On Semi-Exponential Gauss-Weierstrass Operators: Vijay Gupta Ali Aral Firat Özsaraç

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Analysis and Mathematical Physics (2022) 12:111


On semi-exponential Gauss–Weierstrass operators

Vijay Gupta1 · Ali Aral2 · Firat Özsaraç2

Received: 11 April 2022 / Revised: 9 August 2022 / Accepted: 11 August 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

The paper deals with the semi-exponential type Gauss–Weierstrass operators. The cen-
tral moments of these operators are constant functions. We estimate some direct results.
We also provide a modification of such operators so as the preserve two exponential
functions, we estimate weighted approximation, quantitative asymptotic formula for
the modified form of operators. Later, a comparison is stated, that shows that in a
certain sense and for certain family of illustrative functions the modified form of the
semi-exponential Gauss–Weierstrass operators approximates better than the classical
ones. Finally, we give some numerical results, which help us better understand the
theoretical results obtained in the previous sections.

Keywords Gauss–Weierstrass operators · Quantitative asymptotic formula ·

Moments · Moment generating function · Semi-exponential Gauss–Weierstrass
operators · Weighted approximation.

Mathematics Subject Classification 41A25 · 41A30

1 Gauss–Weierstrass operators

The unified approach for the study on exponential-type operators was discussed in
[10]. Recently some researchers (see [1, 8]) extended the exponential-type operators

B Vijay Gupta
vijaygupta2001@hotmail.com; vijay@nsut.ac.in
Ali Aral
Firat Özsaraç

1 Department of Mathematics, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Sector 3, Dwarka,

New Delhi 110078, India
2 Faculty of Science and Arts, Kirikkale University, 71450 Yahsihan, Kirikkale, Turkey

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and captured some semi-exponential operators. These operators are the generalization
of the exponential-type operators. Tyliba et al [12] introduced for x ∈ (−∞, ∞), the
semi-exponential type Gauss–Weierstrass operators as follows:
λ ∞ −λ(t − x − β/λ)2
(Wλ f ) (x) = exp f (t) dt, (1)
2π −∞ 2

where λ ∈ R and β is a non-negative real number. As a special case if β = 0, we get

the Gauss–Weierstrass operators:
λ ∞ −λ(t − x)2
(Wλ f ) (x) = exp f (t) dt.
2π −∞ 2

The rest of the study is organized as follows. In the next section, we estimate
moments and central moments and establish some direct results. In Sect. 3, some
theorems are expressed using suitable modules of continuity. In Sect. 4, we define
the modified semi-exponential type Gauss–Weierstrass operators and develop some
of their properties such as moments and central moments. The aim here is to seek an
answer to the question of whether a better approach can be obtained. Later In Sect. 5, we
indicate point-wise convergence of this modified ones. The quantitative Voronovskaya
formula is given in Sect. 6. In Sect. 7, comparison of the operators is studied, which
useful when selecting the proper operator. The given comparison, with the aid of
Voronovskaya type theorems, that shows the modified form of the semi-exponential
Gauss-Weierstrass operators converge to associated function f faster than the semi-
exponential type Gauss–Weierstrass operators. In this respect, we observe that it is
convenient to consider a notion of generalized convexity related to the functions expβ
and exp2β . In the last section, numerical examples are provided by indicating some
graphs. It can be seen that the given graphs confirm the results we obtained in the
previous sections.

2 Moments

Lemma 1 For A in some neighbourhood of zero, the moment generating function of

(Wλ f )(x) is given as
β 2 Aλx + 2 Aβ + A2 2 Aβ + A2
(Wλ e At ) (x) = exp =e Ax
exp .
2λ 2λ

For non-zero a j , few moments of the operators satisfy

⎛ ⎞
⎝W β β 1 + 2βx β2
λ a j e j ⎠ (x) = a0 + a1 x + + a2 x 2 + + 2
λ λ λ
3βx 2 + 3x 3β 2 x + 3β β3
+ a3 x 3 + + +
λ λ2 λ3
On semi exponential Gauss–Weierstrass operators Page 3 of 16 111

4βx 3 + 6x 2 6β 2 x 2 + 12βx + 3 4β 3 x + 6β 2 β4
+ a4 x 4 + + + +
λ λ2 λ3 λ4

5βx + 10x
4 3 10β x + 30βx + 15x
2 3 2
+ a5 x 5 + +
λ λ2

10β 3 x 2 + 30β 2 x + 15β 5β 4 x + 10β 3 β5
+ + +
λ3 λ4 λ5

15x + 6βx
4 5 45x + 60βx + 15β 2 x 4
2 3
+ a6 x 6 + +
λ λ2
20β 3 x 3 + 90β 2 x 2 + 90βx + 15

45β + 60β x + 15β 4 x 2
2 3 15β 4 + 6β 5 x β6
+ + + + ···
λ4 λ5 λ6

Lemma 2 If the m-th order central moment be μλ,m (x) := (Wλ (e1 − xe0 )m )(x), then
by change of scale property of moment producing function, we have
β ∂m 2 Aλx + 2 Aβ + A2
μλ,m (x) = exp − Ax
∂ Am 2λ A=0

and few moments can be defined as:

μλ,0 (x) = 1
β β
μλ,1 (x) =
β β 2+λ
μλ,2 (x) =
β β(β 2 + 3λ)
μλ,3 (x) =
β (β + 6β 2 λ + 3λ2 )
μλ,4 (x) =
β β(β 4 + 10β 2 λ + 15λ2 )
μλ,5 (x) =
β (β + 15β 4 λ + 45β 2 λ2 + 15λ3 )
μλ,6 (x) = .

3 Approximation in weighted spaces

To progress further, we utilize a result due to Gadzhiev [6], who regarded a continuous
and strictly increasing function ϕ defined on R and ρ (x) = 1 + ϕ 2 (x) such that
lim x→±∞ ρ (x) = ∞.

Bρ (R) = {h : R → R : |h (x)| ≤ Mh ρ (x)} ,

111 Page 4 of 16 V. Gupta et al.

where the constant Mh depends on h,

Cρ (R) = Bρ (R) ∩ C (R) ,

∗ h (x)
Cρ (R) = h ∈ Cρ (R) : lim exists and it is finite .
|x|→∞ ρ (x)

If the space Bρ (R) is yielded with the norm . ρ defined by

|h (x)|
h ρ = sup . (2)
x∈R ρ (x)

Theorem A [6] Let the sequence (An )n≥1 is of linear and positive operators with
mapping Cρ (R) into Bρ (R). If
lim  An ϕ v − ϕ v ρ = 0, v = 0, 1, 2, (3)

then, for any f ∈ Cρ∗ (R), we have

lim An f − f ρ = 0. (4)

Our goal is to research the approximation properties of the operators (1) on the
weighted spaces. We take into account a weight used in defining spaces of function
with polynomial growth. We select

ϕ (x) = x and ρ (x) = 1 + x 2 , x ∈ R.

This selection satisfies the aforementioned conditions.

Theorem 1 Let Wλ be the operators defined by (1) . For each f ∈ Cρ∗ (R), the fol-
lowing relation
lim Wλ f − f  = 0 (5)
λ→∞ ρ

holds, where ρ is given as above.

Proof According to (2), for linear positive operators Wλ on Cρ (R), we obtain
 β  β
 Wλ f (x) ≤ f ρ Wλ ρ (x) , x ∈ R.

Lemma 1 warranties that our operators map Cρ (R) into Cρ (R) ⊂ Bρ (R) .
We control the three conditions of relation (3).
For v = 0, through Lemma 1, since Wλ e0 = e0 , the condition is fulfilled.
On semi exponential Gauss–Weierstrass operators Page 5 of 16 111

Similarly, for v = 1, we get

 Wλ e1 (x) − x 
Wλ e1 − e1  = sup
ρ x∈R 1 + x2
 x + λ − x
= sup
x∈R 1 + x2
λ β
= sup ≤ .
x∈R 1 + x 2 λ

Again, limλ→∞ Wλ e1 − e1  = 0. Finally, for v = 2, we obtain

 Wλ e2 (x) − x 2 
Wλ e2 − e2  = sup
ρ x∈R 1 + x2
 2 1+2βx β2 
 x + λ + λ2 − x 2 
= sup
x∈R 1 + x2
 1+2βx β2 
 λ + λ2 
= sup
x∈R 1 + x2
1+β β2
≤ + 2,
λ λ

which approaches to zero for sufficiently large λ.

Thanks to the Theorem A, relation (5) is provided.

Theorem 2 Let f , f ∈ Cρ∗ (R), then, for x ∈ R, the following inequality holds:

λ W β f (x) − f (x) − β f (x) − β + λ f (x)
1 β +λ
≤ 2ω f , √ + β 4 + 6β 2 λ + 3λ2 ,
λ λ

where ω is classical modulus of continuity.

Proof By Taylor’s expansion, we have

f (i) (x)
f (t) = (t − x)i + h (t, x) (t − x)2 ,
111 Page 6 of 16 V. Gupta et al.

where h (t, x) := f (ξ )−2 f (x) , with x < ξ < t. Applying the operator Wλ to above
equality, we obtain
 W β f (x) − μβ (x) f (x) − μβ (x) f (x) − 1 μβ (x) f (x)
 λ λ,0 λ,1
2 λ,2 
=  Wλ h (t, x) (t − x)2 (x) .

Thus using Lemma 2, we get

    β2 + λ     
 β   β 
λ Wλ f (x) − f (x) − β f (x) − f (x) = λ Wλ h (t, x) (t − x)2 (x) .

Using the classical modulus of continuity, we can write

(t − x)2  
|h (t, x)| ≤ 2 1 + ω f , δ .

Hence, we get
λ Wλ |h (t, x)| (t − x)2 (x) ≤ 2λω f , δ μλ,2 (x)
2λ   β
+ 2 ω f , δ μλ,4 (x).

Considering δ = λ−1/2 , we obtain

λ Wλ |h (t, x)| (t − x)2 (x)
  β +λ
≤ 2ω f , δ + β + 6β λ + 3λ .
4 2 2

Thus, we get required result.

Following [11], we regard

|g (x + e) − g (x)|
(g, δ) = sup    , g ∈ Cρ∗ (R) . (6)
|e|≤δ 1 + e
2 1 + x2

Among the properties, we remind the following: limδ→0+ (g, δ) = 0, (g, .) is an

increasing function and for each λ > 0
(g, λδ) ≤ 2 (1 + λ) 1 + δ 2 (g, δ) . (7)

In Lemma 1 The operator Wλ is meaningful for the function which has exponential
growth and polynomial growth.
On semi exponential Gauss–Weierstrass operators Page 7 of 16 111

Theorem 3 If f , f ∈ C 2 (R), then for x ∈ R, we have

 W β f (x) − f (x) − β f (x) − β + λ f (x)
 λ λ 2λ 2 
  β2 + λ (β 6 + 15β 4 λ + 45β 2 λ2 + 15λ3 )1/4
≤ 16 1 + x 2 f ,  1/4 .
λ2 λ β2 + λ

Proof For the function f ∈ C 2 (R), Taylor’s expansion at the point x ∈ R is given by

(t − x)2 (t − x)2
f (t) = f (x) + (t − x) f (x) + f (x) + ε (t, x) , (8)
2! 2!


ε (t, x) = f (ξ ) − f (x)

and ξ lies between x and t. In the above ε (t, x) is a continuous function. If t → x,

then ε (t, x) → x and ε vanishes at x. Now, applying the operator Wλ on (8) and
using Lemma 2, we have
 W β f (x) − f (x) − β f (x) − β + λ f (x)
 λ λ 2λ 2 
1 β
≤ W |ε2 (t, x)| (. − x)2 (x) . (9)
2 λ
In order to estimate the proof of theorem, we estimate Wλ (|ε2 (t, x)|) (x) . Follow-
ing [2], we know that for each f ∈ Cρ∗ (R), let ( f , .) be defined above. For any
(t, x) ∈ R × R and any δ > 0 the following relation
(t − x)4  2  
| f (t) − f (x)| ≤ 4 1 + 1 + δ2 1 + x 2 ( f , δ) (10)

holds. By using both (8) and (10) applied for f , we obtain


 (t − x)4  2  
|ε (t, x)| = f (ξ ) − f (x) ≤ 4 1 + 1 + δ 2
1 + x 2
( f , δ)

and, in the factor 1 + δ 2 considering δ ≤ 1, we can write
    μλ,6 (x)  
β β
Wλ |ε2 (t, x)| (. − x) 2
(x) ≤ 16 1 + x 2
μλ,2 (x) 1+ β
f , δ .
δ 4 μλ,2 (x)
111 Page 8 of 16 V. Gupta et al.

β β
Further, we can select δ 4 = μλ,6 (x) /μλ,2 (x) ≤ 1. This selection can be accepted
μλ,6 (x)
because limλ→∞ β = 0. Come backing at (9), the desired inequality is proved.
μλ,2 (x)

4 Exponential preservation

Set aλ,β (x) = x − 3β

2λ and consider the modified form of the semi-exponential Gauss-
Weierstrass operators
⎛    2 ⎞
    3β β
λ ∞ −λ t − x − −
β ⎜ 2λ λ ⎟ −βt
G λ f (x) = eβx exp ⎝ ⎠e f (t) dt.
2π −∞ 2


These operators have the following connection with the original operators:
β β
G λ f (x) = eβx Wλ f e−βt aλ,β (x) .
Lemma 3 The moment producing function of G λ f (x) is stated as

β βx (A + 2λx − 2β) (A − β)
G λ e At (x) = e exp .

In that case, we get

G λ eβt (x) = eβx

G λ e2βt (x) = e2βx .
Lemma 4 For the non-zero constants b j , some moments of the operators of G λ f
are given by
⎛ ⎞
⎝G β 3β
b j e j ⎠ (x) = b0 eβ
2 /λ
eβ /λ
λ + b1 x −

1 − 3βx 9β 2 β 2 /λ
+ b2 x +
+ 2 e
λ 4λ
36βx − 3x
2 27xβ 2 − 18β 27β 3 β 2 /λ
+ b3 x 3 − + − e + ...
λ 4λ2 8λ3
On semi exponential Gauss–Weierstrass operators Page 9 of 16 111

β β
Lemma 5 If we denote the m-th order central moment by ηλ,m (x) = G λ (e1 − xe0 )m
(x), then some moments can be found as:

ηλ,0 (x) = eβ
2 /λ
β 3β 2
ηλ,1 (x) = − eβ /λ ,

β 1 9β 2
+ 2 eβ /λ ,
ηλ,2 (x) =
λ 4λ
β 3 320λ3 + 2160λ2 β 2 + 1620λβ 4 + 243β 6
eβ /λ .
ηλ,6 (x) = 6

Moreover, we obtain

ηλ,6 (x)
lim β
= 0.
λ→∞ ηλ,2 (x)

Theorem 4 For f ∈ Cρ∗ (R), the following relation

lim G λ f − f  = 0 (12)
λ→∞ ρ

holds, where ρ = 1 + x 2 .
Proof According to (2) , for linear positive operators G λ on Cρ (R), we obtain
 β  β
 G λ f (x) ≤ f ρ G λ ρ (x) , x ∈ R.

Lemma 4 warranties that G λ maps Cρ (R) into Cρ (R) ⊂ Bρ (R) .
We control the three necessary conditions indicated in relation (3) .
For v = 0, through Lemma 4, we have
 G λ e0 (x) − 1
G λ e0 − e0  = sup
ρ x∈R 1 + x2
 β 2 /λ 
e − 1
= sup
x∈R 1 + x2
≤ eβ /λ − 1 .

Consequently, limλ→∞ G λ e0 − e0  = 0.
111 Page 10 of 16 V. Gupta et al.

Similarly, for v = 1, we get

 G λ e1 (x) − x 
G λ e1 − e1  = sup
ρ x∈R 1 + x2
 x − 2λ eβ /λ − x 

= sup
x∈R 1 + x2
 3β 2 
x eβ /λ − 1 − 2λ eβ /λ 

= sup
x∈R 1 + x2
 β 2 /λ 
e − 1
≤ .

Again, limλ→∞ G λ e1 − e1  = 0.
Finally, for v = 2, we obtain

 G λ e2 (x) − x 2 
G λ e2 − e2  = sup
ρ x∈R 1 + x2
 2 1−3βx 9β 2 
 x + λ + 4λ2 eβ /λ − x 2 
= sup
x∈R 1 + x2
 2 β /λ β 2 /λ + 1 + 9β 2 

2 2 /λ
x e − 1 − x 3β λ e λ 4λ2

= sup
x∈R 1 + x 2
3β 1 9β 2
+ + 2 eβ /λ ,

2λ λ 4λ

which approaches to zero for sufficiently large λ.

Thanks to Theorem A, relation (12) is provided.

5 Quantitative Voronovskaya formula

In this section, we deal with the asymptotic behavior for G λ operators.

Theorem 5 Let G λ be given by (11) . Let f ∈ Cρ∗ (R) such that f has a second
derivative at a point x ∈ R and suppose f , f belong to Cρ∗ (R), then, we have
On semi exponential Gauss–Weierstrass operators Page 11 of 16 111


λ G β f (x) − f (x) + Fλ (x) f (x) + 3β f (x) − 1 1 + 9β f (x)

2 2 4λ
⎛  ⎞
       η (x)
≤ |Dλ (x)|  f (x) + |E λ (x)|  f (x) + 16λ 1 + x 2 ηλ,2 (x) ⎝ f , 
β 4 λ,6 ⎠.
ηλ,2 (x)

β β
where Fλ (x) = λ 1 − G λ e0 (x) , Dλ (x) = − 3β
2 G λ e0 (x) − 1 and E λ (x) =
9β 2 β
2 1 + 4λ G λ e0 (x) − 1 .

lim 2λ G λ f (x) − f (x) = 2β 2 f (x) − 3β f (x) + f (x) . (13)

Proof (i) Assume that x be fixed arbitrarily and t ∈ R. By Taylor’s expansion given

(t − x)2 (t − x)2  
f (t) = f (x) + (t − x) f (x) + f (x) + h ξt,x , (14)
2 2
where t < ξt,x < x. Here,
h ξt,x = f ξt,x − f (x)

which is continuous function and if t → x, then ξt,x → x and h vanishes at the point
x. By applying the operator G λ to Taylor’s expansion (14) and according to Lemma
4, we attain
    f (x) 1 β 
β β β β
G λ f (x) − f (x) = f (x) ηλ,0 (x) − 1 + ηλ,1 (x) f (x) + ηλ,2 (x) + G λ (. − x)2 h; x
2 2
   3β   3β 
β β
= f (x) G λ e0 (x) − 1 + − G λ e0 (x) − 1 − f (x)
2λ 2λ
1 9β 2  β 9β 2 f (x) 1 β 
+ + 2 G λ e0 (x) − 1 + + 2 + G λ (. − x)2 h; x
λ 4λ λ 4λ 2 2

1 1 9β 2
= G λ e0 (x) − 1 f (x) − f (x) + + 2 f (x)
2λ 2 λ 4λ
3β 1 1 9β 2 1 β  
− f (x) + + 2 f (x) + G λ (. − x)2 h; x .
2λ 2 λ 4λ 2


λ G β f (x) − f (x) + Fλ (x) f (x) + 3β f (x) − 1 1 + 9β f
2 2 4λ 
    λ β  
≤ |Dλ (x)|  f (x) + |E λ (x)|  f (x) + G λ (. − x)2 |h| ; x . (15)
111 Page 12 of 16 V. Gupta et al.

By using both (14) and (10) performed for f , we obtain

       4  2    
h ξt,x  =  f ξt,x − f (x) ≤ 4 1 + (t − x) 1 + δ 2
1 + x 2
f , δ
δ 4

and, in the factor 1 + δ 2 regarding δ ≤ 1, we can write
    ηλ,6 (x)  
β β
λG λ (. − x)2 |h| ; x ≤ 16λ 1 + x 2 ηλ,2 (x) 1+ β
f , δ .
δ 4 ηλ,2 (x)

β β
Further, we can select δ 4 = ηλ,6 (x) /ηλ,2 (x) ≤ 1. This selection can be accepted
because of Lemma 5. Comebacking at (15) , the desired inequality follows.
(ii) Easily acquire
lim Dλ (x) = 0, lim E λ (x) = 0, lim Fλ (x) = −β 2 , lim ληλ,2 (x) = 1,
λ→∞ λ→∞ λ→∞ λ→∞

and regarding Lemma 5, the statement is obtained. This completes the proof.

A spontaneous attempt after pointing out an asymptotic formula is to solve the
saturation problem. With that aim, we first consider (13)
1 1 f (x)
2β f (x) − 3β f (x) + f (x) =
w2 (x) w1 (x) w0 (x)


w0 (x) = w1 (x) = eβx , w2 (x) = e−2βx .

Let us recall the following definition and propositions already mentioned in [3]:

Definition 1 A function f ∈ C(R) is called convex with respect to expβ , exp2β ,
and denoted by f ∈ C expβ , exp2β , if
 e 0 eβx1 eβx2 
 e2βx0 e2βx1 e2βx2  ≥ 0, −∞ < x0 < x1 < x2 < ∞.
 f (x0 ) f (x1 ) f (x2 ) 
Proposition 1 [3] Let f ∈ C 2 (R) ∩ C expβ , exp2β . Then, the following items are
1 f ∈ C expβ , exp2β ,
On semi exponential Gauss–Weierstrass operators Page 13 of 16 111

2 f / expβ ≥ β f / expβ (x) for x ∈ R,
3 f (x) − 3β f (x) + 2β 2 f (x) ≥ 0 for x ∈ R.
We are returning to the shape preserving properties of G λ . Firstly, following [13],
 6 Let the operators G λ be given. For every function f ∈ C 2 (R) ∩
C expβ , exp2β , we get

G λ f (x) ≥ f (x) , x ∈ R

Proof As operators G λ protect the functions expβ and exp2β , we can operate Theorem
2 in [13]. We are taking into account the fact here that this result due to Ziegler also
processes for the functions, defined on unbounded intervals. We underline that the
condition to be expβ and exp2β the fixed points for our operators are necessary (see
[13, Th. 3]).

ˇ ˇ
6 Comparison of operators W and G

The following theorem states that which of the given operators converges better to f .

Theorem 7 Let f ∈ C 2 (R) . Suppose that there exists λ0 ∈ R +

β β
f (x) ≤ G λ f (x) ≤ Wλ f (x) , x ∈ R (16)

for all λ > λ0 . Then

f (x) ≥ 5β f (x) − 2β 2 f (x) ≥ 0, x ∈ R. (17)

Conversely, if (17) holds with strict inequalities at a given point t ∈ R, then there
exists λ0 ∈ R + such that for all λ > λ0

β β
f (t) < G λ f (t) < Wλ f (t) .

Proof From (16) , we have that

β β
0 ≤ 2λ G λ f (x) − f (x) ≤ 2λ Wλ f (x) − f (x) , x ∈ R.

Then, using Theorem 2 and (13) ,

0 ≤ f (x) − 3β f (x) + 2β 2 f (x) ≤ f (x) + 2β f (x)

from which (17) follows directly.

111 Page 14 of 16 V. Gupta et al.

Conversely, if (17) holds with strict inequalities for a given t ∈ R, then directly

0 < f (t) − 3β f (t) + 2β 2 f (t) < f (t) + 2β f (t) ,

and using again Theorem 3 and (13), the proof is complete.

7 Numerical results

This section is devoted to numerical results, which help us better understand the
theoretical results. For this purpose, we use some graphics. Numerical results were
obtained by using the Mathematica software package.
We take into account the function f (x) = x 2 − exp (−2x) when x is between −2
and 10, for all three figures. Again, the parameter β = 1 istaken in all ones.
Figure 1 represents that plots of f (t) (blue line), G 110 f (t) (orange line),
G 20 f (t) (green line), G 150 f (t) (red line) and G 1100 f (t) (purple line). The plots
are visually indiscernible, but the subinterval [3.10,
 3.13]  is enlarged to compare the
plots. It should be noted that at this subinterval G 1100 f (t) performs better approx-
imation to f (t) compared to the others. Namely, as λ increases, the approximation
precision gets better.  
On the other hand, Figure 2 demonstrates that approximation errors in G 110 f (t)
 1   1   1 
(orange line), G 20 f (t) (green line), G 50 f (t) (red line) and G 100 f (t) (purple
line). Between these four operators, G 1100 f (t)’s overall performance on the interval
[−2, 10] is better compared to the others. The plots around the interval [5.60, 5.64]
was intensified in to have a better sight.



40 9.75


3.100 3.105 3.110 3.115 3.120 3.125 3.130
30 ft

G110 f

G120 f
20 G150 f

G1100 f


2 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 1 The graphs of f (x) = x 2 − exp (−2x), G 110 f (t), G 120 f (t), G 150 f (t) and G 1100 f (t)
On semi exponential Gauss–Weierstrass operators Page 15 of 16 111


40 31.65
5.60 5.61 5.62 5.63 5.64

30 gt
20 50


2 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 2 Approximation errors in G 110 f (t) (orange line), G 120 f (t) (green line), G 150 f (t) (red line)
and G 1100 f (t) (purple line)


40 11.60
3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42



G150 f
20 1
W50 f


2 2 4 6 8 10

1 f (t) and G 1 f (t)
Fig. 3 The graphs of f (x) = x 2 − exp (−2x), W50 50
Figure 3 compares the function f (t) (blue line) and the operators W50 f (t) (green
line) and G 50 f (t) (orange line) in the light of the Theorem 7. It confirms the theorem
111 Page 16 of 16 V. Gupta et al.

Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to both the reviewers for valuable comments, leading to
better presentation of the manuscript. Thanks are also due to the handling editor for sending the reports

Data availability statement This manuscript has no associated data.


Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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