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0) S oa Ton Chief ‘esas [Rex ——— - _ + |lEstappel + |Admissien ond Conkession _ + {Exclusion _ef __ovall —t locus tines — aes cur in Asse : 7 t : = | Main principles chich wlitie “Ho jour ok IA OULEL. on = ———=Hvie : WS" be cot io! Ho. jst the Mal tte is Lin__issuso - fists enjcloton. must at be adiuitied . fe exiolenes gust be HU yell jn afl ecises- eo = Diterpreiction cluuse + [Foct - monn ane! includes: | eapeble i penecical the “Senses ony mural vetditien _ af _ whieh ayy pus ee etl netecmlac. ——sight clit suit aii aed ed * —in any. lee proceeding mates ly Se oe ay. ce by snloctin a bi IS, —hhen s a = J be eae” which aula. used, far cpusypose. St ssetding hock mocther Eviclunet = acct incl ineluidlis: ill Lefomerts whieh the Cours peenit fee to be _atiole bf ak by 3 : es in elation — fo ancl wh tut wool inguin, __ [Oval Eviolonce] “oll desuwnart ) ineludling. ze oletienic soccatel: preducid fer Jin pectien eouedl —_ushon fe ___ssdaingt hn — ators BE it, the Coust eetho —e do exist a+ | consiclat: dis _existeneo. salable thet a} Whe epourtiewla easeste ck upea the upp ities boat iF exists - tDispre i 1 Cart tae iP ab dee: ast pdst=-er « _prucl yk Fas — seg in ott pan the cipposttian -thoel & doe ne exist ig ae some deen Os) BD wv] Net proved — ee ee - be) i proved uston__ts__nehor -prowecL mem * Meas - ee it je proviclesl _b this eh oe _, __ a a ol fowt,.1 4 a proved > unl wutil: Js cisprard, st may ll ton break u Lis Ack shake Cour shall pees ot__feet it hell ___scecyourel woh fuk ga | lpraedl unl and util it is oli proved) spi wt eprovecl_ anal hull Frei atlleus evidlonen do! be i x the purpose gf dlisptoving. Evidiinen Act — 1872 ofiver__ fae | 1 25 ark, LL_chaplers\6— sehen s — = Rikvency ef Farts _(s-5=13) 1 | fice Sin 655, flleusiny ave welvont farts | stctematts — —smutole un aa Indnissions (612-23) anol — Confessions _ (S. 2k -0)__ lor spaniel _ OT hesrate, Bi owreuunsteunees (5, 24-7 — pe ted poe eS) Neha ueie sf parties (5.6255) a (Rel eis of ___furts, > [Dedrine ef Res resto (Sue 6) Ike caarnctncl ust Ly Fads which heuer aot in issue cone do foe cunt of the ae velotcoutt; yshrllue _ - Hnunsaehion tie. luis, : e Hiay, —_eooureal ote gmt dlifforen: time. ino spn» — : wi gesup oP fot A trans ouctien is ict 2. a Lncferneal to "anal Loot nome such a of doit, conthcrct dette cle. ue tei be ee wey, pelts ushich anette > |Se-% = Farts which ou the __Aotolsten., cause gt__ of for} ef lelerscutt: turks aye fork: in _issue wot ef | velour bof ae welt Netive Frepoucettion anol Conolust __(See 8) soul ushich —_esnetitucto; lnotive gt jen fet onli. Dust a isou ot _-velusant: fut 9 G The candice of — a ts a . Ur ° aay a Sta fast is relowaut — : a in___jssut_ot eelncant ag wel pretieu ok ub: equal Herta yeiolnee oil cireumshones dn : i Reparetien accu aurtaunopl nog ~tho | din fot__-th commission of yond Ey ernie. is mores solu -poeteced by i Px} > iu issien. oan “+ not qutichahl Peep i 2. 1 Ean 24 untshesble exp pt. in tases — } | — bs Facts, snes. fet in issue et avert Fant pie whieh suppest st wobuet cn___ inference hs ony ——suth for axe arhi aga — E (See-10) ou hue i sesseriuble __gretinel _to —_h Lies thet Qo mane Dorset, hove | eonspived sogdhyr to opm ea offence anything, ick clone ge usdfen by ooty of Ranh persons ip veforonet doi comin gi ae ees ee eee ushon uth itertion ust Siret enterterincal by 8S thous i celovent i S — Cendebions __for__spplicoctien of Seo. 10+ secs i 5 Esa a Jet enn: of censpiiittet }—{aill Ieommion __ardartion 3) ast st ___ctutom Ui at t be in neferenon fo ceouilen RT LAist (Seu) Fak oot ethoriiae welexeunt ue ae prey att: cle ey. aye consistent uth Bik “ sth Bai or as le by -thomselise ot in _eennochen wth ether tarts yy ke she —eishnce gen ancand + hlibi __(anused. pls of —fieues) | onl ar + Icusvivetl of tho bland clovtasenl + HI cetmissien of Poe 3 pepsin 2 {Right er ec 13) | lie falleustue owe welts 2 - | rm r he aight ere { aM use orcs cleuinad ,odifieel, sereynised,, fe Rl “ot clontect. I vtiulax __inshunes in which the eight ot eet! = cleuined, heeegnizecl pte lencoftlse wot wi | dmissien wtoised, | pt in whioh its ” Lepadd asstrheol gh —_cepaeleol ise (S:1#-23) ee 2 isi Y Joon white | att Pe Wid f: in - interes eo. hs. =f nu Joe 3 i in JSS. eeluseurt Fact _cinal uchtsh. RS que cl tho parses.» FS conl nolo i m : _4~ _> S18 =| Aolmissien: md by —_4- i {party do “pro. st his agent : al - ised Sa aera « lpensen: fren __uchem ___infewest is dyvivedk. ant ubjest peter Stfe nent pnotole by partie do 5 cuit suing lst being uitel in a depiesentative . chanefor cae net actiissiens. 14 > Aelmissien by. persons, uhose position amust e proved. a cis} t pay tn cuit 20> folmissians Ho by party ah 7 <21= fn adlautssien rt cin__enviolonce inst Hr _-py urho. ho: anode athe olmiseien thovefer it cit be preyed. cugetinst him But fais soni prove he: Suen tom: ‘alert yedue sf aidmissten bog.al = catclinissian oloe, onset enstttecte lt__cencfiisive peo loolmetecl «De i only ot pes. Lacie. peat. Cevfessions (S-:24-30), L | lh ‘oanfessien” - me = _stetemont mole {fp —snsttel ang fl a cn a} is an _aolmission. ex __arknouledyonant ga) do esmmisston. af oun offence a + = i Undo inciple = f _cenfessien je 4 baseal BA Loci atlokzctims + / i vabssion in ‘udicin Onini Trebotienr Maier i Kot 3 micoen: centessi i juli 4 i qtr th £ 4 etfession Facto in___Judlicie Fst Plenot. iL eobitlie. > mest comfessien. i shi absehuh 4 lator t Feet of Confession. ‘ 4 ! . Low iens_— r, in | the cause of judisial___sprenceléngs: ————— t : Enc —juiial cession —ceaessins__ net —hdf— Ceutse. oe judicial proculin : t i | I Evialartiscy, yell sf cepfessien. +— [ cenfessien must be elon ancl ag k iudiotal esfessten: ef an queused ‘. noch. evi clonoe hg on be, _—~ feasich eg ofan shen, af ih the hectey of tho cea do cloniole —-~ is _& dhwedt er __prottise — is _Gredlourt ess — be fs — a — ny, i: Sa.26 = Cenfessiens fo, sfficus 4b incdmissil feuds wally st a er 26 — Cophessien snobs bu ain srouise of in. alien caste: ly hoof S ger spareel lanl fiom qT 0 2% = (hn on infecmedion given ist the Loctol be eol in police © shod” sto discovery, | pf ier shi ject thet pectien oe nfeamcthien cnt be proved : SaDA,21 = exeyplins to Sn. Jue | +2 = canfessien anceole ofbex removal _of jen ____eessisect inducement, threert ot | etna i gelocouth me 24 = cpifercien which i cthvusise __avlevan-,clees Inet be conn sivselowourt: beoauiise oe pratiise of __centeny ob Sees 30 = Ceasidiection of pesutol_—enale: jen affecting snk it ao ef aqui suc So a ‘pensen whe tke ee D | jg bee — a = 3.28 Dut wtign ——ds__slotomart ——_aetlen a 3 eluent _ fads mmatot___by oo _ en - i olonel et uhe sunnet be) Heunal ot ais hots beoang. inecrpable at | vine ‘oltee. st i og sannge be. poecivel. uttheut an ! of oll pi expenses: he basis cly ing — -clolwehen in i an i el chu Tia comb wwontive.” meaning. “a U0. not mu hi: ani wih. _ ot Hi 3 i Such festomnorr ote thumselve relevant in Following cuses-! 5 r azral putsea: can expsses aod . cl a to mtd ait epson - ny af duran slandesnerli — gt a ft Mawishortt (mast evidlnticeny “voulus) a i) Picea Phicor 2 in sthor passen an sili ed leer in altud iopell eaepecitien irnmneoliock _-_clectth.- af think he Henetreur it wall net - in cyststion urfily in Shaolin, it de ee Fe ee ee prce slings. Mnder_Enolish Daur a dhol must heave Leon tosh an pertain. sf : st mak JS. fe S__hopellss expectstion ef hort Hauser: -thore | i ao ut weniucnempnt wider Thdican Jouty- TE the declan hos dlieal the | stoma wk. explain she __circrimstaneys gf | a thon the isheutt usll__be__selbratt tie olvath, even) na. owulse hosel covisen - the __-fimg 7 4 J = = Examingtian of Witne of TEA) Choyrter 10 (See pol itt alos to exantitettien witness. ly, See 135 — Brdor sf 4 docluctian and excominotien Inf wsttnosses_: the ‘sialor shall be a ( by Lee. Y — slang, fo iyi! anol asinine Sec 13% = Sets in exaninchen of —_uridaosses in chief gt hie _eseatrminorhon w + lero: exci Re = exout” w { classmate ‘ | | || bah noha [Examination —in- Colas - ——_bs muss Fre Smee called by th spat Te __u____avlugels___For ti le olathe? ses in —supperd | [of his. ease. erccamuiiis. hom, jt \is ___asflacl. exeaunt=” in chief - i ohief- pr ee __ cain be putt eastun ae a eases: Only “ee cy ten. ewlal beady eh. Me 7 sci question ___is__gaa_uish suis suse. | | Cro Examinection | Ly tho exam" eo a uedtnoss by. th 1 00s party. i crullral oroSs —excom-" | ae i osisial a the most i peuxifull uxtpen, shou be thoy preniat 7 tortomonts sedi st yeclutonol Lchon a aad is SY ke ces ke puis ‘As. wt Oe fy carrerctes «tty dsccts sade he i ro. eeeeereeaaae [_ These fens enna __ - encoun: in chief. ae | Re= Eecouminothien, | Le offer chess exotht:” met if the pula | who _eatllol tho wrhno foals ncassary., he a oe ths. thas is to_ seplin a nous — acisedl. in oth. : do prove. coy bo Fc. mat refer do nous ne ue uth the periiissien __.ef __the lomiiet « L acing yucsti ten howl at aiskeol, lin ten exo” exept in _fefleunt cases: (jf met sbjectedl | by ao “i ite pect usd the pes ied. court D io esti mo ry anotgt- futher pe=epo: eaectino the. usitnass™ Looching Quustion (Sec: 4118-3) | sain tell. ts th tien i i Loy o “ welch bee ushich athe__—penson puting it ae is expects to eccive « Sor- 14-7 — When _ Locactin F wostion auist___net__be L ; ‘t ciskeal wading, —_quuctions ust otot__be in exam” = in = chief at nh re- exam.” with the permission. =-_ = WL a Court shall permit feat iE tn _aullers which ow 8 Lat und purladl bt whieh —,.in ts be se on olnealy eullvierly "pre (4 - 152 ole uth fen which onn wuss adh hake hi crealit by ofovan capyung his character: 9 S LZ - thon uschne L ayo shen hich nelcitos Wy to be eles te the suit S14 = Court shall —alooicle when —_guteshien be__askeal and ushen. i : Ql nn one's sbandening,_ i Finet_—— examined in hie. th _ ass do. oun __wilnass: TTTT TTY yyy yy a ee a

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