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Arise, arose, arisen

Past, Arose: Problems arose in my house yesterday.

Present, Arise: I can wake up, but I cannot arise.

Past participle, Arisen: Problems have arisen among them.

Awake, awoke, awoken

I awoke at ten yesterday.

I awake at ten every day.

I’ve awoken at ten.

Be was-were been

I was awake.

I am awake.

I’ve been awake.

Bear bore born-borne

Those columns born all the weight in the earthquake.

I bear the responsibility to be the president every year.

My mother has borne his laptop to every place.

Beat beat beaten-beat

The current president beat Keiko in the past elections.

I beat on my table when I make mistakes.

My mother has beaten eggs for breakfast.

Become became become

He became US citizen in 1995.

He will have power after he becomes the president.

China has become one of the first economies.

Begin began begun

The film began at seven that day.

The word “inhabitants” begins with the letter “i”.

That bridge was begun five years ago.

Bend bent bent

My spoon bent with a little force.

Bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting heavy objects.

I have bent over backwards to get my master degree.

Bet bet bet

He bet 1000$ on a horse yesterday.

I bet you she will miss the bus.

I have bet that Peru beats New Zealand.

Bite bit bitten

As we know, Adan bit the apple.

I decided I had to bite the bullet and take a masonry class.

I was bitten by mosquitoes in the beach.

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