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St on egat e Ann ual Hom eo wn er ’s Ass oci ati on

Meet in g Mi nute s
Date: Aug. 26, 2008 Location: Caldwell Public Library

I. Call to Order:
a. Attending HOA Members: Camara, Mayberry, Porter,
Nightingale/Lopez, Baker, Brown, Hensley, Scott/Miller, McKay,
Thompson, Orton, Hendrick, Gigray, Bartrop, Arreola, Lammon, Pfiefer,

b. Administrative Matters: Meeting directed by Mike Madsen with MGM

c. Call for Proxies: 1 proxy

d. Establish Quorum: Only 18 attending votes of 37 required to meet

51% of 72 homes to establish a quorum; No quorum established, no
vote able to be taken on raising dues

II. Welcome Home Owners

a. Introduction of Board Members: Alicia Brown and Amy
Nightengale. Both have served for over 3 years. Gratitude was
expressed for their service on the board.

III. Financial Report

a. 2008 Budget - Form “Stonegate Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, Jan
08-Dec 09” Prepared by MGM

i. Income 2008: Actual $17640; Budget $8880

ii. Expenses 2008: Actual $5,865.89; Budget $16,749

iii. Administrative Total Expenses: Actual $1346. 34; Budget


1. MGM reviewed and discussed each item: Annual Meeting

did not cost to reserve library; Insurance paid for covers
liability for subdivision common areas and to protect
board members while acting in their office and according
to CCRs; Stonegate has three bank accounts with positive
balances and no bank fees have been incurred; Postage
and Printing cost is incurred as MGM purchases a roll of
stamps at a time to send out notices, HOA bills,
newsletters, etc.; $50 is budgeted for Community Events
but has not been used; Taxes are prepared by a
contracted accountant each year and state taxes are paid
to Idaho each year as we are an Idaho Non-Profit

iv. Contract Total Expenses: Actual $4,040; Budget $13,800.

1. 8400 Landscape Contract: Actual $2240; Budget

** The budgeted amount is estimated far too high.
The contract we have is for $280 per month for 8
months of the year equaling $2240 for the year.
This needs to be adjusted on MGMs budget. ***

a. Our landscape contract with Jay’s landscaping

covers mowing, spraying, sprinkler repair and blow
out. Willing to do more but needs direction from the
board. The way in which new contracts are made
are to get three bids and choose one. We have an 8
month contract with our landscape crew.

b. Home Owner's brought up the following

1. Landscaping at entrance of subdivision needs
replacement bark and replacement of dead trees
and plants.
2. Sprinkler timing needs to be adjusted for
sprinklers in front common areas as they are
flooding into the street.
3. Street lights need to be checked
4. Leaking Manhole needs to be addressed - talk
with City
5. Detention Pond - needs fixing, raise the
elevation of the pond to remove standing water.

2. 6380 Management Monthly: Actual $1800; Budget

$5400 - This cost covers our 1 year contract with MGM.
Fee is $450/month. We have a contract with them until
April 09. Members expressed opinions for and against
using a management company.

a. Statements made by Homeowners Pro

Management Company:
1. Being an active board member and staying up
on all the responsibilities of the home owner's
association is a large time commitment, difficult to
get dues, difficult to approach neighbors in
violation of the CCRs, etc. It is convenient to pay a
management company to take over all the
paperwork and contacting delinquent homeowners
and enforce CCRs.
2. A management company has the resources and
experience in helping to keep a HOA going.
3. MGM states that there is still over $10,000 in
dues that are delinquent and that they will help to
recover that amount for our HOA.
4. Many past board members gave their support in
having a management company, stating that
"Unless you have tried to do it, you don't know how
hard it is to be a responsible member of the board."
and that they were lucky to get 60% of the dues
each year.

b. Statements made by Homeowners Con

Management Company

1. The risk for increase dues. MGM proposes to

increase dues $90 next year.
2. The board still needs to be very involved in the
HOA. If there is a small claims dispute, board
members still must attend the dispute. Board is still
responsible for the budget, enforcement, and
ensuring our HOA is running according to CCRs
3. The management company does not live in our
subdivision - they are unaware of current problems
(the detention basin not draining, the manhole
leaking, the sprinklers malfunctioning) as well as
current home owner's situations (For example, one
home owner received a notice that his truck with
crane could not be parked in his driveway. This
truck is used every day for the homeowner's
livelihood and is his business and how he affords to
have a home. Mike from MGM stated that he needs
to have him contact them and fill out a variance).
4. Not all records are accurate with how much
different homeowner's owe for dues. This is
partially due to a computer failure of the treasurer
before records were transferred to MGM.
5. Some members expressed desire to shop
around for a cheaper management company or
bookkeeping company to work with the paperwork.
MGM reported that it is true that they are not the
cheapest management company out there, but
they feel that they do quality work and are worth
the money.

c. Despite disagreements of HOA members, it was

resolved that we are in a contract with MGM until
April and to work with them and reevaluate desire
to work with a management company or not next

d. Concern over communication with Board and

Homeowner’s expressed. During this discussion
past concerns were also brought up for reasons
dues were not paid in the past such as bills were
sent infrequently, no contact information of where
to return dues to, little communication with
knowing who board members were and difficulty to
contact. Ideas presented to improve
communication included newsletter, MGM website
and subdivision blog.

v. Common Area Total Expenses: Actual: $295.26; Budget:


1. Covers power bill, common area repair, sprinkler repair,

and landscape upgrade. (See homeowner’s concerns
under landscape contract above.) The budgeted amounts
may need to be adjusted to fix common area problems.

vi. Irrigation Total Expenses: Actual: $295.26; Budget: $300

vii. Enforcement Total Expenses: Actual: $0; Budget $550

1. Covers CCR Enforcement/Attorney, Collection

Enforcement/ Small Claims, and Certified Mailings. If
homeowner’s are delinquent on dues they can be sent to
collection or small claims court. Request given by a
homeowner to not have liens placed on homes for
amounts less than the cost of placing and taking a lien on
home. MGM has an employee that periodically drives
around subdivision to assess compliance with CCRs. If
non-compliance is noted, a photo is taken and a written
notice is sent out to homeowner. Further action can be
taken if homeowner remains non-compliant.

b. Home Owner Delinquencies: $13,540 in dues is yet to be recovered

i. This amount includes $60 dues billed as due Sept. 1st, which
normally would not be due until December. Why the change in
due date? Delinquent dues not including September payment
equals $9,640

ii. Because of computer crash prior to transfer of records to MGM,

there are also errors in the records. **Any Homeowner who
would like to report dues paid that are not showing on
bill needs to send proof of check clearing bank to MGM
to verify and update their records.**

IV. Nomination and Election of Board Members

a. Nominations and Election Results in this order:
1.) Brent Orton
2.) Jim Porter
3.) Jennifer Scott
4.) Alicia Brown
5.) Amanda Gigray & Karla Baker (same # of votes)
6.) Samuel Henley
7.) Brad Bartrop & two other write-ins only received one vote each.

b. Board Members announced: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Jennifer Scott

V. New Business
a. Neighborhood Watch Committee Sign Up:

i. Jennifer Scott, Carolyn Thompson, Alicia Brown, Tanya Orton,

Amy Lopez, Karla Baker, Tristi Hendrick, Brand & Joanna Bartrop,
Will & Amanda Gigray

b. Park Committee Sign Up:

i. Jennifer Scott, Tanya Orton, Amy Lopez, Will & Amanda Gigray

c. Newsletter Committee Sign Up:

i. Jennifer Scott, Carolyn Thompson, Amy Lopez, Karla Baker, Alicia

Brown, Will & Amanda Gigray

d. Anyone other homeowner’s who would like to be part of these

committees can contact the new board members.
VI. Any Other Business

VII. Adjournment

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