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(1) The growth mindset, (2) the abundance mindset, (3) positive thinking, (4) solution-oriented mindset,

(5) proactive thinking, (6) optimal thinking, (7) agile thinking, (8) regret minimization mindset and (9) the
ability to shut down your mind when necessary.


Phase Realistic timeframe for completion

Empathy phase 2 – 4 months
Stickiness phase 4 – 12 months
Virality phase 2 – 4 months
Scaling phase 4 – 12 months
Total for complete upgrade 1 – 3 years

The key is to really want it badly enough. The best thing ever is to be born and raised with that
kind of a superhuman mindset. The next best thing is to start working on it today.

Toolbox for upgrading your mindset

How to upgrade your mindset?
The toolbox for upgrading your mindset consists of the following tools:

 Paying more attention to your emotions and thoughts

o Mental biofeedback
o Observing your body language
o Happiness index
o Observing your environment
 Emotional accounting
 Cognitive reframing
o Cognitive reframing exercise
o Holding your frame
 Other cognitive exercises to accelerate your mindset updates
o Asking yourself the right questions and digging deep
 5 whys
o Self-reflective journaling
o Creative Visualization
o Positive affirmations
o Transformational vocabulary
 Optimism ratio
o Meditation
o Breathing exercises
o Changing your body language
 Behavioral conditioning and accounting
o Behavioral conditioning (operant or instrumental conditioning)
o Behavioral accounting
 The final updates – increasing your competence level

Week 1 – Learning to identify thoughts in general

1. Buy a waiter’s pad and start by writing down 5 – 20 random thoughts throughout a day – all
thoughts, negative and positive ones. Analyze every one of your thoughts and categorize them
(fixed/growth, scarcity/abundance, negative/positive etc.). Only categorize them, nothing else.
2. Try to become aware of your inner critic.

Week 2 – Noticing all the negative thoughts that come to your mind throughout a day

1. Buy a counter or do lines (|||||) in your notepad and start counting all your negative thoughts.
2. Categorize negative thoughts. Only categorize them, nothing else. Don’t be shocked how many
of negative thoughts you may have and make sure you try to identify every single negative
3. Count and categorize!

Week 3 – Observing emotions and the environment and when negative thoughts

1. Start observing your emotions very closely. Prepare a happiness index for yourself and mark
your feelings every morning or every evening. Observe your body language at 5 different times
in a day. Mark in your journal if your body language is positive or negative.
2. Every day, describe your working and home environment in a few sentences – vibrations,
atmosphere, specific relationships etc. Was it stressful or not, was it happy, depressing etc. Try
to connect how the outer environment reflects your inner state.
3. Observe how your negative thoughts concentrate when you experience negative emotions.

Week 4 – Talking back to your inner critic

1. Print out the superhuman mindset helpers on the AgileLeanLife blog – proofs of abundance, list
of questions to encourage optimal thinking, Kaizen rules etc. and always have them with you.
2. Start doing emotional accounting. At the moment you feel stuck, aren’t performing optimally or
have severe negative emotions, stop, write down your thoughts and do emotional accounting,
cognitive reframing or any other exercise.

Week 5 and 7 – Adding other exercises

1. Experiment how different approaches to thought or behavioral conditioning are working out for
2. Test different tools to improve your mindset even further – journaling, visualization,
affirmations, transformational vocabulary, meditation, breathing exercises and improving your
posture and body language. Test each tool for several days and pay close attention to what
works for you and what doesn’t.
3. Make sure you increase the amount of quality content you read every day.

It will take you approximately two months altogether to master all the exercises. In this time, you
should already slowly get through empathy phase. Then comes the hardest phase, the stickiness
phase. Please don’t give up. It’s only a test of whether you want it enough. And I believe in you
that you do. Even more, you deserve it. Stick to it and it will only get easier.

Do exercises and live a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the
rest of your life like most people can’t.

See yourself as a life and mindset scientist who strives to strategically and systematically do all
the updates. It’s hard to be consistent with the exercises, but it’s also fun and it feels great.
Enjoy performing all the exercises and be proud of all the progress you make during the
exercises. Again, just make sure that you have realistic expectations.

With the mindset updates, you will soon also see the positive changes in your life and that will
motivate you even further to really make sure your brain and its software become the
superhuman version. Enjoy the journey and unlock an ability to really live the best life possible.

Last but not least, make sure you regularly read the AgileLeanLife blog for new ideas and
quality personal development content, teaching you to become the best version of yourself. If
you need somebody to believe in you, you’re always welcome on the AgileLeanLife blog.

As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think right!

1/ Growth mindset

Value system



Stick to it, try another ways



Fixed mindset better: Sexual orientation, Ageing








 Treat others like you want to be treated.

 Practice mutual respect every day. Work together.
 Create a tolerant environment.
 Improvement is not made in a conference room.
 Never leave in silent disagreement. Speak out if you disagree.
 Results should be publicly displayed.
 Share the success.

et’s look at a few examples of irrational fears. If you’re afraid of the things below, it’s a good
way to start improving yourself:

 Public speaking
 Talking with superiors about new ideas
 Asking for a raise or a bonus if you deserve it
 Talking and flirting with the opposite sex
 Being independent from your parents
 Creating and contributing ideas
 Enjoying life
 Being alone
 Not having control
 Intimacy
 Success
 The unknown
 God
 Number 13
 Getting old
 Technology
 Opinions of other people
 Commitment
 Failure

Ask yourself questions like:

 What are 20 things I can do and haven’t thought about yet to improve my situation?
 What will happen if I go into the opposite direction?
 Which are the best books that deal with my kind of situation and propose solutions? (read
 Which negative behavioural patterns led me to where I am now?
 How can I start doing things differently?
 Which effort will bring the best results the fastest?
 Who can help me – a friend, formal institution etc.?
 What are the resources I can engage to get out of the situation faster?
 What is optimal thinking in this kind of situations?
 What would [x] do? Where [x] can be Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michel Jordan or whoever
your role model is.
 Why should I fight?

2/ abundance mindset

(1) Seeing all the possibilities the world has to offer in order to create, connect, grow and enjoy, (2)
knowing that you deserve love and prosperity, and (3) realizing that if you’d experience only plentitude
in life, it would be boring as hell and you wouldn’t appreciate anything you have at all.

Body, emotions, mind and soul. If they were exposed to an abundance of attention, love,
information, encouragement and a positive and stable environment, they all greatly
contribute to the abundance mindset. It’s a lot to take in. But we aren’t done yet. There are
two more important categories of life.

First, we have the social aspect. We are social beings and as soon as you’re exposed to other
people outside of your home, you have a need to belong to different social groups. How well you
fit into social groups especially depends on your values. If there are people around you with the
same values, you feel like a part of a group. In such a case, you can have many friends and even
more, you have a tribe to protect you.
Abundance is not the root of all evil. A lack of the abundance mindset is the root of all evil.
There are three reasons why, 3 Cs:

 Compensation …. Greed
 Control.. things that need to flow, not stand still. Money needs to flow, love needs to flow,
markets need to flow. They can’t be controlled
 Competition … If there isn’t enough out there and you have to compete with others for that
little something, healthy competition becomes an overly aggressive one. Markets can
definitely be tough.


Developing an abundance mindset

Proof of abundance in the world


What do you say about the abundance model?

Now let’s see how a life with the abundance mindset would look like. The abundance model
is based on the following facts:

 You deserve to take care of your needs in a healthy and respectful manner
 You focus on all the opportunities you have and on becoming the best version of yourself
 There are no limits to how much love, creativity and encouragement you can share
 You can satisfy your material needs based on the market economy, not trampling other people
 You can share material surpluses you make with the people you love and with communities
 You use domination exclusively when you must protect yourself and are in danger

You can make money for comfortable living by providing value to the market. You develop your talents
as much as possible and the more value you provide, the more you can earn. There’s nothing wrong
with that, if it’s not based on greed, where you want more and more, and outwork yourself to
exhaustion and step over dead bodies to make another few dollars.

there is enough for everybody.

If you lose a job, you know you will find a new one. If you need more money to buy yourself something,
you know there are many ways of making more money. If you feel lonely, you can always make new
friends. With today’s technology, everything is accessible to you. You just have to see it; you just have to
change your focus.

With the abundance mindset, it still hurts when someone betrays you. It’s not easy if a love wears out.
It’s not easy when you experience a setback in career or your finances. But it’s not the end of the world.
You let yourself emotionally work through failure, and then you focus on the positive and life goes on.
Without self-pity. Without aggression. Without self-castration. With gratefulness for what you have
experienced in life and what you have

A few tricks to develop an abundance mindset

you have to slowly change your mindset and destroy the underlying toxic beliefs, everything supported
by action and execution.

General tricks

One very useful thing you can do to rattle the scarcity mindset is to write down all the
things you already have in life and are grateful for. You have to focus on what you have if
you want to attract even more into your life.

The second thing you can do is to play with your fears. The scarcity mindset is especially
based on the following fears:

 Fear of rejection
 Fear of abandonment
 Fear of humiliation
 Fear of being dependent on other people
 Fear of missing out
 Fear of being alone in life
 Fear of your needs not being met

Play with all these fears. Face them. Get rejected. Isolate yourself in monk mode. Be
vulnerable. Try to curb your temptations. Practice minimalism. But be careful, the idea is not to
stifle your needs and wishes even further, the idea is to face your fears, so you can more easily
accept the abundance mentality by mastering your fears.

The next thing you can do is to compare the life areas where you operate out of the
abundance mindset with the areas you operate out of the scarcity mindset. Usually there are
some areas where you have a strong mindset, you see all the positives and are a real peaceful
warrior, and others where you struggle with the scarcity mindset and an emotional cage.

Your job here on this beautiful planet is to learn and grow. Learning and growing can happen when
you’re enjoying abundance and when you have to face limited resources. Both abundance and scarcity
are great teachers.


A similar thing you can do is to ask for a raise (if you deserve it), charge more on an hourly rate,
find a better paying job or clients, and so on. You may not earn more working with the same
people as you do now, but you can start working with new ones who are prepared to pay you
more, if you only provide enough value.

Or try to find one client that will pay you 10x more than what you’re currently earning per
hour. Just try it, to rattle your inner beliefs of how much you deserve.

Career and competences

Put everything in front of you and see all the options you have in life.


Now comes the hardest part – relationships

know that we are all already connected. There is actually no ice to break.

Work hard to start distinguishing between real love and connection and a desire to control people.

Shift your focus to the positive. Take action. You deserve it.

Positive = connecting and sharing

you are in power can you do something about it; and it’s your duty to help make the world a better
place for generations to come.

 You shouldn’t be a pussy in life, drowning in self-pity and procrastination. Life wants
you to fight and become the best version of yourself, and make sure you provide enough
value to acquire enough resources to live a quality life as well as share with others. You
can achieve that by creating, not exploiting other people.
 You have to focus on the positive and see all the opportunities you have in life and what
the world has to offer to you.
 You must make sure you don’t become a greedy person who fights to win by trampling
down and destroying others.

When people try to hurt you, they act out of the scarcity mindset. Now you understand that better. You
can talk to them; you can explain to them what’s happening. And if it doesn’t work, don’t let haters ruin
your life. Maybe you are the one clinging to them, because of the scarcity mindset.


The abundance mindset homework

the abundance mentality doesn’t mean having unlimited material resources in life. That’s not the point
of the story. It’s how you experience the world.

3/ Positive thinking

there is zero room for negative thoughts in the superhuman way of thinking.

For most people, assumptions about how to deal with cognitive distortions go something like this: I need
[x]. Having [x] will make me happy in life

The first wrong assumption is that happiness comes from the outer world.

The second very big problem with that kind of thinking is passivity. You put yourself in a passive role,
waiting for life to reward you just because you deserve it, just because you’re something special. It
doesn’t work that way. Life rewards those who master its rules and put all their creativity, cleverness
and hard work into achieving their goals. Life wants you to be proactive, not passive and reactive

The next false assumption is that it’s going to be easy to get rid of negative thoughts.

Nothing worthwhile comes easily and getting rid of your negative thoughts is definitely worth it.
The process of getting rid of cognitive distortions works the other way around. First you have to work
on your mind, first you have to improve your mental state and change your inner world. Working on
your mind will improve your thoughts, better thoughts will bring more positive actions, more positive
actions will bring more positive outcomes. That’s a proactive position. You tackle the software in your
brain to get rid of bugs and function optimally. You level up your game. You first have to work on your
mind to become more focused, more decisive, clearer about what you want out of life, and more

Here are ten types of negative thinking, described in detail in the book Feeling good:

All-or-nothing thinking


Mental filter

Disqualifying the positive

Jumping to conclusions

Magnification and minimization

Emotional reasoning

Should statements

Labeling and mislabelling

our life is therefore an evolving experience, a continual flow. You are not a thing. That is why
any label is constricting, highly inaccurate, and global. Labelling means that you have a fixed
mindset, but in life you can always grow, improve and change. Nothing is permanent and there is
always a move you can make towards a better life. You have to innovate your way towards a
better life.

Feelings aren’t facts.”

Dealing with cognitive distortions

The first step in dealing with cognitive distortions is building up your sense of self-worth and

Thus the first step is to closely examine what you say about yourself when you have negative feelings.
The only way to do it is to tackle your inner dialogue and your inner critique.

The method that David S. Burns recommends for tackling your self-esteem is:

 Talk back to your inner critique

 Train yourself to recognize and write down self-critical thoughts as they go through your
 Learn why these thoughts are distorted
 Practice talking back to them so as to develop a more realistic self-evaluation system

You simply draw a three-column table, where the first column is the automatic negative thought
(“I never do things right”), the second one is the type of cognitive distortion (overgeneralization)
out of the mentioned ten different types, and the third one is your rational response (“Not true, I
do a lot of things right”).

Emotional accounting
Thus columns in your table would be:

 Automatic negative thought (“I never do things right”)

 Type of negative feeling and intensity (Anger, 90%)
 Type of cognitive distortion (Overgeneralization)
 Rational response (“Not true, I do a lot of things right”, for example…)
 Intensity of negative feeling (Anger, 30%)

You should identify your negative thoughts, your cognitive distortions and your paralyzing mindsets.
Keeping a schedule of negative thoughts, fixing your cognitive distortions, keeping a daily activity
schedule as well as rewarding yourself and giving yourself credit is a way towards a whole new, more
positive life. Focusing on your progress, what you’ve done and fixing your negative interpretations and
beliefs will help you with your feeling of self-worth and thus you will be able to enjoy life more. At the
end of the day, the most important thing is that you respect and love yourself.

4/ solution oriented mindset

From whining to problem-solving

The next time you encounter a problem that pisses you off and you start to bitch, whine and
complain, pause for a moment. Start managing you emotions and opening your mind to
creative problem-solving thinking. That is what producers do. Start asking yourself questions

 How could I solve my problem in the most creative and innovative way?
 What kind of a product or service would solve my problem? Could I build it?
 How could I innovate my way out of this situation?
 What are the alternative ways of achieving my goal?
 What would happen if I do the opposite?
 What would MacGyver do in this kind of a situation?
 Etc.

keep you mind open, be creative

Always remember the famous quote: “Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when it’s open.” Your
mind being open especially means that you know how to manage your negative emotions and
thoughts that are preventing you from looking for the most creative solutions.

Ask yourself: what is the optimal way of thinking in the situation and how could I creatively solve the
problem; keep your mind open and start brainstorming, testing and experimenting.

Sometimes you have to take one step back in order to take two steps further.

There is always a step that can take you closer to your goal. It may not be a linear step, but life is
never a linear path.

Ask yourself questions like:

 What are 20 things I can do and haven’t thought about yet to improve my situation?
 What will happen if I go into the opposite direction?
 Which are the best books that deal with my kind of situation and propose solutions? (read
 Which negative behavioural patterns led me to where I am now?
 How can I start doing things differently?
 Which effort will bring the best results the fastest?
 Who can help me – a friend, formal institution etc.?
 What are the resources I can engage to get out of the situation faster?
 What is optimal thinking in this kind of situations?
 What would [x] do? Where [x] can be Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michel Jordan or whoever
your role model is.
 Why should I fight?

Every innovation usually brings a decrease in short-term productivity and an increase in long term-

, there is always something you can do. Be creative. Innovate. Find a new and better way to do things.

5/ proactive thinking

Below are the steps for becoming a proactive person. If you want to become one, you have to:

 Be aware that life doesn’t just happen, you are the one designing your life
 Take full responsibility for your life and stop blaming others
 Work hard on developing healthy self-confidence
 Set a clear vision and mission for your life
 Strategically define your life strategy and follow it
 Very clearly define the outcomes and goals you want to achieve
 Analyze your environment for what’s likely to happen in the future, how that influences your
life, and prepare several potential scenarios for how you can take advantage of market shifts
and other paradigms in the environment
 Strategically choose and build key relationships
 Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst

Nevertheless, you can take your mindset even a step further from proactivity. It’s called being
superproactive. Superproactivity means taking full and complete responsibility for your life,
including the areas where you expect nature, love, government, church or whoever to take
care of things instead of you. You take responsibility for your own life in the hardest areas

With proactive behavior, you become aware that life doesn’t just happen, but that you’re the
one who designs your life, you’re the one making choices. With proactive thinking, you focus
on things you can change, you make a plan of how you’ll really change them and then go after
your goals, while at the same time accepting the things you can’t change.

Reactive language Proactive language

I need I want
I must I prefer
I can’t I can
I have to I choose
If only I will

A proactive person is a person who gets things done.

You give your personal power away to:

 Talent
 Nature
 Love
 Government
 Religion
 Acquaintances on social networks etc.

Superproactivity means taking full and complete responsibility for your life, including the areas
where you expect nature, love, government, church or whoever to take care of things
instead of you. You take responsibility for your own life in the hardest areas ever. To do that,
you have to first accept the truth.

Hollywood movies lie to you.

There is no such thing as the one.

Media and successful people lie to you.

You can’t just sit and hope that maybe your boss will give you a task where your passion will magically
awaken and your work will become more meaningful.

the crap (Criticism, Rejections, Assholes, Pressure) while doing i

Only skills, competences and providing value to markets will. You’ll have to do all the hard work (and
smart work), you’ll have to become the best version of yourself.


To be really superproactive in life, you have to put yourself in the position of having many options.
That is a difficult, but very rewarding thing to do.

You want to make the right choices in life that lead you to having more options. That brings freedom
and that brings the ability to be superproactive in your life. All you need for superproactivity is a
superior life strategy, smart work and a little bit of courage. At the end of the day, it’s super fun to be
superproactive and it gives you great results.

Now think of the three most critical areas where you’re really taking the easy road, hoping
that somebody or something else will do all the hard work for you.

Outline a plan and a strategy of how you could take the power back into your hands step by step,
by getting educated, proactive, and making choices and decisions by yourself. Then, taking back
the power area by area, become a superproactive person and reap all the rewards.

6/ optimal thinking

there is always a move forward that you can make. Even more, there is always the optimal (the
best) move you can make.

When thinking and using your brain, there are three very basic levels of the mindset you operate

1. Negative thinking and victim mindset (aka suboptimal negative)

2. Suboptimal thinking (mediocre, average thinking, sometimes even positive thinking)
3. Optimal thinking (the concept of optimal thinking was introduced by Rosalene Glickman, Ph.D.)

The fact is that the more optimally you think in life, the more optimal actions you will take, and that
will lead you to the best possible results – achieving your goals as quickly as possible, having a good
quality of life and being super productive.

Only the right question can encourage your brain to start looking for the best solutions. “The best” is
the key in optimal thinking.

Here are examples of questions that encourage optimal thinking:

 What’s the best way to do this thing?

 How can I solve a problem in the best way?
 Which is the best option for me?
 What will lead to the best possible outcome?
 What would the best solution look like?
 What is the best opportunity in my life right now? Help yourself with the SWOT analysis.
 Who is the best person to help me make progress in life?
 What is the best location for me to work?
 What is the best way to minimize waste?
 What are my best skills that I can offer to the market?
 What is the best company for me to work for?

Now, whatever you’re asking yourself, add “the best” into your question

You can also replace the best with other superlatives, like:

 greatest (talents),
 highest (priority),
 smartest (way to work),
 most (profitable, productive, enjoyable, rewarding, important),
 maximal (output, productivity, time spend together),
 optimal (processes, commuting, costs).

it makes sense to add some fuel to creative thinking

the point of the questions is only to open your mind and lead you to the next step, not to give
you the final optimal solution.

 What if I do the complete opposite?

 What was the best/worst solution for that kind of a problem until now? Why?
 What if I make it bigger, smaller, faster, slower, add dimension, change color …?
 How would the problem be solved in movies or cartoons?
 What if there were no limitations and I had unlimited resources?
 How can I simplify everything?
 What would I do if I had nothing to lose?

Ask yourself what your role models would do

ask your mentor or someone you know and admire
Not knowing them gives you an advantage, because you can keep the fantasies about their

Just ask yourself: what would [x] do?

help you with emotional detachment and thinking optimally more easily.

On the way to finding the optimal solution, there are a few important facts you must never
forget to really get to the best solution:

 You have to take all areas of life into consideration

 You have to balance short-term and long-term outputs
 Positive thinking is not always optimal thinking, but optimal thinking is always positive

Take all areas of life into consideration

You have to look at your life as a whole, and optimize it on the macro level.

That means that optimal thinking always considers all life areas and how your solution will
increase/decrease the quality of the specific areas. Here are the ten areas:

1. You (personality, environment, happiness etc.)

2. Health and primary needs (body)
3. Relationships and people skills (love and belonging)
4. Money and wealth
5. Career, achievements and respect
6. Emotions (your emotional body)
7. Competences – intelligence, knowledge and skills (your intellectual body)
8. Fun, creativity and travel
9. Spirituality, self-actualization and giving back to the world (your spiritual body)
10. Technology as a leverage for being more productive in all areas of life

As you probably know, if one of the life areas collapses, everything else can collapse as well

Rare are the moves that influence life areas only in a positive way

Balance short-term and long-term

Positive thinking isn’t always optimal thinking
Optimal thinking always includes focusing on the positive, considering all the options and the optimal
next move, together with accepting limitations and things you can’t change

Action required by optimal thinking is usually not an easy one. It takes some courage, new
behavioral patterns, to stop doing certain things and start doing new ones. Not always, but in
most cases.

So there is a question that answers if your positive thinking isn’t optimal thinking: “Are you
taking the easy way out?” and “Will you do things differently than how you’ve been doing
them until now?”. If your answer to the first question is “yes” and to the second one “no”,
you’re probably not thinking optimally.

For extraordinary results, you need to take extraordinary actions. To take extraordinary actions,
you have to think in unorthodox ways.

Why don’t we always think optimally?

You definitely have to listen to your feelings, they are the compass telling you in which direction to go,
but you must be careful they don’t overwhelm you to the point that you don’t act or act in a toxic and
destructive way.

Besides emotional burdens, there are also other factors that can lead to suboptimal thinking:

 Lying to yourself that things are better than they are to avoid emotional pain
 Operating out of the fixed mindset (things are as they are and can’t be changed)
 Acting based on completely wrong assumptions
 Trusting current best practices. There is no such thing as a best practice.
 Having zero knowledge or being stuck in analysis-paralysis
 Having no feedback loop and not doing any self-reflection
 Having Anti-Kaizen mentality

Exercise 1: Improving your life strategy with optimal thinking


Exercise 2: Updating your thinking to achieve your goals faster

Exercise 3: Applying optimal thinking in other life situations

But there is no other way than to work on more self-confidence, facing your fears with courage and
dealing with laziness and procrastination or whatever holds you back from becoming the best version
of yourself. Sometimes playing it safe is no different from being locked in a safe. Upgrade your mindset,
face your fears and start improving yourself.




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