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Behind every newspaper that you see being sold in the streets is a team doing laborious tasks to

produce a single issue of newspaper every day. There are commonly 5+1 divisions of a newspaper
company each assigned with unique tasks. The division and their role are as follow:

Business/accounting – More than its core role of informing the public of news and public affairs, like any
other companies, a newspaper company is also a business. For a company to survive, it needs an
accounting or business department for its financial management. This department of a newspaper
company is in-charge of all the accounting tasks including preparation of books of accounts, preparation
of the budget, creating financial plans, and preparing balance sheets.

Production – Obviously, the task of this department speaks of what it does. After all news stories are
neatly compiled and ready for print, it will be sent to this department for printing. Basically, this
department of a newspaper company is tasked of everything that has to do with the production of news
materials or printing of the papers. It is where every journalist’s hard worked news stories are
transformed into type and maintaining printing machines in good condition.

News/Editorial – The department considered to be the core operation of a newspaper company. It is

headed by the Editor-in-Chief. As the name implies, this department is responsible for creating content
of what should be printed on the newspaper before bringing it to the doorsteps of consumers. The EIC
collaborates with its assistant editors, reporters, or correspondents to decide which stories from their
sources to publish and make it compelling to readers.

Advertising – One of the most important divisions of a newspaper establishment is its advertising
department. Advertisements are said to be the bread and butter of a newspaper company; without it,
the company would not survive. It is the major source of revenue of every newspaper company. This
department is in-charge of all the advertisements published in a newspaper and even on its different
social media platforms.

Distribution – This division of a newspaper company is also known as the circulation department. It is
also a crucial department as it composed of a team of distributors and newspaper sellers or locally
known as “newsboys” making sure that newspapers are delivered to the right places and sell it to
consumers. It is also another source of revenue for the company.

Publisher/Management – This department leads the rest of the division to make sure that everything
runs smoothly. It is in-charge of the general administration of the company performing certain duties
such as planning, organizing, and staffing.

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