed, but with viscera intact. This form of chicken is available in
most markets. Good dressed poultry have moderate fat covering, free from
pinfeathers and have no missing skin or parts.
 Drawn Poultry - These are dressed chicken with visceral organs, feet and head
removed. They are available either chilled or frozen. Frozen poultry with freezer
burns should not be purchased.
 Boneless Chicken - These are dressed and drawn chicken with all the bones
removed without destroying the shape of the chicken.

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 Ready to Cook Poultry - Poultry that are dressed, drawn, and processed for
 Choice Cuts - These are the parts of poultry packed and sold separately in
supermarkets or in wet markets. Such parts are wings, drumstick, thighs, back,
breasts, legs, halves and quarters. Chicken feet, heads, intestines, giblets and gizzards
are sold in wet markets and bought as preferred by buyers.

Poultry Cuts

Chicken Parts

Whole chicken

Drumstick Breast

Half Thigh

Whole Leg Chicken Wing

The common cuts of poultry available either in supermarkets or wet markets are
the following:
a. Whole Chicken - It is not cut and available either fresh or frozen.
b. Halves - Poultry is cut into two, from front to back through the backbone and
breastbone with wings attached.
c. Breast - Chicken is cut with wings and back portion removed.
d. Whole Leg - It consists of the drumstick and thigh of poultry.
e. Thigh - It is the portion of the leg above the knee joint. It can be prepared
boneless and skinless.
f. Drumstick - It is the lower portion of the leg quarter.
g. Chicken Wing - It is composed of the drumette, midsection and tip.

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IM – HPC 1 – SECOND SEM. 20 – 21

Nutritive Value of Poultry

 Poultry's meat is similar with the meat of other animals for human consumption. It is
rich in proteins that contain amino acids essential for body building and repairing
body tissues.
 It is also a good source of B vitamins-thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Dark chicken
meat is richer in riboflavin and thiamine and is poorer in niacin and more abundant in
fat and connective tissues than white meat.
 Dark meat belongs to poultry that are more active and mobile. The flesh of young
chicken is high in niacin.
 Carotenoids and carotene are present in chicken. These make the chicken fat
 The fat is deposited in the muscle tissue in thick layers under the skin and in the
abdominal cavity.
 The fat content of goose, duck or turkey is higher than chicken.
 Poultry meat contains monosaturated fat that helps in reducing bad cholesterol and
prevents the risk of heart disease and stroke

B. Preparing Poultry for Cooking

Poultry should be processed or prepared before cooking. Here are the steps to
be followed in preparing poultry.

1. Slaughtering

It is killing and bleeding the poultry. The veins

are cut using a sharp knife and the blood is drained for
1 ½ to 2 minutes.

2. Scalding

The body of the poultry is immersed in hot

water with the temperature of 60°C or 140°F for about
1 minute. This will open the shaft that holds the
feathers and makes plucking the feathers easier.

3. Defeathering or Plucking

It is removing the feather of poultry. There are

(3) three ways of removing the feathers:
picking, dry picking and waxing. In picking, the poultry
is immersed in hot water to make picking the feathers
easier. Dry picking is pulling feathers with the hands
and using a tweezer to pull out the remaining feathers
or using a kitchen torch to singe off the feathers.
Waxing is using heated paraffin
wax. Poultry is dipped in hot wax until feathers are coated with wax. Then, dipped in
cold water to harden the wax, peeled off taking all feathers.

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IM – HPC 1 – SECOND SEM. 20 – 21

4. Eviscerating

It is disembowelment or removal of internal organs of

poultry Feet head are also removed.

5. Deboning

This is to remove the bones from poultry meat in preparation for cooking


The quality of edibility of the food is reduced because it is deteriorated or

spoiled. In preparing poultry for cooking it is important to prevent them from spoilage.
The nutritional value, texture, color, and flavor are damaged when spoiled and the food
becomes harmful. Spoilage is caused by bacteria, molds, yeasts, enzymes, oxidation, and

The various types and causes of food spoilage are the following:

1. Bacterial Spoilage - The presence of bacteria in the food causes it to spoil. It

produces changes in the food flavor, texture and composition.
2. Mold Spoilage - Fungi that grow and promote spoilage in food. They cause
changes in color, odor, and flavor. The consistency of food decreases due to presence
of molds.
3. Yeast Spoilage - They cause discoloration and change in odor on food and leads to
4. Enzymes - Enzymes cause changes in color, texture, and flavor in food when not
cooked or used while fresh.
5. Oxidation - It causes discoloration and food develops an unpleasant taste and smell.


Cross-contamination occurs when microbes and dirt from people, raw meat and
raw vegetables transfer to food, on utensils and equipment or through poor storage
practices. This is true when handling poultry and other meat products.

Contamination can be caused by air, dust, equipment used and water.

Accidentally, when chemicals mix with food it can contaminate food products.

Salmonella is common to raw poultry and game bird. This causes sickness such
as typhoid fever, food poisoning, and parathyroid. The growth of bacteria and the risk of
food borne illnesses can be eliminated through proper handling and storing of poultry. It
is a must that safe handling must be observed.

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Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

IM – HPC 1 – SECOND SEM. 20 – 21

Here are some practices that help prevent cross-contamination.

1. Wash your hands thoroughly – In washing the hands, use hot soapy water before
preparing the food and after using the bathroom or handling the pets.
2. Avoid cross-contamination - This can be avoided by observing the following
 Use one cutting or chopping board for poultry and another one for other food
 Always wash the cutting board, knife, and utensils after they come in
contact with raw meat, seafood and poultry.
 Use separate utensils to handle raw and cooked food. Use color coded utensils
such as chopping boards and knives.

3. Cook food in proper temperature - Food are properly cooked when heated for enough
time at right temperature to kill harmful bacteria. Use thermometer to measure the
internal temperature of cooked poultry, to make sure that meat is cooked all the way
through. Whole poultry should be cooked to 180°F for doneness. Cook eggs until the
yolk and white are firm and not runny. Do not use recipe in which eggs remain raw
or partially cooked.

4. Chill: Refrigerate Promptly - Refrigerate food quickly because cold temperature

keeps most harmful bacteria from growing and multiplying.
 Refrigerate or freeze perishables, prepared food and leftovers within two hours
after cooking. Never allow food to cool on counter at room temperature.
 Divide the large amount of leftovers into small, shallow containers for quick
cooling in the refrigerator, leave uncovered or partially covered until cooled then
 Don't pack the refrigerator. Cool air must circulate to keep food safe.

5. Clean kitchen surface often - Use paper towels to clean up kitchen surface. Do not
use sponges or cloth towels to clean up surfaces as they harbor harmful bacteria.
Wash cloth, dish towels and sponges often in hot water.

C. Methods of Cooking Poultry

Poultry is cooked like other kinds of food. Cooking poultry involves moist heat
methods and dry heat methods.

a. Moist Heat Methods

Methods of cooking with the use of liquid such as stocks, water, wine, and steam.
It is the temperature of the liquid that marks the difference among the moist heat method.

 Poaching (140°F - 180°F) - To cook gently on simmering liquid or seasoned

stock flavor. or milk. Food item that are poached must be naturally tender. At the
proper temperature, the poaching liquid may show some signs of shivering on the
surface but there should be no bubbles breaking on the surface.

 Simmering (185°F - 205°F) - To cook food in liquid close to the boiling point.
Food items that are simmered are those that are tough and need to be tenderized
by prolonged exposure to moist heat. The cooking liquid is usually seasoned with
salt and most often with aromatics and herbs. At the proper temperature, the
liquid will show signs of the following:

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o 185°F - 1950F minimal surface agitation caused by slow intermitted

breaking of small bubbles.
o 1950F - 205°F minimal surface agitation with rapid dispersion of bubbles of
larger size and quantity.

 Boiling (212°F) - To cook at boiling temperature. When boiling a liquid,

bubbles are forming rapidly, rising continually and breaking when they reached
the surface of the liquid Boiling is detrimental to overall quality of foods. Boiling
will cause the muscle tissue to contract and the fibers to toughen. The cooked
food is often dry a tough. Adding salt to water increases the boiling temperature.

 Steaming - To cook in liquid close to the boiling point. Foods are cooked by
water vapors in an enclosed cooking vessels. Food items to be steamed should be
naturally tender and of a size and shape that will allow them to cook in a short
amount of time. Adding aromatic ingredients to the water will contribute a subtle
flavor to the steamed food.

b. Dry Heat Methods

In this method, the heat is conducted without moisture that is by hot air, hot
metal, radiation or hot fat. It is classified into two categories: with fat and without fat.

 Grilling and Broiling

Both are similar methods used naturally for tender, portion sized poultry to
create the right amount of surface browning by the time the inside is cooked to
desired doneness. Grilling is cooking on rack over direct heat which may be charcoal,
an electric element or gas heated, moving food items from hotter to cooler places on
the grill. Grilled food must be turned over on during the cooking process to ensure
even cooking. The shorter the cooking time, the lower the temperature or else the
poultry will not have time to brown. The longer the cooking time, the lower
temperature or the surface will brown too much or before the inside is done. The food
item to be grilled maybe lightly oiled before cooking to prevent sticking.

 Baking and Roasting

Baking is a method of cooking portion sized or cuts of poultry with

prolonged dry heat using an oven with at least 150°C.

Roasting is cooking whole poultry on a spit over an open fire. Cooking

uncovered is essential. Roasting can be done using an oven. Poultry is placed on a
rack to prevent from simmering in its own juice and fat. Change the position of the
poultry for allowance for uneven temperature.

Baked and roasted poultry are seasoned and flavored and cooked until golden
brown in color with moist and tender texture.

 Sauteing

This is cooking food rapidly in a little fat over relatively high heat. It came
the French word "sauter' which means to jump, referring to the action of tossing
small pieces of food in the sauce pan. A wide shallow pan is best used for sauteing.
The pan is preheated with a little fat before adding the food item to be sauteed. Let
the food item weeps and simmers in its own juice. If the pan

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is full, see to it that there is sufficient space between the pieces of food items, to
steam to escape and prevent toughening.

Sauteing involves the following techniques:

1. Stir Frying - Done in a wok and cooks food items over very high heat
2. Searing or pan searing - Less oil is used. Searing is not intended to cook
food fully. It is done before roasting, braising, or stewing.

 Pan Frying

This is cooking in a moderate amount of fat in a pan over moderate heat it is

similar to sauteing except more fat is used and the food is cooked at a lower
temperature. Pan fried food are coated with flour, batter or breaded. They have crispy
exterior with golden brown color and the meat inside is moist.

 Deep Frying

To cook food submerged in hot fat. The pan used is deep enough to prevent
boiling over or splashing of fat and wide enough to remove food items easily. Deep
frying is done with the temperature between 350°F - 375°F.

Presenting and Plating Poultry Dishes

Poultry dishes can be made appealing and appetizing through proper plating
and presentation. The balance of color, shape, and texture contributes to an enhanced
food presentation, as well as the use of plate that should be proportioned to the food.
The use of garnishes adds eye appeal and enhances the flavors of the food.

The following are tips in presenting poultry dishes.

 Service ware to be used should be chosen properly. A plain white plate is used
for the main course. It makes the color of the dish appear brighter and the texture
becomes more interesting.
 The plate, garnishes and accompaniment should be balanced. Do not make the
plate overcrowded.
 Poultry or game bird dishes should be served with sauces. Sauces maybe placed
on the side of the food or drop lightly over the food.
 Plated dishes should be free from spills. The rim and edges of the plate should be
cleaned up before serving.
 When using fruits, vegetables, or herbs as garnishes, make sure that these
complement the food item and do not overpower the flavor of the poultry dish.

Sauces and Accompaniments

Sauces and accompaniments add contrast to poultry dishes as well as

compliment to the type of dish being cooked. They provide visual stimulation which
heightens the enjoyment of eating the cooked poultry dishes. They make dishes more
appealing. Flavored sauces, chopped herbs and varieties of vegetables are used as
accompaniments to poultry dishes. They are the finishing touches to the meal.

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Poultry Dishes and Recipes

Chicken Italian

 2 lb chicken parts
 2 T olive oil
 1 C chicken broth
 ½ C tomatoes (chopped)
 1 pc onion (peeled and chopped)
 ¼ t dried oregano
 Ground black pepper (to taste)
 Parsley (chopped, for garnish)
 ¼ t basil leaves
 ¼ t salt
 ¼ C flour
 ¼ C water

1. Brown chicken in olive oil. Pour off excess fat.
2. Add broth, tomatoes, onion, oregano, basil, salt, and pepper.
3. Cover and simmer for 45 minutes or until the chicken is tender.
4. Blend flour into water to form smooth paste.
5. Slowly stir paste into chicken mixture, cook until the gravy thickens.
6. Garnish with parsely. Serve.
7. Makes 6 servings.

Chicken Hamonado

 1 kg chicken (cut into serving pieces)
 2 tbsp fish sauce
 1 tsp ground white pepper 1
 tbsp calamansi juice
 Cooking oil for deep frying
 ½ C garlic (chopped)
 1 C pineapple
 ¾ C sugar Salt to taste
 1-2 C cheese (grated)

1. Rub chicken with fish sauce, white pepper and calamansi juice. Leave to
marinate for at least 15 minutes. Set aside.
2. Heat cooking oil. Fry marinated chicken until golden brown. Drain
excess oil with paper towel.
3. In the used pan, leave 2-3 tbsp of oil. Fry garlic. Add prepared chicken.
4. Pour in pineapple juice. Add sugar and cook until sauce is almost dry.
Season with salt to taste. Add grated cheese and cook until cheese melts.
5. Makes 6-8 servings.

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IM – HPC 1 – SECOND SEM. 20 – 21

Chicken Ala King

 1 kg whole chicken (chopped into serving pieces)
 ¼ C butter
 1 C button mushroom
 1 C evaporated milk
 1 C chicken stock
 1 C all-purpose cream
 1/3 red bell pepper or pimientos (sliced)
 3 tbsp sherry wine (if desired)
 2 tbsp flour (as needed)

1. Sauté chicken pieces in butter until they turn white in color.
2. Stir in button mushroom and season. Pour in chicken stock and boil for
10 minutes. Add evaporated milk, simmer for 3 minutes (without boiling).
3. Add all-purpose cream and beaten egg. Stir in bell pepper. Simmer
another 10 minutes,
4. Thicken with flour until the desired consistency of the sauce is achieved
5. Add sherry wine. (if desired) Serve hot. Makes 8-10 serving.

Evaluating the Prepared Chicken Dish

Use the rubric below to assess your cooked poultry dish.

Item 5 3 1
Appearance Prepared dishes are Presentable and Plate and
presented attractively acceptable but garnishing are not
through color lacks professional appropriate the
combination, use of touch. prepared
garnishes and plating
Flavor/Taste With pleasing and Adequate but not Bland/Not
appropriate taste. outstanding taste. appetizing
Texture Chicken meat is all Good texture and Chicken meat is
done in all sides servable to diners. somewhat gummy
Tender enough and or tough.

VI. LEARNING What are the nutritional roles of poultry in the diet? Why is poultry considered
healthier than red meat?
2. Describe the methods used in cooking poultry dishes?
3. What precautions do you need to take in preparing chicken?
4. Why should we practice safe handling of chicken and poultry?

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Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

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1. Make a recipe of poultry dishes and include a simple recipe costing.

Note : On line Evaluation


A. Book/Printed Resources
CORNELL, DARYL ACE V., & YAO, CLAIRE ANN M. 2020. Kitchen Essentials
and Basic Food Preparation, Rex Book Store, First Edition, Manila, Philippines.
LABENSKY, S., INGRAM, G. G., & LABENSKY, S. R. (2008). Prentice Hall
essentials dictionary of culinary arts. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
LAPID, FRANCISCO E. AND SOTTO, EFREN. 2010. How to start your own
Business. Philippines, National Bookstore.
PAWSEY, LINDA. 2000. Folds and Frills. Ann Wilson International Sales.
HALL, C. M., & SHARPLES, L. (2004). The consumption of experiences or the
experience of consumption? An introduction to the tourism of taste. In Food
tourism around the world (pp. 13-36).
REYES, RUTH J. 2015. Culinary Arts. Manila, Philippines
REYES C, SIMON J. 2009. Food Selection and Preparation. Manila, Philippines
Manila, Philippines
Manila, Philippines
SUBIDO, RORY C. 2004. Food Service and Catering management. A practical Guide.
Pasig City, Philippines. Anvil Publications.

B. Internet:

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