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Visayas State University

College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering Project Proposal

Traffic Survey, Analysis and Suitable Solution for Selected Intersections in

Baybay City, Leyte

Case Study

Team Transform

Alfante, Rhea Mae

Morata, Hannah Mae
Tan, Trisha Miccah

January 2019


Traffic Analysis and Survey at Magsaysay – Bonifacio Street Intersection in Baybay

City, Leyte



Background, nature, history of the case

The City of Baybay or simply referred to as Baybay City (figure 1) is a 1st

class city in the province of Leyte, Philippines. It has a population of 109,432 people

according to the 2015 census.

Figure 1. Location Map of Baybay City, Leyte

City of Baybay has a total land area of 46,050 hectares, and is known to be

one of the largest in terms of land area in the Eastern Visayas region. It is divided

into ninety-two (92) barangays, composed of 24 urban barangays and 68 rural

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barangays. Predominantly identified as an agri-fishery-based economy, its agricultural

land is well-suited for rice, corn, coconut, root crops, fruits, vegetables, livestock

production and is abundant in fisheries resources, particularly in the coastal areas.

Baybay City, at present is growing and may even escalate in the future. Also, the

number of vehicles entering and leaving the city is also increasing which produces

road traffic jam.

The proposed site location (figure 2) are one of the busiest crossroads in the City.

These study area is surrounded by shops, gasoline station, fast-food chains, stores,

terminal, public market which contribute to traffic. Additionally, this traffic problem

is predicted to get worse when the on-going Super Metro construction will be opened.

Furthermore, the team proposed to conduct a traffic survey and analysis in the said

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Figure 2. Proposed Site Location

Figure 3. Location Site 1 –Intersection of Magsaysay Avenue - A. Bonifacio St.

Figure 4. Location Site 2 - Intersection of Magsaysay Avenue - Tres Martires St.




1.4 Surveys are required for both national and strategic traffic

issues, and for local traffic planning, engineering and

management purposes. Traffic data are important to a wide

range of decision-making processes in the planning,

construction, operating and maintenance of the transport

system. Information is needed to support not only the case for

transport investment (infrastructure planning, design and

construction), but also to indicate how to make best use of

existing road facilities (traffic management and maintenance


1.5 The traffic data required from surveys is of transport supply

(inventories and characteristics of the vehicles and

infrastructure which comprise the system), transport demand

(the amount the system is used and the patterns of movement)

or performance (how well the system accommodates the

demand placed upon it, measured in terms of traffic speeds,

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journey times and delay). Table 1.1 lists the main types of

survey that are further described in subsequent chapters. The

collection of traffic data is organised either as part of general

background monitoring of traffic developments or as part of a

detailed traffic investigation.

1.6 Traffic monitoring is the consistent and regular (periodic or

continuous) surveying of traffic data, either nationally or locally,

for a range of planning purposes: to calculate historical trends, in

supply, demand and performance; to calculate hourly, daily, and

seasonal variation factors; to provide a summary of the existing

system, in terms of supply, demand, and performance, and

identify existing problems; to determine the timing and sample

rate of further surveys; as a base for predicting future demand

and performance, in order to plan improvements.

1.7 Detailed data collection is required for the investigation of

specific problems, the design of improvements, and for 'before

and after' evaluation of the impact of changes. 'Before and after'

surveys are a special type of monitoring to gauge the effects of a

specific action. `After' surveys should be carried out long enough

after implementation of the scheme to allow new traffic patterns

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to become fully established (typically 2-4 weeks), but not so long

as to allow underlying traffic trends to affect the outcome. It is

also desirable to carry out simultaneous 'control' surveys in a

different part of the city, to reveal any underlying changes to

traffic conditions.

A traffic study is an elaborate investigation and meticulous analysis of the

transportation system in a specific area, which is supported by an expansive collection of

data. Usually, traffic studies are used to examine a recurring transportation problem and

propose a solution that will yield less traffic and congestion in that particular area. With

these studies, the main goal is to provide drivers with a safe and efficient means of traffic

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Preliminary Survey

Data Collection

Analysis of Data
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All of the expenses will be shouldered by the proponents. Listed below is the

enumeration and rough estimate of all the possible expenses in the conduct of the



Printing Services ₱ 500.00

Transportation ₱ 300.00

Miscellaneous ₱ 1000.00

TOTAL ₱ 1800.00
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