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Amidala Tamayo


1.1 Describe an experience in your life in which you experienced a vigorous conflict between the three
dimensions of yourself identified by Plato: Reason, Appetite and Spirit

When my father died, I started to experience things that changed my life and personality; I

began to wonder how my family would survive; I was emotionally and mentally exhausted by the fact
that my father had died. It was an intense feeling when it happened, the day I was terrified for the rest
of my life. That is how I began to nurture my spiritual being; I submitted my needs and comfort to my
spiritual father. I believed that faith gives you a sense of security because you know that someone is in
control of all things. Then, as a committed Christian, there will be a moment when you lose your desire
to serve, and there are times when I don't want to read my daily devotions or sleep without praying. I
was sidetracked by temporary things, fallen short, and returned to my old habits of being exhausted,
unmotivated, and mentally unstable. I began thinking logically, and had multiple breakdowns, even
going through an existential crisis. Families are supposed to stick together and provide comfort, but
things have become worse, we have our own worlds, and communicating is not in our vocabulary but
it's a waste of time and need to be self-sufficient. Also, now that I've started college, things are
becoming more difficult and feeling a lot of uncertainty. I've lost my passion for doing the things I used
to enjoy and focusing on things that aren't absolutely important to escape reality.

1.2 What was the nature of the conflict? How was it resolved?

The nature of the conflict are the differences of opinion of opposite side. A conflict is a test
between relationship vs pride, conflict might break individuals or brings them closer. It is a test whether
a relationship will be healthy or bad or how intimate or shallow. Conflict is a part of character
development and moral decision-making. The resolutions of conflict are depending to the lack and
needs of a person, the more we are exposed with conflict the better we handle situations. Conflict is
resolved with proper understanding and communication by verbalizing their needs, setting limits,
controlling emotions, and putting ourselves in other’s situation. Conflict is hard to resolved without
someone who is willing to understand every side of the story.

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