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3.1 Introduction :

Sindhudurg district has created after the division of Ratnagiri district in 1981.
Sindhudurg district has a great potential of tourism because of natural beauty
and historical monuments. Considering the potentiality of tourism, the Central
Govt. has announced Sindhudurg district as tourism district in 1999.
Horticulture, tourism and fisheries are the potential sectors of development of
the Sindhudurg district. Out of which tourism is a leading sector. After the
announcement of Sindhudurg district as a tourism district in 1999, funds made
available by the Central Government, State Government and Zilla Parishad
step by step to the development of tourist destinations. The above funds were
disposed on the tourism development of the Sindhudurg district. Out of which
tourism is a leading sector. The development of the Sindhudurg district is
highly depend on the development of tourism sector. After the announcement
of Sindhudurg district as a ‘Tourism District’ in 1999, funds made available by
the Central Government, State Government and Zilla Parishad step by step to
the development of tourist destinations. The above funds were disposed on
the tourism development of the Sindhudurg district. Hence, the present status
of the tourism development of the district is as follows–
3.2.1 Sanctioned Funds and Expenditure through Central Government Sponsored Scheme for Tourism
Development of Sindhudurg District :
Table No. 3.1
District Sindhudurg – Central Government Sponsored Scheme Sanctioned Funds and Expenditure 2004 (Rs. Lakh)

% of distributed % of Actual
% of Actual
Sr. Fund Distributed Sanctioned Distributed funds to Expenditure to
Name of the Work Expenditure Expenditure to
No. to the Agency Funds Funds sanctioned distributed
sanctioned funds
funds funds
Tourism Accommodation facility at Sindhudurg,
1 200 200 200 100 100 100
Development Vijaydurg Parking site, Jetty, water sports
2 Improvement of Jetty at Sindhudurg 102 102 102 100 100 100
3 Royal tents at Dhamapur 87.75 87.75 87.75 100 100 100
4 Maharashtra Tourist Guest house at Amboli 175.50 175.50 175.50 100 100 100
5 Royal tents at Ubhadanda 87.75 87.75 87.75 100 100 100
Sanitation facility, Jetty , Direction
6 boards at Sindhudurg fort, Walawal 62.63 62.63 N.A. 100% 0% 0%
creek and direction boards
7 Boat houses at Tarkarli 134.42 134.42 134.42 100 100 100
Tourism Development of Kunkeshwar tourist
8 314.04 251.23 165.77 80 52.79 66
Development centre
A : Maharashtra Tourism
1164.09 1101.28 923.19 94.60 81.88 86.55
Development Corporation Total
District collector
and Public Construction of pathway around
9 73.58 37.00 N.A. 50.28 00 00
Works Dhamapur tank.
B : Total of collector & Public Works
73.58 37.00 N.A. 50.28 00 00
Total A + B 1237.67 1138.28 953.19 91.96 77.07 83.74
Graph No. 3.1

Sanctioned Funds and Expenditure through Central Government Sponsored Scheme for
Tourism Development of Sindhudurg District


% of distributed funds to
sanctioned funds

% of Actual Expenditure to
sanctioned funds

% of Actual Expenditure to
distributed funds
The table no. 3.1 elaborates the sanctioned funds and expenditure on
tourism development of Sindhudurg district through Central Government
sponsored scheme. The sanctioned fund through this scheme was Rs. 1164.09
lakh, out of which Rs. 1101.28 lakh were distributed and actual expenditure was
Rs. 923.19 crores. The proportion of distribute funds to sanctioned funds was
94.60%. The percentage of actual expenditure to sanctioned funds was 81.88%
and proportion of actual expenditure to distributed funds was 83.74%. The fund
from this scheme was sanctioned to eight projects. Out of which first project of
accommodation facility at Vijaydurg and Sindhudurg, development of parking
site, improvement of Jetty has completed. The second project of jetty
improvement at Sindhudurg has completed. The third project of enhancement of
Royal tents at Dhamapur has also completed. The fourth project of construction
of tourist guesthouse at Amboli has also completed. The fourth work is
enhancement of Royal tents at Dhamapur has also completed. The fourth project
of construction of tourist guesthouse at Amboli has also completed. The fifth work
is enhancement of Royal Tents at Ubhadanda has also completed. The sixth
work is construction of sanitation block at Sindhudurg fort and Walaval creek has
yet not started, hence the provision of Rs. 62.63 lacs remained unexpected. The
sixth project was construction of boat houses at Tarkarli. Two boat houses has
been constructed and the total provision of Rs. 134.42 lacs has expended. The
seventh provision of development of Kunkeshwar tourist destination was of Rs.
314.04 lacs, out of which 52.79% funds are expended and work is in progress.
The last provisions made through District Collector and Public Works
Department & provision was made of Rs. 73.58 to construct pathway around
Dhamapur tank. Out of the provision Rs. 37 lacs has distributed. But yet the
work has not started.
The total provision made for above nine projects was of Rs. 1237.67 lacs. Out
of which Rs. 1138.28 lacs have distributed. The proportion of distributed funds
to sanctioned fund was 91.96%. The amount of actual expenditure was Rs.
953.19 lacs. The proportion of actual expenditure to sanctioned funds was
77.07% & to distributed funds 83.74%. The completion of 83.74% works of
tourism development of Sindhudurg district in the first stage is quiet
3.2.2 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Devp.Package 2004 (Special package by State Govt.)
Table No. 3.2
Sindhudurg District – Konkan Devp. Package 2004 (Special package by State Govt.) (Rs. in lakh)

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Fund Distributed to Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. the Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
Maharashtra TourismKudal, Nerurpar
1 Development Boating and Boat 101.00 101.00 101.00 100 100 100
Corporation house facility
Maharashtra TourismAronada Boating
2 Development facility, Restaurant, 130.00 130.00 130.00 100 100 100
Corporation Sanitation Block
Maharashtra Tourism
Watersports centre at
3 Development 27.00 27.00 27.00 100 100 100
Maharashtra TourismRestaurant facility at
4 Development Tarkarli Tourist Guest 37.35 37.35 37.35 100 100 100
Corporation House
5 Maharashtra TourismUpgradation of Amboli 45.00 45.00 45.00 100 100 100
Development Tourist Guest House
Maharashtra Tourism
Tourist Guest House
6 Development 20.00 20.00 20.00 100 100 100
at Dhamapur Tank

Total 360.35 360.35 360.35 100 100 100

Source : As per table No. 3.1


Expenditure of Sindhudurg District – Konkan Devp.Package 2004 (Special package by State Govt.)
Graph No. 3.2





Kudal, Nerurpar Boating and

Boat house facility

Aronada Boating

facility, Restaurant, Sanitation

Watersports centre at Madkhol



Restaurant facility at Tarkarli

Tourist Guest House

Upgradation of Amboli Tourist


Guest House

Tourist Guest House at


Dhamapur Tank
It is revealed from table No. 3.2 that, the funds has received from State
Govt. special package named kokan vikas package 2004. The projects
completed and elaborated in the table are through funds received under
Konkan vikas package for the development of Sindhudurg district. The total
funds received for the above works were of Rs. 360.35 lacs. The 100% funds
are expended. All the proposed works of tourism development in the
Sindhudurg district has completed.

The responsibility of expenditure of received funds under Konkan Vikas

Package has borned on Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation
office of Sindhudurg. By this expenditure Maharashtra Tourism Development
Corporation has completed the following projects Maharashtra Tourism
Development Corporation has created boating facility and house boat facility
at Kudal – Nerurpar. The boating facility restaurant and sanitation facility were
made available at Aronda. The water sports centre has started at Madkhol.
Restaurant facility has made available at Tarkarli Maharashtra Tourism
Development Corporation Guesthouse. The tourist Guest house facility at
Amboli has upgraded. The tourist Guest house has constructed at Dhamapur
3.2.3 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Devp.Package 2004 : Project Completed in Sawantwadi Taluka

Table No. 3.3

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Devp. Package 2004 : project completed in Sawantwadi Taluka

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
1 District Decoration of Moti tank 11.47 11.47 11.47 100 100 100
Collector & Construction of reception centre 52.16 52.16 52.16 100 100 100
Public construction of Shilpgram 14.78 14.78 14.78 100 100 100
Works Construction of way to Shilpgram 19.19 19.19 19.19 100 100 100
Department headcraw construction at raghunath
16.65 16.65 16.65 100 100 100
Decoration of palace and heritage
23.97 23.97 23.97 100 100 100
construction of well at Shilpgram 3.12 3.12 3.12 100 100 100
construction of cottage at shilpgram 18.76 18.76 18.76 100 100 100
construction of cottage at shilpgram 23.33 23.33 23.33 100 100 100
creation of Ayurved health farm 30.19 30.19 00.00 100 100 100
Research and training centre based on
19.40 19.40 00.00 100 100 100
Electrification of tourist spots. 25.81 25.81 25.81 100 100 100
Total 311.63 311.63 202.04 100 64.63 64.63

Source : As per table No. 3.1

Sanction Fund of Sindhudurg District – Konkan Devp. Package 2004 :
Graph No. 3.3






Decoration of Moti tank

Construction of reception centre

construction of Shilpgram 19.19

Construction of way to Shilpgram


headcraw construction at
raghunath market

Decoration of palace and heritage


construction of well at Shilpgram


construction of cottage at

construction of cottage at

creation of Aurved health farm


Research and training centre

based on Panchkarma

Electrification of tourist spots.

The table No. 3.3 elaborates that the projects completed in Sawantwadi block
under Konkan Vikas Package 2004. The said responsibility assigned on
district collector and public works department of Sindhudurg district. The
sanctioned fund for above 12 works was of Rs. 311.63 lakh. Out of which Rs.
202.04 lakh were expended. The proportion of expended funds to sanction
was 64.63%. The completed work by these expenditure are decoration of Moti
tank, construction of tourist reception centre, construction of Shilpgram
(sculpture centre), construction of road to shilpgram, headcraw of Raghunath
centre, decoration of palace and heritage centres in Sawantwadi, construction
of cottages in Shilpgram, electrification at tourist spots in Sawantwadi city.

Out of the proposed project Ayurvedic health farm and Research and training
centre based on Panchkarma has not completed. So out of the total sanctions
Rs. 109.59 lakh remained unexpended.
3.2.4 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works
completed at Shiroda, Tal.Vengurle.

Table No. 3.4

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at

Shiroda, Tal. Vengurle.

% of% of Actual% of Actual

Sr. Funded Name of SanctionedDistributed
Expenditurefunds toto to
No. Agency the Work Funds Funds
sanctionedsanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
5.35 5.35 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
District facility
Collector & 5.25 5.25 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
1 Public
Works 24.44 24.44 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
centre on
sea coast
4.28 4.28 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
on Sea
TOTAL 39.32 39.32 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.

Source : as per table no. 3.1

Graph No. 3.4

Sanction Fund of Sindhudurg District – Konkan Devp. Package 2004 :

Project Completed in Sawantwadi Taluka

4.28 5.35


Drinking water
24.44 Santiation Facility

The works completed at Shiroda Tal. Vengurle under Konkan Vikas

Package has elaborated in table No. 3.4. The responsibility of this project was
assigned on District collector and Public Works Department The sanctioned
funds for this project were of Rs. 43.40 lakh. The sanctioned funds were
distributed 100%. The proposed works were drinking water facility at Shiroda,
construction of sanitation block, lighting facility at sea coast, direction boards
at Shiroda. Due to non-expenditure of funds said works has not completed.
3.2.5 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Aravali, Tal.Vengurle.

Table No. 3.5

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Aravali, Tal. Vengurle.

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
1 District
Sanitation Block 7.13 7.13 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
Collector &
Public Works Drinking water
35.51 35.51 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
Department facility
Tourist facility centre 24.44 24.44 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.

Lighting on Sea
2.07 2.07 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
Direction Boards 4.07 4.07 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.

TOTAL 74.22 74.22 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.

Source : as per table no. 3.1

The proposed works at Aravali, Tal- Vengurle under Konkan Vikas
Package has elaborated in table No. 3.5. The responsibility of this project was
assigned on district collector and Public Works Department. The provision
made was of Rs. 74.22 lakh. The total sanction fund was distributed. But the
distributed funds were remained unexpended. Hence, the proposed work i.e.
construction of sanitation block, drinking water facility, tourist facility centre,
lighting facility at sea coast were not completed. The funds remained
3.2.6 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Amboli, Tal. Sawantwadi

Table No. 3.6

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Amboli, Tal. Sawantwadi

% of
% of Actual% of Actual
Sr. Funded SanctionedDistributed Expenditure Expenditure
Name of the Work Expenditurefunds to
No. Agency Funds Funds to sanctionedto distributed
funds funds
Sanitation Block 7.13 7.13 7.13 100 100 100
Drinking water facility 20.61 20.61 20.61 100 100 100
Police outpost to Forest office road 2.74 2.74 2.74 100 100 100
renovation of Govt. resthouse 10.20 10.20 10.20 100 100 100
gelu to Kawalesad road 12.42 12.42 12.42 100 100 100
renovation and upgradation of Maharashtra
1 & Public 45.00 45.00 12.79 28.42 28.42 28.42
Tousism Development Corporation resthouse
decoration of hiranyakeshi point 24.58 24.58 24.58 100 100 100
street light at Amboli, 29.29 29.29 29.29 100 100 100
hanging bridge at nangardas waterfall 10.00 10.00 5.98 59.8 59.8 59.8
development of main waterfall at Amboli,
20.00 20.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00
staircase and lighting
Kawalesad point – railing & observation point 5.00 5.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00
Integrates & sign boards 8.74 8.74 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00
TOTAL 195.71 195.71 125.74 100.00 64.24 64.24
Source : as per table no. 3.1
Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Amboli, Tal. Sawantwadi

Graph No. 3.5

Sanitation Block

Drinking water facility

Police outpost to Forest office road

renovation of Govt. resthouse

gelu to Kawalesad road

renovation and upgradation of MTDC


decoration of hiranyakeshi point

street light at Amboli,

hanging bridge at nangardas


development of main waterfall at

Amboli, staircase and lighting

Kawalesad point – railing &

observation point

Integrates & sign boards

It is revealed from table no. 3.6 that the works completed at Amboli,
Tal. Sawantwadi through Kokan vikas Package 2004. The implementing
agency was District collector of Sindhudurg and the public works department
i.e. Public Works Department. The provision for said work was Rs. 195.71
lakh. Out of which incurred expenditure was Rs. 125.74 lakh. The proportion
of expended funds to provision was 64.24%. The works completed are,
construction of sanitation block, drinking water facility, construction of road
from police outpost to forest office, renovation of Govt. resthouse,
construction of road from Gelu to Kawalesad point, renovation and
upgradation of Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation resthouse,
decoration of hiranyakeshi point, street light at Amboli, hanging bridge at
nangartas waterfall. The proposed butt uncompleted works are main waterfall
development at Amboli, staircase and lighting at main waterfall. Out of the 12
proposed works 9 has been completed.
3.2.7 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Kudal

Table No. 3.7

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Kudal

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
District Jetty at Nerurpar 3.95 3.95 3.95 100 100 100
Collector & Tourist facility centre 12.29 12.29 12.29 100 100 100
1 Public Road repair work of Kudal to Malvan 14.80 14.80 14.80 100 100 100
main road to Jetty approach road 00.00 00.00 00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 31.04 31.04 31.04 100 100 100
Source : as per table no. 3.1
The table no. 3.7 elaborates works completed at Kudal under Konkan Vikas Package 2004. The implementing agency
for said work was district collector and Public Works Department The provision made for the said work was Rs. 31.04 lakh.
The total funds i.e. 100% has incurred on the said work. The completed works are construction of Jetty at Nerurpar, tourist
facility centre, Road repair work of Kudal to Malvan. But the construction of approach road from Jetty to main road has
remained uncompleted.
3.2.8 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 orks completed
at Kochara.

Table No. 3.8

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at


% of % of
% of
Actual Actual
Sr. Funded Name of the Sanctioned Distributed Expen- Expen-
Expenditure funds to
No. Agency Work Funds Funds diture to diture to
sanctioned distributed
funds funds
1 District construction
Collector & of 5.25 5.25 5.25 100 100 100
Public Sanitation
Works block
13.93 13.93 13.93 100 100 100
Department water
lighting on
8.72 8.72 8.72 100 100 100
sea coast

TOTAL 27.90 27.90 27.90 100 100 100

Source : as per table no. 3.1

Graph No. 3.6

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004

works completed at Kochara.

construction of Sanitation
drinking water supply

lighting on sea coast

The table no. 3.8 elaborated works completed at Kochara under

Konkan Vikas Package 2004. The implementing agency for said work was
district collector and Public Works Department The provision made for the
said work was Rs. 27.90 lakh. The total funds are incurred. The completed
works are construction of Sanitation block, provision of drinking water supply
and lighting on sea coast.
3.2.9 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Devgad Taluka.

Table No. 3.9

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Devgad Taluka.

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
District sanitation block at Kunkeshwar 5.25 5.25 5.25 100 100 100
Collector &
1 Public lighting at Kunkeshwar tourist
5.27 5.27 5.27 100 100 100
Works destination.
TOTAL 10.52 10.52 10.52 100 100 100
Source : as per table no. 3.1

Table No. 3.9 elaborates works completed at Kunkeshwar tourist destination in Devgad Taluka under Konkan Vikas
Package 2004. For the said work implementing agency was district collector and Public Works Department The sanctioned
fund for said work was Rs. 10.52 lakh, which was 100% incurred on said work. The assigned work is completed. i. e.
construction of sanitation block at Kunkeshwar, and lighting at Kunkeshwar tourist destination.
3.2.10 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Tillari, Tal. Sawantwadi.

Table No. 3.10

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Tillari, Tal. Sawantwadi.

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
1 District sports material at tourist destination 7.26 7.26 7.26 100 100 100
Collector & Internal Road 7.63 7.63 7.63 100 100 100
Public Protection wall 8.20 8.20 8.20 100 100 100
Works Garden & Decoration
24.51 24.51 24.51 100 100 100
TOTAL 47.60 47.60 47.60 100 100 100
Source : as per table no. 3.1
Graph No. 3.7

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at

Tillari, Tal. Sawantwadi.

sports material at tourist

Internal Road

Protection wall

Garden & Decoration

It is revealed from table no. 3.10 that works completed at Tillari dam in
Sawantwadi taluka. The concept was to develop dam site at Tillari as a tourist
destination. The fund sanctioned on the said work was Rs. 47.60 lakh, which
was 100% incurred on said work. The works completed are installation of
sports material, construction of internal roads, protection wall and creation of
garden and decorate it. All the above said work has completed.
3.2.11 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Vengurla Taluka.

Table No. 3.11

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Vengurla Taluka.

Source : as per table no. 3.1

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
Construction of tourist
24.91 24.91 24.91 100 100 100
Guest house

District Tourist facilities on port 24.41 24.41 24.41 100 100 100
Collector & Renovation of Sagar
15.00 15.00 15.00 100 100 100
1 Public Guest house
Works Construction of road
Department Vengurla to Shiroda 15.01 15.01 15.01 100 100 100

Lighting on Sagareshwar
5.14 5.14 5.14 100 100 100

TOTAL 84.47 84.47 84.47 100 100 100

Graph No. 3.8

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004

works completed at Vengurla Taluka.






Construction of tourist Tourist facilities on Renovation of Sagar Construction of road
Guest house port Guest house Vengurla to Shiroda

It is elaborated in table No. 3.11 that tourist works completed in

Vengurla Taluka under Konkan Vikas Package 2004. The implementing
agency was district collector of Sindhudurg and Public Works Department The
provision maid for said work was Rs. 84.47 lakh. The works completed are
construction of tourist Guest house at Vengurla, tourist facilities on port,
renovation of Sagar Guest House, construction of Road vengurla to Shiroda,
Lighting on Sagareshwar beach. All the proposed work has completed.
3.2.12 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Vengurla Taluka.

Table No. 3.12

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Vengurla Taluka.

% of distributed% of Actual% of Actua

Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds toExpenditure toExpenditure to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned fundssanctioned funds distributed funds
Malvan-Tarkarli road stage I, 59.34 59.34 59.34 100 100 100
Malvan Tarkarli Road stage - II 22.41 22.41 22.41 100 100 100
District Malvan Tarkarli Rsoa stage – III 16.80 16.80 16.80 100 100 100
Collector & tourist facility centre 10.73 10.73 10.73 100 100 100
1 Public lighting on Malvan Jetty, 14.80 14.80 14.80 100 100 100
Works road to Malvan Jetty, construction
5.0 5.0 5.0 100 100 100
Department of first floor of tourist facility centre.
construction of first floor of tourist
11.89 11.89 11.89 100 100 100
facility centre
TOTAL 140.97 140.97 140.97 100 100 100
Source : as per table no. 3.1

It is revealed from table table no. 3.12 that works completed in Malvan taluka under Kokan Vikas Package 2004. The
implementing agency was district collector of Sindhudurg and Public Works Department. The total amount sanctioned for the
above work was Rs. 140.97 lakh, which was 100% incurred on above said work. The works completed are construction of
Malvan-Tarkarli road stage I,II and III, construction of tourist facility centre, lighting on Malvan Jetty, construction of road to
Malvan Jetty, construction of first floor of tourist facility centre. All the works has completed.
3.2.13 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package - 2004 works completed at Kankavli Taluka.

Table No. 3.13

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package -2004 works completed at Kankavli Taluka.

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
1 District Directing board at Gad river 4.45 4.45 4.45 100 100 100
Collector & platform and span 4.94 4.94 4.94 100 100 100
Public Boating on Gad river 3.41 3.41 3.41 100 100 100
Works tourist reception centre 20.00 20.00 20.00 100 100 100
Department Construction of road at Savdav to 10.00 10.00 10.00 100 100 100
TOTAL 42.80 42.80 42.80 100 100 100
Source : as per table no. 3.1

Table no. 3.13 reveals the works completed in Kankavli taluka under Kokan Vikas Package 2004. The implementing
agency was district collector of Sindhudurg and Public Works Department. The total amount sanctioned and incurred was
Rs. 42.80 lakh. The total provision amount has incurred. The works completed are, provision of directing board at Gad River,
platform and span on Gad river, tourist reception centre and construction of road at Savdav to waterfall.
3.2.14 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package - 2004 works completed at Napane, Kharepatan, Mochemad,
Patradevi tourist destinations :

Table No. 3.14

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package - 2004 works completed at Napane, Kharepatan, Mochemad, Patradevi
tourist destinations :

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
1 District Tourist facility centre at Napane 24.44 24.44 24.44 100 100 100
Collector & Tourist facilities at Kharepatan 24.44 24.44 24.44 100 100 100
Public Tourist facilities at Mochemad 150.00 150.00 150.00 100 100 100
Works Gate & direction board at Patradevi 15.00 15.00 15.00 100 100 100
TOTAL 213.88 213.88 213.88 100 100 100

Source : as per table no. 3.1

Table no. 3.14 reveals that works completed Napane, Kharepatan, Mochemad and Patradevi under Kokan Vikas
Package 2004. The implementing agency was district collector of Sindhudurg and Public Works Department The total
provision & expenditure was of Rs. 213.88 lakh. The total sanctioned amount has incurred on said works. The works
completed are construction of tourist facility centre at Napane, tourist facilities at Kharepatan, Tourist facilities at Mochemad
and Gate & direction board at Patradevi. The total works has been completed.
3.2.15 Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package - 2004 works completed in Whole Sindhudurg District

Table No. 3.15

Sindhudurg District – Konkan Vikas Package - 2004 works completed in Whole Sindhudurg District

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
Sound clearing at trade & recreation 28.81 28.81 28.81 100 100 100
Material purchase from Ayurved 20.44 20.44 20.44 100 100 100
panchkarma training centre
Water supply for ayurved health farm 8.93 8.93 8.93 100 100 100
Collector &
Furniture and other material for 13.25 13.25 13.25 100 100 100
1 Public
tourist reception hall
Construction of watersports centre at 29.41 29.41 29.41 100 100 100
Mandavi creek
Construction of reservation and 71.70 71.70 71.70 100 100 100
information centre and tourist guest
house at Vengurla camp,
Entry gate at Kharepatan 6.23 6.23 6.23 100 100 100
Construction of footpath and direction 15.76 15.76 15.76 100 100 100
board from Kankavli Railway station
to Kankavli city,
Decoration and direction boards on 6.25 6.25 6.25 100 100 100
Sindhudurg railway station
Construction road from Vengurla port 41.01 41.01 41.01 100 100 100
to Mandavi creek
Footpath and parking site at 11.87 11.87 11.87 100 100 100
dhamapur tank
Establishment of nature awareness 12.23 12.23 12.23 100 100 100
centre at dhamapur
Development of constructing of sub 10.63 10.63 10.63 100 100 100
forest and plants for tents at
Entry gate, borewell at Dhamapur 5.75 5.75 5.75 100 100 100
Road construction at Amboli Malai 8.17 8.17 8.17 100 100 100
Parking site improvement at Amboli 1.27 1.27 1.27 100 100 100
Entry gate, watersite devp. At Amboli 3.30 3.30 3.30 100 100 100
New Harverian and Green house at 19.41 19.41 19.41 100 100 100
Compound wall and borewell for 9.24 9.24 9.24 100 100 100
harverian and green house at Amboli
Electrification for Harverian and 3.56 3.56 3.56 100 100 100
Green house at Amboli
TOTAL 327.22 327.22 327.22 100 100 100
Source : as per table no. 3.1
Table no. 3.15 elaborates works completed in Sindhudurg district
through Konkan Vikas Package 2004. The funds were given to implementing
agency i.e. District collector and deptt of Public Works Department. The funds
sanction for above works was Rs. 372.22 lakh. The total fund has expended.
The works completed from above funds are as follows, sound processing at
commercial and recreation centres, material purchase from Ayurved
panchkarma training and research centre, water supply for ayurved health
farm, furniture and other material for tourist reception hall, construction of
watersports centre at Mandavi creek, construction of reservation and
information centre at Vengurla camp, construction of reservation and
information centre of tourist guest house, Entrygate at Kharepatan,
construction of footpath from Kankavli Railway station to Kankavli city,
direction board near railway station, decoration and direction boards on
Sindhudurg railway station, construction road from Vengurla to Mandavi
creek, development of footpath and parking site at dhamapur tank,
enhancement of nature awareness centre at dhamapur, constructing of
subforest and plinhs for tents at dhamapur, provision of borewell, construction
road on Amboli-Malai platuxe, watersite development, construction of building
for harverian and greenhouse at Amboli, electrification of new harverian and
green house. All works has completed successfully.
3.2.16 Sindhudurg District – Regional Tourist Devp. Scheme – 2009-10 to 2012-13 (Maharashtra Tourism
Development Corporation)

Table No. 3.16

Sindhudurg District – Regional Tourist Devp. Scheme – 2009-10 to 2012-13 (Maharashtra Tourism Development

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
Reception centre at Oros near main
145.00 145.00 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
Block wise tourism master plan 5.00 5.00 5.00 100 100 100
Construction of new tourist guest house
Maharashtra 300.00 300.00 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
at Sagareshwar
1 Development of Nivati fort and Bhogave
Development 150.00 100.00 N.A. 67 N.A. N.A.
Sea Coast as a tourist spot
Tourism development works at
07.00 07.00 07.00 100 100 100
Sea coast protection measures at
50.00 50.00 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
Preparation of report of Sindhudurg
1000.00 516.00 N.A. 51.60 N.A. N.A.
Vishva project
Land acquisition for Sindhudurg Vishva
22500.00 3000.00 3000.00 13.33 13.33 100
TOTAL 24157.00 4123.00 3012.00 17.06 12.47 73.05

Source : as per table no. 3.1

Graph No. 3.9

Sindhudurg District – Regional Tourist Devp. Scheme – 2009-10 to 2012-13 (Maharashtra Tourism Development






20 17.06

% of distributed funds to sanctioned % of Actual Expenditure to sanctioned % of Actual Expenditure to distributed
funds funds funds
Table No. 3.16 elaborates the proposed and completed works
through Regional Tourism Development Scheme for 2009-10 to 2012-13
introduced by Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (Maharashtra
Tourism Development Corporation). The implementation agency was
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation. The proposed works are
reception centre at Oros near main road; block wise tourism master plan,
construction of new tourist guest house at Sagareshwar, development of
Nivati fort and Bhogave Sea Coast as a tourist spot, sea coast protection
measures at Tarkarli, preparation of report of Sindhudurg Vishva project, land
acquisition for Sindhudurg Vishva Project. The amount sanctioned for
proposed works was Rs. 24157 lakh by Maharashtra Tourism Development
Corporation, out of which Rs. 4123 lakh (17.06%) has distributed. Out of the
distributed amount Rs. 3012 lakh has incurred as actual expenditure. The
proportion of actual expenditure to sanctioned amount is 12.47% and to
distributed amount it is 73.05%. Out of the proposed work blockwise master
plan of tourism has prepared, development of Dhamapur as a tourism
destination, land acquisition for sea world project has completed. Remaining
proposed projects will be completed step by step because they are
sanctioned with finance.
3.2.17 Sindhudurg District – Regional Tourist Development Scheme – 2010-11 to 2012-13 (Dist. collector)

Table No. 3.17

Sindhudurg District – Regional Tourist Development Scheme – 2010-11 to 2012-13 (Dist. collector)

% of distributed% of Actual% of Actual

Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed funds toExpenditure Expenditure
Name of the Work Expenditure
No. Agency Funds Funds sanctioned to sanctionedto distributed
funds funds funds
Bamboo Weaving dakes at Dhamapur 17.0 07.00 N.A. 41.70 N.A. N.A.
Seating arrangement and steel railing at
4.16 2.79 2.79 67.06 67.06 100
Paving blocks railing around Rahateshwar Temple 12.93 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
District Construction of road from Savdav waterfall 9.70 9.70 9.70 100 100 100
Collector & Footbridge and railing at savdav waterfall 10.01 10.01 10.01 100 100 100
1 Public Campus development of Bhagavati temple
14.45 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Works Kotkamte
Department Development of Vadatar Devgad as a tourist spot 50.00 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Construction of Jetty on Mandavi creek at Vengurle 16.65 15.55 15.55 93.39 93.39 100
Launch shed at Mandavi creek Vengurle, restaurant
16.45 16.45 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
and store house construction at Mandavi
Growth in facilities at Kawalesad point, Amboli 10.00 10.00 10.00 100 100 100
Improvement of road from Amboli to mahadeogad
35.50 35.50 35.50 100 100 100
Tank construction near Mahalaxmi temple at
14.80 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Tank decoration near Mahalaxmi temple at
13.77 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
umbarde, vaibhavwadi
Land scalping, road divider and tourism works at
150.26 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
headquarter of Sindhudurg district
TOTAL 375.26 107.00 83.55 28.50 22.26 78.04
Source : as per table no. 3.1
The table no. 3.17 elaborates proposed works through Regional
Tourism Development Scheme 2010-11 to 2012-13 in Sindhudurg district.
This scheme was introduced by Maharashtra Tourism Development
Corporation. The implementing agency was district collector and Public Works
Department. The total No. of works was 14. The total sanction for said works
was Rs. 375.38 lakh. Out of which Rs. 107.00 lakh (28.50%) were distributed.
Out of the distributed amount Rs. 83.55 lakh has incurred to this date. The
percentage of expenditure to sanctioned funds is 22.26% and to distributed
funds it is 78.04%.
Out of the total proposed works 5 has completed i.e. construction of Road to
Savdav waterfall, footbridge and railing at savdav waterfall, growth in facilities
at Kawalesad point, Amboli improvement of road from Amboli to mahadeogad
Out of the total 14 works, the works in progress are seating arrangement and
raling at phondaghat, construction of Jetty on Mandavi creek at Vengurle.
Out of 14 works funds sanctioned and distributed works are repairing of
launch shed at Mandavi creek Vengurle, restaurant and store house
construction at Mandavi.
Out of the proposed works fund sanctioned but partially distributed work is
preparation of Bamboo decks at Dhamapur.
Out of the 14 works fund sanctioned but not distribute works are installation of
paving blocks and railing around Rahateshwar temple, Campus development
of Bhagavati temple Kotkamte, development of Vadatar Devgad as a tourist
spot, tank construction and decoration near Mahalaxmi temple at umbarde,
land scalping, road divider and tourism works at headquarter of Sindhudurg
district. Due to fund sanctions these works will be completed according to
determined schedule.
3.2.18 Sindhudurg District – 12th Finance Commission – Tourism Development Projects through District collector
Table No. 3.18
Sindhudurg District – 12th Finance Commission – Tourism Development Projects through District collector
% of
% of Actual % of Actual
Sr. Funded Sanctioned Distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to
No. Agency Funds Funds to sanctioned to distributed
funds funds
1 District Approach road to Anganwadi 222.45 222.45 222.45 100 100 100
Collector & Approach road to ranganagad 150.00 150.00 150.00 100 100 100
Public Approach road to Sagareshwar 10.00 10.00 10.00 100 100 100
Works Approach road to Sea-coast at Aravali 50.00 50.00 50.00 100 100 100
Department Approach road to Mithbav Beach 50.00 49.82 49.82 100 100 100
Approach road to Shiroda beach 50.00 50.00 50.00 100 100 100
development of Amboli waterfall, development 190.00 190.00 96.14 100 50.70 50.70
of parking site, road repair at hiranyakeshi,
protection wall at Kawalesad point, Approach
road to tourist guest house
Approach road and parking at Nivati and 75.00 75.00 75.00 100 100 100
Bhogave beach
new road construction from Devali to kalethar, 73.00 73.00 73.00 100 100 100
Tarkarli bypass
approach road to kunkeshwar beach, sanitation 200.00 200.00 201.00 100 100 100
block, protection wall to temple, drinking water
Tourism devp. works at Sawantwadi devp. of 300.00 300.00 225.02 100 75.00 75.00
Narendra Hill
hanging bridge from Jalbaneshwar to Navabag 300.00 300.00 187.39 100 62.48 62.48
vengurle, road repair, Sea erosion protection
measures and Model Agro Tourism Centre.
TOTAL 1670.45 1670.27 1389.82 99.99 83.00 83.00
Source : as per table no. 3.1
This is revealed from table no. 3.18 that it is a review of works
undertaken through funds of 12th finance commission. The implementing
agency was district collector and Public Works Department state Govt. Under
this scheme 12 projects has undertaken. Out of which 9 (75%) has completed
remaining 3 works are in progress.
The projects completed are construction of road to Anganwadi, approach road
to ranganagad, approach road to Mithbav Beach, Approach road to Shiroda
beach, approach road and parking at Nivati and Bhogave beach, new road
construction from Devali to kalethar, Tarkarli bypass, approach road to
kunkeshwar beach, sanitation block, protection wall to temple.
The works in progress are development of Amboli waterfall, road repair at
hiranyakeshi, protection wall at Kawalesad point, Approach road to tourist
guest house, hanging bridge from Jalbaneshwar to Navabag, Approach road
to Navabag beach, Sea erosion protection measures and Model Agro Tourism
The total sanctioned fund for above 12 works was Rs. 1670.45 lakh, out of
which 1670.27 (99.99%) amount has distributed and Rs. 1389.22 lakh
(83.20%) has incurred.
3.2.19 Sindhudurg District – 12th Finance Commission – Tourism Development Projects (Maharashtra Meritime

Table No. 3.19

Sindhudurg District – 12 Finance Commission – Tourism Development Projects (Maharashtra Meritime Board)

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Implementing Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
renovation of sanitation block on
15.00 15.00 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
Maharashtra Malvan Port
1 Maritime Floating Jetty on Malvan Port 30.00 30.00 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
Board updation of jetties of Mandavi,
125.00 125.00 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
Jaigad Harne and Malvan ports
TOTAL 170.00 170.00 N.A. 100 N.A. N.A.
Source : as per table no. 3.1
Graph No. 3.10

Sindhudurg District – 12 Finance Commission – Tourism Development

Projects (Maharashtra Meritime Board)




renovation of sanitation block on Malvan Port

Floting Jetty on Malvan Port
updation of jetties of Mandavi, Jaigad Harne and Malvan ports

It is revealed from table no. 3.19 that, it is a review of works undertaken

through funds received from 12th finance commission. The implementing
agency was Maharashtra Maritime Board. The total sanctioned fund for above
three works was Rs. 170 lakh. The total amount has distributed but yet it has
not incurred.

The proposed works are renovation of sanitation block on Malvan Port,

Floating Jetty on Malvan Port, updating jetties of Mandavi, Jaigad Harne and
Malvan. Hence the funds are sanctioned, the projects will be completed.
3.2.20 Sindhudurg District – 12th Finance Commission – Works undertaken by Indian Archeological Department and
Public Works Department (state)

Table No. 3.20

Sindhudurg District – 12th Finance Commission – Works undertaken by Indian Archeological Department and Public
Works Department (state)

% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Implementing Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
Archeological conservation of Vijaydurg and
1 Department of Sindhudurg fort and lighting to 750.00 706.26 201.54 94.16 26.87 28.53
India Sindhudurg fort
Public Works construction of bund to stop
2 Department erosion on Tarkarli beach 700.00 700.00 641.68 100 91.66 91.66
TOTAL 1450.00 1406.27 843.22 96.98 58.15 59.96
Source : as per table no. 3.1
It is revealed from table no. 3.20 that two works has undertaken
separately by Archeological department and Public Works Department (state)
through 12th finance commission. The conservation of Vijaydurg and
Sindhudurg fort and lighting to Sindhudurg fort has started by Archeological
department. For the said work sanction is Rs. 750 lakh out of which Rs.
706.26 lakh (94.16%) was distributed. Out of the sanctioned funds Rs. 201.54
lakh has incurred (26.87%). It is 28.53% to distributed funds. The work is in

The second work i.e. construction of bund to stop erosion on Tarkarli

beach has undertaken by Public Works Department (state). For the said work
sanctioned amount is Rs. 700 lakh which is totally distributed. The percentage
of expenditure to sanctioned and distributed amount is 91.66%.
3.2.21 Sindhudurg District – 12th Finance Commission – Works undertaken by Maharashtra Tourism Development

Table No. 3.21

Sindhudurg District – 12 Finance Commission – Works undertaken by Maharashtra Tourism Development


% of % of Actual % of Actual
distributed Expenditure Expenditure
Sr. Implementing Sanctioned Distributed
Name of the Work Expenditure funds to to to
No. Agency Funds Funds
sanctioned sanctioned distributed
funds funds funds
construction of jetty at Devbag 50.00 50.00 38.00 100 76.00 76.00
construction of squba driving
400.00 400.00 285.06 100 71.26 71.26
centre, Tarkarli
Maharashtra construction of Tourist guest house
500.00 500.00 375.00 100 75.00 75.00
Tourism at Kunkeshwar.
Development development of tourist Resort at
2000.00 2000.00 19.22 100 0.96 0.96
Corporation Mithbav part I & II
construction of tourist information
50.00 50.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00
centre and restaurant at Amboli
Training devices for scuba driving 600.00 600.00 114.06 100 19.01 19.01
at Tarkarli.
Massage centre at tarkarli guest
house, upgradation of recreation 200.00 200.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 3800.00 3800.00 831.34 100 21.87 21.87
Source : as per table no. 3.1
Development Corporation
Sanction Fund from Sindhudurg District – 12 Finance Commission – Works undertaken by Maharashtra Tourism

Grraph No. 3.11




construction of jetty at Devbag


construction of squba driving

centre, Tarkarli

construction of Tourist guest

house at Kunkeshwar.

development of tourist Resort at

Mithbav part I & II
Table No. 3.22

District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on

Infrastructure for Devgad Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12
(Rs. in Lacs)

Sr. 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- % to

Objective of Expenditure Total
No. 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total
1. Devp. of Religious Destination -- -- -- -- 9.38 -- 9.38 8.75%
2. Development of Roads -- -- 18.25 -- -- 51.03 69.28 64.70%
3. Decoration of Tourism Center 9.99 -- -- -- 18.42 -- 18.42 17.20%
4. Renovation of Govt. Rest House -- -- -- -- -- -- 9.99 9.35%
5. Devp. of Infrastructure -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
6. Devp. of Beach Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
7. Historical Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TOTAL 107.07 100%

Source: Record of the DPDC

It is revealed from Table No 3.22, amount incurred on infrastructure

under district annual plan during 2006-07 to 2011-12 in Devgad taluka. The
total provision mode during the 2006 -07 to 2011-12 was Rs.107.07 lakhs.
The total provision has incurred on the given objectives. The amount of Rs.
9.38 lakh is insured on development of religious tourism i.e. Development of
area around Kunkeshwar temple. The 100% amount has incurred on said
objective. The percentage of this amount to total amount is 8.75%.The
amount of Rs. 69.28 lakh has incurred 100% on the said objective. The roads
Developed under this objective are Dahibav-Gangatirth,Talawade, Lingdal to
Maruti temple, Vanivade Pavanai temple to Satamwadi, Tambeldeg to
Gajabadevi mandir, Vareri Masanwadi Road to Padagaghar waterfall.
The third objective of expenditure is decoration of tourism centers.The
total provision has incurred. The percentage to total amount incurred on this
objective is 17.20%.The works completed under this objective are tank
decoration at Telebazar, decoration at Padhaghaar waterfall,
The fourth objective of expenditure is renovation of Govt. rest house.
The Provision made for this objective was Rs-9.99 lakh. The total provision
amount has incurred on said objective. The percentage of this amount to total
is 9.35%.The provision was not made under District Annual plan for potential
tourism sectors like Agro tourism, historical tourism and Adventure tourism.
Graph No. 3.12
District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Devgad Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12
80 69.28
20 9.38 9.99
10 0 0 0
Development of Roads
Devp. of Religious

Devp. of Infrastructure
Renovation of Govt. Rest
Decoration of Tourism

Devp. of Beach Tourism

Historical Tourism



Table No. 3.23

District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on

Infrastructure for Vaibhavwadi Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12
(Rs. in Lacs)

Sr. 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- % to

Objective of Expenditure Total
No. 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total
1. Devp. of Religious Destination -- -- 10.00 -- -- -- 10.00 7.74%
2. Development of Roads -- -- 37.24 -- 65.27 -- 102.51 89.31%
3. Decoration of Tourism Center -- -- -- -- -- 2.07 2.07 1.60%
4. Renovation of Govt. Rest House -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5. Devp. of Infrastructure 5.72 -- -- 8.95 -- -- 14.67 11.35
6. Devp. of Beach Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
7. Historical Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TOTAL 129.25 100%
It is revealed from Table No. 3.23, the amount incurred on tourism
development of Vaibhavwadi Taluka under annual district plan during 2006-07
to 2011-12. The total provision made for this taluka was Rs. 129.25 lacs. The
total provision made was incurred during 2006-07 to 2011-12.
The first objective of expenditure was development of religious destinations.
The amount incurred was Rs. 10 lacs. The 100% provision has incurred the
percentage to total amount was 7.74%. The works completed was decoration
of Achirne Sai Mandir.
The second objective of expenditure was development of roads. The amount
incurred was Rs. 102.51 lacs. The 100% provision has incurred. The
percentage to total was 79.31%. The highest amount was incurred on this
objective in Vaibhavwadi taluka. The works completed was road at Upale
Mandir road at Tirawade road at Napane waterfall, Bhuibawada Rawalnath
The third objective is decoration of tourism centre. The amount incurred was
Rs. 2.07 lacs. The 100% provision has incurred. The percentage to total was
1.60%. The lowest amount was incurred on this objective. The works
completed was railing work at Napane sherpe waterfall.
The fourth objective is renewation of Govt. guest houses. There is not any
provision for this objective.
The fifth objective is development of infrastructure other than road. The total
amount incurred was Rs. 14.67 lacs. The provision made was incurred 100%.
The percentage of this amount to total expenditure was 11.35%. The works
completed under this objective; primary facilities at Napane sherpe waterfall
and the construction of toilet at Napane.
Graph No. 3.13
District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Devgad Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12
Devp. of Religious


Development of

Decoration of

Tourism Center

Renovation of Govt.

Rest House

Devp. of

Devp. of Beach


Historical Tourism

Table No. 3.24
District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Kankavli Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12
(Rs. in Lacs)

Sr. 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- % to

Objective of Expenditure Total
No. 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total
1. Devp. of Religious Destination -- -- -- 9.98 -- -- 9.98 8.79%
2. Development of Roads 9.94 -- 13.65 -- 37.79 -- 61.38 54.08%
3. Decoration of Tourism Center -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
4. Renovation of Govt. Rest House -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5. Devp. of Infrastructure 9.92 -- -- 8.75 23.41 -- 42.15 37.13%
6. Devp. of Beach Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
7. Historical Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TOTAL 113.51 100%

It is revealed from table no. 3.24 that, amount incurred on infrastructure

under district annual plan during 2006-07 to 2011-12 in Kankavli taluka. The
total provision mode during the 2006 -07 to 2011-12 was Rs.113.51 lakhs.
The total provision was incurred 100% on the given objectives. The amount of
Rs 9.98 lakh is incurred on development of religious tourism.i.e area
Development of area Bhavgvati temple Kalsuli. The 100% amount has
incurred on the said objective .The percentage of this amount Gross total is
8.79%.The amount of Rs 61.38 lakh has incurred on second objective.
Development of roads in Kankavli taluka The provision was 100% incurred.
The parentage to Gross total was 54.08%.The works completed under this
objective was, Road construction from osargaon to Kalsuli, construction of
road at Damare, renovation of road from Humbrat to Savdav waterfall.
The third objective under district annual plan was decoration of tourism
centers. The provision was not mode for said objective.
The fourth objective was renovation of Govt.-Rest house. The provision was
made for said objective.
The fifth objection of infrastructure other than rodas. The amount incurred was
rs.42.15 lakh. The provision was incurred 100%The percentage to Gross total
was 37.13%.The works computed under this objective was information boards
at tourist spots, maintenance of minor irrigation at osargaon, constrection of
toilet at Savdav.
Graph No. 3.14
District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Devgad Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12
70 61.38
50 42.15
0 0 0 0 0
Development of Roads
Devp. of Religious

Devp. of Infrastructure
Renovation of Govt. Rest
Decoration of Tourism

Devp. of Beach Tourism

Historical Tourism



Table No. 3.25

District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Kudal Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12
(Rs. in Lacs)

Sr. 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- % to

Objective of Expenditure Total
No. 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total
1. Devp. of Religious Destination 6.56 -- 19.92 -- -- -- 26.57 8.01%
2. Development of Roads 0.50 9.99 69.72 -- -- -- 80.21 24.02%
3. Decoration of Tourism Center 24.61 27.46 29.84 -- 22.27 -- 104.18 31.44%
4. Renovation of Govt. Rest House -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5. Devp. of Infrastructure 9.99 14.96 14.11 17.46 -- 63.88 120.40 36.34%
6. Devp. of Beach Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
7. Historical Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TOTAL 331.36 100%
It is revealed from table no 3.25 that, amount incurred on infrastructure
under District annual plan during 2006-07 to 2011-12 in Kudal taluka. The
total provision mode during 2006-07 to 2011-12 Rs 113.36 lakh. The total
provision has incurred on the given objective.
The first objective was development of religious destinations. The amount of
Rs.26.57 lakh was incurred on religious tourism in kudal taluka the
percentage of incurred amount to provision is 100% The percentage of this
objective to cross total is 8.0%The was completed under this objective are
development of Navnath temple at Ambadpal,wall Construction at Rawalnath
temple, paving blocks around rawalnath temple, recreation park at Rawalnath
temple, decoration of area of Mahalaxmi temples at Nerur,decoration of Road
to kaleshwar temple at nerur, decoration of said temple at nerur area
development of Laxmi-Narayan temple at nerur construction of meeting hall in
fort of Raul Maharaj math, decoration off datta mandir at mangaon.
Decoration of jijamata circle area, decoration of temples of lingeshwar,
Gangeshwar,Rawalnath temple.
The second objective is development of roads. The amount incurred was Rs.
80.21 lakh. The 100%Provision has incurred. The parentage to gross total
was 24.21%.The works computed was road at Ambrad, road at Ambheri, road
rawalnath temple kudal, road at nerur, road at Mansantoshgad, Road at Datt-
mandir mangaon, road at oras,
The third objective is decoration of tourism center. The amount incurred was
Rs104.18 lakh. The 100% provision has incurred. The percentage to gross
total was 31.44%.The works completed was high mast fitting to statue of Chh.
Shivaji at Sindhudurgnagari, decoration of Navnath temple at Ambbadpal,
decoration on Mahalaxmai temple at Nerur, decoration of Kaleshwar mandir
walawal, decoration of sai mandir at Nerur ,decoration of Datta mandir at
mangaon, decoration of entrance gate of district headqarter, decoration of
traffic is lands in sindhudurg Nagari, decoration of district sports complex,
decoration of circle near Don-Boscoschool, decoration of jijamanta circle,
decoration circle near I.T.I,, decoration of circle near post office, decoration of
Gangeshwar, Lingeshwar temple.
The forth objective is renovation of Govt. Guest-house.but there was not any
provision on this objective.
The fifth objective is development of infrastructure other than roads. The total
amount incurred was Rs.120.40 lakhs. The percentage of this amount to total
expenditure was 36.34%.the works completed under this objective was s
Graph No. 3.15

District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on

Infrastructure for Devgad Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12

120 104.18
40 26.57
0 0 0 0
Development of Roads

Renovation of Govt. Rest

Devp. of Religious

Devp. of Infrastructure
Decoration of Tourism

Devp. of Beach Tourism

Historical Tourism


Table No. 3.26
District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Malvan Taluka during 2003-04 to 2011-12
(Rs. in Lacs)

Sr. 2003- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- % to

Objective of Expenditure Total
No. 04 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total
1. Devp. of Religious Destination -- -- -- -- 52.06 -- -- 52.06 10.07%
2. Development of Roads -- -- 10.00 28.13 21.00 7.29 145.75 212.17 40.60%
3. Decoration of Tourism Center -- -- -- -- -- 28.06 14.11 42.17 8.07%
4. Renovation of Govt. Rest House -- 15.44 -- -- -- -- -- 15.44 2.95%
5. Devp. of Infrastructure 9.99 9.18 -- -- 33.58 46.54 19.42 118.71 22.71%
6. Devp. of Beach Tourism -- -- -- -- 25.45 22.82 -- 48.28 9.26%
7. Historical Tourism -- -- -- -- 24.82 8.40 -- 33.22 6.38%
TOTAL 522.59 100%

It is revealed from Table No. 3.26 the amount incurred on tourism

development of Malvan Taluka under annual district plan during 2003-04 to
2011-12. The total provision made for this taluka was Rs. 552.59 lacs. The
total provision made was incurred during 2003-04 to 2011-12.
The first objective of expenditure was development of religious destinations.
The amount incurred was Rs. 52.06 lacs. The 100% provision has incurred
the percentage to total amount was 10.07%. The works completed was
development of Sateri Mandir, design work of Shivrajeshwar temple.
The second objective of expenditure was development of roads. The amount
incurred was Rs. 212.17 lacs. The 100% provision has incurred. The
percentage to total was 40.60%. The works completed were construction of
roads at Masure Anganewadi, Renewation of Road at Amberi to Dhamapur.
Road at fishing yard at Tarkarli – Devbaug, Footpath construction at Bandar
jetty Malvan, and construction of footpath from Masura to Bharatgad.
The third objective is decoration of tourism centre. The amount incurred was
Rs. 42.17 lacs. The 100% provision has incurred. The percentage to total was
8.07%. The works completed was decoration of coast from jetty to
dandeshwar temple, decoration of rock garden, decoration of Dhamapur tank.
The fourth objective is renewation of Govt. guest houses. The total amount
incurred was Rs. 15.44 lacs. The provision made was incurred 100%. The
percentage of this amount to total expenditure was 2.95%. The works
completed was renewation of Government resthouses at Malvan.
The fifth objective is development of infrastructure other than road. The total
amount incurred was Rs. 118.71 lacs. The provision made was incurred
100%. The percentage of this amount to total expenditure was 22.71%. The
works completed under this objective was supply to material water surface
jetty at Dhamapur, Supply of fountain boats at Dhamapur tank. Toy train at
Malvan rock garden.
The sixth objective is development of beach tourism. The total amount
incurred was 42.28 lacs. The provision made was incurred 100%. The
percentage of this amount to total expenditure was 9.29%. The work
completed under this objective was decoration of Chivla beach, supply of
boards at Chivla beach.
The seventh objective is development of historical tourism. The total amount
incurred was Rs. 32.22 lacs. The provision made incurred 100%. The
percentage of this amount to total expenditure was 6.38%. The works
completed under this objective was material supply for water jetty at
Sindhudurg fort, the construction of surface water jetty at Sindhudurg fort.
Graph No. 3.16
District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Devgad Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12
250 212.17
150 118.71
52.06 42.17 48.28
50 33.22

Devp. of Infrastructure
Development of Roads
Devp. of Religious

Decoration of Tourism

Devp. of Beach Tourism

Historical Tourism
Renovation of Govt.

Rest House

Table No. 3.27

District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Vengurla Taluka during 2003-04 to 2011-12
(Rs. in Lacs)

Sr. 2003- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- % to

Objective of Expenditure Total
No. 04 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total
1. Devp. of Religious Destination -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2. Development of Roads 37.28 5.60 5.10 10.00 -- 35.37 -- 93.35 76.07%
3. Decoration of Tourism Center -- -- 4.99 -- 3.57 -- -- 8.56 16.95%
4. Renovation of Govt. Rest House -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5. Devp. of Infrastructure -- -- -- 10.79 -- 10.00 -- 20.79 6.98%
6. Devp. of Beach Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
7. Historical Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TOTAL 122.07 100%

It is revealed from Table No. 3.27 that amount incurred on Tourism

Development of Vengurle taluka under Annual District Plan during 2003-04 to
2011-12. The total provision made for this taluka was Rs. 422.07 lacs. Out of
the total provision made was incurred during 2003-04 to 2011-12.
The first objective of expenditure was development of religious destination.
There is not any provision for this objective.
The second objective of expenditure was development of roads. The amount
incurred was Rs. 93.35 lacs. The 100% provision has incurred. The
percentage to total was 76.07%. The highest amount incurred on this
objective in Vengurle taluka. The works completed was road at Parule to Nivti,
Mochemad beach to Tulas, Mhapan to Nivati, Sateri temple to Vetoba temple,
Kochara road at Bhujnathwadi, Narayan temple to Ganpati temple, Talavade
Matond road, Tak Velagar road, Sagartirth to Velagar road.
The third objective is decoration of tourism centres. The amount incurred was
Rs. 8.56 lacs. The 100% provision as incurred the percentage to total was
60.95% on this objective. The works completed of area decoration at Sateri
temple furniture setting to Shiroda tourism centre.
The fourth objective was renewation of Govt. resthouse. There is not any
provision for this objective.
The fifth objective is development of infrastructure other than road. The total
amount incurred was Rs. 20.79 lacs. The provision made was incurred 100%.
The percentage of this amount total expenditure was 6.98%. The works
completed under this objective was garden development at Camp area in
Vengurla taluka, staircase construction at Sagar Guesthouse, facility centre at
Shiroda, supply boats and watersport material at Bhogave.

Graph No. 3.17

District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Devgad Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12
100 93.35
30 20.79
20 8.56
10 0 0 0 0

Development of Roads
Devp. of Religious

Devp. of Infrastructure
Decoration of Tourism

Devp. of Beach Tourism

Historical Tourism
Renovation of Govt. Rest



Table No. 3.28

District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Sawantwadi Taluka during 2003-04 to 2011-12
(Rs. in Lacs)
Sr. 2003- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- % to
Objective of Expenditure Total
No. 04 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total
1. Devp. of Religious 4.14 -- 5.79 -- -- -- -- 9.93 1.09%
2. Destination
Development of Roads 8.47 -- 8.96 74.14 -- 90.43 57.78 239.78 46.08%
3. Decoration of Tourism -- -- -- 9.99 -- 10.06 -- 20.05 3.85%
4. Center
Renovation of Govt. Rest -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5. Houseof Infrastructure
Devp. 5.77 -- 8.47 -- -- 123.00 107.96 225.18 47.12%
6. Devp. of Beach Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
7. Historical Tourism -- 5.43 -- -- -- -- -- 5.43 1.04%
TOTAL 520.37 100%

It is revealed from Table No. 3.28 the amount incurred on tourism

development of Sawantwadi taluka under annual district plan 2003-04 to
2011-12. The total provision made for this taluka was Rs. 520.37 lacs the total
provision made was incurred during 2003-04 to 2011-12. The first objective of
expenditure was development of religious destination, the amount incurred
9.93 lacs. The 100% provision has incurred. The percentage to total amount
was 1.9%. The works completed was tourism facilities at Rameshwar temple,
water supply scheme at Vetoba temple.
The second objective of expenditure was development of roads. The amount
incurred was Rs. 239.78 lacs. The 100% provision has incurred the
percentage to total was 46.08% on this objective in Sawantwadi taluka. The
works completed was road at Kavalesad point, Dhurewad to Kawalesad point,
forest garden at talkat, footpath in forest garden, road at Sonsure to Aravali,
Kunkeri to Lingachiwadi, Belgaum state highway to Koyale waterfall,
Gadagewadi to Ram Mandir, Niravade to Vetye, Bandivadekarwadi to Nemale
Dattamandir, Danoli to Banda, Otavane to Sarambal, Road at Vilavade,
Shivapur to Gadkarwadi, Puruchari temple to mangaon, Sawantwadi to
Gangeshwar temple.
The third objective is the decoration the tourism centers. The amount
incurred was Rs. 20.05 lacs. The 100% provision has incurred. The
percentage to total amount was 3.85%. The works completed was decoration
of Narendra Forest Garden, area decoration of tourist facility center at Kunkeri
The fourth objective is renewation of Government rest houses. There is
not any provision for this objective.
The fifth objective is development of infrastructure other than road the
total amount incurred was Rs. 245.18 lacs. The provision made was incurred
100%. The percentage of this amount to total expenditure was 47.12%. The
works completed under this objective was development at Nangartas waterfall
Amboli forest garden, bamboo lighting at forest garden, information centre,
renewation of tank near amboli JRD hotel, protect wall around JRD water
tank. Enhancement of watch tower in forest garden, repairing of labour shed
at Talkat, construction of toilet in Talkat garden, seating arrangement in
medical plant. Enhancement of nursery for seeding, enhance tents for
researcher, scientific information board at Talkat, safety tank for toilet at
Aravali, renovation of tank near Kateshwar temple at Narur.
The sixth objective is development of historical tourism. The total
amount incurred was 5.43 lacs. The provision made incurred 100%. The
percentage of this amount to total expenditure was 1.04%. The works
completed under this objective was improvement at Mahadevgad at Amboli.
Graph No. 3.18

District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on

Infrastructure for Devgad Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12

250 225.18
50 20.05
9.93 0 0 5.43
Development of Roads

Devp. of Infrastructure
Decoration of Tourism

Devp. of Beach Tourism

Historical Tourism
Renovation of Govt. Rest
Devp. of Religious


Table No. 3.29
District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on
Infrastructure for Dodamarg Taluka during 2006-07 to 2011-12
(Rs. in Lacs)

Sr. 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- % to

Objective of Expenditure Total
No. 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total
1. Devp. of Religious Destination -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2. Development of Roads -- -- -- -- 41.71 -- 41.71 100%
3. Decoration of Tourism Center -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
4. Renovation of Govt. Rest House -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5. Devp. of Infrastructure -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
6. Devp. of Beach Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
7. Historical Tourism -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TOTAL 41.71 100%

It is revealed from Table No. 3.29 the amount incurred on tourism

development of Dodamarg taluka under annual district plan 2006-07 to 2011-
12. The total provision made for this taluka was Rs. 41.71 lacs the total
provision made was incurred during 2006-07 to 2011-12.
The objective of development of road, the amount incurred 41.71 lacs.
The 100% provision has incurred. The percentage to total amount was 100%.
The works completed was construction of Mangeli talewadi phansawadi road.
Table No. 3.30
District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on Infrastructure during 2003-04 to 2011-12
(Rs. in Lacs)

Sr. Name of Taluka

Objective of Expenditure
No. Devgad Vaibhavwadi Kankavli Kudal Malvan Vengurle Sawantwadi Dodamarg

1. Devp. of Religious Destination 9.38 10.00 9.98 26.57 52.06 93.35 9.93

2. Development of Roads 69.28 102.51 61.38 80.21 212.17 8.56 239.78 41.71

3. Decoration of Tourism Center 18.42 2.07 -- 104.18 42.17 20.05

4. Renovation of Govt. Rest House 9.99 -- 15.44

5. Devp. of Infrastructure 14.67 42.15 120.40 118.41 20.79 245.18

6. Devp. of Beach Tourism 48.28

7. Historical Tourism 33.22 5.43

TOTAL 107.07 129.25 113.51 331.36 522.59 122.07 520.37 41.71

Graph No. 3.19
District Annual Plan Talukawise and Objectivewise amount incurred on Infrastructure during 2003-04 to 2011-12







Devp. of Religious Development of Roads Decoration of Tourism Renovation of Govt. Devp. of Infrastructure Devp. of Beach Historical Tourism
Destination Center Rest House Tourism

Devgad Vaibhavwadi Kankavli Kudal Malvan Vengurle Sawantwadi Dodamarg

It is revealed from table no. 3.30 that 7 works has undertaken by Maharashtra
Tourism Development Corporation through funds of 12th finance commission. For the
said works, sanction amount is Rs. 3800 lakh. The total sanction has distributed. Out
of which Rs. 831.14 lakh has incurred.
Out of the total 7 works, 3 are on the way of completion i.e. construction Devbag
jetty, Tarkarli squba diving, and tourist guest house at Kunkeshwar.
The works in progress are development of Resort at Mithbav part I & II, construction
of tourist information centre and restaurant at Amboli, squba driving devices at
tarkarli, Masaj centre at tarkarli guest house, upgrading of recreation centre. Hence
funds are sanctioned the works will be completed.
From the above information, the amount sanctioned through Central Govt.
sponsored scheme was Rs. 1164.09 lakh. Out of which Rs. 1101.28 lakh has
distributed (94.60%). The incurred amount is Rs. 953.19 lakh and it is 86.55% to
sanctioned amount.
The amount sanctioned and distributed through Konkan Vikas Package (special
package of State Govt.) is Rs. 1911.71 lakh, out of which amount incurred is Rs.
360.55 lakh (18.86%).
The amount sanctioned by Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation through
Sindhudurg District Tourism Development Scheme during 2009-10 to 2012-13 was
Rs. 24532.68 lakh. Out of which Rs. 4230.00 lakh (17.24%) was distributed. The
actual expenditure is 3095.55 lakh. The proportion of incurred amount to sanctioned
amount is 12.62%.
The amount sanctioned under 12th finance commission was Rs. 7090.45 lakh, out of
which Rs. 7046.54 lakh (99.38%) has distributed. The actual expenditure is Rs.
8064.38 lakh. The proportion of expenditure to sanctioned amount is 43.22%.
The total sanctions through above four schemes for tourism development of
Sindhudurg was Rs. 346.99 crores out of which Rs. 143 (41.21%) crores has
distributed. The actual expenditure is Rs. 75 crores (21.61%). The works of basic
infrastructure are in progress for tourism development of Sindhudurg District through
sanctioned funds.
i) Historical Forts in Devgad Taluka :
This fort is 52 km. away from Talere village on Mumbai-Goa Highway. This
fort is big fort in the district and it is in well condition. The waghotan creek is located
on the boundary, between Ratnagiri and Sindudurg. The huge and impenetrable
Vijaydurg Fort lies on the spot where the creek meets the sea and its surrounded on
three sides with water the fort was constructed by King Bhojraja Shaiahar in the 12th
century. It was then taken over by the Bahamani and later by Adilshah. When Ch.
Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj set out to strengthen his navy he fought and hwon the fort
from Adilshah. Then the fort was names as Vijaydurg. Sarkhel (Admiral) Kanhoji
Angre repaired the fort and converted it into a Mani naval station. Several foreigners
such as Siddhi, British, Dutch and Portuguese attacked the fort, but could not face
the naval attack by Angare and lost the battle.

Vijaydurg Fort

This sea fort was very important in Maratha Empire. The specialty of this fort
is that it has triple fortifications surrounding it. In the early times the fort was
surrounded on three sided by water and one side by land. A huge trench was dug on
the side facing the land with wooden bridge connectivity. At any time the
communication can be stopped by mere lifting the wooden bridge. This fort is an
archeological monument.
This fort also has scientific history. On 18th August 1868, during the solar
eclipse, Vijaydurg was the site for the shortest distance between the sun and the
earth. Hench the famous French scientist Jenson & geologist Lockier came here and
built rectangular platform on which their telescope were positioned. It was during the
observation that the scientist observed a yellow ring surrounding the sun. On further
helium gas. Hence, the Vijaydurg fort shares the scientific discovery of helium gas
and even today, we can see the rectangular platforms erected then and known as
'Sahebanche Ote.' The Vijaydurg town has decent lodging and boarding facility.

Devgad Fort :
It situated on the hill near the Devgad. Devgad is famous for alphanso mango
and a very clean & beautiful beach.
Devgad Fort is located adjacent to the port and is spread over 12 acres of
land. Located on a hilly plateau a deep tench is a dug on the side facing the land.
This is built by Kanhoji Angre in 1705.There are lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman
temples in the fort. The fort is well maintained and has quite a few cannons in good
condition. The view from the top of the fort is breathtaking. In the evening, one can
see the port, the thundering sea and the setting sun with fishing boats lining the
horizon making a very picturesque landscape.It is an historical monument of
Sadanandgad :
Sadanandgad fort is located in Devgad taluka near Salashi village. Earlier the
administration of Salashi Mahal (Taluka) was managed from the fort. However, today
the fort is badly damaged and in ruin.
The fort was under the rule of Karveer Chhatrapati. In 1732, Savantadkar
King Fondsavant attacked the fort. Karveer King Sambhaji Raje had sent his minister
Bhagwantrao Pant with an army to defend fort and protect it.
Sagari Godi - Girye
Chief of Maratha navy, Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre constructed a Godi for the
repairs of the ships and boats. It is located about one and half km away from
Rameshwar temple on the banks of Vagotane Creek. This is a unique architectural
monument. The dock is 350 ft long and 225 ft broad carved in the stone after
calculating the high and low tide and after the water drained out. Even today on can
still see the remains of the road used to tie the ship, and cannons.
World famous Alphonso Mango known as king of fruits hails from this place.
In the olden days this place was a famous port for business transactions. This
Taluka is famous for several excellent tourist spots like, Kunkeshwar temple,
Vimleshwar caves of Wada, Padwane, Gioy beach, the famous naval fort-Vijaydurg,
Rameshwar temple and Godi.

ii) Religious Tourism in DevgadTaluka :

Kunkeshwar Temple :
Kunkeshwar temple is famous as konkan kashi. It is 15 km. away from
Devgad. This is an ancient Shiv Mandir. This is built in 11th century. This temple is
situated on beach. This temple is built by a Muslim person. Kunkeshwar temple iis
situated on a very beautiful site. It’s west side is surrounded by Arabian sea and
west side by green natural scene. There is a Bhakta Nivas facility near Kunkeshwar

Kunkeshwar Temple
At the east side of Kunkeshwar temple, there are ancient caves, which are
found in 1920. There are some statues and idols and 18 face carvings, one shivling
and nandi in caves. The entrance of cave is attractive. Kunkeshwar is divine power
for local residents.
Rameshwar Temple - Girye
The temple is located on a lower plane. One has to go through a huge
archway through a pathway carved out of stone to reach the temple. In 1792
Anandrao Dhulap. The last remains of the Maratha Naval chief Sarkhel Sambhaji
Angare are found here. The temple is surrounded by a stone wall.
Girye Rameshwar temple is 3 km. away from vijaydurg fort. It is 29 km. away
from Devgad. it is very old temple. This is built by Sambhaji Angre. This an old and
beautiful temple. The area of temple is silent and pleasant. There was silver idol of
Rameshwar weighted 50 kg. But it is stolen by thiefs.
Bhagavati Mandir at Kotkamte :
Bhagavati temple is in the temple of Kotkamte. It is an old and a beautiful
temple. The carvings, beautiful idol of Devi bhagvati, attractive lamps in the hall, etc.
are various features of the temple.
Located 30 kms from Devgad in Kotkamate town admiral Kanhoji Angre
constructed the Bhagwati Temple which is considered as the village deity. In front of
this historic temple are two beautiful age-old Pimple and Wad trees. The temple has
a huge sanctum and one finds exquisite carving on the wooden pillars. One can also
see a few cannons besides the temple.
Vimaleshwar Temple :
This temple is situated in big cave at wada village. It is carved in a laterite hill.
Gangatirth at Dahibaon :
It is 20 km. away from Devgad. It is a natural destination. The Gangakund or
Gangatirth streamlines once in a year. Tourists visits here for holy bath.
Table No. 3.31
Religious Tourism in Devgad Taluka
Name Taluka from district Speciality
It is well known as
kokankashi 15 km. away
1. Kunkeshwar Devgad 90 km. from Devgad an ancient
shivmandir. Kunkeshwar
caves are east to temple.
3 km. away from Vijaydurg.
2. Girye Rameshwar Devgad 75 km.
an ancient Shiva temple.
an ancient temple at
3. Bhagwati Mandir Devgad 75 km.
This temple is a big cave in
Vimaleshwar Devgad
4. 85 km. hill. Attractive and an
ancient temple.
20 km. away from Devgad.
5. Gangatirth Devgad 75 km.
located at Dahibao.
iii) Sea and Beach Tourism in Devgad :
Devgad is important tourist destination. Devgad is well planned port. The
following beaches are in Devgad Taluka.
• Tambaldeg Beach :
Tambaldeg beach is white sand attractive beach. The beach is wide, clean and
safe. The length of the beach is 6 kms. The beach is lined by coconut and suru
trees. Hence it looks very attractive. It surrounded by small hills.
• Kunkeshwar Beach :
The famous kunkeshwar temple is on this beach. Due to this God Shiva temple, it
has status of pilgrimage. Clean and white sand, surrounded by granary is main
feature of this beach.
• Devgad Beach :
The beach is at taluka place. This beach is very beautiful and lined by coconut
and suru trees.
Table No. 3.32
Details of Beach Tourism in Devgad
Distance from
Beach Taluka Dist. Speciality
White sand,
1. Tambaldeg Devgad 75 kms. beautiful, wide and
clean, safe beach.
famous kunkeshwar
2. Kunkeshwar Devgad 78 kms. temple on beach
status of pilgrim.
3. Devgad Devgad 70 kms. Beautiful beach,
4. Padavane surrounded by
5. Munage coconut and suru
6. Vijaydurg trees.
7. Tambaldeg
8. Pural
9. Girye
10. Mithmumbari
11. Morvye
12. Fanse

Source : As per table No. 4.1

There are twelve beaches are in devgad taluka. Thousands of tourists visit
every yearly to these beaches.
Table No. 3.33
Fort in Devgad Taluka
Sr. Name Taluka Distance Speciality
No. from
800 years old fort won by
1. Vijaydurg Devgad 90 km.
Chh. Shivaji from Adilshah.
It is situated near salshi
2. Sadanandgad Devgad 50 km.
strong wall around it and a
3. Devgad Devgad 70 km.
historical heritage.

Source : Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation booklet-2013.

Malvan is a compact town situated on the coast of Western India. The
Faomus Sindhudurg sea-fort which lends it's name to this District, constructed by
Chatrapati ShivajiMaharaj- a place of pride, is located in Malvan. There are several
tourist attractions such as Sarjekot, Padmadurg, Moryacha Dhonda, Tarkarli, Kolamb
creek, Dhamapur, Ojhar, Kasar taka, Tondawali, Anganewadi, Malvan rock garden
and jaiganesh temple. The typical malvani dialect spoken all over sindhudurg district,
known for it's special crispness and creek in tongue quotes has carried the name of
Malvan even abroad. The chivala beach, Nath Pai Sevangan, Datta temple at
Bharadnaka are some of sites worth visiting in the city. The surrounding sea has rich
biodiversity and recently the Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation has
provided the snorkeling facility which can be availed by anyone and get a first hand
experience of the under sea world. Malvan is also famous for its special slightly spicy
tangy cuisine and has several eateries around the cater sea food which can tickle
the palate and satisfy the customer.
Recognising that navy is an independent part of national security, Ch. Shivaji
Maharaj established the naval feet to stop the invasion by foreigners
While surveying the Konkan coast line Shivaji Maharaj felt the need to build an
impenerable sea fort. On reaching the Malvan beach, he found the desirable place
for such a project. "Of the 84 ports there is no place like this,-so establish a new
Janjira fort here!" was the king's order. Accordingly, on 25th November 1664, he laid
the foundation of the fort and worshiped the sea at Moryacha Dhonda to initiate the
constructions of the fort. The Moryacha dhonda (the auspicious stone worshiped by
Shivaji Maharaj can still be viewed in the Malvandandi area. The historians and
Maratha history lovers make it a point to visit it a place of pilgrimage and a tribute to
the great visionart king.
Constructed on 48 acres of land the fort has huge walls with ramparts on all
the four sides. The height of these walls ranges from 20 to even 35-40 ft high. There
are 52 bastions in the fort. The entrance is modeled as a face of cow(considered as
an auspicious structure is not easily visible from the outside. A huge Lord Hanuman
Statue is carved just inside the main door.
On entering through the main entrance one can climb the fort rampart. On the left
side of the ramparts in a ghumath (dome) one can see the hand and foot inprints of
ShivajiMaharaj would frequently visit the fort to supervise the construction, and it is
during one such visit a clever worker must have got the prints from the king.
The foundation stones on this fort were set in molten lead. There are 45
stones staircase to climb the fort ramparts. It is said that in those days 1 crorehon
(gold coin- currency prevailling then) was expanded for the construction of the fort.
HirojiIndulkar the chief architect of Shivaji Maharaj has constructed this fort, which
was completed on 29th March 1667, and was named as the "Sindhudurg fort."
To supplement additional security, surrounding the Sindhudurg fort on the
stony area, smaller defense forts such as Padmagad, Sarjekot and Rajkot were
constructed at the same time.

i) Historical Forts in Malvan Taluka :

Sea fort Sindhudurg :
It is 2 km. away from Malvan and built in the sea. This fort is built by
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The area of fort is 48 hectares. It has 3.5 km. strong
compound wall. Tourist has to go in the fort by boats. It is an important destination in
the tourism of the district.

Sindhudurg Fort
Ojhar Cave
This is the cave where the eminent saint Bhrahmanand Swami lived and
maditated. Located about 5 Km from Malvan, on the Achara road near Kolamb town
this cave is situated in a mango grove with a very pleasant shade. There is a small
stream and a tiny tank which has water throughout the year. This place is very
serene and has a calming effect. The way to the cave is through a thick foliage lined
pathway. Swami Brahmanand was the discipline of Swami Nityanand of Karnataka.
The cave has his Samadhi and is a place of worship for number of devotees. Every
year on 'Guru Poornima' day there is a huge gathering at this place.
Bharatgad :
Bharatgad fort was constructed in 1680. It is located near Masure town in
Malvan taluka on the top of mountain and covers an area of about 6 acres. The inner
fort is with a length of 150m.and breadth protected by 2m. broad rampart.
There are 10 bastions on the northern and southern side which resembles a half-
moon like shape. The central one has stairs. There is a small temple on north side
with a 250ft deep well nearby.

Bharatgad Fort

The fort was built by Sawantwadkar King Fondsavant. Essentially, he

constructed the fort as there where frequent fights between him and the
Partpratinidhi of Karveer Chhatrapati Shri Bavdekar to protect himself in an
eventuality of danger.
In 1664, chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had inspected this site for building a
mountain fort but decided against it due to lack of water availability. There were
many battles fought during the times of King Fondsavant. Even today one can see
quite a few cannons around the place.
Bhagwantgad :
Bhagwantgad is located near Bharatgad besides Kalawati creek near
Bandiwade village. The fort is spred over 1.5 acres of land. The rampart and towers
are damaged and a few cannons are found here. Lord Bhagwant temple is found in
this fort. In 1701, Pantpratinidhi Bavdekar of Karveer constructed the fort in
competition of Bharatgad built by Fondsavant. The main intention was to check
Muthe Saantadkar. On 30th March 1818, British Colonel Imalack conquered this fort
from Bavdekar, a representative of the King Karveer after a small battle.
Siddhgad :
A small fort is situated 25km from malvan near Ovaliye village on the top of a
mountain. The walls of the fort are damaged at many places. There are no recorded
events that many have occurred in this fort. The fort is built on a huge hard rock with
sufficient water facility and in inhabited by 25 to 30 Dhangar (shepherds) families.
Ramgad :
A small fort, Ramgad, is situated 11 kms from Kankavali – Achara Road near
Ramgad village on a hill. There are 7 Canons found in the fort. An ammunition
storehouse is located nearby. One can see old remains of inhabitation with damaged
rampart. The fort measures 8 acres with 7ft high and 10ft broad rampart. The fort
houses a temple and people also carry out farming activities in the fort. There is
Dahrmashala (rest house) run by zilla Parishad with lodging facility.
Table No. 3.34
Fort in Malvan Taluka
Sr. from
Name Taluka Speciality
No. district
Built by chh. Shivaji, area 48
1. Sindhudurg Malvan 30 kms. hec., well protected by
compound wall, sea fort
Situated at Masure, built by
2. Bharatgad Malvan 25 kms. phondsawant of Sawantwadi
in 1860.
situated near Bandivade
3. Bhagwantgad Malvan 29 kms. village on the bank of
Kalaval creek.
25 km. away from Malvan
4. Sindhgad Malvan 60 kms.
and a historical fort.
30 km. away from Malvan
5. Ramgad Malvan 45
and a historical fort.
Source – Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation booklet 2013.

There four forts in Malvan Taluka. These forts are important tourist points.

ii) Religious Tourism in Malvan Taluka :

Jai Ganesh Mandir :
It is located in Medha Malvan. This is a very beautiful temple. A famous
calander ‘Kalnirnay’ owner Jayant Salgaonkar built this temple. This is a new tourist
centre in Malvan.
The originator of KalnirnayAlmanac-JyotirbhaskarJayantSalgaonkar hails from
Malvan. He constructed a beautiful Lord Ganesh temple in Medha. The temple is
located in clean and picteresque environment surrounded by palm and areca trees
adding to its beauty. The idol of Lord Ganesha is placed on a golden platform
surrounded by Riddhi and Siddhi God esses.
Shri Rameshwar Mandir :
This temple is located at Achara in Malvan Taluka. This is known as Inamdar
dev Rameshwar. This temple is a hemadpanthi structure. This is 2 km. away from
sea coast. Achara village is 20 km. away from Malvan.
Devi Bharadi Temple :

‘Anganewadi’ is 15 km. away from Malvan. The temple of Devi Bharadi is

located in Anganewadi. The Peshva Chimaji Appa donated two thousand acares of
land to this Devi Bharadi. This deity is on the barre land so she is famous as
Bharadi. The date of Jatra is not fixed. It is fixed after getting a haunting.

Anganewadi Yatra

Anganewadi is a delightful religious tourist spot. The Shri Bharadi goddess

temple, its annual fair is well known and largest in the District. Devoted believe that
the Bhatadi goddess was incarnated in a grove. Lacs of devoted from Maharashtra,
Karnataka and Goa attend the fair. The Govt. has made special arrangements for
them from the development fund. Anganewadi is 12km away from Malvan.
Shrikshetra Ozareshwar :
This temple is away 6 km. from Malvan. This is near to revand village, 3 to 4
km away from Kolamb Bridge. This is an ancient Shivmandir. This is a destination of
Swami Bramhanand. The holy festival of this god remains at Gurupournima and in
the month of Shravan.
Kasar Taka ;
Kasar Taka is a charming place especially known for rainy season tourism.
This is located on the Malvan-Kudal Road. About 4Km from Chuke village on the
Kudal Road one finds a river roaring between two mountains. On the bank of this
river is the local deity temple. Generally there is a huge crowd of tourists to this place
between June to September when nature is at its peak.
Table No. 3.35
Religious Tourism in Malvan Taluka
Name Taluka from district Speciality
Jai Ganesh Malvan a new religious centre in
1. 35 km.
Mandir Malvan
2. Rameshwar 55 km. It is Achara Village

Malvan A famous temple at

3. Devi Bharadi 50 km.
Shrikshetra Malvan 6 km. away from
4. 31 km.
Ozareshwar Malvan, located at ozor
Source – Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Tourist booklet 2013.

iii) Sea and Beach Tourism in Devgad :

Malvan is important destination of tourism in Sindhudurg district. The Sindhudurg
sea fort is situated in sea near Malvan.
Tarkarli-Devbag -
The beautiful Tarkarli beach known as the 'Queen of Beaches' is located
about 61km from Malvan , and has made its mark on the world tourism map. The
clean and wide beach stretching over 8km long on the coast from Malvan to Devbag
and the enhanting region at the confluence of Karliriver and sea is major tourist
The development of Sindhudurg beach tourism was initiated through Tarkarli.
Within a short time, this place attained fame owing to its scenic beauty, pristine
waters, calm and peaceful beaches and clean white sand. Maharashtra Tourism
Development Corporation resort has excellent lodging and boarding facxility. Staying
in the tents close to the sea is a wonderful experience. Maharashtra Tourism
Development Corporation also organises houseboates to take a ride from Tarkarli to
Nerurpar, that provides a view of the serence coast line with swaying palms and
casurina trees.Maharashtra
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation has taken special
efforts to develop Tarkarli beach. Snorkeling, squba driving, squba driving,
houseboat, royal tents and other complementary projects have been started by
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation.
Corporation. Thisbeach is important as a tourism

Tarkarli Beach
Scuba Diving

Watersports Activity

Chivala Beach :

Chivala beach is situated near Malvan. This is famous and attractive beach. The
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation has developed ‘Rock Garden’ at this
place. Clean white sand, roaring sea and isolation are the characteristics of this
Other beaches :
Devbag beach, Kolamb beach, Tondavali Wayangani beach, Achara beach.

Table No. 3.36

Details of beach tourism in Malvan
Distance from
Beach Taluka district Speciality
White sandy and clean
1. Chivala Malvan 36 kms.
beach, isolation
snorking, squba driving,
2. Tarkarli Malvan 40 kms.
houseboat experience.
3. Kolamb Malvan 45 kms. White sand, clean beach
4. Devbag
5. Tandavali
6. Wayangani
7. Achara

There are 7 beaches in malvan taluka. Facilities like squba driving, speed
boat, snorking are available. Thousands of tourists visits every year these beaches.
iv) Other Tourist Spots in Malvan Taluka :
Rock Garden
Towards the north of Malvan town adjacent to Arse Mahal (tahsil) a rock garden is
developed on the stony landscape. Using various naturally found local stones and
number of defight. It is a treat to watch the waves dashing on the stone edges,
raising foam fountain while the setting sun with a colorful sky provides the exquisite
Very often we view the under sea world on TV's and films and wonder
whether it would ever be possible to get this view on a first hand. This dream comes
true through the ambititious "Konkan Diving Dream" a Malvan tourism project which
initiated the Snorkllingfacilikty. Located near the Sindhudurg is the King's Garden,
where one can get to see huge corals, sargassum plants, several algae species and
colorful fishes. The most interesting part of snorkiling is that one need not even know
how to swim to engage in this activity and enjoy the sea world which is a dream
come true for many visitors. The project is successfully run by Dr.SarangKulkarni
along with his well trained team of twenty divers through the Tourism Development

Dhamapur Lake
The historic Dhamapur Lake is located on the way from Malvan to Kudal. This
lake was constructed around 1530 AD by the Mandlik (Minister) named Nagesh
Desai of the Vijaynagar Kingdom. This beautiful lake is said to cover 5 acres and
known for its clear sparklling water. Surrounded dense forest with variety of birds the
place is very quite and peaceful. There is natural club, Children Park and boating
facilities available and lodging and boarding facility provided by Maharashtra
Tourism Development Corporation. A visit to the Dhamapur Lake is a journey into
solitude and peace.

Dhamapur Lake
It is really a love at the first sight experience for any tourist coming to
Vengurle for the first time. Located towards the south of Sindhudurg district,
Vengurle with its silver sands, sparkling blue sea and bountiful nature is a poet’s
dreams come true. The very name of Vengurle conjures up the beautiful Public
Works Department (Public Works Department) rest house situated on a hilltop on the
beach and picturesque lighthouse located behind it. The market named after the
Mumabi Crawford market, Mansishwar temple, Narayan lake, the beautiful beach of
Sagreshwar are some of the sights worth seeing in Vengurle. There are several
eateries catering typical Malvani spicy cuisine.
The view of Vengurle town however, differs from the places from one sees
from different direction, for instance, if viewed from the Dabholi Ghats one sees the
half-moon shaped sea beach from Sagareshwar to the port with the prominent rest
house and the lighthouse behind it. It almost appears that mighty sea has embraced
this beautiful town in its arms. A poet therefore, has deciphered is as ‘Veng’
(embrace) ‘Urle’ (remaining) i.e. a town in the embrace if the sea. The city appears
like an innocent baby suckling its thumb covered with a soft green blanket when
viewed from the Ghats. The same city appears as a compact town enclosed by the
tress and swaying palms when viewed from the Sagreshwar beach. It is a matter of
belight to take a round in the local market. One finds typical Konkan items such as
Kokum fruits (garacinia), Kokum juice, cashew nuts, Kokum fruit oil, special tiny
sweet Soniyal plantains, local rice varieties, variety of colourful flowers with their
exhilarating secnts and number of other articles.
The Sagreshwar beach located near Vengurle towm, the pretty shiva temple,
the casurina plantations, the Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation royal
tent house resorts are tourists delight. It is wonderful experience to stay in the tents
on the beach deep in the Casurina plantation. The place has good santitation and
boarding facilities. There are several other tourist locations close by such as
Mochemad beach Shiroda, Vetoba of Aravali, Redi, Terekohl, Vaingani beach,
Bhogawe, Nivati fort, etc. Which can be ecsily accessed from Vengurle. The nearest
railway station is Sawantwadi or Kudal and the place is easily accessible by road as
well. The ‘Balasaheb Sawant Agricultural University’ fruit research enter in Vengurle
camp area is also worth visiting.
i) Historical Spots in Vengurla Taluka :
Historic Shilalekh of Muth :
Five kilometres from Vengurle on the Kudal – Vengurle road Shilalek (stone
inscriptions) are found in the Lord Shiva temple of Muth. This is famous as the
Muthgram Shilalek. Adjacent to the temple is a small dome shaped place where the
six stones are found. One of these, is a Shilalek dated 1319. This is an excellent
specimen of the Marathi language used during the Yadava dynasty. Historia A.B.
Walavalkar and V.K. Rajawade have deciphered it. Itinuerates who has constricted
the temple and the land was donated to meet its upkeep. This Shilalekh is
considered as a milestone in the history of Marathi language.
Dutch Warehouse of Vengurle :
Located on the way to Vengurle Port, this Warehouse resembles a land fort.
Although now the building is in a delapitated state one can imagine the original huge
structure. It has strong walls and ramparts on all the four sides. The height of these
is about five and half mater and the width is around one and half matter. Is is three
storied building and is the only existing warehouse constructed by the Dutch. Is was
used for housing the administrative offices till 1963. Currently, this building is
declared as dangerous and visitors are advised to view it from a distance.

Dutch Warehouse
Nivati Fort :
This fort is located on a 50 meter high hill at Bhogave in the Kochere village of
Vengurla Taluka. Located close to the sea beach it occupies an area of 2 acres.
Over a long time, this fort was under the rule of Khem Sawant royal family of
In 1776, the fort was conquered by the Chhatrapati of Karveer. During, 1803 –
1810 there were frequent battles between the Karveer Chhatrapati and the King
Khem Sawant to conquer back the fort. In the year 1819, an English officer Kir
Surrounded the fort and won on 4th February 1819.
One observes trench dug outside the large rampart of Nivati fort. The trench
towards the land is shallow. The ruins of the fort are covered with shrubs and trees.
The fort had spacious stairs to reach the main entrance. One can see beautiful sea
beach of Bhogave with the enchanting shimmering silver sand belt spread all over.

Nivati Fort
Yashwantgad :
This fort is located near the southern boundary of Vengurle taluka very close
to the Redy Port on a hill very near the entrance of the Redy creek. This is a very
sturdy Fort constructed by Adilshah in the 16th century. The fort has a rampart whose
circumference is around a mile and a half. A Pakhedi is built to reach the fort. There
is one more rampart and a door at the top. Stairs are constructed from here to the
main fort. The circumference of the main fort is a quarter of a mile. The height of the
rampart is 30 meters and except the north east region a trench that is 13ft deep and
24ft wide is dug. The creek faces the east and northern face of the fort, while the sea
is on the western side. In the main fort, there is a main building and two check-posts
with two bastions at either side.
Yashwantgad Fort
In 1664, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj won the fort from Sdilshah and after
strengthening it, named it as Yashwantgad. This was in the same period when he
constructed the Sindhudurg sea fort. After the death of Shivaji Maharaj the fort was
occupied bu Found Sawant of Sawantwadi. In 1889, the British took over the fort.
The fort has seen several battles between Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Khem
Sawant, the British and the Portuguese and has a rich history.

Historical Forts in Vengurle Taluka -

Table No. 3.37

Fort in Vengurla Taluka
Sr. from
Name Taluka Speciality
No. district
1. Nivati Vengurle 44 km. situated near Kochare village.
situated on south border of
2. Yashwantgad Vengurle 77 km. Maharashtra and on the bank of
redi creek.
Source : Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation booklet-2013

Nivati and yashwantgad are historically important forts in vengurle taluka.

ii) Religious Tourism in Vengurla Taluka :
Vetoba of Aravali :
The famous Vetoba temple is located in Aravli, adjacent to Shiroda town. The
temple was established in the 17th century by the Nathpanthiya Siddhapurush
Bhumaiyya. This is a famous temple in Konkan region. This has built in 1660 A.D.
The idol of Vetoba is two armed. The structure of the temple is hemadpanthi.Vetoba
is considered as a God that protects the people from evil. A six feet high idol of
Vetoba can be seen in the temple. The people believe that Vetoba assumes a
human from in the night and moves around he town to protect the people of the
town while they are asleep. Hence, the devotees offer a pair of new chapplas
(footwear) and plantiains to the God as an offering. The temple surroundings are
pleasant. Aravli is fomus as the home town of two notable Marathi authors – Late
Jaywant Dalvi and Dnyanpeeth award winner Late V.S. Kandekar. Their houses are
well maintained and visited by literature lovers as a shrine.This temple is at Aravali. 1
km. away from Shiroda. A big idol of Vetoba made from five metals is in this temple.
The accommodation known as bhakta nivas is available here.

Vetoba Temple - Aravali

Ganpati of Redi :
Redy is famous for the iron are mines. It is also famous for the ‘Swayambhu’
(self existent) Ganesha temple. T is said that on 18th April 1976 Shri Sadanand
Ganesh Kambale, a truck driver was sleeping after parking the truck is the vicinity of
the minges. He saw a dream wherein Lord Ganesha idol was underground his truck.
Accordingly, on waking up he dug the ground to find 6ft high attractive Ganesha idol
made of stone. The idol was painted and the temple was subsequently constructed.
The temple is near the Redy beach with a nearby spacious temple of the village deity
mother goddess wand is worth visiting. The road from the temple proceeds to
Terrekohl fort. Although, this fort is in the jurisdiction of Goa Statem, the road
reaching the fort passes example of Portuguese architecture. The fort has a history
of several recent events. During the Goa freedom struggle, the Portuguese shot
down Hirwe Guruji who hoisted the tricolor flag of this India adjacent Kiranpani jetty.
While the fort lies to the north of the Terrekhol creek, with a beautiful casurina
plamntation and sea beach on the southern side.The idol of Ganesh has carved in a
big stone. It is 6 ft. heighted and 4.5 ft. width. The Ganesh idol has two arms.This
temple is near to redi beach.

Ganesh Mandir - Redi

Sagareshwar Temple :
This is a small temple in Vengurle Taluka. It is 2 km. away from Vengurle.
This is a famous religious centre. The wooden carving in the temple is attractive. The
clean beach is behind the temple. This is a famous sunset point.
Siddheshwar Temple :
This temple is in redi. This is near to Ganesh temple. This temple is on the
beach. We can sea beach from sagartirth to Velagar from here.
Devi Mauli Temple :
This is an ancient temple in redi. This has built in 14thcentury by bhate Nazas
a man from Rane’s.
Table No. 3.38
Religious Tourism in Vengurla Taluka
Sr. from
Temple Taluka Speciality
No. district
It is a beautiful and naturally
1. Sagareshwar Vengurle 35 km. surrounded temple at Vengurle. It
is a famous temple on beach.
Swayambhu It is located at Redi. It on the
2. Vengurle 62 km.
Ganpati beach of Redi.
3. Siddheshwar Vengurle 63 km. It is in the province of Redi.
4. Mauli Vengurle 60 km. An ancient temple located in Redi.
It is located at Aravali a famous
5. Vetoba Vengurle 56 km.
ancient temple.
Source – Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Tourist booklet 2013.

iii) Sea & Beach Tourism in Vengurle Taluka :

Vengurle taluka is also important for sea and beach tourism. In Ancient period
Vengurle was important and export port in asia.Vengurle taluka is famous for the
most enchanting and picturesque beaches in the Sindhudurg district. Sagreshwar,
Sagarteerth Mocheman, Vayangani, Nivati Bhogwe Kavle port, Kelus, Kondera, an
unending list of beautiful beaches of clean silver white sand, foaming sea water, with
undulating pala trees for a backdrop. Some of these virgin beaches are just
unforgettable. One can to see the dolphins at Nivati and Bhogave region. There are
motor boat facilities for visitors to have a close look at the dolphins. One is often
charmed to see pairs or group of dolphins jumping on the sea water raising silver
streaks merrily. Shiroda town is famous for several reasons. On 12th March 1930,
Mahatma Gandhi marched salt Satyagraha. Even today, one finds a large numbers
of salt mines here. Especially, Velagar sea beach is beautiful and is often used as a
site for picturization of Hindi and Marathi films.
The Saint Purnanand Swami Muth established Muth as Dabholi 275 years
ago. In 1687, Purnanand Swami had taken Sanjeevan (live) Samadhi. The Muth and
its surroundings are peaceful, holy and quiet One feels verey much clam and
experience solitude here.
The Kondura beach of Vengurle taluka is unique in that the beach lies
between two mountains, the edges of which almost reach the sea, the bouncing sea
waves on these sharp edges raise fountains of foam and the roaring sound given the
visitor a lifetime experience.
• Mochemad Beach :
Mochemad beach is a beautiful and clean beach. White sand, coconut and
cashew vineyards, suru plantation are main characteristics of this beach.
• Bhogave Beach :
Bhogave beach is 35kms from Vengurle. It can be approached by Kudal and
Malvan. Village Bhogave is near the beach. It is surrounded by coconut and bettlenut
• Nivati Beach :
Nivati beach is beautiful and famous for dolphin fish. It is always crowded by
domestic and foreign tourists.
• Other Beaches :
Kondura beach
Shiroda beach
Sagareshwar beach
Wayangani beach
Kelus beach
Redi beach
Khavane beach
Table No. 3.39

Details of beach tourism in Vengurle Taluka

Beach Taluka from district Speciality
1. Mochemad Vengurle 48 kms. Surrounded by small hills
2. surrounded by coconut and
Bhogave Vengurle 42 kms. bettlenut vineyards.
clean and white sand beach
3. clean and beautiful beach
Nivati Vengurle 44 kms.
famous for dolphin
4. Kondura Vengurle 55 kms. clean beautiful and natural
5. Shiroda scenes.
6. Sagareshwar
7. Wayangani
8. Kelus
9. Redi
10. Khavane
Source : As per table No. 4.1

There are 10 beaches in vengurla taluka various tourist facilities are available
on these beaches.
iv) Other Tourist Spots in Vengurla Taluka :
Sagar Banglow and Lighthouse :
The quay lying on the lower edge of the mountain above which on the
mountain top lies the Government rest house and the lighthouse is located still
higher with a enchanting picture. This place may be considered as the best tourist
spot of Vengurle. One can see the unending ocean, port, and the Sagareshwar
beach spread out below. To reach the lighthouse, one has to travel on a rough road
from Dabholi Ghat however, the view from the top is simply breathtaking and

Sagar Bunglow
Once recognized by the name Sunderwadi as a tribute to its scenic beauty,
the small township has developed into a taluka place known a Sawantwadi. The city
is well known for its colorfull wood craft. Sawantwadi was under the rule of
KhemSawant family. IThe city is blessed with the presence of beautiful lake known
as the Moti Lake around which the township has developed. A tour of Sawantwadi
would be incomplete without visiting the palace, JagannathBhosale Garden, the
Shilpgram and the adjecent hill station,Amboli.
Moti Lake is a well maintained tourist attraction. A tour of the Lake is a must,
giving the tourist a prime view of the surrounding city. The city corporation has
renovated the lake with spacious pathways, attractive luminaries and its
surroundings. Tourist can avail of the boating, water scooters, paddle boats or the
Kashmir type Shikara's at very affrordable cost. One should not miss a rambling walk
on the pathways around the Lake to enjoy the scienic beauty.

Moti Lake
Woodcraft & Wooden Toys Market

i) Historical Forts in Sawantwadi Taluka :

Mahadevgad :
This fort is 3 km. away from Sawantwadi. There was a fort in british period.
Now there is beautiful garden.
Narayangad :
Narayangad is 2 km. away from Amboli. This fort was developed by
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. This fort is famous for trackers and for konkan darshan.
Historic Banda :
Located 18Km from Sawantwadi, on the Goa-Sawantwadi road on the
boundry of Maharashtra and the historic town of Banda.situated on the bank
of Terekhol river. It is the business hub. The King Adilshah of Bijapur was stationed
at this place. And he named the town Adilabad. The fort constructed by him. Is the is
still inact and today houses the Banda Police Station. Several archietectural remains
of the Adilshah'stimes such as the huge domes namely. Bailghumath and
redeghumath are still well maintained. The historic //bandeshwar Temple is a major
place of worship for the devoted from the surrounding 48 villages. Also located on
the Band a-Sawantwadi road below the InsuliGhat at the place called DobachiShel is
the site of enlightment of the faomus saint SohirobanathAmbiye, a Nathpanthiya
Table No. 3.40
Fort in Sawantwadi Taluka
Name Taluka from district Speciality
1. Sawantwadi 55 kms. Tracking and Konkan Darshan
Source – Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation booklet 2013.

ii) Religious Tourism in Sawantwadi Taluka :

1. Atmeshwar Tank :
It is religious and holy pilgrim in Sawantwadi. it is created by Shri Damodar
Swami before 350 yrs.
2. Shri Satam Maharaj Mandir :
This monument of Satam Maharaj at Danoli. Satam Maharaj was great yogi.
The peoples at Danoli has built his temple. It is 14 km. away from Sawantwadi.
3. Pligrim Hiranyakeshi :
The holy pilgrim of Hiranyakeshi is 5 km. away from Amboli. This temple is
surrounded by forest. Tourist visits this point. The river hiranyankeshi starts from
There are the religious centers in Sindhudurg district. Majority population is Hindu,
hence there are temples. Church, Mosque and stups are rare. The temple of village
diatees are also important to tourism point of view. Ancient traditions culture has
conserved due to these temples.

Table No. 3.41

Religious Tourism in Sawantwadi Taluka
Name Taluka from district Speciality
Atmeshwar Sawantwadi
1. 25 km. A religious holy pilgrim
Shri Satam
2. Sawantwadi 39 km. Located in Danoli village
Maharaj Mandir
Pligrim Holy piligrim, 5 km away
3. Sawantwadi 55 km.
Hiranyakeshi from Amboli
Source – Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Tourist booklet 2013.
iii) Other Tourist Spots in Sawantwadi Taluka :

General JagannathraoBhosale Garden

Located on the Mumbai-Goa highway on the banks of MotiLake is the General
JagannathraoBhosale Garden. Using its natural landscape the garden is a delightful
place with flowers, various of tree, greenery, water bodies, Small bridges, waterfalls,
colorful fountains and attractive lighting. A special section with swings, seesaw, slide
and attractive toys is treat for the little ones. Just adjacent to the garden, is the tourist
welcome centre with excellent loadging and boarding facility, run by the city
corporation in collaboration with Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation.
Sawantwadi is known all over for its colorful wooden toys. It is said that a
group of craftman who were experts in drawing and woodcaft came in the town
during the princely rule. The then royal family known for its keen interested in fine
arts encouraged and supported these artisans, who eventually setteled down in the
town. These are known as "Chitrari." Today Sawantwadi has a lane named after
them where these craftsman live and carry out their proffesssion. The toys are
prepared from the wood of the Pangara Tree which is very soft and can easily be
carved. Traditionally, they use the paste from the tamarind seed to coat the toys
before coloring them. Variaties of fruit, Toys, and other works of art appear so
realistic that it can tempt a passerby to have a bite of the lovely fruits.One rarely
leaves the place without purchasing at least a few articles sold at a very reasonable
The Sawantwadimuniciple Corporation has developed the Shilpgram or the
crafts village to intgroduce the tourist to the local folk art, handicrafts and the
exquitecuisins, Locateed in a very pleasent environment surrounded by lush trees,
the Shiplgram hosts a handicraft gallary, an open air theatre, with good restaurent
and lodging facility. Tousist are given live demonstration of bamboo craft and mud
craft. Traditional folk arts such as the Dashavatar, Chitrakathi and puppet shows are
organized in the open air auditorium. The Shilpgram is highly acclaimed by tourists
from the country as well as abroad.
Amboli is the only hill station of the district located in this Taluka. This
evergreen place was the summer capital of then princely stat of Sawantwadi.
Located about 30 kms from Sawantwadi on the BelgaumSawantwadi road, Amboli is
2,378 ft above the aea level. Blessed with a lovely climate,evergrenforest,peace and
scenic beauty. Amboli is at its very best in the rainy season with overflowing
waterfalls and thick fog which enhansesit's beauty.

Amboli Waterfall

Several tourist points such as Mahadevgad, Narayangad, Kavlesaad,

Shirgaonkar point, Parikshit Point, Sunset Point, Nangartaas Waterfall and birth
place of Hiranyakeshiriver are worth visiting. The scenic beauty and bount nature
takes one's breath away. The main waterfall located 3km from Amboli is the major
monsoon tourist attraction and lacs of tourists come and enjoy sitting under waterfall
and viewing it ever rainy season. Amboli has several lodging and boarding facilities.
Provided by govt. and private hotels, to suit different tastes. It is located 549 km from
Mumbai, 68Km from Belgaum,113 Km from Kolhapur, 80Km from Panaji-Goa and 30
Km from Sawantwadi and is easily accessible.

Kudal was chosen as the capital place of Sindhudurg district at the time of its
inception in 1981. However, due to administrative convenience the District office to
the newly formed Sindhunagari in 1994. Located strategically on the Mumbai Goa
highway, Kudal is a historic place. The Raul Maharaj Muth at Pingoli, the beautiful
Mansantoshgad at Shivapur, Datta temple and Yakshini temple at Mangaon, the
penanace site of Saint Tembhe Swami, Ranganaged, historic Ghodebav of Kudal,
Devdongar on the banks of Bhansali river, Rameshwar temple of Akeri, Rawalnath
temple of Oros are some of the place of tourists attraction, Kudal is also a station for
the konkan Railway.
i) Historical Places in Kudal Taluka :
Ranganagad :
It is built by shilahar. It is wined by chh. Shivaji in 1659. He comes there for
rest. There is a fresh water tank and temple of ranganadevi.This fort is located on
the eastern boundry in the Sahyadri mountain ranges at Narur. This huge fort is
situated 2600ft above sea level. This is one among the 15 forts builts by the Shilahar
King Bhoj. The fort is 4750ft in length and 2240ft wide surrounded by deep valleys
on three sides and land on one side. The fort has only two exit one is the main
entrance facing the north and another small exit which reaches the Konkan. The
construction of the rampart and the entry points is done in such a strategic manner
that it would be difficult for enemy to enter. There is another hidden underground
entrance through which one can enter the fort. However, recently after incidents of
grazing cattle venturing into the tunnel and disappearing, this entrance has been
Since the eastern edge is sharp there is no fortification here but on the
western side there are rampart. People were residing in the fort till 1848 British
attached it, afterwards it was deserted. There are two lakes on the fort along with a
Ghodebav (well for horses). Near the big lake is the temple of Rangnaidevi which is
still in good condition. There is a pretty Deepmala made of stone in front of the
temple. In 1814, unfortunately the fortification on the northern side was damaged by
cannon attacks by the British army from the Chikewadi mountain. One can get a
beautiful bird’s eye view of the Nileli, Pulas, Talamba valleys from the Sonde bastion.
There are two roads to reach Ranganagad. Both the pathways are from Narur town.
One can reach Narur by bus from Kudal or Sawantwadi. The big lake has clean and
potable water. One can get the joy of a good trek and mountaineering experience in
climbing the Ranganagad.

Manohargad & Mansantoshgad :

It is 42 km. away from kudal. This famous for tracking. There is a big vally
between to forts. There are many historical signs in Shivapur.
This is one among the most inaccessible, strong and sturdy forts of India,
located on the mountain top in Sahyadri ranges at Shivapur. The fort is 2500ft above
sea level. It is said that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had stayed here from 13th May
to 15th June for a short rest. In 1844 rebellion against the British, the fort was handed
over to Sawantwadi state by the Kolhapur Chhatrapati. Manohargad is 440 meter
long and 350 meter broad. There is only one road to the top made up of stone stairs,
which is also a very difficult path. There are few remmants of some buildings in the
fort and one can also see some statues of deities under a tree. The fort also has a
clean water well. The fort is naturally inaccessible hence fortification are made only
where necessary.

Mansantoshgad Fort

Santoshgad is very close to Manohargad, just separated by a valley. There

are two routes to reach Manohargad. One can get a bus running from Akkeri-
Mangaon, reaching Shivapur Via Dukanwad. Since there are few visitors to the fort
and the path is precarious one has to climb up very carefully. The other route to
reach the fort is from Gotvewadi. To take this route one has to turn from Madkhol –
Dhawadki on the Sawantwadi – Belgaum road, which reaches Gotvewadi via Sangeli
– Verle village. The distance from the bus stand to the fort edge is about 1.5km. One
has to climb up by a very difficult path and is recommended only for those who have
such experience and enjoy such thrills.
Table No. 3.42
Fort in Kudal Taluka
Sr. from
Name Taluka Speciality
No. district
2600 ft. high from sea level
built by king Bhoj. It has
1. Ranganagad Kudal 25 km.
two entry gates, one at
east at other to west.
2500 ft. high from sea
Manohargad level. near shivapur village,
2. Kudal 27 km.
Mansantoshgad It was in the state of
Source : Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation booklet-2013

i) Religious Places in Kudal Taluka :

Raul Maharaj Math :
The saint Raul Maharaj Math and Samadhi site is situated at Pingoli, a town
adjacent to Kudal, and is the place of worship and devotion of thousands of devotion.
Saint Raul Maharaj was a Siddha who travelled around solving the problems of
people and helping them in their need His devotees are found in almost every town
of Sindhudurg district. He left for his heavenly abode in 1985. His worshippers –
Vinayakanna Raul and others established an expansive Samadhi temple and Muth
in his name. The place. Owing to the beautiful plantation of palm trees and several
other plants gives an effect of peace and soothing ambiance. There are several
small temples of Datta, Vitthal Rakhumai, Hanuman, Shankar, and others in the
Datta Temple of Mangaon :
This temple is located at Mangaon. It is a famous a live religious destination.
This temple was established by famous Shri. Vasudeonand Sarswati alies
Shri.Tembe Swami. Tembe Swami was passed away in 1914. In the memory of
Tembeswami the be temple of God Shri Datta has built. The accomodiation facility
has made available to Dutta visitors.On a route to Sawantwadi from kudal one
comes across the Akeri town. Mangaon is located about 6-7 km from Akeri on the
Shivapur-Dukanwad road. The Datta temple, yakshini Temple and the penance site
of saint Temple Swami are located in very pleasant and peaceful surroundings.
Swami Vasudevanand Saraswati alias Tembhe Swami has established the Datta
temple. The idol of the Lord was brought by the swami from Narsobawadi and
worshiped in this temple. On the mountain in the vicinity of the temple in a stony
niche is located the penance site of saint Tembhe swami. Tembhe swami was a
Sidhha Yogi and considered as the reincarnation of Lord Shri Dattatray. One can
abserve the beautiful carvings on the pillars. dome and sanctum of the Yakshini
temple which is just in front of the Datta temple. Mangaon is about 14 km away from
Ghodebav of Kudal and Devdongar :
The Government rest house is located opposite to old bus stand in kudal city.
The historic Ghodebav (well for horses) is situated in the compound of this rest
house. In historic times the horses would be taken to this well for drinking water. The
well is broad and deep with proper road for the horses to reach the water source. A
land fort is located behind the rest house. This impenetrable fort is still intact and
today houses administrative offices and court.
On the banks of river Bhangsal flowing near Kudal on the Ghavnale road
there is a mountain in the Mulade village. It is said that Nathpanthiya Guru
Machhindranath had performed penance on this mountain. This mountain is called
Devdongar (Gos’s mountain). The water supply unit for Kudal town is located on the
mountain top. There is an ancient and spacious temple nearby. The view from the
top is very enchanting and engaging. This palace is accessible by a road which
reaches right up to the mountain top.
Kaleshwar Mandir at Nerur :
This temple is at nerur and it is famous for carvings. A squared shivling is a
speciality of this temple. Six columns of temple are well carved.
Shri Laxminaryan Temple :
This temple is 15 km away from Kudal. The structure of this temple is
Hemadpanthi. This temple is 800 yrs. old temple. This temple is built by Suryabhan
and Chandrabhan desai is 14th century. The monuments of these two brothers at
the front of the temple.
The entry to this temple is at east side. The structure is three tire. This temple
is built in teak wood. This temple is distributed is door hall, meeting hall and both
side hall. This is an ancient temple columns are well carved. The meeting hall is
wide. The stone columns and beams are well carved. A idol of doorkeeper and idol
of Vishnu are beautiful. There is a small tank near the temple. The flooring in the
meeting hall is piece of art. It is a stone structure. There is Apex on door hall. There
is carved tortoise in the door. There is a nine days festivals at Ramnavami. This is
religious tourist centre.
Kavilgaon – Konkan Shirdi :
There is a old temple of Saibaba located at Kavilgaon. It is known as a Konkan
Shirdi. This is a first Saibaba temple in India. The Saibaba idol is 6 ft. heighted. This is 4
km. away from Kudal. This temple has constructed in 1918.
Khajanadevi Temple :
This is an ancient temple in Kudal. This is located at Pal. This is established in
7th century. The Vineyards of coconut and bettlenut are around the temple. This is
built on a small hill.
Rameshwar Temple – A fine Sculpture :
This is an ancient temple located at Akeri. This is famous for fine sculpture.
This stone carved sculpture piece. There is scare pictures painted in 16th century in a
Kangra stule. Ajantha style pictures are also seen in this temple. The structure is
hemadpanthi styled structure. Huge stone carved columns, wide meeting hall, stone
squared base, delicate carvings gives us a strange feeling in this temple.
Table No. 3.43
Religious Tourism in Kudal Taluka
Sr. from
Name Taluka Speciality
No. district
an ancient and live diatee in
1. Kaleshwar Kudal 15 km.
Kudal Taluka
2. Kudal 30 km. 800 yrs. old and ancient temple.
Shri Sai It is an ancient temple in
3. Kudal 31 km.
Mandir Kavilgaon known as Prratishirdi
Located at Akeri. an ancient
4. Khajandevi Kudal 20 km. temple of Rameshwar, 16th
century Kangra stuled pictures.
A famous and live diatee and
5. Datta Temple Kudal 26 km.
famous religious temple.
6. Ghodapdev Kudal 2 Km. Old religious place of Kudal.

Source – Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Tourist booklet 2013.

iv) Other Tourist Locations in Kudal Taluka :

Thakar Folkart :
About 2 km from Kudal, at Pingoli Gudipur, is a residential complex of the
Thakar community. This community is known for its love of fine arts and possesses
immense knowledge and skills about various forms of art. They have retained and
nurtured about 18 types of art forms. These include the Chitrakathi, Puppets,
Nandibail (bullocks), Dayti, Leather puppets, ets. Shri Parshuram Gangavane of
Gudipur has established a folk arts together. It is mesmerizing to watch the puppet
shows and the chitrakathis and pangul bail games. In times when there were no
present day sources of entertainment such as films of TV, the Thakar community
entertained the people with such shows. It is heartening to note that they used this
as a medium of spreading knowledge and religious teachings of various saints. This
is one place which should not be missed by anyone.
Thakar Folk Art

District Administrative Offices Sindhurgnagari :

All the District administrative offices are located in this single big modern
complex at Sindhudurgnagari. Owing to the attractive and well constructed buildings
and neat maintenance the place has become a favourite ttourist spot. The newly
established Sindhudurgnagari town is formed by the Government of Maharashtra by
acquiring the land from three towns namely Oros, Ranbambuli and Anav. Most of the
major offices such as the Zilla Parishad, Court, District Police Commissioner, Police
Commissioner, police Head Quarters, District hospital and sports complex are all
situated in the same complex. Recently, the Akashvani (Radio station) was
commissioned. The complex also houses residential facilities for the officers and
employees. The place is strategically located about takeover 2km away from the
railway station and about 1km from Mumbai-Goa highway. This is an example of well
planned complex, where control over various administrative duties can conveniently
be maintained.
At the entrance, on the highway road to this complex, one finds the idol of
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj riding on the horse. The temple of Oros village deity –
Rawalnath is nearby, and its surroundings are developed from the tourism
development fund and contributions froms the villagers.
Kankavali town, an important business center and a taluka place, is located
centrally in Sindhudurg district, on the Mumbai-Goa highway. The place is also
connected through Konkan Railway. The town is on the cultural literary,social and
religious forefront. The Gopuri Ashram of 'Konkan Gandhi' AppasahebPatwardhan,
BhalchandraMaharaj Ashram, Rainy season waterfall of
Savdav,historicKharepatantown,Mhadkadevi Temple of Kasardé and Gangeshwar
temple of Talere are some of the tourist attractions in this taluka.
i) Religious Tourism in Kankavli Taluka :
Shri Rameshwar Temple at Natal :
This an ancient Lord Shiva Temple located at Natal 17 km. away from
Kankavli. The structure of Temple is like a Shivpindi. This temple surrounded by
forest area, hence it is silent and attractive.
Shri. Bhalchandra Maharaj Ashram Kankavli :
There was a famous saint Shri Bhalchandra Maharaj in Kankavli. The
monument of this saint in Kankavli one pilgrim centre has established here. There is
a Kashivishveshwar Temple is in the premises of this Ashram. There is a attractive
idol of Baba Bhalchandra has established here. Bhalchandra Maharaj Ashram is the
site of devotion and worship of innumerable devotees from Sindhudurg district.
BhalchandraParshuram Thakur hailed originally fromMhapan village of Vengurla
Taluka.Bhalchandra Maharaj was born on 6th January 1904, at Paya. (Tal-Bhivandi)
as his father was then working there. He lost his parents at a very young age. On
thefailling Matric examination he return back to the village. He was very restless and
often would travel or sit and medidate for hours together. He found his Guru in
ShriSatamMaharaj of Danoli. On his preaching and adviseBhalchandra came to
Kankavali.At his Karmbhumi. (work place) without bothering about the sun, rain,
hunger, thirst or trouble from the local people. He sat in KashiVishweshwar Temple
for penance. He maintained 'Mounvrata'(Silence) for almost three decades. On him
as a guru and become his diciplines. He left for his heavenly abode at Mumbai on
16th November 1977. His body was brought to Kankavali and he was given the
Samadhi on 18th December. Hundreds of devotee visit the Ashram every day. This
is an important site in Kankavali.
Mhadkadevi Temple - Kasarde
The Kasarde village is located on the Mumbai-Goa highway. About 1km
inside is the huge and beautiful Mhadkadevi temple. The temple is surrounded by
greenery and thick forest. The place is very quite and accessible. It is said that the
Goddess fulfills the wishes of her devotees who worship her.
Table No. 3.44
Religious Tourism in Kankavli Taluka
Sr. from
Name Taluka Speciality
No. district
Located at natal, an ancient Lord
1. Rameshwar Kankavli 42 km.
Shiva temple
He was a saint. There is a
2. Bhalchandra Kankavli at the centre
monument of him.
Maharaj Ashram
Located at Kharepatan, an
3. Jain Mandir Kankavli 45 km.
ancient Jain Mandir.
Source – Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Tourist booklet 2013.

ii) Other tourist places in Kankavli Taluka :

Gopuri Ashram
Gopuri Ashram of KonkanGandhi,AppasahebPatwardhan is situated adjacent
to Kankavali, on the banks of river Gad in Vagade village. This place is famous as an
important centre of the Sarvoday agitation of the nation. Appasaheb converted the
stony region of Vagade into a fertile land. The land was developed with the co-
operation of all villagers, irrespective of their cast and creed.
AppasahebPatwardhan had a very scientific and research oriented approach
in developing the place. Numerious experiments such as compos ting fertilizer,
rearing chicken, homeybees, windmills, gobargas plants, different type of
toilets,smokeness stove and cultivation of herbal medicines were undertaken
An excellent model of sarvoday society, the ashram was visited by many
dignitaries include Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Lalbahadur Shashtri, Acharya Vinobva
Bhave, Dr. Babadaheb Ambedkar, Balasahe Kher, etc. Appasaheb had worked with
Mahatma Gandhi. He got 18 acre of land from Prabhakarpant Korgaonkar on a
nominal rent and laid the foundayion of the ashram in May1948.

Gopuri Ashram

It was his dream to establish a society free of caste and creed barrier based
on scientific basis. On self independent and through hard work. The Gopuri Ashram
even today sticks to the principle and teaching of Late AppasahebPatwardhan.

Savdav Waterfall
This waterfall is a rainy season waterfall located in Mumbai-Goa highway little
way off from the Savdav bifurcation. The Savdav road has lovely ups and downs and
it is a Muthuer of joy to walk up these roads in the rainy season to reach the
waterfalls. The wide waterfall is divided into two and named as the King and Queen.
It is very safe place and a choice of monsoon tourist,where one can enjoy with the
family. The place has its own natural beauty and the surronuding greenery and the
waterfall enhances it.

Savdav Waterfall
Dodamarg is the southern end of Sindhudurg District. Located on the boundry of
Karnataka and Goa,thistaluka was formed by the bifurcation of the
SawantwadiTaluka. The combined Maharashtra - Goa Govt.'s Tilari dam project is
housed in this taluka. Tha backwaters of Tilari dam and the flowing Tilari river has
contributed to the lush greenery, and at times one finds wilod elephants in groups
coming here from the adjacent Karnataka state for food.
Unneyi dam - a part of the Tilari project with it's developed garden,
Hanumantgad,Pargad and Kasainath are the maion tourist attractions. One can
experienced the typical rural life amidst the evergreen jungles. The
Kasainathmountain is located near the Dodamarg town.

i) Historical forts in Dodamarg Taluka :

Historic Pargad :
Pargad situated on the border of Kolhapur and Sindhudurg district.Chhatrapati
Shivaji Maharaj constructed Pargad near Tilari, on the boundary between Kolhapur
and Sindhudurg mainly to keep a watch on the Portuguese. One can reach Pargad
by turning in on a crossroad located 10km from Chandgad on the Chandgad – Goa
road via Tilari. The fort is located near a small village Morlebag situated near the
Sahyadri ranges. One has to walk about 5km through a hilly terrain to reach pargad
from Morlebag.

Pargad Fort
There are several historical reference about Pargad. Rayba, son of Narveer
Tanaji Malusare was the Killedar (in charge of the fort). Narveer Tanaji Malusare’s
name is immortal in the Shivaji and Maratha history owing to his bravery and
performance. His descendants still continue to reside on the fort. King Shivaji mainly
used this fort to keep an eye on the movements of the Portuguese and Khem
Savant. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had ordered the Killedar to protect the fort till
the sum and moon continue to exits. This order was given on a Tamrapat (copper
inscription) to Malusare. The descendents of Malusare have obeyed this order even
today. They do their best to repair and upkeep of the fort. This fort could not be
conquered despite of several attacks. Even during the 1857, uprising the British
could not take over this fort. The fort remained impenetrable due to its sharp high
edges and thick jungle at its foot.
A lake called Padmavati is present in this fort apart from 18 wells. There are
three bastions on the west; these have been named as Phadnis, Bhalekar and
Mahadev bastions. Besides these, three more bastions named as Zende, Bhande
and Malve are present. The fort has sturdy ramparts on the eastern, western and
northern side. There is only one stone stairs road from the western side.
Table No. 3.45
Fort in Dodamarg Taluka
Sr. from
Name Taluka Speciality
No. district
Dodamarg situated on the border of Kolhapur
1. Pargad 80 km.
and Sindhudurg border.

Source : Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation booklet-2013

This fort is in a very beautiful natural area.

VaibhavwadiTaluka is located in the realm of KarulGhat which joins the
Sindhudurg district and Kolhapur district. This is slightly isolated taluka and is very
quite and a place away from crowds. The Napane Waterfall which is flowing all over
the year. The beautiful KarulGhat, the GagangiriMaharajMuth on the historic
Gagangad and the recently discovered Inari caves are major tourist attractions.

i) Historical Tourism in Vaibhavwadi Taluka :

Aainari Caves
Aainari village is located deep in the Sahyadri ranges. The cave are located
about 5 km from the village. The entrance to the cave is very small and one has to
crawl to reach the cave. The cave is carved in a very interior ridge in the Sahyadri
mountain range. The cave, supported by stone pillors is about 40ft in length and 30ft
in breadth. There are two water ponds in the caves. There are eight rooms in the
cave which have carved cots and platforms to sit. A further investigation is essential
to see the place properly. This spot is very much in the interior and not easily
accessible. It is mostly the daredevil tourist and people interested in archeological
findings who venture here.

Aainari Caves

Shivgad :
Shivgad is located in the Ghonsari – Kurli – Dajipur area. One comes across
the Bhavani temple on climbing up the fort stairs. The inner residential area and few
other buildings are in a ruin. The cannons can be seen here. On climbing the Gaibi
top one can see Gagangad from here.
The fort has a wonderful view. On the side you can see steep chiffs and on
the other panoramic, deep valleys and gorges, spacious plateaus with water Flowing
from creeks, attracting, quite a few visitors taking up the challenge to climb here to
enjoy the view. Especially, visualizing the “Topicha Dand” a sharp mountain top from
here is a thrilling experience.

ii) Other tourist places in Vaibhavwadi Taluka :

Attractive Karul Ghat :
There are four Ghats which connect Konkan to the adjacent states namely
Amboli, Phonda, Bhuibavda and Karul Ghat. Of these Karul and Bhuibavda Ghat is
the part of Vaibhavwadi Taluka. Gaganbawda is located about 55 km from Koihapur.
Both the Ghats begins from Gaganbavda. It's unique experience travelling in Ghats
throuhout the year, but especially, in the monsoon with the greenery and fog. The
very start of KarulGhat which begins with the huge 'U turn' gives a breath taking
panaromic view of the Ghat with its winding roads, green valley and a view of the low
lying of the Dindawane village with its rice fields. The Surrounding hills and greenery
provides several points in the Ghat which are a 'must view'for nature lovers.
Gagangad is situated on a hilltop about 2500 ft above sea level. This Gad
(Fort) was built in the 12th century and strategically important as one can survey and
keep vigil on both the konkan as well as the adjacent Maharashtra region. It is said
that the great saint Gahininath performed penance here. There is a huge cave on
this fort where GagangiriMaharaj performed penance. A beautifull Datta temple is
constructed here. Hundred of devotees visit the place everyday. On the top of the
fort on the western side is located the 'Gaibipir' which is worshiped both by the
Muslims as well as Hindus. The place has a guesthouse and stairs to climb up the
Gagangad. The view beautiful in any season of the year.
4.3.2 Review of Waterfalls in Sindhudurg District :
Sahyadri hills are east border of Sindhudurg district. There are many
waterfalls in Sahyadri. These waterfall attracts tourists every year. There are Napane
waterfall in Vaibhavwadi taluka, Savdav waterfall in Kankavli taluka and Amboli
waterfall in Sawantwadi taluka.

Table No. 3.46

Details of Waterfalls in Sindhudurg District

Name Taluka from district Speciality
This waterfall is perennial and
1. Napane Vaibhavwadi 57 kms.
hence tourists visit in all seasons.
This waterfall is at the centre of
2. Savdav Kankavli 34 kms. the Kankavli taluka. Tourists visit
this in rainy season.
Tourists in all states visits this
3. Amboli Sawantwadi 50 kms.
Source : Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Tourist Guide booklet 2013

There are Napane, Savdav and Amboli waterfalls in Sindhudurg district.

These waterfalls are also one of the attraction of tourist. Napane is perennial

4.3.3 Historical Tourism in Sindhudurg District :

Sindhudurg district was announced as a tourism district in 1997. There is a
great historical and art heritage to the district. There are forts, sea forts, old temples
4.4 Other Tourist Centres in Sindhudurg District :

1. Duch Wakhar :
A historical and commercially important place in Vengurla Taluka. This trading
place was built in 1656 by Lindars Jonson. Now it is in the jurisdiction of Indian
Archeological Department

2. Gopuri Ashram :
It established in 1948 by Konkan Gandhi Shri Appasaheb Patwardhan near
Kankavli. This ashram is surrounded by dence forest.The facility ofresidence of poor
students is here. There is a library. The per indepense historical monuments are

3. Kolgaon Door :
This is entry gate of sawantwadi. The pictorical history of Sawantwadi has
painted on it.

4. Wooden Toys Market :

This is famous from pre independence period. The toys are made from
Pangara tree. The tourists visits this market frequently.

5. Historical Moti Tank :

It is a beautiful tourism centre. In the old days blal pearls got in this tanks,
hence it is named as Moti Tank. There is a sprinkler at the centre of the tank and
there lighting, hence it is seen very beautiful at night time.

6. Historical Palace :
This is an important tourist place in Sawantwadi. This palace is built by King
Khemraj Sawant bhosale (third). It is an attraction of foreign tourists. The period of
construction of this palace is 1755 to 1803. The area of palace is well ventilated. The
entry gate is attractive. This is know as Lester Gate. There is a attractive meeting
hall. There are many historical monuments and carvings are here.

7. Sclupture Village :
It is a beautiful and historical place in Sawantwadi. The wooden toys, playing
cards, clay models, puppets and hand craft practical collection is in sculpture village.

8. An ancient Ainari Caves :

An ancient Ainari caves are 8 km. away from Bhuibavada village. This is in
Vaibhavwadi Taluka. There are hot water small tanks. These are known as

4.5 Cultural Tourism in Sindhudurg District :

Sindhudurg District is famous for cultural tourism. The Konkani and Malvani
culture is seen in the villages. Various cultural festivals introduce food culture, folkart
and festivals of domestic and foreign tourists. There is a unique living dressing, art
tradition, food culture and festivals in Sindhudurg district. This has a very prominent
place in the tourism Devp. structure.
1. Food Culture :
Along with the Malvani language, if there is Malvani food, then it will be a
unique experience for the tourists. The Malvani food is famous in Maharashtra. The
Malvani food is rice and fish based food. It attracts tourists. There numorous fish
varieties and sea food is available in this district. This is a gift given by nature to this
The Malvani food is rice and coconut based. Rice and roasted bread (bhakari) is a
principal food. A curry of macrel, a preparation of prounz, curry of shell fish, fry fish
are some of the items in regular food. The fried fish, fish curry evaporated rice and
Solkadhi (coconut milk made from kokum) for digestion is aunial food of konkan.
Traditionally prepared breakfast of peaj (boiled rice in liquid form), boiled rice for
lunch, fish curry is a regular food. The traditionally prepared fish in banana leaves,
and the chutney prepared in mud pot (sorkul) is a unique Malvani food.
These traditional items are served in five star hotels. The Malvani food festivals are
arranged as a heritage manner. The fish food is becoming popular day by day. The
tourists prefers fish than the mutton or chicken. Malvani Vade (fried puri), Sagoti
(Malvani Mutton) is also a unique preparation.
The vegetarian Malvani food is also unique. The vegetarian items are soft Ghavane
(soft dosa), boiled Modak, Coconut Milk, panje, kulith pithi etc. Malvani Khaja is the
famous item. It is widely sold in religious festivals (Jatra). Kanda Bhaji, Hard
Motichur Laddu are unique identity of Malvani food. The Alphanso Mango is world
famous fruit is a unique fruit of Sindhudurg district. The cashewnut is a unique
dryfruit of this district. The alphanso mango and cashew nuts are famous in world
market for their test and flavour.
Malvani Dish Rice and Fish :
The food culture of Sindhudurg is unique than the food culture other
provinces. If the Govt. and peoples participation tourism point of view, then this food
culture will get separate identity on the world level.

2. Cultural Traditions :
The cultural traditions of Sindhudurg has a spiritiual feeling. The rules and
regulations in the villages are known as Gaon-Rahati and Bara-Pach mankari. There
is a caste-system in Sindhudurg district. There are communities like Maratha,
Brahmin, Vaishya, Saraswat, Navbaudh, Koli, Christian and Islam. Most of the
communities are Hindu. But there is a secularism, equality about all castes is a
characteristic of Sindhudurg.
The people of various castes and creeds are living a happy life in this district. They
participate mutual religious functions, marriages and function of local diates.

3. Festivals and Functions :

The famous festivals is Sindhudurg are Ganeshotsav, Holi, Diwali, Birth
function of Krishna, Shivjayanti, Narali pournima, Mahashivratri, Moharam,
Christmas. Ganpati and Holi festival are main festivals in the district. The migrated
people comes their native for organization of these festivals. There festivals are also
one of the attraction of tourists.

4.6 Unique Local Art (Lok-Kala) :

Table No. 3.47
The Local Drama known as Dashavtar
Sr. Dashavtar Drama No. of
Taluka Honorarium
No. Company Artists
1. Kudal Walavalkar Dashavatar Co. 40 10000
2. Malvan Hanumal Dashavatar Co. 17 12000
3. Devgad Hanumal Dashavatar Co. 37 12000
Naik Mochemadkar
4. Vengurla 40 15000
Dashavatar Co.
Ganesh Bhavani
5. Kankavli 45 15000
Dashavatar Co.
6. Sawantwadi Ashtvinayak Dashavatar Co. 45 15000
7. Dodamarg Naik Dashavatar Co. 35 12000
Source : Base on Primary Data.

Dashavtar is a unique local drama. There are various local arts. These local
arts are base of the cultural life of the Sindhudurg. The society is art loving and are
devoted. Painting, music, dance, sculpture, literature are the local arts. The gangifa
of Sawantwadi, Ganpati dance of Walaval, Bhajan of Malvan and Devgad, Pictorical
stories of Malvan are the various examples. There is Dashvatar drama oganisation
on jatra festivals.
1. Dashavatar :
This is a great local art. The Lord Vishnu has taken ten roles for the protection
of good things and distortion of bad things. The ten roles of Vishnu are Matsya,
Kurma, Waraha, Narsinhma, Vaman, Parshuram, Ram, Krishna, Buddha and
Kalanki. Buddha and Kalanki are not performed. Because they feel that Buddha is
not the role and kalanki ha not yet came into existence. The Dashavatari drama
companies are Mochemadkar, Otavanekar, Walavalkar, Shri kaleshwar, Arolkar etc.
Dashavatar starts with jamb pooja. It exists is religious relation. The dressing and
makeup has come from local lifestyle. It’s emphasis is on Naturality. Dashavatar is
an open theatre. The stage, drepary and lighting has local touch. It is different from
commercial art. It has two parts it’s pre story (purva-rang) and main story (uttar-
There are 15-16 artists required for Dashavatar. They get remuneration Rs. 100 to
1000 each. The drama company gets Rs. 5000 to 8000. Dashavatar do not remain in
written form. The artists create their own dialogues and performance style. The
background music is also local style. Dashavatar generates life values in
Mahabharata, traditional culture and beliefs of local life.

2. Puppet Show &Chitrakathi :

Chitrakathi is story telling through serial paintings. The stories are from Ramayan
and Mahabharata. Each story contains 40 to 50 paintings. There are four to five
personalities in a painting. The two persons are required for such show the artist
remains with music instrument ‘Veena’ and another with Tal or huduk.
The puppet show is performed by six artists. The puppet is controlled through fingers
of artists. The main artist is known as Nayaki. This is story tailing or drama through

3. Bhajan :
Bhajan is a one of folk-art in Sindhudurg. It is the performance of religious devotion
with harmonium, tabala, Mrudunga, Tal and Chakava. The No. of artists remains 10
to 12. Recent days this art has turned to modernization. There is traditional lyric as
well as Hindi and remix music. It is performed by the stages of Gan, Gaj, Goulan,
Abhang, Bharud. Many times there are bhajan competitions. The famous bhajan
singers were late Chandrakant Kadam, Vils Patil, Parshuram Panchal. Recent day,
women singers also perform this art. This is an indivisible part of the culture of the
Table No. 3.48
Famous Bhajan Mandal’s in Sindhudurg
Taluka Bhajan Mandal Honorarium

1 Devgad Gajanan Prasadik Bhajan Mandal 6000

2 Vaibhavwadi Mauli Prasadik Bhajan Mandal 6000

3 Kankavli Bhalchandra Prasadik Bhajan Mandal 5000

4 Kudal Hanuman Prasadik Bhajan Mandal 7000

5 Sawantwadi Mahapurush Prasadik Bhajan Mandal 6000

6 Vengurla Sateri Prasadik Bhajan Mandal 6000

8 Malvan Ganesh Prasadik Bhajan Mandal 6000

9 Dodamarg Rameshwar Prasadik Bhajan Mandal 7000

Source : Based on Primary Data.

4. Tradition Dance :
The festival of Holi is performed everywhere and with great enthusiasm. The
‘Khele’ is a dance in dress of God-Godess. These Khele dance are performed in
every village and wadi. The Holi festival can be popularized on the basis of ‘Pongal’.
This can be a tourist attracting festival.
Apart from above folk arts other folk arts in Sindhudurg are Pangul, Povada, Chapai
dance performed by Dhangar community. Gof dance, Agricultural songs, marriage
songs, songs in Ganpati festival, Gaja dance, Koli songs etc. These arts are in
neglected category. The people of Sindhudurg conserve their culture through the
folk-arts. This land has given famous renouned artist to the Maharashtra. The
literature has also a Malvani touch.
These folk arts are complementary and basic factors for the overall development of
tourism development of Sindhudurg. When tourists visit tourist destinations along
with it these folk arts can sustain the tourism. The characteristics of Malvani peoples
are nobility with conservative approach, peaceful in nature, religious beliefs,
familiarity and love.

Table No. 3.49

Traditional Dance Performances in Sindhudurg
Taluka Dance Characteristic

1 Vaibhavwadi Gajadance Traditional

2 Devgad Kapadkhele Traditional

3 Kankavli Gophdance Traditional

4 Malvan Koli dance Traditional

5 Kudal Chitrakathi / Puppet Traditional

6 Vengurla Koli dance Traditional

7 Sawantwadi Pangul / Povada Traditional

8 Dodamarg Dhanagari Traditional

Source : Based on Primary Data.

1. Famous Jatras (Religious Festivals) :
There are 740 villages in Sindhudurg. There 1500 to 1600 temples of Lord
Shiva and Devi Sateri. Some of these temples has historical heritage. There are
one or two jatras in every village for every year. Tourists visit these jatras.
Table No. 3.50
Famous Jatras in Sindhudurg
Sr. Distance from
Name Taluka Speciality
No. DistrictHeadquarter
Wellknown as South
1. Kunkeshwar Devgad 70 km.
Yatra of Devi Bharadi
2. Anganewadi Malvan 35 km. Tourists from other parts
of Maharashtra to visit.
Source : Based on Primary Data.

4.7 Agro-Tourism in Sindhudurg :

Agro tourism is a new concept in tourism. Tourists are introduced with
systematic agriculture experience. This concept is a western concept. It is based on
Grade and Grage Fast. The nature loving tourists attracts to agro tourism. The base
of tourism is to conservation of environment. In recent years there is emphasis on
sustainable tourism. Agro tourism is a sustainable tourism. Agro tourism has great
importance in Sindhudurg district in recent days.
Complementary Factors to Agro Tourism in Sindhudurg :
1. Greenary of Agro Farms :
The kharip season crops are rice, ground nut, raggi. The farms of these crops
in rainy season look very attractive. People enhance high protection structures.
Tourists can experience with this natural beauty from these high places (machans).
The tourists can be experienced with agro-tourism is the season.

2. Vainyards of Mango &Cashew :

There are mango and cashew vainyards in Sindhudurg. The season remains
between February to May. The tourist can be experienced with these fruit laden
vainyards. Various services can be made available to tourists in the fruit season.
3. Vainyards of Coconut and Bettlenut :
The vainyards of coconut and bettlenut are seen on the banks of rivers and
creeks. It can be seen on the sea coast. This new environment attracts tourists. The
horticultural tourism will be also a new concept of tourism.
The basic factors are available for agro-tourism in the district. With proper vision
agro tourism can be developed with the traditional tourism. The main occupations
like agriculture, horticulture and fishing are complementary to agro-tourism. There is
very high scope for the agro tourism in the district. With proper vision agro tourism
with environment protection will help to economic development of the district.

4. Apportunities of Agro Tourism :

The Konkan region is prosperous with natural beauty. There are wide
beaches, many ports, the economic capital India i.e. Mumbai is also in Konkan. The
emence natural beauty, beaches, back waters, tourists spots, fruits like alphanso
mango are strengths of Konkan.
The tourist’s destinations with photographs and information have to be published on
websites and internet. There should be a proper marketing of air transport and rail
transport. In recent days no.of tourist are visiting to Konkan. Along with Ganpatipule,
Pawas, Guhaghar, Dapoli, Anjarle, Kelshi, Murud, Harhye, rajapur in Ratnagiri, the
destinations in Sindhhudurg like Kunkeshwar, Vijaydurg, Sindhudurg are also in
focus. The number of tourists is increasing.
There should be proper marketing of agro tourism in tourist State Goa. The
employment opportunities are increasing through agro tourism, fruit processing and
heritage tourism. There are best beaches; horticulture and fishing fields are in
Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg. Tourists will be well benefited by this. Tourists can get
test and flavour of fresh fruits and vegetables through agro tourism. Tourist can
receive the taste of malvani food in the farm house and in natural environment. Such
agro tourism will create great opportunities of employment.

4.8 Developmental Review of Tourism in Sindhudurg District :

For the development tourism in the Sindhudurg district the Maharashtra
Tourism Development Corporation and district administration undertakes various
developmental functions with the help of state and central Govt. The basic
infrastructure along with roads, electricity, watersupply has created for the
development tourist destinations. The five star hotels in the private sector attracting
domestic and foreign tourists. Along with changing time approach to the tourism is
also changing. The tata consultancy services done survey of so destination, our of
which 22 are on the way of development. Within these 22 locations there are 5
beaches, 5 religious centres, 2 cultural heritage centres, 2 histrorical locations, 2
tanks, and one hill station and 3 other destinations.

The problems in the devp.of tourism should be tacked by sustainable measures.

Communication services, telephone centres, private and public accommodation, star
hotels, all weather approach roads, airport, railway stations, public sanitation,
drinking water supply facilities should be developed. There is a need of preplanned
tourism development.

1. Basic Concepts of Tourism in Sindhudurg District :

Tourism is a changing and developmental concept.

i. Dligrim Tourism : This type of tourism has ancient history. There is wide
scope of the pilgrim tourism in the district.

ii. Regional Tourism : Many tourists come for pleasure of different region.

iii. Pleasure Tourism : In recent days, change from daily routine tourists comes.
This type of tourism is a pleasure tourism.

iv. Adventure tourism : Mountaineering and sea tourism are adventures. Such
tourism has also scope in the district.

v. Forest tourism : The study of wild animals and forest resources is the moto
of forest tourism. The district has great forest resources.

vi. Agro Tourism : In recent day agro tourism is also a great opportunity. The
geographical and natural structure is complementary to agro tourism.

vii. Research Tourism : In recent days tourists visits the district for study of and
research of various subjects.

viii. Other Tourism concepts are :

1. Water Tourism
2. Eco Tourism
3. Wild Tourism
4. Adventure Tourism
5. Food Tourism
6. Medical Tourism
7. Art Tourism
8. Heritage Tourism etc.

2. Classification of Tourism in Sindhudurg :

Table No. 3.51
Classification of Tourism in Sindhudurg

Classification of Tourism Percentage
1. Sea 30%
2. Water 30%
3. Religious 35%
4. Pleasure 20%
5. Forest 10%
6. Others 10%
Source : Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Office Sindhudurg.

The study of trends of tourism has elaborated in the above table. Sea tourism,
water tourism and religious tourism has great scope.

3. A review of road devp. in Sindhudurg district :

Table No. 3.52
Road Availability for Tourism in Sindhudurg
Type of Road Length in K.M.
1. Railway 102.00
2. National Highway 107.91
3. Main State Highway 139.42
4. Other State Highway 539.48
5. Major District Roads 671.93
6. Other District Roads 672.97
7. Village Roads 1123.57
8. Municipal Roads 91.49
9. Other Roads 100.10
Above data presents the availability of metal roads and other details of transportation

4.9 The role of tourism in the development of Sindhudurg district :

The tourism in Sindhudurg district is in the developmental stage. Tourism is helping
to overall development of rural area. Out of the total human resource 10% human
resource is engaged in tourism at world level. Though the percentage is low but the
scope and complementary nature to other sector is high. Hence the process of
development of the district through tourism has accelerated.
The process of rural development is consisting with all sciences and industry. The
infrastructural development of the district indicates the economy of the Sindhudurg
district is progressive. The employment has created through various hotels,
restaurants, lodges, boarding facility, transport and in other complementary
occupations. This is helping to the rural development. The quality of tourist centrers
and natural resources will accelerate the tourist development in near future. There is
a need of future strategy, talent, rejerous, efforts and positive attitude.

1. Yearwise Tourist Vistits in Sindhudurg District :

Table No. 3.53
Yearwise Visits in Sindhudurg District
Year No. of Tourist Visited
1. 1997-98 23,520
2. 1998-99 26,678
3. 1999-00 32,315
4. 2000-01 38,953
5. 2001-02 45,692
6. 2002-03 48,355
7. 2003-04 54,229
8. 2004-05 66,129
9. 2005-06 81,567
10. 2006-07 1,02,633
11. 2007-08 1,25,903
12. 2008-09 1,60,625
13. 2009-10 2,10,423
14. 2010-11 2,80,520
15. 2011-12 3,60,027
16. 2012-13 4,30,333
17. 2013-14 5,08,920
18. 2014-15 5,48,824

Source : As per Primary Data.

The data clearly presents the fact that the visitors prefer the district of
Sindhudurga. Every year, the count of visitors is increasing.

2. Development Complementary Occupations :

The development process of the complementary occupations is developing. The
occupations like processing industry, occupations of self-help groups, vendors,
bakery and mineral water are providing best services and quality good and local food
to tourists. Along with rural devp., over all level of the development of Sindhudurg is
increasing. The tourism is the main reason of social and cultural transformation of
the district.

3. Economic Benefits of Tourism :

The economy receives foreign currency through tourism and it strengthens.
The economy develops by many ways. The local people get employment and
earning through various occupations the capital investment increases. The
secondary sector and services develops. The rate of economic development

4. Social Advantages :
Tourism helps to develops give and take of thoughts, traditions, cultural
values. It conserves national integrity, humanity and harmony in the society. This the
process of an upliftment of society.

5. Cultural Benefits :
The local peoples are introduced with foreign culture. We can see a blend of
modern and traditional rural lifestyle.

6. Other benefits :
The tourists visited to the district are fully satisfied according to their opinion.
There is a new introduction to the district to tfher world.

7. Disadvantages of tourism :
There are some disadvantages of tourism i.e. acquisition on land, imbalance
of devp., cultural and overall pollution, spiritual deuine, cultural dominance, pollution.
8. Communication Development :
There is a need of constant efforts for communication with local peoples.
There 21 office of Tourism Ministry of govt. of India and 13 foreign offices are
engaged in public relation. But there is a lack of such system at state and district
There is need of organization of local festivals, food festivals, demonstrations,
use of media, publicity for the devp. of tourism. The Sindhudurg district has
announced as a tourist district. Before 15 years, but yet the publicity is very weak.
Hence there is a need of proper publicity from local to global level. The guide facility
must be made available at every tourist point. There is lack of well trained and
trustful guides. The communication side of tourism is very weak. The micro planning
of communication will help of development of tourism.

9. Employment Generation :
The Sindhudurg district is at the centre point of Tourism of Maharashtra. It
helps to create employment.

10. Employment through accommodation and Hotels :

The thousands of tourists visits Sindhudurg district every year. The
accommodation is provided by local peoples and hotels and resorts. The best quality
resorts and hotels are at taluka level. According to survey tourism helps to
employment generation and accelerator the economy.

Table No. 3.54

Accommodation Chain in Sindhudurg 2012-13

Sr. Taluka No. of No. of No. of Total

No. Hotels & Employees Tourists income in
Resorts visited Rs. lakh
1 Devgad 12 60 1300 17.00
2 Vaibhavwadi 10 50 1100 15.00
3 Kankavli 25 175 6500 27.00
4 Kudal 30 150 8200 30.00
5 Malvan 42 240 3900 40.00
6 Vengurla 32 160 7500 30.00
7 Dodamarg 22 120 2000 20.00
8 Sawantwadi 40 230 8300 41.00
Source- Actual survey 2012-13

The above table reveals that the total employment created is 1000 to 1500
permanent employees. The income generated is a net profit. The hotel and
accommodation industry had accelerated the development of rural area. The small
hotels, restaurants, lodges in the district has created seasonal and permanent

11. Employment Generation through Transport and Communication :

There is drastic change in transport and communication sector of district due
to tourism development and hence generated employment opportunities. There are
20 to 40 bus visits from each bus depot to each tourist centre. Hence there is
convenience to tourists. Each bus depot is getting income of lakhs of rupees. Apart
from this there are rickshaw, travelers, taxis and private buses are available to
tourists. The employment is getting in the form of drivers, cleaners, Guides etc.

Table No. 3.55

Transport Survey of Sindhudurg District
Sr. Means of No. of Yearly Total income
No. Transport Tourists in Rs. lakh
1 S. T. bus 15000 16 lakh
2 Private travels 11000 12 lakh
3 Rickshaw 7000 8 lakh
4 Trax motors 14000 14 lakh
5 Other means 5000 6 lakh
Source- Actual survey 2012-13

The transport and communication facility has performed an important role in

employment and income generation.

13. Employment Generation on Tourist Points :

With the development of tourism in the district, there is an employment
generation on tourist points from small occupations.
Table No. 3.56
No. of small occupations after tourism

No. of
No. of
Sr. occupations
Taluka Tourist Occupation occupations Total
No. before
after tourism
1 Devgad Hotels& Shops 57 150 207
2 Vaibhavwadi Hotels& Shops 26 53 79
3 Kankavli Hotels& Shops 81 140 221
4 Kudal Hotels& Shops 93 180 273
5 Malvan Hotels& Shops 72 145 217
6 Vengurla Hotels& Shops 87 160 247
7 Dodamarg Hotels& Shops 41 58 99
8 Sawantwadi Hotels& Shops 103 207 310
Source- Actual survey 2012-13

It is revealed from above table that there is a substantial increase in hotels

and occupations in the Sindhudurg district after tourism development. Within these
small occupations emence employment has been generated.

4. Development of Roads, transport and other tourist facilities :

To study the tourist facilities and complementary facilities survey has been
conducted in each taluka. It helps to know the status of the complementary facilities.
These facilities has increased after devp. of tourism in the district. Maharashtra
Tourism Development Corporation is attempting to increase the facilities at every
tourist point. Private entrepreneurs are also playing an important role in devp. of
facilities. Hence there is positive and optimistic environment in the district.
Table No. 3.57
The status of tourist facilities in Sindhudurg 2013
Tourist Facility Status

1 Hotels, Resort, Restaurants Good

2 Bars and Cold drinks Medium

3 Tourist Guide Medium

4 Transport & Communication Good

5 Air transport Proposed

6 Water Transport Service Best

7 Private Transport Best

8 S. T. Bus and Railway Best

Source- Actual Survey Report 2013

It is revealed from table No. 2.48 that the status of water tourism, private
transport and bus, railway service is best. The status of hotels, resorts, restaurants
and transport communication is good. The bars, cold-drink shops, tourist guides
status is medium. The air transport is in the proposed category. The people in tourist
occupation must have to be well aware about changing time. These facilities must
have to be made available to the tourists where they require.

4.10 Limitations in the Tourism Devp. of Sindhudurg District :

Though the tourism industry of Sindhudurg is on the way of development but
basically there are some limitations.
1. Lack of Political Will :
There is lack of political will for the tourism development. It reflects in the
sanctioned funds and actual distributed and incurred funds. There is a lack of
positive political attitude.
2. Limitation of Private Sector :
The private Sector is playing important role but it has its own limitations.
3. Lack of People’s Participation :
There is a lack response of local people of the tourism plans and programmes
i.e. people opposed to Kunkeshwar, Tondavali and Chipi projects. This opposition
has created hurdles in the tourism Development some how this situation is some all
4. Lack of Professional Approach :
Tourism is a modern industry. Hence it requires professional approach. But
there is a lack of professional approach for the progress of Tourism.
5. Centralisation of Tourism Industry :
The Tourism Industry has concentrated in Devgad, Malvan, Sawantwadi and
Vengurla Taluka due to Availability of basic infrastructure. But other Talukas has
neglected there is not equal development in all Talukas.

6. Bad Effect of Excess Tourism-

In recent day there is organization of rave parties on large stale. Such tourism
is hazardous to social Harmony. This will badly affect on the local culture of the
district. Hence law and order should be implemented rigorously.
1.11 Bed and Breakfast Scheme of Maharashtra Tourism Development
Corporation :
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation has taken an active
participation in providing infrastructure and accessibility, domestic as well as
international tourists visiting Maharashtra. Tourists need affordable clean
accommodation and food. Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation has
launched Bed and Breakfast scheme at resorts and tourist centres. Tourists get local
food, local accomdation and delicacies in affordable prices. The scheme aims to
establish wide network of resorts and centres at every possible place and satisfy the
expectations of the tourists.
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation introduced more than 1100
houses/bungalows under this scheme across Maharashtra which serve the tourists
needs. These accommodations have wide range of variety, facilities according the
financial capacity of the tourists. These accomdations cautiously look after safety
and security of the tourists. Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation works
as quality control in standardization of factors like Cleanliness, necessary amenities,
affordable prices and efficient hospitality services. Many accomdation units also
organise tourism based activities like visits to farms, contributing in farm works such
as milking cows and ploughing farms, trekking, local games, local sports, local
cuisine, etc.
Here is a detailed contribution of Bed and Breakfast Scheme of Maharashtra
Tourism Development Corporation as working in the district.
Table No. 3.58
Rooms/Beds Available under Bed & Breakfast Scheme
in Sindhudurg District

Sr. No. of Rooms / Beds Tarrif in Rs.

Name of Taluka
No. Rooms Beds (Approx.)
1. Malvan 156 333 1000/-
2. Devgad 43 38 900/-
3. Kankavli 46 90 700/-
4. Sawantwadi 42 121 800/-
5. Kudal 35 70 700/-
6. Vengurla 77 152 900/-
7. Vaibhavwadi 2 4 500/-
8. Dodamarg 5 10 600/-

Source :As per Primary Data

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