(Zheng 2020) Analytical and Experimental Studies On

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Journal of Vibration and Control

2020, Vol. 0(0) 1–11

Analytical and experimental studies on © The Author(s) 2020

Article reuse guidelines:
particle damper used for tremor DOI: 10.1177/1077546320969469
Zheng Lu1,2 and Zhikuang Huang1

Tremor is an involuntary movement that makes many patients suffer, and passive absorbers used in wearable robot are
proved to be effective for tremor suppression. A particle damper is a kind of a passive vibration control device taking
advantage of energy dissipation and momentum exchange caused by particle collisions. To apply particle damping
technology in reducing tremor amplitude in the human hand, this study establishes a mechanical model of the particle
damper for tremor suppression and obtains its steady-state solutions under simplified tremor excitation. The accuracy of
steady-state solutions and the particle damper effectiveness in reducing tremor is validated by numerical simulations and
experimental studies. To further explore its damping mechanism, some important damper parameters are then analyzed. It
is shown that increasing the particle mass leads to an increase of the particle damper performance for tremor suppression,
but it has an upper limit. The provided damping of the particle damper becomes approximately independent of the tremor
frequency and the tremor amplitude within a certain range, which indicates that a particle damper with reasonable design
is suitable for tremor suppression.

Particle damper, tremor suppression, steady-state solution, harmonic excitation, parametric study

1. Introduction
studies. Particle dampers, however, are not found being
Tremor is an involuntary movement caused by Parkin- applied to tremor suppression.
son’s disease or other neurological diseases. Generally, Particle damping technology is a passive vibration
tremor is most likely to occur in hands and can be sim- control method taking advantage of momentum exchange
plified as harmonic excitation with a frequency range and energy dissipation caused by collisions between par-
between 2 and 12 Hz (Gillard et al., 2002). Medications ticles and the cavity walls. The particle damper has ad-
and deep brain stimulation, which are clinical treatments vantages such as simple construction (Chatterjee, 2008),
against tremor, can threaten patient’s life with severe side low cost (Gharib and Karkoub, 2017), robustness
effects. (Dehghan-Niri et al., 2012), reliability (Afsharfard and
To relieve this problem, various wearable robots with Kolahan, 2013), wide damping frequency band (Park
passive absorbers were designed for tremor suppression. et al., 2009), and insensitivity to extreme temperatures
Constrained layer damping was a wearable system with (Fowler et al., 2000).
single degree of freedom which could reduce tremors of the Multiparticle collisions and the basic energy dissipation
wrist by using viscous damping (Kotovsky and Rosen, mechanism of particle dampers bring great difficulties to
1998). A flexible metal plate could transform the rota-
tional motion of the wrist into the rectilinear motion of the
damper. Wearable orthosis for tremor assessment and 1
Department of Disaster Mitigation for Structures, Tongji University, China
suppression provided an approach to reduce the upper limb 2
State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji
tremor in three degrees of freedom (Rocon et al., 2007a, University, China
2007b). Gebai et al. (2018) compared the performance of Received: 28 July 2020; accepted: 5 October 2020
different types of passive absorber with a three-degree-of-
Corresponding author:
freedom upper limb model. Zhikuang Huang, Department of Disaster Mitigation for Structures, Tongji
Wearable robots with passive absorbers have produced University, Siping Road No. 1239, Shanghai 200092, China.
significant reduction of tremor amplitude in previous Email: 1932383@tongji.edu.cn
2 Journal of Vibration and Control 0(0)

obtain the analytical solutions of system response. Hence,

simplified analytical methods and numerical simulation
methods have been carried out by many scholars. Papalou
and Masri (1996) established an impact damper model with
one particle to study the multiparticle damper. Lu et al.
(2017) simplified the multiparticle as an equivalent particle
following certain rules in the case that the particles do not
accumulate. Yan et al. (2019) established a mechanical
model of the particle damper taking account of the rolling
friction effect.
This study establishes a mechanical model of the particle
damper attached to a human hand biomechanical model.
Multiple particles are simplified as an equivalent particle,
and the sliding friction is considered. Analytical solutions Figure 1. Angular displacement of the upper limb pathological
for the steady-state motion of the particle damper under tremor.
harmonic tremor excitation are obtained by theoretical
analysis based on the hypothesis that there are two sym-
metric collisions per cycle. This is the first attempt to use Although the pathological tremor response has nonlinear
particle damping technology for tremor suppression, and characteristics, it can be approximately regarded as a linear
the effectiveness of the particle damper is validated. In second-order system in the case that a wearable tremor
addition, it is of interest to evaluate the particle damper suppression device is attached on the tremor hand because
performance in controlling the vibration of the human hand, lots of previous work showed that this approximation agrees
which has lighter damping and stiffness than traditional well with measured tremor data (Adelstein, 1981; Randall,
structures. The performance of the particle damper in this 1973; Rocon et al., 2004; Timmer et al., 1998). Therefore,
unusual case is studied by parameter analysis. the motion of a specific joint is expressed as follows
The contents of this study are arranged as follows:
J θ€ þ C θ_ þ Kθ ¼ T sinðωt þ τÞ (2)
Section 2 analyzes the human hand biomechanical model
and establishes a mechanical model of the particle damper where C is the damping of the specific joint, K is the
for tremor suppression. In Section 3, the discontinuous stiffness of the specific joint, T is the maximum tremor
impact process is theoretically analyzed to obtain the sol- torque, ω is the tremor frequency, and θ_ is the angular
utions for the steady-state motion of the particle damper. velocity of the tremor part.
Section 4 validates the solutions for the steady-state motion For the design and manufacture of a wearable tremor
of the particle damper by a numerical simulation and ex- suppression orthosis which only allows flexion–extension
perimental study. Section 5 analyzes the influence of some movement of the wrist, the tremor hand studied in this
important damper parameters to further evaluate its article is regarded as a single-degree-of-freedom damped
damping mechanism in suppressing the hand tremor and forced vibration system, and its stiffness coefficient is
movements. negligible (Lehman and Calhoun, 1990). Tremor suppres-
sion can be realized by applying extra torque to the tremor
2. Mechanical model of the particle hand, which is provided by particle dampers in this study.
The addition of the damper can be treated by adding ex-
damper for tremor suppression
ternal damping to the biomechanical system from the
The motion of common tremors is similar to the sinusoidal perspective of conceptual design. Considering the damping
motion, and the frequency and amplitude of the severe coefficient of the human hand is much lower than the
tremors are 3 Hz and 30° (Kotovsky and Rosen, 1998). The damping coefficient provided by particle dampers, the
torque produced by muscle Mt, which results in tremor in damping coefficient of the human hand is ignored, and
parts of the human body, is expressed by equation (1) the equation of motion of the tremor hand is described as

Mt ¼ J  θ€ (1) J θ€ ¼ Mt  m (3)

where J is the rotational inertia of the tremor part, θ is the where m is the resistant torque provided by dampers.
angular displacement of the tremor part, and θ€ is the angular When the particles do not accumulate, an equivalent
acceleration of the tremor part. particle can replace the multiparticle following certain rules
The motion curve of pathological tremor can be regarded (Lu et al., 2018). This study focuses on obtaining the steady-
as sinusoid approximately, as shown in Figure 1 (Gillard state solution of the tremor hand with the particle damper
et al., 2002). under harmonic tremor excitation. The friction between the
Lu and Huang 3

Figure 2. Mechanical model of the particle damper for tremor suppression.

equivalent particle and the particle damper should be From equation (4), the solution of the particle damper is
considered, and it is assumed to be the sliding friction.
According to the above analysis of the human hand >
> M =ω2 sinðωt þ τÞ  1=2Fs βt 2 þ C1 t þ C2
biomechanical model and the particle damper, the me- < xc ¼
chanical model of the particle damper for tremor sup- >
> 1
pression is established, as shown in Figure 2. The gear : xp ¼ vt þ at 2
transmission is designed to amplify the particle damper
cavity response for a better damping performance. In where C1, C2, and τ are unknown constants, t is time, v is
Figure 2, d is the gap clearance in which the equivalent the initial velocity of the equivalent particle, a ¼ Fs =mp ,
particle is free to oscillate, r, r1, and r2 are the radii of the β ¼ r=α, and B ¼ J =β þ mc β.
corresponding gears, respectively, mp is the mass of the For steady-state motion with two collisions per cycle, if
equivalent particle, mc is the mass of the particle damper the moment of one collision is assumed to be t = 0, then the
cavity, k1 is the impact stiffness, c1 is the contact damping, next collision will occur at t = π/ω. For the first half-period,
M(t) is the tremor torque, xc, x_c , and x€c are the displacement, the moment of the first collision can be decomposed into
velocity, and acceleration of the particle damper, re- two moments, and they are the pre-collision time t = 0 and
spectively, and xp, x_p , and x€p are the displacement, velocity, the post-collision time t = 0+. Similarly, the moment of the
and acceleration of the equivalent particle, respectively. second collision in this period can also be decomposed into
the pre-collision time t = (π/ω) and the post-collision time
t = (π/ω)+. This type of motion can be represented in the
3. Dynamic response of the particle phase plane by a periodic process as shown in Figure 3
damper attached to the hand (Masri and Caughey, 1966).
In the first half-period, the equation of motion of the particle As shown in Figure 3, x_b is the velocity of the particle
damper, between two adjacent collisions, is damper before the first collision, x_a is the velocity of the
8 particle damper after the first collision, and xb is the particle
> J€θ ¼ M sinðωt þ τÞ  Fr damper displacement at the moment of the first collision.
θr ¼ αxc The duration of the collision is very small than the period of
> αF ¼ mc x€c þ Fs the excitation. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that at
mp x€p ¼ Fs t = 0+, the positions of the particle damper and the equiv-
alent particle remain the same, whereas their respective
where F is the tangential force between the first gear r and absolute velocities are discontinuously changed (Masri and
the second gear r1, α ¼ r1 =r2 , M is the maximum tremor Caughey, 1966). To satisfy the assumption of steady-state
torque, and Fs is the sliding friction motion, the displacement and velocity at t = (π/ω) should
Fs ¼ μmp g (5) be the negative of those at t = 0. At the moment imme-
diately following the collision, the absolute velocity of the
where μ is the coefficient of sliding friction and g is the equivalent particle is denoted as v, and its value is assumed
gravity acceleration. to remain unchanged, whereas its velocity direction is
4 Journal of Vibration and Control 0(0)

< C1 ¼ ½ðAa  Ab ÞBv þ Fs βπ=ω=2
C ¼ ½ðAb  Aa ÞBvπ=ω=4 (11)
: 2
τ ¼ cos1 ðFxb þ GÞ

The corresponding parameters are described in Table 1.

With the value of C1, C2, and τ from equation (11), the
motion of the particle damper in the first half-period (0 ≤ t ≤
π/ω) is determined.
According to the above analysis, the motion of the
particle damper in the ith (i = 2, 3, 4, ...) half-period ((i 
1)π/ω ≤ t ≤ iπ/ω) can also be expressed as

M =ω2 sinðωt þ τðiÞÞ  1=2Fs βt 2 ð1Þiþ1

þ C1 ðiÞt þ C2 ðiÞ
xc ðiÞ ¼ (12)

τðiÞ, C1(i), and C2(i) can be obtained according to the

continuous displacement of the particle damper and mo-
mentum conservation equation at the collision process (Yan
et al., 2019). The solutions of τðiÞ, C1(i), and C2(i) are given
as follows
> τðiÞ ¼ cos1 A  ð1Þiþ1 Fs βði  1Þπ=M  ði  1Þπ
> C1 ðiÞ ¼ 2ð1Þi mp ωBðv þ aπ=ωÞ ½mc ði  1Þπ
Figure 3. Phase plane representation of the steady-state motion. < C2 ðiÞ ¼ xc ðði  1Þπ=ωÞ B þ M ω2 sinðði  1Þπ þ τðiÞÞ

> þ ð1Þ iþ1
F βði  1Þ2 π 2 2ω2
> s
opposite to the one immediately preceding the collision >
>  i
> A ¼  mc x_c ðði  1Þπ=ωÞ þ2mp ðv þ aπ=ωÞð1Þ
(Masri and Caughey, 1966). Therefore, the system should >
:  Bω=m M
satisfy the following conditions c

t ¼ 0 , xc ¼ xb , x_c ¼ x_b , x_p ¼ v (13)
t ¼ 0þ , xc ¼ xb , x_c ¼ x_a , x_p ¼ v
where xc ðði  1Þπ=ωÞ is the displacement of the particle
 damper preceding the first collision in the ith half-period,
t ¼ ðπ=ωÞ , xc ¼ xb , x_c ¼ x_b , x_p ¼ v þ πa=ω and x_c ðði  1Þπ=ωÞ is the velocity of the particle damper
t ¼ ðπ=ωÞþ , xc ¼ xb , x_c ¼ x_a , x_p ¼ v  πa=ω preceding the first collision in the ith half-period.
(8) Hence, the steady-state solution for the mechanical
model of the particle damper for tremor suppression is
Assume that the equivalent particle performs uniformly obtained.
accelerated motion from side to side. The absolute velocity
of the equivalent particle v is expressed as follows
ω aπ 4. Model verification
v ¼ ðd  2xb Þ  (9)
π 2ω
4.1. Numerical simulation
From the definition of the coefficient of restitution e and
To figure out if the steady-state solution for the mechanical
the momentum conservation equation during collision, we
model of the particle damper for tremor suppression does
have equation (10) as follows
have the characteristics as shown in Figure 3, cases 1–4 are

mc x_b  mp v ¼ mc x_a þ mp v chosen for the numerical simulation using the MATLAB
(10) programs, as shown in Table 2.
x_a  v ¼ eðx_b þ vÞ
Considering the interactions between the cavity walls
From equations (6)–(10), the expressions for C1, C2, and and the equivalent particle, the governing equation of the
τ are obtained as follows tremor suppression system is written as follows
Lu and Huang 5

Table 1. Parameters for equation (11).

xb ¼ I ± I2  4HL=2H H ¼ D2 þ F 2 I ¼ 2ðDE þ FGÞ
L ¼ E2 þ G 2  1 D ¼ ððAb  Aa þ 2ÞB=2Þðω2 =MÞ E ¼ ððAa  Ab ÞB=4Þðd  ðaπ 2 =2ω2 ÞÞððω2 =MÞÞ
F ¼ ðAa þ Ab ÞBω =πM
Aa ¼ ðmc ð1  eÞ  2mp eÞ=mc ð1 þ eÞ Ab ¼ ðmc ð1  eÞ þ 2mp Þ=mc ð1 þ eÞ
G ¼ ððAa þ Ab ÞBÞ=2ððωd=πÞ  ðaπ=2ωÞÞðω=MÞ þ 1=2ðFs βπ=MÞ

Table 2. Parameters for numerical verification.

Case r (cm) r1 (cm) r2 (cm) d (cm) Jðkg  m2 Þ MðN  mÞ ω mc (g) mp (g) μ
1 2 1 1.5 1 4:48 × 103 2.80 11π 110 36.9 0.1
2 4 1 1.5 1 4:48 × 103 2.80 11π 110 49.2 0.1
3 2 1 1.5 2 4:48 × 103 2.80 11π 110 36.9 0.1
4 4 1 1.5 2 4:48 × 103 2.80 11π 110 49.2 0.1
Note: The values of parameters here are consistent with those in the following experiment. To make the differences between the four motion trajectories
more obvious, the radii of the first gear r in case 3 and case 4 are 4 cm, whereas the experimental ones are 2 cm.

> J θ€ ¼ M sinðωt þ τÞ  Fr where Mb is the body weight, mb is the mean correlation
< θr ¼ αx mass, L is the hand length, and R is the mean radius of
(14) rotation.
> αF ¼ mcx _  k1 GðyÞ
€c þ Fs  c1 Hðy,yÞ
Thus, from the above analysis, the rotational inertia of
: m x€ þ c Hðy,yÞ _ þ k1 GðyÞ ¼ Fs the adult male hand is
p p 1

where Hðy,yÞ _ and GðyÞ are nonlinear functions corre- J ¼ ð75 kg × 0:61%Þ × ð0:196 m × 51:3%Þ
sponding to impact forces, and the relevant details can be ¼ 4:48 × 103 kg  m2
seen in (Lu et al., 2017).
Using the Runge–Kutta algorithm to solve equation (14), Figure 5 shows the tremor suppression experimental
the motion trajectories of the particle damper in four cases device. In Figure 5, serial number 1 is mass block, number 2
are shown in Figure 4. The numerical results agree with the is the cantilever, number 3 is the motor, number 4 is the
periodic two collisions per cycle motion as shown in battery pack, number 5 is the third gear, number 6 is the
Figure 3. Therefore, the solution does satisfy the assump- particle damper cavity, number 7 is the first gear, number 8
tion mentioned above, and the theoretical analysis is val- is the second gear, number 9 is the steel ball, and number 10
idated to be correct. is the slide rail. The cantilever driven by the motor can
simulate the tremor of the human hand in single degree of
freedom, and it is connected with the particle damper by
4.2. Tremor suppression experiment
gears and transmission shaft. The particle collisions can
Many researchers have studied the frequency and the dissipate the energy of the system and therefore realize the
amplitude of tremors and found that the characteristic of tremor suppression.
tremors varies depending on the patient situation. The The experimental device is made of LEGO Technic
frequency and the amplitude of common tremors are shown Brick. The weight, the length, and the width of the particle
in Table 3. damper cavity are 45 g, 6 cm, and 3.5 cm, respectively. The
Human dimensions of Chinese adults (GB10000-88) radius of the first gear, the second gear, and the third gear are
provide 47 kinds of human dimension data for product 2 cm, 1 cm, and 1.5 cm, respectively. The particle damper
design, architectural design, and military industry (Wang cavity can move freely on the slide rail, and its gap clearance
et al., 2006). Human dimensions related to this experiment can be changed.
are shown in Table 4. The tremor suppression experimental device can simu-
Leva (1996) gave the mean related mass and mean late the human hand tremor whose frequency and amplitude
turning radius of the human body, as shown in Table 5. are 5.5 Hz and 30°, respectively. The 10-mm diameter steel
The rotational inertia of a part of the human body can be ball is selected, and the mass of each steel ball is 4.1 g. A
described as follows horizontal acceleration sensor is attached to the particle
damper to obtain the acceleration response. Five sets of
J ¼ ðMb  mb ÞðL  RÞ2 (15) experiment cases are carried out for the verification of the
6 Journal of Vibration and Control 0(0)

Figure 4. Numerical simulation of the particle damper motion trajectory: (a) case 1; (b) case 2; (c) case 3; and (d) case 4.

Table 3. Frequency and amplitude of tremors. Table 4. Human dimensions.

Tremor type Frequency (Hz) Maximum amplitude (°) Measuring project Male Female
Essential tremor 5–8, 4–12 and 3–11 30 Height (mm) 1678 1754 1775 1570 1640 1659
Parkinson’s tremor 3–6 26 Weight (kg) 59 71 75 52 63 66
Cerebellar tremor 2–4 30 Hand length (mm) 183 193 196 171 180 183
Hand width (mm) 82 87 89 76 80 82

mechanical model. The particle damper parameters of each

case are shown in Table 6. Table 5. Parameters for male and female.
The comparison between the experimental results and Mean related Transverse Longitudinal
the theoretical results is shown in Figure 6. As can be seen, mass (%) Sagittal R (%) R (%) R (%)
the theoretical results agree well with the experimental
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
results, but the experimental frequency varies around 5.5 Hz
because of the unstable rotary speed of the motor applied in Hand 0.61 0.56 62.8 53.1 51.3 45.4 40.1 33.5
the experimental devices.
The relative error of peak acceleration between theoretical
results and experimental results is obtained for the quanti- agree with each other very well. The relative error of peak
tative analysis, as shown in Table 7. It can be seen that the acceleration is less than 11% in four cases. However, there is
vibration reduction ratio of peak acceleration is more than still a certain error. On the one hand, numerous factors can
20%, and the experimental results and theoretical results influence the experimental results, but the theoretical method
Lu and Huang 7

Figure 5. Tremor suppression experimental device: (a) lateral view; (b) vertical view; (c) simplified model 1; and (d) simplified model 2.

Table 6. Case parameters of simulating tremor suppression experiment.

Case Number of steel balls Total mass of steel balls (g) Additional mass ratio (%) Gap clearance (cm)
Case 0 0 0 0
Case 1 9 36.9 3.31 1
Case 2 12 49.2 4.41 1
Case 3 9 36.9 3.31 2
Case 4 12 49.2 4.41 2

cannot take account of all parameters. On the other hand, the the mass ratio, tremor amplitude, tremor frequency, and gap
particle damper has strong nonlinearity even under the clearance. As the standard parameters, the values of the
harmonic excitation, and its damping mechanism is still mass ratio, gap clearance, tremor frequency, and tremor
unclear. The mechanical model established in this study is amplitude are 0.07, 0.01 m, 5.5 Hz, and 30°, respectively.
a simplified version. For instance, the interaction between the The mass ratio ranges from 0.000 to 0.080 with an interval
particle and particle is not considered. of 0.004 for the evaluation of the mass ratio effect. The gap
From the comparison between the experimental results clearance ranges from 0.005 m to 0.050 m with an interval
and the theoretical results, it is shown that the tremor of 0.005 m for the evaluation of the gap clearance effect.
suppression system can be reasonably analyzed through the The tremor frequency ranges from 4.5 Hz to 10.0 Hz with an
mechanical model of the particle damper for tremor sup- interval of 0.5 Hz for the evaluation of the tremor frequency
pression established in this study. However, the mechanical effect. The tremor amplitude ranges from 20° to 40° with an
model was validated under a limited condition. The ex- interval of 5° for the evaluation of the tremor amplitude
periment to evaluate the effect of the frequency and the effect. The vibration reduction ratio is shown in Figure 7
amplitude on the damping performance will be conducted in and it is described as follows
the future work.
The vibration reduction ratio
5. Parameter analysis response without control–response with control
¼ ×100%
The mechanical model of the particle damper for tremor response without control
suppression can be studied through the influence analysis of (17)
8 Journal of Vibration and Control 0(0)

Figure 6. Acceleration response of the experimental results and theoretical results. The left column is time history response, and the
right column is the corresponding acceleration amplitude spectrum: (a), (b) case 0; (c), (d) case 1; (e), (f) case 2; (g), (h) case 3; and (i), (j)
case 4.
Lu and Huang 9

Figure 6. Continued.

Table 7. Relative error of peak acceleration. the mass ratio is larger than 0.07, the efficiency of the in-
creasing mass ratio becomes very low.
Case Case 0 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 It can be seen from Figure 7(b) that the vibration re-
Experimental value 22.41 17.95 17.66 17.14 16.74 duction ratio of the tremor suppression system decreases as
(ms2) the gap clearance increases. The vibration reduction ratio
Theoretical value 23.15 18.64 18.61 18.62 18.57 becomes less than zero when the gap clearance is larger than
(ms2) 0.04 m, which means that the tremor is severer in these
Relative error (%) 3.30 3.84 5.38 8.63 10.93 cases. From the preliminary experiments, it can be found
that when the gap clearance is larger than a certain value, the
particles can hardly behave as a single equivalent particle
As shown in Figure 7, it describes the vibration reduction and collide with the cavity wall two times per cycle. In some
ratio of the tremor hand angular displacement affected by four cases, the collisions will not even occur at the cavity wall.
sets of parameters, which can represent the efficiency of the Hence, the actual damping ratio is very low, and the the-
tremor suppression system in different situations. According to oretical method is not applicable when the value of the gap
Figure 7(a), the vibration reduction ratio increases as the mass clearance is too large. When the value of the gap clearance
ratio of the particle increases. And the vibration reduction ratio approaches to zero, the particles tend to move together with
growth slows down as the mass ratio of the particle increases. the cavity walls. Therefore, the relative collision velocity is
The contact force produced by the collisions and the sliding close to zero. In this case, the energy dissipation and the
friction force both increase when the mass of particles become momentum exchange during the collision process decrease
larger, which indicates more energy dissipation and thus leads to a low level, which results in a low actual damping ratio.
to the increase of the vibration reduction ratio. However, when Hence, the theoretical method presented in this study is not
10 Journal of Vibration and Control 0(0)

Figure 7. Vibration reduction ratio of different cases: (a) additional mass ratio of particles; (b) gap clearance of the particle damper
cavity; (c) tremor frequency; and (d) tremor amplitude.

recommended for the cases with very large or small gap mechanical model, when the two-collision-per-cycle as-
clearance. In these cases, the assumption that the particles sumption is satisfied. As long as the tremor frequency is
collide with the cavity walls twice per cycle is not satisfied. high enough, the vibration reduction ratio of the angular
As shown in Figure 7(c), the vibration reduction ratio displacement of the tremor hand becomes approximately
increases with the increase of the tremor frequency, and it independent of the tremor frequency. When the tremor
becomes flat when the frequency is larger than 7.5 Hz. It is frequency changes stochastically in the actual tremor cases,
assumed that the tremor frequency is constant in the theo- the particle damper would have an acceptable damping
retical simulation. However, the actual tremor frequency of performance.
the patients varies stochastically within a certain range. The
changing trend of the vibration reduction ratio influenced by
6. Conclusions
the tremor frequency indicates that the damping performance
of the particle damper changes slightly from 7 Hz to 10 Hz, Based on the previous studies of particle dampers and tremor
which is an important characteristic for tremor suppression. suppression robots, this study established the mechanical
It can be seen from Figure 7(d) that the vibration re- model of the particle damper for tremor suppression, and the
duction ratio of the tremor suppression system increases as dynamic response of the particle damper is solved by the-
the tremor amplitude increases. When the tremor amplitude oretical analysis. The reasonability of the mechanical model
increases with a given frequency, the collisions become of the particle damper for tremor suppression is numerically
more violent leading to the increase of the relative velocity, and experimentally verified. The parametric study is carried
as well as the contact force during collision process. Hence, out for better understanding the tremor suppression system
more energy dissipation is obtained, and the damping with the particle damper. After a series of analysis, several
performance of the particle damper increases. conclusions are drawn as follows:
According to the above analysis, it can be concluded that
the particle damper is effective for tremor suppression of the 1. A mechanical model of the particle damper for tremor
human hand. It is believed that a particle damper with the suppression is established. Its steady-state solutions
moderate gap clearance is more suitable for this kind of the are obtained and verified. The relative error of peak
Lu and Huang 11

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Declaration of conflicting interests
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The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect seismic excitation. Earthquake Engineering & Structural
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