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Reinforcement Science Grade 5

1. Eart is the only one planet that can lived by …..

2. The surface of this planet is 70% water and the rest is ….. and …..
3. The crust is made of ….. and …..
4. The mantles are made of ….. or …..
5. Movement in matle causes ….. and ….
6. The earth’s core is ….. because it’s hot enough to melt iron.
7. The core is made almost entirely of metal spesifically ….. and …..
8. The radioactive that you can find in the inner core is ….. and …..
9. Increasing temperature in Earth’s atmosphere is the meaning of …..
10.One way to reduce greenhouse gases is to reduce …..
11.The reason the Earth isn’t a ball of frozen ice is because of …..
12.Greenhouse gases act like insulation to keep the …..
13.The main human activity that realeses greenhouse gases is …..
14.The main greenhouse gases that keep the Earth warm are ….. , ….. , …..
15.We can do to reduce the global warming by …..
16.The study of Visible light and ways it can be used to extend human vison
and do other tasks is …..
17.The example of optical instrument that weused everyday is …..
18.Optical instrument use mirrors and lenses to ….. and ….. light and form
19.A camera is an optical instrument that forms and records an image of an
20.The way cornea in eyes to help focus is …..
21.The components of electrical circuit who provide energy is …..
22.The batteries to the bulb and switch is connected by …..
23.The function of switch is …..
24.Electric current flow from …..
25.When the electricity passes through a bulb, the bulb gives off …..
26.Mention 5 fact about the inner core!
27.Mention the structure four major components of the earth!
28.What happen with the global warming?
29.What will happen with the Global Warming?
30.Mention the components of electric circuit!

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