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Sr No Ameyo Query

1 Is the deployment preferred on physical servers, virtual machines,

private cloud or public cloud instances?

Are operations all located at a single site or spread across multiple agent
How many such sites are there?
How are these connected together?

Are Business Continuity Plans required?

3 If yes, please indicate if High Availability, Disaster Recovery or both are

4 Please describe the customer journey in brief?

5 Can you please confirm the user count for each agent group.
6 How long do call recordings need to be stored for?

Can the IVR flow be shared?

How many menu levels are required?
How many options are required on each menu on an average?

Is a self service IVR required?

8 If yes, how many self service events are required?
How many TTS events are required?

Does customer data for dialling need to be uploaded automatically from

a 3rd party system?

For CTI, the agent needs to view the customer's information. All CBS/
middleware/ CRM/ ERP systems have a customer information page
which displays this information?
10 Which system will act as the primary source of information for the
Does this system support URL based integration, as outlined in the
attached CRM Integration document?
11 Does the CRM application support iFrames as outlined in the URL based
CRM integration method in CRM Integration document?

In case URL based integration method is not feasible, how many data
12 points are to be fetched and displayed to the agent on the CTI from CRM

Are customized Wallboards required?

What and how many data points should be displayed here?

Is there a need to capture customer feedback at the end of a call or a

chat interaction or ticket closure?

15 Are there any other requirements from the contact center?

Supporting Note

Ameyo, being platform agnostic, can be deployed on any hosting

platform, be it your local data center or a public cloud instance.
Physical servers- Dell/ HP/ IBM
Virtual Environments- Microsoft HyperV/ Vmware vSphere ESXi
Public Cloud- AWS/ Azure/ GCP/ Oracle

Ameyo can follow both centralized and distributed architectures, in

terms of placement of application, database and call managers.
All sites should be connected on the same network, ideally over MPLS.

High Availability or Service Redundancy ensures continuity of operations,

in case of server/ service failure. Operations are automatically switched
to redundant cluster, with sub-second RPO and RTO as low as 5 minutes.
Disaster Recovery or Geo Redundancy, ensures continuity of operations
in case the main site goes down due to earthquales, fires, prolonged
balckouts, etc. Here, operations are switche manually to a secondary
site, with sub-second RPO.

Ameyo supports the following with case management-

1) Inbound calls,
2) Outbound calls,
3) Webchat,
4) Video,
5) Emails,
6) Social Media (twitter, facebook, instagram), and
7) Social Messaging (fb messenger, twitter dm, viber, whatsapp for
An agent group can be defined as a group of agents, working across the
same channels. For example-
Agent Group 1- inbound calls + webchat + ticketing
Agent Group 2- outbound calls + ticketing
Agent Group 3- emails + video + social media + ticketing
Agent Group 4- website chat+ mobile chat+ social media chat+ ticketing

Please provide both the count of agents and specific channels for each
agent group. For example- social media should be written as facebook,
twitter and instagram.
This information is required for server sizing.
Call recording minimum duration is also required as per SOA (Sarbanes
Oxley Act) applicable to BFSI.
Please note, Ameyo only supports managed call recording storage
between 1 month to 11 years. Indefinite storage is an unacceptable
answer here.

An IVR generally begins with a welcome node followed by a language

selection node. This is followed by a heirarchial set of menus, with
selectable options available on each individual menu node. The
customer makes the selections at each menu node to navigate to the
next menu level as per the choice made.
For eg- The customer is presented with 4 options, the customer selects 3
(Payment Issue). The customer is then presented with 4 options as per
the type of issue. He further select the one he wants. This action
connects him to an agent that helps him with the particular issue. This
was an example of a 2 level IVR.

For enabling customers to service themselves over the IVR, Self Service
integration with Click systems can be performed using APIs. Based on
customer selection, relevant API will be called and the response
announced to customers using pre-recorded prompts.
A TTS (Text To Speech) engine can also be used to render the same.

Ameyo Supervisors can manually upload data in CSV format, or the

Customer Manager API can be used by a 3rd party system to
automatically upload data to Ameyo, both based on an event such as
customer update or periodically.

Ameyo displays customer information to the agent in 3 sections on the

1) Customer Card: basic contact info stored in Ameyo via Customer
Manager API or one time upload
2) CRM section: detailed information of the customer displayed via URL
based or Web Services based CRM Integration as outlined in attached
CRM integration document. Ameyo can also provide a standalone
customized CRM.
3) Customer Widget: this area is used to display information fetched in
real-time via APIs and displayed using a customized widget. The data is
simply displayed and never stored, thus enabling showcasing of
relatively senitive information to the agent, further enahncing system
While Ameyo can utilize RESTful (HTTPS/ JSON) APIs to fetch and display
data to the agent on the CTI, Ameyo recommends using the URL based
integration approach as it directly opens the target application window
within an iFrame on the agents workspace.
This will help in enabling all features generally accessible to the agent on
the native Click application interface directly available to the agent.

During API based integration, Ameyo fetches or pushes the required

information via APIs, however that information is displayed or edited
using a customized mini-CRM provided by Ameyo.
For estimating the efforts required for the customization of the mini-
CRM to show required fields in the required format, the number of data
points/ fields is required.
This method can be reviewed under Web Services based CRM
integration in the CRM Integration document.

Wallboards can be used to display view live/ summary data about

contact center operations, on a large screen on the operational floor.

Ameyo Voice of Customer can be used to capture and report on

customer feedback via-
1) Feedback IVR: a customized Feedback IVR is played and customer
responses captured, at the end of an inbound or outbound call. Using
Voice Blaster it is also possible to dial out to customer and take
2) Webform: a customized webform pops up in a new browser window
after a website chat, or can be embedded in an email and sent to
customer on closure of ticket.
3) Rating: a single rating question can be asked at the end of social
media chat.

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