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The History Of The Beatles' Solo Recordings

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Working class heroes


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First published in Creat Bntain m 1983 by Vrrgin Books

Ltd., 61-63, Portobello Road, London W 11 300

Copyright 1983 Neville Stannard

ISBN 0 907080 92 8

All nghtS reserved. No pan of tlu.s book may be

reproduced m any form, or by any means, except for the
inclusion of bnef quotations in a reVIew, Wlthout pnor
permission m writing from the publisher.
Printed and bound m Creat Bntam by Rlcbard Clay
(The Chaucer Press) Ltd, Suffolk.
Photoset by A.J. Latharn Lirruted, Ounstable, Beds
Designed by Phi! Smee and Cally
at Waldo's Design
Production serVIces by Book Production Consultants
Distributed by Arrow Books.

PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Record Releases In Great Britam 11

Record Releases In The USA 49


Record Releases In Great Britain 55

Record Releases In The USA 103


Record Releases In Great Bntam 11 3

Record Releases In The USA 144


Record Releases In Great Britain ...... . 149

Record Releases In The USA . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .......... . 178


Chronological Index To Solo Releases 184

2 Wlth A Llttle Help To Therr Fnends ... 198

3 The Beatles In The BMRB Chart 1962-1982 .......... . 209

4 YokoOno'sSoloReleases ....................... . 213

Mull of ·Kintyre
is number one.

EYuy attempt lau beea made to c:oatact lloldera of copyrlght

materi&l rept'Odac.d ill thia book, aacl aay bo.lrlagemeat of
CIOJIYrl9ht la ac:c:ideatal. ID the cue of aay qundoa arlabag
oat of the ue of copyright mAterial, the utllora will be
pleued to make the aeceaary correctiou ill aay further
ed.itiou of the book. The authors are IAde bted to the
foUowiag for penu.i.Mioa to use copyright mate rial:

A&M Recorda Ltcl.,

Apple Recorda,
1964-82 by Billboard Puhlicatiou IDc:. All c:h&rt data
compiled by the Billboard research departmeat aact printed
with pe rmi. .loa,
Capitol Recorda IDc:.,
CBS Recorda (for CBS, Epic 4r Ode),
Decca Recorda,
DJM Recorda Ltcl.,
EMI Rec:o.rd.a UK Ltcl., (for EMI, Buvest, Muaic: For 4r
G&llga Pu.bliahiag,
K· tel IDtei'IUlliooal (UK) Ltcl.,
New Mualc:&l Expreu,
PolyGram Recorda,
RCA Recorda,
WEA Rec:o.rd.a ( for AtlaDtic, Dark Bone, GeiJea 4r Waraer

The autllora wiah to expreu their gntilude to the foUowiag:

Briaa SoutUll, James Devereux, Adriaa Vogel, CollA MUes,
Eugeae MaDzl, Claire Fieldillg Griffitha, Delllae Jerome, Paw
Davla, Peter Wilkiuoa, DiaAa RClbe!Uoa, Nell JUpiaall,
lleebe JelllliAga,Geozv!Aa Challia aacl Fraac:es Rovers.

The followmg music papers were researched for recordmg mformanon and record
New Musical Express
Melody Maker
Record Mirror

T he follow ing record sales charts were used for chart positions and stausncs:
N ew M ustcal Express (Bntish Beatles records)
Billboard (American Beatles records)
M us1c W eek / Bnush M arket Research Bureau/ BBC (other artists' hits and BntlSh
Beatles records)

HaVIng been descnbed (by others, I hasten to

add) as a rock hlStonan 1t JS particularly
pleasmg to be associated with thiS diScography
of the solo careers of the Beatles I cannot clatm
to have complied very much of the mformatton -
thts chore was undertaken wtth hJS usual apph-
ca!lon and thoroughness by Nevtlle Stannard.
whose knowledge of the Beatles and thetr mustc
seems to me to be second to none m Great
Bntam. and possibly m the world
After the success of NeVllle's ftrst book. The
Long And Wmdmg Road whtch dealt wtth the
records released by the Beatles as a group, 11
was an obv1ous step to prepare a compamon
volume featunng the records released by the
erstwhtle Beatles as mdlvtduals (and thetr partiCI-
pation on records which d1d not bear thetr
ThiS volume JS the result of that dec1ston, and
IS as up to date as publlshmg schedules will
allow (and anyway complete to the end of
1982) As the three sUTVJvmg Beatles contmue
to release new records. Workmg Class
Heroes will meVltably become outdated but 1t
JS our mtenlion to update both The Long And
Wmdmg Road and Workmg Class Heroes on
a regular basiS until 1t becomes ev1dent that
the Beatles - both md!Vldually and collecttvely -
are no longer of mterest It has not escaped our
notice that thiS may turn out to be a hfe work
Our thanks for thetr help to Robert Devereux,
John Brown Cathenne Ledger, F'ehx Denrus
Dtck Pountam MaJcolm Eade, LlZ Crutckshanks
Adnan Vogel, Harold Bronson. Phtl Smee and

John Tobler
May 1983
The first part of this book ts dlVlded mto
four secllons; each covers the Beatles'
md1V1dual Bnttsh and American releases,
using a record and song numbenng
system identical to that in The Long And
Wmdmg Road (the companion volume to
Working Class Heroes). In each section,
all solo releases are given a "record
number" - to the left of the ''record title"
- although compilation albums and certam
solo Beatle related records are not
numbered. Each song is gwen a "song
number" - appearmg to the left of each
"song title" - and this receiVes a suffix
letter for subsequent appearances of the
song, 1. e., "a" mdicates the first appear-
ance, "b" the second appearance, etc.,
while a song number Wlthout a suffix
mcilcates the first appearance of the song.
Where albums receive a strrught re-
release (Paul McCartney's Columbia re-
leases m Amenca. for mstance) the track
listmgs are not repeated m order to
economtse on space; therefore the song
numbenng and letters do not apply.
The arttst crecilts for John and Paul's
releases have changed throughout theu
careers, and these varying credits are
given after each record title, but smce
George and Rmgo have so far only
released records under theu own names.
these are not repeated. Some m1ght
argue that ne1ther John's Elast1c Oz Band
nor Paul's Country Hams and Percy Thru-
lmgton are truly solo releases However,
for sunphc1ty they have been mcluded m
the appropnate sect10ns, although they
do not rece1ve record or song numbers.
Likewise, Linda McCartney's solo releases
under "Suzy And The Red Stnpes" have
been mcluded m Paul's section, as they
do not warrant separate listmg. The early
John and Yoko albums are mcluded m
John's section. but Yoko's solo recorcilngs
are featured m Appendix 4
battle to prove he was a Saint''
I UNFINISBED MUSIC No. I - Understandably the album never
TWO VIRGINS entered the Bnt!Sh charts. as 1t only
By John Lennon and Yoko Ono sold about 5,000 cop1es. and was the first
Beatles' solo album to be deleted by EMl
Apple SAPCOR 2 (Released as It was later remstated into the catalogue
Track 613012 see below) v1a European Imports. d!Stnbuted by
November 29, 1968 Charmdale, in January 1975, before bemg
agam deleted in 1978.
John's frrst recordmg venture w1thout
h1s three fellow Beatles was mto the
realms of the avant-garde, with this
mystenous album of sound effects,
bodily noLSes and snatches of
'mus1c It was recorded one May
morrung, between rrudmght and
dawn, m 1968, when John had mVlted
Yoko to his Kenwood mansiOn m
Weybridge, after hiS wtfe, Cynthia,
had departed for a holiday m Greece
with Jenrue Boyd and Apple
"mventor" MagJ.c Alex. John had
previOusly been expenmentmg wtth
various recordings of his own. usmg
hiS home recordmg studiO, and Yoko
was mterested m hiS rather "way-
out" recordings, and they dectdecl to
record an album together. ASIDE
The naked cover photographs for
the album were taken m the base- TWO VIRGINS 1
ment of Rmgo's flat, m Montagu 2 TOGETHER (De Silva, Brown & Henderson)
Square, London, m early October, 3 TWO VIRGINS 2
1968, with John usmg a delayed
actton shutter release, as he was too 4 TWO VIRGINS 3
embarrassed to allow a professional 5 TWO VIRGINS 4
to take the nude pictures It took John
6 TWO VIRGINS 5 (Total tlme 14.13)
ftve months to get approval from the
other Beatles to allow hliD to use the BSIDE
pictures and even so. EM! refused to 7 TWO VIRGINS 6
handle the album unless John
changed the sleeve photographs 8 HUSHABYE, HUSHABYE
However, John was adamant in 9 TWO VIRGINS 7
wantmg to use the photographs, and
personally appeal ed to Srr Joseph 10 TWO VIRGINS 8
Lockwood, chairman of EM!, who 11 TWO VIRGINS 9
assured John that he would do
all he could. Eventually the album 12 TWO VIRGINS 10 (Total tlme 15.11)
was d!Stnbuted by Track Records m Although the label lists twelve titles,
Bntam. under the condition that it 1t IS almost 1IDposs1ble to dJStmgu!Sh
was wrapped m brown paper bags between each track
before gomg on sale Even then
problems arose wtth pnnnng the
sleeves and, even when it was ready 2 VNFlNISBED MUSIC No. 2 -
for release, many shops refused to LIFE WITB TBE LIONS
stock the record No advertisements By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
for the album appeared m the mus1c
press. as no editors would accept Zapple ZAPPLE 01 -May 9. 1969
advert!Smg copy for the album Even John and Yoko s second mstalment m
though Paul McCartney was strongly the senes ot recordings meant to
opposed to the album bemg JSSued chromcle therr lives together agam
because of the sleeve, he sttll sup- featured very avant-garde perform-
plied a sleeve note which read. ances. thts tlffie recorded at a hve
''When two great Saints meet. 1t IS a concert m Carnbndge and m a London
humbling expenence The long hospttal
12 Working Class Heroes
SHOWS: * 1<: l .UIIJ , . IJtJti(i
AND *( '11It 'HI:-'..\ ' .t;11. It 'H

The front cover photograph was towards the end of the p1ece The re-
taken by Susan Wood m Room No l, cordmgs consiSt mainly of Yoko smgmg m
Second West Ward, Queen Charlotte a free form style, wtth John producing
Hospttal Harnmersrruth London. dunng feedback sounds from hJS gwtar John's
November 1968 The back cover photo- appearance at the concert constituted the
graph was taken by a Daliy MJrror fust solo Beatles' performance anywhere
photographer outstde the Marylebone The whole of the second s1de of the
MaQl.Strates Court, 181 Marylebone Road. album was recorded on a cassette machme
London, on October 19, 1968, after John m Room No I, Second West Ward, Queen
and Yoko had appeared m court upon Charlotte Hospital Hamrnersrruth London
charges of possesston of hashiSh On between November 4 and 25, 1968. dunng
October 18 John and Yoko had been ar- Yoke's pregnancy, wh1ch resulted m a
rested m Rmgo's Montagu Square fiat, miscarnage on November 21 All of the
where poliCe had found amounts of the "songs" are credtted to Lennon/Ono. No
drug which John always msJSted were Bed For Beatle John bemg Yoko and John
planted In court the followmg day John "singJng" various newspaper reports of
pleaded gmlty, allowmg charges agamst John's problems m keepmg a bed m the
Yoko to be dropped, as she was pregnant hospital, and the Two Vagms cover fiasco.
at the ttme. It was this drugs charge John was origmally staymg m a bed m the
which caused Jnhn his "Green Card" hospital to be wtth Yoko. but the bed was
problems m Amenca dunng the sevennes later needed for a patient and John had to
The album was produced by John and use a sleepmg bag m Yoko's room (see
Yoko, and the album sleeve mcludes a cover photo) Baby's Heartbeat IS sunply
quote from Beatles producer George that a recordmg of Yoko's unborn child's
Martrn 'No comment". heart Two Mmutes S1lence speaks for
As wlth Two V1rgms. John and Yoko ltself and Radio Play 1s recordmgs of
did not enJOY any chart success w1th this Lennon f1ddlmg wtth the dials of a radto,
album as once agam 1t only sold about wtth vanous pteces of conversation m the
5,000 cop1es. background

3 (18) GIVE PEACE A CHANCE (4 50)

(19) REMEMBER LOVE (4 00)

By The Plastic Ono Band

Apple APPLE 13 - July 4, 1969

Between May 26 and June 3, 1969, John
13 CAMBRIDGE 1969 (26.30) and Yoko (wtth Kyoko, Yoko's daughter
by a prevtous marnage) held theu second
BSIDE bed-m m the Hotel La Reme Ehzabeth
(The Queen Elizabeth Hotel), Montreal,
14 NO BED FOR BEATLE JOHN (4 50) Canada, m Room 1742 Dunng thetr stay,
15 BABY'S HEARTBEAT ;; . John and Yoko wrote GIVe Peace A
Chance, theu f1rst composllton together,
and John deaded to record n unmecliately,
17 RADIO PLAY . 33, so he ordered an eight-track recorder to
be moved mto theu bedroom Wtthm
Cambndge 1969 was recorded hve on hours. the Andre Perry Studios had Instal-
March 2 1969, at Lady Mitchell Hall led the requued eqtUpment and wtth
Carnbndge, England, w1th Yoko Ono/ John and Yoko smgmg, John and 'T'ommy
v~ ]ohnlgwtar, John Tchikallsaxophone. Smothers playmg gwtars. and Yoko bang-
and John Stevens'perCUSSJon. who emerge mg a wardrobe the son'l was re"'::rded
John Lennon lJK 15
on June I, 1969 Helpmg out WJth the Ono Band record would be "a long and
mfecllous chorus were Alien Gmsberg. heavy mstrumental smgle" called "Rock
Rosemary and Ttmothy Leary, Murray Peace", to be released at the end of August
The K. D1ck Gregory, Petula Clark. Derek 1969. The smgle never matenaltzed, but
Taylor, Rabbi Geinsberg, a pnest. vanous tnstead Cold Turkey appeared m October
members of the hotel staff, reporters. 1969 and, although not an instrumental. 1t
camera men, a film crew and the Canadlan dtd turn out to have a very heavy sound,
Chapter of the Radha Knsl'tna Temple. produced by John's latest incarnanon of
John called this hastily assembled group The Plastic Ono Band: John/gtlltar and
of chanters The Plasttc Ono Band and vocals, Enc Claptonllead gtlltar, Klaus
contmued to use the name for many of h1s Voormanlbass gtlltar; Ringo Starrldrurns,
vanous back-up bands, although the mu- and Yokolbackmg vocals. John collected
SICians var1ed from album to album and thts band of top mus1e1ans together to
concert to concert Remember Love, recx:>rd hls latest song because Paul refused
wntten solely by Yoko. was also recorded to record the song as The Beatles, and
m the hotel room therefore John dectded 1t was ttme to
The smgle entered the NME Top 30 on drop the "Lennon and McCartney" com-
July 9, 1969, at No. 22, nsmg to No. 2 on posing credlts from his songs, Cold Turkey
July 30 for one week The record was in bemg solely credlted to John Lennon.
the Top 30 for ten weeks, selhng over The song was recorded on September
250,000 in the UK. and over two mtllion 30, 1969, Wlth John and Yoko producmg,
world-WJde. and the "B" side, featuring a song wntten
A press reception was held for the by Yoko to her daughter Kyoko, was
smgle at the Chelsea Town Hall on July 3, recorded usmg the same line up of
but John and Yoko were unable to attend. mustctans. and later appeared on her solo
due to therr involvement m a car acc1dent album, Fly
m Golspte, Scotland, two days prev10usly The smgle entered the NMETop 30 on
The Plastic Ono Band were represented November 5, 1969. at No. 23, nsmg to No.
by an abstract des1gn of p1eces of clear 13 on November 19 for one week. The
plastic and recordlng equipment, whlle smgle stayed m the Top 30 for SIX weeks.
Rmgo and Maureen Starr deputlsed for Dunng the week endmg November 26,
John and Yoko. Cold Turkey dropped to No. 17 and, on
Give Peace A Chance has subsequent- November 25, John returned hlS MBE to
ly become a frequently used campatgn Buckmgham Palace to protest, so he sa1d.
song by those protestmg for peace or agamst Bntam's mvolvement m the
agatnst the establishment. The most well Ntgenan-Btafran War. agatnst Bntam's
known performance of this kmd was at support of Amenca m Vietnam and be-
the Peace March m 1969, at the Washington cause Cold Turkey had sllpped down the
Monument, where 250,000 people JOmed charts. John returrung hls MBE caused as
Pete Seeger m a movmg rend1t1on of the much trouble as when he was mltlally
song. awarded the decoratlon m 1965
4 (20) COLD TURKEY (8.00)
(21) DON'T WODY KYOKO (M111D1Dy'•
Oaly LooldDg FOI' A llud Ill Tile
SDOw) (4.00) By John Lermon and Yoko Ono

Apple SAPCOR 1I - November 7 1969

By The Plastic Ono Band

Apple APPLES 1001 - October 24, 1969

In the August 1969JSSUe of Beatles Monthly

a news 1tem reported that the next Plashc

16 Working Class Heroes


John and Yoko's third episode in therr SIDERING IT FOR OUR NEXT RELEASE
"Unfimshed Mus1c" senes - although not STOP MAYBE YOU ARE RIGHT IN
titled as such - was a souvenrr of therr SAYING THAT THEY ARE THE BEST
mamage, which took place on March 20, SIDES STOP WE BOTH FEEL THAT
1969, m Gibraltar Due to the elaborate THIS IS THE FIRST TIME A CRITIC
packagmg compnsmg a boxed set con- TOPPED THE ARTIST STOP WE ARE
tammg the album. a poster of weddmg NOT JOKING STOP LOVE AND PEACE
ptctures. a photograph of a p1ece of STOP JOHN AND YOKO LENNON '
weddmg cake 1ns1de a plastic bag t1tled The album dld not enter the Bnttsh
"BagtS111", a cartoon stnp by John dep1ctmg charts
the wedding a booklet of press cuttmgs,
a postcard a stnp of "passport" pictures,
and a copy of the mamage certtficate, the
album took e1ght months to produce The ASIDE
whole package was des1gned by John 22 JOHN AND YOK0(22 38)
Kosh, w1th photographs taken by Mile
Daruau. Rlchard DlLello (the Apple "House BSIDE
Hlpp1e", author of the book The Longest 23 AMSTERDAM(24 54)
Cocktail Party, a very mformat1ve and
enJoyable ms1der's look at the Apple John and Yoko conststs of the couple
fiasco), John Kelly, N1co Koster DaVld calling out each others names m varymg
Nutter and John and Yoko ways; shoutmg, crymg whtspenng,
When prev1ew cop1es of the album pleading, laughmg, wa1lmg etc , to the
were sent out pnor to release, the two sound of therr own heartbeats The
recordmgs were pressed as two smgle- second s1de, Amsterdam, was recorded
Sided LPs Wlth apparently empty grooves on a cassette durmg John and Yoko's
on the two blank s1des Melody Maker honeymoon 'bed-m'' m the Htlton Hotel,
revtewer R1chard Wtlhams reported that Amsterdam on March 26, 1969. The
the album was a double LP, with s1des recording conststs mamly of John and
two and four constsnng "entrrely of smgle Yoko talkmg to reporters about peace,
tones mamtamed throughout, presumably ' ba<JlSm" and thetr bed-tns, but also
produced electrorucally" He also appar- mcludes four mustcal Items. The openmg
ently believed that, If ltstened to Intently, song by Yoko ts called John, Let's Hope
the pitch of the tones altered frequently For Peacu (whtch would later be per-
by a mtcrotone or a semitone, thus pro- formed at the Toronto Rock 'n' Roll
ducmg an uneven "beat" In fact, what Revtval Concert), wh1le the second
Wtlharns "reviewed'' was an eng1neer's offermg ts from John, who strums a gwtar
test s1gnal as EMI test pressmgs, unilke and smgs Goodbye Amsterdam Good
those used by many other labels, were bye John and Yoko then smg a song
smgle-sided A week later he recetved a probably called Stay 1n Bed or Bed
telegram from John and Yoko m Bombay Peace, Wlth John supplymg the gwtar
which read DEAR RICHARD THANK accompamment, and fmally John Stngs a
YOU FOR YOUR FANTASTIC REVIEW very off-key rendlllon of Goodmght, sung
ON OUR WEDDING ALBUM INCLUDING by Rmgo on the Beatles' Whlte Albwn.
C-AND-D SIDE STOP WE ARE CON- released durmg 1968
John Lennon UK 19
6 . THE PLASTIC ONO BAND - LIVE The album ctid not enter the NME
PEACE IN TORONTO 1969 Top 30 album charts.
By The Plastic Ono Band
Apple CORE 2001 - December 12. 1969 A SIDE
25 MONEY(2.59)
26 DIZ2Y MISS LIZ2Y(3.02)
27 YER BLUES(3 35)
28 COLD TURKE'Y(300)
30 DON'T WORRY KYOKO (Mununy's Only
Looking For A Hand In The Snow)(4.20)

John ktcked off the performance wtth

While John and Yoko were m Toronto. three vmtage rock 'n' roll classtcs, two of
dunng their bed-ms, they met some whtch, Money and DIZZy M1SS LJZZy, had
fnends who were planmng to stage a been preVIously recorded by the Beatles
"Rock n' Roll ReVIval Concert' , and were on With The Beatles and Help respect-
mvtted to appear. At very short notice, on tvely. Blue Suede Shoes was wntten by
September 12, 1969, John and Yoko con- Car! Perktns, who took 1t to No. 4 m the
tacted Enc Clapton (guitar), Alan White Umted States dunng the 1950's, sellmg
(drums), Klaus Voorman (bass gwtar), two m1lhon cop1es world-wide. The song
Anthony Fawcett Oohn and Yoko's per- was also covered with great success by
sonal assiStant), Terry Doran (George E!VJS Presley. The White Album song,
Harrison's .assistant) and J!ll and Dan Yer Blues, followed. wtth Yoko introducmg
Richter (who were fihrung John and Yoko), Cold Turkey as a new number, as 1t was
and thiS group of people boarded a bemg performed ltve for the first hme. 1t
Boemg 707 bound for Toronto. Canada was later re-recorded by John m London
Dunng the fught, John and Yoko's band as a Plasttc Ono Band smgle, the follow up
rehearsed several songs m the rear of the to G1ve Peace A Chance. whtch Itself
plane, and the followmg day walked out closes the first s1de, wtth John admtttmg
m front of 25,000 Canactians to perform that while he could remember the chorus,
e1ght numbers in the Vars1ty Stactium as he had forgotten the lyncs of the verses.
part of the Toronto Rock 'n' Roll ReVIval The second stde features two songs
Concert. The concert also featured rock wntten by Yoko, Don't Worry Kyoko (also
and roll legends such as Little Richard, bemg performed live for the first ttme
Gene Vmcent. Chuck Berry and Bo and later released as the "B" side to Cold
D1dd.ley Oeny Lee LeWJS wtthdrew at the Turkey) ]ohn John (Let's Hope For
last mmute). Peace), whtch ongmally appeared on
The album of this September 13 The Wedding Album, features Yoko
concert was produced by John and Yoko "smgmg" over the feedback gwtars of
and featured a very stark sleeve des1gn John. Enc and Klaus who at the end of the
by John Kosh Ongmal coptes mcluded a number placed therr gwtars agamst therr
John and Yoko Calendar for 1970, fea- ampltfiers (thus continumg the feedback
turmg pictures of John and Yoko, plus sounds), walked to the centre of the
var1ous poems and songs by both. stage, ltt ctgarettes, and then walked off
Several of the poems were taken from Mal Evans then walked onstage and
John and Yoko's books In H1s Own Write, turned each amplifier off in turn.
A Spamard In The Works and Grapefrwt
(Yoko), but particularly mterestmg are
7 (32) INSTANT KARMA(3 19)
the poems by John on the top leaf, whtch
ongmally appeared m recorded form on
the Beatles 1968 Chnstmas record, they By Lennon!Ono With The Plastic Ono Band
appear m print here for the first (and
only) time. Apple APPLES 1003- February 6. 1970
20 Working Class Heroes

The follow up smgle to Cold Turkey was

origmally reported as bemg at different
ttmes, etther "Make Love Not War"
("Mmd Games) or "You Know My Name
(Look Up The Number) , but netther
appeared On January 27 1970, John
WTote, recorded and mtxed Instant between April and August. m Los
Karma Wllh Phtl Spector producmg. and Angeles. where John WTote most of the
Wlth The Plastlc Ono Band conststlng of songs for the album.
Johnlvocals guttar and electnc ptano· The album was mamly recorded m
Yokolvocals; George HarrtsOnlgwtar and early October 1970, m England, at EMJ
grand ptano Klaus Voormanlbass guttar Stuctios m Abbey Road where John and
and electnc piano Alan White/drums and Yoko and Pht.l Spector produced the
grand piano; Billy Preston/organ Mal sessions The Plasttc Ono Band consiSted
Evans clappmg and chunes. and, helpmg of John/vocal, guttar and piano, Ringo
Wlth the chorus. Alien Klem and a couple Starr/drums; Klaus Voormanlbass gwtar;
of dozen late rught revellers from Billy Prestonlptano on God, Phi! Spector/
London's Hatchetts Club, rounded up by ptano on Love; while Yoko ts credited
Billy Preston at the last mmute and con- wtth "wmd •. The sleeve was destgned by
ducted by George HarrtsOn. The heavy John and Yoko, featunng a front cover
piano sound was adueved by Lennon photograph by Dan Richter, and a back
Harrtson. Voorman and Whtte all playmg cover photo showmg a young John (The
grand pianos or electric pianos The ''8" fr mt cover photograph IS almost tdent1cal
stde, Who Has Seen The Wmd. WTilten to Yoko Ono's solo album released at the
and sung by Yoko. was produced by same ttme - exc··pt that John and Yoko
John. The smgle was released ten days reverse places.) The mner sleeve contams
after bemg recorded. on February 6. the song lyncs. but one word m 1 Found
1970 thus bemg probably one of the Out and two words m Working Class
fastest smgles of modern ttmes to be Hero are replaced Wllh astertsks as EM!
completed had refused to handle the album if lyncal
The smgle entered the NME Top 30 profamttes were to appear m pnnt EMI
on February 18 at No 17, rtsmg to No. 5 eventually won therr battle. but Apple
the followmg week. where tl remamed for added the legend "orrutted at the mstst-
three weeks. and staymg m the Top 30 for ence of EM!'
seven weeks The record was the first The album entered the NM£ album
Beatle solo smgle to sell a rrulhon m chart on January 13, 1971, at No. 17, nsmg
Amenca, and has probably sold over two to No 13 on February 3 for four weeks,
rrulhon globally and staymg m the chart for ten weeks

34 MOTHER(t> '?J)
By John Lennon and The Plastlc Ono Band 35 HOLD ON(/ 49)
Apple PCS 7124 - December 11 1970 36 I FOUND OUT 134)
johns first true solo album was the result
of several months of treatment at Arthur 38 ISOLATION!2 48)
janovs Prli!lal lnsntute m Los Angeles _ SLE
After John and Yoko had read Dr janov's
book The Pnma1 Scrc;]JTI Janov gave 39 REMEMBER(4 32)
them three weeks of mtensive pnvate 40 LOVEl318)
treatment m London dunng March 1970
followed by five months of treatment 41 WELL WELL WELL(5 55)

John Lennon UK 21
42 LOOK AT M£(2.51)
GOD SAVE US,3 -'2'
43 GOD(4 07)
DO THE OZ,3 :-:,·
"A" side by Bill Elliot and The Elastic Oz
Mother and Isolation were written m Band
England, wh1le Look A t Me was left over
from the White Album period. Remem- ''B" side by The Elastic Oz Band
ber was edited down from an extended·
Apple APPLE 36- ]uly 16, 1971
jam sess1on in the studio, whtle My
Mummy's Dead was recorded by John
alone on a cassette recorder John
supposedly wrote God m answer to
George's relig~ous beliefs.

9 (45) POWER TO THE PEOPLE(3 21)

(46) OPEN YOUR BOX(331)

"A" side by John Lennon and The Plastic

Ono Band
During 1971, the three main figures
"B" side by Yoko Ono and The Plastic
Ono Band behmd the publication of Oz. the "under-
ground" magazme of the late s!Xties and
Apple R 5892 - March 12, 1971 early seventies, Jrrn Anderson. Fellx
Denrus and Richard Neville. were pros-
ecuted under the Obscene Publications
Act. the offendmg publication bemg issue
No. 28, known as 'The School Klds" ISSUe
To help pay therr court costs, John and
Yoko wrote the two songs on this smgle,
and donated therr royalties to help the
defence fund. Anderson, Denrus and
Neville were found gwlty on several
counts and sentenced to prison terrns of
between nme and fifteen months on
Both s1des of John and Yoko's fourth smgle August ·4 1971. The magazme contmued
were recorded m February 1971. with publication unw the wmter of 1973, when
Ph1l Spector and John and Yoko produc- the last ISSUe, No 48. was published
mg the "A" stde, and John and Yoko The vocaliSt on God Save Us IS B1ll
producmg the "B" side. Yoko had to re- Elliot, who later teamed up Wlth Bob
record parts of the vocal for her song PuiVls to form Splmter (who recorded for
Open Your Box on March 4, 1971, due to George Harnson's Dark Horse Records)
EMI insistmg that the lyrics be "cleaned- The song was produced by John, Yoko,
up", as Mr Philip Brodie. then Managmg Mal Evans and Phtl Spector, while Do The
Drrector of EM ! Records, considered Oz features lead vocals by John, With
them "distasteful". Open Your Box was Yoko supportmg on baclang vocals, and
recorded With a Plastic Ono Band line-up was produced by John and Yoko and Phil
of Yoke/vocals, Johnlgwtar Klaus Spector.
Voormanlbass gwtar and Jrrn Gordonl The passmg of time and failing
drums Power To The People featured memones have made 1t d.lfficult to diS-
Johnlvocals. With the addition of Rosetta cover With any accuracy preciSely who
HJ.ghtower and forty-four others helpmg played on these tracks, but 11 has been
With backmg vocals. suggested that among those who partici-
The record should have been released pated on the recording were: Lennon and
on March 6, 1971, but the problems With Charles Shaar Murray (acoustic gUitars),
Yoko's song held up release until a week Rmgo (drums), .Klaus Voorman (bass).
later It entered the NME Top 30 on Bobby Keyes (saxophone), a black grrl
March 17, at No. 20, reachmg No. 6 on known as Mlchelle (acoustic gwtar). and
Apnl 14 and staymg seven weeks m the an unnamed wlute grrl (keyboards)
chart The record has sold a global Charles Shaar Murray reveals that the
million lead vocal was ong~nally sung by one
Michael. and that Bill Elliot's vmce was
only added at a later date.
On the rear of the p1cture sleeve,
22 Working Class Heroes
Labour ~\fPs attack 'act of t·evenge' Doily Telegraph

11 Angry MPs join the wave

OBSCENE ' of protest rh. sun

• Oz sentences -
BUT WHY THE Labour }£~JI~~· t: .•

.......,........, , ..,,"'._'""' ,.,.,..'

~._.4 ... r-.r £a•-"'

FEROCIOUS MPS Sl·gn _;~~~1~~~~.


. -·:
... ..
• I .. 1#1!~~
• • "'<Jtort".

....;;...;,;;;;;..______. Protest
·~~ ;·•·.~·<::~.:·:

SENTENCES P ' , . . . . . .-
.::::"~ 1' ;-,;\,:f-1;.':;' .•
- ~~

, ......... tlj ... .........,


· rf .
•~~>· I -.._.,, .M"'''t I> e

.~..,.. -~~:
... ..... . .;:,
~ -

~--. _ • MPs condemn ·::·:I.t;.:~:~~~~ .,.-,. .... r..,__,.,,...,..,.

• " • " ' - . J ( - o l tor (.••ol

OZ gaolings as ~.t..:_i§::~:., ..
. . _"' .,.• ··•-r· • n. ,.,.,_.,,.
~ _.
•+• II<IY o.lot _ . , <11 '

1 · 'Establis~ment 'Shocked
t . revenge TheGuordion MPs
ltlVI.LE :.::::-::.::. ANDEJSOH · ... ··~. ""AMI ';:·:-.::.:: protest:
• •• d Demonstrations and ..
Fury as three ed1tors are Jal1e protests against ~ I~ look~
Doily Mirror • Oz ' jail sentences ~ hke
~~~~~~~~ r<?venge

.~,;,'.~;. :~;,ii~~~' ~;f~~;:;,::~:i:~ ~c:ty
SENTENCES - -- -- --
t.lllt' unlra,ht·d :1 ''"''Ill
nf rnul ru• rr'' J;,,l n;~. hl FQI\d
several mdtvtduals connected Wlth Oz
are featured. wlu.le the two males standing
m the mtddle at the back have not been
pos1t1vely 1dentlfied the remaming people
are (back row, lefl to nght): Sue Miles
(who worked at Oz, and IS now a high-
class caterer m London), J1m Anderson Record Plant, New York The cover was
(now apparently Mayor of the town of destgned by Yoko, who also took the
Bohnas, Caltfomta, where hlpptes out- photograph of John. Origmal cop1es of the
number others); the two mystery men; album, as well as mcludmg a pnnted
:3tan DemldJuk (or Dema]ug), an Australian mner sleeve contamtng lyrics and
antique dealer of Yugoslav extraction credlts, also contamed a large poster of
(who was mall order manager and con- John at hls whlte grand p1ano, and a small
nected w1th fund-ralSmg actlVltles for Oz, postcard stze ptcture of John holding a
and was last heard of in France), and p1g by the ears (a parody of Paul's Ram
Felix DennlS h1mself (now Charrman of album cover).
the successful Bunch Books organisation. The album entered the NME Top 30
and restdent m New York). And finally album charts on October 20, at No. 11,
(front row, lefl to nght): Debb1e Krught and rose to No 1on November 3 where tt
(secretary at Oz.. and stlll bVlng m l.Dndon); remamed for three weeks. It featured m
and Bill Elliot . the charts for thlrty-two weeks. and was
The smgle was recorded at John's hsted m the Top Ten for fourteen weeks
studJo m Ascot. Lyncs were wntten by After Lennon's tragtc murder m
Yoko, and the tracks were recorded m a December 1980, sales of hiS and all
"sem1-live" manner to resemble the suc- Beatles records escalated dramatically.
cessful GJVe Peace A Chance. Charles Jmagme re-entered the chart on January
Shaar Murray was an actual contnbutor to 17, 1981, at No. 4, 1ts htghest posltton. and
'The School Klds" ISSUe of Oz. He sub- remamed m the chart for a further nme
sequently went on to become a well- weeks, making a combined total of forty-
known rock wnter (particularly for the two weeks.
New Musical Express), and dunng the
1970s he led h1s own band - ongmally ASIDE
known as Blast Furnace and The Heat-
47 IMAGINE (3.01)
waves but then, folloWlng an m]unctJon
by another group kriown as Heatwave, 48 CRIPPLED INSIDE (3 46)
as Blast Furnace and The Copynght
49 JEALOUS GUY (4 13)
The record had no chart success 50 IT'S SO HARD (2. 24)

By John Lennon and The Plastic Ono BSJDE

Band, wtth The Flux Fiddlers. 52 GIVE ME SOME TRUTH (3 I I)
Apple PAS I 0004 - October 8. 1971 53 OH MY LOVE 24.)

John's second non-expenmental solo 54 HOW DO YOU SLEEP? (5 32)

album was recorded m July 1971, m the ss HOW? (339)
etght·track recording stud1o bwlt m hls
56 OH YOKO (4 IS)
home at Tlttenhur~ Park wh1ch he called
Ascot Sound Studios The album was Imagme was ongtnally tnsp1red by
produced by John and Yoko and Phil poems m Yoko's book. GrapefruJt
Spector, and the stnngs, credited as The (several poems m the book start Wlth an
Flux Ftddlers, were overdubbed at the mstructJon to "lmagme "), although
John Lennon UK 25
John dld not give Yoko any composmg playing p1ano, with Klauslbass, Alanl
credlt. The song became the theme for drums; and John Barharn!VJbes.
the "One To One" Chanty Foundation m Oh Yoko, wntten m 1968 by John and
Arnenca, and features john!pJano, Klaus Yoko, features JohniQUJtar and mouth
Voormanlpiano: and Alan While/drums. organ; wtth N1cky/piano; Klauslbass,
Cnppled Inside supposedly attacks Alanldrums; and acoustic gu~tars by Rod
Paul, as John insisted that Paul's song Linton and Andy Davis.
3 Legs, from Ram, was direeted at hun.
The song features Johnlgultar; N!ckY 11 SOME TIME IN NEW YORK CITY
Hopkmslptano; Klaus Voorman and Steve
BrendelVupright basses; George Hamsonl Record One by John and Yoko/Plastic
dobro. and a trio of acoustJc gu1tars Ono Band with Elephant's Memory plus
played by Ted Turner, Rod Lmton and Invisible Strings
John Tout.
j ealous Guy was apparently mspued Record Two by The Plastic Ono Super-
by, and eo-written w1th, Yoko. although group and The Plastic Ono Mothers
her contributions are not credlled The
song features Johnlelectric gu1tar: Klausl Apple PCSP 716- September 15, 1972
bass gu1tar; ]1m Gordonldrums; John
Barham!harmonium; and Alan Whtte/
vibes. After Lennon's death in 1980, Roxy
Music recorded the song as a tnbute to 1ts
composer. It entered the NME Top 30 on
February 28, 1981, at No. 14, nsmg to No
1 for two weeks from March 14, and
featuring m the chart for seven weeks
It's So Hard features a s1mple lme-up of
John/gullar; Klauslbass; J1m Gordonl
drums; and King Curtis/sa.xophone.
I Don't Want To Be A Sold1er features
the largest Plastic Ono Band aggregation
on the album with John!guitar; N1cky
Hopkins/pJano; Klauslbass; Jim Gordonl
drums; George Harrisonlshde guitar:
Kmg Curtis/saxophone; Badfmger mem-
bers Joey Molland and Tom Evans'aroustic
gu1tars. Steve BrendelVmaracas, and
Moody Blue Mike Pinder/tambourme.
G1ve Me Some Truth was written m
Ind1a m 1968. and was ongmally re-
hearsed (but not officially released) by
The Beatles during the "Let It Be"
sessions. Here, John plays guitar, with
George Harrisonllead gu1tar; Nicky
Hopktnslpiano; Klauslbasses; Alan White/
drums; and Rod Linton and Andy Cress-
~l#!'f! ~ eM1 Cj7-
well-Da'vls (who is cred1ted as sunply
"Andy'' on the sleeveYacoustJC QUJtars ~
Andy Cresswell-Davis was a founder
member of the West Country band, L./
Stackndge, and later eo-leader of The
Oh My Love, eo-written by John and This double album was released m
Yoko (who on this occasion IS cred1ted on America three months before 1ts BntJSh
the sleeve) features George HarrJSon! appearance, the delay bemg caused by
guitar; John!piano; Klauslbass; Alan copynght problems concerning Yoke's
White/drums and Tibetan cymbals; and co-composmg credits with John, as
N1cky Hopklnslelectric piano. Northern Songs would not acknowledge
How Do You Sleep?, John's bitter Yoke's composmg clamJS for some of the
attack on Paul, features JohniQUJtar; songs. As a result by the time the album
N1cky/ptano; Klauslbass; Alan White/ was released m Britam, many coptes had
drums; and George HarrJSOnlsllde QUJtar. been unported from America The BntJSh
How features both John and N1cky release, although wtth the same cover

26 W orking Class Heroes

destgn (by Mtchael Gross) as the Rockerfeller. John and Yoko smg to-
Amencan verston. dtd not mclude the gether
msertlon of a postcard of the Statue of The second Yoko song, Bom In A
Ltberty, and a pelltton about John's expul- Pnson, on whtch she agam takes solo
ston from the US 'fhe album was suppos- vocal, features John La Bosca on ptano
edly to be sold as a smgle LP. wtth a free Lennon's New York C1ty features John
bonus album of the ''Ltve ]am" set, but m smgmg solo
both Bntam and Amenca 11 had a shghtly Sunday Bloody Sunday was wntten by
htgher retatl pnce than a normal album John and Yoko to protest about the
'fhe album entered the NME 'fop 30 "Bloody Sunday" massacre m Ireland on
album chart on October lO at No 22, January 3, 1972, and features John smgmg
staying m the chart for five weeks and lead. wtth Yoko asstStmg wtlh the chorus.
droppmg out from No. 19 tts htghest The Luck Of The Insh, another
postnon Lennoiv'Ono compos111on. complammg
The first and second stdes of the about Bntish mterference m Northern
album were recorded between March Ireland features John smgmg the first,
I and 20, 1972. m New York, wtth John second and fourth verses, Wlth Yoko
and Yoko and Ptul Spector producmg. smgmg the thud and ftfth, and both
'fhe Plastic Ono Band, constSLmg of John! smgmg the last. 'fhts song was nearly
vocals and gullar, Yoko/vocals and drum, released as the mam track on an EP
and Jtm Keltner/drums and percussion. featurmg four numbers recorded 11Ve at a
were augmented by Elephant's Memory, concert m Ann Arbor, MJclugan, on
a New York rock band who contnbuted December 18, 1971, when John and Yoko
to the soundtrack of the film, M1dmght performed Wlth Jerry Rubm on bongos.
Cowboy. The hne-up of the band was Att1ca State, The Luck Of The lnsh.
Stan Bronstetnlsaxophone and flute, S1sters. 0 SISters and John Smcla1r. The
Rtchard Frank Jnr/drums and percusston; EP was Wlthdrawn due to the recepllon
Gary Van Scyoclbass; Adam lppollto'ptano Paul's pollttcal statement, "Gtve Ireland
and organ; and Wayne ('fex) GabneV Back To 'fhe lrlsh" recetved
gu1tar. John Smclau features John on sbde
gu1tar and smgmg solo, and was wntten
RECORD ONE A SIDE as a protest aga1nst Smclau's tmpnson-
57 WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF THE ment for ten years for the possession of a
WORLD (514) very small amount of mariJuana
Angela, written jomlly by John and
58 SISTERS, 0 SISTERS (345) Yoko, IS yet another protest song, sup
59 ATTICA STATE (2 52) portmg Angela DavJS, who was on tnal for
conspmng m the pnson escape of her
60 BORN IN A PRISON (4 02)
husband, George jackson John and Yoko
61 NEW YORK CITY (4 30) smg together
RECORD ONE B SIDE We're All Water features Yoko smgmg
her own compostllon
67 COLD TURKEY (6. 40)
68 DON'T WORRY KYOKO ( 14 48)
65 ANGELA (4 04)
66 WE'RE ALL WATER (7 11)
Woman Is The Nigger Of The World,
wntten by John and Yoko, and sung by 70 JAMRAG
John. was ongmally scheduled as a smgle 71 SCUMBAG
m Bntam (Parlophone number R 5953) to
72 AU (total t1me 16 59)
be released on December 5. 1972, but
was Wlthdrawn although promotional The free bonus~ record wnh the album,
cop1es were dtstnbuted to radto stattons titled L1ve ]am. featured two live sess1ons
SJSters, 0 SISters. wntten solely by from John and Yoko recorded Wlth
Yoko, features Yoko multi-tracked on solo vanous superstars durmg 1969 and 197 L
vocals A tt1ca State was wntten by John 'fhe first stde was recorded on Monday,
and Yoko about the Jallmg of pnsoners December 15, 1969, at a concert m atd of
and guards at the Attica State Pnson m UNICEF' (Uruted Nat1ons Children's
New York. dunng the "Attica Upnsmg ', Fund), staged m the Lyceum Ballroom m
where troops were sent m by Governor London Due to record company con-

John Lermon UK 29
tractual problems, the record sleeve credits production on both sides to John
gives a list of pseudonyms for the many and Yoko and Phil). The inner sleeve for
superstars who appeared with John and the Live ]am album is a replica of The
Yoko performing Cold Turkey and Don't Mothers of Invention's 1971 live album
Worry Kyoko. The full line-up for the Fillmore East- June 1971, appropnately
Plastic Ono Supergroup was: John/vocals altered by AI Steckler and John and
and guitar; George Harrison, Eric Yoko.
Clapton, and Delaney Bramtettlguitars; 12a (73) HAPPY XMAS (WAR IS OVER)
Klaus Voorman/bass; Jim Gordon, Keitn (3.32)
Moon and Alan White/drums; Billy Preston/
organ (which was "lost" during the re-
cording, and was r eplaced by Nicky
Hopkins' electric piano, overdubbed in 12b (73) HAPPY XMAS (WAR IS OVER)
New York); Bonnie Bramlett and "Friends"/ (3.32)
percussion and brass - "Friends" included (74) LISTEN THE SNOW IS FALLING
Bobby Keyes/saxophone, Jim Price/ (3 09) (green vinyl)
trumpet, with Bobby Whitlock and Carl
"A" side by John and Yoko!Plastic Ono
Radle; and also assisting was "Legs'' Larry
Band with The Harlem Community Choir
Smith (from the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah
Band); and Dino Danelli, the drummer "B" side by Yoko Ono and The Plastic
from The (Young) Rascals. Ono Band
The second side was recorded at the
famous Fillmore East auditorium in New Apple R 5970 - November 24, 1972
York on June 6, 1971. John and Yoko
appeared unannounced for this per-
formance with Frank Zappa's Mothers Of
Invention, which consisted at the time. of
Frank Zappa/vocals and guitar; Ian Under-
wood/woodwinds, piano and vocals; Don
Preston/mini moog; Bob Harrislvocals and
piano; Aynsley Dunbar/drurns; Mark
Volman and Howard Kaylan/vocals; with
John on vocals and guitar, and Yoko/
vocals. Although not present at the con-
cert, Klaus Voorman later overdubbed Due to publishing difficulties over Yoko's
bass onto Well (Baby Please Don't Go) in composing credits (which had also held
the studio. up the Some Time In New York City
John announces, before performing album) this single was delayed in Britam
Well (Baby Please Don't Go), that he used by a year, being released in America in
to sing the number in the Cavern days. 1971, when it was recorded on October
The song was written by Waiter Ward, 28 to 29 in New York. The session, which
and was originally recorded by The also provided the "B" side, was produced
Olympics as the coupling to their 1958 hit, by John and Yoko and Phil Spector. The
Western Movies, which reached No. 8 in record entered the NME Top 30 on
the US, and No. 12 in the UK. The last December 5, 1972, at No. 22, rising to No.
three numbers on the album are basically 2 for one week on December 26 (the top
a free-form jam between John and Yoko position being held by (ironically) Long
and The Mothers, it being very difficult to Haired Lover From Liverpool by Little
distinguish the point where one number Jirnmy Osmond), and remained in the
finishes and the next starts. ]amrag and chart for seven weeks. After Lennon's
Aii, credited to Lennon/Ono, largely death m 1~80, the record re-entered the
comprise Yoko "wailing" over feedback charts on January 3, 1981, at No. 12, rismg
and synthesizers, while Scumbag, to No. 3 on January 17, and staying in the
credited to Lennon/Ono/Zappa, does chart for five weeks. The single has
boast an actual tune, plus a lyric of a sort, become a regular "re-release" during
consisting of the title being repeated over each Christmas season, and invariably
and over again. enters the lower regions of the BMRB
These live recordings were rruxed at chart and, by mid-February, 1973, was
the Record Plant in New York, with John reported to have sold two million globally.
and Yoko pr oducing the Lyceum side, Less than two weeks after Lennon's
and John and Yoko and Phi! Spector the murder, EMI received advance orders
Fillrnore side (the inner sleeve notes for Happy Xmas of 300,000, and the
contradict the record label, as the label record must have sold well over half a

30 Working Class Heroes

11 \ I>f >) \.~\ L\ S
(\ \aP Is (),ep)

J< >I I ' & ) ( )J\( >

'rllli~ I >J .. \Sri<: ( )\( > B \~I>
m1lbon copies m Bntam alone. same name, Mmd Games. With thiS
ThiS was the first Lennon smgle not to release, John fmally dropped The Plastic
feature the "Apple" logo on the record Ono Band tag, cred!tmg the record only
label As with Sometune In New York to himself although the later album did
City, 1t was replaced With the "John and credit the session men backing h1m. as
Yoko mergmg heads" des1gn, wh1ch ''The Plast1c U F Ono Band" The smgle
shows f1ve pictures of John and Yoko, w1th also saw the end of John's assoctation w1th
John predommantly on the left mergmg Phll Spector (unlll the later Rock 'n ' Roll
mto Yoko from the nght The record was album) John IS the only credited producer
also released m special green vmyl. and The song was recorded m September
both vers1ons have a spec1al Chnstmas 1973 at the Record Plant m New York.
message from the cuttmg engmeer although an earher verSion must eXISt, as
engraved on the mner run-out groove the song was ongmally called ' Make
area the "A" Side reads ''Happy Xmas - Love Not War", and was suggested tor
Porky", wh!le the' B' s1de reads "and New release as a follow up to Cold Turkey m
Year- Pecko 'Porky' and 'Pecko" are 1969
mcknames for George Peckham, EMJ's The smgle entered the NME Top 30 on
cuttmg eng~neer, who has engraved November 27 at No. 25 and rose to No. 19
many p1eces of graffiti on records. the followmg week, but stayed m the
Happy Xmas features a dozen gUJtars chart for only four weeks.
played by John and Hugh McCracken, Both s1des of the smgle were wntten
N1cky Hopklns playmg chunes, piano and by John Lennon, and appear on the Mmd
glockenspiel wlule Jun Keltner per- Games album
formed on sle1gh bells and drums John
smgs the verses solo, while Yoko and
thirty youngsters from the Harlem Com-
munlly Chorr support John for the By John Lennon (with The Plastic U.F. Ono
choruses. Happy Xmas was co-wntten by Band)
John and Yoko, wtule Llsten The Snow Is
Fa/lmg was wntten solely by Yoko, who Apple PCS 7165- November 16. 1973
also takes solo vocal, bemg supported
mstrurnentally by John, Klaus Voorman
and Hugh McCracken on gu1tars. and
N1cky Hopkins on p1ano and chimes
Happy Xmas starts With a whispered
message from John and Yoko, Yoko says
'Happy Chnstrnas Kyoko" wh1le John
follows w1th 'Happy ChriStmas Juhan".
The photograph on the sleeve of the
smQie features John and Yoko sur·
rounded by the children from the Harlem
Commumty Chorr along w1th Ph1l and
Ronme Spector, Klaus Voorman. }im
Kehner and Hugh McCracken

13 (75) MIND GAMES (4 09)

(76) MEAT CITY (2 59)
John's first self-produced solo album.
By John Lennon which entered the NME Top 30 album
ApplE. R 5994 -November 16, 1973 charts on December 4, 1973 at No 21,
and rose to No 9 on January 1, 1974, for
one week, staymg m the chart for seven
The album was recorded at the New
York Record Plant m September 1973,
usmg the followmg mus1c1ans· Ken
Aschevp~ano. organ and mellotmn.
David Spmozza/gUJtar, Gordon Edwards'
bass; Jun Keltner/cirums, Michael Breckerl
saxophone, Sneaky Pete Klemow1pedal
steel gmtar, With John supplymg percus-
John's only smgles release of 1973 was a Sion, guitar and clavmet, bemg credited
trailer for hiS forthcorruny album or the as Or W1nston 0'80ogle one of hiS many
John Lennon UK 33
pseudonyms. wh1le the baclang vocals ordmary paper sleeve The songs on the
are supplied by "Something Dlfferent". smgle were taken from the Walls And
The sleeve was designed by John, and Bndges" sessions, recorded between
the inner sleeve, as well as contairung the June and August 1974 at the New York
song lyrics, also includes John and Yoke's Record Plant.
"Declaration of Nutop1a", an imaginary Whatever Gets You Thru The Night
country cons1stmg of only people, all of features Elton John on organ and piano
whom are ambassadors of that country and jommg John for baclang vocals Other
• mus1c1ans compnsmg The Plastic Ono
Nuclear Band were Jtm Keltner/drums,
75a MIND GAMES (4 11) Edd1e Mottaulacousttc gu1tar, ]esse Ed
77 TIGHT A$ (3.36) Daw;iguJtar; Ken Ascher/clavmet; Klaus
Voormanlbass; Arthur jenkmslpercussion,
78 AISUMASEN (I'M SORRY) (4.42) and Bobby Keyesltenor saxophone; while
79 ONE DAY (AT A TIME) (3.07) John IS credited as Hon . John St. John
Johnson playmg guttar Beefy Jerky, the
80 BRING ON THE LUCIE (FREDA PEEPLE) "B" stde ITIStrumental. features Jtm Keltnerl
(4.10) drums; Klaus Voormanlbass, Arthur
81 NUTOPIAN INTERNATIONAL ANTHEM jenlanslpercussion; wtth ]esse Ed DaVJS.
(silent track) (0 03) Dr Wtnston Oohn) and Booker Table and
The Maitre D's (a spoof on the name of
Booker T and The MGs) on guJtars. while
82 INTUITION (3 07) the Little Btg Horns (cons1stmg of Bobby
Keyes. Steve Madato Howard johriSon,
83 OUT THE BLUE (320)
Ron Aprea and Frank V1car1) supply
84 ONLY PEOPLE (325) brass baclang.
85 I KNOW (I KNOW) (3.47)
76a MEAT CITY (2.4 7) By John Lennon (with The Plastic Ono
"Atsumasen" IS Japanese for 'Tm Sorry" Nuclear Band)
and the song was John's apology to Yoko Apple PCTC 253 - October 4 1974
dunng therr separauon. Bring On The
Lucie features an extra drummer m Rtck
Marotta, and is followed by a stlent track,
which many people have probably never
noticed. Both Out The Blue and You Are
Here were ITISplred by Yoko, while the
latter was the title for Lennon's 'Whlte
Art" exhtb1tton m the Robert Frazer
Gallery in 1968. Meat City also features
Rtck Marotta on drums.


NlGBT (318)
(88) BEEF JERKY (3 26)
"A" side by John Lennon with The Plastic
Ono Nuclear Band
"B" side by John Lennon with The Plastic Walls And Bndges entered the album
Ono Nuclear Band/Little Big HorTIS and charts on October 8 at No 23, nsmg to No
Booker Table and The Maitre D's. 5 three weeks later on October 29, and
Apple RS998- October 4, 1974 eventually staying m the chart for e1ght
John's seventh smgle became hiS least John produced and recorded the
successful thus far m commerctal terms. album between June and August 1974
managmg only two weeks m the chart. m New York's Record Plant, wtth one
Entering on October 15 at No. 24, 1t track, Nobody Loves You (When You're
dropped to No. 27 the followmg week Down And Out) bemg recorded in Los
Up to thiS pomt, all John's BritiSh smgles Angeles.
releases had appeared m ptcture bags. The sleeve. des1gned by Roy Kohara,
but this release was the frrst m an features several photographs of John plus

34 Working Class Heroes

three school paintmgs by John, in an 98 YA YA (1.03)
"identlkit" overlay destgn. Included in the
album IS a booklet of lyrics, illustrated Going Down On Love features Ken on
wtth five of John's school pamtings from electnc piano, and Nicky on ptano, while
1952. John plays guitar as Dr Wmston
The album features a basic instru- OGhurkm Old Dirt Road features Nicky
mental lme-up of J1m Keltner/drums; and John (as Rev. Thumbs Ghurkm) on
Jesse Ed DaVlSIQUltar; Eddle Mottau! pianos and Ken on electnc pi8Ilo, while
acousuc gUitar (all tracks except Beef Harry NJ..lsoon supplies backing vocals,
jerky); and Klaus Voormanlbass, who and also asslSied John with the lyncs to
appear on all tracks except Ya Ya, With the g)ng What You Got features "Kaptam
the addition of John (under vartous Kundalin!" Oohn) on gwtar, while Ken
pseudonyms) playmg gUitar, acoustic plays clavmet and Ntcky piano. John, as
guitar and ptano on vanous tracks. Other Rev. Fred Ghurkin, plays gwtar on Bless
keyboards are supplied by Ken Ascher, You. while Ken Ascher plays both electric
N1cky Hopkms, and Elton John while, on ptano and Mellotron Scared, which
nme of the tracks, Arthur Jenkins supplies begms With the howls of a woU: features
extra percuss1on (not on Old Drrt Road, electric ptano by Ken, and acoustic
Beef jerky and Ya Ya) Seven tracks pianOS by Ntcky and Me! Torment Oohn)
feature the L1ttle Btg Horns. Orchestration, while the Little Btg Horns showcase
although credited to the Philharmomc Howard Jo~n on bantone saxophone.
Orchestrange, was provided by the New John and Yoko always COI1Sldered rune
York Philharmomc Orchestra, conducted to be therr lucky number, John bemg
by Ken Ascher, who also supplied the born on October 9, and the number
orchestral arrangements. seemed to contmually feature m therr
hves. Durmg therr separation, John wrote
A SIDE No. 9 Dream on a runth day to Yoko. The
89 GOING DOWN ON LOVE (354) number features John on acoustic gwtars
87a WHATEVER GETS YOU THRU THE NIGHT With Eddle Mottau Oohn as Dr Dream),
while Ntcky and Ken play electric piano
and clavmet respectiVely Backing vocals
90 OLD DIRT ROAD (4 09) are supplled by The 44th Street Fa!Iles,
91 WHAT YOU GOT (304) consisting of May Pang, Lon Burton Joey
Dambra and John
92 BLESS YOU (3.37) Surpnse Surpnse IS another g)ng about
93 SCARED (436) Yoko, who used to work in a restaurant
called "Paradox'' m GreenWich Village m
BSIDE the S!Xtles. The oong features N1cky on ptano,
94 No. 9 DREAM (4 47) Ken on clavmet and Elton John supplymg
backing vocals John does not play an
95 SURPRISE SURPRISE (SWEET BIRD OF mstrurnent on this oong Steel And Glass,
PARADOX) (252) John's VICJOUS attack on Alien Klem, features
96 STEEL AND GLASS (437) John on acoustlc gwtars (as Dr Wmston
O'Reggae) With N1cky on piano and Ken on
88a BEEF ]ER.KY (326) clavmet Nobody wves You (When You:re
97 NOBODY LOVES YOU 0NHEN YO~ Down And Our) has N1cky on p1ano, Ken
DOWN AND OUT) (5 10) on organ and John on acoushc gUitar (as

John Lennon UK 38
Dwarf McOougal). The short verston of Little SIXteen. Bony Moronie and just
Ya Ya wntten by Robmson Lewts and Because were. John felt, up to standard
Oorsey, features John's son, juhan. on John then entered the New York Record
drums. with John singmg and playmg Plant for an mtens1ve recording sess1on
ptano between October 21 and 25, 1974, to lay
17 (94a) No. 9 DREAM (4.44) down another ten tracks to complete the
(91a) WHAT YOU GOT (3.07) album. At th1s t1me, Walls And Bndges
had just been released, so it was dectded
• to delay the oldies album until Aprll l975.
By John Lennon
Then, at the beginning of February
Apple R 6003- January 31, 1975 1975, an album tJtled Roots - John
Lennon Smgs The Great Rock & Roll Hits
The second single from the Walls And appeared m Amenca, with TV adver-
Bndges album, which did llttle, tf at all, tLSmg promotmg the LP, released by the
better than the first. entenng the NME mall order ftrm. Adam VIII Ltd The
charts on March 4, 1975, at No 23, then album stated that the release was author-
droppmg to No 29 the followmg week Ized by John Lennon and Apple and
(tts final chart week). featured numbers from the Spector re-
cording sess1ons, mcluding two tracks,
18 ROCK 'N' ROLL Angel Baby and Be My Baby, wluch dtd
not appear on the later official release
By John Lennon The story goes that Moms Levy, pub-
lisher of Chuck Berry's song catalogue,
Apple PCS 7169 - February 21, 1975 had sued Lennon for alleged copynght
mfrmgement of Berry's song You Can't
Catch Me, from which Levy claimed
Lennon had plaQlarlSed Come Together.
In an out of court settlement, Lennon
agreed to record several Chuck Berry
songs for hLS next album, includmg You
Can't Catch Me. In late 1974, Lennon
gave Levy tapes from the Spector
sesstons which Levy then used to
produce the Roots album, claimmg that
Lennon and Apple had gwen htm a
verbal-agreement to release the record

John's oldies album entered the NME ROOTS

chart on March 4, at No. 23, nsmg to No.
10 on March 18, and droppmg out after
seven weeks. On May 6, it re-entered at
No 27 for a ftve-week run, nsmg to No.
14 On June 17 tt re-entered for a second
ttme, at No. 29, for one week, thus
featunng m the Top 30 for a total of
thtrteen weeks
John started to record hLS collection of
oldtes (ongmally called 'Old1es But
Mold1es") in 1973 between October and
December, wtth Phll Spector producmg Tlus was later demed by both Lennon
m Los Angeles, but dtsagreements and Apple. To combat sales of the
between the two caused a temporary "ptrate" album, Apple tmmedLately
stoppage. Phil Spector dLSappeared with brought forward the release date of Rock
the tapes, and was allegedly mvolved in a 'n' Roll to February, and Lennon and
car acctdent, and Lennon was unable to Apple promptly sued Levy The Roots
retneve the tapes from htm When album was subsequently taken off the
Lennon did eventually manage to acqwre market. and Lennon was awarded
the tapes, he found that many of the $45.000 compensation m April 1976
recordmgs were unswtable, only four The cover photograph of John by
numbers, You Can't Catch Me, Sweet Jurgen Vollmer, a student from Hamburg,

36 Working Class Heroes

Produced ond orronged by Phi Spector& John lMinol\
Abxn PCS ~Cassettelt·PCS 716Ci c.o.tridge 8X·PCS 71tR
who was mtroduced to the Beatles by h1t and a UK No 30 htt, although R1p It Up
Klaus Voorman was taken m 1961 when fared better m the UK charts when
the Beatles were performmg m the covered by Btll Haley and His Comets
German clubs. The blurred f1gures (No. 4) and EIVJs Presley (No 27)
walkmg past John are George and Paul You Cant Catch Me was wntten and
and e1ther Pete Best or Stuart Sutchffe. recorded by Chuck Berry m 1956, w1th no
The cover was des1gned by Roy Kohara Bnt1sh chart success, wh1le Am't That A
The Spector sesstons, recorded at the Shame, wntten by Antome "Fats" Dommo
Record Plant, Los Angeles, and A&M and Dave Bartholomew, charted four
Studtos, featured the followmg mus1c1ans limes m Bntam; once for Fats Dommo
Jtm Keltner/drurns, John and }esse Ed (No. 23) m 1957, twtce for Pat Boone m
DaVJSigmtars, Jose F'ehctano/acousttc 1955 (No. 7) and 1957 (No 22) and lastly
guttar, Leon Russell/keyboards: Nmo for The Four Seasons (No 38) m 1963
Tempo/saxophone: With Steve Cropper/ Do You Wanna Dance was wntten and
gu1tar, Ha! Blame/drums. Jeff Barry and recorded by Bobby Freeman, who took 11
Barry Mann guestmg The sessions to No 5 m the US m 1958, and attracted
produced by John m the Record Plant m three cover vers1ons - by Cliff R1chard
New York featured the same mus1c1ans (No. 2 m 1962 m the UK). The Beach Boys
as used on the Walls And Bndges album (No 12 m 1965 m the US) and Bette
Jtm Keltner/drurns: John and }esse Ed Mtd1er (No. 17 m 1972 in the US). The
Dav1slgu1tars: K1aus Voorman/bass: Ken second Chuck Berry number, Sweet L1ttle
Ascherlkeyboards; Arthur Jenkms/per- SJ.Xteen, gave Berry his fifth rrulllon-se11Jng
cusston Bobby Keyeslbrass, Wlth four smgle, reachmg No 2 m the US and No
guest mustclans - Peter Jameson. Joseph 16 m the UK charts
Temperley, Denms Morouse and Frank Slippm' And Siidm' wntten by Richard
V1can Penmman, EdWJn J Socage. Albert
Colltns and James Srruth. was recorded
A SIDE by Little Richard as the "B" s1de to hts
99 BE-BOP-A-LULA (2 36) 1956 rrulhon seller, Long Tall Sally
Peggy Sue was wntten by Jerry
lOO STAND BY ME (3.26) Alhson, Norman Petty and Buddy Holly,
101-2 RIP IT UP/READY TEDDY (132) and recorded by the latter m 1957, g1vmg
htm a No 3 US and a No. 6 UK htt, wh1ch
103 YOU CANT CATCH ME (4 52) sold over a ml1hon.
104 AIN'T THAT A SHAME (2.30) Brmg It On Home To Me was wntten
and recorded by Sam Cooke m 1962,
gwmg hlffi a No 13 US hit. and was later
106 SWEET LITTLE SIXTEEN (300) covered by The Animals. glVlng them a
BSIDE No 7 UK and a No. 32 US tut.
Send Me Some Lovzn: wntten by Leo
107 SLIPPIN AND SLIDIN (2 16) Pnce (Lioyd's brother) and John
108 PEGGY SUE (2 03) Marascalo 1s the fourth song previOusly
recorded by Llltle Richard on the album,
109- 10 BRING IT ON HOME TO ME/SEND ME bemg the coupling for his 1957 m1lhon
SOME LOVIN (3.40) seller Luc1lle, which went to No 10 m the
Ill BONY MORONIE (3 48) UK and No. 27 m the US
Bony Morome was recorded by liS
112 YA YA (2 17) composer, Larry Wt!l1arns. m 1957,
113 JUST BECAUSE 4 25) reachmg No I I m the UK and No 18 m
the US, and sclhng a rmllion
Be-Bup-A-Lula was wnnen by ShenffTex Ya Ya wh1ch John ongmally recorded
DaVlS and Gene Vmcent - Vmcent s wtth hiS son Juhan for the Walls And
smgle vers1on was released m 1958 and Bndges album, was wntten by Morgan
became a rrulllon seller Stand By Me was Robmson Clarence LeWJS and Lee
wntten by Ben E Kmg, Jerry Letber, Dorsey Oorsey recorded 11 m 1961,
Mtke Stoller and Olhe ]ones, and pro· reachmg No 7 m the US and sellmg a
duced h1ts for Ben E Kmg m 1961 and rru1llon. and 1t was later recorded by
Kenny Lynch m 1964 Petula Clark. gwmg her a No 14 UK h1t
R1p It Up and Ready Teddy were just Because was wntten by Lloyd
composed by Robert BlacJ...-well and John Pr1ce and released as a smgle m 1957,
Marascalo and recorded by Lmle reachmg No 29 m the US
Richard m 1956 The tracks were re-
leased as the two s1des of one smgle,
g1vmg R1chard a m1lhon-selhng US No 27
John Lennon UK 39
The smgle was released m an attempt
I SAW HER STANDING THERE (349) to boost the sales of the Rock 'n' Roll
album, from whtch 1t was taken, and
"A" side by The Elton John Band which had dropped down the charts. The
"B" side by The Elton John Band featuring release seems to have had the desued
John Lennon with The Muscle Shoals effect. as the album re-entered the charts,
Horns rismg to No. 14.
The "B" s1de, Move Over Ms. L. written
D]M D]S354 - February 28. 19?5 by Lennon for Ketth Moon's 1974 album.
Two S1des Of The Moon, was recorded
dunng the October 1974 sess1ons for the
Rock 'n' Roll album.. usmg the same
The smgle was re-released (although it
had never actually been deleted) on
Apnl 17. 1981. but didn't enter the charts.

20 (47a) IMAGINE (3 00)

By John Lennon
Dunng the recordmg of John's Walls And
Bndges album. Elton John assisted by Apple R 6009 - October 24, 1975
playmg organ and p1ano and supplymg
backmg vocals on Whatever Gets You
Thru The Night Elton told John that he
thought John had a certam No. 1 w1th the
song, and made John promiSe that tf the
smgle did reach the top of the charts, he
would appear at one of Elton's concerts.
The smgle did get to No. l in Amenca.
and John did keep h!S promiSe, appear-
mg With The Elton John Band at MadiSOn
Square Garden New York. on November
28, 1974. As well as I Saw Her Standmg Jmagme entered the NME Top 30 on
There (which appears on the "B" s1de of November 4, 1975 at No. 23, rlSmg two
this Elton John Band smgle, Philadelphia weeks biter to No. 5, and staymg in the
Freedom) John performed Whatever charts for seven weeks. Following
Gets You Thru The Night and Lucy In The Lennon's death on December 8, 1980,
Sky W1th Diamonds. Elton John's band sales of all Beatle recordmgs mcreased.
featured Dee Murraylbass, Nigel Olssonl and by December 20, 1980, there were
drums, Davy ]ohnstone/gwtar, and Ray orders of over 300,000 for Imagme. even
Cooper/percussion. though 1t had not been re-released or
Ph1ladelph1a Freedom entered the promoted m any way. It re-entered the
NME charts on March 18. 1975, at No. 19, Top 30 on January 3; 1981, at No. 17, nsmg
nsmg to No. 12 for one week on Apnl 1, to No. I the followmg week, where it
and bemg ltsted m the charts for seven stayed for four weeks. It featured m the
weeks chart for ten weeks. making a combined
The record label erroneously states. total of seventeen weeks m the Top 30
however that the concert took place on The smgle passed the mtlhon sales mark
November 26, 1974 m Bntam durmg 1ts 1981 chart run. thus
takmg sl.X years to ach1eve platmum
19 (lOOa) STAND BY ME (3 27) status.
(114) MOVE OVER MS. L (2 54) The 1975 release was Lennon's first
BritiSh p1cture sleeve smgle released
By John Lennon smce Mmd Games m 1973 (but the 1980
"re-release" - tt had never been deleted
Apple R 6005- Apnl 18, 1975 - did not sport thiS cover) and proved to
John's second single of 1975 entered the be h!S last smgle release for five years.
NME Top 30 on May 6 at No. 27 for one
week, dropping out the following week.
and re-entering at No. 30 for another
week. thus staymg m the chart for two
weeks only

40 Working Class Heroes

Cold Turkey and also stated that ne1ther
21 SHAVED FISB (COLLECTABLE LENNON) Mother nor Woman Is The N1gger Of The
World were smgles. and asked why
By John Lennon
certam other songs (e.g Worlang Class
Apple PCS 7173- October 24, 1975 Hero, Don t Worry Kyoko. How Do You
Sleep? and Oh Yoko) were om1tted m
favour of these two "album" tracks.
Murray eventually rece1ved an answer to
hiS quenes from none other than
Mr Lennon hunself, who wrote a letter to
Murray, wh1ch was printed m the NME of
December 13, 1975 In 1t, Lennon stated
that Cold Turkey was not produced by
Spector ('There's no echo on 1t ') and that
he thought that all the tracks were smgles
(except lmagme) m Bntam. and that they
were saVlng Don't Worry Kyoko for The
Best Of Yoko album Lennon also
apolog1sed for the miStakes on the sleeve,
saymg that he was unable to keep an eye
on Cap1tol and EMI because he was
haVlng h1s baby, as 11 were.
John's ''greatest hits" or "best of" album,
dependmg on whether 1t IS looked at from ASIDE
an Amencan or Bnt!Sh pomt of v1ew, 18a GIVE PEACE A CHANCE (0 58)
entered the NME album chart on
20a COLD TURKEY (5 02)
November 11 1975, at No 19 It rose to
No. 6 on December 9 for one week, bemg 32a INSTANT KARMA (312)
m the Top 30 for twelve weeks After the 4Sa POWER TO THE PEOPLE (3. 03)
mcreased sales of Beatle matenal due to
Lennon's death, Shaved P1sh re entered 34a MOTHER (5. 06)
the Top 30 album charts on January 17, 57a WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF THE
1981, at No. 25, mmg to No 1 on February WORLD (436)
21, and staymg for a funher e~ght weeks
m the chart, malang a combmed total of BSJDE
twenty weeks 4Th IMAGINE (300)
The sleeve was des1gned by Roy
Kohara with illustrations by M1chael
Bryan, who Illustrated each song w1th an NIGHT (J OJ)
appropnate p1cture. The 1llustrat1on for 7Sb MIND GAMES (4 10)
Power To The People, for example,
94b No. 9 DREAM (4 45)
celebrated John rece1V1ng h1s "Green
Card' on October 7, 1975, after three 73a HAPPY XMAS (WAR IS OVER) (3 22)
years of f1ghtmg to be allowed to stay m 115 GIVE PEACE A CHANCE (0.58)
the Umted States The pnnted mner
sleeve features the lyncs to each song, The album starts and fimshes w1th two
although as With the ongmal song sheet to different vers1ons of GJVe Peace A
G1ve Peace A Chance EMI substttuted Chance, the first bemg part of the smgle
''masllcal!on" for 'masturbation" (a subtle verSion and the second a bve 1ecordmg
dtfference') Moreover the whispered taken from the ' One To One" Concert at
mtroduc11on to Happy Xmas IS mcorrect, MadiSOn Square Garden, New York, on
as Yoko does not say ' Happy Xmas Yoko" August 30, 1972 The concert was a
and neither does John say "Happy Xmas benefll m cud of the W1llowbrook School
John", the frrst two lines should read for Ch1ldren, and John and Yoko
"Happy Xmas Kyoko, Happy Xmas ]uhan" performed w1th the Elephant's Memory
The sleeve notes erroneously credlt Band Only part of GJVe Peace A Chance
Ph!l Spector as eo-producer of Cold IS mcluded on thiS album. but the whole
Turkey Wlth John and Yoko, but Spector song. along wtth the other numbers
dtd not off1c1ate until Instant Karma. the performed by John and Yoko, was re-
followmg smgle corded and therefore rema1ns "m the
In hiS reVlew of the album m NME of can' John and Yoko also sang SISters, 0
November I, 1975, Charles Shaar Murray SISters Instant Karma Come Tog~ther,
mentioned Spector m conjunction with lmagme, Cold Turkey Hound Dog New

John Lennon UK 41
York City, Were All Water, Woman Is
The Nigger Of The World, Mother and
Bom In A Pnson Helpmg on Give Peace
A Chance, as well as Elephant's Memory,
were Stevie Wonder, Sha Na Na and
Roberta Flack, all of whom performed
mdividually at the concert.


20 Rock/Pop Classic From EMI 11 on December 6. On December 8. at
approXIIDately ll pm (New York nme)
By various artists
John Lennon was mercilessly gunned
Harvest EMTV 17 - May 4, 1979 down and died on the way to hospital As
always seems to happen when a top
AMOXU\!E:\l'TO BRIT!SH ......,~ .....- · recordmg artlSt dies, Lennon's records
-o..w· swamped the charts, and Startmg Over
Jumped back to No. 4 on December 20,
and by January 3, 1981, tt was No. 1. ln the
same week. Happy Xmas and Imagine
re-entered the charts at No.'s 12 and 17
respectively. Imagine Jumped to No.
1 the followmg week. knockmg Starting
Over back to No. 2 Startmg Over stayed
in the chart for eleven weeks and, by
February 1981, had sold over 500,000 m
Bntam, and has therefore sold well over a
milhon globally.
The record was produced by John and
Yoko and jack Douglas at the Hit Factory,
New York. sometime durmg August 1980
(See [):)uble Fantasy)
The first compllaiiOn album to feature a
John Lennon track, A Monument To 23 DOUBLE FANTASY
Bntish Rock was released in EMI's TV
advertised senes. (The album also By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
featured Get Back by The Beatles: see
The Beatles Bnttsh section in The Long Geffen Records K99131 -November 17,
and Winding Road, page 11 0, for complete 1980
track listing and sleeve illustrallon) Al-
though subtltled "Volume 1", EMl have yet
to release a follow up album, desptte
having by now released over thlrty-five
albums in their EMTV series.
47c IMAGINE (3.00)


OVER (357)
(117) KISS KISS KISS (3 38)

u A" side by John Lennon

"B" side by Yoko Ono
Geffen Records K79186 - October 24. John's rust album for five years (durmg
1980 wh1ch tune he was bnngmg up Ius son
Sean) entered the album charts on
John and Yoko's first record smce 1975 November 29 at No 9 nsmg one pos1t1on
released exactly five years after the followmg week, but droppmg to No.
Imagme. lt entered the NME charts on 17 on December 13. W1th Lennon's death
November 15, 1980, at No. 13, nsmg to No on December 8, Double Fantasy moved
9 on November 29, and droppmg to No back up the charts to No. 5 on December
42 Working Class Heroes
20, and by January 10, 1981, was at No. l 120 I'M LOSING YOU (3 59) Uohn)
for one week It returned to the No. l
121 I'M MOVING ON (3 17) (Yoko)
pos1llon on three separate occastons
dunng January and F'ebruary 1981, thus 122 BEAUTIFUL BOY (DARLING BOY) (3 57)
bemg at No l for a total of four weeks. Uohn)
and eventually staymg m the charts for BSIDE
twenty-four weeks for the three week
penod between January 17 and March 7, 123 WATCHING THE WHEELS (331) Uohn)
1981, three of Lennon's albums were m 124 I'M YOUR ANGEL (334, (Yoko)
the charts Double Fantasy (between No
I and No 6), lmagme (4·20) and Shaved 125 WOMAN (331) Uohn)
Fish (7·27) 126 BEAUTIFUL BOYS (253) (Yoko)
The reason for John's self·rrnposed
ex1le m 1975 for f1ve years was, he stated, 127 DEAR YOKO (2 30) Uohn)
m order to bnng up hiS son. Sean. born to 128 EVERY MAN HAS A WOMAN WHO
Yoko on October 9, 1975 John had miSSed LOVES HIM (4 00) (Yoko)
hiS fust son. Juhan. growmg up, due to hts
129 HARD TIMES ARE OVER (3 12) (Yoko)
commttments to the Beatles. and he
therefore mtended to ret1re unttl Sean As wtth many of John's solo songs, most of
was f1ve years old On August 4, 1980, hts seven numbers on Double Fantasy
John and Yoko started recordmg at the are ellher about, or dedtcated to, Yoko,
Htt Factory, New York. and eventually the one exception bemg Beautiful Boy
produced. w1th jack Douglas, twenty-two (Darlmg Boy) whtch ts John's song to hiS
songs. Mus1c1ans helpmg on the sess1ons son, Sean, and features steel drum by
mcluded gu1tansts Earl Shck and Hugh Robert Greemdge. Watchmg The
McCracken. bass player Tony Levm, Wheels. wtth Matthew Cunmngham on
keyboard player George Small drummer hammer dulctmer, was John s answer to
Andy Newmark, percUSSIOniSt Arthur all of the questions from the pubhc about
jenkutS Jnr and Ed Walsh playmg an hiS ex1le for five years Yoke's song, /m
Oberhetm and Randy Stem an EngliSh Your Angel, was the sub)ect of a law sutt
Concertma wtth John playmg guttar filed m New York on June 15, 1981, by the
Backlng vocals were supplied by publiShers of Makm' Whoopee The pub-
M1chelle S1mpson Cassandra Worten. bshers clarrned that Yoke's song "was
Cheryl Mason jacks Enc Troyer The very sirrular to and a copy of Makm '
Benny Cummmgs Smgers and The Kmgs Whoopee ' (wh1ch was wntten m 1928)
Temple Chotr The horn sectton featured and were seekmg one mtlhon dollars
Howard Johnson, Grant Hungerford, John damages and demandmg that the song
Parran, Seldon Powell, George "Young" be removed from further pressmgs of the
Opahsky, Roger Rosenberg DaVJd Tofam album
and Ronald Tooley. Also present durmg
the sess1ons were Ralph McDonald, 24 MIND GAMES
Robm Zander and keyboard player jean
Roussell By John Lennon
The remammg tracks from the sesston
were ongmally scheduled to be released M us1c For Pleasure MFP 50509 -
durmg 1981, but w1th Lennons death, the November 27, 1980
album (proVJSionnlly titled "Mtlk and
Along wtth Rmgo's Rmgo, George s Dark
Honey") hns never appeared
Horse and the Beatles Rock 'n' Roll Music
The cover photographs were taken by
KJShm Shmoyamn the back cover shot albums, thiS was part of the first batch of
bemg ta~:en oUtside John and Yoke's Beatle product to appear on a budget
apartments m New York's Dakota label from EMI The album features a
bu1ldmg dunng the summer of 1980, and reviSed front cover, showmg a multtple
the album sleeve was destgned by rrnage of the ongmal sleeve, wtth track
ltShngs on the back cover, but wtthout
ChrtStopher Whorf of Art Hotel
lyncs pnnted on the mner sleeve as
A <;JDE contamed on the ongmal release


)c,.ir ASIDE
117a KISS KISS KISS '119)(Yoko) 75c MIND GAMES (4 11)

118 CLEAN UP TIME (2 53) ljohn) 77a TIGHT A$ (3 36)

119 GIVE ME SOMETHING (1 52) (Yoko) 78a AISUMASEN (I'M SORRY) (4 42)

John Lennon UK 45
The Air Tomght and for the third week by
V1enna by Ultravox} In the BMRB charts,
Woman went to No. I, gJVmg Lennon a
hat trick of three number ones in a row as
Startmg Over and lmagme had both
topped the charts
By February I, 1981, just fifteen days
after release, Woman had sold 250,000 in
DIAMONDS (6 10) •
By The Elton John Band featuring John
Lennon and the Muscle Shoals Horns.
79a ONE DAY (AT A TIME) (3.07) D]M D]Sl0965 - March 13, 1981
82a INTUITION (3. 07)
83a OUT THE BLUE (3 20)
84a ONLY PEOPLE (325)
85a I KNOW (I KNOW) (3.47) After Lennon's death, DJM acqmred
86a YOU ARE HERE (4.09) permiSSion from EMI to release all three
numbers recorded at the Elton John Band
76b MEAT CITY (247)
concert on November 28, 1974, when
John Lennon made a guest appearance to
25 (125a) WOMAN (3 27) honour a proffi!Se made to Elton. With
(126a) BEAUTIFUL BOYS (2 51) Lennon's death, thiS guest appearance
"A" side by John Lennon became even more tmportant, as it
constituted the last concert performance
''B" side by Yoko Ono by John, thus makmg the recordings of
bistoncal interest. The three recordmgs
Geffen Records K 79195 - January 16,
were released on a 33V3 r.p.m smgle m a
picture sleeve. The two photographs on
the sleeve were taken at the concert by
Chuck Pulin, of Elton and John.
The "A" side features the song
performed last during the concert, I Saw
Her Standmg There, which John
introduces as a number by an estranged
fiance, Paul The second side, lastmg
over ten minutes, features Whatever Gets
You Thru The Night on wh1ch Elton
guested when the song was origmally
Just after Startmg Over had been recorded by John, and Lucy In The Sky
released as a smgle. John and Yoko had W1th Diamonds, which had previously
insisted that Woman be 1ssued as the been recorded by the Elton John Band,
follow up. 1t entered the NME Top 30 Wlth John guesting on guitar and backmg
on January 31, 1981, at No. 3, the htghest vocals.
entry postllon attamed by any of John's The smgle entered the NME charts for
singles. The followmg w eek tt rose to No. one week on Apnl 4, at No. 24
2 where tl remamed for three weeks (the
No l posit1on bemg held for the first two
weeks by the first solo smgle from
Genesis vocalisVdrummer Phtl Collms, In

46 Working Class Heroes

ptano The set also mcluded a magazme
26 (123b) WATCBJNG TBE WHEELS (3 29)
titled Lennon - The LJVerpool Echo's
(124a) YES I'M YOUR ANGEL (2 48)
Tribute To John Lennon, wtuch featured
"A" s1de by John Lennon p1ctures and arncles from vanous stages
m the Beatles' careers as covered by that
"B" side by Yoko Ono newspaper
Geffen Records K 79207 March 27. 1981 28 ROCK 'N' ROLL

By John Lennon
MusiC For Pleasure MFP 50522 -
November 25, 1981

The th1rd single release from the Double

Fantasy album entered the NME Top 30
for one week only at No. 27 on Apnl 18,
27 JOHN LENNON (box •et)

By John Lennon
Apple JLB8 -June 15. 1981

The second selectiOn of Beatle solo

albums to be released on EMI's budget
label, Mus1c For Pleasure, mcluded
John's Rock 'n' Roll, The Best of George
Harnson and Rmgo's Blast From Your
The cover for the album retatned the
ongmal photograph by Jorgen Vollmer,
but featured a slightly enlarged title on
the front, w1th a new back cover (credll-
mg Stand By Me more correctly to "Kmg-
Lelber-Stoller - the ongmal cover
cred1ted the song to "Kmg-Glick", "Elmo
Ghck" bemg a JOmt pseudonym for jerry
Letber and Mtke Stoller).

In January 1981, EMI stated that they d1d A SIDE

not mtend re1easmg any posthumous or 99a BE-BOP-A-LULA (2 36)
memonal record of John Lennon matenal
lOOb STAND BY ME (3 26)
but m June 1981 a boxed set contammg
e1ght albums was released as a llmlled 101-2a RIP IT UP/READY TEDDY 1 32)
edtt1on The set contamed the followmg 103a YOU CANT CATCH ME (4 52)
albums L1ve Peace In Toronto 1969. John
Lermon!PlastJc Ono Band lmagme, Some 104a AIN'T THAT A SHAME (2.JO)
Tune ln New York C1ty, Mmd Games 105a DO YOU W ANNA DANCE (2 52)
Walls And Bndges. Rock n' Roll and
Shaved F1sh Each album was as the 106a SWEET LITTLE SIXTEEN (3 00)
ougmal release except that L1ve Peace BSIDE
In Toronto d1d not mclude the
and John Lennon!Plastlc Ono &;nd and
lmagme d1d not mclude then ongmal 108a PEGGY SUE 2 J
pnnted mner sleeves Imagme however
dtd comam :he ongmal postcard al- SEND ME SOME LOVIN -1 40)
though the poster was shyhtly different,
havmg a double unage of Lcnnon at lus llla BONY MORONIE (3. 48)
John Lennon UK 47
ll2a YA YA (2.17) should read ''Happy Xmas Kyoko, Happy
Xmas Juhan".
ll3a JUST BECAUSE (4 25)
By John Lennon
Parlophone EMTV 37 - November 8,
NIGHT (323)
94c No. 9 DREAM (4.37)
75d MIND GAMES (4.10)
40a LOVE (3.20)
73b HAPPY XMAS (WAR IS OVER) (3. 32)
47d IMAGINE (3.01)
49a JEALOUS GUY (4.13)
lOOc STAND BY ME (327)
125b WOMAN (3.29)
120a rM LOSING YOU (4 00)
Thts TV advertised collection of the best l22a BEAUTIFUL BOY (DARLING BOY) (4.00)
of John Lennon entered the NME charts 123b WATCHING THE WHEELS (333)
on November 27 at No. 9, rismg to No 2
on December 11, and hitting the No. 1 l27a DEAR YOKO (2.32)
spot on December 25, staying there for 30 (40b) LOVE (3 12)
five weeks. The album sold 300,000 (52a) GIVE ME SOME TRUTH (3 11)
cop1es m 1ts first week m Bntam lt
received a platinum diSc, and by the thud By John Lennon
week in JanUary, 1983, had passed the
rrullion mark in the UK alone - thus Parlophone R 6059- November 15, 1982
sellmg approximately 17,000 cop1es per
workmg day.
The album was originally planned by
EMI in 1981, but due to dtfflculties m
gettmg pernussion from Yoko and Davtd
Geffen for the mclus1on of Double Fantasy
recordmgs, it was delayed for over a
year Fmal negotJatlorlS between EM!
and Geffen resulted m the Amencan
album bemg released on Geffen Records
with a shghtly differing track listing.
The album, featunng all but one of Released as a trailer for the John Lennon
John's BntlSh singles (Cold Turkey bemg Collect1on album, Love entered the NME
the missmg release) plus six of his Double Top 30 for one week only on November
Fantasy tracks, was compiled by John 20 at No. 27.
David Kalodner, w1th assiStance from The single vers1on of Love differs from
Yoko and Davtd Geffen. The album the ongmal album track and that on the
sleeve features p1ctures taken by Anme Collect1on, as 11 was re-mixed to boost the
Letbovitz at John's last photographiC very quiet introductory and ending piano
sess1on. m December 1980. for Rolhng passages. EMI decided that lf the song
Stone magazme. were released wtth 1ts ongmal rmx. wtth
As wtth Shaved Fish, the mner sleeve the ptano fadmg m and out very qwetly,
features the lyrics to each song, and G1ve DJs might be prone to tgnore the record
Peace A Chance finally appears with the as UilSUJtable for broadcastmg
correct lync, t.e. "masturbation" and not
"mastication", but the rust two lines of
Happy Xmas are still mcorrect, as they
48 Working Class Heroes


By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Apple T 5001 - November 11, 1968 By The Plastic Ono Band
John and Yoke's first solo album bubbled Apple 1813 - October 20 1969
under the Billboard Hot Hundred album
charts for e1ght weeks durmg February Cold Turkey entered the Blllboard Hot
and March 1969, nsmg no hlgher than No Hundred on November 15 at No 86,
124 As w1th EM! m Bntam, Capitol rlSmg to No. 30 for one week on January
refused to handle the album, and 1t was 17, 1970, bemg m the Top lOO for twelve
eventually diStributed by Tetragrammaton. weeks. The smgle appeared m the same
w1th 25.000 bemg sold, although 30,000 p1cture sleeve as the Bntlsh release.
coptes were confiscated by police from a
warehouse m Newark, New jersey 5 TBE WEDDING ALBUM
(Tracks and cover as BntlSh release )
By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
2 UNFINJSBED MUSIC No. 2 - Apple SMAX 3361 -October 2£-, 1969
As w1th therr flrst two albums. The
By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Weddmg Album only managed to creep
Zapple ST 3357- May 26, 1969 mto the lower regtorlS of the Top 200
rlStng no hlgher than No 178 dunng three
As Wlth Two V1rgms. Life With The Lions weeks m the chan (Track llSttng and
dld not enter the Blllboard Top lOO album sleeve same as Bnttsh release.)
charts, managmg only e1ght weeks m the
lower reg1ons of the Top 200, rlSmq no 6 PLASTIC ONO BAND - LIVE PEACE
hlgher than No 179 The album d1d JN TORONTO - 1969
however. outsell Two V1rgms. as 60,000
cop1es were sold m the US (Track llStmg By The Plasuc Ono Band
and sleeve same as BntlSh release ) Apple SW 3362 December 12, J969

3 (18) GIVE PEACE A CHANCE The Plastlc Ono Band's first album entered
(19) REMEMBER LOVE the Top 200 album charts on January 10,
1970, at No 136, nsmg to No. 10 for two
By The Plasuc Ono Band
weeks from February 7, bemg m the Top
Apple 1809 July Z 1969 200 for thlrty-two weeks, and spendmg
twenty-three weeks m the Top 100 The
The first PlastiC Ono Band smgle entered record recetved a Gold Award from
the B11lboard Hot Hundred on July 26 at RIAA for sales of more than $1,000,000 on
No. 62 rlSmg to No 14 on September 6 March 17, 1970 (Tracks and sleeve same
and staymg m the Top 100 for rune weeks as BntlSh release )
The smgle sold 800,000 m Arnenca. and
was released Wlth the same p1cture
sleeve as m Bntam

John Lennon US 49
By Lennon/Ono with The Plastic Ono Band
"A" side by John Lennon!Plastic Ono Band
Apple 1818- February 20, 1970
"B" side by Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band
Instant Karma was the first solo Beatles
single to sell a milhon copie~m Amenca. Apple 1830 - March 22, 1971
lt entered the US Top lOO on February 28
at No. 85, nsmg to No. 3 on March 28 for In Bntam. Power To The People was
three weeks, and staymg in the charts for coupled With Open Your Box by Yoko
thirteen weeks. The Amencan single but, in America, Capitol would not allow
features a mix of Instant Karma by Phi! Yoko to use the song due to Its suggestive
Spector wh1ch was not approved by lyrics. Therefore another number from
Lennon. Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band album was
used. The smgle entered the US Top 100
JOHN ONO on April 3 at No 73, riSing to No. 11 for
LENNON two weeks from May l, 1t remamed m the
fWE H.L!*-N ON chart for nme weeks.


8 JOHN LENNON!PLASTIC ONO BAND "A" side by Bill Elliot and The Elastic Oz
By John Lennon and The Plastic Ono Band
"B" side by The Elastic Oz Band
Apple SW 3372 - December 11, 1970
Apple 1835 -July 7. 1971
John's first true solo album had an
advance order of 250,000 in Amenca, and
entered the Top 200 album charts on As in Bntam, John's record for the Oz
December 26 at No. 14, rising at No. 6 on Defence Fund did not enter the charts.
January 30. It was in the Top lOO for
eighteen weeks. and the Top 200 for
twenty-two weeks. selling a million 11 IMAGINE
copies by the end of January, 1971.
(Tracks and sleeve the same as British re-
lease.) By John LeMon
Apple SW 3379- September 9. 1971
9 (34a) MOTHER
WHY imagine entered the US album charts on
September 18 at No. 163, nsmg to No. I
"A" side by John Lennon!Plastic Ono Band for one week on October 30. The album
"B" side by Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band stayed in the Top lOO for twenty-five
weeks. and m the Top 200 for thirty
Apple 1827 - December 28, 1970 weeks. achieVIng sales of over one
million dollars by October I, 1971, and
Not released as a single in Britain Mother subsequently selling a million in Amenca.
was taken from the John Lennon!Plast1c (Tracks and sleeve the same as BritiSh re-
Ono Band album, usmg a slightly dif- lease.)
ferent mix. and coupled With Yoko's Why
from her Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band
album as a smgle m the States. The 12 (47a) IMAGINE
smgle entered the Top 100 on January 9, (SOa) IT'S SO BARD
1971, at No. 87, but only managed to nse
to No. 43 for two weeks. on January 30, By John Lennon
bemg m the chart for SIX weeks Apple /840- October 11 1971
The Imagme smgle entered the Billboard

SO Working Class Heroes

Top 100 on October 23, at No 20 (the featunng m the chart for only five weeks
htghest entry posttton smce Let It Be
entered at No 6 on March 21, 1970)
makmg 11 tenth equal With the Beatles
Somethmg m the hst of htghest entry
postttons. The Top Ten m thts chart JS as
I Let It Be (No. 6) The Beatles (1970),
2 = The Purple People Eater (No. 7) Sheb
Woolley (1958) & Wear My Rmg Around
Your Neck (No 7) Elv1s Presley (1958),
4 = Hey ]ude (No lO) The Beatles (1968)
& Get Back (No lO) The Beatles (1969); 15 SOMETIME IN NEW YORK CITY
6 = Mrs Brown You've Got A Lovely
Daughter (No 12) Herman's Hermtts Record One by John & Yoko/Plasuc Ono
(1965). Band with Elephant's Memory and
7 = ]a1lhouse Rock (No 15) Elv1s Presley Invisible Strings
(1957) & Hard Headed Woman (No. 15)
ElvJS Presley (1958), Record Two "A" Side by Plastic Ono
9 - Poor Little Fool (No. 18) Rtcky Nelson Supergroup. Record Two "B" side by
(1958), Plastic Ono Mothers
I0 Somethmg (No 20) The Beatles Apple SVBB 3392- June 12, 1972
(1969) & Imagme (No 20) John Lennon
(1971) Appeanng three months earher m
Imagme rose to No. 3 on November 13 America than m Bntam. Sometime In New
for two weeks. staymg m the charts for York Guy entered the Btllboard album
mne weeks. The smgle dtd not appear chart on July I at No 190, nsmg to No 48
m a picture sleeve, and dtd not recetve a on August 12 for two weeks. and staymg
BntJSh release as a smgle until 1975 m the Top I 00 for twelve weeks and the
Top 200 for seventeen weeks (Sleeve
same as Bnttsh release.)
"A" side by John & Yoko/Plastic Ono Band 57a WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF THE
With The Harlem Community Choir WORLD

"B" Side by Yoko Ono and The Plastic 58a SISTERS 0 SISTERS
Apple 1842- December 1, 1971 60 BORN IN A PRISON

In Amenca, Happy Xmas appeared a 61 NEW YORK CITY

year before 1ts BntJSh release, but dtd not BSIDE
enter the Btllboard Hot Hundred. The
smgle appeared m a ptcture sleeve, on
clear green vmyl (Ptcture sleeve same as 63 THE LUCK OF THE IRISH
Bnllsh release )
"A" stde by John Lennon!Plasttc Ono Band
With Elephant's Memory and Invisilile (Same as BntiSh release.)
"B" stde by Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band 16 (75) MIND GAMES
With Elephant's Memory and Invisilile (76) MEAT CITY
Strings By John Lennon
Apple 1848 - Apnl 24 1972 Applt:: 1808- October 29 1973
The tratler for the Someume In New York Mmd Games entered the BUlboard chart
Cm· album entered the Btllboard Hot on November 10 at No 76, rJSmg to No 18
Hundred on May 20 at No 76 rJStng to on December 29 for one weel:. bemg tn
No 57 for one week on June I 0, and the Hot Hundred fnr thtrteen wE:eY.s and

John Lennon US 61
for seven weeks m the Top 30. (Picture Apple 1878- December 16. 1974
sleeve same as BnhSh release.)
The second single from Walls And
Bridges, No. 9 Dream entered the Bill-
board Hot Hundred chart on December
By John Lennon 21, at No. 68, rismg to No. 9 on February
22, 1975. It remained m the chart for
Apple SW 3414 - November 2. 1973 twelve weeks and m the Top 30 for seven

Mmd Games entered the Billboard album weeks
charts on November 24 at No. 16, recetv-
mg a Gold Award from RlAA, on 21 ROCK 'N' ROLL
November 30, for sales of over one
million dollars. The album rose to No. 9 By John Lennon
for three weeks on December 8, and Apple SK 3419- February 17 1975
stayed m the Top 100 for fifteen weeks,
and m the Top 200 for e1ghteen weeks. Rock 'n' Roll entered the album chart on
(Tracks and sleeve the same as BntLSh re- March 8 at No. 47 rLSmg to No 6 on Apnl
lease.) 19, and staying m the Top lOO for thirteen
weeks, and in the Top 200 for fifteen
18 (87) WHATEVER GETS YOU TBRU weeks. (Tracks and sleeve same as
THE NIGHT Bnt1sh release.)
Apple 1874 -September 23, 1974 "A" side by The Elton John Band
John's first No. 1 smgle in America, wh1ch "B" side by The Elton John Band with John
entered the charts on September 28 at Lennon and The Muscle Shoals Horns
No. 53, rising to the top seven weeks later
on November 16 for one week, and MCA 40364- February 24, 1975
staying there for fifteen weeks. Twelve
days after Whatever Gets You Thru The The "B' s1de of Philadelphia Freedom. I
Night reached the top of the charts, John Saw Her Standing There, was recorded
kept his promiSe to Elton John, that tf the bve at The Elton John Band concert at
smgle got to No. 1 he would appear wtth Mad1son Square Garden on November
Elton on stage. John performed three 28, 1974, when John Lennon made a guest
numbers with The Elton John Band at appearance to fulf1l a prorruse made to
Madison Square Garden, New York, on Elton John Philadelphia Freedom
November 28, 1974, which turned out to entered the Billboard chart m Apnl 1975.
be his last concert performance rJSmg to No. l for two weeks from Apnl
12. It then stayed m the best sellers for
twenty-one weeks, rece1vmg a Gold
19 WALLS AND BRIDGES Award from the RlAA on April 23, 1975,
and eventually sellmg over two million
By John Lennon
Apple SW 3416- September 26. 1974 22 (100a) STAND BY ME
Walls And Bndges entered the Billboard
By John Lennon
album chart on October 12 at No. 72,
Jumping to No 19 the followmg week and Apple 1881 - March 10, 1975
qualifymg for Gold Award status (one
million dollars sales) by October 22 By Stand By Me entered the Billboard chart
November 1974, the album had sold one on March 15 at No. 78, nsmg to No. 20 for
rrulhon m the States. and on November 16 two weeks on Apnl 26 bemg m the Top
rose to No. I for one week It eventually 30 for four weeks and the Top lOO for mne
stayed in the Top lOO for twenty-one weeks. A follow up smgle from Rock n'
weeks and the Top 200 for twenty-seven Roll was scheduled m Amenca, With
weeks. (Tracks and sleeve same as promotlonal cop1es of SlJppm' And Shdm'
British release.) backed by Ain't That A Shame (Apple
1883) bemg distributed, but the release
20 (94a) No. 9 DREAM was eventually shelved
By John Lennon

52 Working Class Heroes

John and Yoke's come-back smgle
entered the Billboard Hot Hundred on
November 9, nsmg to No l on December
By John Lennon
27, after the tragtc murder of Lennon It
Apple SW 3421 - October 24, 1975 stayed at No. l for ftve weeks, and m the
chart for twenty-two weeks {Ptcture
All eleven tracks on the Shaved Fish sleeve same as Bnllsh release.)
albwn had been smgles m Amenca,
whereas m Bntam, three had not ap-
peared as smgles, Mother, Woman Is The 26 MIND GAMES
Nigger Or The World and lmagme (the
latter appearing as a smgle 111 Amenca m By John Lennon
1972. but not recetvmg Bnttsh smgle Cap1tol SN-16068- October, 1980
release unttl 1975). The album entered
the Billboard charts on November 8, at As m Bntam. Capttol reiSSued several
No. 97, peakmg at No. 12 on December Beatle solo albums on thetr budget label
13. and staymg m the charts for thtrteen thts batch conslStmg of George's Dark
weeks. (Sleeve same as Bnttsh release.) Horse. Rmgo, and John s Mmd Games and
Rock 'n Roll albums The Mmd Games
A SiDE album featured the same sleeve as the
18a GIVE PEACE A CHANCE origmallSSUe (Tracks same as the Bnttsh
By John Lennon
57b WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF THE Capitol SN-16069- October, 1980
WORLD The second budget reiSSue album from
BSIDE John featunng the same cover destgn
as the ongmal.
75b MIND GAMES (Remaining tracks same as the British
94b No. 9 DREAM retssue.)
By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
24 (lOOb) STAND BY ME Geffen Records GHS 2001 -
(57c) WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF November 17. 1980
John and Yoke's ftrst album m five years
By John Lennon whtch entered the Btllboard charts on
December 6, rlSmg to No. I on December
Capllol Star Lme 6244 - Apnl4 1977
27, after John was merctlessly gunned
Wtth the ongmal Apple smgles of Stand down outstde hts New York apartment m
By Me and Woman 1s The Nigger or The thE: Dakota Bwldmgs. The album stayed
World deleted they became ehgtble to at No. I for etght weeks, and was in the
appear on Capitol's substdtary label Star Top 200 for seventy-four weeks (Tracks
Lme. and were released as a double "A · and sleeve same as Bnttsh release )
rtde. but Wlthr-ut chart succesc:
29 (125a) WOMAN
"A" stde by John Lennon
"A " side by John Lennon
"B" stde by Yoko Ono
"B" side by Yoko Ono
.:J.=Uen Records 4%44 January 12. 1981
Gt-ilt:r, Rt:...---oid::. .:JEF- 49604 -
October 23, 1980 The second smal£1 miP.<l!;P fmm the
John Lennon US 53
Double Fantasy album, which entered December 4, rising to No. 33 for four
the Billboard charts on January 17, rising weeks, on January 8, 1983, and staying in
to No. 2, and staying in the charts for the Top 40 for six weeks.
twenty weeks. (Picture sleeve same as The American album contamed two
British release.) less tracks than the British release, as
neither Stand By Me or Happy Xmas
30 (l23a) WATCHING THE WHEELS were hits in the United States.
"A" side by John Lennon 18b GIVE PEACE A CHANCE
"B" side by Yoko Ono 32b INSTANT KARMA
Geffen Records 49695 -March 13, 1981 45b POWER TO THE PEOPLE

The third single from the Double Fantasy 87c WHATEVER GETS YOU THRU THE
album entered the Billboard chart on N1GHT
March 28, reaching No. 10, and staying in 94c No. 9 DREAM
the chart for fourteen weeks. (Picture
sleeve same as British release ) 75d MIND GAMES
40a LOVE
By John Lennon
Geffen Records GGEF 0408 -
]une 5, 1981 ll6c (JUST LIKE) STARTING OVER

Warner Brothers Records in America 125c WOMAN

operate a policy of combinmg hit singles 120a I'M LOSING YOU
to form double "A"-sided oldies and, as
they distributed Geffen Records, John's
singles were in line for this treatment. 127a DEAR YOKO
This release featured the first two hits 123c WATCHING THE WHEELS
from Double Fantasy.
By John Lennon
By John Lennon
Geffen Records 7-29855 -
Geffen Records GGEF 0415- November 17. 1982
November 4, 1981
Although not a hit when it was originally
Having coupled the first two single "A" released in the United States, Geffen
sides together as an oldie, only one "A" reissued Happy Xmas, hoping to emulate
s1de (Watching The Wheels) remained. its British success, but again the single
This was coupled with another Lennon failed to enter the Billboard best sellers.
song from Double Fantasy, Beautiful Boy Geffen's reissue featured the same p1cture
(Darling Boy), and not with its origmal sleeve as the 1971 Capitol release, but
flipside of Yoko's Yes I'm Your Angel. · the original "B" side coupling of Listen
The Snow Is Falling was replaced by
Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) (included on
The John Lennon Collection).
By John Lennon
Geffen Records GHSP 2023 -
November 10, 1982
After a year of negotiation, Geffen
Records eventually gave permission for
EMI to use the Double Fantasy re-
cordings for this best of John Lennon
album, under the proviso that Geffen
released the record in the US. The
album entered the Billboard charts on

54 Working Class Heroes


Paul McCartney UK 55
By Paul McCartney
Apple PCS 7102 - Apnl 17. 1970
Although Paul McCartney had written the
mus1c to The Family Way ~ lm back m
1966, With an album by The George
Martm Orchestra appeanng m January
1967, he did not perform on the rec-
ordmgs, and therefore McCartney IS his
first solo recording venture W1th
advance sales of 19.000 in Bntam the
album entered the NME Top 30 chart on
Apnl 22, a week after release, at No. 6,
nsmg to No. 2 the folloWing week where
1t remamed for three weeks (bemg kept
s HOT AS SUN (1.28)
out of the No. 1 position by Simon and 6 GLASSES (0. 48)
Garfunkel's Bndge Over Troubled Water 7 JUNK (1.53)
album). It stayed in the Top 10 for s1x:teen
weeks, and the Top 30 for twenty-two 8 MAN WE WAS LONELY (2.55)
weeks, selling over two m1lhon world- BSIDE
McCartney recorded and produced 9 00 YOU (247)
the album between December 1969 and 10 MOMMA MISS AMERICA (4 03)
Apnl 1970, usmg several recordmg lo-
11 TEDDY BOY (2.22)
calions - at his home usmg a Studer 4
track machine, at EMI's Abbey Road 12 SINGALONG JUNK (2.34)
Studio No. 2 and at Morgan Stud1os. MAYBE I'M AMAZED (3.47)
W1llesden. London. Paul played all the
instruments heard on the album, as well 14 KREEN-AKRORE (4.08)
as composmg all fourteen songs and After Paul's new Studer 4 track recorder
smgmg most.of the vocal parts, w1th Linda had been installed in his London home,
McCartney assisting on some songs he tested the machme w1th The Lovely
The release date for the album caused Lmda.· on wh1ch he played acoustic gu1tar
some controversy between Paul and the and bass, and produced percussive
rest of the Beatles, as he had scheduled sounds by hand slaps on a book. Paul
the album to come out m Apnl, while the wrote the song m Scotland but never
"last" Beatles' album, Let It Be, had been completed 1t, th1s recording supposedly
scheduled at around the same t1me John, being a trailer for the full song, which he
George and Ringo wanted Paul to post- never recorded. That Would Be Some-
pone the release of his album, but Paul thing was also wr1tten in Scotland, in 1969,
was adamant and refused, so that eventu- and features Paul playing guitar, tom tom,
ally Let it Be was re-scheduled. cymbal and bass.
The twenty-three photographs con- Paul ad !Jbbed Valentme Day as he
tamed on the gatefold sleeve were taken recorded 1t at his home, usmg acoust1c
by Lmda; the album was sent out to gwtar, drums, electnc guitar and bass,
Brit!sh Djs accompanied by a printed with the fmal ffilX done at EML Paul
"questJon and answers" sheet, wh1ch Paul completed Every N1gbt while on holiday
comptled as a self-mteiVJew. due to his m Greece m 1969. and recorded 1t at EM!
long s1lence during the prev1ous months. playmg acoustic gwtars, drums and bass.
The msert was not mcluded m the com- and double tracking his vocals m places.
mercially available album. The song was covered by Phoebe Snow
in 1979, when her version entered the
NME Top 30 on January 20 at No. 30,
nsmg to No 26, but bemg m the chart for
only two weeks
1 THE LOVELY LINDA (0. 43) Hot As Sun was wr1tten around 1958 or
THAT WOULD BE SOMETHING (237) 1959, and recorded at Morgan Studios
using acoustic and electnc gwtar, drums,
3 VALENTINE DAY ( 1 40) organ, bass. maracas and bongos. Glasses
4 EVERY NIGHT (2.29) features multHracked Wine glasses, and

56 Working Class Heroes

an uncompleted song called "Sutctde".
junk was started m lndta m 1968 and 2 (15) ANOTHER DAY (3 40)
completed m wndon when tt was ong- (16) OB WOMAN OB WBY (4 34)
mally recorded by the Beatles dunng the By Paul McCartney
''Whtte Album" sess1ons It was later re-
recorded m March 1969 dunng the Apple R 5889 February 19. 1971
"Abbey Road'' sess1ons Paul recorded
his solo verston at hiS home usmg two Paul's f1rst solo smgle entered the NME
acousnc gUitars and bass, later addmg charts on March 3, 1971, at No 8. and
percusston, a toy xylophone and harmony went to No. I on March 17 for one week
vocals at Morgan Studtos Man We Was only, staymg m the charts for ten weeks
Lonely was wntten dunng the sesstons The smgle was recorded m January
for the album Lmda JOtned Paul for 1971, m New York. usmg the New York
harmony, wh1le Paul plays gwtar, bass Ptulharmomc Orchestra and sess1on men
drum bass and 'steel gwtar" sound, Dave Spmozza and Hugh McCracken
produced by playmg a Telecaster With a (gwtars) and Denny Se1well (drums). with
drum peg Paul producmg. As w1th Yoke Ono's co-
Oo You was ongmally recorded at composmg credits wtth John, Lmda also
Paul's home as an mstrumental, With lyncs expenenced problems w1th her co-
added later, and recordmg was completed composltlon of Another Day, wh1ch was
at Morgan StudiOS usmg electnc gwtar, cred1ted to Mr and Mrs McCartney on
tambourine, cow bell and aerosol spray! the label Srr Lew Grade would not
Momma Miss Amenca was also ad hbbed accept that she had helped wnte the
- Paul recorded 1l at hiS home usmg song Oh Woman Oh Why was wntten
ptano, drums, acoustic and electnc solely by Paul
gmtars The smgle was not produced m a
Teddy Boy, another number datmg ptcture sleeve. but McCartney arranged
back to the Beatles m lndta, was ong- to use the "Cap1tol" label m Bntam m 1975.
mally recorded m January 1969 and and the smgle was re-released on that
mtended for theu "Get Back" album, label at that llme, but usmg the same
which was eventually scrapped Paul Parlophone catalogue number The
completed wntmg the song m Scotland smgle has sold an est1mated global
and wndon, and recorded the number at million
hiS home, and at Morgan Studios. usmg
gwtar and bass. wllh assiStance from
Lmda on backmg harmomes Smgalong
junk IS the ongmal take for junk and was By Paul and Linda McCartney
recorded usmg guttar, p1ano and bass at
hiS home, 11 was completed at Morgan Apple PAS 10003- May 21, 1971
usmg electnc guttar. bass drum, Sizzle
cymbal and Mellotron (stnngs)
Maybe I'm Amazed, wntten m London.
was recorded at EMI Stud1os, usmg
ptano, drums and guttars and w1th Lmda
JOtnmg Paul for backmg vocals. The
number later became a stage favounte
by Rod Stewan and The Faces and was
mcluded on then 1971 album, Long
The fmal song on the album was
msptred by a TV f1lm about the Kreen-
AYiore lnd1ans m the Braz1han Jungle,
McCartney started the recordmg With a
drununmg uad· and later embell1Shed
the first half wllh ptano, gut tar and organ.
and the second half With breathmg organ
and two lead guitars The recordmg was Ram entered the NME album charts on
done at Morgan v.1th Robm Black engm- May 26, one week after release, at No 10,
eenng and extra sound effects mclude a rlSmg to No 2 for three weeks on June 16
bow and arrow and an antmal stampede, when Stick]' Fmaers by Tho Rolhng
ach1eved w1th the a1d of a guttar packmg Stones was at No 1 On July 7, Ram
knocked Bndge Over Troubled Water
from the No I spot for one week only,

Paul McCartney UK 59
allowmg the Simon and Garfunkel album earlier mamage) sings backmg vocals.
to return to the top the following week by Two songs on the album, Too Many
dropping to No. 2 for four weeks. The People and Dear Boy, supposedly pr o-
album stayed m the Top I 0 for mneteen voked Lennon (who saw the songs as
weeks. and m the Top 30 for twenty-four vmd1cnve personal attacks) to compose
weeks How Do You Sleep?
The sesstons for the album took place 4 (29a) TBE BACK SEAT OF MY CAR
at the A and R Studios m New York, (4. 26)
between January and ~arch, 19]1.
(24a) HEART OF THE COUNTRY (2.22).
producmg twenty-one songs. The
sess1ons were the frrst Paul had recorded
outs1de London, and the first of many By Paul and Linda McCartney
overseas locat10ns whtch Paul would
Apple R 5914 - August 13, 1971
favour when recording his later albums.
As well as using the New York Phil- Eastly the best song on the Ram album,
harmomc Orchestra on three songs, Paul The Back Seat Of My Car was released as
and Lmda were backed by Dave a smgle m Bntam. tt had no success m
Spmozza and Hugh McCracken on gmtar, the NME chart, although tt d1d enter the
and Denny Seiwell on drums, with Lmda BMRB chart for ftve weeks, rtsmg to No. 39.
supplying extra percussion and Paul
guttar and bass.
The album sleeve, designed by Paul,
features a collage of Lmda's pictures. wtth
Paul's drawmgs; the front cover. de- By Wings
pictmg Paul holdmg a ram by the horns.
was taken on Paul's Scottish farm. On the Apple PCS 7142- December 3, 1971
right-hand side of the front cover, m the
ztgzag des1gn, are the letters "L I. L.Y",
which posstbly stands for "Linda I Love
You". The back cover mcludes photo-
graphs of two beetles copulatmg, whtch
many crittcs thought was Paul's dig at his
former group.

17 TOO MANY PEOPLE (4. 10)
18 3 LEGS (2.43)
19 RAM ON (2.27)
20 DEAR BOY(2.11)
23 SMILE AWAY (3.56)
The ftrst Wings album entered the NME
BSIDE charts on December 15, 1971 at No 13,
24 HEART OF THE COUNTRY (221) and rose to tts htghest posttion of No. 11
durmg the followmg week. The album
dropped out and re-entered the charts
26 EAT AT HOME (3.20) twice (featuring for a total of ei ght
27 LONG HAIRED LADY (6.04) weeks), makmg it Paul's least successful
album to date.
28 RAM ON (0.53) While the McCartneys were recording
29 THE BACK SEAT OF MY CAR (4.25) Ram m New York, Paul was yearnmg to
perform l.tve agam as 1t had been five
Paul composed Too Many People, 3 Legs, years since the Beatles last toured. To do
Ram On. Smile Away and The Back Seat thts, he realised he needed a band, and
Of My Car alone. and Lmda asststed wtth thus started the task of formtng a working
the remamder. Paul conducts the New urut. His first approach was to Denny
York Phtlharmomc Orchestra on Uncle Se1well, who had drummed on the "Ram"
AlbertlAdmaal Halsey, Long Ha ~red sessions. As Setwell was a relatively
Lady and The Back Seat Of My Car, while unknown session musician, he obviously
on Monkberry Moon Delight, Heather Jumped at the chance to play m a band
McCartney (Lmda's daughter by an w1th an ex-Beatle, and immediately left

60 Working Class Heroes

Mary Had A Little Lamb

a ~te ~ttXIJied ~
~ (Ju ~ 1fJU«J4-
New York to )Om the McCartneys on theu m the US m 1956. sellmg a rrulhon and
farm m Campbelltown Scotland Whtle reachmg No 13 It was later covered by
on theu farm, Paul and Lmda wrote a the Everly Brothers m 1965, glVlng them a
number of new songs and, when they UK No 11 hlt. Paul and Lmda smg this as a
were ready to record, Paul dec1ded he duet m places, with Paul smgmg solo at
needed a gwtartst He unmechately thought tlmes The song was ongmally scheduled
of lus old fnend, Denny Lame, ex- as the first Wmgs smgle (R 5932) With I
member of The Moody Blues. a group Am Your Smger as the 'B ' s1de, pro-
whtch had toured With the Beatles durmg motional cop1es were dlStnbuted. but due
December 1965. to the poor sales of the album Paul With-
In August 1971, Paul. With hiS new drew the release.
band "Wmgs", entered a London stud1o, The ttlle track, W1ld Life, was Paul's
and recorded most of the tracks for the comment on arumal conservation; Paul
album m three days. w1th each song smgs lead With Linda and the two Dennys
bemg recorded m one take, the album supplymg backlng vocals Some People
was finished wlthm two to three weeks Never Know features Paul smgmg lead,
Paul later regretted recordmg the album With Lmda asslSnng and, on I Am Your
m such a rush, due to the bad reVIews tt Smger. theu roles are reversed. Before
rece1ved m the mus1c press. Paul and the next track there IS a short tune
Lmda produced the album With Tony · played on acoustic gu1tar which has no
C1arke, the Moody Blues producer, and title. Tomorrow features Paul smgmg
Alan Parsons (who later produced the lead, wtth vocal support, whlle Dear
"Alan Parsons ProJect" senes of albums) Fnend features a solo vocal from Paul,
engmeenng On the album Paul plays who composed the song as an arlSWer to
gwtar, bass and ptano; Denny Laine/ John's How Do You Sleep
gu1tar, Denny Se1weiVdrums, and Lmda/
keyboards and backlng vocals. 6 (38) GIVE IRELAND BACK TO TBE
The very stmple album sleeve features IRISH (3 42)
a photograph, taken by Barry Lategan, of (39) GIVE IRELAND BACK TO TBE
Wmgs (Mark One), w1th typography by IRISH (version) (3 45)
Gordon House As With John's solo re- By Wmgs
leases. Paul adopted a spec1al label for
lus own records. and the 'Wild L1fe" Apple R 5936 - February 25. 1972
labels feature a ptcture of Paul by Lmda
on the ' A ' s1de. and a picture of Lmda,
taken by Paul, on the "B" s1de.

MUMBO <351)
BIP BOP (4 07)
WILD LIFE (4 36)
"···- ,


34 SOME PEOPLE NEVER KNOW (6 35) The fust smgle from Wmgs wh1ch
entered the NME Top 30 on March 1,
35 I AM YOUR SINGER (2 I,; 1972. at No 21, rlSmg to No 13 on March
(Untitled track) (0 46) 15, and staymg m the chart for stx weeks
In January 1972, Henry McCullough
36 TOMORROW (321) ex-Grease Band, )Otned Wmgs as gwtar-
37 DEAR FRIEND (5 44) lSt, and on February I, 1972, the new ftve
p1ece lme-up of Wmgs (Mark 'l'wo) re-
(Untitled track) <0 44)
corded GIVe Ireland Back To The IriSh
All songs except Love Is Strange were The song was wrtttcn by the McCartneys
wrttten by Paul and Lmda Mumbo to protest about the Bloody Sunday Mas·
features Paul smymg nonsense words, sacre m Ireland on January 3, 1972,
wlule 81p Bop was 1nsptred by Paul's (whtch also lr!Sptred John to wrne Sunday
daughter, Mnry, Paul smgs lead w1th Bloody Sunday), 11 was Paul's fust and
Lmda supportmg htm With backmg only "pobtlcal" song, bemg tmmed1ately
vocals Love Is Strange was wntten by banned by the BBC and IBA The · B ' s1de
Mlckey Baker and Ethel Smllh and re- was an tnsaumental vers1on of the "A '
leased by M1d:ey and Sylvta as a smgle Stde
Paul McCartney UK 63
The smgle, which was produced by Denny Laine/bass and Denny SeiwelV
Paul and Lmda, came m a yellow sleeve, trumpet. Paul smgs lead on both titles.
wtth 'Wmgs" emblazoned upon 1t, while HI, HI, Hi was banned by the BBC,
the label featured ftve green shamrocks becoming the second Wmgs' smgle to be
on a white background. banned m a year, the reason on this
occas1on being the sexually suggestive
7 (40) MARY BAD A LITI'LE LAMB lyrics C Moon therefore became the
(3.29) main side for radio exposure. C Moon
(41) Ll"rl'LE WOMAN LOVE (2.05) was inspired by the 1965 hit by Sam The
Sham and The Pharaohs, Woolly Bully
By Wings
which mcludes a reference not to be "L7
Apple R 5949 - May 5, 1972 or "square": so Paul made up C Moon,
whiCh makes a cucle (the opposite of
square) As with the two previous Wmgs
singles of 1972, H1, Hi, HI dtd not feature
the Apple logo, but a plam red label,
matchmg the red sleeve.

9 (44) MY LOVE (4 OS)

(45) THE MESS (4 53)
By Paul McCartney and Wings
Apple R 5985- March 23, 1973
Paul's version of the nursery rhyme en-
tered the NMETop 30 on May 30, 1972, at Wings' fourth single, whlch entered the
No 28, nsmg to No. 6 on June 20, and NME chart on April 3, 1973, at No 26,
staying m the chart for nine weeks. peaked at No. 7 on May 1, and was liSted
Paul and Linda wrote Mary Had A m the chart for nme weeks. The smgle
Little Lamb because thetr daughter sold an estimated two mtlhon globally
Mary, hked heanng her name bemg My Love was recorded during the
sung. Theu children smg along on the sess1ons for the Red Rose Speedway
chorus, with Paul singing lead. The song album, which took place in March and
was recorded durmg early 1972. with October 1972. The song was written by
Henry McCullough playmg mandolin, Paul, who plays electric p1ano. and smgs
and Linda on piano. Little Woman Love, lead vocals. with Lmda and Denny Lame
written by Paul and Linda, features Paul supplymg backing vocals. Denny Lame
smgmg lead and m places, Lmda joms m also plays bass, whlle Henry plays
The smgle was released m a picture electnc guttar and Denny Se1well drums
sleeve With matchmg picture labels, and The Mess ts a hve recordmg made on
note the catalogue number, R 5949 - August 21, at the Congresgebouw, The
exactly one thousand htgher than the Hague, Holland, during Wings' July-
Beatles first Parlophone smgle Love Me August 1972 tour of Europe, when they
Do (R 4949). played twenty-seven concerts m ten
countries. During the tour, Wings played
8 (42) Bl, Bl, Bl (3 06) the followmg numbers· Bip Bop, Smile
(43) C MOON (4 31) Away, 1881, I Would Only Smile. GIVe
Ireland Back To The Insh, Blue Moon Of
By Wings Kentucky, The Mess, Best Fnends, Soily, I
Am Your Smger. Seaside Woman. Henry's
Apple R 5973 - December 1, 1972 Blues. Say You Don't Mmd W1ld L1fe.
Mary Had A LJttle Lamb, My Love,
The third and last Wings smgle of 1972
Maybe J'm Amazed, HI, HI, Hi and Long
entered the NME charts on December 12
Tall Sally Several of these tJ.tles were
at No. 20, rJSing to No. 3 on January I 6,
1973, and sta]'lng m the charts for ten never recorded by Wmgs m the studto
weeks. although a later hve verSIOn of So1ly was
The smgle, produced by Paul, was released on the "Wings Over Amenca"
recorded m the latter half of October tnple set The smgle was not released m
1972, at Morgan Stud1os. London, with the a p1cture sleeve, but clid have a special
Wings Mark Two line-up of Paul, Lmda, "Red Rose Speedway" label.
Denny Lame, Henry McCullough and
Denny Se1well all pla]'lTig their usual
mstruments on HI, HI, H1; although on C
Moon Paul played ptano, Henry/drums,

64 Working Class Heroes

50 SINGLE PIGEON ( 1 52)
By Paul McCartney and Wmgs
51 WHEN THE NIGHT (3 16)
Apple PCTC 251 - May 3, 1973
52 LOUP (1st INDIAN ON THE MOON) (4 23)
MEDLEY (1 1 16)
53 HOLD ME TIGHT 2 23)
54 LAZY DYNAMlTE (2 49)
55 HANDS OF LOVE (213)
56 POWER CUT '351)
All composlttons on the album are
credited to "McCartney". The first two
lmes of B1g Barn Bed were ongmally used
at the end of the repnse of Ram On on
Paul and Lmda s Ram album although thlS
IS a dlfferent recordmg, featunng Paul's
lead vocal. bass and ptano, wtth Lmda.
Denny (Lame) and Henry supplying
The second Wmgs album perfonned backing vocals and Denny Lame/acoustic
decidedly better m the charts than the gwtar, Henry. electnc gwtar and Denny
frrst, entenng at No. 17 on May 8. 1973, Set well/drums.
nsmg to No 4 twice, on May 22 and June Get On The R1ght Thing was probably
4 and staymg m the charts for fourteen an out take from the 'Ram album
weeks sessions, as 1t features Oave Spmozza
The album. produced by Paul, was on electnc gwtar, whtle Paul plays
recorded m March and October 1972, at bass, ptano, electnc gwtar and smgs
Morgan Studtos, London With the Wmgs lead. Wlth Lmda as backing vocaliSt and
line-up of Paul Lmda, Denny Lame, Denny Setwell on drums
Henry McCullough and Denny Setwell Little Lamb Dragonfly was tnsptred by
The album htle was msptred by Paul's the death of one of Paul's sheep on hlS
housekeeper, Rose, and the album was Scotllsh farm, and features Paullbass and
ongmally mtended to be a double. The lead vocal. Lmdalclingers and backmg
credit change from 'Wmgs" to "Paul vocal. Denny Setwellldrums, percussion
McCartney & Wmgs" was due to the poor and backing vocal. Denny Lamelbackmg
sales of the earher album, Wild L1fe, vocal; plus Hugh McCrackerv'electnc
whtch 1t was thought mtght have suffered guitar - which suggests tt may be an-
because the pubhc was unaware that 11 other recordmg left over from the "Ram"
was a McCartney album sessions
The gatefold sleeve featured a cover One More Klss features Paul smgmg
photograph of Paul taken by Lmda. who solo and playmg acoustic gwtar, while
also supplied many of the photographs other supportmg instrumentation mcludes
contamed m the twelve page booklet Lmda·electnc harpsichord. Denny Lame!
tnsert. whtch mcluded hve pictures of bass. Henry/electnc guitar, and Denny
Wmgs, taken by Captam Snap(?). The full Setwell!drurns Vocals on Smgle Plgeon
colour booklet also included pamtmgs are by Paul and Lmda; with Paul playmg
and drawmgs by Alan ]ones And Eduard ptano, Henry/acoustlc guitar, and the two
Paolozzi who taught Stuart Sutchlfe m Dennys swttchmg roles Se1well playmg
Hamburg. On the back cover of the bass, and Lame/drums
album m the top left-hand corner, there 1s When The Night features a lead vocal
a bratlle message to Stevte Wonder, and pianO by Paul, wtth the rest of Wmgs
whtch reads We Love You supplymg hannomes and the followtng
backmg Lmdafelectnc bass piano,
A SIDE Denny Lame and Henry/acoustic guitars,
46 BIG BARN BED (3 49) and Denny Setwell/drums
The neo·mstrumental Loup (1st Jnd1an
44a MY LOVE 4 ., On The Moon) features all five Wmgs
47 GET ON THE RJGHT THING l4 16) chantmg to a backing conslStrng of PauV
bass, gwt;u and Moog Lmda' organ.
48 ONE MORE KISS (2 28) Denny L and Henry/electnc gwtars, and
49 LITTLE LAMB DRAGONFLY (6 19) Oenny Sldrurns The eleven mmute med-

Paul McCartney UK 67
ley features Hold Me T1ght (not the Beatle as Albert "Chubby" Broccoll and Harry
song, by the way) w1th Paul/vocals, p1ano Saltzman, the film producers, were im-
and bass; Linda, Henry and the Dennysl pressed by George's orchestration
backing vocals; Denny L and Henry/ Martin composed twelve numbers for the
electnc gwtars; and Denny &'drums; Lazy film. wluch were performed by an or-
Dynarrute featuring Paul/p1ano, bass, vocal chestra under hiS direction.
and Mellotron; Henry/electric guitar, and
Denny Llharmonica; Hancis Of Love w1th
PauVacoustic guitar and vocals; Lmdal
vocals, Denny Llelectnc gwtar; Henry/ ASIDE
percuss1on, and Denny &'drums and per- 57a LNE AND LET DIE (3. 10)
cuss1on; and finally Po wer Cut m wh1ch By Paul McCartney and Wings
the nffs from the three preVlous songs are
repeated features: Paullpiano, celeste,
Mellotron and vocals; Lindalelectric NEW SECOND LINE (Milton Batiste)
p.ano; Denny L and Henry/electnc gwtars By Harold A . "Duke" Dejan & The
and vocals; and Denny &'drums. Olympia Brass Band
11 (57) LIVE AND LET DIE (3 09)

By Wings SNAKES ALNE (Martin)

Apple R 5987 - June 1, 1973
Live And Let Die, Paul's theme tune for SAN MONIQUE (Martin)
the eighth James Bond film, entered the
NME chart on June 17, 1973, at No. 28,
nsmg to No. 7 on July 10. It was m the
charts for nine weeks, and sold over BSIDE
250.000 m Bntam, becommg the most
successful Bond theme up to that t1me. FILLET OF SOUL - NEW ORLEANS
The film company approached Paul to (Martin)
wnte the song for another artist to smg m LIVE AND LET DIE
the film, but Paul only agreed to compose By Brenda J. Amau
the song as long as Wmgs could perform
It After Paul had composed the song
George Martin scored it for orchestra and BOND DROPS IN (Martin)
also produced the recording, which took IF HE FINDS IT, KILL HIM (Martin)
place m October 1972, using the Wmgs
Mark Two line-up TRESPASSERS WILL BE EATEN .(Martin)
The "8" side, written by Paul features SOLITAIRE GETS HER CARDS (Martin)
Denny Lame smgmg lead for the first and
only time on a Wmgs smgle. SACRIFICE (Martin)
Original Soundtrack

Umted Artlsts UAS 29475 -July 6, 1973 12 (59) BELEN WHEELS (3 44)
The soundtrack to the e1ghth James Bond (60) COUNTRY DREAMER (3 07)
film, LIVe And Let D1e. starnng Roger
Moore. Yaphet Kotto and Jane Seymour, By Paul McCartney and Wings
featured two vers1ons of the title song,
wntten by Paul and Lmda: one vers1on by Apple R 5993 - October 26. 1973
Paul McCartney and Wmgs, wh1ch IS Helen Wheels entered the NME Top 30
heard over the opemng credits, and the on November 6, 1973 at No 26, and
second version by Brenda J Arnau. stayed m the chart for only stx w eeks.
After he had produced the LJVe And Let
nsmg to 1ts highest pomhon of No. 12 on
D1e title song for Paul, George M artm was
November 27.
asked to compose the score for the film,

68 Working Class Heroes

To all the people who h£'1ped creah::, maktJ, promote and sell
BAND ON THE RUN, and ro all vou people who bought the album,
and made 11 Number OnE> in tlre U.K.
Thanks from Pa~l.ltinda dnd Denny.
At the end of July 1973, Wmgs Mark and August 12 thus makmg a total of
Two came to an end; Denny Setwell and seventy-three weeks (or nearly a year
Henry McCullough qUit the group. thus and a half) on the charts.
leavtng JUSt Paul Lmda and Denny Lame By August 1974 the album had sold r.vo
to travel to Lagos. Ntgena. to record new and a half mtlhon cop1es world -wtde and
matenal He/en Wheels was recorded by by the end of 1974 SlX mtlhon world-
the now depleted Wmgs lme-up m Sep- Wide. lt was the best-selhng album tn
tember 1973, Wlth Paul producmg He/en Bntam for 1974, and to date ranks as the
Wheels JS the "name' of Paul's Land seventh best-sellmg album of the sev-
Rover and the song tells the story of a tnp enties m the UK it was topped by
from Paul's Scoltlsh farm down to London I Bndge Over Troubled Water!Stmon
m the vehtcle. The ''B" stde, Country and Garfunkel.
Dreamer, was recorded m October 1972 2 Dark S1de Of The Moon!Pmk Floyd,
wtth the Wmgs Mark Two lme-up of Paul, 3. Tubular Bells!Mtke Oldfteld;
Lmda. Henry and the two Dennys The 4 20 Golden Greats/The Beach Boys,
smgle dtd not appear m a ptcture cover, 5 Sunon And Garfunkel's Greatest Hits
but was available m the yellow 'Wmgs" 6 ElVJS' 40 Greatest
cover. As noted above, Wlth the departure of
Denny Setwell and Henry McCullough,
13 BAND ON THE RUN Wmgs were down to a tno, and Paul,
Lmda and Denny Lame travelled to Lagos,
Ntgena. to record new matenal. The
By Paul McCartney and Wmgs sesstons took place m Gmger Baker's
ARC Studtos and EMI StudiOS both m
Apple PAS 10007 November 30, 1973 Lagos, Paul played gwtar, bass, drums
and synthestzers and sang lead vocals;
Lmdalkeyboards and percusston; and
Denny/gwtar wtth Lmda and Denny
supplymg backmg vocals Further
recordmgs took place at Tndent Studios
m London, and the orchestral backmg -
arranged by 'T'ony VJScontt - was added
at AIR Studios, London. The recordmgs
were produced by Paul and engmeered
by Geoff Emenck, With most of the
sesstons taking place m September 1973
The album front cover features a sWI
taken from a short movte of a group of
celebntles actmg out a pnson escape
(the band on the run), and was used by
Wmgs on tour as a backdrop when
perforrrung the utle track The SIX cel-
Band On The Run remamed m the NME ebnties, chosen by Paul, are. Mtchael
Top 30 album charts for a staggenng Parkinson UournaliSt and TV intervtewer)
seventy-three weeks, bemg m the Top 10 on the left, Kenny Lynch (smger) directly
for forty·slX weeks It entered the charts behmd Paul James Coburn (actor)
on December 11 1973. at No. 23. hover- standmg at the back. Clement Freud
mg m the Top 5 f01 etght weeks untll (Member of Parliament and TV person-
March 26, w hen 11 reached No. 2, due ahty), Chnstopher Lee (actor) behmd
perhaps to the release of jet as a smgle. Lmda. and John Conteh (boxer) standmg
whtch had reached No 6 m the smgles behmd a kneelmg Denny Lame. The
charts 'fhe album had dropped to No 8 sleeve was destgned by Cordon House
by June 11 but, after the release of the and Storm Thorgerson of HtpgnosJS. and
tttle track as a smgle, the album went to mcluded a poster of polarOid photo-
No I on July 9, staymg there for ten graphs by Lmda
consecutive weeks, after wh1ch ll was
diSlodged by Mtke Oldfield's Hergest ASiDE
Ridge On Apnl IS 1975. the album
61 BAND ON THE RUN (5 08)
dropped out of the Top 30 after spendmg
SIXty· mne consecuuve weeks m the chart, 62 JET (4 05)
but eleven weeks later, on June 30, tl 63 BLUEBIRD (3 19)
returned at No 28 for two weeks, and
returned agam for smgle weeks on July 22 64 MRS. VANDEBILT (4.35)

Paul McCanney UK 71
65 LET ME ROLL IT (4.45) 15 (&la) BAND ON THE RUN (5 08)
BSIDE (70) ZOO GANG (I 56)
66 MAMUN1A (4.50) By Paul McCartney and Wings
67 NO WORDS (2.31) Apple R 5997- ]une 28. 1974
68 PICASSO'S LAST WORDS (DRINK TO W1th the album Band On The Run sllll
ME) (5.44) m the charts, pubhc demand forced
69 NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY the release of another song from the
FIVE (5.25) (Including "Band On The Run" album as a smgle. tlu.s tiiTie the lltle track
reprise - 0.14) Band On The Run entered the Top 30 on
July 2 at No. 23, and rose to No 3 twice, on
Band On The Run was msprred by a July 23 and two weeks later on August 6,
remark George Harrison made at an droppmg to No. 4 m the mtenm. It stayed
Apple meeting: "If we ever get out of in the charts for e:~ght weeks, becoming
here," with reference to the fact that Wings' top-selling smgle to date, with an
everybody is a pnsoner m some way. jet estimated global sale of two m11lion.
was inspired by Paul's Iabrador puppy of The "B" side, Zoo Gang, was written by
the same name and, as with all but one Paul for the television senal of the same
track on the album, features Paul smging name; the smgle was not released in a
lead. jet also features saxophone played picture cover, appearing in the "Wings"
by Howie Casey, who is also showcased sleeve.
with a saxophone solo on Bluebird, re-
corded at AIR Stuctios Wlth Remi Kabaka WALKING IN THE PARK WITH
playmg percussion. ELOISE (3 06)
All songs on the album are credited to BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER SUITE
McCartney, except No Words, a (3 08) .
McCartney!Lame compoSition, which
Denny, Paul and Lmda smg in unison. By The Country Hams
Picasso's Last Words was wntten at the
request of Dustm Hoffman; Paul and Lmda EMl EMJ 2220- October 18. 1974
were on holiday m jama1ca. where they (Re-released March 3, 1982)
were staymg m Montego Bay, and they
heard that Dustm Hoffman and Steve
McQueen were filmmg Papillon along the
coast. Paul and Lmda invited Dustm and
lu.s wife to dmner, dunng wh1ch Dustin
and Paul were talkmg about song wntmg.
Dustm wanted to see Paul compose a
song and suggested he use Picasso's last
words before he d1ed: "Drink to me, dnnk
to my health, you know I can't drink
alone." When Paul was recording the
song in Lagos, the percuss1ve sounds During the spring of 1974 guitarist Jimmy
during the final "Ho hey ho" fade-out were McCulloch joined Wmgs, with Geoff
achieved w1th tin cans filled Wlth gravel Bntton auditioning for the drummer's job,
shaken by Gmger Baker and friends. and beating over fifty other applicants. By
May 1974, Wmgs were back to full
strength, and flew to Nashville, USA
14 (62a) JET (4 04) .
recordmg there for seven weeks m June
(65a) LET ME ROLL IT (4 44)
and July Durmg the sess1ons Paul
By Paul McCartney and Wings recorded Walking in The Park With
EloJSe, which his father, James McCartney,
Apple R 5996- February 18, 1974
had wntten many years before The
W1th the release of ]et as a smgle, the recordmg features Chet Atlans on electnc
Band On The Run album Jumped back up gwtar and floyd Cramer on p1ano, along
the charts to the No 2 pos1llon. the smgle with the Wmgs Mark four lme-up of Paul
entenng the Top 30 on February 19, 1974, (playmg bass and washboard), Lmda,
at No. 29, peaking at No. 6 for two weeks Denny, ]IITiffiY McCulloch and Geoff Bnt-
on March 19, and staymg m the charts for ton. The second Side was written by Paul
e1ght weeks. The smgle d1d not appear m and Lmda, and was also recorded durmg
Bntam m a picture sleeve, and the label the Nashville sess1ons, both tracks bemg
featured the usual "Apple" logos. produced by Paul.

72 Working Class Heroes


\_.\1 ~ I'! (~ s
R6()08 •
As the smgle was not credtted to thiS release was the last McCartney and
Wmgs, very few people reahsed 1t was a Wmgs smgle to feature the Apple label.
McCartney record, 1t d1d not enter the
charts and was soon deleted After Paul 18 (73) LISTEN TO WHAT THE MAN SAID
had listed the song as one of his cho1ces (3 54)
for hlS "Desert Island DiSC" selection on (74) LOVE IN SONG (3 01)
BBC Rad10, EMl re-released the smgle on
By Wings
March 3, 1982, m a sumlar picture sleeve
to the ongmal release, although neither Cap1to1 R 6006- May 16, 1975
sleeves nor records are Identical to the
uunal release The ongmal smgle was on
the red and brown "EM!' label wh1le the
re-release features the cream label With
the small "EMI" boxed logo.

16 (71) JUNIOR'S FARM (4 18)

(72) SALLY G (3 37)
By Paul McCartney and Wmgs
Apple R 5999- October 25, 1974
L1sten To What The Man Sa1d, credited
Although Band On The Run was sttll h1gh merely to Wmgs, entered the NME Top
m the Top 10 album charts. Paul was not 30
tempted to ltft another track from 1t as a on May 27, 1975, at No. 30, nsmg to 1ts
smgle, but mstead released a completely peak position, No. 6, on June 24, and
new smgle ]umor's Farm, which entered staymg for e1ght weeks m the charts. The
the Top 30 on November 12 1974, at No song was recorded after Geoff Bntton had
21, rlSmg to No. 16 by December 3. and qUJt the group to be replaced by
staymg m the charts for five weeks. Amencan sess1on drummer Joe English
Both songs. produced and wntten by The sesston took place durmg February
Paul, were recorded m Nashville 1975 m New OrlearlS, and also features
between June and Jul y 1974, With Paul. Tom Scott on saxophone and Dave Mason
Lmda, Denny, ]1mmy and Geoff (ex Traffic) on gwtar Love In Song was
performmg on ]umor's Farm and bemg recorded With the Wmgs Mark Four line-
JOined by Chet Atlonslelectnc gwtar, and up, With Geoff Bntton on drurrlS Both
Floyd Cramer/piano, for Sally G tracks, whtch appeared later on the
]un1or's Farm was wntten m Nashville, Venus And Mars album, were wntten and
while the McCartneys were staymg on produced by Paul
Jumor Putnarn s farm. while Sally G refers The smgle appeared m a picture
to a country smger whom Paul met m sleeve, wh1le the label featured the
Termessee Both songs feature Paul smg- ''Capitol' logo which Paul was still
mg lead contnvmg to use although, as With all
Beatle and solo Beatle recordmgs at thlS
lime, tt was still theoretically on the
17 (72a) SALLY G (3 37)
Parlophone label (note the Parlophone
(71a) JUNIOR'S FARM (4 18)
catalogue number) But it lS the first
By Paul McCartney and Wmgs record by one of the Beatles not to
contam the legend ·An Apple Record",
Apple R 5999- February 7. 1975
and the first Wmgs' smgle to mclude the
As Wmgs were busy recordmg m New "MPL" (McCartney Productions Ltd.)
Orleans durmg January and February logo
1975, Paul decided to ftll the gap by
fhppmg the ]umor's Farm smgle, makmg 19 VENUS AND MARS
Sally G the "A" stde, to exploit the extra
sales from the song whtch he thought By Wmgs
many people m1ght not have heard The Cap1tol PCTC 254 · May 30, 1975
tdea did not prove frullful m Bntam -
the smgle d1d not enter the charts - and Venus And Mars entered the NME album
one wonders why it was necessary, as chans on June 10, 1975, at No 8. and three
Wmgs had been recordmg on and off weeks later on July l , held lhe No I spot.
smce June 1974 m Nashville, London and where 11 stayed for siX weeks, bemg
New OrlearlS Ne1ther release of the eventually diSlodged by The Best Of The
smgle appeared m a picture sleeve, and StylJStJcs It remamed m the chans for a

Paul McCartney UK 75
75 VENUS AND MARS (1.18)
76 ROCK SHOW (6.52)
74a LOVE IN SONG (3 02)
79 LETTING GO (4 31)
82 MEDICINE JAR (3.34)
total of twenty-two weeks.
Recordmg sess1ons for the album took 73a LISTEN TO WHAT THE MAN SAID (4 01)
place between January and April 1975, 84 TREAT HER GENTLYI
firstly at the Sea Samt Studios in New
Orleans, where Geoff Bntton qmt the 85 LONELY OLD PEOPLE (4 20)
group to be replaced by Joe English, and 86 CROSSROADS THEME (0.59)
later at Wally He1der Studios in Los
Angeles. Pnor to these sess10ns, Wmgs All compositions, except Medicme jar
Mark Four had been recording for seven and Crossroads Theme, are credited to
weeks m June and July 1974 at Sound McCartney, and feature Paul smgmg
Shop Studios in Nashville, and m London lead. Many supposed that Venus And
dunng November 1974, but whether any Mars referred to Lmda and Paul, who
of these sess1ons ended up as tracks on derued this. stanng that the song is about
Venus And Mars is not poss1ble to deter- an 1magmary Enend whose grrlfnend IS an
mine. The sessions were produced by astrologer.
Paul With engineering duties taken by Rock Show was written speclfically as
Alan O'Duffy and the fruthful Geoff the opemng number for Wmgs World
Emerick Tour of 1975-6, and mentions three
The majority of the album was concert venues; "Concert Gebouw" m
recorded WJth the Wmgs Mark F1ve !me- Amsterdam, Holland (where Wmgs
up of PauVlead vocals, gmtar and bass performed on August 20, 1972, dunng
Lmda/piano, synthesizers, backmg vo- their frrst European Tour), MadiSOn
cals; Denny Lame/guitar, bass, backing Square Garden, New York (where Wings
vocals; j1mmy McCulloch/gu1tar, backmg later performed on May 24 & 25, 1976),
vocals, and Joe Enghsh/drurns, plus the and the Hollywood Bowl Los Angeles
addition of guest mus1c1ans on certam (Wings never performed here, but the
tracks (see below). Beatles did on August 23, 1964, and
The album was packaged m a very August 29 & 30, 1965) The track features
elaborate sleeve, which won "Album Allen Toussa1nt on piano and congas
Cover Of The Year" for 1975 from Music suoolled by Afro.
Week The package - a gatefold sleeve, Love in Song, Lettmg Go and Medicme
containmg two posters and a "Venus And jar feature Geoff Bntton on drums, and
Mars Are Alright Tomght" planet shcker were probably recorded in London w1th
- was put together by H1pgnosis and Geoff Emerick engineering. Magneto
George Hardie The front cover photo- And T1tamum Man was inspired by
graph was taken by Lmda. while the Marvel comJCS characters, and Medicme
centre spread of Wmgs was shot by Po jar wntten by Jrrnmy McCulloch and
(Aubrey Powell) of H1pgnos1s m a desert Colin Alien, features Junrny smging lead,
m North Califorma. George Hardle pro· thus being one of the few Wmgs album
v1ded the graph1cs for the cover and the numbers not to feature e1ther Paul or
mner sleeve des1gn. As With the smgle Lmda on lead vocals. The album closes
from the album, Venus And Mars is on the With Paul's interpretation of the "Cross-
Capitol label and was the f1rst "Beatle" roads Theme", from the long-runnmg
album not to feature the Apple label. and soap opera on Independent TeleviSIOn.
the first album to contaJIJ the "MPL' logo Although Paul was cnt1c1zed for usmg the
tune on a rock album, ills answer was that
the mood of the music fitted m w1th the

76 Working Class Heroes

theme of the album The Wmgs' verston
of the tune, composed by Tony Hatch,
replaced the ongmal verston on the
programme for some tune, but was later
20 (79a) LETI'ING GO (3 28)
(2 10)

By Wmgs

CapJto1 R 6008- September 5, 1975

To try to boost sales of the album, Lettmg

Go was hfted from Venus And Mars as
Wmgs' second smgle of 1975. but dtd not
figure m the NME Top 30, although tt did tlurty weeks, bemg the fourth best-sellmg
enter the BMRB Top 50 for three weeks, album m the UK for 1976.
nsmg to No. 41 Tracks for the album, the second
Lettmg Go features the Mark Pour featurmg Wmgs Mark Ftve, (Paul, Lmda,
Wmgs lme-up of Paul, Lmda, Denny, Denny, Jrrnmy and ]oe). were recorded at
junmy and Geoff Bntton. wlule You Gave Abbey Road Studlos durmg January and
Me The Answer features joe Enghsh on February 1976, w11h Paul producmg and
drums Pete Henderson engmeenng On several
tracks on the album, the usual Wmgs lme-
21 (7516a) VENUS AND MJUtSIROCK up was augmented by the addttJon of a
SBOW (341) horn sectton, featurmg Tony Dorsey
(78a) MAGNETO AND TITANIUM Thaddeus Richard. Steve Howard and
MAN (313) HoWie Casey.
By Wmgs For the first tune smce W1/d LJfe. a
lync sheet was not mcluded wtth a Wmgs
Cap1101 R 6010- November 28, 1975 album, and the whole package seemed
rather mediocre compared to prev1ous
By the begmrung of November 1975, efforts. The album sleeve was des1gned
Venus And Mars had dropped out of the by Htpgnos1S and George Hardte. With
album Top 30. but thiS release fatled back cover photographs of the band by
etther to enter the charts 1tself, or to Chve Arrowsmtth Lrnda provtded label
further boost sales of the album and mner sleeve photographs, whtle the
The medley of Venus And MarSIRock mner sleeve also contarned a concert
Show 1S an edited verston. With Rock ptcture of Wmgs taken by Robert Ellis,
Show bemg abbrevtated by over four wluch 1S surrotinded by a penctl and
rrunutes. As With the preVlous smgle. 1t crayon drawmg by Humphrey Ocean,
dtd not appear m a ptcture sleeve shoWing Ian Dury and The Ktlburns A
book, JOmUy publiShed by MPL and
22 WINGS AT TBE SPEED OF SOUND Plexus, featurmg sketches. made by
By Wmgs Humphrey Ocean. of Wmgs' 1976 Tour
of Amenca. was publiShed m 1983
Par1ophone PAS 10010 - March 26. 1976 Wtth thiS album. Wmgs dropped the
Capttol logo. The record contamed no
Wmgs At The Speed Of Sound entered nollceable label credit, although the
the NME album charts on April 10. 1976, catalogue number 1S that of Parlophone
at No 8 and rose to No 2 on Apnl 24 (the
No I postllon bemg held by Rock Fo1lles),
before droppmg down and returmng to A SIDE
No 2 on May 22 (wtth Greatest Fflts by 87 LET 'EM IN (5 06)
Abba at No. I) It was at No. 3 for the
followmg three weeks, and returned to
No 2 for two weeks on June 26 (Abba sttll 89 SHE'S MY BABY (3 07)
holdmg the No I poslllon wtuch 1t dtd for 90 BEWARE MY LOVE (624)
etght weeks). The album dropped out of
the Top 10 for four weeks dunng July and 91 WINO JUNKO (5.16)
August, but returned (probably due to the BSIDE
boost from the release of Let Em In as a
smgle). The album was m the charts for 92 SILLY LOVE SONGS '551)
Paul McCartney UK 77
September 4 where 1t remained for three
93 COOK OF THE HOUSE (2.36) weeks. bemg kept from the No. 1 pos1t1on
94 TIME TO HIDE (4.49) firstly by Don't Go Breaking My Heart by
Elton John and K1lo Dee and then by
Abba's Dancmg Queen (wluch held the
96 SAN FERRY ANNE (2.03) No. 1 pos1t1on for five weeks). The smgle
WARM AND BEAUTIFUL (3. 09) stayed m the charts for ten weeks.
For the first time on a Wmgs album, Paul · ZS WINGS OVER AMERICA
destgnated a song for each member of
the group to sing, with Denny smgmg By Wings
Paul's composition, The Note You Parlophone PCSP 720 - December 10,
Never Wrote. plus hiS own Tlme To Hide; 1976
]unmy smgs lus own compos1tton (wlth
Cohn Alien) of Wmo ]unko wh1ch. like
Medicme jar on the preVlous album,
refers to drug taking. Lmda and ]oe are
both gJVen McCartney compositions m
Cook Of The House and Must Do Some-
thing About It respectlvely. Paul smgs
lead on the remairung songs, with the
opening number, Let 'Em In, haVlng many
references to a<;tual people, mcludmg
SISter SUZie, Brother Jolm (Lennon), Martin
Luther (King). Phil and Don (Everly),
Brother Mlchael (McGear), Uncle Errue
and Auntle Gm (Paul's relallves). Let 'Em
In was later covered by Btlly Paul. be-
corrung the first Wings' cover version to
enter the charts, which '1t dJ.d on May 7,
1977. at No. 29, rising to No. 22, and Wings' first live album, and the third
staying in the charts for three weeks. Billy triple set to be released by an ex-Beatle,
Paul's biggest hit was his f1rst, Me And entered the NME Top 30 on January 8,
Mrs ]ones, in 1973. 1977. at No. 21, rising to No. 8 for two
weeks from February 5. and sta}'lng m
Z3 (9Za) SILLY LOVE SONGS (5 52)
the charts for twelve weeks.
(93a) COOK OF THE HOUSE (2 36) The tlurty songs mcluded on tlus triple
By Wings set constituted Wings' complete live set
as performed on the most comprehensive
Parlophone R 6014 - Apn130, 1976 world tour ever undertaken up to that
point m the hiStory of rock mus1c. The
Silly Love Songs entered the NME charts World Tour consisted of five subsid1ary
on May 22, 1976, at No. 15, and on June 19 tours: their third British tour, wluch ran
was No. 1 to become Wmgs' first chart
from September 9 to 23, 1975 (thirteen
topper. The single stayed in the chart for
dates); an Australian tour from November
nme weeks. In the BMRB chart, the smgle
1 to 14, 1975 (nme dates); a short European
peaked at No. 2, being topped by the
tour. March 20 to 26 (five dates); a
Wurzels' Combine Harvester The smgle
mammoth Amencan tour from May 3 to
was not released in a picture sleeve and
June 23, 1976 (tlurty dates); a second short
contamed a similar Wmgs At The Speed
European tour from September 19 to 27
or Sound label, as found on the album. (four dates) and finJShmg Wlth three dates
at Wembley Arena, London, on October
Z4 (87a) LET 'EM IN (5 08) 19 to 21, 1976. Although the concerts were
(90a) BEWARE MY LOVE (5 59) bastcally the same throughout, shght vari-
By Wings ations occurred m terms of order of songs
and the om1ss1on and addiuon of some
Parlophone R 6015 -July 23, 1976 songs
Some of the statiStics for the tour
With Wmgs At The Speed or Sound
are mmd-bogglmg twelve and a half tons
droppmg down the charts, another track
was Wted as a smgle, becorrung the of eqwpment transported m three arttcu-
second smash !ut m Bntam from the lated trucks, atr freight costs from London
to Amenca were over $13,000, a specially
album. entering the charts on August 7,
1976, at No 30, and rismg to No. 2 on chartered BAC one-eleven plane. em-

78 Working Class Heroes


- -CIW
blazoned w1th the tour motto "Wmgs Over 113 BLACKBIRD (2 23)
Amenca", to transport group members, a 114 YESTERDAY ( 1 43)
battery of Instruments mcludmg thirty
seven gwtars and SIX keyboards. and a RECORD TWO 8 SIDE
total of sucty·four concerts played m ten 115 YOU GAVE ME THE ANSWER (I 47)
countnes to an esttmated audtence of two
m1llion 116 MAGNETO AND TITANIUM MAN (311)
All th1rty dates on the Amencan Tour 117 GO NOW 3zr)
were recorded gtvmg a total of mnety
hours of tape, Paul and Wmgs llstened to 118 MY LOVE (4 "7)
these durmg October and November 119 LISTEN TO WHAT THE MAN SAID (3 18)
1976 at Abbey Road Studios m London
After the f1ve best versions of each song
had been establiShed McCartney spent 120 LET 'EM IN (4 02)
siX weeks selectmg, moong and producmg 121 TIME TO HIDE (4 46)
the album, wh1ch had ongmally been
planned for November 1976 release. but 122 SILLY LOVE SONGS (5 46)
had to be delayed until December 123 BEWARE MY LOVE (4 49)
The sleeve design was a JOint effort
between MPL and HJpgnosis, WJth the RECORD THREE 8 SIDE
outer cover pamtmg by R1chard Mannmg, 124 LETTING GO (4 25)
and the mner spread by Jeff Cummms.
125 BAND ON THE RUN (5 03)
The cover pamtmg of an aeroplane door
openmg was a symbohc representation of 126 HI, HI, HI (2 57)
McCartney arnvmg m Amenca to play a
127 SOILY (S 10)
gJg, the door opemng (or curtam nsmg)
WJth the light (or music) strearrung out Of the thuty numbers featured on the
The 1dea was conunued onto the mner album. mne were from Venus And Mars
sleeves, wh1ch depicts the door gradually five from Band On The Run four from
openmg from the front of the tust sleeve Wmgs At The Speed Of Sound and one
to the back of the thud sleeve, WJth each from Red Rose Speedvtay and
spectographs shoWJng the amount of ilght McCartney, plus two smgles and e1ght
emitted The SIX d1fienng labels. au- numbers prevtously never recorded by
brushed by Rtchard Evans show aero- Wmgs. The e1ght new numbers mcluded
plane control panel tnstrumen!S. The five Beatle songs wh1ch McCanney m-
album was completed WJth a poster con- eluded dunng the concerts to pleas!':! the
tammg photogrr~phs by Robert Elhs. far!S who were contmually shoutmg for
RECORD ONE A SIDE numbers by h1s old group. On preVJous
tours he had refused to play any, for fear
98 VENUS AND MARS (I 20) of cnhc!Sm from reviewers that he was
99 ROCK SHOW (4 30) relymg on past glones to make h1s new
group a success All f1ve Beatle songs are
100 JET (5 25) credJted to "McCartney-Lennon" on the
101 LET ME ROLL IT (3 40) record labels, and not the ongmal
102 SPIRITS OF ANCIENT EGYPT (3 59) ''Lennon-McCartney"
The album features Wmgs Mark Five,
103 MEDICINE JAR (~57) WJth a basic mstrumental hne·up of Paul'
RECORD ONL 8 SIDE bass gwtar plilno and acoustic gUitar,
Lmda/keyboards, Denny/electnc gUitar
104 MAYBE rM AMAZED (510) acoustic g~utar, pmno bass gmtar snare
105 CALL ME BACK AGAIN (5 04) drum and gob 1ron (harmomca) }1mmy/
electnc gultar acoustiC gultar and bass
106 LADY MADONNA (219) gwtar, and Joe/drwns, w1th the horn sec-
107 THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD (413) non of Tony Oorsey/ trombone Hovne
Casey/saxophone Steve Hov.·ard/trumpet
108 LIVE AND LET DIE (3 07) and flugelhorn and Thaddeus Richard
P~cnRD TWOA SIDE saxophone clarmet and flute The lead
vocals are handled mamly by Paul ex-
cept on Spmts Of Ancient Egypt featunng
110 RICHARD CORY (I 52) Paul and Denny Medicmc jar by ]1mmy
and Richard Gory Go Now and Time 7b
ll l BLUEBIRD ,..; --
H1de by Denny

Paul McCartney UK 81
The concerts opened Wlth the specially
written Venus And Mars/Rock Show
medley which was also segued mto ]et,
makmg 1t an eleven-minute opener. On
Maybe I'm Amazed Paul smgs from the
piano stool. and continues with Live And
Let Die. For the Picasso's Last Words!
Richard Gory medley throagh to Yester-
day, Paul, Denny and Jimmy play acoustic
gu1tars, seated stage centre, with Linda
ass1sttng all with vocal harmonies. On
Richard Gory, wntten by Paul Simon, and
featured on the Slffion and Garfunkel 1965
album Sounds Of Silence, Denny re-
wntes the lyrics to refer to a certam John
Paul plays piano on You Gave Me The An orchestral interpretation of Paul's Ram
Answer through to Let 'Em In. Denny album, it features an "orchestra leader",
sings Go Now, which he onginally re- Percy Thrillington, whom many people
corded m 1964 with The Moody Blues, speculated was actually McCartney. The
who took the song to No. 1 for two weeks. album was originally intended for release
m the UK, and to No. 10 m the US, giving m 1972, but was delayed. The orchestra
them an estimated global m1lhon seller. was arranged and conducted by Rlchard
The song was written by Larry Banks and Hewson. and recorded at EMI Abbey
Milton Bennett, and was ongmally re- Road Stud1os. The cover was des1gned
corded by Bessie Banks m Amenca in by H1pgnosis. with artwork by Jeff
1963. The final track on the album IS a Curnmms. and a fictit:J.ous sleeve note by
McCartney original, So1ly, performed by Clmt Harngan(?)
Wmgs m 1972 during therr first European Netther the above single nor the album
tour from July 9 to August 24 (from which enjoyed any chart success, both be-
the live version of The Mess, the "B" side coming highly prized collectors' llems.
of My Love, originated).
26 (104a) MAYBE I'M AMAZED (5 17)
(127a) SOILY (5 37) TOO MANY PEOPLE (4.29)
3 LEGS (3. 40)
By W ings
RAM ON (2. 48)
Parlophone R 6017- February 4, 1977
DEAR BOY (2.24)
Seven years too late, Maybe I'm Amazed UNCLE ALBERT/ ADMIRAL HALSEY
was released as a single, albeit the live
version from Wings Over Amenca, but it
could still only manage two chart weeks SMILE AWAY (4.39)
m the NME Top 30, entenng on March 5, BSIDE
1977. at No. 27, where it remamed for the
following week The single, not released HEART OF THE COUNTRY (2 28)
m a picture sleeve, was manufactured in MONKBERRY MOON DELIGHT (4.38)
West Germany, and features 'Wmgs
Over America" labels. EAT AT HOME (3.28)
(5 22) THE BACK SEAT OF MY CAR (4 02)
EAT AT HOME (3 28) (Untitled pi ano tune - 0. 48)
By Percy "Thrills" Thrillington
Regal Zonophone EMI 2594 - April 1977
The album starts with the sounds of an
orchestra warming up and talkmg. As
TBRILLINGTON well as a full orchestra, some numbers
By Percy "Thrills" Thrillington mclude drums. bass and p1ano. along
wtth a chorr singmg melodles The album
Regal Zonophone EMC 3175- Apnl29, finiShes wtth an uncredited p1ano tune

82 Working Class Her oes

song, Paul used the twenty-one bag-
27 (128) MULL OF KINTYRE (4 41) ptpers of the Campbelltown Ptpe Band,
(129) GIRLS SCHOOL (4 31) who were patd the standard mustctans'
umon rate for the sess1on McCartney
By Wings
eventually reaped the huge profits from
Capitol R 6018- November 11. 1977 the record Paul was later cnttCISed m the
press when the band complamed that
they had been underpatd and that the
huge success of the smgle was partly due
to the authentic ScottiSh sound supplied

by therr bagptpes McCartney later sent
.. each member of the band a cheque for
£200. By the time the smgle had been
, r• '• ~ released, both ]tmmy McCulloch and Joe
1\\ I Ul 1\I'<IHll EngliSh had left Wmgs 01mmy m
September and Joe m November 1977) so
1t IS difficult to say whether e1ther played
Wmgs' first double "A" ·Sided smgle en- on the sess1ons for the smgle, although
tered the NME Top 30 on November 26 at the promotional v1deo for the smgle
No. 11, and rose to No. I the followmg shown on teleVISion only showed Paul,
week, where 11 stayed for a total of e1ght Lmda and Denny and some p1pers.
chart weeks (nme actual weeks mcludmg Girls School was wntten by McCartney,
Chnstmas week ltself when no chart was and was ongmally called Love School,
comptled) By December 10, 1977, 11 had bemg tnsprred by newspaper adverts for
sold 500.000 coptes, thus tmtlally sellmg pornographic mov1es.
over 100,000 per week. By the followmg The smgle appears on the Cap1tol
week - December 17 - tt had passed label desplte a Parlophone catalogue
800,000, thus selling 300,000 m one week. number, and was ISSUed m a p1cture
and makmg 11 EMI s fastest sellmg smgle sleeve wtth photography by Graham
for 1977 Dunng the week of December Hughes and was produced by Paul
17, EMI pressed the one rrulhonth copy of
the smgle, whtch was purchased by 28 (130) WITH .A LITTLE LUCK (5 41)
Davtd Ackroyd one week before Chnst- (131-2) BACKWARDS TRAVELLER/
mas and on December 23, he was pre- CUFF LINK (3 07)
sented wtth a spectally pressed Gold
DISC After bemg at No I for SIX weeks. By Wings
on January 7, 1978, the smgle was ap- Parlophone R 6019- March 23, 1978
proachmg the 1.250,000 mark. and by
January 14 had sold over 1,667,000, thus The follow up to the btggest-selhng smgle
becommg the btggest ever sellmg smgle m the UK entered the NME charts on
m Bntam, toppmg the prevtous best of 1 6 Apnl8, 1978, at No 17 and rose to No 7
mtlhon by She Loves You At thiS pomt. for three weeks, on Apnl 13, staymg m
the smgle was sellmg 250,000 cop1es a the charts for seven weeks. The smgle
week, and had topped the two mllhon was McCartney's f1fth b1ggest-sellmg
mark by the end of January eventually smgle m Bntam up to 1982.
selling 2.5 mtlhon m Bntam W1th A LJttle Luck was recorded m the
The success of Mull Of Kmtyre did not Vrrgm Islands between May I and May
end m Bntam, as tt topped the charts m 31, 1977 by Wmgs Mark F1ve (Paul.
Holland Australia New Zealand, Bel91um Lmda, Denny, }1mmy and Joe) (See
and Germany, bemg a platmum diSc m London Town album ) The smgle features
Holland and becorrung Austraha's btggest- the London Town Tower Bndge labels,
sellmg smgln Although not a btg hll m and also a p1ece of run-out groove graffiti
Amenca the smgle has sull sold over stx - on the "A ' s1de "A NICK W CUT' wtth
million globally, maklng 11 the fourteenth merely NICK W on the •B s1de
all ume best-selhng smgle world·wtde
Paul started to compose Mull Of
Kmtyre m the summer of 1976. and
By Wings
completed 11 y,1th Denny Lame The lltle
of the song refers to the southern ttp of the Parlophone PAS 10012- March 3/ 1978
Scomsh pemnsular known as Kmtyre The
Mull IS about eleven mtles from Camp- Wmgs' seventh album London Town
belltown. the mi'lJOr town of Kmtyre, near entered the NME album chorts on Apnl8
to whtch IS Pauls farm To record the 1978 at No 13. peaked at No 4 for three

Paul McCa.rtney UK 83
and percussion; and Joe/vocals, drums,
percussion and harmonica. On the later
recordings at Abbey Road - after joe's
departure - Paul supplied the drums.
The working title of the album was
"Water Wings", but this was eventually
changed after the intensiVe recordmg
sessions in London. Paul, Linda and Denny
are credited with the cover design. col-
lage and photographs, Wlth assistance
from Aubrey Powell (Po) and George
Hardie of Hipgnosis. The labels feature
no record company credit, consisting of
photographs of Tower Bridge, and as can
be seen from the "!\'side run-out groove
graffiti, the album was "MASTERED BY
weeks on April 22, and spent ten weeks NICK W".
m the charts. ASIDE
Rehearsals for the songs on London
Town started in early 1977, with Wings 133 LONDON TOWN (4.07)
Mark Five, consisting of Paul, Linda, 134 CAFE ON THE LEIT BANK (3.24)
Denny, Jirnmy and Joe. The first re-
135 fM CARRYING (242)
cordmg sessions took place at EMI's
Abbey Road Studios, London, between 131a BACKWARDS TRAVELLER/
February 7 and March 31, 1977. The
132a CUFF LINK (3. 07)
second sessions for the album took place
between May 1 and May 31 on a motor 136 CHILDREN CHILDREN (2.20)
yacht called Fair Carol in the Virgin 137 GIRLFRIEND (4.39)
Islands. The Record Plant, New York,
installed a 24-track studio aboard the 138 I'VE HAD ENOUGH (2.59)
yacht, while three other yachts were BSIDE
hired as floating homes for the
McCartn~y family (their boat was 130a WITH A LITTLE LUCK (5.44)
named El Toro) and the rest of the 139 FAMOUS GROUPIES (3.34)
entourage, including other members of
Wings and their families (Sa.mala and 140 DELIVER YOUR CHILDREN (4.17)
Wanderlust). Nine tracks were recorded 141 NAME AND ADDRESS (3.07)
on the Fair Carol, but only seven were
used on the album, the remaining two
being left "in the can". 143 MOUSE MOOSE AND THE GREY GOOSE
On returning to Britain, Jirnmy Mc- (6.25)
Culloch left the group dunng September
1977, and on October 25 the four-piece Most of the fourteen songs on the album
Wings returned to Abbey Road Studios in were written by Paul, with five being jomt
London. During these recordings, which compositlons between Paul and Denny.
lasted until December 1, Joe English also Paul IS lead smger on most of the songs.
left the group, leaving Wings as a trio for Paul and Denny composed London Town
the second time. On December 3, Paul, partly in Perth, Australia, during the
Linda and Denny moved to AIR Studios Wings World Tour, and partly in Scotland
London (part owned by George Martin), and MeXlco; the track was recorded at
where they recorded until December 14. Abbey Road with the full Wtngs lme-up.
They then took a Christmas break until Cafe On The Left Bank, written solely
January 4, 1978, when they returned to by Paul, was the first number to be
Abbey Road Studios to record through to recorded in the Virgm Islands. Paul's I'm
January 23. Carrying, also recorded in the Virgin
The album was produced by Paul, with Islands, and in a single take, features Paul
Geoff Emenck engineering, and features pl aying the "giz!:no", an ir!Strurnent in-
the following instrurnentatJon: Paul/vocals, vented by ex lOCC members Kevm
bass, guitar, keyboards, drums, per- Godley and Lol Creme.
cussion, flageolet and recorder; Linda/ Backwards Traveller/ Cuff Link was re-
vocals, keyboards and percussion; corded in London after Jirnrny and ]oe
Denny/vocals, guitar, bass, flageolet, had left, and features Paul on drums.
recorder and percussion; Jirnmy/guitar Children CbJ.ldren, eo-written by Paul

84 Working Class Heroes

and Denny, was mspued by a waterfctll m me engraved on the "A' s1de run-out
Paul's garden and featur8s Denny pre- groove area
dommantly on lead vocals 1t too was
recorded m London 31 (133a) LONDON TOWN (4 08)
Paul composed Girlfnend for Mtchael {13Sa) I'M CAMYING (2 42)
Jac¥.son although Jac¥.son dtd not record By Wmgs
the song until 1979, when 11 was mcluded
on h!S monster h1t album, Off The ·wall Parlophone R 6021 -September 15, 1978
It was then later released as a smgle m
1980 when 1t reached No 30 for a smgle London Tovvn d1d not enter the NMETop
week on August 30 The song was com- 30 managmg only to nse to No 60 m the
posed m Scotland and recorded m BMRB chart dunng a four week run The
London smgle features the "London Town' label
I've Had Enough, With A L1ttle Luck as well as the engraved legends "MAS-
and Famous Groupies were recorded m TERED AT ABBEY ROAD" on the "A"
the Vugm Islands (although With A Llttle s1de and 'NICK ' on the "B" stde
Luck was completed m London), and
both Wllh A Little Luck and Famous
Groupies were wntten m Scotland. Paul 32 WINGS GREATEST
and Denny composed Deliver Your Chil·
dren wh1le workmg on the Venus And By Wings
Mars album m Los Angeles. and the track
was recorded m London. wtth Denny·s Parlophone PCTC 256 - December 1,
vocals to the fore. Name And Address 1978
features Paul on lead guHar and was
recorded m London after j1mmy and Joe
had left
The two remammg songs were both
composed JOintly by Paul and Denny and
were recorded m the V1rgm Islands
Don't Let Jt Brmg You Down features Paul
and Denny playmg flageolets (Irish tm
wlustles) Mouse Moose And The Grey
Goose ongmated from a )am sess1on on
the Faii Carol when McCartney was
expenmentmg wtth an electnc p1ano, and
was fm!Shed off m London

30 (138a) I'VE BAD ENOUGH 12 59>

(3 18)
By Wings Paul's greatest hits album entered the
NME Top 30 album chart on December
Parlophone R 6020- June 16. 1978 23 1978. at No 23. peakmg at No 3 on
January 27, 1979, and staymg m the chart
for thirteen weeks until March 21 The
album re-entered the Top 30 on May 3 for
one week at No. 24.
Dunng 1978, Paul agam expanded the
Wmgs hne-up wtth the add1llon of Steve
Holly and Lawrence juber As no new
album was ready, due to the need for
rehearsals w1th the new lme-up, Paul put
together an alburn of hls h1t smqles for
the Chnstmas market. Although titled
The second smgle release from London Wmgs Greatest, two of the mcluded
Town which d1d not enter the NME sonas. namely Another Day and Uncle
charts. although 1t d1d nsc to No 42 m the Alben'Adrrural Halsey were not onginally
BMRB chnrts, staymg m the Top 75 for recorded by Wmgs Moreover, the latter
seven weeks The smgle appeared m a had not even been a h1t 1n Bntam
p1cture sleeve, and the record featured although 1t was a No I m Amenca
the 'London Town" label The words Of the other ten tracks. all had reached
MASTERED AT ABBEY ROAD- NICK the •rap 20 tn Bntam wtth nme reachmg

Paul McCanney UK 87
the Top 10, and two (plus Another Day)
had reached No. I m the NME charts Up
to December 1978, Wmgs had had fifteen
Top 30 hits, thus five were onutted from
the album - GIVe Ireland Back To The
IriSh, Mary Had A Llttle Lamb, Helen
Wheels, Listen To What The Man Sald
and Maybe I'm Amaze~. These were
possibly being saved for a "Wings Great-
est Volume 2" (although at the time of
wnting Wings as a group no longer exists
and no such album appears to be m the
The sleeve design, wh1ch cost over
£4,000, was by Paul and Lmda, WJth
assiStance from H1pgnos1S stalwarts
Aubrey Powell and George HardJe. with
McCartney's third best-sellmg smgle m
photography by Angus forbes. The Bntam up to 1982
album included a double-s1ded poster, The two songs were the first release
featuring a group photograph by Clive by the Wings Mark Seven line-up, fea-
tunng Paul, Linda, Denny and new-
ASIDE comers Lawrence Juber/gllltar and Steve
Holly/drums. The single was the first
lSa ANOTHER DAY (3.39)
McCartney release to feature the "Parlo-
92b SILLY LOVE SONGS (5 SO) phone label. although all Wmgs and
5Th LNE AND LET DIE (3 09) other ex-Beatle releases WJth the "R"
prefix catalogue number were theoreti-
7lb JUNIOR'S FARM (4 18) cally released on the Parlophone label.
130b WITH A LITTLE LUCK (5. 42) However, Goodmght Tomght was the first
Wmgs smgle to feature the Parlophone
6lb BAND ON THE RUN (5.08) logo. The seven-inch single features a
BSIDE scnbbled message on the run-out groove
area - "HELLO TOM 1979" Another first
2112a UNCLE ALBERT/ADMIRAL HALSEY for a McCartney release was the twelve-
(4.38) mch vers1on of the single, released m a
42a m. m. m (3.05) full colour picture sleeve. WJth a spec1al
pnnted cardboard mner sleeve featunng
8Th LET 'EM IN (5 06)
an extended diSCo version of Goodmght
44b MY LOVE (4 05) Tomght, wntten and produced by Paul
62b JET (4.04) The "B" s1de, Dayt1171e Night1171e Suffenng
was composed by Paul, but produced by
128a MULL OF KINTYRE (4.40) Paul and Chris Thomas.

35 (146) OLD SIAM SIR (4 09)

33 (144) GOODNIGHT TONIGHT (4 15) (147) SPIN IT ON (2 11)
FERING (3 18) By Wings

Parlophone R 6026 - June 1. 1979

By Wings

Parlophone R 6023- March 23, 1979

34 (144a) GOODNIGHT TONIGHT (714)

FERJNG (3 18) (12-inch single)
By Wings

Parlophone 12Y R 6023- March 23. 1979

Goodmght Tonight entered the NME
charts on Aprill4 at No. 14, IJSmg to No. 6 After the success of Goodmght Tomght.
on May 12 for one week. staymg m the the follow-up performed very poorly m
chart for seven weeks, and beconung the NME charts, it entered at 1ts highest

88 Working Class Heroes

posttion of No 27 on June 30, after whlch tt gnosiS, features a still taken from a
dropped to No. 29 for two weeks, and promotional Vldeo made for the album
thus remamed m the charts for only three
weeks. It was the last Wmgs smgle to
enter the NME charts to date 148 RECEPTION ( 1 04)
Both songs were wr1tten by Paul and 149 GETTING CLOSER (3.21)
were taken from the forthcommg album,
Back To The Egg, the smgle featured the 150 WE'RE OPEN TONIGHT (1.27)
"fned egg' label and the MPL logo, and 147a SPIN IT ON (212)
appeared m a colour sleeve.
36 BACK TO TBE EGG 146a OLD SIAM Sffi (4.09)
By Wings 152 ARROW THROUGH ME (3.34)

Parlophone/MPL PCTC 257 - June 8, BSIDE

1979 153 ROCKESTRA THEME (234)
154 TO YOU (3.12)
156 MILLION MILES (1 27)
157 WINTER ROSE (2.03Y
158 LOVE AWAXF. (2.53)
159 THE BROADCAST (1.29)
161 BABY'S REQUEST (2 48)
All stxteen songs on the album were
wntten by McCartney, except Agam And
Agam And Agam wluch was wntten and
sung by Denny. Recepllon features a
Norwegtan commuter by the name of
Ounnd Anderson Arrow Through Me
The first (and last) album from Wmgs was recorded without gwtars, the back-
Mark Seven, and the last W mgs album to mg bemg supplied by Moog synthesiZers
date, entered the NME album charts on and brass. Two numbers on the album,
June 30 at No 15, nsmg to No 4 - tts Rockestra Theme and So Glad To See
lughest posttton - the followmg week, You Here, were recorded by Paul on
but staymg m the chart for only etght October 3, 1978, at Abbey Road Stud1os,
weeks. usmg what he called the Rockestra lme-
Unhke preVlous sesstons, Paul hrmted up. Paul had composed a tune wluch he
hls recording locations to Bntam. and all thought needed a large mstrumental sound
of Back To The Egg was recorded m to do 11 JUStice. so he tnVlted a galaxy of
etther Scotland or England Four locations stars to assiSt m the recordings. whtch
were used: Spull of Ranachan Studto, were also filmed. The "Rockestra" ltne-up
preVlously called Rude Studios, built on features Denny Laine, Lawrence Juber,
Paul's farm m Scotland, Lympne Castle, Dave Gtlmour (Pmk f'loyd), Hank MaTVln
near Canterbury, Kent; Replica Studio, an (The Shadows) and Pete ToWT!Shend
exact duplicate of EMI Studto No. 2 at (The Who) on gwtars; Steve Holly, John
Abbey Road, wluch McCartney had built Bonham (Led Zeppelin) and Kermy ]ones
m the basement of hls MPL headquarters (The Who) on drums; John Paul ]ones
m London m 1978; and EMJ Studtos. (Led Zeppeltn). Ronrue Lane (ex-Small
Abbey Road London The album was Faces but by thiS tlme a solo artiSt) and
recorded over several months m 1978 Bruce Thomas (ElV!S Costello's group.
and 1979, and featured the final Wmgs The Attracuons) on bass gwtars; Paul.
ltne-up Paullvocals, bass. guttar and key- Gary Brooker (ex Procol Harum). John
boards, Lmda/vocals, and keyboards, Paul ]ones (Led Zeppeltn) on ptanos;
Denny/vocals, gwtar, and bass. Lawrence Lmda and Tony Ashton on keyboards;
Juber/gwtar and vocals; and Steve Holly/ Speedy Acquaye, Tony Carr, Ray Cooper
drums and percussto!L The album was and MorriS Pert on percuss1on and How1e
produced by Paul and Chris Thomas. Casey. Tony Dorsey, Steve Howard and
The album sleeve, destgned by Htp- Thaddeus Richard on horns.

Paul McCartney UK 89
Paul plays concertina on Million Miles,
while Winter Rose and Love Awake
feature the Black Dyke Mtlls Band, a
brass band wh1ch recorded Paul's Thmg-
umybob theme music as an Apple smgle
m 1968 The Broadcast features two
poems (The Sport Of Kmgs by lan Hay
and The Little Man by Jolih Galswof!hY)
rec1ted by Mr Margery, the owner of
Lympne Castle, where the nwnber was

37 (149a) GETTING CLOSER (3 20)

(16la) BABY'S REQUEST (2 48)

By Wings
Parlophone R 6027- August 10, 1979

Linda McCartney and Wmgs recorded

Linda's composition under the pseudo-
nym of Suzy And The Red Stnpes m late
1973, with the plan for an album to follow
The smgle didn't see the hght of day until
1977. when 11 was released in the US. but
The last Wmgs smgle, a double "A" sider, 1t was delayed unhl 1979 m the UK, and
failed to enter the NME charts. although tt the proposed album still hasn't matenal-
dtd manage a three week run m the lSed When released m August 1979 m the
BMRB charts, peaking at No. 60 after UK, the smgle appeared m yellow vmyl.
entermg on September l, 1979 and also m a l1m1ted edition box set
Both tracks were taken from the Back containing a button badge and ten mtrua-
To The Egg album, which was drop- ture postcards deptctmg saucy seastde-
pmg down the charts. The smgle was no type cartoon JOkes. The smgle, released
doubt released to boost sales of the by A&M Records, featured a red and
album, but Without success. The smgle yellow concentnc cucular striped label.
was released in a picture sleeve featunng Even though the smgle was produced
a photograph of the band taken from the by Paul, 1t had no commerctal success,
promotional fllrn for Baby's Request on fallmg even to enter the BMRB Top 75
the back cover, while the front featured a smgles charts.
ptcture by Hipgnosis which originally
appeared m theu excellent book The
Work Of HJpgnosiS - Walk Away Renee
(3 44)
(1978), and was hsted under "Unsold
REGGAE (114)
SEASIDE WOMAN (3 41) By Paul McCartney
B SIDE TO SEASIDE (2 37) (yellow vinyl) Parlophone R 6029- November 16, 1979

By Suzy And The Red Stripes

A&M AMS 7461 - August 1979


B SIDE TO SEASIDE (2 37) (Box set -
yellow vinyl)
By Suzy And The Red Stripes
A&M AMSP 7461 -August 1979

90 Working Class Heroes

Wings' NeW' Single is a DOuble'P:.Side.
· ·· . . · . . Closer.

"A double 'A: side from Wings? If you think we've done
it because we couldn't make up our minds-
you'd be dead right. We believe in both.
Listen to them and you'll see what we mean:·

lml From the Album 'Bacl~ to the Egg'

McCartney's first solo smgle smce 1971 The album was a TV advertiSed chanty
entered the NME charts on December compilauon, Wlth proceeds gomg to 'The
15, 1979, at No. 24, nsmg to 1ts highest Year Of The Chtld" to help s1ck and
pos1t1on. No. 16, m 1ts last week m the handicapped cluldren The album fea-
chart on January 12. 1980. The smgle tured some of the greatest names m
appeared m three NME weekly charts Bnlish rock (who donated thetr servtces
between December 15 and January 12 free) and was complied by N1gel Mason,
and, as no charts were published over the Rtchard Stanley and Phtl Carson, With
Chnstmas period, the smgle was a hll for spec1al asststance from the members of
ftve weeks. Led Zeppelm The sleeve, des1gned by
Wonderful Chnstmast1me was written Sprral Graphics. featured photographs of
by Paul and although 11 was the first each act appearing on the album
festive song he had recorded as a solo
artiSt. 1t was not tus first Chnstmas com- A SIDE
position, as he had prev10usly composed SffiNE A LITTLE LOVE
two ChriStmas songs for the Beatles 1968 By The Electric Light Orchestra
and 1969 ChriStmas Records The song
62c JET (4 07)
was recorded m July 1969, durmg a solo
By Wings
sesston m wluch Paul Ia1d dow n over
twenty tracks. Rudo1ph The Red Nosed BAKER STREET
Reggae, wrttten by Johnny Marks and By Gerry Rafferty
ongmalJy ntled Rudo1ph The Red Nosed SULTANS OF SWING
Remdeer, was recorded m 1976 and By Dire Straits
features a mystery Vlohrust. who actualJy
dehvered a VIolin wluch Paul had ordered LET IT GROW
wh1le Paul was rehearsmg the song By Enc Clapton
The smgle. produced by Paul, was SORRY SEEMS TO BE THE HARDEST
released m a ptcture sleeve, and features WORD
the stlver and black Parlophone label. By Elton John
'I'wo Christmas messages are engraved DEVIL WOMAN
on the run-out groove areas: "To ltft a By Cliff Richard
glass. Xmas 79" on the "A" s1de and "Love
from Rudil Xmas 79" on the "B" s1de. BSJDE
By Supertramp

By Various Artists BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN

By Thin Lizzy
K-tf:1 NE 1067 - January 1, 1980
By Yes
By Pmk Floyd
By Bad Company
By Led Zeppelin

39 (164) COMING UP (3 47)

GOW) (3 48) (166) LUNCBJJOXI
ODD SOX (3 47)
"A" s1de by Paul McCartney
''B" side by Paul McCartney and Wmgs
Parlophone R 6035 - Apnl 11 1980
The Summll was the first vanous artists
comp!lallon to feature a Wmgs track It Commg Up entered the NME charts on
entered the NME album charts on Apnl 26 at No 26, nsmg to No 2 for one
February 2 1980, at No 23. nsmg to No week on May 10. and staymg m the chart
19, 1ts highest position the followmg for stX weeks The smgle was released m
week, and staymg m the chart for three a picture sleeve on the black and Sliver
weeks Parlophone label
Paul M cCartney UK 93

The "A" s1de Comwg Up was recorded

dunng the solo sess1ons that produced
Wonderful Chnstmast1!Tle m July 1979,
w1th Paul smgmg and playmg bass, syn-
thesizers, ptano, guitar and drums The
hve vers1on of the song on the '8" stde
was recorded at the Glasgow Apollo on venture, wtth techrucal assiStance from
December 17, 1979, dunng Wmgs' first Edd1e Klem. As the sesstons (held at
BntLSh tour for over four years. The Wmgs McCartney's farmhouse) produced over
lme-up for the tour was Paul, Lmda, twenty songs, the album was ongmally
Denny, Steve Holly and Lawrence juber, mtended to be a double, but was later
plus the horn sectton featunng Tony edtted down to a smgle album
Dorsey, Howte Casey, Steve Howard and The cover photographs were taken by
Thaddeus Richard The second track on Lmda and the record features the black
the "B' s1de. a medley of Lunchbox/Odd and silver Parlophone label
Sox, was recorded m Los Angeles m
February 1975. dunng the Venus And ASIDE
Mars sess1ons, and features Wmgs Mark
F1ve, w1th Joe Engl!sh/drurns and jtmmy 164a COMING UP (351)
McCulloch/guitar. (cover 11lustrat10n) 167 TEMPORARY SECRETARY (3.13)
To promote the single on teleV1s1on,
Paul made a special video m wh1ch he 168 ON THE WAY (3.35)
portrayed ten different "rock stars", who 169 WATERFALLS (4.40)
all appeared on stage at the same tlme to
170 NOBODY KNOWS (250)
perform the song. The tnck was achteved
by film-maker Keef McM1llan, usmg a BSIDE
new computerised hghtmg desk ThiS
allowed McCartney to 1m1tate Buddy
Holly, Frank Zappa, Ron Mael. Andy 172 SUMMERS DAY SONG (3 23)
Mackay and a 1964 Beatle versiOn of 173 FROZEN JAP (3. 38)
h1mself (playmg his famous v1ohn bass) -
plus five others - to form the band, wh1ch 174 BOGEY MUSIC (3.26)
Paul dubbed "The Plastic Macs". 175 DARKROOM (2.18)


The album was recorded wtthout a moong
By Paul McCartney console. the mtcrophones bemg plugged
dlrectly mto the tape machmes. For most
Parlophone PCTC 258- May 16, 1980 of the songs on the album Paul inttlally
latd down drums, guitars and bass to
Paul's belated follow-up to his first solo create a backmg track, to whtch vocals
album, which entered the NME charts on were added later
May 31, 1980, at No. 16, JUmpmg to No. I Commg Up features Paul's vocals
the followmg week, for two weeks. The electromcally distorted usmg a van-
album stayed in the Top 30 for fifteen speed machme. Temporary Secretary IS
weeks. a song m the form of a letter to the Alfred
As w1th the McCartney album from Marks Bureau. the employment agency,
1970, Paul recorded McCartney 11 com- who later asked McCartney for permLS-
pletely solo (v11th the exception of Lmda's ston to use the song for advert!Smg
assiStance o~. vocals on the last track) purposes. but were turned down
dunng the summer of 1979 ThiS solo After recordmg the drum and bass
enterpriSe stretched to composmg, en- backmg tracks for On The Way Paul left
gmeenng and producmg the whole 1t for a week, when he later returned to 1t,
94 Working Class Heroes
malang 1t a bluesy number after bemg By Lmda McCartney alias Suzy And The
mfluenced by seemg AleXJS Komer on a Red Stripes
BBC TV programme about the blues
A&M AMSP 7548 - July 18, 1980
Unlike many of the tracks on the album
Waterfalls was wntten m advance of
recordmg, many tracks bemg ad hbbed
m the studiO. (Paul's house m Kent ts also
called "Waterfalls" ) Nobody Knows was
also influenced by AleXJS Korner's TV
Front Parlour. an lfiStrumental. was so
named because most of the track was
recorded m the empty front parlour of
Paul's farmhouse. Bogey Mus1c was m-
spued by Raymond Bnggs book Fungus
The Bogeyman. Darkroom was ad hbbed
m the studio, but nearly d1dn't make it
onto the album It was not mspired by
Lmda's photographlc mterests The last
track. One Of These Days, features Lmda
on backmg vocals

41 (169a) WATERFALLS (4 40)

(4 45)
By Paul McCartney
Parlophone R 6037- June 14, 1980

ln May 1980, a three and a half mmute

cartoon based upon Lmda's Seas1de
Woman was entered m the Short film
Competition at the Cannes F'tlm festival
The f1lm - made by Oscar Gnllo - won
Cust pnze m the compenllon and to
celebrate thts event A&M reiSSUed the
The second smgle release from the smgle of Seas1de Woman (wh1ch had
McCartney 11 album. Waterfalls entered ongmally appeared m 1979 m the UK)
the NME charts at No. 9 on July 5, rtsmg to The smgle, released m a new picture
No. 7 on July 19, and staymg m the chart sleeve and wtth the usual brown and
for five weeks The smgle was released m grey A&M label. was credited to Lmda
a picture sleeve, featunng a pamtmg by McCartney, m an attempt to generate
Chnstlan Broutm and a photograph of more sales than the ongmal "Suzy And
Paul taken by Lmda The Red Stnpes" alias Unfortunately
The ' B' stde, Check My Machme, neither thts. nor the limited ed111on
wntten by Paul. was a preVlously unre· twelve-mch smgle release. could boost 11
leased song from the summer 1979 solo mto the charts Both seven-mch and
~~tons twelve-mch p1crure sleeves featured 1llus·
tratlons from the film two appeared on
SEASIDE WOMAN (3 41) the seven-mch. and five on the twelve-
a SIDE TO SEASIDE (2 37) mch vers1on
By Lmda McCartney alias Suzy And The
Red Stripes 42 (187a) TEMPOIUlRY SECiti:I'AilY (3 13)
(178) SECitET FIUEND (10 24) (Limited
A&M AM$ 7548- July 18. 1980 edition 12-inch aingle)
By Paul McCartney
a SIDE TO SEASIDE (2 37) (12-mch Parlophvn& 12 R 6039 - September 15,
single) 1980

Paul McCartney UK 95
day, the album entered the NME charts
three weeks later at No. 25 for one week
on March 14, 1981 The sleeve features
two photographs of Paul. taken by Lmda
and a sleeve note by Vie Garbanm, a
contnbutor to MUSJCJan, Player and LJstener

A SIDE (29 38)


1. M cCartney II
2. Negative criticism of Beatles & Wings
Released as a twelve-mch smgle only 3. His influences
(hmtted ed1t1on of 25,000), Temporary
Secretary was lifted from the McCartney 4. Venus & Mars/Wild Life
If album, which had dropped out of the 5. Band On The Run
Top 30. This release fa1led etther to enter
the smgles charts, or to generate more 6. Musical d.irection!Ringo/George/Hey ]ude
sales for the album 7. The White Album/Tension!Helter Skelter
The ''B side. Secret Fnend - wntten
by Paul - lS the longest song he has ever 8. Abbey Road
recorded clockmg m at nearly ten and a 9. Mus1cal Background/Trumpet, guitar,
half mmutes long Prev10usly unreleased, p1ano/Learning bass in Hamburg
the song was recorded dunng the
10. Early Beatles mixes/Motown & Stax
McCartney 11 sesstons, w1th Paul
producmg. The front cover of the ptcture
sleeve features a drawing of McCartney 11. The Sgt. Pepper Story/The Beach Boys'
by jeff Cummins (a pamter Wlth Pet Sounds
I !tpgnos1s) with add11lonal "artwork'' by 12. Rubber SouVRevolver
Paul The - "B" s1de photograph of
McCartney was taken by Dav1d Thorpe. 13. Fame & success/Paul's & John's reactlons
14. Stage fright during The Beatles & Wings
15. How Wings started
By Paul McCartney and Vie Garbarini 16. New Wave/Early Beatles
Parlophone CHAT 1 -February 23, 1981 17. Creating The Beatles' sound/Love Me
Dol& early songs

The mtemew was recorded in the

summer of 1980 for M usician· Player and
Listener magazme. ongmally appearmg B SIDE (24. 35)
m the August 1980 ISSUe Vtc Garbanru PAUL DISCUSSES:
conducted the mterv1ew m McCartney's
MPL London office Columbia (CBS),
McCartney's record company m Amenca
ongmally released the recordmg as a 1. The Beatles' conquest of America
promotiOnal album for radto stattons in 2. Beatles' hatrcuts and image
America, and 11 lffimed1ately became a
collector's 1tem Due to public demand for 3. Paying dues in Hamburg &
the record, 11 was dec1ded to release 1t Liverpooi/Early tours
offictally, but m Bntam tt appeared on the 4. Weathering pressures/The break-up
Parlophone label on February 23, 1981,
and was lffimedlately deleted - only a 5. Video of Coming Up/Reliving The Beatle
few hours after frrst gomg on sale Al- image
though only supposedly avatlable for one 6. Playing bass

96 Working Class Heroes

1. Lennon-M cCartney songwnting/DISlike shows arguably constituted the greatest
of formulas gathenng of BntiSh rock talent ever
assembled, With all the mus1c1ans,
8. Beatles' urutators road.les. techrnc1ans. etc donatmg the1r
9. I Am The WalrustThe Black serv1ces free to the charuable cause The
Carna.tion!Sgt. Pepper LP Cover artiSts appearmg at the concerts were as
10. New Wave!BoWle, Ferry, Elvis December 26 -Queen (who gave a solo
11. Pop mus1c & radio performance)
December 27 -Ian Oury and The Block-
12. Gettmg married/Changing perspecttve/
heads, The Clash and
13. GJVe Ireland Back To The Irish/Hi, Hi, December 28 -The Pretenders. The
Hi!Banned songs/Children's songs/Mcuy Spectals and The Who
Had A Little Lamb (who played a marathon
three-hour set)
December 29 -EIVIS Costello & The
Attracllons. Rockpue with
Dave Edmunds and N1ck
Lowe, featU!lng a guest
appearance by Robert
Plant (Led Zeppelin),
By Various Artists Paul McCartney & Wmgs
and lastly Billy Connolly
Atlantic K 60153 - Apnl 3. 1981 mtroducmg the Rock-
estra (see below)
All four rnghts were filmed and
recorded, although both the f1lm and
album were delayed by over a year The
film was eventually screened on
televtslon on January 4, 1981 a few
months before the album was released
The sound recordmg was made on the
RAK and Island Mob1les. w1th Chns
Thomas producmg


Dunng 1979. the whole world became
aware ol the ternble plight of the people SEE ME, FEEL ME
of KaR1puchea M1lhons were iaced wuh By The Who
starvation after four years of war followed RECORD ONE B SIDE
by four years of d1ctatorsh1p rule by the
Khmer Rouge Government - headed by THE WAIT
Prem1er Pol Pot PRECIOUS
Relief and chanty orgamsallons
qu1ckly swung mto operation to feed TATTOOED LOVE BOYS
these sta1vmg Kampucheans UNICEF By The Pretenders
(Uruted Nation's Children's Fund) became THE IMPOSTER
tho rna)or Umted Nat1on's agency for the By Elvis Costello & The Attractions
The shows to assiSl m the rehef
By Rockpile
operatiOn started w1th the UN Secretary
General Kurt Waldhe1m maklng contact LITTLE SISTER
v.r1th Paul McCartney and from there By Rockpile Wlth Robert Plant
mv1ta11ons were tssued to vanous acts
December 26 27, 28 and 29, 1979 were
boo~:ed for the evenmg concerts at the NOW rM HERE
Hammersmith Odeon, London The four By Queen

Paul McCartney UK 97
The album, devised and compiled by
By The Clash lain McLay, features nineteen tracks from
the twelve '']ames Bond" films produced
HIT ME WITH YOUR RHYTHM STICK up to 1981. including nine title songs
By Ian Dury & The Blockheads which became charts hits (BMRB highest
MONKEY MAN chart poSitions gwen in brackets below).
By The Specials The album sleeve was designed by
By Paul McCartney & Wings
182 LUCILLE (3. 00)
183 LET IT BE (3.00) (All above from the Original Soundtrack
ROCKESTRA THEME (2.28) of Dr. No, 1962)
By Matt Monro (No. 20 - 1963)
The three numbers performed by Paul
McCartney and Wmgs feature: PauV GOLDFINGER
vocals and bass; Lmdalkeyboards; Denny/ By Shirley Bassey (No. 21 - 1964)
guitar; Lawrence Juber/guitar; and Steve 007
Holly/drums; plus the horn section of (From the Original Soundtrack of
Howie Casey, Tony Dorsey, Steve Howard Thunderball, 1965)
and Thaddeus Richard. For the final three
songs, McCartney and Wings were YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE
joined by eleven guests to form the By Nancy Sinatra (No. 11 - 1967)
Rockestra, the greatest "super group" ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE
ever assembled on a BntiSh stage. Rock-
estra featured twenty musicians: the nme WE HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE
members of Wings, plus three members WORLD
from Led Zeppelin, two from The Who, By Louis Armstrong
two from Rockpile, one Pretender, one (Above two from the Original Soundtrack
Attraction, an ex-member of the Small of on· Her Majesty's Secret Service, 1969)
Faces/The Faces and an ex-member of
Procol Harum. The full line-up reads:
guitarists/Billy Bremner (Rockplle), Dave
Edmunds (Rockpile), James Honeyman- BSIDE
Scott (The Pretenders, Lawrence Juber, DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER
Denny Laine, and Peter Townshend (The
By Shirley Bassey (No. 38 - 1971)
Who); bass guitarists!John Paul ]ones
(Led Zeppelin); Ronnie Lane (ex-Small 57c LIVE AND LET DIE (3.10)
Faces) and Bruce Thomas (The By Paul McCartney & Wings (No. 9 - 1973)
Attractions); drummers!John Bonham JUST A CLOSER WALK WITH THEE/
(Led Zeppelin), Steve Holly and Kenny NEW SOUND LINE
]ones (The Who); keyboard players/ By Harold A. "Duke" Dejan and The
Gary Brooker (ex-Procol Harum), Linda Olympia Brass Band
and Paul (on piano); vocalists!Robert
Plant (Led Zeppelin) and Paul; and the BOND MEETS SOLITAIRE
Wings Horn section (see above). (Above three from the Original Sound-
track of Live And Let Die, 1973)
By Lulu (1974)
By Various Artists
Liberty EMTV 007 - M arch 8, 1982 By Carly Simon (No. 7 - 1977)
ThiS TV advertised compilation album BOND '77
enter ed the NME charts on April 3 at No. (Above two titles from the Original
26, selling 100,000 cop1es m less than a Soundtrack of The Spy Who Loved Me,
month; it peaked at No. 6 on April 24, and 1977)
stayed in the charts for seven weeks.

98 Working Class Heroes

By Sturley Bassey (1979)
By Sheena Easton (No. 8 - 1981)
The ]ames Bond Theme was a hll for John
Barry (No 13) m November 1962, but the
vers1on on thiS album IS that from the
Ongmal Soundtrack album L1ve And Let
D1e was the first Bond smgle to break mto
the Top lO the preVJous h1ghest placmg
bemg You Only L1ve Tw1ce (a double
'A"-SJded Jut Wlth ]ackson) by Nancy
Smatra 'The 1977 and 1981 Bond smgles
Improved on Wmgs' htghest posmon, by
teatunng the same ptcture sleeve, al-
reachmg Nos 7 and 8 respecttvely
though the twelve-mch verston contamed
an extra track. The two releases feature
44 (185) EBONY AND IVORY (3 41) the first appearance of the new MPL logo
(186) RAINCtOUDS (3 07) of a f1gure JUgglmg wtth three planets A
promotional v1deo of Ebony And ivory
"A" s1de by Paul McCartney Wlth was produced showmg Paul and Stevte
adciltional vocals by SteVIe Wonder apparently perforrmng the song together
However, both parties shot theu se-
"B" s1de by Paul McCartney quences separately - Paul m Bntam and
SteVJe m Amenca - and the two ftlms
Parlophone R 6054 - March 29 1982 were very cleverly edtted together
Ebony And Ivory was wntten by Paul,
and the "B" s1de, Ramclouds. was )Omtly
composed by Paul and Denny Lame The
twelve mch credits only Paul as com-
poser of Ramclouds, but thiS IS mcorrect
The songs were recorded dunng the Tug
Of War album sess1ons - wh1ch lasted
over a year, between October 1980 and
January 1982 Ramcloudswas recorded m
early 1981, w1th Denny Laine present For
the first tlJTle smce L1ve And Let D1e m
1973. Paul dtd not produce hiS own
45 (l85a) EBONY AND IVORY (3 41) recordmg sesstons, allowmg George
(l86a) RIUNCLOUDS (3 07)1{187) Martm to perform thiS duty
version) (3 41) (12-mch smgle) 46 TUGOFWAR
By Paul McCartney
"A" side by Paul McCartney Wlth ad-
ditional vocals by Stevie Wonder P.drluphvne PCTC d59 - Apnl 26

"B" side by Paul McCartney

Parlophone ,2 R M4 - Match 29 1982
Paul's duet wnh Stevte Wonder entered
the charts on Apnl 17 at No 9 rlSmg 10
No 2 the followmg week. by wh1ch ttme 1t
ha<..! sold over 250,000 m Bntam On May
I, 11 rose to No I for two weeks, droppmg
10 No 3 on May 15, and passmg the
500 000 mark The smgle was m the charts
for seven weeks, and gave Stevte Wonder
hiS ftrst Bnush No 1 albeit as part of a
The SJngle was released m seven-mch
and twelve-mch forms m Bntam, both
Paul McCanney UK 99
Almost two years after McCartney Il, 190 SOMEBODY WHO CARES (3.18)
Paul's follow-up solo album was released. 191 WHAT'S THAT YOU'RE DOING (6.19)
It entered the NME Top 30 album charts
on May 9 at No. 11, nsmg to No. 1 for one 192 HERE TODAY (2.2.4)
week on May 15. It sold around 20,000 BSIDE
Wlthm two weeks, and went Gold (100,000
sales) by July 31, staytng m lhe charts for 193 BALLROOM DANCING (4 06)
e1ghteen weeks 194 THE POUND IS SINKING (2 53)
The production of the album spanned.a
195 WANDERLUST (3 49)
year and a half. startmg m October 1980
and endmg m March 1982 In October 196 GET IT (2..30)
1980 1t was r eported by Beatles Monthly 197 BE WHAT YOU SEE (link) (0 32.)
that Wmgs were recordmg therr follow-
up to the Back To The Egg album, Wlth 198 DRESS ME UP AS A ROBBER (5. 43)
later reports statmg that George Martm 18Sb EBONY AND IVORY (3. 41)
was producmg. In February 1981, Wings
were m Montseratt, West Indies, re- Paul used over a dozen well-known
cordmg at George Martm's AIR Studios, musicians to record Tug Of War, the
w1th Paul and George Martin producmg line-up readmg as follows: Denny Laine/
JOintly. Dunng th1s penod rumours spread electric gu1tar (Tug Of War, Ballroom
that both Rmgo and George (Hamson) Dancmg and Dress M e Up As A Robber),
were to JOin Paul m Montserrat to record guitar synthesizer (Somebody Who
a tnbute album to John Lennon. On April Cares) and synthesizer (Dress Me Up As
27, 1981, 1t was officially announced that A Robber); Campbell Maloney/m1htary
Wmgs had disbanded followmg the de- snares (Tug Of War); Enc Stewart (of
parture of Denny Lame (both Juber and lOCC)Ielectnc gut tar (Tug Of War); Steve
Holly had left unannounced several Gadd/drums (Take It Away. Somebody
months previously). Who Cares), percuss1on (Somebody Who
Then, m the July 1ssue of Beatles Cares); Rmgo Starr/drurns (Take It Away);
Monthly 1t was reported that Paul's new George Martm/electnc p1ano (Take It
album had been over-dubbed and rmxed Away and Dress Me Up As A Robber);
m London dunng the frrst week of June - Stanley Clarkelbass (Somebody Who
With George Martm producmg and Geoff Cares and The Pound Is Smkmg), Adnan
Emenck engmeenng, and Wlth Stevie BretVpan pipes (Somebody Who Cares);
Wonder and M1chael Jackson adding SteVJe Wonder/synthesizers ( Whats That
backmg vocals to certam tracks. In Sep- You're Domg and Ebony And Ivory),
tember 1981, Beatles M onthly reported electnc p1ano, drums and per cussiOn
that Paul's recently completed album was (Ebony And Ivory); Jack Brymer/clarmet
scheduled for a November release, but m gliss (Ballroom Dancmg), Adnan Shep-
early September, McCartney r eturned to pard/drums and percussion ( Wander-
the studio for further r ecordmgs. Having lust); Carl Perkms/electnc gwtar (Get It)
assiSted Paul several months previOusly, and Dave Mattacksldrurns and percussion
M tchael ]ackson re-)omed Paul m the (Dress M e Up As A Robber).
stud1o at the end of November 1981 for Paul played the followmg mstruments:
further recordmgs m London. acoustic, electric and Spanish guitars,
The first definite release date for the bass, piano, synthesiZers, drums, percus-
Tug Of War album was set for February Sion and vocoder Vocal backmg on all
15, 1982, but because of further re-mixing but five tracks (Here Today, Get It, Be
1t was delayed and a new date - March What You See, Dress Me Up As A
12 - set It was agam re-scheduled for Robber and Ebony and Ivory) was sup-
Apnl 19, but put back agam after Paul piled by Paul, Lmda and Eric Stewart
noticed a naw m the cover artwork All the songs on the album were
(wh1ch he ordered to be redesigned) wntten by McCartney, Wlth the exception
dunng March After bemg re-scheduled of Whats That Youre Domg Tius song
about five t1rnes, the album eventually ap- was co-wntten w1th SteV!e Wonder
peared on Apnl 26, 1982. and ongmated out of a Jam sess1on m the
The sleeve was designed by HlpgnoslS studio (Wlth both Paul and SteVJe on lead
and Sine, with artwork by Bnan Clarke vocals)
and photographs by Lmda Here Today Paul's tnbute to John.
ASIDE features Paul smgmg to hiS own acoustic
gwtar accompamment, plus a quartet of
188 TUG OF WAR (4 21)
stnngs, supplied by Jack Rothstem/V!olin,
189 TAKE IT AWAY (4 13) Bernard Partndgelv1ohn, lan JeweVV!ola
100 Working Class Heroes
and Ketth Harvey/cello, wtth no other W1th Tug Of War droppmg out of the
mus1c1ans bemg heard. album charts, Take It A way was released
Ballroom Dancmg features narration as a second stngle. lt entered the smgles
by Peter Marshall, wtule Wanderlust (the chart at No 26 on July 17 and rose to No
name of one of the yachts used by Wmgs 14 on August 21 Dunng 1ts seven week
whlist recordmg London Town in the run m the charts, tt boosted sales of the
Vrrgm Islands) features the Phlilp Jones album, whtch Jumped back up the LP
Brass Ensemble. charts to No. 12 on August 7.
Get It features only Paul and Car! Both the seven-mch and twelve-mch
Perkms, who plays electnc QUltar and vers1ons were released m matchmg
smgs. At the end of the number Car! IS ptcture sleeves; these showed McCartney
heard laugtung; thlS was due to a rather together Wlth var1ous mustclartS on the
saucy Joke told to htm by Paul, but the reverse (Enc Stewart and Lmda top left,
JOke was removed from the recordmg Rmgo and Steve Gadd top and bottom
since 1t was cons1dered too rude for the nght and George Martin bottom left).
publlc's ears. Photographs were taken by Lmda, W1th
The lmk track, Be What You See, the sleeve design by Hlpgnosts.
features only Paul on QUltar and vocoder. The non-Tug Of War "B" stde, I'll G1ve
Ebony And Ivory has just Paul and Stev1e You A, was recorded dunng the
playmg all the Instruments, as well as sess1ons, W1th M cCartney playmg all m-
smgmg lead and backmg vocals struments except clannet (which was
supplied by Tony Coe). Paul, Lmda and
47 (189a) TAKE IT AWAY (4 00) Enc Stewart supplied backmg vocals on
(199) I'LL GIVE YOU A RING (3.04) thts song wntten by Paul and produced
by George Marttn
By Paul McCartney
Parlophone R 6056- June 21, 1982 49 (188a) TUG OF WAR (4.01)
(196a) GET IT (2 29)
48 (189b) TAKE IT AWAY (4 00) "A" side by Paul McCartney
(3 04);{198a) DRESS ME UP AS A "B" side by Paul McCartney and Car!
ROBBER (2 38) (12-inch single) Perkins

By Paul McCartney Parlophone R 6057 - September 20. 1982

Parlophone 12 R 6056- July 5, 1982

Both tracks on th!S single were bfted from

the TugOfWaralbum. wtuch had dropped
out of the Top 30 album charts at the
begmnmg of September The smgle,
wtuch failed to reach the charts. was
released m a ptcture sleeve designed by
MTI, London, and shoWtng a photograph
b L d

"A" side by Michael Jackson!Paul

"B" side by Michael Jackson
Ep1c EPC A2729- November 29, 1982

Paul McCartney UK 101


(Picture disc)

"A" side by Michael Jackson/Paul

"B" side by Michael Jackson

Ep1c EPC A 11-2729- November. 1982

The Jackson!McCartney duet entered the

NME Top 30 charts on November 13 at
No. 15, nsmg to No. 4 the fo,llowmg week,
and staymg m the charts for four weeks.
Dunng May and June 1982, Paul was
busy recording the follow up to Tug Of
War Wlulst m Los Angeles he asststed
M1chael Jackson m recordmg the latter's
new album, Thnller, as he had promtsed
when M!chael asststed Paul With his
recordmgs the preVIous year Although
George Martm was present at the sess1on,
Qumcy ]ones produced the resultmg re-
cording of Michael Jackson's composllion,
The G1rl Is Mine, With M1chael and Paul
shanng lead vocals. The "B" stde does not
feature Paul
The smgle was released m a picture
sleeve, usmg a photograph taken by
Lmda, and 1t also appeared as a picture

102 Working Class Heroes


1 McCARTNEY staymg m the Top 100 for thrrty-four

weeks and the Top 200 for thrrty-seven
By Paul McCartney weeks. (Tracks and cover same as Bnllsh
Apple STAO 3363- Apn120, 1970 release)

Paul·s first solo album entered the 4 (21-2 ..) UNCLE ALIIERT/ADMIRAL
Amencan Btllboard album charts at No IIALSET/
14 on May 9, nsmg to No I on May 23 (l7a) TOO MANY PEOPLE
where 11 remamed for three weeks Ad-
By Paul and Linda McCartney
vance orders amounted to two mllbon
coptes and tt sold a tmlllon m 1ts first Apple 1837- August 2. 1971
month on release, recelVmg an R 1A A
Gold Award on Apn130 1970 The album Not released as a smgle m Bntam, Uncle
stayed m the Top 10 for thlrteen weeks, Alberr!Admiral Halsey entered the Btll·
the Top 30 for twenty weeks, the Top 100 board charts on August 14 at No 6S,
for thrrty-two weeks, and the Top 200 for toppmg the chart on September 4 for one
forty-seven weeks (Tracks and cover week. selbng a mtlhon by September 21,
same as Bnllsh release.) 1971, and recetvmg an R I A.A Gold
Award The smgle stayed m the Top 30
2 (15) ANOTHER DAY for twelve weeks, and McCartney re·
(16) OB WOMAN OB WBY cetved a Grammy Award for Best A:r·
rangement-Accompanymg VocaliSts for
By Paul McCartney the song The smgle was not released m a
Apple 1829 February 22, 1971 PICture sleeve
Another Day entered the Blllboard Hot
Hundred at No. SS on March 6 peakmg at By Wings
No. S for two weeks from Apnl 17 The
smgle stayed m the Top 30 for mne Apple SW 3386- December 7. 1971
weeks and m the Top 100 for eleven
weeks As m Bntam the smgle was Although not a great success m Bntam
released m a plam Apple sleeve Wild Llfe fared beuer m the Amencan
charts, entenng on December 2S, 1971, at
No 25, and peaklng at No 10 for two
weeks on January 22, 1972. On January 13,
1972. 1t was awarded a Gold DISC, havmg
By Paul and Lmda McCartney reached the mllhon dollar sales mark
Apple SMA.., <N.., May ... ..:,JJ 'fhe song stayed m the Top 30 for nme
weeks. the Top 100 for siXteen weeks,
Ram entered the Btllboard album charts and the Top 200 for e1ghteen weeks
three weeks after release at No 6 on June (Tracks and cover same as BntlSh
6. nsmg to No 2 for two weeks from r£·least. )
August 21 (Tapestry by Carole Kmg
bemg at No I) The album was m the Top
10 for twenty-four weeks. was awarded
an RI A A Gold Award on June 9, 1971,
and eventually sold a rrullion m Amenca.
IRISH (venion)

Paul McCartney US 103

By Wings Apple SMAL 3409 - AprJl 30, 1973
Apple 1847- February 28. 1972 Red Rose Speedway entered the Top 200
on May 12 at No. 127, and four weeks later
As m Bntam. G1ve Ireland Back To The - on June 2 - rose to No I for three
JrJSh enjoyed comparatively little success weeks, passmg the mtlhon dollar sales
m the charts, nsmg only to No. 21 on April mark on May 25. The album stayed m the
8. after entenng on March 11 at No. 78 Top 30 for thirteen weeks. the Top 100 for
The smgle was m the char~ for a mere twenty-four weeks and the Top 200 for
etght weeks, and features the same thtrty-one weeks (Tracks and cover
shamrock style label as the Bnttsh same as BnttSh release )
release However, the song lyncs were
reproduced on the sleeve. 11 (57) LIVE AND LET DIE
By Wings Apple 1863 - June 18, 1973
Apple 1851 - May 29, 1972 Paul's ]ames Bond movte theme entered
the Billboard chart on July 7 at No. 69, and
Despite bemg ISSUed in a picture sleeve rose to No. 2 for three weeks on August 11
(identical to the Bntish release) Mary Had The single stayed m the Top 30 for eleven
A L1ttle Lamb was unable to tmprove on weeks and Ln the Top 100 for fourteen
the success of the ftrst Wmgs smgle, only weeks, sellmg over a mtll10n uruts and
breakmg mto the Top 30 for two weeks, receiving an R.l.AA Gold Award on
with a htghest posllton of No 28 on July 22. August 31. 1973 George Martm recetved
The smgle entered the Hot Hundred on a Grammy Award for Best Arrangement-
June 17 at No 85. staymg m the chart for Accompanying VocaliSt.
seven weeks.


(43) C MOON
Original Soundtrack by Various Artists
By Wings
Umted ArtiSts LA 100-G -July 2. 1973
Apple 1857-- December 4. 1972
The soundtrack album of the "James
McCartney eventually managed to break Bona" film. featurmg the title track by
mto the US Top 10 W1th a Wmgs smgle, Wmgs, entered the Billboard Top I 00 on
when H1. H1, H1 reached No. 10 for one July 28 at No. 93, nsmg to No 17 on
week on February 3, 1973 The smgle September 1, 1973, and staymg m the
entered the Btllboard chart on December chart for twelve weeks. (Track hstmg and
16 at No. 100, and remained m the Top 30 cover same as BnttSh release.)
for e1ght weeks, and m the Top lOO for
eleven weeks. 12 (59) BELEN WHEELS
9 (44) MY LOVE
(45) THE MESS By Paul McCartney and Wings

By Paul McCartney and Wings Apple 1869 - November 12. 1973

Apple 1861 - Apnl 9, 1973 He/en Wheels entered the charts on

November 24 at No 66, nsmg to No 10 on
After three comparatively unsuccessful January 12, 1974; tt remamed m the Top
smgles. Paul and Wmgs scored a smash 30 for e1ght weeks. and the Top lOO for
No. I Amencan h1t. My Love entered the fourteen weeks
Top lOO on Apnll4 at No. 73. rismg to No
I by June 2 for two weeks, and passmg
the mtlhon sales mark by July 6, 1973. The 13 BAND ON THE RUN
smgle stayed m the Top 30 for twelve
weeks, and m the Top 100 for e1ghteen By Paul McCartney and Wings
Apple SO 3415 - December 5. 1973
Band On The Run, Wmgs' btggest-sellmg
album m Amenca, entered the Billboard
By Paul McCartney and Wings chart at No. 33 on December 22, havmg

104 Working Class Heroes

ach1eved over a mtlhon dollars worth of 14 (62a) JET
sales on December 7, 1973 After (66a) MAMUNIA
entering the Top 10 on January 19, 1974, 1t
hovered around the lower part of the
By Paul McCartney and Wings
Top 10 until jet was lifted from the album
as a smgle This was done at the Apple 1871 January 28. 1974
suggestion of AI Coury, of Capitol who
persuaded Paul that lt would boost sales 15 (62b) JET
of the album After SIXteen weeks m the (65a) LET ME ROLL IT
chart, the album rose to No. I for one
week on April 13, 1974, passmg the By Paul McCartney and Wings
lllllbon umts mark by the end of Aonl Apple 1871 February 18. 1974
W1th jet still m the Hot Hundred Band
On The Run was released as a smgle. Cap1tol mltlally released ]et With Mamuma
ThiS boosted sales of the album. wh1ch as the "B" s1de. but changed the couplmg
recaptured the No 1 pos1t1on - the ftrst (followmg EMI's "B • s1de selection m the
tune thiS had happened m the Amencan rest of the world) to Let Me Roll It,
record mdustry's hiStory The album although the two smgles have the same
returned to No. 1 on June 8, the same date catalogue number
as the Band On The Run smgle captured jet entered the Hot Hundred smgles
the No I pos1t10n m the smgles chart The charts on February 9 at No 69. rtSmg to
LP stayed at the top for two weeks. No. 7 on March 30 and staymg m the Top
droppmg to No. 2 for two weeks, and 30 for rune weeks, and m the Top 100 for
returmng yet agam to No. 1 on July 6 for fourteen weeks. The release of the smgle
one week - suggested by AI Coury - assiSted
The album was at No I for a total of sales of the Band On The Run album to
four weeks, m the Top 10 for tlurty-two the pomt where 1t reached the No 1
weeks, the Top 30 for th1rty-e1ght weeks, position
the Top 100 for forty-siX weeks and the
Top 200 for seventy-four weeks. By the 16 (61a) BAND ON TBE RUN
end of August 1974, the album had sold (69a) NINETEEN HUNDRED AND
over two mlllton cop1es m the Umted EJGBTYFJVE
States and thiS total mcreased to over f1ve By Paul McCartney and Wings
mlllton by 1976. 11 won two Grammy
Awards for Best Engmeered (Non-Clas- Apple 1873- Apn1 8. 1974
Sical) Recordmg and Best Pop Vocals
Performance by a Duo, Group or Chorus After the success of ]et, AI Coury agam
(1974) persuaded Paul to release another smgle
The Amencan album mcluded Helen from the Band On The Run album. thiS
Wheels. Cap1tol InsiSted 11 should be lime plumpmg for the title track The
smgle entered the charts on April 20, at
mcluded to encourage sales resultmg
No 68, malang the Top 10 after four
from the preVJous hll smgle. (Cover same
weeks, and nsmg to No. I on June 8,
as BntiSh release.)
wh1ch comc1ded w1th the album hlttmg
A SIDE the Top spot m the album charts The
smgle sold a m1lhon by June 4, 1974,
61 BAND ON THE RUN staYing m the Top 30 for twelve weeks
62 JET and the Top 100 for e1ghteen weeks The
song won a Grammy Award for Best Pop
Vocal Performance by a Group, 1974
By Paul McCartney and Wings
Apple 1875 - November 4, 1974
junior's Fann entered the Billboard Hot
Hundred on November 9 (a week after
68 PICASSO'S LAST WORDS (DRINK TO ME) release) at No 59. TtSmg to No 3 on
69 NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY January ll. 1975 The smgle was m the
Top 30 for ten weeks and the Top I 00 for
twelve weeks

Paul McCartney US 105

the charts to No 32 on December 13. It
WALKING IN THE PARK WITH eventually stayed m the Top 100 for thirty-
ELOISE SIX weeks. thirteen of them m the Top 30.
BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER SUITE and seventy-seven weeks m the Top 200
By The Country Hams (Tracks and cover same as the BntiSh
EMl 3977- December 2, 1974
21 (79a) LETTING GO
As with the British release, #liS single - (77a) YOU GAVE ME THE ANSWER
by Wmgs under a pseudonym - did rtot
enter the charts, but was released m an By Wings
1dent1cal p1cture sleeve.
Cap1tol 4145- September 29, 1975
18 (72a) SALLY G
As m Bntam. Lettmg GO falled to enter the
Amencan Top 30 It peaked at only No. 39
By Paul McCartney and Wings for two weeks on October 25 durmg a SIX
week stay m the charts - after entenng
Apple 1875 - January 20, 1975 on October 4 at No 74.
W1th ]umor's Farm stlll reg1stenng m the
Top 30 at No. 7 on January 18, the "A" and 22 (76-6a) VENUS AND MARS/ROCK
"B" sides of the single were n1pped to SHOW
promote Sally G as the "A" stde. Sally G (78a) MAGNETO AND TITANIUM
entered the Hot Hundred on February l MAN
at No. 66. rismg to No 39 on February 22. By Wings
and featunng m the chart for f1ve weeks
Cap1tol 4175 - October 27. 1975
As m Bntam thiS was the last Wmgs
smgle to appear on the Apple label Th1s medley from the Venus And Mars
19 (73) LISTEN TO WHAT THE MAN album gave Wmgs another Top 30 hll,
SAID after entenng the Top lOO on November
(74) LOVE IN SONG 1 at No. 82 and rismg to No 12 on
December 13. It was liSted m the Top 30
By Wings for four weeks, and in the Top lOO for mne
Capitol 4091 - May 23, 1975
The first Wmgs' smgle to appear on the 23 WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND
Capitol label entered the Hot Hundred on
May 31 at No. 65, rJSmg to No I for one By Wings
week on July 19 and staymg m the charts Capitol SW 11525- March 25, 1976
for fourteen weeks. seven of wh1ch were
spent m the Top 10. Afte1 droppmg out of Wmgs At The Speed Of Sound entered
the charts at the end of August, the smgle the Billboard charts on April 10, and
passed the rmlhon sales mark m the reached No. l on April 24th, staymg there
Umted States. recetvmg a Gold Dtsc on for seven weeks. The album sold a million
September 5, 1975. The single was re- m the Umted States. staymg m the Top
leased m the same p1cture sleeve as the 200 for fifty-one weeks and becommg the
Bnt1sh release. th1rd best-selling album m the Billboard
charts table for 1976. (Track liStmg and
20 VENUS AND MARS sleeve same as Bnt!sh release )
By Wmgs
Capitol SMAS 11419 - May 27, 1975 (93a) COOK OF THE HOUSE

With advance orders of 1.500,000, Venus By Wings

And Mars rece1ved an R.l.A.A. Gold DISc Capitol 4256 - April 1, 1976
1mmed1ately after release on June 2, 1975,
entenng the album charts on June 14 at Silly Love Songs became Wmgs' fourth
No 25. It JUmped to No. 2 the folloWing No I Amencan smgle (and McCartney's
week for four weeks. then held the No. l ftfth), after entenng the Billboard charts
spot on July 19 for one week. eventually on Apnl 10, and nsmg to No 1 on May 22,
selhng well over a mllhon cop1es By where 11 stayed for five weeks The smgle
October 4, 1975. the album had dropped was m the Top lOO for mneteen weeks,
to No 99, but w1th the release of the tltle becommg an Amencan m1lhon seller and
track as a smgle. the album rose back up Billboard's Top Single of 1976

106 Working Class Heroes

play m Bntam. whlle m Amenca G1rls
25 (87&) LET 'EM IN School was promoted as the mam s1de
(90a) BEW.ARE MY LOVE (Picture sleeve same as BntiSh release )
By Wings
29 (130) WITH A LI'n'LE LUCK
Capllol 4293 - June 28. 1976 (131-2) BACKWARDS TRAVELLER/
The second smgles release from Wmgs CUFF LINK
At The Speed Of Sound entered the By Wings
Blllboard charts on July 4, reachmg No 3
Capitol 4559 - March 2fJ, 1978
and staymg m the chart for siXteen weeks.
It sold a rrullion cop1es m the Umted The fifth Wtngs smgle to reach No I tn
States the Billboard charts, which 11 entered
dunng May 1978. The smgle went to No I
26 WINGS OVER AMERICA on May 2D for two weeks, staytng tn the
By Wmgs charts for e1ghteen weeks altogether

CapJtol SWCO 11593 - December 11, 30 LONDON TOWN

By Wings
The live Wmgs Over Amencil tnple
set entered the Blllboard album chart Capitol SW 11 m - March 31, 1978
on December 25. reachmg No 1 on Although not a b1g rut tn Bntrun London
January 22. 1977, for a smgle week, and 7bwn rose to No 2 tn the Billboard album
becommg a nullion seller It featured m charts, 1t remamed there for twenty-e1ght
the chart for elghty-SlX weeks (Tracks weeks after entermg on Apnl 15th
:md sleeve same as BntlSh release) (Tracks and sleeve same as lhe BntlSh
27 (104a) MAYBE I'M AMAZED
(127a) SOILY . 31 (138a) I'VE BAD ENOUGH
Capitol 4385 - February 7, 1977 ByWmgs

Wmgs' first live smgle m Amenca en- Capitol 4594 - June 12. 1978
tered the Top 100 on F'ebruary 12, Although not malang the Top 30 tn Bntatn.
reachmg No. 10 and sta}'lng m the chart fve Had Enough rose to No 25 tn lhe
for thirteen weeks Billboard charts lt entered dunng August
1978. staymg tn the chart for eleven weeks.
By Suzy And The Red Stnpes (135a) I'M CARRYING
Epic 8-50403 - May 31, 1977
Capitol 4625 - August 21, 1978
Appearmg m Amenca two years before
Its Bnllsh release, th1s Lmda McCartney The last Wtng$ smgle on lhe Capitol
smgle made a bnef appearance m the label, as McCartney transferred his ron-
B1llboard Top 100. reachmg No 59, and tract to Columbta Rea::>rds for the
staymg m the chart for five weeks after Amencan market The smgle faJled to
entenna durmg July enter the Thp :l>, nsmg to only No 39 lt
stayed tn the Thp lOO for e~ght weeks
28 (128) MULL OF KINTYRE after entennq dunng October 1978

Capitol 4504 - NovembeJ 14, 1977 By Wings

Although becommg the b1ggest-selhng Cap1tol SOO 119:J5 - November 22. 1978
smgle of all nme m Bntam Mull Of
Kmtyre/Guls School fa11ed to enter the Although boastmg five number one smgles.
Top 30 of the Billboard charts It peaked along wtth sue other Top Ten smgles.
at No 33, sta}'lng m the chart for eleven Wmgs Greatest only rose to No 29 m the
weeks Although a double "A"-s1ded hll. B1llboard album charts staymg m the
Mull Of Kmryre rece1ved mrunmurn arr- best sellers for e1ghteen weeks Of the

Paul McCartney US 107

twelve smgles on the album, only Mull Of 37 BACK TO THE EGG
Kintyre had failed to enter the Top 30 (It By Wings
reached No 33), wlule Uncle Albertl
Adrrural Halsey, My Love, Band On The Columbia FC-36057 - May 24, 1979
Run, Silly Love Songs and With A Little
Luck had all reached No. I in the BtU- The ftrst Wings' album on the Columbta
board smgles chart One other Wmgs' label wluch entered the Billboard charts
smgle reached the coveted No. I posttton on June 30, reachmg No 8, and staymg m
m Amenca - Listen To ~at The Man the chart for twenty-four weeks. It
Said. (Sleeve same as British release.)· aclueved platinum status m the US
(Tracks and sleeve same as the Bnttsh
ASIDE release.)
(Same as British release)
42a HI, HI, HI Columbia 3-11020- June S, 1979
For the first ttme (with the exception of
44b MY LOVE the premature release of the ]et/Mamunia
62c JET single) the US release of a Wmgs' smgle
was different from the equivalent Bnnsh
128a MULL OF KINTYRE release In Bntam, Old S1am Sir was
r eleased as the first single from the Back
34 BAND ON THE RUN (Picture disc) To The Egg album In America, Columbia
By Wings picked Gettmg Closer. which gave
Wmgs a No. 20 chart h1t. The smgle
Capitol SEAX 11901 - December 1978 entered the Btllboard charts on June 16,
As a comparuon to the Beatles ptcture staymg in the Top 100 for ten weeks
diSC releases of Sgt Pepper and Abbey
Road, Capttol released Band On The Run
in ptcture disc form m a lirruted edttton of
150,000 (Tracks same as onQ1Ilal release) By Wings

35 (144) GOODNIGHT TONIGHT Colwybia 1-11070- August 14, 1979

For the second smgles release from Back
By Wings To The Egg Columbta selected Arrow
Through Me, thts was not released m
Colombia 3-10939- March 15, 1979 Bntam as a 45, although the US couplmg,
Old Siam Sir, had already appeared as a
36 (l44a) GOODNIGHT TONIGHT Bnttsh seven-mch Arrow Through Me
(l4Sa) DAYTIME NIGHTIME SUF· only reached No 29 m the Btllboard
FERING (Special 12-inch single) charts, m wh1ch tt was hsted for ten
weeks. after entering on August 25.
By Wings
Columbia 23-/0940 - March 15, 1979 40 (162) WONDERFUL CBRISTMASTIME
After two comparatively unsuccessful REGGAE
smgles. Wmgs scored a Top Slut wtth thiS
dtsco smgle Goodmght Tomght, whtch By Paul McCartney
entered the charts on March 31, reachmg
No. 5 and staymg m the charts for sLXteen Columbia 1-11162 - November 20. 1979
weeks. As m Bntam, the smgle appeared
m both seven-mch and twelve-tnch pres- As wtth the Chrtstmas smgles of John and
smgs, the latter bemg an extended dtsco Yoko and George in Amenca, Paul had
verston of the "A" stde. The record was little success wtth hts festive smgle (it
the ftrst Wmgs' smgle to appear on the failed to enter any of the three ma)or
Columbta label, and appeared m a ptcture Amencan charts) (Ptcture sleeve same
sleeve. (Sleeve same as Bnttsh release.) as Bnttsh release.)

108 Working Class Heroes

As all Paul McCartney's albums were
41 (164) COMING UP leased to Cap1tol on a five year basiS,
(165) COMING UP (LIVE AT when Ius Cap1tol contract expued and he
GLASGOW) (166) LUNCBBOX/ moved to Columb1a he took Ius contrac-
ODDSOX tual nghts to each record Wlth rum Thus
"A" side by Paul McCartney each of h1s earlter albums was made
available for Columbia to reiSSue. The
"B" s1de by Paul McCartney and Wings above five albums were the first batch
under these terms. each bemg 1dent1cal
Columbia 1-ll263 Apnl I 5. I 980 to the ongmal releases
In the Umted States, rad1o station pro
48 (169a) WATERFALLS
grammers preferred the hve vers10n of
Commg Up, and 11 was thiS vers1on whtch
rece1ved auplay It therefore charted Columbia J-ll335 - July 22. 1980
smce the Amencan charts are partially
based on rad1o plays It was the last One of Paul's least successful smgles
Wmgs' smgle to chart m Amenca. reaching ever, Waterfalls failed to enter the Top
No. I for three weeks. after entenng 100, managmg only to nse to No 106 m
on Apnl 26. The smgle went to No. I on the srngles JUSt outs1de the chart (Picture
June 28 and stayed m the charts for sleeve same as BntiSh release.)
twenty-one weeks (Ptcture sleeve same
as BntiSh r eleas.., ) 49 VENUS AND MARS
By Wings
By Paul McCartney
Columbia FC-36801 - September 25.
Columbia FC-36tJI I -May 21. 1980 1980
After the success of the Commg Up The siXth re-release of a McCartney
smgle. M cCartney 11 followed swt and album on Columbia ('I'racks and sleeve
entered the charts on June 14, readung same as ongmal release )
No 3, and staymg m the Top 200 album
charts for nmeteen weeks ('I'racks and
sleeve same as BntiSh release )

43 McCARTNEY By Paul McCartney and Vie Garbarini

By Paul McCartney Culumbia PC-36987 - Dec&mber 4 ~980

Columbia FC 36478 - May 22. 1980 After Columbia released a spec1al pro-
motional double album of the McCartney
mterview by Player and LJstener
pubhc demand for the records prompted
them to release the album offlcially ThiS
By Paul and Linda McCartney hmlted ed1t1on release reached No 158 m
the Top 200 album charts after entenng
Cvlumbia FC-J64,J - May 2" 1980
on January 31. staymg for a mere three
weeks m the chart (Cover and tracks
45 WILD LIFE s1me as Bnll~h release )


Cv/umbia FC-36480- May 22 1980
By Wmgs
Columbia Hall Of Fame 13-33405 -
46 RED ROSE SPEEDWAY December 4 1980
By Paul McCartney and Wmgs
52 (44c) MY LOVE
Columbia FC J6481 May 22. 1980 (13a) MAYBE I'M AMAZED
"A" s1de by Paul McCartney and Wmgs
"B" s1de by Paul McCartney
By Paul McCartney and Wmgs
Columbia Hall Of Fame 13-33407 -
Columbia FC 36482- May 22 1980 December 4 1980

Paul McCartney US 109

(62d) JET
Columbia 18-02171 -June 12, 1981
"A" side by Paul and Linda McCartney
Unhke the ongmal Hall Of Fame senes of
"B" side by Paul McCartney and Wings
reiSSues of McCartney smgles, S1/Jy Love
Columbia HaJJ Of Fame 13-33408 Songs was reiSSued on Columbta's normal
December 4, 1980 smgles sen es, with 1ts ongmal "B" stde
(although 1t failed to make the charts)
54 (6lc) BAND ON THE RUN

By Paul McCartney and Wings By Wings

Columbia HaJJ Of Fame 13-33409 - Columbia FC-37409 - July 13, 1981
December 4, 1980
Ftve years after tts Capttol release Wmgs
As Wlth his Capitol albums. McCartney's At The Speed Of Sound was retssued by
smgles were deleted ftve years after Columbta. (Tracks and sleeve same as
release and replaced wtth the above ongmal release.)
Columbia singles, on their Hall of Fame
label. Both sides of each smgle were
ongmally "A" sides of earlier Capttol
smgles, except Maybe I'm Amazed - "A" side by Paul McCartney Wlth Stevie
whtch features the origmal McCartney Wonder
studto verston, rather than the live verston
which appeared on the 1979 smgle Other "B" side by Paul McCartney
singles eleg1ble to be reiSSued m the
senes (but that were not m fact used) Columbia 18-02860 - Apnl 2, 1982
were Another Day, GIVe Ireland Back To 59 (l85a) EBONY AND IVORY
The Irish, Mary Had A Little Lamb, H1, HI, (186a) RAINCLOUDS'(l87) EBONY
HI, Live And Let Die, ]umor's Farm, Listen AND IVORY (solo version; 12-
To What The Man Said, Letting Go and inch single )
Venus And Mars/Rock Show
"A'' side by Paul McCartney with Stevie
By Various Anists "B" side by Paul McCartney
Atlantic SD 2 7005 - March 30. 1981 Columbia 44-02878 - Aprll 16, 1982
The only new matenal from M cCartney in Ebony And Ivory entered the Billboard
1981 appeared on thts vanous artists Hot Hundred on Apnl 10, at No. 29 - the
chartty album to help the starvmg people htghest new entry posttion smce John
of Kampuchea. The album entered the Lennon's lmagme entered at No. 20 m
Btllboard charts on April 18, reachmg No. 1971. On May 15, 1t rose to No I for seven
36 and staying in the chart for twelve w eeks, eventually staymg m the Top lOO
weeks. (Tracks and sleeve same as BntlSh for mneteen weeks. As m Britam, the
release) smgle appeared in a p tcture sleeve, and
as a twelve-mch release wtth the solo
verston of Ebony And Ivory on the "B"
SS BAND ON THE RUN (Half-speed master)
By Paul McCartney and Wings 60 TUG OF WAR
Columbia HC 46482- Apn124, 1981 By Paul McCartney
The third reappearance of Band On The Columbia TC 37462- Apnl 26, 1982
Run after the picture dtsc and Columbta
reissue, thiS high quallty pressmg ap- Tug Of War entered the Billboard charts
peared on Columbta m conjunction with on M ay 15 at No. 15, IISmg to No 1 for
Half-Speed Master Audloplule Recordings. three weeks on M ay 29. It had remamed
(Tracks and sleeve as ongmal release.) m the Top 200 for twenty-nme weeks by
the end of 1982. (Tracks and sleeve same
as BntJsh release.)

61 (189a) TAKE IT AWAY
By Paul McCartney
Columbia 18-03018 -June 29, 1982

62. (189b) TAKE IT .AWAY

(199a) I'LL GIVE YOU .A RING'(198a)
(12-inch single)

Columbia 44-03019 - July 16. 1982

The second smg1es release from Tug Of
War wh1ch appeared m both seven-mch
and twelve-mch forms entered the Btll·
board chart on July 10, nsmg to No 10 on
August 21 and staymg m the chart for
stxteen weeks
63 (188a) TUG OF W.AR ··
(196a) GET IT

M A" s1de by Paul McCartney

"B" s1de by Paul McCartney and Carl
Columbia 38-03235- September 14 1982
The th1rd release from the Tug Of War
album, the tltle track entered the
Billboard charts on October 2, peakmg at
No 55 on October 23, and remammg m
the chart for eight weeks ·


A" s1de by Mlchael Jackson!Paul


"B" s1de by Mlchael Jackson

Epic 34-03288- October 3, 1982
McCartney's fust collaboration With
Michael Jackson entered the Billboard
chart on November 6 at No 45, 11 rose to
No 2 for three weeks from January 8.
1983, and remamed m the Top 40 tor
fourteen weeks

Paul McCartney US lll

.. 7


George Harrison's Wonderwall Music.

An Apple LP. (Ape or 1 Mono Sapcor 1 Stereo)

__ __ .,
Apple SAPCOR I - November I. 1968
The first solo release by a Beatle,
Wonderwall Music was the soundtrack
album to Joe Mussot's film, Wonderwall
(1969), stamng jack MacGowran, Jane
B1rkin, Irene Hand!, RTchard Wattis,
Beatrix Lehmann and lain Quarner."The
album did not enter the Bntish album
charts. and was one of the frrst Beatle solo
albums to be deleted m Bntam
The album was recorded m London m
December 1967 (English titles) and at
EMI Stud1os, Bombay Ind1a, between
June 9 and 15, 1968, (lnd1an titles) -
durmg the same sessions wh1ch pro-
duced the Beatles' The inner Light
for the London sessions, George used
the following mus1c1ans: John Barham/
ptano and flugelhorn, Tommy Retlly/
harmoruca; Colin Manley/gwtar and steel
gu1tar; Edward Antony (Tony) Ashtonl
)angle p1ano and organ; Phthp Rogers/
bass; and Roy Dyke/drums Reports state
that both Rmgo and Enc Clapton also
asststed With the recordmgs. four of the
mus1c1ans - Colm Manley, Tony Ashton,
Roy Dyke and Philip Rogers - comprtsed
the Liverpool group, The Remo four.
George used the following Indian
music1ans for the Bombay sessions:
Ash1sh Khanlsarod, Mahapurush M!sral
tabla and"pakavaj; Sharad and Hanuman
Jadev/shanhais; Shambu-Das. Indnl Bhat- 10 DREAM SCENE (5.26)*
tacharya and Shankar Ghoshls1tars; BSIDE
Chandra Shakher/surbahar; Sh1v Kumar
Shermar/santoor; S R Kenkarelflute; 11 PARTY SECOMBE (4 32)
Vmatk Vora/thar-shanhat and R11 Ram 12 LOVE SCENE (4 14)•
Desadlharrnoruum and tablatarang
The album sleeve was designed by 13 CRYING (1.12) *
Bob Gill, John Kelly and Alan Aldridge, 14 COWBOY MUSIC (1.26)
w1th the front cover illustration by Bob
G1ll. The album featured a pnnted insert
credit sheet, and the record catalogue 16 ON THE BED (2.17)
number was ongmally scheduled as
17 GLASS BOX (I 04)*
STAP I (thts number IS engraved, but
crossed out, on the run-out groove area) 18 WONDERWALL TO BE HERE ( 1 22)
MICROBES (3.39)* (Titles marked * recorded in India,
2 RED LADY TOO (154) although Dream Scene contains Westem
The Ctlm's director, joe Massot, a personal
4 IN THE PARK (4.05)* fnend of George's, tnVlted h1m to
s DRILLING A HOME (3.07) compose the soundtrack for the film
George composed all the mus1c after
6 GURU VANDANA (I 03)" Vlewmg an unfirLtshed vers1on of the film
7 GREASY LEGS (I 27) He arranged each tune and made home
recordmgs of each theme as an outline for
8 SKI-ING (I 50) the actual recordmgs, whlch he produced
9 GAT KIRWANI (115)" usmg sessiOn mus1c1ans However, many

114 Working Class Heroes

of the themes were made up m the studto,
wtth George usmg the skllls of the mu·
stctans to develop certam pteces
Apple STCH 639 - November 27. 1970

Zapp/e ZAPPLE 02- May 9, 1969

ul ,.._,.... I lo\1(1..'1"<;:;
\U 1111:-...-. \11.._1 1~'\''

George's th1rd solo release and htS first to

enter the NME album charts, wh1ch 11 did
on December 23 at No 11 It rose to No I
on January 27, 1971 (by wh1ch tune sales
George's second solo album also failed to were approachmg 60,000 m Bntam) The
enter the BnttSh charts, bemg the second tnple LP, whtch stayed at No l for seven
(and final) release on Apple's subs1d1ary weeks, was the first three record set to
label, Zapple The album featured hold the No 1 spot m Bntam, sellmg for
George playmg hiS newly acqwred Moog £4 l9s 6d (£4 98), whtch was more than
SynthesiZer and IS probably the very ftrst double the pnce of a normal album at thiS
album to contam solely synthestzed tune The album stayed m the NME Top
sounds The first stde was recorded m 30 for twenty-three weeks. selling well
George's home stud1o at Esher, m over three rrullton globally
February 1969, whtle the second stde was George recorded the album between
recorded in Cahforma. m November 1968 May and August 1970, mostly at Tndent
- supposedly wtth Berme Krause Studios, London. though some sess1ons
asststmg. Krause later clarrned m pnnt took place at EMl Stud1os, Abbey Road,
that he had made the recordmgs and that wtth George and Plul Spector producmg
George had appropnated them for hiS The album features a star-studded cast of
album top mus1c1ans as follows drums and
The sleeve featured two pamtmgs by percuss1on/Rmgo Starr, )1m Cordon, Alan
George, who tS also credtted wtth the Wh1te and Gmger Baker, bass gwtar/
sleeve destgn and producnon of the Klaus Voorman and Carl Radle; key-
album As wtth many early Apple boards/Gary Wnght, Bobby Whitlock.
records. the mner sleeve contams the B1lly Preston and Gary Brooker, pedal
album credits. mcludmg a quote by a steel guttar/Pete Drake; guttars'George
certam Arthur Wax 'There are a lot of HarrtSOn, Enc Clapton and Dave Mason
people around makmg a lot of n01se, tenor saxophone/Bobby Keyes, trumpet/
here's some more · As the album features )tm Pnce, rhythm gu1tars and percUSSion/
a collage of synthesiZed "no1se", wtth no Badfinger - Tom Evans. Pete Ham. Joey
dtscermble mus1c, thiS quote seemed Molland and Mtke Gtbbons; and
very appropnate tambounne/Mal Evans As well as smgmg
all lead vocals George multt-tracked htS
ASIDE own votce to proVIde all backmg vocals.
20 UNDER THE MERSEY WAJ..J.. (1837) dubbmg the resultant •chotr" the George
OHara·Smtth Smgers Orchestral arrange-
BSJDE ments were supphed by John Barham
21 NO TIME OR SPACE (25.03) An mterestmg stde ISSue IS that All
Thmgs Must Pass saw the recorded
debut of Enc Clapton's group Derek and
the Dommoes (Clapton Whttlock Radle
and Gordon) Dunng the sess1ons for

George Harrison UK 115

George's album, Derek and the Dommoes RECORD THREE "APPLE ]AM' A SIDE
expenmented with the use of Phil Spector 40 OUT OF THE BLUE (1112)
as thetr producer. although very little
resulted 41 IT'S JOHNNY'S BIRTHDAY (0. 49)
The album package cost around 42 PLUG ME IN (3.17)
£36,000 to produce, as the mner sleeves
and poster were printed m the USA and RECORD THREE B SIDE
unported. Dunng late December 1970 43 I REMEMBER JEEP (8.04)
and early January 1971, sttx:ks of the album
began to dwindle. 250,000 imPorted 44 THANKS FOR THE PEPPERONI (5.28)
sleeves had been unpounded by unport Of the etghteen songs on Records One
offic1als at Heathrow A1rport (due to and Two, George composed siXteen,
certam pnnted paper restrictlons) and mostly during 1969. I'd Have You Anytime
further production of the album was was wntten JOintly With Bob Dylan at his
delayed home m Woodstock, New York, durmg
The album destgn and photography November 1968; If Not For You was a
was by Tom Wllkes and Barry Femstein Bob Dylan composition from 1968, which
for Camouflage Productions, with the George first heard when visiting Dylan
cover photographs of George bemg M y Sweet Lord was 1nsptred by Oh
taken at hls Henley-on-Thames estate. The Happy Day from the Edwin Hawkins
first and second albums featured a new Singers, and was composed during the
orange Apple, as opposed to the usual Delaney and Bonrue tour (on which
green colour, wh1le the Apple jam tlurd George guested) of December 1969.
album featured a spectal label showmg George gave My Sweet Lord and All
an apple Jam pot. The mner sleeves for Thmgs Must Pass to B1lly Preston for hiS
each record, containing song lyrtcs and Encouragmg Words album whtch
credits, were made in purple, grey and George produced and recorded bet-
green cartndge paper. ween April and June 1970, before he
RECORD ONE A SIDE started to record the songs h1rnself At
one tune, My Sweet Lord was to be
22 I'D HAVE YOU ANYTIME (2.54) Preston's thtrd Apple smgle (APPLE 29),
23 MY SWEET LORD (4.37) for release on September 4, 1969, but was
withdrawn, possibly as a result of George
24 WAH-WAH (533) recordmg the number h1rnself
25 ISN'T IT A PITY (version one) (7.07) Wah- Wah was wr1tten m January 1969,
dunng the Let It Be rehearsal sess1ons,
RECORD ONE B SIDE when George walked out after a dis-
26 WHAT IS LIFE (4.20) agreement With Paul. What Is Life was
wr1tten for Btlly Preston on the way to
27 IF NOT FOR YOU (3.27)
Olympic Studtos, London, when George
28 BEHIND THAT LOCKED DOOR (303) was producmg hts album. Encouraging
29 LET IT DOWN (4 53) Words; Preston never recorded the song,
however, as George later realtsed 1t was
30 RUN OF THE MILL (2.48) not su1ted to Billy's style. The song was
RECORD TWO A SIDE later recorded by Oitvta Newton-John.
becommg her thud Top 30 rut and en-
31 BEWARE OF DARKNESS (3.46) tenng the NMEcharts on March 15, 1972,
32 APPLE SCRUFFS (3 02) at No. 25. It rose to No 14 on March 29
and stayed m the chart for seven weeks
33 BALLAD OF SIR FRANKIE CRISP (LET IT (Ohv1a Newton-John's first rut smgle was If
ROLL) (3.45) Not For You, wtuch she recorded after
34 AWAITING ON YOU ALL (2.43) George had covered 1t on All Thmgs
Must Pass. she took 1t to No 6 on April 14
35 ALL THINGS MUST PASS (3.43) 1971, after 1t entered on March 17 at No.
RECORD TWO B SIDE 26 - the start of a stay m the charts lasting
rune weeks.)
36 I DIG LOVE (4 54)
Apple Scruffs ts George's affectionate
37 ART OF DYING (3 35) tnbute to the legendary fans who daily
38 ISN'T IT A PITY (version two) (4.43) congregated outstde any bUtldmg that
housed a Beatle. Whenever the Beatles
39 HEAR ME LORD (5 43) were busy recordmg at Abbey Road - or
any other stud1o - a horde of dte-hard
fans would collect outstde the studiO day

116 Working Class Heroes

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.Electronic Sounds.
Contnbunons for thP hf>ncfn of tho Homeless Ch•lmcn ot B ngl
The George Ha'''son Rava Shankar Sp · al [merg<'ncv Rei • f nd I r D
c o UNICEF UMad Nat o N Y C tv

(weve got b r0~

geage horrison e R ss12
and rught, waitmg for therr Idols to
emerge The mam meetmg pomt was
outside the Apple Offices m Savile Row
m the centre of London's West End, and
therefore an easy target for VISiting
Beatles' fans. After George had recorded
the song, he mv1ted the wruting Apple
Scruffs mto the stud1o for a special
preVIew hearmg
Srr Frankle Cnsp was a V1ctonan
archltect and lawyer, who origmaUy weeks. By the end of February tt had sold
des1gned and bwlt George's castle m over 700,000, becommg the top-selling
Henley All Thmgs Must Pass was wntten smgle m Britain m 1971 The record lS the
m 1968, 1t was ongmally recorded by the lhrrd best-selling single by an ex-Beatle,
Beatles during the Let It Be rehearsals, bemg topped by Mull Of Kmtyre and
though the recording was never fimshed Imagme m Bntam, With sales approach-
(bemg only a rough demo vers1on). mg the milbon mark.
George wrote The Art Of Dymg m 1966, World sales of the single by February
but never considered 11 for the Beatles as 9, 1971, were between three and four
he thought the theme too ''way-out". million (bemg estunated at over five
The thlrd album of the set features five rrulbon to date). As well as becommg a
tracks recorded durmg the sess1ons for chart topper in Bntam and America, the
the first two records, each tune bemg smgle also reached No. 1 m Austraba,
rrnproVlSed by the mus1c1ans present It's Austna, Brazil, France, Germany, MeXIco,
]ohnny's Brrthday, however, uses the tune Norway, Smgapore, Spain, Sweden and
of CongratulatiOns, by Bill Martm and Phtl Switzerland
Coulter, who later clrurned royalties (and The release of the smg1e was ongmally
recetved them) Each tune lS crecilted to announced by Harnson on October 23,
the musicians playmg on each number 1970, for November, but three days later
Out Of The Blue features Jun Gordonl George changed his mind, and the smgle
drums; Carl Radle/bass, Bobby Whltlock/ was w1thdrawn George stated that he
p1ano; Enc Claptonlgwtar; Gary WnghV cildn't want the smg1e to detract from the
organ, George Harrisonlgwtar, Jrrn Pnce/ impact of the All Thmgs Must Pass album
trumpet, Bobby Keyeslsaxophone; and After the release of the album, diSc
JOurnaliSt A1 AronoWltzl? It's ]ohnny's JOckeys were contmually playmg My
Buthday features George, Mal Evans and Sweet Lord, and pubhc demand forced
Eddle Klem the smgle to be finally released on
Both Plug Me In and Thanks For The January 15, 1971. m Bntam.
Pepperom feature Jrrn Gordonldrums, ln March 1971, the Amencan pubbsher
Car! Radlelbass; Bobby Wh1tlock/piano; of He's So Fme 1nslltuted legal actton
and three electric guitars played by Enc agrunst Harnson and Apple, on the basiS
Clapton, Dave Mason and George. I that My Sweet Lord was an unauthoriSed
Remember jeep features a sbghtly dil- plagtansm of therr smgle by The Chlffons
ferent lme-up from that used on the other 'I'hiS was the start of a long and tortuous
"Jam" tracks Gmger Baker/drums, Klaus court battle between Harnson and Bnght
Voormanlbass, Billy Prestonlp1ano, Enc Tunes (the Arnencan pubbshers), whlch
Claptonlgwtar, and George!Moog Syn- was finally resolved m 1976 when Hamson
theSIZer "Jeep" was m fact a dog belongmg lost the case, and pa1d compensahon of
to Enc Clapton, the dog was apparently $587,000 to Bnght Tunes, somewhat rroru-
stolen around thiS ume. cally then owned by Allen Klem
My Sweet Lord features Rmgo/drums;
4 (23a) MY SWEET LORD (4 37) Klaus Voormanlbass, Gary WnghVptano;
(26a) WHAT IS LIFE (4 20) Badfinger and George/gmtars, and steel
gwtar by Pete Drake, who was flown over
Apple R 5884 - January 15, 1971 from the States at a cost of $10 000 to play
George's first solo smgle entered the on the All Thmgs Must Pass album
NME Top 30 on January 20 at No 14, 5 (45) BANGLA DESB (3 55)
nsmg to No. I the followmg week on (46) DEEP BLUE (3 40)
January 27. By January 30, after two weeks
on sale, the smgle had sold 250,000 m Apple R 5912- ]uly 30. 1971
Bntam alone, and by February 9 had
passed the half million mark (556, 485 to George's song for the people of Bangla
be exact) - keepmg tt at No. 1 for SIX Desh. whlch entered the NME charts on

George Harrison UK 119

August 18 at No. 16, nsmg to No. lO for track machine from the Record Plant,
two weeks on August 23, and staymg m controlled by Phtl Spector The resultant
the chart for seven weeks. tape was rruxed by Spector and produced
George composed Bangla Desh after by HarrlSOn and Spector.
Ravt Shankar had approached hun to cud The concerts raiSed $243,418.SO for the
the starvmg refugees of his homeland by char1ty A cheque for that sum was sent
orgarusmg a chanty concert The song by Madlson Square Gardens Center lnc.
was wntten as a prelude to the concerts to UNICEF' on August 12, 1971 Wlth total
and was recorded dunng July 1971 The proceeds from the concerts. film and
"B" stde of the smgle, wluch does not album ra1Smg over ftfteen mllhon dollars.
appear on any other Harnson record, Unfortunately only a small amount of thlS
was wrttten by George after Ius mother figure ever got to Bangla Desh. as legal
dted of a termmal disease dunng the problems wtth var1ous record comparues
recordmg of All Thmgs Must Pass. Both and US revenue lied the money up for
tracks were produced by Phi! Spector years Ravi Shankar and George re-
and George ceived The Ch1ld Is The Father Of Man
award from UNICEF' on June S, 1972.
The album destgn was by Barry rem-
6 THE CONCERT FOR BANGLA pESR stem and Tom Wilkes for Camouflage
Productions, wtth photography by Barry
Apple STCX 3385- January 7. 1972 Femstem, Tom W1lkes and Alan Par1Ser.
The brown box mcluded a sooy-four
page full colour booklet, featurmg pictures
taken at the concerts, pnnted m the USA
W1th an elaborate package, the album
retailed for £S SO. wh1ch George thought
was too htgh
Introductions by George Harrison and
Ravi Shankar
47 WAH-WAH (319)
48 MY SWEET LORD (4 19)
George's second triple boxed set entered THAT'S THE WAY GOD PLANNED IT
the NME album charts on January 19 at (4.06)
No. 6, nsmg to No. 4 the following week
where it remamed for two weeks. It RECORD TWO A SIDE
stayed m the charts altogether for ten IT DON'T COME EASY (2 38)
Wtth mtlhons starvmg and suffenng
from dtsease m hts home country, Rav1 BEWARE OF DARKNESS (3. 26)
Shankar approached George Harnson to Introduction of band by George
asstst h1m m orgamsmg a benefit concert
to atd UNICEF' m thetr relief of refugee 51 WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS
(4 38)
chtldren m Bangla Desh In a matter of
f1ve or stx weeks. George had mVlted RECORD TWO B SIDE
several top stars to donate theu seiVlces.
mcludmg John, Paul and Rmgo Only
Rmgo accepted the offer Paul refused
because he dJdn't constder the llme nght 52 HERE COMES THE SUN (250)
for a Beatles reumon: John trutJally agreed RECORD THREE A SIDE
but later declined when he realiSed that
the mvttatton dJd not extend to Yoko. The A HARD RAINS GONNA FALL (5 14)
concert was staged on August I 1971, at IT TAKES A LOT TO LAUGH/IT TAKES A
Madtson Square Gardens, New York. TRAIN TO CRY (2 53)
Wlth an aftt..:noon and evemng show. The
concerts were recorded Vla forty-four BLOWIN' IN THE WIND (334)
rrucrophones, usmg a Wally Hetder sixteen- MR. TAMBOURINE MAN (4 10)
120 Working Class Heroes

JUST LIKE A WOMAN (4 35) the full band. With J1m Horn supplymg
saxophone on Bang/a Desh
ON EARTH) (3 32)
54 BANGLA DESH (4 26) (56) MISS O'DELL (2 26)
The concert .tarted Wlth an mtroductlon
from George - who rece1ved a standmg Apple R 5988- May 25. 1973
ovation from the 20,000 concert-goers - George's frrst smgle for nearly two years
followed by Ravt Shankar mtroducing h1s entered the NME charts on June 5 at No
Indian mus1c section ThiS featured a long I 7 rtSmg to No. 8 on July 3, and staymg m
raga wntten by Shankar, called Bangla the chart for e1ght weeks. It was George's
Dhun The p1ece was performed by Ravt last hit smgle (accordmg to the NME
Shankar/s1tar, All Akbar Khanlsarod: Alia chart) for e1ght years - until 1981 and All
Rakha/tabla, and Kamala Chakravarty/ Those Years Ago G1ve Me Love was
tamboura from the LIVlng In The Matenal World
For the second part of the concert, album, recorded between January and
George was backed by a twenty-five Apnl 1973. O'Dell was wntten by
p1ece back-up band COTISI!tuUng the George m Los Angeles in Apnl 1971
"Greatest Rock Spectacle of the Decade" about Chns O'DeU, who worked for Apple.
(NME August 7, 1971) The Bangla Desh The song was recorded several t1mes
band COTISISted of George, Enc Clapton and George picked the most humorous
and Jesse Ed DavtSI gu1tars, Pete Ham vers1on for the smgle, does not
Tom EvaTIS and Joey Molland/acousuc appear on any other HarrtSOn record The
gu1tars; M1ke Glbbof1Sipercuss1on. B1lly smgle was produced by George and did
Prestonlorgan, Lean RusselVptano; ]tm not appear m a p1cture sleeve
Horn, Chuck Fmdley, and Olhe MltchelV
horns; Car! Radle and Klaus Voormanl
bass, Rmgo Starr and }1m Keltnerldrums; 8 LIVING IN THE MATERIAL WORLD
w1th backmy vocals supphed by a chorus
hne of Alan Beutler Marlin Greene, Apple PAS 10006- June 21, 1973
]earue Greene, ]o Green, Dolores Hall,
)ackte Kelso, Claud1a Lennear, Lou
McCreary Don NIX and Don Preston
George takes the vocal spothght on the
fust three numbers. wh1le on That's The
Way God Planned It B11ly Preston smgs
hiS 1969 Apple lu.t. It Don't Come Easy
features Rmgo smgmg, although at limes
he forgets h1s own lyncs and mumbles
through the song On Beware Of Dark-
ness Q">Qrge smgs lead With Lean RusseU
solomg on one verse and ]un Horn
supplymg the saxophone
Wh1le My Gwtar Gently Weeps fea-
tures the twm yu1tars of George and Enc.
with George smgmg For the jumpm' jack
Flash. Youngblood medley Lean Russell
smgs solo lead vocal on the former sonq LJVmg In The Matenal World entered the
bemg JOtned by Don Preston on the latter NMJ:.' album charts on June 26 at No 8.
jumpm' jack Flash also features Cart nsmg to No 3 on July 24 and staymg m the
Radle on bass, and Don Preston on lead chart for eight weeks The album has sold
gmtar over three m1lhon globally
Here Comes The Sun features the The album was mostly recorded bet-
acoustic gullars of George and Badfinger's ween January and Apnl 1973 at the Apple
Pete Ham. wtth vocals by George F'or Stud1os, 3 Sav1le Row. London With
Bob Dylan's five tracks, only four art1sts George producmg The backmg track for
performed on stage Dylan playmg har- Try Some Buy Some was recorded m late
moruca and acousuc guitar Leon Russell February 1971, with George and Phil
on bass. George on electnc gmtar and Spcctor producmg The album was re-
Rmgo on tambourme For the last Dylan corded With the folloWing mUSicians: N1cky
song, just L1ke A Woman Lean and HopkiTIS and Gary WnghVkeybo;nds.
George assiSted on vocals The last two Klaus Voormanlbass, Jun Keltner and
songs - both sung by George - featured Rmgo Starr/drums 01m Gordon on Try

George Hamson UK 123

Some Buy Some), George/guitar; Jun World Gets 'Round was wntten the day
Horn/saxophone and flutes; Zakir Hussein/ after the Bangla Desh concert, on August
tabla; w1th John Barham supplying stnngs. 2, 1971. The ma)onty of the songs were
The elaborately packaged album fea- mspued by George's religious behefs
tured a gatefold sleeve, With des1gn by
9 (67) DING DONG (3 36)
Wtlkes & Braun Inc., and included a four-
page insert of song lyncs. The front cover (68) I DON'T CARE ANYMORE (2 36)
photograph was taken at George's Henley Apple R 6002 - December 6. 1974
home by Ken Marcus and features George
toastlng the mus1c1ans heard on the George's fourth smgle, and the first not to
album: (left to right) Gary Wright. Jtm enter the NME Top 30 (although it d1d
Horn, Klaus Voorman, N1cky Hopkms, Jim manage five weeks m the BMRB chart,
Keltner and Rmgo The record label does rismg to No 38 after entenng on December
not feature the usual green apple, there 21 1974) Dmg Dong was recorded be-
are two extracts from photographs on the tween September and October 1974, and
sleeve, and the run-out groove area was insptred by engraVIngs on the walls
features two messages: "HARE KRSNA" of George's Henley home - bwlt by Su
and "HARE RAMA'. Franlae CrtSp The 'B" Side, I Don't Care
A SIDE Anymore, probably refers to George's
troubles With the He's So Fine/My Sweet
55a GIVE ME LOVE (GIVE ME PEACE ON Lord lawsuit, and does not appear on any
EARTH) (3 32) other Hamson release
WORLD (3.26)
Apple PAS 10008- December 20. 1974
60 WHO CAN SEE IT (3. 48)
63 BE HERE NOW (4.04)
66 THAT IS ALL (3.38)

All songs on the album were wntten and

sung by George, with Sue M e Sue You As with the smgle, Dmg Dong, the album
Blues bemg written durmg the penod at Dark Horse failed to enter the NME
Apple when Paul was sumg the other charts The album was recorded and
Beatles. The Light That Has Lighted The produced by George at F.PS.H.OT.
World ongmally started as the "B" stde to Stuchos m England and A&M Stuchos,
C1lla Black's record, When Every Song Is Los Angeles. durmg September and
Sung whtch was never completed LIVmg October 1974 FP S.H OT stands for
In The Matenal World mcludes refer- Fnars Park Stud1o Henley-On Thames··
ences to John, Paul and Rmgo Be Here - George's home recordmg stud1o. The
Now was wntten m N1chols Canyon, Los album was humedly recorded for com-
Angeles, m April 1971 Try Some Buy plehon before George's first solo Tour of
Some was ongmally wntten for Ronrue Amenca durmg November and December
Spector, Ph1l's Wlfe. It was recorded m 1974, as he was suffenng from laryngitiS at
February 1971, With Spector producmg that pomt, the vocals at times sound
and resulted in a single which unfortu- stramed
nately flopped George hked the song so To record the album. George used
much that he removed Ronrue's vocals over twenty mus1c1ans mcluchng gu1tarsl
from the recordmg, slowed the tempo Robben Ford (Han's On Tour, Sunply
down, and overdubbed hlS own vocals Shady & Dark Horse), Enc Clapton (Bye
onto the mstrumental track The Day The Bye Love), Mlck ]ones (Ding Dong), AlVIn

124 Working Class Heroes



U.f !':~~· • L m •"'

.,.,., r
Jn. IJ
»-• U1n4 w•• '''
Lee (Dmg Dong) and Ron Wood (Dmg 71 SO SAD (4 57)
Dong), bassiMax Bennett (Han's On Tour
12 BYE BYE LOVE (4 02)
& S1mply Shady), Wtlhe Weeks (So Sad
Maya Love. Dark Horse, Far East Man & 73 MAYA LOVE (4 J9)
It Is He) and Klaus Voorrnan (Dzng Dong); BSIDE
drurns!John Guenn (Han's On Tow &
S1mp/y Shady), Rmgo Starr (So Sad & 67a DING DONG DING DONG (338)
Dmg Dong), jtm Keltner (So Sad, Dmg 74 DARK HORSE (3 52)
Dong & ht hat on Dark Horse) and Andy
Newmark (Maya Love, Dark Horse, Far 75 FAR EAST MAN (5 48)
East Man & It Is He) , pmno/Roger 76 IT IS "HE" (4 43)
Kennaway (HarJ's On Tour & S1mply
Shady) Ntcky Hopk:ms (So Sad) and Btlly George composed aU the songs, except
Preston (It Is He); electnc ptanOIBtUy Bye Bye Love - wntten by Fel!ce and
Preston (Maya Love, Dark Horse and Far Boudleaux Bryant, With amended lyncs
East Man); horns/Tom Scott (Han's On by George - and Far Ease Man WJth
Tour, Maya Love, Dmg Dong & Far East words by George and mustc by George
Man) , flutes/Chuck Fmdley, ]tm Horn and and Ron Wood SIIIlply Shady was wntten
Tom Scott (Dark Horse & it is He) and m Bombay, lndta, about George's spht
Emtl Rtchards (wobble board on it Is lie WJth hts frrst Wlfe, PattJ, who smgs backmg
and crochet on Dark Horse), whtle backmg vocals on the next song, Bye Bye Love,
vocals were supplied by Patti Clapton on WJth amended lyncs to refer to PattJ's
Bye Bye Love and by Lon and Derrek Van elopement wtth Enc Clapton. who plays
Eaten on Dark Horse. lead gUJtar on the track George's re-
The albwn appeared m a gatefold sleeve. wntten lyncs to the song mention both
wtth destgn by Tom Wtlkes and photo- Pam ('our lady ) and Clapton ( old
graphy by Terry Doran Georges assts- 'Clapper) Dunng 1974, George dectded
tant The label photographs of George he needed n name for his publtshmg and
and Ol!vta Anas (who later became record compames Hts busmess manager
George s second wtfe) were taken by Dennts O'Bnen. suggested that he use
Henry Grossman The front cover shows one of hts song tttles - George had JUSt
GDorge's school photograph, whtle the wntten Dark Horse, wluch he had re-
mner and back cover pictures were corded "hve" m Amenca, using hJS back-
taken m the gardens of George's f'nar ing band, dunng rehearsals for hJS
Park estate (the mner ptcture supposedly Amencan tour Far East Man was wntten
shows George walkmg WJth the late Peter for Ronnte Wood's album. I ve Got My
Sellers) The albwn tnner sleeve mcluded Own Album To Do and was msptred by a
song credtts whtle a smgle leaf tnsert T-shirt worn by Ronme after the faces
contmned the song lyncs f'or the Bnttsh Far East Tour George later altered the
release EMI must have used the Arnencan lyncs and arrangement for hts own albwn
master (as the Arnencan catalogue num It Is He was tnsprred by George's
ber SMAS l - 3418, ts engraved on the expenences at Bnndabm m India
run·out groove area of the record)
11 (74a) DARK HORSE (3 51)
(4 40)
App1~: F. bOOJ - February 28 1975

Although appeanng m a pnnted sleeve -

ASIDE sho '· mg the song lyncs - Dark Horse
fatled to enter the NME charts or the
69 HARI'S ON TOUR (EXPRESS) (4 40) BMRB Top 75 ThiS smgle and Dmg Dong
10 SIMPLY SHADY (4 35) were released out of sequence as Dark

George Harrison UK 127

Horse has a lower Parlophone catalogue Jun Keltner (all tracks except Legs);
number than the former smgle. percuss1on!Jun Keltner ('Iired Of Midmghr
lZ (77) YOU (3 39) Blue), Norman Kmney (The Answers At
(78) WORLD OF STONE (4 37) The End); bass/Car! Radle (You}, Paul
Stallworth (The Answer's At The End,
Apple R 6007 - September 12. 1975 Tlred Of Midnight Blue, also backmg
vocals on Cant Stop Thmlang About You)
• Klaus Voorman (Ooh Baby, World Of
Stone & Can't Stop Thmlang About You)
and Wtllie Weeks (HIS Name Is Legs),
keyboards/Lean Russell (p1ano/You and
Tired Of Mldmght Blue}, Davtd Foster
(ptano/The Answer's At The End, This
Gwtar Can't Keep From Crymg, World Of
Stone, Grey Cloudy Lies & HIS Name Is
Legs, electnc ptano/Can t Stop Thmlang
About You, organ/You and strmg
Released m a full colour picture sleeve, arrangements/The Answers At The End
You did not enter the NME Top 30, but 1t ThiS Gwtar. World Of Stone and Cant
dtd reach No. 38 in the BMRB charts, Stop Thmkmg About You), Nicky Hopkms
where 1t was llsted for five weeks after (ptano/Can't Stop Thmlang About You},
entering on October 11. 1975. The smgle Btlly Preston (ptano/HIS Name Is Legs)
was hfted from the forthcommg album, and Gary Wnght (electnc piano/You &
Extra Texture. and features an "Extra Ooh Baby, organ/The Answer's At The
Texture" labeL mcludlng the "Apple core" End & World OfStone & ARP Stnngs'ThiS
logo. The run-out groove areas of the Gwtar & Can't Stop Thmklng About You);
record feature two "messages'' from George saxophone/Jun Horn (You), horns!Jun
Peckham, the notable cuttmg engmeer, Horn & Chuck F'mdley ( Ooh Baby & HIS
wtth "A PORKY PRIME CUT' on the "A" Name Is Legs); guttars'Jesse Ed DavtS
side. and "PECKO" on the "8" stde. (ThiS Gwtar. Ooh Baby, World Of Stone,
Can't Stop Thmkmg About You & Grey
Cloudy Lies). George htmself played a
vartety of tnstntments mcludmg gut tar (all
13 EXTRA TEXTURE (Read All About lt) tracks), acoushc guitar (This Gwtar), ARP
Bass (ThiS Gwtar), ARP (Grey Cloudy
Apple PAS 10009- September 9. 1975 Lies). Bass Moog (Grey Cloudy Lies) and
ptano (His Name Is Legs).
After the elaborate packagmg of hlS
prevtous albums. Extra Texture (the tttle
was suggested by bass player, Paul
Stallworth) was relatively sombre,
boastmg only a 'blocked' textured finlSh,
and a pnnted mner sleeve contammg the
legend "OHNOTHIMAGEN" (Oh no not
htm agam). ThlS referred to George's
many production creditS - he had been
producmg a host of artlSts over the past
years and hts name seemed to appear on
nearly every other album released The
album was des1gned by Roy Kohara Wlth
photographs by Henry Grossman The
spectal "Extra Texture" label features the
partly eaten apple core. s1gmfymg the
George's last album for Apple. whtch end of Apple. George Peckham mas-
entered the NME charts for two separate tered the album, leavmg hts trademark
weeks on October 14 at No 25, and behmd on the "A stde run-out groove
October 25 at No. 22 Most of the album area appears "A PORKY/TONE PRIME
was recorded at A&M Studtos, Los CUT' w1th a message to George H. from
Angeles, between May and June 1975, George P. on the '8" stde "OOH
Wlth George produc ng, and Norman GEORGE, YOU'RE SUCH A DARK
Kmney engmeenng A host of well-known I-lORSE LUV GEORGE"
musictans helped George to record the
album. mcludmg drumsiJun Gordon (You)
Andy Ne>wmark (Hls Name Is Legs) and
128 W orkmg Class Heroes
71a YOU (3. 38)
CRYING) 4 04>
YOU) 358
78a WORLD OF STONE 4 38)
Dark Horse K 16856 - November 19
82 A BIT MORE OF YOU (0 45
George's first smgle for hts own Dark
83 CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU Horse label was released simultaneously
(4 29) Wlth the album on wh1ch 1t was mcluded,
84 TIRED OF MIDNIGHT BLUE (4 51) ThJity Three & ~. and agam George had
no chart success. ThiS Song was George's
85 GREY CLOUDY LIES (3.39) "tonaue m cheek' statement about the My
86 HIS NAME IS LEGS (LADIES AND Sweet Lord/He's So Fme copynght su1t,
GENTLEMEN) (5 44) filed m 1971 by the estate of Ronald Mack
and Bnght Tunes Pubhshmg aga1nst
George composed all ten songs on the George and Hamsongs Mus1c lnc The
album, and smgs all lend vocals You was protracted case made George so cautious
another track left over from the Ronme that he was afrrud of wntmg any more
Spector sess1ons of February 1971, al· songs He composed ThiS Song to explam
though Ronme never added her vocals to his fears.
the Instrumental track whtch George 'Tius song has nothmg tnd:y about 11
used for this album The Answers At The Tms song am't black or wh1te as far as I
End was 1nsptred by Su Frank1e Cnsps know.
wntmg on the walls of George s Henley Don t mfnnge on anyone s copynght
estate ThiS Gwtar - the contmuat10n of so ..
Whlle My Gwtar Gemly Weeps - was George also managed to mclude a
wntten while George was on hohday m reference to Bnght Tunes. the publishers
Hawatt George •mote 7ired Of M1dmght of He's So Fme
Blue after VlSlttng a seedy Los Angeles
"This tune has nothmg Bnght aboutlt '
club HIS Name Is Legs was wntten about
(Copynght c 1976 Ganga Pubhshmg
Legs Larry Sm1th ex of the Bonzo Dog
B V All R1ghts Reserved Use by PermtS-
B.Jr.d who IS feat•tred 1. 1L<I vnca!.s1
ston lnternauonal copynght secured )
14 (80a) THIS GUITAR (CAWI' KEEP FROM The talkmg m the middle of the song
CRYING) (3 45) was courtesy of George's Monty Python
(73a) MAYA LOVE (4 19) fnend, Enc Idle
The smgle was released m a 'picture"
Apple R 6012 - February 6, 1976 sleeve, which repnnted the lyncs and the
story behmd George's reason for wntmg
George's last smgle on the Apple label. the song The smgle was mastered by
and also the lnst Bcatles solo record to be George Peckham havmg "A PORKY
released on Apple (dtSregardmg the re- PRIME CUT' on the "A s1de run-out
ISSUe of My Sweet Lord) d1d not enJOY groove, and 'PECKO on the B stde
any chart success Ill Bntam ThiS Gwtar
was hfted from Ex:tra Texture wh1le Maya
Love was taken from the Dark Horse 16 THIRTY THREE & lfJ
albwn The smgle d1d not appear m a
p1cture sleeve George Peckham mastered Dark Horse K 56319 - November 19
the record leavmg the legend 'A PORKY 1976
PRiME CUT on the A stde run-out
groove and on the B Side another George s first album for hiS o·:.rn Dark
message to George 'ONOTHlMAGEN Horse label wh1ch entered the NME
YERRITIZ LA• charts for one wee}: only at No 25 on
January 8, 1971 When George started tus
15 (87) TBIS SONG (3 50) Dark Horse Records company m 1974
(88) LEIUtNIHG BOW TO LOVE YOU the dlStnbuuon deal w1th A&M Records
(4 10) mcluded an aoreement that Harnson s

George Harrison UK 131

mus1c1ans m George's Fnar Park grounds
The album was deleted m late 1979. but
re-released by Warners on January 23,
1981, with the same catalogue number
90 DEAR ONE (5 08)
87a THIS SONG (4 11)
92 SEE YOURSELF (2.47)
first Dark Horse album would be com-
pleted ready to be released as soon as 94 TRUE LOVE (2. 43)
h1s Apple contract expued in June 1976. 95 PURE SMOKEY (3.50)
During the spnng of 1976, George was
seriously tll w1th hepautis and was unable 96 CRACKERBOX PALACE (3.55)
to complete the required album, which 88a LEARNING HOW TO LOVE YOU (4 12.)
A&M had scheduled for June 25. 1976
(tlus date bemg George's 33VJ buthday). George composed all the songs on the
After recovenng from hts illness, George album. except True Love, a Cole Porter
found hunself being sued by A&M Records composition from the 1956 film. H1gh
to the tune of ten m11lion dollars for fatling Society. It was sung by Bmg Crosby and
to deliver the proposed album. Many Grace Kelly, who had a million-selling hit
people realtsed that A&M were usmg the with the song, reachmg No. 4 in both the
opportun1ty to drop theu opt1on on an US and the UK. Woman Don't You Cry For
artlst and label which seemed commer- Me was wntten m December 1969, wh1le
Cially v1able no longer. Harnson's record George was tounng wtth Delaney and
sales had been surpnsingly low over the Bonme and Enc Clapton, m Gothenburg,
last few years compared to h1S fellow ex- Sweden. George wrote Dear One while
Beatles, and none of the Dark Horse m the Virgm Islands m 1976; Beautiful Girl
artists - Sphnter, J1va, Atlltudes, Stair- was started m 1969, when George was
steps, Henry McCullough and Ravt producing Dons Troy's album, wtth Ste-
Shankar - had established any lastmg phen Stills. George wrote the first verse
comrnerctal success. After the case was to the song on a twelve stnng gu1tar that
settled. George looked for another label, Stills had loaned h1m, and completed the
and found Warner Brothers only too song m 1976.
Willing to dtstnbute hts label George It's What You Value was wntten durmg
completed the album, which was recorded George's 1974 Amencan Tour, when Jim
at his home studio, F.P.S.H.O.T., during Keltner requrred payment of a Mercedes
the summer of 1976, and 1t was released 450SL. instead of money, for hts drummmg
through Warner Brothers on November work. Pure Smokey was apparently wntten
19. 1976. about Smokey RoblriSOn. and named after
The album was produced by George one of hiS albums Crackerbox Palace 1S
wtth Tom Scott assiSting, usmg the follow- the name of the house owned by Lord
mg mustctans. Tom Scottlsaxophones, Oute Buckley m Los Angeles, George wrote
and lyncon; Wtllie Weeks/bass; Alvtn the song in 1975 after talking to George
Taylorldrums; Gary Wrightlkeyboards; Gnef, who George likened to Buckley
Richard Tee/p1ano, organ and Fender Learmng How To Love You was wrttten
Rhodes, Btlly Prestonlptano, organ and ror Herb Alpert. but George recorded the
synthestzer (Beautiful Girl ThiS Song and song himself
See Yourself), Davtd Foster/Fender
Rhodes and clavmet Emtl Rtchardsl
marunba, and George/guitar, synthestZers 17 THE BEST OF GEORGE BARRISON
and percusston, wtth George supplymg
all vocals. Parlophone PAS /00 11 - November 30.
The gatefold album sleeve was de-
stgned by Bob Cato, who also took the Now that George's AppleJParlophone
photographs of George and the other contract had expued EMl were left
132 Working Class Heroes


,, A I

23b MY SWEET LORD (4 38)
EARTH) (3.32)
77b YOU (3. 40)
4Sa BANGLA DESH (3. 56)
74b DARK HORSE (3.51)
26b WHAT IS LIFE (5.20)
W1th the opllon to recycle hlS earher solo
matenal Havmg already released com- 18 (23c) MY SWEET LORD (4.37)
ptlatlons of John's and Rmgo's smgles (26c) WHAT IS LIFE (4.18)
matenal EMI put together thlS half group/
Apple R 5884 - December, 1976
half solo compllation, without George's
mvolvement. George was very annoyed
that EMI had used h1S earlier Beatles
matenal, rather than draW1ng from hlS •4cl~~it't~~.l"<

solo catalogue, seemg the move as an

1nsmuation that h1s solo matenal had not
Ylelded sufficient htts George had sug-
gested a tJ.tle, as well as song selectton for
the release, but EMI ignored hrrn So he
diSowned the record, which dtdn't sell
anyway (never even entenng the charts).
The album sleeve was des1gned by To create mterest m the Besc Of George
Cream, W1th a front cover photograph by Harnson comp1lahon EMl re-released
Bob Cato, and an mner sleeve photograph My Sweet Lord m a new p1cture sleeve,
by M!chael Putland The record appeared usmg the same catalogue number as the
on the black and s1lver Parlophone label. ongmal A new matnx was cut for the "A"
the first Beatle solo album to do so. and stde, whtch IS notlceably tracked dlffer-
the record contams the mner groove ently and also features the word "BLAIR"
engravmgs - "A NICKY CUT" on the "A" engraved on the run-out groove area The
Side and "NICKY w · on the "8" Stde

- song publishmg credits also d1ffer from

the ongmal release which was "Ham-
songs, Essex lnt MCPS Bnteco NCB", the
re-release stmply states "Harnsongs"
The smgle dtd not re-enter the charts and
seerrungly failed to generate any mterest
m the Harnson comptlatton.
19 (94a) TRUE LOVE (241)
(95a) PURE SMOKEY (3 44)
Dark Horse K 16896- February 18. 1977

George's second Dark Horse smgle. and

the second release from Thirty Three &
0, d1d not enter the smgles charts The
smgle was not ava1lable m a ptcture
sleeve, but dtd appear m the "Dark
Horse Records" sleeve
20 (93a) IT'S WHAT YOU VALUE (3 49)
Dark Horse K 16967- June 10. 1977

George Hanison UK 135

The thud smgles release from Tlurty 98 NOT GUILTY (3.28)
Three & !6 did not dent the smgles charts, 99 HERE COMES THE MOON (4.39)
and d1d not appear m a picture sleeve


Dark Horse K 56562- February 23, 1979
102 FASTER (4 39)
103 DARK SWEET LADY (3.22)
105 SOFT TOUCH (3.57)
106 IF YOU BELIEVE (2 50)

George composed nme of the ten songs

on the album and eo-wrote the tenth The
mus1c to Love Comes To Everyone was
composed in 1977, George addmg the
lyncs m Hawan in February 1978. Not
Guilty was written m 1968 (it was
recorded by the Beatles durmg the
White Album sessions, but never re-
leased). Here Comes The Moon, the
"follow-up" to Here Comes The Sun, was
George's first album release m two years, wr1tten by George whilst m Hawan. and
which did not enjoy any chart success. was inspired by the Hawauan SUI!Set (or
The reason for the delay between albums moonr!Se). Soft-Hearted Hana was started
was that George felt he needed a break m Los Angeles, the lyrics wntten dunng
from the music business. in 1977 he February 1978, and was partly recorded
travelled the world en)o}'lng hiS new m a pub m Henley.
purswt of Grand Pnx motor racmg and Blow A way was the song George
motor cycling He also took a break from composed for hiS motor racmg fnends,
song writing, though it was hiS motor who had asked him to wr1te a song for
racing friends who persuaded lum to start them, and was hiS fi.rst composthon after
writmg agam when they asked him 1f he hiS 1977 break. Faster was tnsptred by
was gomg to compose a song about the1r ]ackie Stewart's book of the same name,
sport and by NLia Lauda·s light to overcome hts
The album was recorded durmg 1978 m)unes after a motor racmg crash. The
at F.P.S.H.O.T, and produced by George racmg cars heard at the start of the song
and Russ 'I'ltelman, usmg the followmg were recorded at the beglnillng of the
musiCians: Andy Newmarkldrums, W ilhe Bntish Grand Pnx in 1978 Dark Sweet
Weeks/bass; Neil Larsonlkeyboards, mm1 Lady was wntten m Hawan for OllVla
Moog, Ray Cooper/percussion; Steve Anas, George's second Wife. George
W inwood/polymoog, harmoruum, mm1 composed Soft Touch whilst m the Vrrgm
Moog and backing vocals, Emil Rlchardsl Islands, about his son, Dhant. If You
mar~mba; Gayle Levantlharp; Enc Clap- Believe was eo-written by George and
tonlgwtar mtro (Love Comes To Every- Gary Wnght on New Year's Day 1978 m
one); Gary WnghVOberhe!m (If You England, and ftD!Shed m Hawau
Beheve) w1th Del Newmanlstnngs and
ZZ (lOla) BLOW AWAY (3 56)
horn arrangements. and George/gwtar,
(105a) SOFT TOUCH (3 50)
bass (Faster), dobro (Soft-Hearted Hana)
and all vocals and backmg vocals. The
Dark Horse K 17327- March 2, 1979
stnngs were recorded at AIR Stucl.los,
Mike SaliSbury designed the album
sleeve, and took the cover shots of
George, while the mner sleeve, featurmg
song lyncs. mcludes a photograph taken
by Jeff Bloxham of George w1th Jackle

136 Working Class Heroes

George's f1rst smgles chart success srnce all hJS royallles from the sale of the record
October 1975, Blow Away entered the to the fund Unfortunately, thiS wonhy
BMRB charts on March 10, nsmg to No. 51 chanty could not have benefited greatly
dunng Its five weeks m the hsts. The from the record as tt fa1led to enter either
smgle d1d not enter the NMETop 30. and the NME Top 30 or the BMRB Top 75
appeared m a picture sleeve, the tracks (Gunnar Ntlsson was a Swedish motor
bemg taken from the George Harnson racing ace who d1ed of cancer )
album The picture dJSc featured a "John
Player Spec1al' motor car on the '8" Side,
(3 31)
(100a) SOFT-HEARTED BANA (3 56)

Dark Horse K 17284 - May, 1979

The secvnd smgles releaoe from George

Hamson wluch did not enter the NME
charts. nor the BMRB charts. and was not
released m a picture sleeve

A MONUMENT TO BRITISH ROCK whlle the "A" s1de featured pictures of

Volume One nme motor racmg dnvers. juan-Manuel
(20 Rock/Pop Classics From EMI) Fang10. Jaclae Stewart. Ntla Lauda.
By Various Artists jochen Rmdt, Jtm Clark, Graham Htll,
jody Scheckter. Emerson F1tlipaldl and
Harvest EMfV 17- May 4 1979 Sllrhng Moss The two smgles. pressed
[rom the same matnx, were mastered at
George's first appearance on a
Strawberry Studio, as were the prev10us
compllatlon album A Monument to BntJsh
two SU1Qies and the George flarnsJn album,
Rock was released m EMIr TV advertised
all featurmg the word 'STRAWBERRY"
senes, and features an edited vers1on of
engraved on the run-out groove areas.
My Sweet Lord (The album also features
the Beatles' Get Back, see the Beatles
Bntlsh seclion m The Long and Wmdmg
Road page 103, for complete track lJStmg.)
23d MY SWEET LORD (3. 49)

24 (102a) FASTER(4 43)

Dark Horse K 17423- July 20. 1979


').... I .~M 11 om

Music For Pleasure MFP 50510-

November 27 1980

, ;j " •

' '
25 (102b) FASTER (4 43)
(Picture disc
July 1979

The thud smgle from the George

Hamson album and G.."''rges first ptcture
diSC release and also the fust such re-
lease from an ex-Beatle The smglc- v;as
releasE>d to ra1se money for the Gunnar
N1Isson Cancer rund George donatmg

George Hamson UK 137

The first re-release of George's matenal ALL RIGHT NOW
on a budget label, Dark Horse appeared Free
wtth four other "Beatles" releases. Rock 'n'
Roll M usic Volumes 1 & 2. Rmgo and
T. Rex
Mmd Games Smce the ongmal album
had been deleted for some years, Dark GONNA MAKE YOU A STAR
Horse was retssued on EMI's budget David Essex
label, Mustc For Plea5Uie usmg a re- IN THE SUMMERTIME
destgned sleeve that utthsed the ongmal Mungo Jerry
back cover photograph from the album
for the front cover The mustctan credits I HEAR YOU KNOCKING
were reproduced on the back cover Dave Edmunds
70a SIMPLY SHADY (4 35) Bay City Rollers
7la SO SAD (4 57)
23e MY SWEET LORD (4.34)
72a BYE BYE LOVE (4 02) George Harrison
74c DARK HORSE (3. 52)
Leo Sayer
75a FAR EAST MAN (5 48)
76 IT IS "HE" (4.43) The Hollies
TBE 70'• . Dr Hook and The Medicine Show

By Various Artists VINCENT

Don McLean
Gilbert O'Sullivan
The New Seekers
The Osmonds


The Bee Gees
John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John
The second comptlallon album to feature
George's best-selling smgle, My Sweet HIT ME WITH YOUR RHYTHM STICK
Lord The double album was released to Ian Dury and The Blockheads
comctde wtth the pubhcatlon of The DANCE AWAY
Gumness Book Of HJ/s Of The Seventies Roxy Music
by Jo and Tun Rtce, Paul Gambaccm1 and
Mtke Read. and features thrrty No. 1 and DON'T GIVE UP ON US
five No. 2 hits. based on the BMRB David Soul
Rod Stewart Elton John and Klki Dee

138 Working Class Heroes

WU'I'HERING HEIGHTS post·Beatles song to feature Paul, George
Kate Bush and Rmgo, they were not all reumted m
I DON'T LIKE MONOAYS the studto at the same tlme. The smgle
The Boomtown Rats appeared m a ptcture sleeve wtth the
song lyncs pnnted on the reverse
Dark Horse K 56870- June 5, 1981
The Jack sons •
George McCrae
Freda Payne
Johnny Nash
The Three Degrees
Deruece Willlarns
The Stylisucs
27 (107) ALL THOSE YEARS AGO (3 42) F'ollowmg the success of the smgle,
(108) WRITING'S ON THE WALL (3 55) Somewhere in England entered the NME
album charts on June 13 at No 28, r!Smg to
DarJ... Hurse K 1780! - May 15, 1981 No 13 the followmg week. but stayed for
only three weeks m the charts
Somewhere In England was ongmally
scheduled to appear m October 1980. but
when George presented the completed
album to Warner Brothers they diSliked
both the album cover (showmg George·s
face supenmpos..."'Cl. onto a map of England)
and the recorded matenal They asked
George to re·mlX the album and to wnte
some new material to replace four songs
All Those Years Ago Georges tnbute to of whtch they diSapproved
John become tus ftrst 'lop 30 hlt for e1ght The recordmgs were produced by
years It entered the NME charts on May George and percusston!St Ray Cooper,
30 at No 26, rose to No 9 the followmg usmg the followmg mus1c1ans drums'Ray
week. and stayed m the chart for tour Cooper. Jun Keltner. Rmgo Starr and
wee¥..s Dave Mattacks basS'Wtlhe Weeks and
George ongmally wrote the song for Herbte Flowers keyboards & synthesiZers
Rmgo's album, Cant F1ght L1ghtmng Net! Larson Gary Brooker, AI Kooper
(later released m amend~d form ils Stop M1ke Moran, George and Ray Cooper
And Smell The Roses) and fungo recmdod lyncon and horn/Tom Scott tubaiHerble
n. wtth chfferent Jyncs, dunng the July 1980 rlowers tabla/Alia Rakha percussion/Ray
sess1ons for that album m Pans Rmgo Cooper, and gullars and vocaJsiGeorge
eventually dectded agamst usmg the The cover wns pootographed by Carolme
recordmq whtch featured George Fol- Irwm and shows George stttmg m front of
lowmg John's murder m December 1980, "Holland· Avenue Study , a three
George rewrote the lyncs to the sonq d1menstonal pamtmg by Marl· Boyle made
and durmg January 1981 recorded Ius own m 1967 and presently housed m the Tate
vocal track to use on the ongmal recording Gallery London The mner sleeve features
Later Paul, Lmda and Denny Lame drop- the song lyncs plus a dedtcauon to John
ped mto George's home studto to put Lennon
backing vocals on to the track, whtch
already featured Rmgo Therefore al·
though All Those Years Ago IS the fust 109 BLOOD FROM A CLONE (3 58)

George Harrison UK 139

111 LIFE ITSELF (4.23)
Music For Pleasure MFP 50523 -
107a ALL THOSE YEARS AGO (3 43) November 25. 1981
113 TEARDROPS (4.06)
115 HONG KONG BLUES (2.53)
116 SAVE THE WORLD (4 54)
George composed all songs except Hong
Kong Blues and BaltliTlore Onole Hong
Kong Blues was wntten by Hoagy Car-
mlchael in 1938, and was ongmally re-
corded by the composer in that year.
Carm1chael re-recorded the song several
more tlmes during hts life, and 1t was also
released on record by Pearl Batley,
The second selection of Beatle reissues
Kenny BaiL Frank Ifleld and George
on EMI's budget labeL MUSlc For Pleasure,
Melly, among others Hoagy Carrmchael
mcluded The Best Of George Hamson
also composed the mus1c to Baltimore
album along With John s Rock 'n' Roll and
Onole Wlth lyrics by Paul F'rancts Webster,
Rmgo·s Blast From Your Past George's
m 1944; 1t was ongmally recorded by
album was reLSSUed in a new sleeve,
Frances Langford, accompamed by Car-
usmg the PICture of George wh1ch ong-
mlchael himself whtsthng. It was later
mally appeared m The Beatles whJte
recorded by the Four Freshmen and
album of 1968.
Maynard Ferguson among others. All
Those Years Ago, Teardrops, Blood From A SIDE (THE BEATLES)
A Clone and That Which I Have Lost
replaced the four numbers that Warners (See the Beatles British section in The
disliked, these tracks bemg Tears Of Lon.g and Winding Road, page 113.)
The World, Lay HJs Head Flymg Hour B SIDE (GEORGE HARRISON)
and Sat Smgmg At the end of the last 23f MY SWEET LORD (4.38)
track - Save The World - there IS a very
short excerpt of Crymg from George s S5c GIVE ME LOVE (GIVE ME PEACE ON
f1rst album, Wonderwa/J Music. EARTH (332)
77c YOU (3. 40)
29 (113a) TEARDROPS (4 01)
(116a) SAVE THE WORLD (4 54) 4Sb BANGLA DESH (3. 56)
Dark Horse K 17837 - July 31, 1981 74d DARK HORSE (3.51)
26d WHAT lS LIFE (5.20)
31 (117) WAKE UP MY LOVE (3 30)
(118) GREECE (3 57)
Dark Horse 929864-7 - November 8. 1982
George·s only smgles release of 1982.
which was a traller for Ius album released
the same day, Gone Troppo The smgle
d1d not enter the charts, not bemg helped
by the fact that George refused to promote
The second smgle from Somewhere In the smgle 111 any way.
England failed to enter the NME or BMRB
charts. even though 11 was released m a
PICture -,l~eve.
Dark Horse 923734-1 - November 8. 1982

140 Working Class Heroes


33'~ YEARS ON. ·...


I• Wi ll R£COMII

(.eurc~ I brrl$011
tJ e"ew olhu
·son'IC\'.·h· n m Enf.!l.u>d"'
~ndud"" tht• htt Sill)lle
"\ll Tho-e Yeu~ A~o"
K}6s70. ulso •\'3 able on t:nktte
125 DREAM AWAY (4 28)
126 CIRCLES 3 44)

George composed all the songs on the

album, except the 1961 doo wop song, I
Really Love You, wntten by one L
Swearmgen, and ongmally recorded by
The Stereos, whose vers10n was a Top 30
US hit m 1961 More recently, 11 was also
recorded by Rocky Sharpe and the
Replays, but was not a !ut
Wake Up My Love features George
playmg bass, whtle the bass v01ce on
That's The Way It Goes IS supphed by
Wtlhe Greene Although George smgs
As wtth the smgle, George fmled to lead vocals on most tracks, on I Really
promote Gone Troppo, and therefore tt Love You he ts ]omed by Wtlhe Greene
dtd not enter the NME or BMRB charts Bobby Kmg and Ptco Payne (who have
The recordmgs were produced by appeared on several LPs by Ry Cooder)
George, Ray Cooper and Phtl McDonald on both lead and backmg vocals On
wtth a baste mstrumental !me-up of Gone Troppo, George's lead vocal IS
George/grntars bass, synthestzers backed by the votces of joe and Vtckt
manmba Jai-Tarang and mandohn, Ray Brown Joe Brown also supplies mandohn
Cooperlpercusston. Fender Rhodes duettmg wtth George, on Mystlcal One
glockenspetl martmba and synthesizer, Unknown Deltghr agam features vocal
Herb1e Flowers/bass, Mike Moran!key- backing by Wtlhe Greene, Bobby Kmg
boards synthesiZer, bass synthestzer and and P1co Payne, whtle Billy Preston and
ptano, and Henry Spmeth/drums Rodma Sloan supply the same serv1ce on
The followmg mustctans contnbuted to Baby Don't Run Away Dream Awayts the
only certam tracks· Gary Brooker/syn - song George wrote for the T1me Band1ts
thestzer (Unknown DelJght); joe Brown! film, made by hts company Hand Made
mandolm (MystJcal One), Alan jonestbass Ftlms, and IS heard pla)'lng over the
(Dre;lm Away), Jun Keltner/percusston closmg credtts For the film - starnng
(Gone Troppo) and drums (Baby D:m t John Cleese Mtchael Palm Sean
Run Away), Net! Larson/ptano (Unknown Connery, Shelley Duvall and Su Ralph
Del1gh1) Jon Lord'synthesiZer ( Cncles), Rlchardson - George composed a
Dave Mattacksldrums (Dream Away), complete mctdental score although the
Btlly Preston!keyboards and synthesiZer proposed soundtrack never matenahsed
(Greece) and organ and ptano (C11cles) The song features B11ly Preston. Syreeta
and Wtlhe Weeks/bass (Unknown and Sarah Rtcor on backma vocals The
Dellght) last track, Circles. f~atures the
The stnkmg and decorattve album synthestzer of ex-Deep Purple member,
sleeve was destgned by "Legs" Lrury ]on Lord
Sm1th. ex of the Bonzo Dog Band
featunng n cover ptcture of Gcorge by
Terry 0 Net!I The mner sleeve as well as
contammg the song lyncs. also
mcludes an msrrucuon on hov. to make
117a WAKE UP MY LOVE (3 'J?l


120 I REALLY LOVE YOU '" '4)
118a GREECE ,J
121 GONE TROPPO 4 24)
122 MYSTICAL ONE ~ -1)
George Harnson UK 143

1 WONDERWALL MUSIC album pos111ons wtth My Sweet Lord and

All Thlngs Must Pass. By the end of 1970,
Apple ST 3350 - December 2, 1968 after six weeks on release, the single had
sold over two milhon and - as 1t stayed m
Wonderwall Mus1c was the second the charts for fourteen weeks -
Beatle solo album m Amenca (Two Amencan sales must be little short of
Virgms was released there in November three mlihon
1968) The album performed decidedly
better m the charts than Two V1rgms,
rising to No. 49 for two weeks on March I,
1969. The album entered the Top lOO on
February l , 1969, at No 72, after bemg m Apple STCH 639- November 27. 1970
the lower reg1ons of the Top 200 for three All Things Must Pass entered the Top I 00
weeks. The album stayed m the Top 100 charts at No. 5 on December 19, haVIng
for eleven weeks and m the Top 200 for sold 750,000 by December 5, and passed
sixteen weeks. (Tracks and sleeve same one million sales by December 17, 1970,
as British telease.) rece1vmg a Gold Award from RIAA On
January 2, 1971, 1t rose to No. l m the
2 ELECTRONIC SOUND Billboard charts, where 1t stayed for
seven weeks by wh1ch trrne 1t had sold
Zapple ST 3358 - May 26, 1969 two and a half million cop1es The album
stayed m the Billboard Top 30 for
George's second album, wh1ch failed to nmeteen weeks, the Top 100 for twenty-
enter the Top 100 album charts, only seven weeks and the Top 200 for thirty-
breaking mto the Top 200 for two weeks, eight weeks. (Cover as BnttSh release.)
and peaking at No. 191 m July 1969.
(Tracks and sleeve same as Bnllsh RECORD ONE A SIDE
Apple 2995 - November 23, 1970
25a ISN'T IT A PITY (version one)
In Amenca, My Sweet Lord was released (Remainder of albwn same as Bntish
pnor to the All Thmgs Must Pass album It release.)
entered the charts withm a week of
release on November 28, at No 72. 5 (26a) WHAT IS LIFE
Jumpmg to No. 13 the followmg week (32a) APPLE SCRUFFS
(December 5), by wh1ch trrne 1t had sold
500.000 By December 14 1t had passed Apple 1828 - February 15 1971
the m1llion mark, bemg awarded a Gold Not r eleased m Bntam as a smgle, the
Award from RIAA, and on December 26 1t second release from All Thmgs M ust
finally reached the No 1 spot, where it Pass entered the Btllboard chart on
stayed for four weeks For three weeks, February 27 at No 66, nsmg to No. lO on
between January 2 and January 16. March 27 and staymg m the Top 100 for
George held the Top US smgles and mne weeks
144 Working Class Heroes
Apple 1862- May 7, 1973
George s second No I smgle m Amenca
entered the Blllboard char1s on May 19 m
No 59. lt rose for one week to No I on
June 30 and stayed m the Top 100 101
fourteen weeks rune of wh1ch v. ere spent
6 (45) BANGLA DESB m the Top 30 As m Bntam, the B s1de
(46) DEEP BLUE MJSS O'Dell. has never appeared on
another George Hamson record released
Apple 1836 - July 28 '97 1
m Amenca GlVe Me Love was the first
track relensed as n 45 from the Llvmg In
The Matenal World nlbum


Apple SMAS 3410- May 30 1973

LJVJng ln The Matenal World entered the
Btllboard Top lOO LP chart on June 16 at
No 11, nsmg to No I on June 23 for the
Bang/a Desh entered the Billboard chans first of five weeks at the top of the chart
on August 14 at No. 67, nsmg to No. 23 It gave George hts second double top m
for two weeks on September 11 and the US charts on June 30, when Give Me
featurmg m the char1 for seven weeks. Love was at No. I m the smgle charts, and
Llvmg at No I m the album charts. The
7 THE CONCERT FOR BANGLA DESB album recerved a Gold Award on June I,
1973, and eventually sold over two m!lllon
Apple STCX 3385- December 20, 1971 cop1es m Amenca lt was m the Billboard
Top lOO for twenty-one weeks. and m the
Although the Bangla Desh album Top 200 for twenty·SlX weeks A second
appeared m Amenca about three weeks smgle was nearly released from the
before us Butlsh release George bad album Don't Let Me Wait Too Long
numerous problems wtth the album m the (Apple 1866) but ·::as Wlthdrawn before
Umted States Capi!ol Records 1mt1ally release (Tracks and sleeve as BnttSh
refused to release the album unless 1t was release)
financially revvardmg to them but
George argued that v.1th Ph1l Spector 10 (74) DARK BORSE
m1xmg the tapes free of charge, Apple (68) I DON'T CARE .ANTMORE
supplymg the booklet and album desrgn Apple 1871 -November 18 !974
at no charge, and all the other record
compames mvolved gtvmg lhetr per- The Amencan tra1ler for the Da!k Horse
miSSIOn for thetr artiSts to appear Capttol nlbum was the title track, wh1ch entered
also had to [orfelt somethmg George the Billboard Top 100 at No 69 on
threatened to take the album to CBS lf November 23 peaked at No 15 on January
Capitol d1dn't gwe way but 11 was eventu- I 1, 1975, and was m the Top 30 for four
ally released by Cap1tol who presented weeks and m the Top 100 for ten weeks.
Apple wtth a cheque for $3,750 000 as As wtth the BnttSh release 1 Don t Cue
advance payment on sales. Anymore chd not appear on any other
The album entered the Blllboard Top Harnson release m the Umted States
100 charts on January 8, 1972. at No. 14,
riSlng to No 2 on January 22 where 11 11 DARK HORSE
remamed for five weeks. and staytng m '

the Top lOO for thirty ·weeks and m the

Apple SMAS 3418- December 9 1974
Top 30 for twenty-two of them The album
was listed m the Billboard Top 200 album Dark Horse entered the BtU board 'lop
charts for forty-one weeks. and received 100 album charts on December 28 at No
an RIAA Gold Award on January 4 1974 58 rtSmg to N'J 4 on January 25 1975
(Tracks and sleeve same as Bnt1sh staymg m the chart for thirteen weeks,
George Harrison US 145
and recelVlng an RlAA Gold Award on November 11, 1975, and rece!Vlng a Gold
December 16, 1974 (Sleeve same as Award from RlAA The album stayed m
Bnhsh release.) the Top lOO for etght weeks and m the
A SIDE Top 200 for eleven weeks. (Tracks and
sleeve same as Bnttsh release)
71 SO SAD • (73a) MAYA LOVE
72 BYE BYE LOVE Apple 1885- December 8, 1975
73 MAYALOVE George s last Apple smgle m Amenca.
BSIDE and hiS f1rst not to enter the Amencan
76 IT IS "HE"
CapJto1 ST 11578 - November B. 1976
(69a) BARI'S ON TOUR (EXPRESS) ThiS comp1lat1on album, featurmg seven
Apple 1879 - December 23, 1974 of George's Beatle songs and SIX solo h1ts.
entered the Billboard Top 200 on Nov-
Posslbly released too close to Christmas ember 27 nsmg to No 31 and staymg m
to be a fesllve hit. Dmg Dong only the chart for fifteen weeks It recetved an
reached No. 36 m the Billboard Hot RIAA Gold Award (rrullion dollar sale) on
Hundred, on February 8, 1975, after en- February 15, 1977.
tenng on January 11, 1975, at No. 81, and
bemg m the chart for SIX weeks. It was
George's first single whtch fa1led to enter A SlOE (THE BEATLES)
the Billboard Top 30. (See the Beatles British section in The
Long and Winding Road, page 113.)
I >m:r Dong: Ding Dor ~
tl.o.-.c-·....... 23b MY SWEET LORD
~ ::.:.o;w..
11\HI".,O\ lOl R [\f>RI"''
13 (77) YOU 26b WHAT IS LIFE
17 (87) THIS SONG
Apple 1884 - September 15, 1975 (88) LEARNING HOW TO LOVE YOU

You entered the Billboard Hot lOO on

September 20 at No 75, nsmg to l'lo. 20 Dark Horse DRC 8294 - November 15,
for two weeks from November l, and 1976
staymg m the chart for ten weeks, five of
them m the Top 30. (Plcture sleeve same George's first Amencan Dark Horse smgle,
as Bnttsh release.) Th1s Song entered the Billboard Top 100
on November 20, rismg to No 25 and
staymg m the chart for eleven weeks.
14 EXTRA TEXTURE (Read All About It)

Apple SW 3420 - September 22, 1975

Extra Texture entered the Top lOO album
charts on October 11 at No 34, nsmg to
No. 8 for three weeks on October 25,
passmg the million dollar sales mark by

146 Working Class Heroes

Dark Horse DH 3005 - November 24, 98 NOT GUILTY
George s first album release on hiS own lOOa SOFT-HEARTED HANA
Dark Horse label entered the Btllboard
Top 200 chart on December 11, 1976, and 101a BLOW AWAY
rose to No 11 lt stayed m the chnrt for BSIDE
twenty-one weeks and received an RIAA
Gold Award (million dollars sale) on
January 19, 1977 (Tracks and sleeve 103 DARK SWEET LADY
sarrc as Bnt•c;h releasA) 104 YOUR LOVE IS FOREVER
Dark Horse DRC 8313 January 24 1977
Crackerbox Palace was not released as (105a) SOFT TOUCH
a smgle m Bntam, but m Amenca tl proved
to be another Top 20 lut for George, Dark Horse DRC 8844- May 9. 1979
entenng the Btllboard charts on January George's second smgle (and ftrst for Dark
29, rlSmg to No. 19, and sta]'lng m the Horse) not to enter the Billboard charts
chart for eleven weeks. George's W<ing (exceptmg reiSSUes). and the second
for Learnmg How To Love You prompted smgle release from the George Hamson
htm to mcludc 1t for a second time as the album
'B" stde couplmg (the track had appeared
prev1ously wtth ThlS Song)
20 (74c) DARK HORSE
(77c) YOU Cap1to/ SN-16055- October 1980

Capltol Star 6245 - Apri14 1977 As With EMl m Bntam Capttol deleted
several ongmal Beatles solo albums. and
Wtth some of George's early smgles retssued them m theu budget senes
deleted, Capitol's pohcy of retssumg hlt Dark H01se appeared With John's Mmd
songs on then Star Lme label extended to Games and Rock 'n' Roll albums and
then first HarrlSOn reiSSUe of Dark Horse Rmgo's Rmgo album The reiSSue, like the
and You - taken from the Dark Horse Brtllsh release, had a new front and back
and Extra Texture albums r especttvely cover.
Dll k Horse DRC 8763 - February 14,
71a SO SAD
George's "come-back" smgle after hiS
1977 rest, became hts tenth htt smgle m 72a BYE BYE LOVE
the Umted States. entenng the Btllboard 73b MAYA LOVE
Hot Hundred on March 3 nsmg to No 16,
and staymg m the chart for fourteen BSIDE
ua.iJ... rior.x.; DrlK ,;,..,"'"' - February 14 76a IT IS "HE"
George's etghth Top 100 Btllboard album 25 LIVING IN THE MATERIAL WORLD
George Hamson entered the chart on
March 17 and rose to No 14 staymg m c ~- - __ 6 _ bru~ ·- _
the chart for etghteen weeks (Sleeve as Tho second reiSSUe of a deleted Harnson
BntlSh release)

George Harrison US 147

album, LJVmg In The Matenal World after entenng on May 23, and staymg m
reappeared m a smgle sleeve, and not the chart for thirteen weeks. (Picture
the gatefold sleeve of the ongmal release. sleeve same as Bnush release.)
Dark Horse DHK 3492- June 1, 1981
Boosted by the hlt smgle All Those Years
58a THE LIGHT THAT HAS LIGHTED THE Ago, Somewhere In England rose to No.
WORLD 11 m the Btllboard Top 200, after entenng
59a DON'T LET ME WAIT TOO LONG on June 20 1981 and 1t stayed m the chart
for twelve weeks. (Tracks and sleeve
same as Bnttsh release.)
29 (113a) TEARDROPS
Dark Horse DRC 79825- July 24, 1981
63a BE HERE NOW George's second smgle of 1982 fatled to
enter the Btllboard Hot Hundred, bubblmg
64a TRY SOME BUY SOME under the charts for a few weeks
Dark Horse GDRC 0410 -
26 EXTRA TEXTURE (Read AU About lt) November 4, 1981
Capitol SN-16217- February, 1981 As Warner Brothers dtstnbuted Dark
Horse Records m the Uruted States, they
Retssued stmultaneously wtth LlVlng In had the nght to re-release George's
The Material World, Extra Texture ap- smgles. Thts release was their first oldtes
peared on the Capitol budget label, m a release, couplmg both smgles from the
smgle sleeve, and not the textured and Somewhere in England album
dte-cut cover of the ongmal release
(118) GREECE
77d YOU
79a THE ANSWER'S AT THE END Dark Horse 7-29864 - November ? 1982

SOb THIS GUITAR (CAN'T KEEP FROM George's fust new single for over a year
CRYING) entered the Btllboard chart on November
20, peaked at No. 53 on December 4, and
8la OOH BABY (YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE remamed m the chart for six weeks.
82a A BIT MORE OF YOU Dark Horse 1-23734 - November?, 1982

83a CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU George's only album release of 1982
failed to achteve the chart success of hiS
84a TIRED OF MIDNIGHT BLUE prevtous LP, entenng on November 27 at
85a GREY CLOUDY LIES No. 119, and nsmg to No 108 on December
ll It contmued to feature m the chart unttl
the end of 1982. (Sleeve and tracks same
as Bnt!Sh release )
Dark Horse DRC 49725 - May 11, 1981
George's btggest Amenca htt smce Give
Me Love m 1973, All Those Years Ago
reached No. 2 m the Btllboard charts,
148 Working Class Heroes

Rmgo Stan UK 149

Apple PCS 7101 - March 27. 1970
9 DREAM (2.41)
LOVE (2.18)
YOU (2.43)

SentllTiental journey, arranged by Richard

Perry (who was later to produce two
albums for Rmgo), was wntten by Bud
Green, Les Brown and Ben Homer, and
Rmgo's ftrst solo album, featuring a selec- was origmally recorded by Les Brown and
tion of standards, entered the NME charts hiS Orchestra. with vocals by Dom Day.
on Aprll 22 at No 16. lt rose to No. 15 the The record reached No I for nme weeks
followmg week. and stayed m the chart m Amenca becommg a nullion seller, and
for four weeks alro Doris Day's first b1g hlt.
For hiS first solo album, Rmgo dec1ded Night And Day, written by Cole Porter.
to record the old "standards" that he was arranged for Rmgo by Chico OFarreU.
could remember from hiS childhood, and and ongmally appeared m the 1932
he consulted his parents and fam~ly before mus1cal G:iy DIVorcee, sung by Fred
choosmg the titles. He started recording Astarre and Clarre Luce. WhJSpenng
the album in September 1969 (when Grass was arranged by well-known or-
Night And Day, Star Dust and .Blue Tummg chestra leader, Ron Goodwm, and was
Grey Over You were recorded) followed wntten by Fred and Doris F1sher. and
by further sess1ons dunng November and ongmally recorded by the Ink Spots, m
DecemJ?er 1969 A finalses5lon m February 1940.
1970 produced WhJSpermg Grass. Bye · Bye Bye Blackbrrd arranged for Rmgo
Bye B1ackbrrd and Love Is A Many by Bee Gee Maunce G1bb, was wntten
Splendoured Thmg, along With two un- by Mort Dtxon and Ray Henderson m
used numbers. Autumn Leaves and J'll Be 1927 for vaudeville star George Pnce
Lookmg At The Moon The album was The Beatles· old Hamburg fnend and ex-
produced by George Martm, usmg the Manfred Mann bass player, Klaus Voonnan.
George Martin Orchestra. with arrange- arranged I'm A Fool To Care. wh1ch was
ments for each song bemg earned out by written m 1948 by Country and Western
vanous well-known mus1c1ans or composers. songwnter Ted Daffan. It became a h1t for
The album sleeve features photographs Les Paul and Mary ford m 1954 and a
by Richard Polak, the front cover shows mtlhon seller for Joe Barry m I96 I
the Empress Pub. m H1gh Park Street, Star Dust one of the world's most
Liverpool (Ringo·s local). whtch was a popular songs. WJth over 1 100 different
short diStance from h1s childhood homes recorded vers1ons. was wntten m 1927 by
m Madryn Street and Admtral Grove Hoagy Carm1chael. with words added by
Rmgo 1s supenmposed standmg m front M1tchell PariSh in 1929 It was f1rst re-
of the pub, wh1le h1s relatives appear corded m 1927, but first sold a mtlhon for
hkew1se m the pub wmdows Arlle Shaw and his Orchestra m 1940. A
second vers1on by Btlly Ward and the
Dommoes also sold a million m 1957
l SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY (325) Rmgo's vers1on was arranged by Paul
2 NIGHT AND DAY (224) McCartney
Blue Turmng Grey Over You was
3 WHISPERING GRASS (DON'T TELL THE arranged by Ohver Nelson, wntten by
TREES) (2 35) Andy Razaf and Thomas ·'fats" Wailer,
4 BYE BYE BLACKBIRD (2 10) and recorded by LoUIS Arrnstrong and his
Orchestra m 1930 Love Is A Many Splen-
s I'M A FOOL TO CARE (2.39) doured Thmg. arranged by Qumcy ]ones

150 Working Class Heroes

NMExcluslve Part one of ...

1·:1.\' IS: \\'11.1. Ill~ t 'O .UI~?
ANY "'

Apple Records ABsent

an album from

out now Pes 1101

- ace Amencan producer - was wntten fered to assiSt htm. Ongmally Rmgo
by Paul F'rancJS Webster (words) and wanted to record the album m London.
Sammy F'am (mustc) for the ftlm of the usmg tmported Country and Western
same name, wmmng an Academy Award mustctanS, allowmg tumself several weeks
for Best F'tlm Song of 1955 The song was to complete the album Pete Drake per·
made a chart rut by the Pour Aces who suaded Rmgo that tt would take too long
scored a No I Amenca rrulhon seller to record the album m London, and that
George Martin arranged Dream, ong- he could complete the whole album m a
mally wntten by johnny Mercer for hiS few days m Nashville, USA The album
1945 Amencan CBS Radlo Show, but was recorded between June 30 and July
recorded by The Pted Ptpers, with the I , 1970, at the Mustc Ctty Recorders
Paul Weston Orchestra giVmg them a rut Studto m Nashvtlle. Tennessee. usmg
million seller You Always Hun The One over twenty of Nashvtlle's top country
You Love, arranged by John Dankworth, mustctans under the production guidance
well-known Jazz mustctan and orchestra of Pete Drake. The album was engmeered
leader, was wntten by Allan Roberts by Scotty Moore, legendary guitanst of
(words) and Dons F'JSher (mustc) It was ElVlS Presley's ftrst group, who was also
recorded by the Mtlls Brothers, glVlng Presley's manager for a short time and
them a four week No I and Amenca supplied gwtar on all hiS early record -
millton seller m 1944 mgs. Drake commtsstoned a host of
Elmer Bernstem arranged Have I Told Country and Western wnters to compose
You Lately That I Love You a song songs espectally for Rmgo, who was
wntten by Scott Wtseman and ongmally gtven almost a hundred to choose from
recorded by Foy Wtlhng and the Rtders and he eventually recorded many more
of The Purple Sage. Let The Rest Of The than were needed for the album At one
World Go By, arranged by Les Reed IS ttme, a second album of country songs
the oldest song on the album, datmg from was bemg constdered but this never
1919, when tt was wntten by j Ketm matena!JSed
Brennan and Ernest K Ball, bemg per· The recordmgs featured the followtng
formed by George J Tnnkaus and his mustctans. Buddy Harrnan (bass), Charhe
band Damels (guitar). Dave Ktrby (guitar),
Chuck Howard (guitar), The jordanaues
(backmg vocals - who backed ElvJS
Presley on his ftrst recordmg sesstons for
RCA m Nashvtlle m January 1956 and on
Apple PAS 10002- September 25. 1970
many later recordmgs), Charhe McCoy
(harmoruca). Sorrels Ptckard (guitar), Jerry
Kennedy (guitar). jerry Shook (guttar),
Geo1ge Rtchey, Grover Lavender, Jtm
Buchanan (fiddle). Roy Huskey Jnr (bass).
Pete Drake (pedal steel guitar), Rmgo
(acoustic gwtar and drums), DJ Fontana
(drums), Ben Ketth (steel guttar), jerry
Reed (guitar - he has wntten many htt
songs, mcludlng Gwtar Man recorded
by ElVlS Presley) and Jeanrue Kendall
The gatefold sleeve. destgned by John
Kosh. features photographs taken m
Nashville by Marshall Fallwell Jnr, m·
cludmg a back cover shot showmg most
of the mustctans on the album

Although regarded by many revtewers at A SJDI:.

the ume as a better album than Sent1· 13 BEAUCOUPS OF BLUES 2 ~fll
mental journey, Beaucoups Of Blues -
Rmgo's second solo album - dtd not 14 LOVE DON'T LAST LONG c~ 4?1
enter the NME album charts 15 FASTEST GROWING HEARTACHE IN
Whtlst Rmgo was assJStmg George to THE WEST (2 )
record hiS All Things Must Pass album,
Pete Drake an Amencan pedal steel 16 WITHOUT HER ._ JJ.
guitariSt also helpmg wtth George's al- 17 WOMAN OF THE NIGHT (2 '?0)
bum suggested that Rmgo should record
a Country and Western album. and of·
Rmgo Starr UK 153
BSIDE recorded on March 8, 1970, at EMI and
Tndent Studios, features Klaus Voormanl
19 $15 DRAW (327) bass, Steven Stills and George Hamsonl
20 WINE, WOMEN AND LOUD HAPPY gwtars, Rmgo/drums and Ron Canermole/
SONGS (2 17) saxophone and trumpet
Early 1970, Rmgo's song to his three
fellow Beatles, features George playmg
WAY (256) gwtar and supplymg backmg vocals, and
22 LOSER'S LOUNGE (2 2i) Rmgo on acoustic gu1tar, drums and
p1ano Both numbers were produced by
23 WAITING (254)
George Harnson The smgle was mas-
24 SILENT HOMECOMING (353) tered by George Peckham ("PECKO"
AND PORKY' appeanng on the run-out
All but one of the songs on the album
grooves) and was packaged m a picture
were wntten m 1970 and gtven to Rmgo,
e1ght of them composed by two musicians
playmg on the album Beaucoups Of
Blues was wntten by Buzz Rabm and was TBE CONCERT FOR BANGLA DESB
nearly released m Bntam as a smgle (it
was announced m the mus1c press for By George Harrison and Friends
release m etther November or December
1970). Chuck Howard, who also contn- Apple STCX 3385 - January 7, 1972
buted gu1tar to the album, composed Rmgo's only live recordmg to feature hiS
Love Don't Last Long, I Wouldn't Have vocal talents IS mcluded on George's
You Any Other Way and Wrutmg, he also Concert For Bang/a Desh, m w h1ch Rmgo
eo-composed I'd Be Talking All The Tune performs a live verston of It Don't Come
w1th Larry Kmgston Sorrels Plckard, Easy, managing to forget the words m
another gu1tanst heard on the album. places. He plays drums throughout the
composed Without Her, Woman Of The second, third, fourth and siXth Sides, and
N1ght, $15 Draw and Sllent Homecommg tambourme durmg the ftflh stde, which
Larry Kmgston also composed Wme. features Bob Dylan (For further mfor-
Women And Loud Happy Songs m 1968 matJon track l!Stmg and sleeve see George
and eo-composed Fastest Growmg Heart· Harnson BntJSh section, page 120 )
ache In The West With Fred Dycus.
Loser's. Lounge was wntten by Bobby RECORD TWO A SIDE TRACK ONE
Pierce. 28 IT DON'T COME EASY (2 38)
3 (26) IT DON'T COME EASY (2 59)
(27) EARLY 1970 (2 18) 4 (29) BACK OFF BOOGALOO (318)
(30) BLINDMAN (2 40)
Apple R 5898- Apnl 9, 1971
Apple R 5944 - March 17, 1972

lff "

Rmgo's ftrst solo smgle entered the NME

charts on Apnl21 at No 12, nsmg to No. 5
~ Starr
' .
Another b1g hit for Rmgo, Back Off Booga-
for two weeks, on May 5, and staymg in Joo entered the NME charts on March 29
the charts for mne weeks Havmg sold a at No. 26, nsmg to No 2 for one week on
mllhon m the Umted States. the global Apnl 26 (Amazmg Grace by the Royal
sales of It Don 1 Come Easy must be close Scots Dragoon Guards, Pipes Drums and
to two mtlhon Band. was at No 1) and stayJng m the
Rmgo composed It Don 't Come Easy m chart for mne weeks
1970. There were supposedly three re- Back Off Boogaloo was wntten by
corded versions of the song, mcludmg Rmgo, and produced by George Harnson
one with Klaus Voormanlbass and George It features George/gUJtar, Gary Wnght/
Harnsonlgwtar, and another w1th Enc keyboards, Klaus Voormanlbass, Rmgo/
Clapton on guitar The released verston, drums and vocals, and backmg vocaliSts

154 Working Class Heroes

Madehne Bell Lesley Duncan and jean package was des1gned by Wilkes and
Gilbert &x>galoo was supposedly one of Braun lnc • wllh photographs by Phtl
Paul's mcknames Bhndman, wntten by Marco. Ethan Russell and Tom Wtlkes
Rmgo for his 1971 ftlm of the same name, (The double album features stdes one
was produced by Rmgo and Klaus and four on the first LP, and stdes two and
Voorman The smgle appeared m a three on the second LP )
and also featured blue
Pete Townshend
By The London Symphony Orchestra and IT'S A BOY
Chamber Choir with Guest Soloists Sandy Denny

Ode 99001 - fiJoJvember 24 1972 1921

Graham Bell, Steve Winwood
& Maggie Bell
Pete Townshend
London Symphony Orchestra
Richie Havens
Steve Winwood & Roger Daltrey
John Entwistle
fungo's first guest appearance on a con- Merry Clayton
cept album was playmg the part of Uncle UNDERTURE
Errue m the Lou ReiZner producuon of London Symphony Orchestra
Pete Townshend's classtc rock opera
Tommy The album entered the NME DO YOU THINK IT'S ALRIGHT
charts on January 9 1973 at No 2.: tts MaggJe Bell
htghest posttton staytng m the chart for 31 FIDDLE ABOUT (1 26)
three weeks. Album sales exceeded a Rmgo Starr
global nulllon by March 1973
1t was Lou ReiZner's tdea to re-record Rod Stewart
Tommyusmg an orchestra wuh an all-star
cast of guest vocallsts, and he started to CSJDE
produce the album m September 1971
Recordmg sesstons began m March 1972 THERE'S A DOCTOR I'VE FOUND
at Olymptc Studtos London, through to Steve Winwood
September 1972, when Rmgo recorded GO TO THE MIRROR BOY
his vocals As well as Rmgo the all-star Richard Harris, Roger Daltrey
cast mcluded Pete Tov:nshend•Narrator, & Steve Winwood
Sandy Denny/Nurse, Graham BelVLover
Steve Wmwood/Father, MaggJe BeiV
Maggie Bell
M other fuchte HavewHawker, Merry
Clayton!Actd Queen Roger Daltrey/ SMASH THE MIRROR
Tommy, John Entwlstle/Cou.c;m Kevtn, Rod Maggte Bell
Stewart/Local Lad and fuchard Hams"''he I'M FREE
Doctor The London Symphony Orchestra Roger Daltrey
and Chamber Chotr was conducted by
Davtd Measham MlRACLE CURE
The two LP set came m an elaborate Chambre Chotr
package of a gatefold double album SENSATION
enclosed ms1de a truck cardboard sleeve, Roger Daltrey
plus n thtrty-two page four colow booklet
featurmg tllustrallons and lyncs The

Ringo Starr UK 157

Pete Townshend
Roger Daltrey
Ringo Starr
Roger Daltrey
5 (33) PBOTOGRAPB (3.55)
(34) DOWN AND OUT (2.59)
Apple R 5992 - Ocrober 19. 1973
SIXteen as a smgle caused the albwn to
nse to No. 13 on March 5, 1974. The
album stayed m the charts for eighteen
weeks, and has probably sold around two
mtlhon globally.
Most of the albwn was recorded be-
tween March and July 1973, at Sunset
Sound. Los Angeles. and Apple Studios
London, w1tb some addlnonal recordmgs
at The Burbank Studios. Sound Labs and
Rmgo's thrrd solo smgle, and thud tut. Producers Workshop, Los Angeles. and
entered the NME charts on October 23 at EM! Studios, London The album was
No. 28. It dropped out of the chart for one produced by Richard Perry, and features
week, re-entered at No. 20 on November a galaxy of star musicians mcludmg· John
6, after which it chmbed to No. 4 for one Lennon/ptano; George Harrisonlgu1tar;
week on November 20, and remamed m Klaus Voormanlbass & upnght bass; 81lly
the chart for eight weeks. The smgle sold Preston/organ and p1ano; }1m Keltner/
over one and a half million globally drums; Marc Bolan/ gu1tar; James Booker/
The smgle was recorded between piano; Mllt Hollandlpercussion, Tom ScotV
March and July 1973, dunng the Rmgo horns and saxophones: Ntcky Hopkmsl
albwn sessions - the "A" Side bemg ptano; Vmt Ponc1a/acoustic guitar and
produced by Richard Perry, and the "B' percussion, ]Immy Calvertlguitar and
s1de by George Harnson and Richard acoustic gullar; Robbie Robertson/guttar
Perry. Photograph was wntten by Rmgo Levon Helm/mandolin; Rlck Danko/fiddle;
and George, and features Rmgo and Jtm David Bromberg/fiddle and banjo; Garth
Keltner/drwns; George Harnson/twelve Huctson/accord!an, Paul McCartney/mouth
strmg gUitar and harmony vocal, N1cky sax solo, piano and synthesiZer; Steve
Hoplanslp1ano; Klaus Voorman/bass; Vllll Cropper/electnc gu1tar; Chuck F'mdley/
Ponc1a/acoustic gu1tar; }tmmy Calvert/ horns and Tom Hensley/piano.
acoustic gu1tar Lon and Derrek Van The album appeared m a very elabor-
Eatorv'percusston; and Bobby Keyesltenor ate gatefold sleeve, mcludmg a twenty-
saxophone solo. With the orchestra and four page lync book illustrated With ten
chorus arranged by Jack N1tzsche hthographs by Klaus Voorrnan The cover
Down And Out was wntten by Rmgo. pamtmgs were by Tun Bruckner, the
and 1s not mcluded on any other of tus front showmg a stage contammg a crowd
record releases. The smgle appeared m of people, mcludmg all the mustcians
a PICture sleeve, w1th a matchmg label heard on the album. The album photo-
destgn. graphy and design was by Barry Femstem
- for Camouflage Productions.
Apple PCTC 252- November 9, 1973 35 I'M THE GREATEST (3 22)
Rmgo entered the NME album charts on
November 27 at No 21 cllmbmg to No 6 33a PHOTOGRAPH (3.56/
on January 1. 1974 It then dropped down 37 SUNSHINE LIFE FOR ME (SAIL AWAy
the charts. untll the release of You're RAYMOND) (2 43)
158 Working Class Heroes

r•'o" (:ttPl<e un lilf""' (Jri".un, f'.,....-J,,.:or. .arHI t fffiM,

l..;J•Ii Ll,..•frt~~l~rr,. ""mr.,

Yuu rt~ •ixtr:t"n.,.,'on'rt" l)(':i'lultful .tuuf ;-uu' rt- miuc-: •

38 YOU'RE SIXTEEN (2 45)
39 OH MY MY (4 16)
41 SIX O'CLOCK (4 04)
42 DEVIL WOMAN (358)
43 YOU AND ME (BABE) (4 31)
Rlngo's thJTd glotk1l mllhon-selhng smqle,
As wt:ll as smgmg lead vocals on all whJch entered the NME charts on Feb-
tracks, Rmgo also played drums through- ruary 12 at No 26 TISmg to No 4 on
out the album fm The Greatest was March 12 and staymg m the chart for mne
wntten for Rmgo by John Lennon, who weeks HaVIng passed the rrullJOn sale m
plays ptano and supplies vocal harmon- the US alone, the smgle must have sold
tes, and IS )omed by GeorgelgUitar and nearly two mtlhon globally The release
Btlly Prestonlorgan Have You Seen My of the smgle, m a ptcture sleeve. boosted
Baby, wntten by Randy Newman features the Rmgo album (from wh1ch both tracks
Marc Bolan on gmtar Photograph was were extracted) back up the album
prevtously released as a smgle, whtle charts The smgle appeared on the "Starr"
Sunshme Life For Me was wntten for
Rmgo by George whJle he was m Ireland
wtth Donovan George plays gUitar, along 8 (44)0NLY YOU (AND YOU ALONE)
wtth Robbte Robertson of the Band the (322)
other members of that group bemg fea- (45) CALL ME (4 02)
tured on mandolin. fiddles, banJO and
accordtan George and Vtru Poncta sup- Apple R 6000- November 15. 1974
ply baclang vocals
The only "oldte" on the album, You re
SJXteen. was wnrten by Robert and Richard
Sherman, tt was ongmally recorded by
Johnny Burnette, gtvmg htm a mtlhon
seller m 1960 Rmgo's verston features
backmg vocals by Harry Ntlsson. the
ptano of Ntcky Hopk.iTIS. and Paul McCar-
tney tm1tatmg a saxophone Oh My My,
wntten by Vtru Ponc1a and Rmgo, fea-
tures the ptano and organ of Btlly Preston Rtngo's last chart smgle (so far), Only You
and backmg vocals by Martha Reeves entered the NME charts for one week at
and Merry Clayton. No 25 on December 3, although t! stayed
1 he only solo composttton by Rmgo on m the BMRB Top 75 for eleven weeks,
the album IS Step Llghtly, featunng Steve TISmg to No 28 John Lennon suggested to
Cropper on electnc gmtat, and Rmgo tap Rmgo that he should record Only You.
dancmg SIX O'Clock was wntten by Paul and eventually asststed hrrn m recordmg
and Lmda McCartney for Rmgo, they the song Lennon played acousl!c guitar
recorded the song m London and sent the whlle Rmgo and Jtm Keltner played drums,
tapes to Rmgo m Los Angeles. where he Billy Prestonlelectnc p1ano jesse Ed
recorded hiS version (dubbing Paul and DaVIS and Stcve Cropper/elecutc gmtars
Lmda's vocals from theu ongmal versiOn) wtth Harry Nilsson proVldmg backmg
The song features Paul on ptano and vocals. Only You (And You Alone)
synthesizer, wtth stnngs and flutes ar- was Wiltlen by Buck Ram and Ande Rand
ranged by Paul DeVIl Woman. co-wrllten for The Platters. a vocal group managed
by Rmgo and VlDl Poncta foatures Rtchard by Ram, who scored a million seller wtth
Perry, the producer, and Klaus Voounan the song m 1955
on backmg vocals You and Me (Babe) Call Me. nn ongmal Rmgo compost lion
was wntten by George HarrlSOn and Mal features Rmgo/drums Steve Cropper/
EvaTIS, and features George on electnc gu1tar Klaus Voorman/bass and Davtd
gmtar Foster ptano vvllh baclang vocals by Lon
2 (31a) 1'0U'U IIX'l'EEN (2.45) and Derrek Van Ea ton V!Dl Poneta Rich
(4%a) DEVIL WOMAN (3 53) ard Perry Klaus Voorman and CynUua
Webb The smgle, taken from the Good
Apple 1\ 5995 - FebruaTy 8 t9i4 mght Vwnna album wluch was released

Ringo Starr UK 161

the same day, appeared m a picture (No No Song); Lmcoln Mayorga/p1ano
sleeve, and featured a new label. showmg (Easy For Me); and horn players Trevor
"celestial bodles" Lawrence, Steve Madaio, Bobby Keyes.
Lou McCreery and Chuck Fmdley
The album sleeve was designed by
Roy Kohara, wtth a front cover 1llustrat1on
Apple PCS 7168- November 15, 1974 taken from the 1951 classic science f1ctton
film The Day The Earth Stood StJll, directed
by Robert W1se and starring M1chael
Renme as Klaatu. Klaatu ts seen on the
cover emergmg from his "flymg saucer"
(Ringo's head bemg supenmposed onto
the ongmal picture) With lus rune foot tall
robot Gort. The mner sleeve featured
song lyncs and p1ctures taken by Larry
Emenne at the recording sess1ons for
the album.
47 OCCAPELLA (2 50)
48 0 0-WEE (3.40)
Rmgo's last chart album to date. Good- 50 SNOOKEROO (323)
mght V1enna entered the NME Top 30
album charts on December 10 at No. 24 BSIDE
for one week only. 51 ALL BY MYSELF (3.18)
The album was recorded dunng the
summer of 1974, at Sunset Sound and 45a CALL ME (4.05)
Producers' Workshop, Los Angeles, wtth 52 NO NO SONG (2.30)
Richard Perry producmg Ringo for the
last ttme (up to 1982). The album was
44a ONLY YOU (3.23)
recorded usmg over twenty-five mus1c1ans, 53 EASY FOR ME (2 17)
wtlh a bas1c umt of Rmgo and Jtm 54 GOODNIGHT VIENNA (REPRISE) (1 16)
Keltner/drums and Klaus Voormanlbass,
w1th a vanety of gwtarists. keyboard Goodmght V1enna was wntten by John
players and horn players on each num- Lennon for Rmgo, and features John
ber John Lermonlp1ano (Goodmght playmg p1ano, w1th backmg vocals by
V1enna), gwtar (All By Myself) and acous- Clyd1e Kmg, The Blackbemes and The
llc guitar (Only You); Billy Prestonlclavmet "Masst Abbots" Occapella, wrttten by
(GoodnJght Vienna) and electnc piano Alien Toussamt and originally recorded
(Only You); Lon Van Eaton!guitar by Lee Dorsey, features Dr. John on
(Goodmght Vienna and Occapella), ptano, w1th backmg vocals by ]tmmy
acoustiC guttar (Husbands And Wwes) Gtlstrap, Joe Greene, Clyd1e Kmg and lra
and horns ( Goodmght VJenna), ]esse Ed Hawk1ns Rtngo wrote 0?- Wee w1th Vm1
DavJSigwtar (Goodmght V1enna Occa- Ponc1a who supplies harmony vocal, w1th
pella No No Song and Only You); Car! backing vocals by Clyd1e Kmg and The
Fortma/accorclian ( Goodmght V1enna and Blackbernes
Husbands And WJves), Dr. Johnlelectnc Husbands And W1ves. wntten and
p1ano (Occapella), p1ano (0?-Wee and recorded by Roger Miller m 1966. features
All By Myself); Denrus Cof!ey/guttar ( 0?- an electnc gwtar solo by Richard Bennett
Wee); Vmt Ponc1a/acoust1c guttar (Hus- wtth VmJ Poncta supplymg hannony vocals
bands And Wives); Richard Bennett/ Snookeroo was especially wntten by Elton
electnc guitar (Husbands And WJves); John and Berme Taupm for Rlngo, and
Tom Hensley/electnc ptano (Husbands features Elton on piano, along wtth Robb1e
And Wwes); Elton Johnlptano (Snookeroo); Robertson (of The Band) on gwtar. wtth
Robb1e Robertson!gUltar (Snookeroo); vocal backmg by Lmda Lawrence, Clyd1e
James Newton Howard/synthes!Zer Kmg and Joe Greene.
(Snookeroo); Alvm Robmson!gu1tar (All All By Myself another Vtm Poncta!Ringo
By Myself), Steve Cropper/gwtar (Call compos1Uon, features John Lennon and
Me and Only You); Davtd Fosterlptano Alvm Robmson on gwtars, wtth vocal
(Call Me); Nicky Hopkmslelectnc ptano backmg by Richard Perry, Vtm Poncta.

162 Working Class Heroes

Clyche Kmg, Linda Lawrence and ]oe Early 1970 was ongmally the ''B" s1de to It
Greene Call Me was wntten by Rmgo and Dont Come Easy F'or Bnt!Sh fans the
was featured on the ''B • Side of the Only obv10us orrussion was the Amencan only
You Single No No Song was wntten by 'B Side to Beaucoups Of Blues, Coochy
Hoyt Axton and giVen to Rmgo, and features Coo, which never appeared on a Bnush
backmg vocals by Harry Nllsson Nllsson release
composed Easy For Me. Wlth Lmcoln Blast From Your Past was the last
Mayorga on pmno, stnngs arranged by album to appear on the Apple label m
Trevor Lawrence and V1n1 Ponc1a, and Bntam, and featured a red Apple on both
R1chard Perry conductmg The album "A" and '8" s1des of the record The
finiShes Wlth a repnse of Goodmght VIenna sleeve, des1gned by Roy Kohara features
- a different recordmg from the fust - photographs by Ernerson/Loew Wlth
featunng an mtroduct1on by John Lennon, spec1al photographic effects by Dame!
who liiStructs ''OK w1th gusto. boys, Wlth Cathenne The mner sleeve mcluded the song lyriCS. plus a senes of black and
whtte photographs of Rmgo The outer
10 (SOa) SNOOKEROO (3 24)
sleeve conta1ns a quote by "a local
(48a) OO·WEE (3.40)
Gynecologtst' (slc)· 'You don't have to be
Apple R 6004 - Februcuy 21 1975 first But make sure you re not last·
Rmgo's SlXth smgle, hlS second smgle
release from Goodmght VIenna and hiS 38b YOU'RE SIXTEEN c' 43)
lust not to make the charts. With this 52a NO NO SONG 122b
smgle and all subsequent releases,
(smgles and albums to date) Rmgo has 26a IT DON'T COME EASY (2.59)
enjoyed no chart success whatsoever 33b PHOTOGRAPH (3 5"
Both tracks were taken from the Good·
mght V1enna album and the smgle d1d not 29a BACK OFF BOOGALOO (316)
appear m a p1cture sleeve. BSIDE
Apple PCS Jl70- December 12. 1975 39a OH MY MY (4 15)
27a EARLY 1970 (2 ,8,
35a I'M THE GREATEST (321)

12 (39b) OB MY MY (2 20)
(52b) NO NO SONG (2 26)
Apple R 6011 - ]anu,uy 9, 1976

Rmgo's last Apple smgle - whtch coupled

two songs that had prevtously been TopS
hits m Amenca. Oh My My (No 5) and
No No Song (No 3) - ongmally appeared
on Rmgo and Goodmgh; Vienna respect-
tvely The Single was released to promote
the Blast From Your Past album on which
they both appeared (Oh My My bemg
a shortened vers1on of the smgle), but
nellher the smgle nor the album enjoyed
A fauly predictable Greatest Hlts package any chart success The smgle was released
of Rmgo's Apple recordmgs. wtuch features m a plam sleeve
all c1ght Amencan chart smgles five of
wh1ch were Bnt!Sh h1ts. along w1th one "B' 13 IUNGO'S ROTOGMVURE
s1de and an album track. The album was
obVIously complied with the Amencan Polydor 2302 040- September JZ 1976
market m mmd as Bcaucoups Of Blues.
No No Song and Oh My My had not been Rmgo's fnst Polydor album was recorded
released as smgles m Bntam though the dunng Apnl and May 1976 With Anf
!alter two were to become Rmgo s last Mardm producmg 11 features ·well over
Apple smgle The album track, fm The thuty musiCians, many star
Greatest, was lifted from Rmgo, whtle nnmes. Rmgo and Jtm Keltner play drums

Ringo Starr UX 165

Poncta (A Dose Of Rock 'n' Roll, You Don't
Know Me At All, This Be Called A Song &
Las Bnsas) The Mad Maunes (Hey Baby)
- these people also supply claps on Hey
Baby - Paul and Lmda McCartney (Pure
Gold), Davtd Lasley (I'll Stlll Love You
and Lady Gaye) and The 'Tab" Harry
(Ntlsson) (Lady Gaye). All strmgs and
horn arrangements were by Anf Mardm
Several people were involved m the
production of the sleeve des1gn The
ongmaJ tdea for the sleeve came from
Rmgo, wtth destgn by John Kosh The
front cover photograph was taken by
Davtd Alexander who - With Mark
Hanauer - took the thrrty-SIX photographs
on the mner spread of the gatefold
on aU tracks except Las Bnsas, wtth the
sleeve. The back cover ptcture, taken by
followmg additional mstrumentatlon. gut-
Tommy Hanley, shows the graffiti
tars/Peter F'rampton (A Dose Of Rock 'n'
covered front door to the Apple offices in
Roll), Danny Kortchmar (A Dose or Rock
Savtle Row OngmaJ copies of the album
'n' Roll Cookm' and Lady Gaye), ]esse Ed
mcluded a magmfymg glass to examme
DavJS (A Dose Of Rock 'n' Roll and Lady
the graff1t1, whtch obVIously refers to the
Gaye), Mac Rebennack (Cookln), Lon
Beatles. and mcludes such geiTJS as "G1ve
Van Eaton (Hey Baby, Pure Gold. Crym',
John A Green Card" 'We Love The
You Don't Know Me At All, 111 Still Love
Bealles", 'Get Lost Rollers The Beatles
You and Thls Be Called A Song) and Enc
Clapton (ThJS Be Called A Song), bass
That's What I Know", "Keep On Rockmg
guttar/Klaus Voorman (A Dose Of Rock 'n'
All Of You" and "Long Live The Beatles".
Roll, Pure Gold, I'll Stlil Love You and
Lady Gaye), Cooker Lo Prest1 (Hey Baby, A SIDE
Cryin' and You Don't Know M e A t All) and
55 A DOSE OF ROCK 'N' ROLL (3.24)
Will Lee (Cookin'); pedal steeVSneaky
Pete (Crym'); k eyboards/Mac Rebennack 56 HEY BABY (3 10)
(ahas Dr John) (A Dose Of Rock 'n' Roll PURE GOLD (3.13.)
and Lad¥ organ!Cookm), John jal'VlS
(Hey Baby, Pure Gold and You Don't 58 CRYIN' (3. 17)
Know Me At All & ptano/Crym). Jane 59 YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL (3.14)
Getz (Pure Gold & ptano/I'll St1ll Love You
and Th1s Be Called A Song), Anf Mardm BSJDE
(electnc ptano/Crym' & Arp Stnng En- 60 COOKIN (IN THE KITCHEN OF LOVE)
semble/J'll Still Love You), John Lennon (3.40)
(p~ano/Cookln); percuss1on!Kmg Ernsson
61 I'LL STILL LOVE YOU (2. 56)
(Cookln'), George Devens (congas/Pure
Gold & manmba/Lady Gaye) and Robert 62 THIS BE CALLED A SONG (313)
Greemdge (steel drum/Thls Be Ca/Jed A
63 LAS BRISAS (3.33)
Song) and horns. trumpets/Randy
Brecker (A Dose Of Rock 'n' Roll and Hey 64 LADY GAYE (256)
Baby), Alan Rubm (A Dose Or Rock 'n SPOOKY WEIRDNESS (1 24)
Roll) and Alan Young (Hey Baby); tenor
saxophone/Mtchael Brecker (A Dose Of A Dose Of Rock 'n' Roll was giVen to
Rock 'n ' Roll, Hey Baby and Lady Gaye), Rmgo by Car! Grossman, the composer
George Young (A Dose or Rock 'n' Roll and features three guttars played by
and Hey Baby) and Lou M anm (Lady Frampton, Kortchmar and DaVIs Hey
Gaye) and bar i tone saxophone/Lewts Baby was written by Margaret Cobb and
Delgatto (A Dose Of Rock 'n' Roll, Hey Bruce Channel m 1961 Channel had a
Baby and Lady Gaye) m!lhon-selhng hlt wtth the song m 1962,
Backmg vocals were supphed by the which reached No. I m the US and No 2
followmg Melissa Manchester (A Dose m Bntam
or Rock 'n' Roll, Coolan' and Thls Be Pure Gold was wntten by Paul
Called A Song), Duttch Helmer (A Dose McCartney for Ringo (who smgs With Vtm
Of Rock 'n Roll, You Don't Know Me At Ponc1a) and features Paul and Lmda on
All & Cookm'), Joe Bean (A Dose Of Rock baclang vocals Crym' was co-wntten by
'n' Roll & Thls Be Called A Song), Vmt Vm1 Poncta and Ringo; Sneaky Pete plays

166 Working Class Heroes

~F Yf:.AB+ V HC?{'IlT.
~ .•• .dw.~... C!.~U~o •••.ZC. ... Ho~e •.-:f~c,..,..
1 e.....e ••
:~ -;;: .. .1.2:.~. /.9.{'!. :. , Cla:u:~ fo,l';.tc:-:. ~;Ihi TimeD AWcnt. J"/;
~"\et. ~J.i~y••• •A..., Ger.e::-&1 l'l'?e~·a;·Le •• , .ft., Ccn±l-::t., ••••//. •••
A:- V. G.:.! 1 Es- G.>:>!; C:• A'hTIIf,• re> Fe.:.~; !::- 'li'~s'.; E:- \'.?'c!llc,

Signed: ••• ,


~ th~ Rop~ ro~ ••••••

pedal steel gunar You Don t Know Me At John Tropea/gUJtar. just A Dream was
All wntten by Dave Jordan, was giVen to wntten by Rmgo and Vtru Ponc1a and IS
Rmgo, as was This Be Called A Song, not featured on the Rmgo The 4th album.
wr1tten by and featunng Enc Clapton from wtuch the "A" s1de IS taken. Both
Cookln' (In The Kltchen Of Love) was tracks were produced by Anf Mardm
wntten for Rmgo by John Lennon who,
with Yoko, assiSted With the recordmg m 17 RJNGO TBE 4TB
Los Angeles by playmg piano I'll St1ll
Love You was ongmally called "When Polydor 2310 556 -September 30, 1977
Every Song Is Sung", and was wntten by
George Hamson, who recorded the song
several tunes - With Ronrue Spector,
Ctlla Black and Leon and Mary Russell -
but never completed 11. George eventu-
ally gave 11 to Rmgo, but could not attend
the recordmg sess10n, so Lon Van Eaton
deputiSed for hun, producmg a very
''Harnsonesque" guttar sound
Las Bnsaswas co-wntten by Rmgo and
Nancy Andrews. an American model
whom Rmgo was dating at the time, and
features a Mar1acht Band from a MeXJcan
restaurant Lady Gaye was co-wntten by
Vm1 Ponc1a Rmgo and Clillord T Ward
who composed the tut smgle Gaye, on
wtuch the song was based Spooky Welid-
ness IS a p1ece of mus1cal madness ad- Although actually hiS siXth album Rmgo
hbbed m the studm dec1ded to call hiS second Polydor LP
14 (55a) A DOSE OF ROCK 'N' ROLL (3 17) Rmgo The 4th, choosmg to diSregard
(58a) CRYIN' (3 16) Sentunental journey and Beaucoups Of
Blues. He considered Rmgo to be h1s f1rst
Polydor 2001 694 - October 15. 1976 "true" solo album
The album was produced by Anf
Rmgo's fust Polydor smgle, featunng two Ma1din. and engmeered by Lew Hahn,
tracks from the Polydor album, Rwgo's usmg a mam mstrumental hne-up of.
RotograV!lie had no chart success. and Rmgo and Steve Gadd/drums Davtd
was not released m a ptcture sleeve Spmozzallead gwtar, jefi Mrronov or John
TropealgUJtars. Don Grolrucklkeyboards
15 (56a) BET BABY (3 08) and Tony Levm/bass on all tracks except
(64a) LADY GATE (2 55) Sneaklng Sally Through The Alley,
Polydor 2001 699- Novembei 26. 1976 S1mple Love Song and Gyps1es In Fl!ght
(see below), W1th Ken BISCheVsynthesiZer.
Although a big hit for Bruce Channel m Don Brookslharmomca, Randy Brecker/
1962, Rmgo's verston of Hey Baby d1d not trumpet and Mtchael Brecker/tenor saxo-
break hiS chart absence. Once agam, tt phone
wrt~ rEIPased m a piam slf•r Vf! Backmg vocals were supphed by Vm1
16 (66) DROWNING IN TBE SEA OF Ponc1a )tmmy G1lstrap, Luther Vandross
LOVE (341) MeliSSa Manchester Debra Gray, Robm
(67) JUST A DREAM ( 4 17) Clark. DaVJd Lasley, Maxme Anderson
Manena Waters Bne Howard joe Bean
Pvlydvr 2001 734 - Septemb~:r 16, 1977 Dutch Helmet, Lynn Pltney, Arnold
McCuller and Rebecca Loms.
As a tratler to hiS next album Rmgo The album sleeve was designed by
released h1s thud Polydor smgle, but John Kosh. usmg photographs by Nancy
w1thout chart success Drownmg 1n The Andrews and Lew Hahn
S~a Of Love was wntten by Ph1ladelph1a
based Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff and A SIDE
was ougmally recorded by joe S1mon m 66a DROWNING IN THE SEA OF LOVE 5 07)
1971 becommg a m1llton seller m the US
The number features Rmgo and Steve 68 TANGO ALL NIGHT . 4 54,
Gadd on drums >vtth Dave Spmozzallead 69 WINGS < '4
gwtar, Don Grolruck/keyboards, Tony
70 GAVE IT ALL UP (4 40)
Levm/bass and enher Jefi Mnonov or

Rmgo Starr UK 169

(3 11)
ALLEY (4 15)
74 IT'S NO SECRET (339)

Unhke tus preVIous three albums on thls
occaston Rmgo ctid not recetve any "gtve
away' songs from lus three fellow ex-
Beatles or from any other songwnters.
All but four of the songs were JOmtly Donald Pleasence, the veteran BnttSh
composed by Rmgo and Vm1 Ponc1a actor
Drowmng In The Sea Of Love, wntten by Donald Pleasence narrates the story of
Kenny Gamble and Lean Huff. had been Scouse the Mouse played by Rmgo,
released as a single, while Tango All w1th two other well-known Bnusb smgers,
Night was written by Tom Seufert and Adam Fatth and Barbara Dtckson playmg
Steve Hague, and was ongtnally re- Bonce and Molly Jolly respectively The
corded by La Seme m 1976 Rmgos album was recorded at Berwtck Street
vers1on earures Bette M.ldler, Meh.ssa Stuctios. London With Hugh Murphy pro-
Manchester and Vmt Poncta on backmg ducmg and engmeenng Rmgo was only
vocals. featured vocally on the album as the
Can She Do It She Dances was mstrumental backmg was supplied by.
wntten by Steve Duboff and Gerry Henry Spmetttldrums. Gary Taylorlbass,
Robinson, and ongmally recorded by Peter Solley and Tommy Eyre/piano. Peter
Gold Rush m 1975 Snealang Sally Through Solley/organ, Phil Palmer, Ray Russell
The Alley, ongmally recorded by Lee and Nigel ]enkmslelectric gwtars, Roger
Dorsey m 1970 was wntten by Alien Brown and Gary Taylor/ acoustic guitars.
Toussamt" This track features Comell Rod Kmg/steel gwtar and dobro, Kellh
Dupree and Lon Van EatorVguitars. Richard Nelson/banJO, Graham Preskettfiddle and
Tee/electriC ptano and clavmet DaVId mandohn Stmon Mortontpercussion and
Fosterlclannet Chuck Rameylbass, Rmgo Raphael Ravenscroit flute wt!h backmg
and Steve Gadd'drums and Ntck Marrer<Y vocals by Gary Taylor Joanna Carhn
percusston Pete Zorn. Paul Da Vmc1 and Roger
Gyps1es In Fhght, wntten by Rmgo and Brown
Vtru Poncta, features Davtd Brombergl The album was released m conjunction
electnc gwtar, Dick Fegy/acoustlc gwtar, wtth an Illustrated book published by the
Hugh McDonaldlbass, Jeff Gutcheonl New EngliSh Library wntten by Donald
electnc ptano and Rmgo/snare drum and Pleasence, wtth drawmgs by Gerry
brush Potterton. The album mcluded a free
Wmgs. Gave It All Up. Out On The ''Scouse The Mouse" colourmg and draw-
Streecs. It's No Secret and S1mple Love mg competttton entry sheet for children
Song were all co-wntten by Rmgo and aged ftve to ten wtth two hundred coptes
Vtru Poncta. with the last track featurmg of the book as pnzes.
Danny Kortcbmar and Lon Van Eatonl
gwtars. DaVId Foster/ptano and keyboards
Chuck Rameylbass and Rmgo/drums.
Ringo as Scouse
By Various Artists Barbara Dickson as Molly Jolly
78 SCOUSE'S DREAM ~1 50,
Po1ydor 2480 429- December 9 1977
Rmgos second guest appearance on a SNOW UP YOUR NOSE FOR CHRISTMAS
concept album features htm m the utle Ben Chatterley as Olly Jolly
role of a children s story wntten by

170 Working Class Heroes

79 RUNNING FREE (2. 40) mus1cal arranger for the album
Adam Faith as Bonce Polydor 2310 599- June 1978
Lucy Please nce as Holly Jolly
80 BOAT RIDE ( 1 53)
Barbara Dickson
82 I KNOW A PLACE ( 1 32)
Polly Pleasence as Polly Jolly
and Ringo as Scouse
Rmgo's final Polydor album. and lus last
83 s. 0. s. for three years, was produced by hiS long
tune fnend and songwnung partner, Vmt
ASK LOUEY Poncta. who had assiSted on all hiS albums
Rick ]ones as Louey The Gull smce Rmgo m 1973. The majonty of
84 A MOUSE LIKE ME (4 16) Rmgo s prev1ous four albums had been
Rmgo recorded m Los Angeles, but for Bad Boy
Ringo ventured outstde Amenca - to the
The story concerns a L1verpool mouse Ehte Recordmg Studio m the Bahamas
named Scouse, who gets bored w1th h1s and Can-Base Studio and Ntmbus 9 m
ordmary ltfe m a pet shop and then w1th a Canada As well as Rmgo on drums, the
L1verpool famliy After learrung to speak album features four anonymous mustctans
EngliSh from the teleVISIOn, on wh1ch he who credited on the sleeve as Push·
sees a group called The Jollies. he dec1des a-lone/lead gullar, Gtt-tarfrhythm guttar,
to run away to become famous Boardmg Ha.m!SCh BtSSOnette/syntheslZers and Die-
the QE2, he meets The jollies and smgs sel/bass, wuh Vmt Poncia's 'Peakmg
w1th them but Jeffrey (the ship's cat) Duck Orchestra and Chorus'' (s1c)
accuses Scouse of Imitating a human. and 'fhe album sleeve was designed by
sentences hun to be drowned Scouse IS John Kosh (who else?) usmg front cover
thrown mto the sea. where he dnfts m h1s and mner sleeve photography by Nancy
toy BEA bag, but is rescued by Louey the Andrews and back cover photography
Gull, who sets hun back onto the QE2 - by Rmgo
bound for New York - where Scouse
hopes for fame ASIDE
Although Rmgo only smgs eight of the 85 WHO NEEDS A HEART 347)
fifteen songs on the album, he IS also
86 BAD BOY 'l. ·
featured talk:mg between numbers, most
of whtch were wntten by Roger Brown 87 LIPSTICK TRACES (ON A CIGARETTE)
the mus1cal director for the project Brown J 59'
composed LJVJng In A Pet Shop. Scouse's HEART ON MY SLEEVE (319)
Dream. Runnmg Free, Amenca Scousey, 88
Boat R1de, Scouse The Mouse and S 0 S, 89 WHERE DID OUR LOVE GO (3 /4)
and w1th Donald Pleasence Smg A Song
For The Tragopan and Passenger P1geon
Brown and Pleasence also eo-composed 1 90 HARD TIMES ! 1 31)
Know A Place With Ruan O'Lochlam. who 9I TONIGHT .... ""''
composed the final song, A Mouse Like
Me(whtch Rmgo later re-recorded for lus 92 MONKEY SEE - MONKEY DO J '35)
Bad Bov album as A Man Like Me) Snow 93 OLD TIME RELOVIN' •4 , 5,
Up Your Nose For Chnstmas was wntten
94 A MAN LIKE ME .., 59)
by Meua and Donald Pleasence, wh1le
Caterv.·aul was composed by )un Parker,
Ringo Starr UK 173
Only Who Needs A Heart and Old Time
ReloVJn' were wntten by Rmgo w1th Vm1

Ponc1a, the remammg eight songs bemg
"oldies". Bad Boy was wntten by L1l
Armstrong and Avon Long and was re-
corded by The jive Bombers, featurmg
Clarence Palmer whose vers1on reached
the US Top 40 durmg 1957 ~he song has
also been released by Sha Na Na and
Mmk De Vllle. LipstJck Traces (On A
Cigarette) was wntten m 1962 by NaomJ
Neville, and onginally recorded by
Benny Spellman, whose vers1on was a
mmor US hll m that year Heart On My
Sleeve. wntten by Benny Gallagher and
Graham Lyle. gave that duo a Top Ten h1t
m May 1976 m the UK Where D1d Our EM! NUT 18- Apnl, 1979
Love Go. wntten by Ace Motown song-
wnters, Edd1e Holland, Lamont Doz1er Dunng the Beatle years of 1963 to 1970,
and Bnan Holland. gave The Supremes John and Paul composed several songs
their frrst milhon seller m 1964, takmg for other art!Sis, never mtendmg to release
them to No. 1 m Amenca them off1c1ally by the Beatles. Many of
Hard Times was ongmally recorded these songs ongmally appeared only on
by Its composer Peter Skellern, whlle smgles. whtch later became very scarce
Tomgbt was wntten by lan McLagan (ex and hard to find
of the Faces) and John Pldgeon m 1977. The twenty tracks cover every song
Monkey See - Monkey Do was wntten John and Paul gave away between 1963
by Michael Franks m 1975, and recorded and 1969, although the one song sung by
by Mehssa Manchester m 1977 A Man Rmgo, wntten by John, JS a little out of
Llke Me was adopted from the song A place It dates from 1973, and would have
Mouse Like Me. written by Ruan fitted m better WJth a possible "Volume 2"
O'Lochlam. and ongmally sung by Ringo of such songs from 1968 to the present
m the Scouse The Mouse story album (ThiS possible "Volume 2' could mclude
The album flmshes WJth a four second such songs as. Thmgumybob'The Black
cymbal crash. Dyke Mills Band, Goodbye/Mary Hopkm,
Come And Get Jt/Badfmger. God Save Us
19 (87&) LIPSTICK TRACES (ON A & Do The Oz'The Elasllc Oz Band. The
CIGARETI'E) (2 59) Ballad Of New York C1ty!DaVJd Peel and
(93&) OLD TIME RELOVIN' (4 16) The Lower East S1de, Ten Years After On
Polydor 2001 782 - June, 1978 Strawberry ]am/Scaffold. 4th Of ]ulyl]ohn
ChrJStle, Mucho MungdHarry Ntlsson
Although LipStick Traces was announced Leave It/Mike McGear. Mme For Me/Rod
m the mus1c press as the first smgle from Stewart, Bridge Over The R1Ver Swte/
the Bad Boy album, there appear to have Country Hams and Let's Love/Peggy Lee,
been very few, lfany, copies pressed: the along With the other songs John and Paul
release very shortly afterwards of Tomght gave to Rmgo )
seems to md1cate that the Idea of the The album was compiled by Colm
L1pst1ck Traces smgle was abandoned Mtles, who also ongmated the sleeve
concept, drawn and designed by Adam
20 (91&) TONIGHT (2.50)
Yeldham. Cohn M1les later left EMI and
(88a) HEART ON MY SLEEVE (3.18)
set up hJS own "See For Mtles" "oldies"
Polydor 2001 795 -July 21, 1978 label, diStributed by Charly Records. The
album sleeve notes were wntten by the
With the poor sales of the f1rst smgle Beatles early PR man. Tony Barrow The
release from Bad Boy, Polydor rushed out album was deleted by EMl on March 31,
a second release - Rmgo's final smgle for 1982
Polydor, and hJS last for over three years. ASIDE
35b I'M THE GREATEST (3.20)
By Various Artists The Strangers With Mike Shannon

174 Working Class Heroes

Billy J. Kramer and The Dakotas
Peter and Gordon
The Applejacks
Billy J. Kramer and The Dakotas
Cilia Black
Peter and Gordon
Tommy Quickly
The Fourmost 35c I'M THE GREATEST (3 22)



Cilia Black BSJDE
PENlNA 39c OH MY MY (4 16)
Carlos Mendes
40a STEP LIGHTLY (314)
Cilia Black 4Ia SIX O'CLOCK (4 04


Peter and Gordon 43a YOU AND ME (BABE) (4 31)
BAD TO ME 22 (95) WRACK MY BRAIN (2 17)
Billy J. Kramer and The Dakotas (96) DRUMMING IS MY MADNESS
Peter and Gordon
RCA RCA 166- November 13 1981
Billy J. Kramer and The Dakotas
The Chris Barber Band


Mus1c For Pleasure MFP 50508 -

Novembe1 27. 1980
Along w11h John's Mmd Games George's Rmgo s fust offictal release for over three
Dark Horse and the Beatles' Rock And years featured two tracl:s from hts first
Roll Mus1c Volumes 1 & 2, Rmgo was one RCA album Stop And Smell The Roses.
of the first re-releases of Beatles matenal and appeared m a ptctuw sleeve Wrack
on a budget label 111e album was reiSSUed My Bram was wnnen for Rmgo by George
m a smgle sleeve, usmg a slightly amend· Harnson. who also produced the song, as
ed Eront cover tllustratton Erom the ongmal well as playmg both lead and acoustlc
sleeve (the "Apple" and Latm quote ts guttars Rtngo plays drums, and ts JOtned
mJSSmg from the top), plus a completely by Herbte Flowers/bass and tuba, AI
revised back cover featunng the song Kooper/p1ano and electnc guttar and Ray
credtts Cooper,ptano. perCUSSion. synthesiZer and
lead gUitar Background v<Y.als were sup-

Ringo Starr UK 115

phed by George and Ray Cooper usmg a Wrack My Bram and You Belong To
vocoder. Me feature George Hamsonllead gu1tar
Drummmg Is My Madness was wntten and acoustic gmtar (Wrack My Bra m),
for Ringo by Harry Ntlsson, who also Rmgo/drums; Herbte Flowers ( Wrack My
produced the song, using Rmgo and Jim Bram only)lbass and tuba, AI Kooper/p1ano,
Keltner/drums. DermiS Budumr R1tch1e gu1tar (Wrack My Bram) and synthesiZer
Zito and Fred TacketVgmtars. Denms (You Belong To Me) and Ray CooperlptanO
Belfield'bass, Jane Ge~p1ano. jerry synthesiZer lead guttar (Wrack My Bram)
Jumonvule/tenor saxophone. Bruce and tambounne (You Belong To Me).
Paulsonltrombone, Jun Gordonlbantone The b1ggest umt was for Drummmg is
saxophone. Lee Thornburg/trumpet and My Madness, Stop And Take The Tune
Rick Ricctolflute. To Smell The Roses and Back Off Boogaloo
The smgle was promoted w1th a featunng Rmgo/drums. Jerry Jumonvllle/
spec1ally prepared V1deo of Wrack My tenor saxophone, Bruce Paulson/trom-
Bram wh1ch was arred several t1mes on bone, Jtm Gordonlbantone saxophone.
teleV1Slon, although 11 did not help sales Lee ThornburQitrumpet DenniS Budunrr/
and the smgle d1d not enter the charts. gullar, Rltchte ZttolguJtar. Jun Keltner/
drums. Jane Getz/p1ano, F'red TacketV
23 STOP AND SMELL TBE ROSES gu1tar, Denrus Belf1eldlbass and Rick
R1cc1o (Dru.mmmg only)/Oute
RCA RCALP 6022- November 20. 1981 Dead Giveaway features Ron Wood/
gu1tar acoustlc bass and saxophones,
Rmgo/drurns, Wilton Feldertelectnc bass
Joe Sample/p1ano and Greg Math!eson/
You've Got A Nlce Way features Steven
St1llsllead guitar, Rmgo/drurns, M1ke
Fmmganlptano and organ, Mike SterglSI
rhythm gmtar, Joe Lalalpercusston and
Harley Thompsonlbass.
The album sleeve, destgned by John
Kosh, features photography by Aaron
Rapoport, and mcludes a dedicatton from
Rmgo to the other Beatles. ''Thanks to my
Three Brothers".
Rmgos mnth album (excludmg reiSSues)
95a WRACK MY BRAIN (2 19)
was ongmally titled Can't Fight Lightmng,
and was scheduled for Amencan release 96a DRUMMING IS MY MADNESS (3 28)
m Apn l 1981, but Rmgo had a dtsagree- ATTENTION (3 19)
ment With CBS Records - who dtstnbuted
Portrait Records m America - and he left 99 STOP AND TAKE THE TIME TO SMELL
the label The proposed album was THE ROSES (3 07)
shelved wh1le Rmgo looked around for BSJDE
another label. eventually s1gnmg With
Boardwalk m the Umted States and RCA 100 DEAD GIVEAWAY (4 26)
in Bntam 101 YOU BELONG TO ME (2. 07)
The album was recorded durmg July
1980, m Pans, With five dlfferent producers 102 SURE TO FALL (IN LOVE WITH YOU)
and seven engmeers, usmg over twenty- (340)
five musJctans and a dozen backmg 103 NICE WAY (329)
vocaliSts. The mus1c1ans can be broken
down mto ftve d1fferem uruts that worked
With each producer Pnvate Property, Pnvat<:; Property and AttentJon were wntten
AttentiOn and Sure To Fall were recorded and produced by Paul McCartney, who
wtth Paul McCartney/bass, piano and also produced Sure To Fall All three
percussiOn; Rmgo/drums; How1e Casey/ songs feature Lmda McCartney, She1la
saxophones (not on Sure To Fall) , Casey, Lezlee L1vrano Panser and Paul
Lawrence Juber/acoustlc and electnc on backmg vocals. The album lync sheet
gmtars; and Lloyd Green/pedal steel credits Lawrence Tuber as playmg gu1tar
gmtar (Sure To Fall only). on these tracks ("Tuber" should read

176 Working Class Heroes

Juber the Wmgs ex-gwtanst). Sure To The second selectlon of Beatle releases
Fall (In Love Wllh You) was written by on EMJ's budget label, Mus1c For Pleasure,
Car! Perkms, Quinton Claunch and Wtlham mcluded John's Rock 'n' Roll, George's
Cantrell and was ongmally recorded by The Best Of George Hamson and Rmgo's
Car! Perkms and released m 1956. The Blast From Your Past. The album featured
song was also a favounte of the Beatles a completely new sleeve design usmg
dunng their LIVerpool and Hamburg club the picture of Rmgo ongmally mcluded m
days. The Beatles. the white double album of
Wrack My Bram, wntten by George. 1968
and You Belong To Me were produced
by George, the latter bemg written by ASIDE
Pee Wee Kmg, Redd Stewart and Ch11ton 38d YOU'RE SIXTEEN (2. 43)
Pnce, and recorded by ]o Stafford, who
52c NO NO SONG (2.28)
scored a miihon-seUmg US No 1 m 1952
Drumm1ng Is My Madness. wntten by 26b IT DON'T COME EASY (2.59)
Harry N1lsson, Stop And Take The Time 33d PHOTOGRAPH (3 55)
To Smell The Roses, wntten by Harry and
Rmgo, and Back Off Booga1oo written by 29b BACK Off BOOGALOO (3.16)
Rmgo, were all produced by Harry Nilsson. BSJDE
Back Off Boogaloo 1S a new verSJon of
Rmgo's 1972 hlt, WJth a new arrangement 44c ONLY YOU (AND YOU ALONE) (3.23)
by Van Dyke Parks, and features Harry 13b BEAUCOUPS OF BLUES (2.31)
Nilsson and Rick Ricc10 on backmg vocals.
39d OH MY MY (4.15)
The new arrangement mcludes parts of
several other Beatles and Rmgo songs 27b EARLY 1970 (2.18)
With A Little Help Prom My Fnends. Help!.
35d fM THE GREATEST (3.21)
Lady Madonna, Good Day Sunshine, It
frm't Come Easy, Baby You're A Rich Man
and With A Little Help Prom M y Fnends
repeated. (On the album lync sheet the
song is incorrectly titled Back Off Bugaloo.)
Dead Gweaway was co-wntten by
Rmgo and Ron Wood of The Rolling Stones.
ThlS duo also produced the song together,
as well as supplymg backmg vocals
You've Got A Nice Way was wr1tten by
Stephen Stills and M!chael SterQlS. it was
produced by Stephen Stills. and features
Stills, Mike fmrugan and Mike SterQlS on
backmg vocals


M USIC For Pleasure MFP 50524 -
November 25, 1981



Rmgo Starr UK 177



charts, after proppmg up the Top 100

1 SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY on November 7 at No. 100
The "B" stde of the smgle featured a
Apple SW 3365 - April 24, 1970 song, not released in Britain, called
Coochy Coo, whtch was recorded dunng
Sentimental journey sold 500,000 copies
the Nashvllle sesstons. Wntten by Rmgo,
m the US before entenng the Btllboard
tt was ongmally twenty-eight mmutes
charts on May 16, at No 51 The albwn
rose to No. 22 for one week on June 20.
staytng m the Top 30 for five weeks. the
Top 100 for nine weeks and the Top 200
(27) EARLY 1970
for fourteen weeks. (Tracks and sleeve
same as Bnttsh release.) Apple 1831 - April 16, 1971
Ringo's second Amencan smgle outsold
2 BEAUCOUPS OF BLUES his three fellow Beatles' respective smgles
of the same period, Power To The People,
Apple SMAS 3368- September 28, 1970 Another Day and BanglaDesh The smgle
entered the Blllboard charts on May I at
Although -Country and Western music No· 49, nsmg to No. 4 for two weeks on
ongmated m the United States and remams June 5, 1t stayed m the Top 30 for eleven
very popular, Rmgo's Country and West- weeks, and m the Top 100 for twelve
em albwn dtd poorly chartwtse compared weeks The smgle sold a mtlhon by
to hiS first album Beaucoups Of Blues August 3, 1971, receiving an RIAA Gold
entered the Top 200 on October 17 at No. Award (Sleeve same as Brittsh release.)
141, nsmg to No. 65 - tts htghest position
- on November 21, and staymg m the
Top 100 for nme weeks and m the Top
200 for fifteen weeks. (Tracks and sleeve
same as Bntish release ) By George Harrison and Friends

3 (13a) BEAUCOUPS OF BLUES Apple STCX 3385 - December 20, 1971

Rmgo guested at George's Concert For
Apple 2969 - October S. 1970 Bang/a Desh. playmg drwns and smgmg
It Don't Come Easy (See origmal Bnttsh
release under Rmgo and George, and
Amencan release under George.)


Apple 1849- March 20, 1972
Back Off Boogaloo entered the Billboard
Hot Hundred on Apnl I at No 88, rtsmg
to No. 9 for two weeks on May 13. and
Not released as a smgle m Bntam. Beau-
staymg m the Top 30 for SIX weeks and
coups Of Blues only rose to No 87 for two
the Top I 00 for ten weeks (Sleeve same
weeks from November 28 m the Btllboard
as Brittsh release.)
178 Working Class Heroes
later to No. I on January 26, 1974, for one
week 11 sold more than one m1lhon
By The London Symphony Orchestra, cop1es by January 31, 1974, and quahfted
Chamber Chorr and Guest Vocalists. for an RlAA Gold Award The smgle
stayed m the Top 30 for eleven weeks
Ode SP 99001 - November 27. 1972 and m the 'fop 100 for fourteen weeks.
Although not a b1g seller m Bntam. the (Picture sleeve as Bnttsh release)
LS 0 's mterpretat1on of Tommy (Pete 9 (39a) OB MY MY ·
Townshend's celebrated rock opera) was (40a) STEP LIGBTLY
a huge success m Amenca, where tt
entered the Btllboard album Top 200 on Apple 1872- FebruAry 18. 1974
December 9 at No 136, receiVlng an
RIAA Gold Award on December 13. and The third smgles release from Rmgo, Oh
nsmg to No 5 for three weeks on January My My was not released m Bntam at thts
27, 1973 The album stayed m the Top 30 ttme. However, m Amenca 1t became
for eleven weeks, the Top lOO for nine- Rmgo's fifth consecuhve 'fop 'fen h1t It
teen weeks and the Top 200 for twenty- entered the Btllboard charts on March 9
four weeks. The album recetved a at No. 65. nsmg to No. 5 for one week on
Grammy Award for Best Album Package Apnl 27, and staymg m the 'fop 30 for
m 1973 (Tracks and sleeve same as nme weeks and m the 'fop 100 for
BntJSh release ) thirteen weeks (Not released m a picture
Apple 1865- September 24 1973
Apple 1876- November 11, 1974
Rmgo's first Amencan No. I, and h1s
second US m1lhon seller Photograph Rmgo's seventh Amencan smgle. a tratler
entered the BtU board charts on October 6 for the Goodmght VIenna album, entered
at No 74. nsmg to No 1 for one week on the Btllboa1d Hot Hundred on November
November 24 and staymg m the Top 30 16 at No 63, rtsmg to No 6 for one week
for eleven weeks The smgle stayed m on January 11. 1975, and becommg hts
the Top 200 for s1xteen weeks, recetvmg stxth corJSecutJve 'fop 'fen smgle It was
an RlAA Gold Award on December 28. m the Top 30 for etght weeks and m the
1973 (Picture sleeve same as Bnush Top 100 for fifteen weeks (Ptcture sleeve
release) same as Bnllsh release.)


Apple SWAL 3413- November 2 1973 Apple SW ;J4/7- November 18. 1974

Starr's best-selhng Amen can album Rmgos second Gold Award album. Good-
Rmgo entered the Billboard charts at No mght VIenna entered the Btllboard
IS on November 17, havtng rece1ved an album charts on November 30 at No 70,
RlAA Gold Award on November 8, 1973 ach1evmg one m1lbon dollars wonh of
The album rose to No 2 for two weeks on sales by December 9. 1974 1t rose to No
December l, staymg m the Top 30 for 8 for two weeks on January 11. 1975, and
etghteen weeks. the Top lOO for thrrty- stayed m the Top 30 for nme weeks, the
two weeks and the Top 200 for thrrty- Top 100 for twenty weeks and the Top
seven weeks, and selhng a m1lhon cop1es 200 for twenty·five weeks (Tracks and
by August 1974 (Tracks and sleeve same -:leeve same as BntJSh release )
as Bnttsh release) 12 (52a) NO NO SONG
8 (38a) YOU'RE SIXTEEN Apple 1880 January 27 1975
In Bntam. Snookeroo was released as the
ApplL 1870 - Dvccmber 3, 1973
"A ' s1de coupled With Do-Wee; m Amenca
Rmgo s second Amenca No 1 and hJS 11 was coupled w11h No No Song as a
thtrd US rrulhon-sclhng smgle entered the double 'A' s1de and chatted as such
Billboard Hot Hundred on December 22 The smgle entered the Btllboard chart on
at No 50 (wh1le Photograph was sull m f'ebruary 8 at No 78. nsmg to No 3 for
the charts at No 8) and rose five weeYs two weeks on Apnl 5 becommg Rmgo's

Rmgo Starr US 179

seventh consecutive Top Ten smgle. It 29a BACK OFF BOOGALOO
stayed in the Top 30 for eight weeks and
m the Top lOO for fourteen weeks. BSIDE
(repriH) 27a EARLY 1970
(48a) OO·WEE
Apple 1882 - June 2. 1975
(58) CRYIN'
Atlant1c 45-3361 - September 20. 1976
Rmgo's first Atlantic smgle entered the
Billboard chart on September 25, reaching
No. 26 and staymg in the chart for nme
weeks. This was Ringo's last US Top 30
entry to date.

The third release from Goodmght V1enna

coupled the two versions of Goodmght 16 RINGO'S ROTOGRAVURE
V1enna together as a medley (Capitol's
AtlantJc SD /8193- September 27. 1976
Idea), giVmg Ringo his runth consecutive
Top lOO htt. The single d1d not reach the Rmgo's last appearance m the album Top
Top 30, his first comparative failure smce 30 was wtth hiS first Atlantic album.
Beaucoups Of Blues (hiS first smgle re- Rmgo's Rotogravure, which entered the
lease). The smgle entered the Billboard Billboard Top 200 chart on October 9,
Hot Hundred on June 14 at No. 82, rising reachmg No. 28, and staying m the chart
to No. 31 for two weeks on July 31, and for nine weeks. (Sleeve same as British
staying in the Top 100 for seven weeks. release.)


Apple SW 3422 - November 20, 1975
Rmgo's greatest hlts package was obvi-
ously based on his Amencan smgles, as 57 PURE GOLD
eight of the ten tr acks were US Top lOO 58a CRYIN'
htts, including seven Top Ten entries and 59 YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL
two chart toppers. Up to November 1975,
Ringo had released mne smgles in BSIDE
America, all of which had entered the 60 COOKIN' (IN THE KITCHEN OF LOVE)
Btllboard Top 100; and wtth seven being
Top Tenners, he had a better htt average 61 I'LL STILL LOVE YOU
than John, Paul or George John had 62 THIS BE CALLED A SONG
released twelve singles wtth only four
Top Tenners, Paul fourteen. wtth ten Top 63 LAS BRISAS
Tenners (although four were No. l's), and 64 LADY GAYE
George had seven releases, wtth only
three Top Ten entnes (two bemg No. 1's).
The album entered the Btllboard Top 200 17 (56a) BEY BABY
on December 6 at No. 176, nsmg to No. 30 (64a) LADY OAYE
and staying in the chart for eleven weeks.
(Sleeve same as Bntish release.) AtlantJc 45-3371 - November 22, 1976

ASIDE Wtth Hey Baby, taken from Rmgo's Roto-

gravure album Rmgo made his last chart
38b YOU'RE SIXTEEN appearance of the sevenlles The smgle
52b NO NO SONG entered the charts on January 29, 1977,
but reached only No. 74, staymg m the
chart for a mere three weeks.

180 Working Class Heroes

18 (69) WINGS 22 BADBOY
(67) JUST A DREAM Por trail }R-35378 - Apnl 21, 1978
AtlantJc 3429 -July 25. 1977 Rmgo's fust and only album for Portrait
The frrst smgle release from Rmgo's made a bnef appearance m the Top 200
second Atlanllc album Rmgo The 4th, charts, 1t reached No. 129 and stayed m
sank Without trace, even though the ' B" the chart for stx weeks. after entenng on
stde was not to appear on the album May 20 (Sleeve same as Bnllsh release)
AtlantiC SO 19108 - September 26, 1977 86 BAD BOY
After the non-appearance of the preVIous 87a LIPSTICK TRACES (ON A CIGARETTE)
smgles m the smgle charts 11 was hardly 88 HEART ON MY SLEEVE
surpnsmg that the album would only nse
to No. 162 m the Btllboar d Top 200 LP 89 WHERE DID OUR LOVE GO
charts It remamed m the chart for stx BSJDE
weeks, after entenng on October IS
(Sleeve same as Bntlsh release.) 90 HARD TIMES
BSJDE Portrait 6-70018 -July 6. 1978
In Amenca. Portrait played safe. re-
73 SNEAKING SALLY THROUGH THE ALLEY leasmg a song that had already proved to
74 IT'S NO SECRET be hll matenal for 1ts composers. Gal-
lagher and Lyle. but Rmgo's verston of
75 GYPSIES IN FLIGHT Heart On My Sleeve sttll fatled to enter
76 SIMPLE LOVE SONG the charts


(67a) JUST A DREAM Capitol SN-16114 - October, 1980
Atlantic 3412 - October 18, 1977
As m Bntam, Capttol re-released several
Rmgo's last record release for Atlantic old "Beatle' albums on tts budget label
also failed to make the charts Drownmg Rmgo was reiSSUed m a new single
should have been the first release from sleeve
the Rmgo The 4th album as a smgle, but
was substituted wtth Wmgs When thts ASiDE
smgle flopped Drownmg was hurnedly 35b I'M THE GREATEST
released usmg the same "B" stde as the 36a HAVE YOU SEEN MY BABY
e1rher record
1-'ortra1t 6-70015 - Apnl 18, 1978
A change of label to Portrrut drd not help
Rmgo's chart performance, hiS ftrst smglo 39c OH MY MY
for hts new company makmg no tmpres· 40b STEP LIGHTLY
SIOn on the charts

Rmgo Starr US 181

Cap1tol SN-16236- September. 1981


Capitol SN-16218- February. 1981 38d YOU'RE SIXTEEN

The second budget reiSSue of Rmgo:S old
CapttoVApple catalogue featured hts first 26b IT DON'T COME EASY
album and Goodmght V1enna (Tracks 33d PHOTOGRAPH
and sleeve same as ongmal release )
Cap1tol SN-16219 - February, 1981
48b 00-WEE
Wtth these two last releases, all of Rmgo's
49a HUSBANDS AND WIVES Apple albums were retssued on the
SOb SNOOKEROO Capttol budget senes. Beaucoups Of
Blues appeanng m a smgle sleeve, and
BS1DE not m the ongmal gatefold cover.
52c NO NO SONG Boardwalk NBJ-11-130 - October 27.
53a EASY FORME Rmgo's first Top 100 smgles entry smce
1976 and Hey Baby, Wrack M y Bram
54b GOODNIGHT VIENNA (reprise)
peaked at No 38, after entermg on
November 7. and stayed m the Billboard
27 BEAUCOUPS OF BLUES charts for eleven weeks (Picture sleeve
Capitol SN-16235 - Sep tember, 1981 same as BnttSh release.)

14a LOVE DON'T LAST LONG Boardwa1k NB J-33246 - October 27.
THE WEST Although voted the "Worst Record Of
1981" m the Umted States. Rmgo's ftrst
!Sa WITHOUT HER new album m three years entered the
l7a WOMAN OF THE NIGHT Billboard Top I 00 on December 5, and
reached No. 98, staymg m the Top 200 for
five weeks (Tracks and sleeve same as
BSIDE Bnttsh release.)
19a $15 DRAW
21a I WOULDN'T HAVE YOU ANY OTHER Boardwalk NBJ-11-134- January 13, 1982
Rmgo's second smgle release from hiS
22a LOSER'S LOUNGE Boardwalk album, and another flop.

182 Working Class Heroes


Appenctices 183

ThlS appendiX l!Sts all solo releases m chronolog1cal order, gtvmg the appropriate record number for
each solo sectton, t.e. "J" = John Lennon, "P" = Paul McCartney, "G" = George Harnson and "R" =
Rmgo Starr, m the left-hand column. Where a "C" appears, thts mdtcates a compilation album, whtch
does not recetve a record number. Smgles are liSted m upper and lower case, while album titles
appear m UPPER CASE only

Gl WONDERWALL MUSIC George Harrison Apple SAPCOR l !Ill
J1 UNFINISHED MUSIC No. 1 - John Lennon & Yoko Ono Track/ 613012 29/ll
12 UNFINISHED MUSIC No. 2 - John Lennon & Yoko Ono Zapple ZAPPLE 01 9/5
02 ELECTRONIC SOUND George Harrison Zapple ZAPPLE 02 9/5
]3 Give Peace A Chance/ Plastic Ono Band Apple APPLE 13 4n
Remember Love
J4 Cold Turkey/ Plastic Ono Band Apple APPLES 1001 24/10
Don't Worry Kyoko
J5 THE WEDDING ALBUM John Lennon & Yoko Ono Apple SAPCOR 11 7/ll
16 THE PLASTIC ONO BAND - Plastic Ono Band Apple CORE 2001 12/12
1970 •••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••• • 0 •••••••••••• • •••••••••••• 0 0 ••••••• 0

J7 Instant Kannal Lennon/Ono with The Apple APPLES l 003 6/2

Who Has Seen The Wind Plastic Ono Band
RI SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY Ringo Starr Apple PCS 7101 27/3
PI McCARTNEY Paul McCartney Apple PCS 7102 17/4
R2 BEAUCOUPS OF BLUES Ringo Starr Apple PAS 10002 2519
G3 ALL TlflNGS MUST PASS George Harrison Apple STCH 639 27111
J8 JOHN LENNON/PLASTIC ONO John Lennon & The Apple PCS 7124 11/12
BAND Plastic Ono Band
G4 My Sweet Lord/ George Harrison Apple R 5884 1511
What Is Life
P2 Another Day/ Paul McCartney Apple R 5889 19/2
Oh Woman Oh Why
J9 Power To The People/ John Lennon/Yoko Ono & Apple R 5892 1213
Open Your Box The Plastic Ono Band
R3 It Don't Come Easy/ Ringo Starr Apple R 5898 914
Early 1970
P3 RAM Paul & Linda McCartney Apple PAS 10003 21/5
J God Save Us/ Bill Elliot & The Apple APPLE 36 16/7
Do The Oz Elastic Oz Band

184 Working Class Heroes

GS Bangla Deshl George Harrison Apple R 5912 3011
Deep Blue
P4 The Back Seat Of My Car/ Paul & Linda McCartney Apple R 5914 13/8
Heart Of The Country
JIO IMAGINE John Lennon & The Apple PAS 10004 8/lO
PlastiC Ono Band with
The Flux Fiddlers
PS WILD LIFE Wmgs Apple PCS 7142 3112
1972 ......... ••••• 0 •• 0 • •••••• 0 ...........
G6 THE CONCERT FOR George Harrison & Apple STCX 3385 7/l
P6 G1ve Ireland Back To The Wmgs Apple R 5936 25/2
R4 Back Off Boogaloo/ Rlngo Starr Apple R 5944 17/3
P7 Mary Had A Little Lamb/ Wings Apple R 5949 1215
Little Woman Love
Jl1 SOMETIME IN NEW John & Yoko/Plastic Ono Apple PCSP 716 15/9
YORK CITY Band with Elephant's
Memory & Invisible
112 Happy Xmas (War Is Over)! John & Yoko/Plastic Ono Apple R 5970 24111
Listen The Snow Is Band & Harlem
Falling Community Choir
RC TOMMY London Symphony Ode 99001 24111
P8 Hl, Hl,Hi/ Wings Apple R 5973 1112
1973 ••••••• 0 •••• 0. 0 ••••••• •

P9 My Love/ Paul McCartney & Wings Apple R5985 23/3

The Mess
PlO RED ROSE SPEEDWAY Paul McCartney & Wings Apple PCTC 251 315
G7 G1ve Me Love (GIVe Me Peace George Harrison Apple R 5988 2515
On Earth)!Miss O'Dell
Pll Live And Let D1e!I Lie Around Wmgs Apple R5987 l/6
G8 LNING IN THE MATERIAL George Harrison Apple PAS 10006 2116
PC LNE AND LET DIE Soundtrack Umted UAS 29475 617
R5 Photograph/ Rlngo Starr Apple R5992 19110
Down And Out
Pl2 Helen Wheels! Paul McCartney & Wmgs Apple R 5993 26/10
Country Dreamer
Jl3 Mind Games/ John Lennon Apple R 5994 16/11
Meat City
R6 RINGO Rlngo Starr Apple PCTC 252 9/11
Jl4 MIND GAMES John Lennon Apple PCS 7165 16/11
Pl3 BAND ON THE RUN Paul McCartney & Wings Apple PAS 10007 30111

1974 ....... • •• 0 •• 0 ••••••• 0 •••••••• 0 ••• 0 •••• 0

R7 You're Sixteen/ Rlngo Starr Apple R 5995 8/2

Devil Woman
Pl4 Jet 'Let Me Roll It Paul McCartney & Wings Apple R 5996 1812
PIS Band On The RWl! Zoo Gang Paul McCartney & Wmgs Apple R 5997 2816

Appendices 185
}15 Whatever Gets You Thru The John Lennon Apple R5998 4/10
Night/Beef Jerky
Jl6 WALLS AND BRIDGES John Lennon Apple PCTC 253 4/10
p Walking In The Park W ith The Country Hams EMI EM12220 18/10
Eloise/Bridge Over The (re-ISSued l/3/82)
River Suite
PIS Junior's Farm/Sally G • Paul McCartney & Wings Apple R 5999 25110
RS Only You/Call Me Ringo Starr Apple R 6000 15/11
R9 GOODNIGHT VIENNA Ringo Starr Apple PCS 7168 15/11
G9 Ding Dong/ George Harrison Apple R6002 6/12
I Don't Care Anymore
GIO DARK HORSE George Harrison Apple PAS 10008 20/12
1975 ••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Jl7 No. 9 Dream/What You Got John Lennon Apple R6003 31/1
Pl7 Sally G/Junior's Farm Paul McCartney & Wings Apple R 5999 7/2
118 ROCK 'N' ROLL John Lennon Apple PCS 7169 21/2
RIO Snookeroo/Oo-Wee Ringo Starr Apple R 6004 2112
Gll Dark Horse/ George Harrison Apple R 6001 28/2
Hari's On Tour (Express)
Philadelphia Freedom/ The Elton John Band DJM DJS 354 28/2
I Saw Her Standing There
Jl9 Stand By Me/ John Lennon Apple R 6005 18/4
Move Over Ms. L
PIS Listen To What The Man Wings Apple R6006 16/5
Said/Love In Song
Pl9 VENUS AND MARS Wings Capttol PCTC 254 30/5
P20 Letting Go/ Wings Capitol R 6008 5/9
You Gave Me The Answer
Gl2 You!W orld Of Stone George Harrison Apple R6007 12/9
Gl3 EXTRA TEXTURE George Harrison Apple PAS 10009 30/9
]20 Imagine/Working Class Hero John Lennon Apple R6009 24/10
]21 SHAVED FISH John Lennon Apple PCS 7173 24/10
P21 Venus And Mars/Rock Show/ Wings Capttol R 6010 28/11
Magneto And Titanitun Man
Rl l BLAST FROM YOUR PAST Ringo Starr Apple PCS 7170 12/12
1976 •••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••• 0 ••••• 0 0 •• 0 •••••••• 0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••

Rl2 Oh My My/No No Song Ringo Starr Apple R 6011 9/1

Gl4 This Guitar (Can't Keep George Harrison Apple R 6012 6/2
From CryingYMaya Love
P22 WINGS AT THE SPEED OF Wings Parlophone PAS 10010 26/3
P23 Silly Love Songs/ Wings Parlop hone R 6014 30/4
Cook Of The House
P24 Let 'ern In/ Wings Parlophone R 6015 23/7
Beware My Love
Rl3 RINGO'S ROTOGRAVURE Ringo Starr Polydor 2302 040 17/9
Rl4 A Dose Of Rock 'n' RolV Ringo Starr Polydor 2001 694 15110
G15 This Song/ George Harrison Dark Horse K 16856 19111
Learning How To Love You
Gl6 THIRTY THREE & 113 GEORGE HARRISON Dark Horse K 56319 19/11

186 Working Class Heroes

Gl7 THE BEST OF GEORGE George Harrison Par lophone PAS 10011 20/11
R15 Hey Baby/Lady Gaye Rmgo Starr Polydor 2001 699 26/11
P25 WINGS OVER AMERICA Wmgs Parlophone PCSP 720 10/12
GIB My Sweet Lord/ George Harrison Apple R5884 ?fl2
What Is Ltfe
1977 • • • • • 0 •••• • 0 ••••••••••••••••• 0 •• 0 • . .... ~ ........... • • 0 •• • • •

P26 Maybe I'm Amazed/Soily Wings Parlophone R 6017 4/2

G19 True Love/Pure Smokey George Harrison Dark Horse K 16896 1812
p Uncle Albert/Admiral Percy Thrillington Regal EMJ 2594 ?J4
Halsey/Eat At Home Zonophone
p THRILLINGTON Percy Thrilhngton Regal EMC 3175 29/4
G20 It's What You Value/ George Harrison Dark Horse K 16967 10/6
Woman Don't You Cry For Me
Rl6 Drowrung In The Sea Of Rmgo Starr Polydor 2001 734 16/9
Love/Just A Dream
R17 RINGO THE 4TH Ringo Starr Polydor 2310 556 30/9
P27 Mull Of Kintyre/ Wmgs CapitOl R 6018 11/1 I
G1rls School
RC SCOUSE THE MOUSE Vanous Polydor 2480429 9/12
1978 • 0. 0. 0 •• .. 0 ••• 0. 0. 0. 0 •••• 0 •••• 0 0 •• 0 ••••••••••• 0

P28 With A Llttle Luck! Wings Parlophone R 6019 23/3

Backwards Traveller/
Cuff Link
P29 LONDON TOWN Wings Parlophone PAS 10012 31/3
RIB BAD BOY Rmgo Starr Polydor 2310 599 ?/4
Rl9 Llpstick Traces! Ringo Starr Polydor 2001 782 ?f6
Old Tune Relovin'
P30 I've Had Enough/ Wmgs Parlophone R 6020 1&6
Dehver Your Cluldren
R20 Torught/ Ringo Starr Polydor 2001 795 21n
Heart On My Sleeve
P31 London Townll'm Carrymg Wmgs Parlophone R 6021 1519
P32 WINGS GREATEST Wmgs Parlophone PCTC 256 1112
1979 • • • • • 0 ••• .. • 0 0 0 ••••• 0 •••••••••••• 0 •••••• 0 •••••••• 0

G21 GEORGE HARRlSON George Harrison Dark Horse K 56562 23/2

G22 Blow Away/Soft Touch George Harrison Dark Horse K 17327 213
P33 Goodrught Tonight! Wings Parlophone R 6023 2313
Daytune N1ghtime Suffermg
P34 Goodrught Torught/ Wings Parlophone 12Y R 6023 ?f3
Daytune N1ghtune Suffering
G23 Love Comes To Everyone/ George Harrison Dark Horse K 17284 ?;5
Soft-Hearted Hana
G')C A MONUMENT TO BRITISH Various Harvest EMTV 17 4/5
P35 Old Stam Sm'Spm It On Wings Parlophone R 6026 I6
P36 BACK TO THE EGG Wmgs Parlophone PCTC 257 816
G24 Faster George Hanison Dark Horse K 17423 2017
Your Love Is Forever

Appendice s 187
G25 Faster!Your Love is Forever George Harrison Dark Horse K 17423P ?f7
(picture disc)
P37 Getting Closer/ Wings Parlophone R 6027 1018
Baby's Request
p Seaside Woman/ Suzy And The Red A&M AMS 7461 ?/8
B Side To Seaside Stripes
p Seaside Woman/ Suzy And The Red A&M AMSP 7461 ?18
B Side To Seaside (box set) Stripes
P38 Wonderful Christmastime/ Paul McCartney Parlophone R 6029 16111
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reggae
1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . --. • •• - ••• • 0 •• • •• - ••• •••••• 0 •• 0 •• 0 ••• 0 - •••••••• 0 ••• •••••

PC THE SUMMIT Various K-tel NE 1067 19/l

P39 Coming Up/Coming Up (Live Paul McCartney Parlophone R 6035 1114
At Glasgow)!Lunchbox/Odd Sox
P40 McCARTNEY I1 Paul McCartney Parlophone PCTC 258 16.5
P41 Waterfalls/ Paul McCartney Parlophone R 6037 14/6
Check My Machine
p Seaside Woman/ Linda McCartney A&M AMS 7548 1817
B Side To Seaside
p Seaside Woman/ Linda McCartney A&M AMSP 7548 1817
B Side To Seaside (twelve-inch)
P42 Temporary Secretary/ Paul McCartney Parlophone 12 R 6039 1519
Secret Friend
J22 Oust Like) Starting Over/ John Lennon & Yoko Ono Geffen K 79186 24/lO
Kiss Kiss Kiss
]23 DOUBLE FANTASY John Lennon & Yoko Ono Geffen K 99131 17111
R21 RINGO Ringo Starr Mus1c For MFP 50508 27111
J24 MIND GAMES John Lennon Mus1c For MFP 50509 27111
G26 DARK HORSE George Harr!Son Mus1c For MFP 50510 27/11
GC THE GUINNESS ALBUM - Various CBS S CBS 10020 5112
1981 0 0 ....... ........ • 0 ••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• . . . .. . .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 •• ••

J25 W oman!Beautiful Boys John Lennon & Yoko Ono Geffen K 79195 1611
P43 THE McCARTNEY INTERVIEW Paul McCartney Parlophone CHAT 1 23/2
1 I Saw Her Standing There/ Elton John & John DJM DJS 10965 13/2
Whatever Gets You Thru Lennon
The Night!Lucy In The
Sky With Diamonds
]26 Watching The Wheels/ John Lennon & Yoko Ono Geffen K 79207 27/3
Yes, I'm Your Angel
PC THE CONCERTS FOR Various Atlantic K 60153 3/4
G27 All Those Years Ago/ George Harrison Dark Horse K 17807 15/5
Writings On The Wall
G28 SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND George Harrison Dark Horse K 56870 5:6
]27 JOHN LENNON (box set) John Lennon Apple JLB 8 15/6
G29 Teardrops/Save The World George Harrison Dark Horse K 17837 3117
R22 Wrack My Brain/ Rmgo Starr RCA RCA 166 13/1 I
Drumming Is My Madness
J28 ROCK 'N ROLL John Lennon Mus1c For MFP 50522 25111
188 Working Class Heroes
G30 THE BEST OF GEORGE George Harrison Mus1c for MFP 50523 25111
R24 BLAST FROM YOUR PAST Ringo Starr Mustc for MfP 50524 25/11
1982 .............
P44 Ebony And Ivory/ Paul McCartney with Parlophone R 6054 29/3
Rainclouds Stevie Wonder
P45 Ebony And Ivory!Rainclouds/ Paul McCartney with Parlophone 12 R 6054 ?f3
Ebony And Ivory (twelve-inch) Stevte Wonder
P46 TUG OF WAR Paul McCartney Parlophone PCTC 259 26/4
P47 Take It Away/ Paul McCartney Par lophone R 6056 2116
I'll Give You A Ring
P48 Take It Away/I'll Give You A Paul McCartney Parlophone 12 R 6056 517
Rmg!Dress Me Up As A
Robber (twelve-inch)
P49 Tug Of War/Get It Paul McCartney Parlophone R 6057 20/9
G31 Wake Up My Love/Greece George Harrison Dark Horse 929864-7 8/11
G32 GONE TROPPO George Harrison Dark Horse 923734-1 8/11
}29 THE JOHN LENNON John Lennon Parlophone EMTV 37 8/11
]30 Love/Gimme Some Truth John Lennon Par lop hone R 6059 15/11
p The Girl Is Mine/ Michael Jackson and EplC EPC A2729 29/ll
Can't Get Outta The Rain Paul McCartney
p The Girl Is Mine/ Michael Jackson and Eptc EPC A 11-2729?/11
Can't Get Outta The Rain Paul McCartney
(picture disc)

Appendlces 189


]I UNFINISHED MUSIC No. 1 - John Lennon & Yoko Ono Apple T 5001 11111
Gl WONDERWALL MUSIC George Harrison Apple ST 3350 2/12
]2 UNFINISHED MUSIC No. 2 - John Lennon & Yoko Ono Zapple ST 3357 2&'5
02 ELECTRONIC SOUND George Harrison Zapple ST 3358 2615
]3 Give Peace A Chance/ Plastic Ono Band Apple 1809 717
Remember Love
J4 Cold Turkey/ Plastic Ono Band Apple 1813 20/10
Don't Worry Kyoko
]5 THE WEDDING ALBUM John Lennon & Yoko Ono Apple SMAX 3361 20/10
]6 THE PLASTIC ONO BAND - Plastic Ono Band Apple SW 3362 12/12
]7 Instant Karma/ Lennon/Ono with The Apple 1818 20/2
Who Has Seen The Wind Plastic Ono Band
PI McCARTNEY Paul McCartney Apple STAO 3363 20/4
RI SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY Ringo Starr Apple SW 3365 2414
R2 BEAUCOUPS OF BLUES Ringo Starr Apple SMAS 3368 28/9
R3 Beaucoups of Blues/Coochy Coo Ringo Starr Apple 2969 5/10
G3 My Sweet Lord/ George Harrison Apple 2995 23111
Isn't It A Pity (version 1)
G4 ALL THINGS MUST PASS George Harrison Apple STCH 639 27/ 11
]8 JOHN LENNON/ John Lennon and The Apple SW 3372 11112
]9 Mother/Why John Lennon!Yoko Ono & Apple 1827 28/12
Plastic Ono Band
05 What Is Life/ George Harrison Apple 1828 1512
Apple Scruffs
P2 Another Day/ Paul McCartney Apple 1829 22/2
Oh Woman Oh Why
J10 Power To The People/ John Lennon!Yoko Ono & Apple 1830 22/3
Touch Me Plastic Ono Band
R4 It Don't Come Easy/ Rmgo Starr Apple 1831 16/4
Early 1970
P3 RAM Paul & Linda McCartney Apple SMAS 3375 17/5
J God Save Us/Do The Oz Bill Elliot & The Apple 1835 7/7
Elastic Oz Band
G6 Bangla Desh!Deep Blue George Harrison Apple 1836 28/7
P4 Uncle Albert/Admiral Paul & Linda McCartney Apple 1837 2/8
Halsey/Too Many People

190 Working Class Heroes

J11 IMAGINE John Lennon Apple SW 3379 919
]12 Imagine/It's So Hard John Lennon Apple 1840 lVIO
}13 Happy Xmas (War Is Over)/ John & Yoko/P1astic Apple 1842 1112
Listen The Snow Is Falling Ono Band & The Harlem
Community Choir
PS WILD LIFE Wmgs Apple SW 3386 7/ 12
G7 THE CONCERT FOR George Harrison & Apple STCX 3385 20/12
1972 ........... 0 0

P6 Give Ireland Back To The Wings Apple 1847 28/2

RS Back off Boogaloo/ Ringo Starr Apple 1849 20/3
J14 Woman Is The Nigger Of John Lennon!Yoko Ono & Apple 1848 2414
The World/Sisters 0 Sisters Plastic Ono Band
P7 Mary Had A Little Lamb/ Wings Apple 1851 29/S
Little Woman Love
JlS SOMETIME IN NEW John & Yoko!Plastic Ono Apple SVBB 3392 1216
YORK CITY Band with Elephant's
Memory & Invisible
RC TOMMY London Symphony Ode SP 99001 27/l l
Orchestra & Guests
P8 Hi, Hi, Hi/C Moon Wings Apple 1857 4/ 12
1973 ......... .. - .. • • •• 0 •• • 0 •••••• 0 •• •• 0 •• - ••••••••

P9 My Love/The Mess Paul McCartney & Wmgs Apple 186 1 9/4

PlO RED ROSE SPEEDWAY Paul McCartney & Wings Apple SMAL 3409 30/4
GB G1ve Me Love (G1ve Me George Harnson Apple 1862 115
Peace On Earth)/Mlss O'Dell
G9 LIVING IN THE MATERIAL George Harrison Apple SMAS 3410 30/5
Pll Live And Let Die/ Wmgs Apple 1863 18/6
I Lie Around
PC LNE AND LET DIE Soundtrack Umted LA 100-G 217
R6 Photograph/Down And Out Ringo Starr Apple 1865 2419
]16 Mind Games/Meat C1ty John Lennon Apple 1868 29/10
R7 RINGO Rmgo Starr Apple SWAL 3413 2111
Jl7 MIND GAMES John Lennon Apple SW 3414 2111
Pl2 Helen Wheels/ Paul McCartney & Wings Apple 1869 12/ 11
Country Dreamer
R8 You're Sucteenl Rmgo Starr Apple 1870 3/12
Devil Woman
Pl3 BAND ON THE RUN Paul McCartney & Wmgs Apple so 3415 5112
1974 • ••• 0 •••• 0 .... 0 ••••••••• 0 •••• 0 •••• 0 0 ... • 0 0 ........... 0 0 ••• 0 •• 0 •••• 0 ••••• 0. 0 0.

Pl4 Jet/Mamunia Paul McCartney & Wings Apple 1871 2811

PI S Jet/Let Me Roll It Paul McCartney & Wmgs Apple 1871 18/2
R9 Oh My My/Step Lightly Rmgo Starr Apple 1872 18/2
Pl6 Band On The Run/Nmeteen Paul McCartney & Wmgs Apple 1873 8/4
Hundred And E1ghty F1ve
Jl8 Whatever Gets You Thru John Lennon Apple 1874 2319
The Night/Beef Jerky

Appendices 191
Jl9 WALLS AND BRIDGES John Lennon Apple SW 3416 2619
Pl7 Junior's Farm/Sally G Paul McCartney & Wings Apple 1875 4'11
RIO Only You (And You Alone)! Ringo Starr Apple 1876 ll/11
Call Me
Rl l GOODNIGHT VIENNA Ringo Starr Apple SW 34 17 18/ll
GlO Dark Horse/ George Harrison Apple 1877 18111
I Don't Care Anymore
p Walking In The Park With The Country Hams EM! 3977 2112
Eloise/Bridge Over The
River Suite
Gll DARK HORSE George Harrison Apple SMAS 3418 9/12
]20 No. 9 Dream/What You Got John Lennon Apple 1878 16/12
Gl2 Ding Dong Ding Dong/ George Harrison Apple 1879 23/12
Hari's On Tour (Express)
1975 ••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••• 0 ••• • ••••••••••• 0 ••••••• . .........
PIS Sally G!Junior's Farm Paul McCartney & Wings Apple 1875 20/1
Rl2 No No Song/Snookeroo Ringo Starr Apple 1880 27/l
]21 ROCK 'N' ROLL John Lennon Apple SK 3419 17/2
J Philadelphia Freedom/ The Elton John Band MCA 40364 24/2
I Saw Her Standing There
J22 Stand By Me/Move Over Ms. L John Lennon Apple 1881 10/3
Pl9 Listen To What The Man Wings Capitol 4091 2315
Said/Love In Song
P20 VENUS AND MARS Wings Capitol SMAS 11419 27/5
RJ3 It's All Da Da Down To Ringo Starr Apple 1882 216
Goodnight Vienna/Oo-Wee
Gl3 You/World Of Stone George Harrison Apple 1884 15/9
G14 EXTRA TEXTURE George Harrison Apple SW 3420 2219
P21 Letting Go/ Wings Cap1tol 4145 29/9
You Gave Me The Answer
J23 SHAVED FISH John Lennon Apple SW 3421 24'10
P22 Venus And Mars/Rock Show/ Wings Cap1tol 4175 27/10
Magneto And Titanium Man
Rl4 BLAST FROM YOUR PAST Ringo Starr Apple SW 3422 20/1 I
Gl5 This Guitar (Can't Keep George Harrison Apple 1885 8/12
From Crying)/Maya Love
1976 ••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 ••••••••••• ••• • • 0 •••• 0 0. 0 ••••••••• 0

P23 WINGS AT THE SPEED OF Wings Cap1tol SW I 1525 2513

P24 Silly Love Songs/ Wings Capltol 4256 1/4
Cook Of The House
P25 Let 'em In/ Wings Capitol 4293 2816
Beware My Love
Rl5 A Dose Of Rock 'n' RolV Ringo Starr Allant1c 45-336 1 20/9
Rl6 RINGO'S ROTOGRAVURE Ringo Starr Atlantic so 18193 27/9
Gl6 THE BEST OF GEORGE George Harrison Capllol ST I 1578 8/11
Gl7 This Song/ George Harrison Dark Horse DRC 8294 15111
Learning How To Love You
Rl7 Hey Baby/Lady Gaye Ringo Starr Atlantic 45-3371 22111

192 Working Class Heroes

0 18 THIRTY THREE & 1f3 George Harrison Dark Horse OH 3005 24ll1
P26 WJNGS OVER AMERICA Wmgs Capitol SWCO 11593 10112
019 Crackerbox Palace/ George Harrison Dark Horse DRC 8313 24!1
Learning How To Love You
P27 Maybe I'm Amazed/Soily Wings Capitol 4385 712
j24 Stand By Me/ John Lennon Capitol 6244 4/4
Woman Is The Nigger Of Star Lme
The World
020 Dark Horse/You George Harrison Capitol 6?45 4/4
Star Lme
P Seaside Woman/ Suzy & The Red Stripes Ep1c 8-50403 31/5
B Side To Seaside
Rl8 Wmgsl}ust A Dream Rmgo Starr Atlantic 3429 2517
Rl9 RJNGO THE 4TH Rmgo Starr Atlantic SD 19108 2619
R20 Drowrung In The Sea Of Ringo Starr Atlanllc 3412 18110
Love/Just A Dream
P28 Mull Of Kmtyre/ Wmgs Capitol 4504 14/ I I
Girls School
P29 With A L1ttle Luck/ Wmgs Capltol 4559 20/3
Backwards Traveller/
CUff Lmk
P30 LONDON TOWN Wmgs Capitol SW 11777 3113
R21 Lipstick Traces! Ringo Starr Ponra11 6-70015 1814
Old Time Relovin'
R22 BAD BOY Ringo Starr Portrait JR-35378 21/4
P3 1 I've Had Enough! Wmgs Capitol 4594 1216
Dellver Your Children
R23 Heart On My Sleeve Rmgo Starr Portrait 6-70018 617
Who Needs A Heart
P32 London Town/I'm Carrying Wmgs Capitol 4625 2118
P33 WJNGS GREATEST Wings Capitol SOO I I905 22J 11
P34 BAND ON THE RUN Paul McCartney & Wmgs Capitol SEAX I 1901 ?Jl2
(picture ctisc)
02 1 Blow Away/ George Harrison Oar~ Horse DRC 8763 14/2
Soft-Hearted Hana
G2t. GEORGE HARRISON George Harrison Dark Horse DHK-3255 14,2
P35 Goodrught Tonight/ Wmgs Columbia 3-10939 1513
Daytime Nightime Suffermg
P36 Goodnight Tonight/ Wmgs Columbm 23-10940 15/3
Daytime Nightime Suffenng
023 Love Comes To Everyone ' George Harnson Dark Horse DRC 8844 915
Soft Touch
P32 BACK TO THE EGG Wmgs Columbia FC-36057 2415
P38 Getting Closer Wmgs Columbia 3-11020 516
Spin It On
P39 Arrow Through Me Wmgs Columb1a 1-11070 14 8
Old S1am Srr
P40 Wonderful Chrlstmasllmel Paul McCartney Columbia 1-11162 20/11
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reggae

Appendices 193
1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . . . ... ..............................
P4l Coming Up (Live Paul McCartney Columbia 1-11263 15/4
At Glasgow)!Lunch Box/
Odd Sox
P42 McCARJ'NEY 11 Paul McCa:rtney Columbia FC-3651 1 2115
P43 McCARTNEY Paul McCartney Columbia FC-36478 22/5
P44 RAM • Paul _& Linda McCartney Co1umbta FC-36479 22/5
P45 WILD LIFE Wings Columbta FC-36480 22/5
P46 RED ROSE SPEEDWAY Paul McCartney & Wings Columbia FC-36481 22/5
P47 BAND ON THE RUN Paul McCartney & Wings Columbta. FC-36482 22/5
P48 Waterfalls/ Paul McCartney Columbia 1-11335 22/7
Check My Machine
P49 VENUS AND MARS Wings Columbia FC-36801 25/9
125 Qust Like) Starting Over/ John Lennon & Yoko Ono Geffen GEF-49604 23110
Kiss Kiss Kiss
G24 DARK HORSE George Harrison Capitol SN-16055 - 110
126 MIND GAMES John Lennon Capitol SN-16068 - /10
127 ROCK 'N' ROLL John Lennon Capitol SN-16069 - 110
R24 RINGO Ringo Starr Cap itol SN-161 14 -/10
128 DOUBLE FANTASY John Lennon & Yoko Ono Geffen GHS-200 1 l7/ll
P50 THE McCARTNEY INTERVIEW Paul McCartney Columbia PC-36987 4/12
P5l Getting Closer/ Wings Columbia 13-33405 4/12
Goodnight Tonight Hall Of Fame
P52 My Love/Maybe I'm Amazed Paul McCartney & Wings/ Columbta 13-33407 4112
Paul McCartney Hall Of Fame
P53 Uncle Albert/Admiral Paul & Linda McCartney/ Columbia 13-33408 4112
Halseyl}et Paul McCartney & Wings Hall O f Fame
P54 Band On The Run/ Paul McCartney & Wings Columbia 13-33409 4112
Helen Wheels Hall Of Fame
1981 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ... . ... . ... ........... ....... . . ............... ....

129 Woman/Beautiful Boys John Lennon & Yoko Ono Geffen 49644 12/1
G25 LIVING IN THE MATERIAL George Harrison Capttol SN- 16216 - /2
G26 EXTRA TEXTURE George Harrison Capitol SN- 16217 - /2
R25 SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY Ringo Starr Capitol SN-16218 - /2
R26 GOODNIGHT VIENNA Ringo Starr Capitol SN-16219 -/2
]30 Watching The Wheels/ John Lennon & Yoko Ono Geffen 49695 13/3
Yes, I'm Your Angel
PC THE CONCERTS FOR Various artists Atlantic so 2 7005 30/3
P55 BAND ON THE RUN Paul McCartney & Wings Co1umbta HC 46482 2414
(half-speed master)
G27 All Those Years Ago/ George Harrison Dark Horse DRC 49725 11/5
Writing On The Wall
G28 SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND George Harrison Dark Horse DHK 3492 116
]31 Qust Like) Starting Over/ John Lennon Geffen GGEF 0408 516
P56 Silly Love Songs/ Wings Columbia 18-02171 12/6
Cook Of The House
P57 WINGS AT THE SPEED OF Wings Columbia FC-37409 13f7

194 Working Class Heroes

G29 Teardrops! George Harrison Dark Horse DRC 79825 24n
Save The World
R28 BLAST FROM YOUR PAST Rmgo Starr Capttol SN 16236 -/9
R29 Wrack My Brain/ Ringo Starr Boardwalk NB7-1 I- 130 27/ 10
Drumming Is My Madness
R30 STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES Ringo Starr Boardwalk NBl -33246 27/ lO
G30 All Those Years Ago/ George Harrison Dark Horse GDRC 0410 4111
J32 Watching The Wheels/ John Lennon Geffen GGEF 0415 411 I
Beautiful Boy
1982 .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .... ..... .. ....
R31 Private Property/ Ringo Starr Boardwalk NB7-ll- 134 1311
Stop And Take The Time
To Smell The Roses
PSS Ebony And Ivory/ Paul McCartney with Columbta 18-02860 214
Rainclouds Stevie Wonder
P59 Ebony And Ivory/ Paul McCartney with Columbta 44-02878 1614
Ramclouds!Ebony And Stevte Wonder
Ivory (twelve-mch)
P60 TUG OF WAR Paul McCartney Columbta TC 37462 2614
P6l Take It Away/ Paul McCartney Columbta 18-03018 29;6
I'll Gtve You A Rmg
P62 Take It Away/ Paul McCartney Columbia ?,6
I'll Give You A Ring/
Dress Me Up As A Robber
P63 Tug of War/Get It Paul McCartney Columb1a 38-03235 14/9
The Girl Is Mmel Michael Jacksonl EpiC 34-03288 3110
Can't Get Out Of The Rain Paul McCartney
G31 Wake Up My Love/Greece George Harrison Dark Horse 7-29864 ?J[l
G32 GONE TROPPO George Harrison Dark Horse 1-23734 ?Ill
J33 THE JOHN LENNON John Lennon Geffen GHSP 2023 10/1 1
J34 Happy Xmas (War Is Over)/ John Lennon Geffen 7-29855 17/11
Beautlful Boy (Darling Boy)

Appendices 195


In The Long And Winding Road, this appendix only dealt with songs that John, Paul and George had
written for other artists between 1963 and 1969. This expanded "With A Little Help To Their Friends"
appendix now includes these compositions up to the end of 1982 (as well as some omitted from the
original period) and also contains two new sections dealmg with the Beatles' extra-curricular
activities outside their own recording commitments, i.e. their production and session work for other
The three lists are restricted (where possible) to the onginal appearance of each recording, as
most artists and labels tend to reiSsue and re-package their recorded output fairly frequently. It is
therefore beyond the scope of this book to include a complete discography of such releases. The
three sections. (A) "Songs", (B) "Production" and (C) "Sessions", are divided into four lists covering
each Beatle in chronological order according to release dates of the British issues.
The "Songs" lists give label, catalogue numbers and release dates for both BritiSh and
American releases, while the ''Production" and "Sessions" lists are based solely on British releases,
except where recordings d id not receive a British release, and therefore American ISSues are
included. The "Production" and "Sessions" lists give individual song titles and smgles, with album
titles in CAPITALS. Where songs were eo-written or recordings eo-produced, the second party IS
named in brackets. The "Production" listing has been simplified by not including singles taken from
albums (unless they include a non-album "B" side), even where a single appeared b efore the album.



Bad To Me Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas Parlophone R 5049 26/7/63
Liberty 55626 23/9/63
Hello Little Girl The Fourmost Par lophone R 5056 30/8/63
Atco 6280 15/ll/63
I'm In Love The Fourmost · Parlophone R 5078 15/ll/63
Atco 6285 l0/2164
God Save Us (with Yoko Ono) The Elastic Oz Band Apple APPLE 36 1617171
Do The Oz (with Yoko Ono) Apple 1835 1nn1
I'm The Greatest Ringo Starr - LP Ringo Apple PCTC 252 91l ln3
Apple SWAL 3413 21nn3
Mucho Mungo/ Harry Nilsson - RCA APL 1-0570 30/8n4
Mt. Elga (with Nilsson) LP Pussy Cats RCA CPL 1-0570 19/8n4
(It's All Da-Da-Down Ringo Starr - Apple PCS 7168 l5/lln4
To) Goodnight Vienna LP Goodnight VieiUJa Apple SW 3417 l8/l1n4
Rock And Roll People Johnny Winter - LP John Blue Sky 80586 7/2n5
Dawson Winter Blue Sky PZ 33292 251l tn4
Fame (with David David Bowie - RCA RS 1006 28/3n5
Bowie & Luther Vandross) LP Young Americans RCA APL l-0998 10/3/75
Move Over Ms. L Keith Moon - LP Two Sides Polydor 2442-134 23/5175
Of The Moon Track 2136 17/3/75
Cookin' (In The Ringo Starr - LP Ringo's Polydor 2302 040 17t9n6
Kitche n Of Love) Rotogravure Atlantic SD 18193 27t9n6


I'll Be On My Way Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas Parlophone R 5023 26/4/63
Llberty 55586 10/6/63
Tip Of My Tongue Tommy Quickly Piccadilly 7N 35137 30/7/63
Love Of The Loved Cilia Black Parlophone R 5065 27/9/63

196 Working Class Heroes

I'U Keep You Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas Parlophone R 5073 1111/63
Satisfied Liberty 55643 11/11/63
A World Without Love Peter And Gordon Columbia DB 7225 2812164
CapitOl 5175 27/4164
One And One Is Two The Strangers With Mike ShannonPhihps BF 1335 &'5-64
Nobody I Know Peter And Gordon Columbia DB 7292 29/5164
Capitol 5211 1516/64
Llke Dreamers Do The Applejacks Decca F 11916 516/64
London 9681 617/64
From A Wmdow Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas Parlophone R 5156 11n164
Impenal 66051 121&'64
It's For You Cilia Black Parlophone R 5162 3ln164
CapitOl 5258 1718164
I Don't Want To See You Agam Peter And Gordon Columbia DB 7356 11'9164
Capllol 5272 21/9.'64
That Means A Lot P.J. Proby Liberty 10215 17/9/65
Liberty 55806 517/65
Woman (as "Webb") Peter And Gordon Columbia DB 7834 11/2166
Capllo1 5579 10/1166
Love In The Open Alr The George Martm Orchestra Decca SKL 4847 6/1167
(Family Way Theme) LP - The Family Way London MS 82007 1Z.6/67
Catcall The Chris Barber Band Marmalade 598-005 20/10/67
Step Inside Love Cilia Black Parlophone R 5674 815/68
BeU 726 6/5/67
Thmgumybob John Foster and Sons Ltd. Apple APPLE 4 6/9.'68
Black Dyke Mills Band Apple 1800 26/8168
Goodbye Mary Hopkin Apple APPLE 10 2813/69
Apple 1806 714169
Penina Carlos Mendes Parlophone 1&'7/69
(Portuguese release only) QMSP 16459
Come And Get It Badfinger Apple APPLE 20 5112169
Apple 1815 1211170
Six O'Clock Ringo Starr LP Ringo Apple PCTC 252 9/11/73
Apple SWAL 3413 2111/73
Ten Years After On Scaffold Warner Brothers
Strawberry Jam (Wlth Linda K 16400 24 5174
McCartney) Warner Brothers
8001 29/7/74
4th Of July John Christie Polydor 2058-496 2816174
Capitol 3928 1/7/74
Leave It/ Mike McGear Warner Brothers
Sweet Baby (With Mike McGear) K 16446 619174
Warner Brothers
8037 28110n4
Mine For Me Rod Stewart LP Srruler Mercury 9104-001 27/9/74
Mercury SRM 1-1017 7/10/74
What Do We Really Know Mike McGear - LP McGear Warner Brothers
Norton (with Mtke McGear) K 56051 27/S'74
Have You Got Problems (with Mlke McGear) Warner Brothers
The Casket (wtth Roger McGough) BS 2825 14110174
Rambow Lady (Wlth Mike McGear)
Sunp!y Love (With Mike McGear)
Gtvm' Grease A Rlde (with Mtke McGear)
The Man Who Found God On The Moon (With Mike McGear)

Appendices 197
Bridge Over The The Country Hams EM! 2220 18/1Dn4
River Suite (with Linda) EM! 3977 211:?174
Let's Love Peggy Lee Warner Brothers
K 10527 2511Dn4
AtlantiC 3215 7/!Dn4
Dance The Do (with Mike McGear Warner Brothers
Mike McGear) K 16573 417175
Pure Gold Ringo Stap- - LP Ringo's Polydor 2302 040 17/9176
Rotogravure Atlantic SD 18193 27/9176
Giddy Roger Daltrey - LP One Of Polydor 2442 146 13/5177
The Boys
Send Me Your Heart Denny Laine - LP Japanese Scratch SCRL 5001 ?f12f80
(with De nny Laine) Tears
Private Property & Ringo Starr - LP Stop And RCA RCALP 6022 20/11/81
Attention Smell The Roses Boardwalk NB 1-33246 27110/81


Sour Milk Sea Jackie Lomax Apple APPLE 3 6/9/68

Apple 1802 26/8/68
Badge Cream - LP Goodbye Polydor 583-053 2812169
(with Eric Clapton) Atco SD 7001 512169
Ain't That Cute Doris Troy Apple APPLE 24 13/:?170
(with Doris Troy) Apple 1820 16/3/70
Give Me Back My Doris Troy - LP Doris Troy Apple SAPCOR 13 11/9170
Dynamite (with Doris Troy) Apple ST 3371 9111170
Gonna Get My Baby Back (with Starkey, Troy & Stills)
You Give Me Joy Joy (with Starkey, Troy & Stills)
Sing One For The Billy Preston - Ap ple SAPCOR 14 1119170
Lord (with Preston) LP Encouraging Words Apple ST 3370 9/11170
Try Some Buy Some/ Ronnie Spector Apple APPLE 33 16/4171
Tandoori Chicken (with Phil Spector) Apple 1832 19/4171
Sue Me Sue You Blues Jesse Ed Davis Atco 6873 (US only) 2511172
The Holdup (with David Bromberg - CBS 64906 216/72
David Bromberg) LP David Bromberg Columbia C31104 16/:?172
Photograph (with Ringo Starr Apple R 5992 19110173
Ringo Starr) Apple 1865 2419173
So Sad Alvin Lee & Mylon Lefevre ~ Chrysalis CHR 1054 2111/73
LP On The Road To Freedom Columbia KC 32729 7/12/73
Sunshine Life For Ringo Starr - LP Ringo Apple PCTC 252 9111173
Me (Sail Away Raymond) Apple SW AL 3413 2111173
You And Me, Babe (with Mal Evans)
Far East Man Ron Wood - LP rve Got My Warner Brothers
(with Ron Wood) Own Albwn To Do K 56065 27/9174
Warner Brothers
BS 2819 23/9/74
The Pirate Song Rutland Weekend Television (Not avallable on record)
(with Eric Idle) Christmas Show 1975
I'll Still Love You Ringo Starr - LP Ringo's Polydor 2302 040 17/9176
Rotogravure Atlantic SD 18193 27/9176
Wrack My Brain Ringo Starr RCA RCA 166 13/11/81
Broadwalk NB7-ll- 130 27110/81


Rock And Roller Billy Lawrie RCA 2439 9/11173

(with Billy Lawrie)

198 Working Class Heroes

How Long Can Disco Harry Nilsson - LP Flash M ercury 6302 022 ?19'80
On (with Harry Nilsson) Harry


You've Got to Hide Your The Silloe Fontana IQ/9/70

Love Away
YOKO ONO/PLASTIC ONO Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band Apple l7/12/70
BAND (with Yoko Ono)
God Save Us/Do The Oz Bill Elliot & The Elastic Apple 1617171
("A" side with Yoko, Mal Evans Oz Band
& Phil Spector. "B" side with
Yoko & Phil Spector)
FLY Yoko Ono & Plastic Apple 3112/71
(Wlth Yoko Ono) Ono Band
THE POPE SMOKES DOPE DaVld Peel & The Lower Apple
(with Yoko Ono) East Side (US onl y)
ELEPHANT'S MEMORY Elephant's Memory Apple 10111/72
(Wlth Yoko Ono)
APPROXIMATELY INFINITE Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band Apple 16/2/73
UNIVERSE (with Yoko Ono) with Elephant's Memory
PUSSY CATS Harry Nilsson RCA 30/8174


You've Got To Hide Your The Silloe Fontana 10/9165

Love Away (wtth John)
Got To Get You Into My Life Cliff Bennett & Parlophone 518166
The Rebel Rousers
From Head To Toe/N1ght Time The Escorts Columb ia 18/11166
Vegetables (SMILEY SMILE) The Beach Boys Brother 20, 11/67
(Wlth The Beach Boys)
McGOUGH AND McGEAR Roger McGough & Parlophone 17/5/68
Mike McGear
Those Were The Days/ Mary Hoplon Apple 30/8/68
Turn Turn Turn
Tlungumybob/Y ellow Submarine Black Dyke Mills Band Apple 6/9/68
rm The Urban Spaceman The Bonzo Dog Band Liber ty 11110/68
(as Apollo C. Vermouth)
POSTCARD Mary Hoplon Apple 21/2169
Rosetta The Fourmost CBS 2112169
Goodbye/Sparrow Mary Hopkm Apple 28/3169
Come And Get It Bad finger Apple 5112/69
Thumbm' A Ride ("B" side of Jadae Lomax Apple 612/70
How The Web Was Woven
UK only)
Que Sera Sera (Whatever Will Mary Hopkin Apple St6170
Be Will Be'F1elds Of St. Euenne (US only)
Liverpool Lou/Ten Years After Scaffold Warner Brothers 2415174
On Strawberry Jam
Leave lUSweet Baby Mike McGear Warner Brothers 6/9/74
McGEAR Mike M cGear Warner Brothers 2719'74
Wallong In The Park Wlth Eloise The Country Hams EMl 18/10174
Bndge Over The River Swte

Appendices 199
Dance The Do/Norton Mike McGear Warner Brothers 4/7175
HOLLY DAYS Denny Laine EM! 6/5/77
Seaside Woman/ Suzy And The Red Stripes A&M ?!8n9
B Side to Seaside
Private Property; Attention & Ringo Starr RCA 20/ll/81
Sure To Fall (In Love With You)


IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT Jackie Lomax Apple 2113/69

THAT'S THE WAY GOD Billy Preston App le 2218/69
(three tracks by Wayne Schuler)
Hare Krishna Mantra/Prayer Radha Krishna Temple Apple 29/8/69
To The Spiritual Masters (London)
All That I've Got (I'm Gonna Billy Preston Apple 3011170
Give To You)
How The Web Was Woven }ackie Lomax Apple 612n0
Ain't That Cute Doris Troy Apple 13/2170
Govind~GovindaJ~J~ Radha Krishna Temple Apple 613n0
Long As I Got My Baby Billy Preston App le (withdrawn)
(''B" side of My Sweet Lord)
ENCOURAGING WORDS Billy Preston Apple 11/9/70
(with Billy Preston)
It Don't Come Easy/Early 1970 Ringo Starr Apple 16/4/71
Try Some Buy Some!Tandoori Ronnie Spector Apple 16/4/71
Chicken (with Phil Spector)
THE RADHA KRISHNA TEMPLE Radha Krishna Temple Apple 28/SnJ
Joi Bangla/Oh Bhaugowan/ Ravi Shankar Apple 27/8/71
Raga Mishra
RAGA (original soundtrack) Ravi Shankar App le 7112n 1
(US only)
I'd Die Babe; Name Of The Badfmger Apple l l/2n2
Game; Suitcase & Day After Day
Back Off Boogaloo Ringo Starr Apple 17/3n2
Sweet Music (on BROTHER) Lon & Derrek Van Eaton Apple 9/2173
IN CONCERT 1972 Ravi Shankar & Ali Apple 13/4/73
(with Zakir Hussein & Akbar Khan
Phil McDonald)
Down And Out ("B" side of Ringo Starr Apple 19110/73
THE PLACE I LOVE Splinter Dark Horse 20/9/74
SHANKAR FAMILY AND Shankar Family & Friends Dark Horse 20/9/74
Lonely Man (on HARDER Splinter Dark Horse 24110/75
Lumberjack Song Monty Python's Flying Circus Charisma 14/11/75
RAVI SHANKAR'S MUSIC Ravi Shankar Dark Horse l9/3n6
TWO MAN BAND Splinter Dark Horse 7/ 10/77
(Executive producer with
Dennis Morgan)

200 Working Class Heroes

Wrack My Brain & You Belong Ringo Starr RCA 201! 1/81



Song/albwn title Artist Label Release

backmg vocal We Love You Rolling Stones Decca 18/8/67

(with Paul)
VOICe How I Won The War Musketeer Gnpweed & Unned ArtiSts 13/10167
The Tlurd Troop
gwtar YOKO ONO/PLASTIC ONO Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Apple 17/12170
BAND (all tracks except AOS) Band
FLY Yoko Ono & Plastic Apple 3/12171
Ono Band
gmtar Midswnmer New York; Mind Train; Mind Holes;
Don't Worry Kyoko; Hlrake; 0 'Wind & Fly
p1ano Midswnmer New York & Mrs Lennon
organ Mrs Lennon
APPROXlMATELY INFINITE Yoko Ono & Plastic Apple 16/2173
Gwtar Move On Fast & Is Winter Here To Stay
(as joel Nohnn)
RINGO Ringo Starr Apple 9/11n3
p1ano &
baclang vocal I'm The Greatest
gwtar, ELEPHANT'S MEMORY Elephant's Memory Apple 10111n3
ke yboards,
perCUSSIOn &
backlng vocal
FEELING THE SPACE Yoko Ono & Plastic Apple 23/lln3
Ono Band
gwtar She Hlts Back; Women Power & Men, Men, Men
(as John O'Cean)

GOODNIGHT VIENNA Ringo Starr Apple 1511 1n4

p1ano Goodrught Vienna
gmtar All By Myself
gwtar Only You (And You Alone)
gwtar & Lucy In The Sky W1th Elton John DJM 1511 In4
backmg vocal Diamonds/
gullar One Day At A Time
(as Or Wtr!Ston O'Booqte}
gu1tar & I Saw Her Standing Elton John Band DJM 2812175
vocal There ("B" stde of
Pluladelplua Freedom)
gullar Across The Uruverse
RINGO'S ROTOGRAVURE Ringo Starr Polydor msns
PHUIO Cookin' (In The Kitchen Of Love)
gmtar & W alkmg On Tlun Ice Yok o Ono Geffen 20/2181
VOICe It Happened

Appendices 201
guitar & I Saw Her Standing There/ Elton John Band with DJM 1313181
vocal Whatever Gets John Lennon
You Thru The Night/
Lucy In The Sky With


tambourine I Knew Right Away Alma Cogan Columbia 30/ 10/64

guitar You've Got To Hide The Silkie Fontana 10/9/65
Your Love Away
bass Mellow Yellow Donovan Pye ?f2f61
backing vocal We Love You The Rolling Stones Decca 1818161
(w1th John)
drums And The Sun Will Paul Jones Columbia 8/3168
tambourine & Atlantis Donovan Pye 22/ll/68
backing vocal
JAMES TAYLOR James Taylor Apple 6/12/68
b ass Carolina In My Mind
bass, drums My Dark Hour The Steve Miller Band Capitol 1817/69
& backing vocal
NO SECRETS Carly Simon Elektra 15112/72
backing vocal Night Owl
RINGO Ringo Starr Apple 911 tn3
p iano, Six O'Clock
& b acking vocal
bass & God Bless California Thomton, Fradkin & ESP DISK 17/6/74
backing vocal Ungar & The Big Band (US only)
WALKING MAN James Taylor Warner Brothers 28/6/74
backing vocal Roc k 'n' Roll Music Now &
Let It All Fall Down
I SURVIVE Adam Faith Warner Brothers 20/9174
synthesizer Change; Never Say Goodbye & Goodbye
backing vocal Star Song
RINGO'S ROTOGRAVURE Ringo Starr Polydor 17/9176
backing vocal Pure Gold
backing vocal One Of Those Days Roy Harper Harvest 4/'2177
In England
drums. guitar HOLLY DAYS Denny Laine EMl 6/5177
& harmony vocal
? FREEZE FRAME Godley and Creme Polydor 91l ln9
JAPANESE TEARS Denny Laine Scratch 5112/80
? I Would Only Smile; Weep For Love & Send Me Your Love
backmg vocal All Those Years Ago George Harrison Dark Horse 15/5/81
STOP AND SMELL Ringo Starr RCA 20/l 1/81
bass & piano Private Property, Attention & Sure To Fall (In Love With You)
p ercussion Attention
backmg vocal Private Property & Sure To Fall (In Love With You)

202 Working Class Heroes


tambounne You've Got To Hlde The Silkle Fontana 1019165

Your Love Away
GOODBYE Cream Polydor 2812169
rhythm gwtar Badge
(as L'Angelo
SONGS FOR A TAILOR Jack Bruce Polydor 2918/69
r hythm gu1tar Never Tell Your Mother She's Out Of Tune
(as L'Angelo
guitar Instant Karma Lennon/Ono & Plast.1c Apple 612170
Ono Band
guitar LEON RUSSELL Leon Russell A&M 24/4!70
guitar DELANEY AND BONNIE Delaney & Bonrue Atlantic 191&70
ON TOUR Bramlett
guitar Jacob's Ladder/ Doris Troy Apple 28/ano
Get Back
gwtar DORIS TROY Doris Troy Apple 1119no
gwtar Tell The Truth Derek & The Dorrunoes ATCO 1419no
(US only)
THE WORST OF ASHTON, Ashton, Gardner & Dyke Capitol 5/2171
guitar fm Your Spintual Breadman
(as George O'Hara Smtth)
guitar It Don't Come Easy/ Ringo Starr Apple 16/4!71
Early 1970
guitar Stand For Our Right/ Gary Wnght A&M 28/Sfll
Can't See The Reason
IMAGINE John Lennon Apple 8/IOni
d obro Crippled lns.1de
slide guitar I Don't Want To Be A Sold.ier Momma
lead guitar Gtmme Some Truth
guitar Oh My Love
gwtar I WROTE A SIMPLE Billy Preston A& M J41ln2
(as George H) SONG
guitar & FOOTPRINT Gary Wnght A& M 2li!J72
sllde guitar
guitar Back Off Boogaloo Ringo Starr Apple 17/3172
guitar BOBBY KEYS Bobby Keys Warner Brothers 1nn2
SON OF SCHMILSSON Harry Nilsson RCA 2817n2
slld e guttar You're Breaking My Hean
(as George
SOMETIME IN NEW John & Yoko & Plasttc Apple 15/9/72
YORK CITY Ono Band W.lth
Elephant's Memory
guitar Cold Turkey & Don't Worry Kyoko
(as Georoe
TO THE WORLD Rudy Romero 'fumbleweed 1112172
guitar Lovely Day; Nothm' Gonna Get You Down & Domg The Right Thing
backmg vocal U I Had Time
THE TIN MAN WAS Nicky Hopkins CBS 2111n3
guitar Wcuung For The Band; Edward; Spend On & Banana Anna

Append.ices 203
LOS COCHINOS Cheech and Chong Ode 28/9173
guitar Basketball ]ones featuring Tyrone Shoelaces
IT'S LIKE YOU Dave Mason CBS 8/2/74
gu1tar If You've Got Love
acoustic Photograph Ringo Starr Apple 24/9173
guitar &
backmg vocal

RINGO Ringo Starr Apple 9/ll/73
guitar I'm The Greatest & Sunshine Life For Me
acoustic guitar Photograph
electric guitar You And Me (Babe)
backing vocal Photograph & Sunshine Life For Me
SON OF DRACULA Harry Nilsson RCA 24/S/74
cow be ll Daybreak
THE PLACE I LOVE Splinter Dark Horse 20/9174
guitar Gravy Train; Drink All Day; China Light; Somebody's City; The Place I
(as Hari Love; Situation Vacant & Haven't Got Time
dobro Drink All Day
(as Hari Georgeson)
harmonium Drink All Day & Costafine Town
(as P. Roducer)
percussion Drink All Day; Somebody's City; Costafine Town; The Place I Love &
(as Jai Raj Haven't Got Time
mandolin China Light
(as Hari Georgeson)
acoustic gu1tar China Light & Elly May
(as Hari Georgeson)
bass & eight Costafine Town
string bass (as Har1 Georgeson)
Moog Elly May
Synthestzer (as P. Roducer)
auto-harp SHANKAR FAMILY & Shankar Family & Friends Dark Horse 20/9/74
e lectric & FRIENDS
acoustic guitars (as Hari Georgeson)
IT'S MY PLEASURE Billy Preston A&M 1917175
guitar (as That's Life
Hari Georgeson)
HARD TIMES Peter Skellem Island 26/9179
guitar Make Love Not War
HARDER TO LIVE Splinter Dark Horse 24/10175
guita r (as Hari Lonely Man
NEW YORK CONNECTION Tom Scott Ode '214176
shde guitar Appolonia (Fostrata)
CROSSROADS Larry Hosford Shelter 617176
harmony vocal Wishing I Could
slide gu1tar Direct Me
gu1tar Round And Round/ Splinter Dark Horse 6/9/77
I'll Bend For You (US only)
guitar TWO MAN BAND Splinter Dark Horse 7/ 10177
THE VISITOR Mick Fleetwood RCA 30/6/81
12-string gu1tar Walk A Thin Line
& Slide gmtar

204 Working Class Heroes

STOP AND SMELL Ringo Starr RCA 20/ll/81
lead & acoustic Wrack My Brain
gwtar & backmg vocals
lead gwtar You Belong To Me
gwtar THE CYCLE Ga.ry Brooker Mercury 113/82
gwtar LEAD ME TO THE Ga.ry Brooker M ercury ?


backmg vocal America Rory Storm & Parlophone 13111164

The Hurricanes
drums WONDERWALL MUSIC George Harrison Apple 1/ll/68
drums New Day Jackie Lomax Apple 915169
drums Cold Turkey/Don't Plastic Ono Band Apple 24/10/69
Worry Kyoko
VOICe THE MAGIC CHRISTIAN Soundtrack album Pye 10/4170
VOICe Hunting Scene
drums DORIS TROY Doris Troy Apple 1119no
STEPHEN STILLS Stephen Stills Atlantic 21111no
drums To A Flame & We Are Not Helpless
(as Rlchle)
drums ALL THINGS MUST PASS George Harrison Apple 21111no
drums JOHN LENNON/ John Lennon & Apple 1lll2n0
drums YOKO ONO/ Yoko Ono & Apple ll/12n0
(not on Aos)
THE LONDON HOWLIN' Howlin' Wolf Chess 20/8171
(as Rlchie) I Ain't Superstitious

B. B. KING IN LONDON B.B. King Probe 19/llni

drums Ghetto Woman; Wet & Part-Time Love
drums & THE CONCERT FOR George Harrison Apple 71lnz
tarnbounne BANGLADESH & Friends
drums Oo Wee, Baby, I Love Bobby Hatfield Elektra 1013172
WIND OF CHANGE Peter Frampton A&M 2615172
drums The Lodger & Alright
drums BOBBY KEYS Bobby Keys Warner Brothers 1nn2
SON OF SCHMILSSON Harry Nilsson RCA 28fin2
drums (as Take 54; Spaceman; At My Front Door; Ambush &
Rlchle Snare) The Most Beaunful World ln The World
drums BROTHER Lon And Derrek Apple 912n3
Van Eaton
drums LIVING IN THE George Hamson Apple 21/6173
drums LAND'S END Webb Asylum 517n4
PUSSY CATS Harry Nilsson RCA 30/8174
drums Save The Last Dance For Me, Loop De Loop; Rock Around The Clock;
Subterranean Homesick Blues; Many Rivers To Cross & All My Life

Appendices 205
SON OF DRACULA Harry Nilsson RCA 24/5174
drums Daybreak & At My Front Door
drums SHANKAR FAMILY AND Shankar Family & Friends Dark Horse 2019174
DARK HORSE George Harrison Dark Horse 20/l2n4
drums So Sad & Ding Dong
STARTLING MUSIC David Hentschel Ring'O 18/4/75
finger clicks Step Lightly
(as R.S.)
DUrr ON MON DEI Harry Nilsson RCA 28/3175
drums Kojak Columbia
backing vocal Good For God
TWO SIDES OF THE MOON Keith Moon Polydor 2315175
announcements Solid Gold
drums & raps Together
PLAYING POSSUM Carly Simon CBS 6/6175
drums More And More
STILLS Stephen Stillr CBS 417175
drums (as As I Come Of Age
EngliSh R1tchie)
tambounne Don't You Remember When Vera Lynn EMI 20/2n6
LIES AND ALIBIES Guthrie Thomas Capitol 315116
drums Good Days Are Rollin' In; Band Of Steel & Ramblin' Cocaine Blues
vocals Band Of Steel
COMING OUT Manhattan TrariSfer Atlantlc 27/8176
drums Ziny Lou & S.O.S.
LASSO FROM EL PASO Kinky Friedman EpiC 25/2177
voice of Jesus Men's Room, LA
GOOD NEWS Attitudes Dark Horse 316117
drums Good News
SPARK IN THE DARK The Alpha Band AriSta 26/9!17
(US only)
drums Born In Captivity & You Angel You
PUTTIN ON THE STYLE Lonnie Donegan Umted Artlsts 178
drums Have a Drink On M :a & Ham 'n' Eggs
THE LAST WALTZ The Band Warner Brothers 178
drums I Shall Be Released
drums TROUBLEMAKER Ian McLagan Mercury 179
drums FLASH HARRY Harry Nilsson Mercury 519/80
drums All Those Years Ago George Harrison Dark Horse 1515181
drums SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND George Harrison Dark Horse 516/81
tom tom Heart Of Mine Bob Dylan CBS 316181

206 Working Class Heroes

with The Plastic Ono Band

,.. __

1wWho has seen the wind?

Produced by Phil Spector

Ritten, Recorded, Remixed 27thJan1970
., H., H.,
H1. 1. 1•

• new lleullle
•A• side frem


The Bnttsh Market Research Bureau chart, comptled for the BBC and Mus1c Week. became the
"Chart B1ble' after the pubhcat1on of the excellent Gumness Book Of Bnt1sh H1t Smgles Record
Retailer, wh1ch later became Mus1c Week, f1rst published a Top 50 smgles chart on March 10, 1960,
by basmg the1r figures on the average from NME. Melody Maker DJSc and Record Mmo1 In 1969
the BntlSh Phonographic Industry engaged the BMRB (BntiSh Market Research Bureau) to compile a
weekly smgles chart. which was broadcast by the BBC and publiShed by Mus1c Week and Record
MUTor On May 13. 1978, the Top 50 was extended to a Top 75 and at the end of 1982 - due to
allegations of chart nggmg - the BMRB lost the chart franchise, wtuch was passed over to Gallup
The Gwnness Book of Bnt1sh H11 Smgles f1rst appeared m 1977, and Instantly became one of the
top-selling books m the country It IS updated every two years, and 1981 saw the appearance of the
thud edition With the fourth due m 1983
To fall mto !me With the comparuon volume to thiS book, thiS appendiX mcludes all solo releases,
as well as cover versions of songs wntten by the Beatles as solo artiSts, and mdivldual Beatle
production htts, (1.e Badfmger's Day After Day, produced by George).
Up to the end of 1982, the mdiVIdual Beatles' hits on the BMRB chart amounted to fifty-fwe, plus SLX
re-entnes The mdiVldual Beatles' tallies are as follows. George - seven; John - fourteen (f1ve re-
entnes). Paul - twenty-nme (one re-entry) and Rmgo - five The total number of hlt cover vers1ons
amounts to five (one re-entry), With twelve 'productlOn" ruts. These figures gwe a grand total of
seventy-two (seven re-entnes) Beatle-assoctated hits m the BMRB chart.
(The Beatles "production" htts are mdtcated by *, and where the hit was both wntten and
produced by the Beatles, thiS IS mdicated by **.)


No. 1
BADFINGER Come And Get It • • 10/tno 4 II
Day After Day• 29/ln2 10 11
BAND I'm The Urban Spaceman • 6/1 1/68 5 14
DAVIDBOWIE Fame 218175 17 8
RANDY CRAWFORD Imagine 29/1/82 60
Imagine (re-entry) 13/2182 75
GEORGE HARRlSON My Sweet Lord 23/lnl l/5 17
BanglaDesh 14'8171 10 9
G1ve Me Love
(Give Me Peace On Earth) 216!73 8 10
Ding Dong 21/12174 38 5
You I 1/10175 38 5
Blow Away 1013179 51 5
All Those Years Ago 23/5181 13 7
MARYHOPKIN Those Were The Days• 4/9168 116 21
Goodbye .. 214169 2 14

M1CHAEL JACKSON Gtrlfnend 26!7/80 41 5

PAUL McCARTNEY The Girl Is Mlne 6/1 1/82 8 7
ELTON JOHN Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 23/1 tn4 10 10

Appendices 209
LENNON I Saw Her Standing There 2113/81 40 4
JOHN LENNON Give Peace A Chance 9nt69 2 13
Cold Turkey 1/11169 14 8
Instant Kanna 2112170 5 9
Power To The People 20/3fl1 7 9
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) 9/12172 4 8
Mipd Games 24111/73 26 9
Whatever Gets You Thru The Night 19110/74 36 4
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (re-entry) 4/l/75 48 I
Number 9 Dream 8/2175 23 8
Stand By Me 3/5175 30 7
Imagine 1/11175 6 11
Oust Like) Starting Over 8/11/80 111 14
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (re-entry) 20/12180 2 8
Imagine (re-entry) 27112180 1/4 12
Woman 24/l/81 112 ll
Give Peace A Chance (re-entry) 24/l/8 1 33 5
Watching The Wheels 4/4181 30 6
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (re-entry) 19/12/81 28 4
Love 2011 1/82 41 5
(&WINGS) Another Day 27/2171 2 12
The Back Seat Of My Car 28/8/71 39 5
Give Ireland Back To The Irish 26/2172 16 8
Mary Had A Little Lamb 27/5/72 9 11
Hi Hi Hi!C Moon 9/12172 5 13
My Love 714173 9 11
Live And Let Die 9/6/73 9 13
Live And Let Die (re-entry) 15/9/73 49
Helen Wheels 3/11/73 12 12
Jet 213/74 7 9
Band On The Run 617/74 3 ll
Junior's Fann 9/ll/74 16 lO
Listen To What The Man Said 31/5/75 6 8
Letting Go 18/10/75 41 3
Silly Love Songs 15/5/76 2 11
Let 'Em In 7/8/76 2 10
Maybe I'm Amazed 19/2177 28 5
Mull Of Kintyre 19/11/77 1/9 17
With A Little Luck 1/4/78 5 9
I've Had Enough 117/78 42 7
London Town 9/9/78 60 4
Goodnight Tonight 7/4/79 5 10
Old Siam Sir 16/6/79 35 6
Getting Closer/Baby's Request 119/79 60 3
Wonderful Christmastime 1112179 6 8
Coming Up 19/4180 2 9
Waterfalls 2116/80 9 8
Ebony And Ivory (with Stevie Wonder) 10/4182 1/4 11
Take It Away 3fl/82 15 lO
Tug Of War 9/10/82 53 3
210 Working Class Heroes
MIKE McGEAR Leave It .. 5/10f74 36 4
OLNIA NEWTON-JOHN What Is Life 11/3172 16 8
BILLY PAUL Let 'em In 30/4n7 26 5
BILLY PRESTON That's The Way God Planned It• 217/69 11 10
RADHA KRISHNA TEMPLE Hare Krishna Mantra * 1319/69 12 9
Govinda* 2813170 23 8
ROXY MUSIC Jealous Guy 2112181 l/2 11
SCAFFOLD Liverpool Lou • 116fl4 7 9
SILIGE You've Got To Hide Your Love Away .. 2319/65 28 6
PHOEBE SNOW Every Night 6/tn9 37 7
SPLINTER Costafine Town • 2/l ln4 17 10
RINGO STARR It Don't Come Easy 17/4nJ 4 11
Back Off Boogaloo 114n2 2 10
Photograph 27/IM3 8 13
You're Sixteen 2312174 4 10
Only You 30/lln6 28 11

Appendices 211
212 Working Class Heroes

YOKO ONO By John Lennon and Yoko Ono

Apple SAPCOR 2- November 29, 1968
Thls appendiX attempts to chrorucle Yoko Yoko's first collaboration with John, whtch
Ono's solo releases for Bntam and Amenca, produced lhlS sound picture of avant-
as well as mcludmg her collaborat1ons garde "mustc".
W1lh John under therr own names and the
"PlastiC Ono Band" tag (although these
are only dealt W1th bnefly, as they appear 2 UNFINISHED MUSIC No. 2 -
m full m the John Lennon section). The LIFE WITH THE LIONS
record and song numbenng system IS
identical to that used for the Beatles By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
sectlons, although only Yoko's own com- Zapple ZAPPLE 01 -May 9, 1969
positions are numbered.
The second mstalment of John and Yoko's
avant-garde recordmgs.
3 Give Pace A Chance
(1) REMEMBER LOVE (4.00)

By The Plastic Ono Band

Apple APPLE 13- July 4, 1969
Yoko wrote the "B'' side of the first Plastlc
Ono Band smgle, and sings solo to John's
acoustic guitar.
4 Cold Turkey
THE SNOW) (4.52)
By The Plastic Ono Band
Apple APPLES 1001 - October 24, 1969
It became a common occurrence for
Yoko to wnte the "B" stdes of the Plasttc
Ono Band smgles, and agam Don't Wony
Kyoko lS an Ono composition, sung by
By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Apple SAPCOR 11 - November 7. 1969
Yoko's thtrd LP collaboration w1th John
produced th1s very elaborately packaged
box set, contammg another album of
avant-garde recordmgs.


By The Plastic Ono Band
Apple CORE 2001 -December 12, 1969

Yoko composed the two songs on the

second s1de of the album recordmg the
Plastlc Ono Band's performance at the
Toronto Rock 'n' Roll Rev1val Concert
Appendice.s 213
A SIDE features a plam wh1te Apple on both
(See John Lennon Page 20)
6 WHY (530)
SNOW) (4 20
1200 THE CITY '535)
7 Instant Ka.rma

By Lennon!Ono Wlth The Plastic Ono 10 TOUCH ME (4 35)

Band 11 PAPER SHOES (6 58)
Apple APPLES 1003- February 6. 1970 All SIX tracks were composed by Yoko
Yoke's third composition to appear on a Power To The People
Plastic Ono Band smgle, Who Has Seen (12) OPEN YOUR BOX (331)
The Wmd features Yoko smgmg solo wtth
l!lStrumental backing from an acousuc gwtar "A" side by John Lennon!Plastic Ono Band
(probably played by John). a flute. harpsi-
chord and tambourme. "B" side by Yoko Ono/Plasuc Ono Band
Apple R 5892- March 12, 1971
8 YOKO ONOr'PLASTIC ONO BAND Yokos fourth Plastic Ono Band "B" s1de
features a hne-up of ]ohn/gUJtar, Klaus
By Yoko Ono and The Plastic Ono Band
Voormanlbass and ]tm Cordon/drums, 11
Apple SAPCOR 17- December 11, 1970 was recorded m February 1971, Wlth John
and Yoko producmg Yoko had to re-
Yoke's first true solo album (1 e not co- record her vocals for the song on March
cred!led w1th John) was a compamon 4 after EMI refused to release the smgle
collection to John Lennon!Plastlc Ono until Yoko had "cleaned-up" the lyr1cs to
Band and was recorded at the same the song
lime, with the same mus1c1ans (except for
one track) The LP was recorded dunng
early October 1970 (except for AOS). wtth 10 (13) MRS. LENNON (4 OB)
John and Yoko producmg usmg John! (14) MIDSUMMER NEW YORK (347)
guitar, Rtngo Starr/drums and Klaus By Yoko Ono
AOS was recorded at the rehearsals Apple APPLE 38 - October 29. 1971
for a concert Yoko gave at the Royal
Albert Hall on February 29, 1968. w1th Yoko's first solo smgle. whtch coupled
Ornette Colemanltrumpet. Edward Black- two numbers from her forthcommg double
weiVdrums and Dav1d lzenzon and album. Fly. Mrs Lennon has John on
Charles Hadenlbass gUitars. Contrary to p1ano and organ, and Klnus Voorman on
some reports, AOS does not feature John bass guitar and bells M1dsummer New
on gu1tar, as he dtd not perform with Yoko York features Yoko backed by John'
unt1l March 2. 1969 when they both gu1tar and pmno. Klaus Voormanibass.
appeared at the Lady Mltchell Hall Chns Osborneldobro. and ]1m Kellner/
Cambndge drums and percussion The record was
The album sleeve destgned by John released m a plam Apple sleeve. wllh
and Yoko was stmtlar to johns album Yoke's face supenrnposed onto the Apple
usmg almost Identical front cover shots on the "A' s1de
Uohn and Yoko change places) taken by
Dan Rlchtez wuh a bacl· cover shot of FLY
Yoko as a child The pnnted mner sleeve
a1vmg song credits contatns a dedication By Yoko Ono and The Plasuc Ono Band
from Yoko 'For John w1th love from Yoko Wlth Joe ]ones Tone Deaf Mus1c Co
9110170 · a ne! an mstructton to the record
buyer - 'Play m the dark The record Apple SAPTU 10112- Decembc:r " 1971
Yokos second album and her first

Appendices 215
double LP for Apple, was recorded at 23 TELEPHONE PIECE (025)
Ascot Sound Studtos Uohn and Yoko's All compositions were by Yoko Mld-
home studto) and at the Record Plant swnmer New York and Mrs Lennon had
New York dunng August 1971. It was already appeared on a smgle. Don't
produced by Yoko and John Yoko was Worry Kyoko ongmally appeared as the
backed by The Plasttc Ono Band con- couphng for Cold Turkey, and H1rake
SISting of John, Klaus Voorman (bass), appeared as Qpen Your Box on the ''B"
ChrlS Osborne (dobro), )tm Keltner s1de of Power To The People HJiake
(drums), Enc Clapton (guHar), Rmgo Starr and Open Your Box are basically the
(drums), Jun Cordon (drums) and Bobby same recordmgs except that H1rake
Keyes (saxophone). Also used on some contatns the ongmal unexpurgated vocal
tracks was the Joe Jones Tone Deaf Mustc recordmg, whtle Open Your Box contains
Co .. whtch consiSted of etght tnstruments amended vocals (electromcally treated to
that played themselves wtth the mmunum g1ve a muflled echo e(fect at the end of
of human asststance. The mstruments each lme).
were bmlt espectally for Yoko by Joe Mlnd Tram features John!gUJtar, Klaus
]ones who had been expenmentmg wtth. Voormanlbass, Chns Osborneldobro and
and developmg, such devtces smce the ]1m Keltner/drums. Mmd Holes features
early stxtles Yoko smgmg over John's gu1tar T01let
The front and back cover photographs Piece/Unknown lS the sound of a t01let
were taken by John, who lS also credtted flushing, wh1le 0 'Wwd features John!
with deston of the outer cover The mner gmtar, Jun Keltner/drums and tabla, Jun
spread shows a collage of seventeen Gordonltabla, Klaus Voorman!cyrnbal
c::hlfer ent photographs deptctmg the and Bobby Keyeslclaves
mus1c1ans' faces supenmposed onto a Amnale lS the fust track featunng ]oe
band of gyps1es. The ma]onty of the ]ones Tone Deaf Mus1c Co. w1th the
photographs were taken by lam Mac- assiStance of John. On Don't Count The
Mtllan. w1th some by May Pang, and the Waves Yoko plays claves. wh1le John
gyps1es by Kyoko The two mner sleeves agam assiSts joe Jones Tone Deaf Mus1c
show drawmgs by Yoko along wllh song Co, along w1th Klaus supplymg percus-
lyncs and credtts The album also m- Sion and Jun Keltner tuned drum You
eluded a poster, and a postcard cum features Yoko smgmg solo w1th joe ]ones
order form for Yoko's book Grapefrwt Tone Deaf Mus1c Co . wh1le Fly - the
The postcard has a small round hole cut soundtrack to Yoko's ftlm of the same
out of 1t, w1th the capt1on ''Hole To See name - has Yoko screechmg solo unt1l
The Sky Through Yoko Ono '71" The half-way through, when John JOins m on
back cover of the album mcludes a quote gmtar Telephone Plece lS Yoko answer-
from John •Love IS havmg to say you're mg the phone
sorry every hve mmutes John 71 '.
12 (15a) MIND TRAIN (4 45)
14a MIDSUMMER NEW YORK (3.48) (3.09)
15 MIND TRAIN (16.48) By Yoko Ono
RECORD ONE B SIDE Apple APPLE 41 -January 21, 1972
16 MIND HOLES (2. 40)
Yoko's second solo smgle comb1ned an
2a DON'T WORRY KYOKO (·/51) ed1ted vers1on of Mmd Tram from her
13a MRS. LENNON <4 04) Fly album. w1th another solo compos111on.
Listen The Snow Is Fallmg (whtch had
12a HIRAKE .J 3 ), appeared prev1ously m Amenca as the
17 TOILET PIECF.IUNKNOWN 1 .C.b1 coupling tor Happy Xmas (Wa1 Js Over)
m December 1971) Due to composmg
18 0 'WIND (BODY lS THE SCAR OF credit difficulties. thiS Plasnc Ono Band
YOUR MIND) (4 23) ChriStmas smgle d1d not appear m Bntam
RE::..~ ~D TWO A SIDE until November 1972 Mlnd Tram v..ClS
produced by John and Yoko and features
Yoko suppo1ted by john/gUJtar Klaus
20 DON'T COUNT THE WAVES (5 19) Voorman/bass ChrlS Osbome/dobro and
j1m KeltneJ/drums
21 YOU _J)
LISten The Snow ls Fallmg was re-
REC_;RD TWO B SIDE cmded dunng the sess1ons for Happy
22 FLY (22 43) Xmas between Octobe1 28 <md 29, 1971 It

A p pencbces 217
was produced by John and Yoko and Plul for a year after 1ts mittal Amencan release
Spector Yoko sings a solo vocal supported in 1971, by wluch time Yoko had released
by John, Klaus Voorman and Hugh Mc- Listen The Snow Is Fall.wg as the "8" stde
CrackeniQUltars and Ntcky Hopktnsl of her second Apple smgle, Mmd Tram.
piano and chimes. The. record was re- For thts release Apple dtd not use the
leased m a ptcture sleeve and features ongmal matrix for L1sten. but cut a com-
the Apple label Wlth Yoko's face super- pletely new master (Wlth a dt.ffer ent
lmposed on the "A" s1de. matnx number)


Record One by John and Yoko!Plastic UNIVERSE
Ono Band with Elephant's Memory plus
By Yoko Ono and The Plastic Ono Band
Invisible Strings
with Elephant's Memory, Endless Strings
Record Two by The Plastic Ono Super- and Choir Boys
group and Plastic Ono Mothers
Apple SAPDU 1001 - February 16, 1973
Apple PCSP 716- September 15, 1972
Yoko's second double alb11m and third
Tills Plastic Ono Band release featured solo album for Apple contained twenty-
etght numbers composed JOintly by John two of her most hstenable songs to date.
and Yoko (one Wlth Frank Zappa) and The album was recorded durmg October
four solo Ono compositions. Sisters 0 and November 1972 at the Record Plant,
SJSters, Bom In A Pnson, We're All Water New York (with two tracks at Butterfly
and Don't Worry Kyoko. Studto). Yoko and John produced the
album usmg the Elephant's Memory band
RECORD ONE A SIDE consiSting of Stan Bronstemlsaxophone,
Woman Is The Nigger Of The World flute and clannet; Rtchard Frank jnr./
drums and percussion; Gary Van Scyoc/
25 SISTERS 0 SISTERS (3. 45) bass and trumpet; Adam lppoltto/ptano.
Attica State organ, harmonica and trumpet; Wayne
GabrieVQUltar, Wlth Dana Pnce/castanet.
26 BORN IN A PRISON (4.02) The gatefold sleeve features photo-
New York City graphs by Bob Gruen, With concept by
Yoko and John and design by Bettma
Rossner. The mner sleeves contam song
Sunday Bloody Sunday l yncs while the record labels feature the
The Luck Of The Irish "Yoko" Apple on the "A" sides


Angela 29 YANG YANG (3. 49)

Cold Turkey
32 WHAT DID I DOl (4 12)
28 DON'T WORRY KYOKO (14 48)
(See John Lennon Page 29 ) RECORD ONE B SIDE
"A" side by John and Yoko/Plastic Ono 36 SONG FOR JOHN (2 01)
Band with The Harlem Community Choir
"B" side by Yoko Ono and The Plastic (5.29)
Ono Band
Apple R 5970- November 24, 1972 (4 31)

Due to composmg credlt problems Wlth 39 WAITING FOR THE SUNRISE (2.29)
Northern Songs, Happy Xmas was delayed

Appendices 219
RECORD TWO A SIDE 17 (51) RUN, RUN, RUN (3.06)
41 WINTER SONG (3.35)
Apple APPLE 48- November 9, 1973
42 KITE SONG (318)
The two tracks from Yoke's thrrd and last
43 WHAT A MESS (2.36) Apple album, Feelmg The Space, were
44 SI-URANAKATTA (I DIDN'T KNOW) both wntten and produced by Yoko.
(3.07) Released in a plam Apple sleeve, 1t was
the penultimate Apple smgles release
45 AIR TALK (3.16)
(diSregardmg the solo Beatles' releases
RECORD TWO B SIDE wh1ch - although appearmg With an
Apple label - were theoretically still on
Parlophone), the last being Badfmger's
Apple or My Eye.
47 MOVE ON FAST (3.39)
48 NOW OR NEVER (4.56)
By Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band
50 LOOKING OVER FROM MY HOTEL and Something Different
WINDOW (3.28)
Apple SAPCOR 26- November 16, 1973
All twenty-two songs were composed
and sung by Yoko. Although John is Yoke's last album for seven years was
credlted Wlth co-productJon, he IS not recorded at the Record Plant, New York,
evtdent vocally or mstrumentally to any during the autumn of 1973, apparently
great extent I Want My Love To Rest usmg many of the mus1c1ans that John had
Tomghl IS one of the four songs msprred used for his Mmd Games album. They
by John, who supphes backmg vocals. were as follows: Ken Ascher/ptano, organ
The other songs that were obv10usly and M ellotron; DaVJd Spinozza/gmtar;
msprred by John are Song For John, Gordon Edwardslbass; JLm Keltner/drums;
Wmter Song and Shlranakatta. Wmter Michael Brecker/saxophone; Sneaky Pete
Song supposedly features John and M1ck Klemow/pedal steel guitar; Don Brooks/
)agger on guitars, although thiS IS not harmoruca; Bob Babittlbass; jeremy Ste1g/
credlted on the sleeve. M1ck ]agger IS flute, Arthur Srruth/drums, DaVJd Pried-
menuoned, however, m the lyncs to one man/vibes; and R1ck Marotta/clrums
song, I Felt Like Smashmg My Face In A John contributed gmtar to She Hits
Clear Glass Wmdow. Back and Women Power under the
The baste tracks for Catman and Wmter pseudonym of John O'Cean As on the
Song were recorded at the Butterfly Mmd Games album, backing vocals were
Studio. John plays guitar on Move On Fast supplied by Somethmg Different.
and Is Wmter Here To Stay, although he
IS credited on the sleeve as "Joel Nohnn"
(an anagram of "John Lennon", rrunus one 53 GROWING PAIN (3.47)
"n") Yoko plays piano on Looklng Over 54 YELLOW GIRL (STAND BY FOR LIFE)
From My Hotel Window. (3.13)

16 (30a) DEATH OF SAMANTHA (3.45) 55 COFFIN CAR (3.30)

(29a) YANG YANG (3.51) 56 WOMAN OF SALEM (307)
By Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band 5la RUN, RUN, RUN (506)
57 IF ONLY (3.38)
Apple APPLE 47 - May 4 1973
ThiS edited verSIOn of Death or Samantha
from AppmXl!Tlately Inflmte Umverse be- 58 A THOUSAND TIMES YES (2 59)
came Yoke's th1rd Bnttsh smgle, bemg 59 STRAIGHT TALK (3 17)
coupled Wlth Yang Yang from the same
album The smgle was released m a plam 60 ANGRY YOUNG WOMAN (3.51)
sleeve and featured the usual Apple 61 SHE HITS BACK (331)
62 WOMEN POWER (4 49)
52a MEN, MEN, MEN (4 01)

Appendices 221
Due to the lack of any specwc mformahon on
"A" side by John Lennon
Bnll.Sh cop1es of the album, 11 has not been
possible to provtde mus1c1an credits for mdlVl- "B" side by Yoko Ono
dual tracks wh1ch were wntten and produced
by Yoko. Geffen Records K 79196 - January 16,
19 Oust Like) Starting Over
(63) KISS KISS KISS (3 38)
The second smgle from Double Fantasy
featured Yoke's Beautlful Boys as the
"A" s1de by John Lennon couplmg for John's Woman For chart
stall.Stlcs. see the John Lennon section
"B" side by Yoko Ono (page 46)
Geffen Records K 79186 - October 24
1980 22 (70) WALKING ON THIN ICE -
As Wlth thetr earher Plastic Ono Band FOR JOHN (5. 56)
smgles, John and Yoke's first smgle for (71) IT HAPPENED (5 02)
seven years compnsed an "A" s1de by By Yoko Ono
John and a "B" s1de by Yoke Both tracks
were from the1r Double Fantasy album Geffen Records K 79202 - February 20,
For chart stattstlcs relatmg to Uust L1ke) 1981
Startmg Over, see John Lermon section
(page 42 ). Yoke's first solo single since 1973, wh1ch
became her first solo hit when 1t entered
the BMRB Top 75 on February 28 at No
20 DOUBLE FANTASY 50, nsmg to No 35 on March 14, and
staYJng m the chart for fiVe weeks
By John Lennon and Yoko Ono Walklng On Thm Ice, wntten by Yoko,
was recorded m late November and
Geffen Records K 99131 -November 17, early December 1980 at the Hit Factory,
1980 New York. and was produced by John
For the1r f1rst album together srnce 1972. and Yoko and Jack Douglas. John and
John and Yoko composed seven songs Yoko were re-moong the song dunng the
each to share equally both wntrng and rught of December 8 when at approXI-
vocal duties mately ll pm • John was gunned down
The recordmg features john/gu1tar and
ASIDE keyboards, Hugh McCracken and Earl
Oust Like) Starting Over Slick/rhythm gwtars; Tony Levtnlbass,
Andy Newmark/drurns and Jack Douglas!
63a KISS KISS KISS (3.39) percussion
Clean Up Time It Happened, also wntten by Yoko, was
recorded m 1973 at the Record Plant,
64 GIVE ME SOMETHING (1.52) New York, and was left over from the
I'm Losing You Feelmg The Space sess1ons, featunng
Davtd Spmozza and Hugh McCracken/
65 I'M MOVING ON (3 17) gwtars: Gordon Edwardslbass; Kenny
Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) Ascher/keyboards: Arthur Jenkins Jnr/
percuss1on and R1ck Marotta/drurns The
track begms Wlth a recordmg of John and
Watchmg The Wheels Yoko talkmg whilst strollmg through New
I'M YOUR ANGEL (3 34) York's Central Park The ongrnal re-
cordmg was produced by John and Yoko,
Woman John "rediSCOvered" the song among
67 BEAUTIFUL BOYS " 53) Yoke's old tapes two weeks before he
was shot, and thought 1t could be a hll, so
Dear Yoko 1t was edited and re·mtxed by John and
68 EVERY MAN HAS A WOMAN WHO Yoko Wlth jack Douglas
LOVES HIM /4 J'~l Before John was shot, Walkmg On Thm
lee was scheduled to be released as a
69 HARD TIMES ARE OVER (3 12) twelve·mch four track EP (along Wlth two
of Yoke's tracks from Double Fantasy)
tltled Yoko Only Yoko dec1ded to contmue
21 Woman
Wlth the release, because John had been
(67a) BEAUTIFUL BOYS (2.51)
so certam that 1t would be a hit, although

Appendtces 223
the EP format was dropped The smgle Cover photography and destgn was by
appeared m a ''p1cture' sleeve With a Yoko, With artwork by ChrlStopher Wharf
"Ftrushing Note" from Yoko, plus an msert ASIDE
contammg lyncs and creditS
72 GOODBYE SADrilliS (3.48)
23 Watching The Wheels
(66a) YES, I'M YOUR ANGEL (2. 48) 73 MINDWEAVER (4.24)
"A" side by John Lennon
"B" side by Yoko Ono •
Geffen Records K 79207 - M arch 27. 1981 DOGTOWN (321)
The thlrd release from Double Fantasy 78 SILVER HORSE (300)
featured Yoke's Yes. I'm Your Angel as
the "8" stde. ThlS song IS called fm Your BSIDE
Angel on the Double Fantasy album, and 79 I DON'T KNOW WHY (416)
ts likewise credited on the label of this
smgle, only the sleeve credltmg 1t as Yes,
80 EXTENSION 33 (2 42)
I'm Your Angel. For chart statistics see 81 NO, NO, NO (2.42)
John Lennon section (page 47)
84 TOYBOAT (3 30)
By Yoko Ono
Geffen Records K 99164 - ]une 12. 1981
At one tlme during ·early 1981. 11 was
Yoko's flfth solo album was ongmally reported that Julian Lennon Oohn's first son)
advertlSed by Geffen Records as mcluding would be asslStmg Yoko to complete the
the smgle Walking On Thm Ice. But after unfiniShed numbers left over from the
Beatles Monthly magazine had tnformed Double Fantasy sessions, and that Yoko
them that the album dtd not feature this and julian were possibly recording an
song, Geffen gave the smgle away free album together. These reports later turned
With the album, and changed the advert out to be pure speculauon. and further
accordingly. Although 1t dtd not enter the reports that two songs bemg recorded by
NME Top 30, the album was Yoko's first to Yoko were preVlously unreleased Lennon-
enter the £MRB album charts, wluch it Ono composttions, were also unfounded
d1d on June 20 at No. 70, rlSmg to No. 47 All fourteen songs on the album were Ono
the followmg week (1ts final week m the compostllons, although the lyncs to Mother
chart). OfThe Umverse appear to be based on the
The album was recorded at the Hit "Lord's Prayer''. Many non-musical sounds
Factory, New York, dunng April 1981, appear throughout the album, mcludmg
wtth Yoko and Phi! Spector producing, Yoko talking on the telephone, Sean Len-
usmg basically the same mustctans who non telling a short story, and four "gur15hots"
performed on Double Fantasy. Hugh at the begmrung of No, No, No, wluch
McCracken!gllitar and Jew's he.rp (on sparked off more ''bad taste" controversy.
Dogtown), Earl SlickiQUltar; Anthony
Davlholkeyboards and guttar (on No No 25 (86) MY MAN (3.59)
No and Toyboat), George Sma!Vkey- (87) LET THE TEARS DRY (3 28)
boards, Tony Levmlbass, John S1glerlbass
(on Mmdweaver and Mother Of The By Yoko Ono
Umverse); Andrew Newmarkldrums;
Davtd Friedmanlvibraphone and percus- Polydor POSP 541 -November 26, 1982
Sion; Arthur Jenkms Jnr/percusston; Yoke's frrst smgle for Polydor - With
George ''Young" Opahsky/soprano and whom she s1gned m October 1982 -
alto saxophone; Mtchael Brecker/tenor featured two self-penned songs from her
saxo;:>hone; Ronme Cuberlbantone saxo- frrst Polydor album, It's A1nght (I See
phone; and Howard Johnson/tuba. Yoko Rambows). Although rece1vmg constder-
handled all lead and backmg vocals able arrplay and favourable revtews, the
The album sleeve caused some contro- smgle. released m a p1cture sleeve With
versy, many people constdermg 1t to be photography by Bob Gruen d1d not enter
m bad taste as the front cover ptcture the charts.
shows a bloodstamed parr of glasses.

224 Working Class Heroes

John can be heard shoutmg "Yoke", wh1le
26 IT'S ALRIGHT (I SEE RAINBOWS) Yoko and Sean can be heard talking At
the end of th1s track, 11 IS Sean who says
By Yoko Ono "Looks like a g1gant1C plum" Sean IS
Polydor POLD5073- December 16. 1982 heard agam at the begmmng of its
Alnght. attemptmg to wake up Yoko
Yoke's most commerctal album to date.
It's Alnght was well-receiVed by the
mustc press It conta1ns some of her most
conventional work. although thiS was un-
fortunately not reflected m sales. as the
album dtd not enter the charts
The album was recorded at the Hn
Factory, New York, dunng the autumn of
1982, WJth Yoko producmg, usmg the
followmg mustctans Pete Cannarozz1 and YOKOONOUS
Paul Griffm/synthestzers, Elhot Randall
and John Tropea/gUltars, Paul Gnffin, 1 UNFINISHED MUSIC No. 1 -
Mtchael Holmes and Paul Shafferlkey- TWO VIRGINS
boards; Net! Jasonlbass; Yog1 Horton and By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Alan Schwartzberg/d.rums; Rubens BassJJU.
Davtd A. Fnedman, Sammy Flgeroa and Apple T 5001 November 11, 1968
Roger Sqwtero/percusston: Roy Badal/
tabla and Howard Johnsonltuba and ban- 2 UNFINISHED MUSIC No. 2 -
tone saxophone. Lead and harmony vocals LIFE WITH THE LIONS
were by Yoko, WJth backing vocals by
Gordon Grody, Kurt Yahl)tan and Carlos By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Alomar. Zapple ST 3357- May 26. 1969
The album sleeve was destgned by
Yoko, WJth artwork by Btll Levy and Bob 3 Give Peace A Chance
He~mall and photography by Bob Gruen (1) REMEMBER LOVE
The back cover features a 1982 photo-
graph of Yoko and Sean taken m New By The Plastic Ono Band
York Central Park. WJth a 1980 photograph
of John supenmposed on top Apple 1809 -July 7. 1969
A SIDE 4 Cold Turkey
86a MY MAN (3. 57) (2) DON'T WORRY KYOKO
89 SPEC OF DUST (3.31) By The Plastic Ono Band
90 LONELINESS (3. 48)
Apple 1813 - October 20, 1969
93 WAKE UP (3 46) By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
87a LET THE TEARS DRY (3 22)
Apple SMAX 3367- October 20. 1969
94 DREAM LOVE (4 55)
Althvugh agam many people were ex-
pectmg (and hopmg) that Yokes new By The Plastic Ono Band
album would contam some of the 'Lennon- Apple SW 336.:. - Dt:cember 12 1969
Ono" numbers left over from Double
Fantasy, all compositions on the album Instant Karma
were by Yoke Even though the album (5) WHO HAS SEEN THE WIND
does not feature any of John s recordmgs
most of the songs were 1nsp1red by htm or By Lennon/Ono and The Plastic Ono Band
hiS memory. and on Never Say Goodbye
(durmg the middle Instrumental section) Apple 1818 February 20. 1970

A ppen dtces 225


By Yok o Ono and The Plastic Ono Band 17 TOILET PIECE/UNKNOWN

Apple SW 3373 - December 11, 1970 YOUR MIND)
Wlule John Lennon!PlastiC Ono Band was RECORD TWO
m the Billboard Top 30 album for ten
weeks, Yoko's companton album managed (Same as British release.)
a three week run m the Top 200. entenng
on February 6 at No. 199 and nsmg to No. 12 (13a) MRS. LENNON
182 the followmg week (Tracks ·and (14a) MIDSUMMER NEW YORK
sleeve same as BntJSh release.) By Yok o Ono
Apple 1839- September 29, 1971
9 Mother
(6a) WHY 13 Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
"A" side by John Lennon and The Plastic (24) LISTEN THE SNOW IS FALLING
Ono Band "A " side By John and Yoko/Plastic Ono
"B" side by Yoko Ono and The Plastic Band with The Harlem Community Choir
Ono Band "B" side by Yoko Ono and The Plastic
Apple 1827 - December 28. 1970 Ono Band

ThiS smgle, not released m Britain, coupled Apple 1842- December 1, 1971
one track from both John and Yoko's
respecttve Plastic Ono Band albums 14 Woman Is The Nigger Of The World
10 Power To The People
(lOa) TOUCH ME "A " side by John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
with Elephant's Memory plus Invisible
"A" side by John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band Strings
"B" side by Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band "B" side by Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band
Apple 1830 - March 22. 1971 with Elephant's Memory plus Invisible
The "B" stde to Power To The People m
Bntam was Yoko's song, Open Your Box. Apple 1848- Apnl 24, 1972
Capttol refused to allow her to use the
song due to tts suggestive lyrics, so a
track from the Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono
Band LP was substituted. Record One by John and Yoko/Plastic
Ono Band with Elephant's Memory plus
Invisible Strings
11 FLY
Record Two by The Plastic Ono Super-
By Yoko Ono and The Plastic Ono Band group and Plastic Ono Mothers
with Joe ]ones Tone Deaf Music Co.
Apple SVBB 3392- June 12, 1972
Apple SVBB 3380- September 20, 1971
Yoko's second solo chart entry, Fly
entered the Btllboard Top 200 for two Woman Is The Ni gger Of The World
weeks at No. 199 on November 13, 1971. 25a SISTERS 0 SISTERS
(Sleeve same as BntJSh release )
Attica State
New York City
(Same as British release.)
(Same as British release.)

226 Working Class Heroes

:\L\\ ALBl \1
I '\CI.t Df.~'-1
'\\ \11\11\<. 0'\ Till'\ J( 1·:
16 (48) NOW OR NEVER the "A" s1de, as opposed to Run, Run, Run,
(47) MOVE ON FAST the favoured track for the Bnttsh release.
The "B" s1de, however, IS 1denhcal.
By Yoko Ono and The Plastic Ono Band
with Elephant's Memory
Apple 1853- November 13, 1972
By Yoko Ono and The Plastic Ono Band
The second Yoko solo smgle m America
and Something Different
featured two tracks from the Approxi-
mately Inhmte Umverse album, and was Apple SW 3412- November 2. 1973
not released m Bntam
Yoko's fourth solo album d1d not enter the
17 APPROXIMATELY INFINITE Billboard Top 200 (Sleeve same as Bnt!Sh
UNIVERSE release.)

By Yoko Ono and The Plastic Ono Band A SIDE

with Elephant's Memory, Endless Strings 53 GROWING PAIN
and Choir Boys
Apple SVBB 3399- January 8, 1973
Yoko's third solo album, and third to enter 56 WOMAN OF SALEM
the lower regtons of the Billboard Top
200. It entered the charts on February 24 51 RUN, RUN, RUN
at No 198, and rose to No. 193 on March 57 IF ONLY
lO (Lts fourth and fmal week m the chart).
(Cover same as Bnttsh release.) BSIDE


(Same as British release.) 59 STRAIGHT TALK


(Same as British release.) 61 SHE lflTS BACK




21 Gust Like) Starting Over
"A" side by John Lennon
WINDOW "B" side by Yoko Ono

18 (30a) DEATH OF SAMANTHA Geffen Records GEF-49604 - October

(29a) YANG YANG 23, 1980

By Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band with

Elephant's Memory, Endless Strings and ZZ DOUBLE FANTASY
Choir Boys
By John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Apple 1859- February 26, 1973
Geffen Records GHS 2001 - November
A second release from the Approxunately 17. 1980
Infimte Umverse album featured the
same tracks that were later released m
Britam 23 Woman


(52) MEN, MEN, MEN
"A " side by John Lennon
By Yoko Ono
"8" side by Yoko Ono
Apple 1867- September 24, 1973
Geffen Records 49644 -January 12. 1981
The Amencan smgle from the Feelmg
The Space LP featured Women Power as

228 Working Class Heroes

By Yoko Ono

Geffen Records 49683 - February 6, 1981

ThiS smgle entered the Billboard chart on
March 7 1981 Durmg a ten week chart
restdency 1t peaked at No 58.

25 Watching The Wheels

"A" stde by John Lennon
"B" stde by Yoko Ono
Geffen Records 49695 - March 13, 1981

By Yoko Ono

Geffen Records 2004 -June 3, 1981

ThiS LP entered the Btllboard chart at No

etghty-one on June 27. Dunng rune weeks
m the chart, tls htghest posttton was at No
21 (86) MY MAN
By Yoko Ono

Polydor PD-2224 - November 2, 1982


By Yoko Ono

Polydor PD-1-6364 - November 29, 1982

ThiS LP reached No. 158 on the Btllboard

Top 200 dunng Chnstmas week. 1982


Po1ydor 810 556-7 January 25, 1983
Po1ydor 810 575-1 - February 22. 1983
(re-mt.Xed twelve-mch verston)

Appendtces 229

This book could not have been compiled without researching other books for facts
and information. The following is a bibliography of the books used for research,
along with other Beatles books, which together constitute a definitive library for any
Beatle fanatic.

Abbey Road Brian Southall (Patrick Stephens 1982)

The Album Cover Album Storm Thorgerson (Hipgnosis)/Roger Dean/Dominy
Hamilton (Dragon's World Books 1977)
All Together Now Harry Castleman/Walter Podrazik (Pierian Press 1976)
All You Needed Was Love John B1ake (Hamlyn 1981)
All You Need Is Ears George Martin/Jerome Hernsby (Macmillan London Ltd. 1979)
Apple To The Core Peter McCabe/Robert D. Schonfeld (Martin Brian & O'Keefe Ltd.
1972/Sphere Books Ltd. 1973)
As Time Goes By Derek Taylor (Davis-Poynter Ltd. 1973/Sphere Books Ltd. 1974)
The Beatles Geoffrey Stokes (W.H. Alien & Co. Ltd. 1980)
The Beatles: A Collection Robert & Cindy DelBuono (RobCin Associates 1982)
The Beatles Again Harry Castleman/Walter Podrazik (Pierian Press 1977)
The Beatles Album File And Complete Discography Jeff Russell (Blandford Press 1982)
Beatles Anniversary Bill Harry (Colourgold Ltd. 1982)
The Beatles: An Illustrated Record Roy Carr/Tony Tyler (New English Library
The Beatles Apart Bob Woffinden (Proteus Books 1981)
The Beatles At The Beeb Kevin Howlett (British Broadcasting Corporation 1982)
The Beatles: A To Z Goldie Friede/Robin Titone/Sue Weiner (Methuen 1980)
The Beatles: The Authorized Biography Hunter Davis (William Heineman Ltd. 1968)
The Beatles Concerted Efforts }an Van De Bunt (Beat1es Unlimited 1979)
The Beatles Discography Mitchell McGreary (Ticket To Ryde Ltd. 1975)
The Beatles Down Under Glenn A. Baker, with Roger De1ernia (Wild & Wooley 1982)
The Beatles' England David Bacon/Norman Mas1ov (Co1umbus Books 1982)
The Beatles Forever Nicho1as Schaffner (McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1977)
The Beatles Forever Helen Spence (Colour Library International Ltd. 1981)
The Beatles For The Record No author (Stafford Pemberton Publishing 1981)
The Beatles In Help! Al Hine (Mayflower Books Ltd. 1965)
The Beatles Monthly Books Various- edited by Johnny Dean (Beat Publications Ltd.
1963-9/Re-pub1ished from 1976) .
The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics edited by Alan Aldridge (MacDonald Unit 75 1969)
The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics Volume 2 edited by A1an A1dridge (BPC Publishing Ltd.
The Beatles In Their Own Words Miles (Omnibus Press 1978)
The Beatles Complete Lyrics (Futura Publications 1974)
The Beatles On Record Mark Wallgren (Simon & Schuster 1982)
The Beatles' Who's Who Bill Harry (Aurum Press 1982)
The Beatles: Yesterday And Today Rochelle Larkin (Scholastic Book Services 1974)
Behind The Beatles Songs Philip Cowan (Polytantric Press 1978)
The Book Of Golden Discs Joseph Murrells (Barrie & Jenkins Ltd. 197411978)
The Book Of Rock Lists Dave Marsh/Kevin Stein (Sidgwick & Jackson 1981)
The Bootleg Bible (Hot Wacks Book IX) (Babylon Books 1981)
British Beat Chris May/Tim Philips (Sociopack Pub. 1974)
British Record Charts 1955-1979 Tony Jasper (Futura Publications 1979)
A Cellarful Of Noise Brian Epstein (Souvenir Press 1964/New English Library 1965/
Chart File 1982 Barry Lazell/Dafydd Rees/ Alan Jones (Virgin Books 1982)
A Day In The ~ife Tom Schultheiss (Pierian Press 1980)
Dig It: The Beatles Bootleg Book Volume One Koos Janssen/Erik M. Bakker (Rock
Book Centre Publications 1974)
Encyclopedia Of Rock Volumes 1-3 edited by Phil Hardy/Dave Laing (Panthar Books
Ltd 1976)
Facts About A Pop Group (Wings) David Gelly (G. Whizzard Pub. Ltd. 1976)
George Harrison Yesterday And Today Ross Michaels (Flash Books 1977)
The Gimmix Book Of Records Frank Goldman/Klaus Hiltscher (Virgin Books 1981)
Grapefruit Yoko Ono (Peter Owen Ltd. 1964/Sphere Books 1971)

230 Working Class Heroes

Growing Up With The Beatles Ron Schaumberg (Pyramid Books 1976/G.P. Putnam 's
Sons 1980)
The Guinness Book Of Britis h Hit Singles Jo & Tim Rtce/Pau1 Gambaccmi/Mtke Read
(Guinness Superlatives Ltd. 1977 I 19191 1981)
The Guinness Book Of Records Norris McWhirter (Gumness Superlauves Ltd yearly)
' Hands Across The Water' Wings Tour USA H1pgnos1s (Paper Ttger 1978)
A Hard Day's Night John Burke (Pan Books Ltd. 1964)
The Illustrated Book Of Rock Records Barry Lazeli/Dafydd Rees (Vtrgm Books 1982)
The Illustrated History Of The Rock Album Cover Angle Errigo (Octopus Books Ltd.
The Illustrated NME Encyclopedia of Rock Nick Logan/ Bob W ofhnden (Hamlyn
Publishing Ltd. 1976)
I Me Mine George Harrison (Genesis Publications 1980/W .H. Alien 1982)
In The Foots teps Of The Beatles Mike Evans/Ron }ones (Merseystde County Council 1982)
The Joel Whitburn Record Research Series Joel Whllburn (Record Research Inc . yearly)
John Lennon In His Own Words Miles (Omrubus Press 1980)
John Lennon In His Own Write John Lennon Oonathan Cape 1964)
John Lennon 1940-1980 A Biography Ray Connolly (Fontana Books 1981)
John Lennon: One Day At A Time , A Personal Biography Of The Seventies
Anthony Fawcett (New English Library 1976)
The John Lennon Story George Tremlett (Futura Pub. Ltd. 1976)
Lennon And McCartney Malcolm Doney (Mtdas Books 1981)
Lennon Remembers ed1ted by }ann W enner (Talmy, Frankhn Ltd. 1972)
The Lennon Tapes Andy Peebles (BBC Pubhcatlons 1981)
Linda's Picturec: A Collection Of Photographs Lmda McCartney Oonathan Cape 1976)
The Longest Cocktail Party Richard D1Lello (Charisma Books 1973)
Love Me Do - The Beatles Progress Michael Braun (Penguin Books Ltd. 1964)
The Man Who Gave The Beatles Away Allan W illiams/Wt1ham Marshall (Elm Tree
Books Ltd 1975)
Mersey Beat: The Beginning Of The Beatles ed1ted by Bill Harry (Ommbus Press I 977)
The NME Book Of Rock edited by Nick Logan/ Rob Fmms (W.H. Allen Ltd. 1975)
New Rock Record Terry Hounsome/T1m Chambre (Blandford Press 1981)
Nothing To Get Hung About Mike Evans (C1ty OfL1verpool Public Relations Off1ce 1974)
Paul McCartney And Wings Tony Jasper (Octopus Books Ltd. 1977)
Paul McCartney And Wings Jeremy Pascall (Phoebus Publishing Co. 1977)
Paul McCartney In His Own Words Paul Gambaccmi (Omnibus Press Ltd. 1976)
The Paul McCartney Story George Tremlett (Futura Pub. Ltd. 1975)
The Penguin John Lennon John Lennon (Penguin Books Ltd. 1966)
The Playboy Interviews With John Lennon And Yoko Ono conducted by Dav1d Sheff
(New Enghsh Library 1981)
P.S . We Love You: The Beatles Story 1962-3 Tony Barrow (Mirror Books Ltd. 1982)
Record Collector various authors/editor - }ohnny Dean (Diamond Pubhshmg Group
Ltd. 1979 to the present)
Rock Family Trees Pete Frame (Ommbus Press 1979)
Rock File Pete & Anme Fowler/erutor- Charhe Gtllett (Pictorial Presentations Ltd . 1972)
Rock File 2 as above with vanous other authors (Panther Books Ltd 1974)
Rock File 3 as above w1th vanous other authors (Panther Books Ltd. 1975)
Rock File 4 as above w1th vanous other authors (Panther Books Ltd. 1976)
Rock File 5 as above w1th vanous other authors (Panther Books Ltd. 1978)
Rock Legends: Beatles Mike Davies/John Tobler (SB Pubhshmg & Promotwns Ltd. 1982)
Rock' n'Roll Times Jurgen Vollmer (Google Plex Books 1981)
The Rolling Stones: An Illustrated Record Roy Carr (New Enghsh L1brary 1976)
Shout: The True Story Of The Beatles Philtp Norman (Hamtsh Hamilton Ltd 1981 )
A Spaniard In The Works John Lennon Oonathan Cape Ltd 1965)
The Story of Pop various/ edttor- Jere my Pascall (Phoebus Pubhshmg Co./BBC 1973/4 /5)
Strawberry Fields Forever: John Lennon Revisited V1c Garbarini/Brian
Cullman/Barbara Graustark (Bantam Books Inc 1980)
Thank U Very Much: Mike McCartney's Family Album Mike McCartney (Granada
Pubhshmo Ltd 1982)
A Twist Of Le nnon Cynth1a Lennon (W H. Alien & Co Ltd 1978)
With The Beatles: The Historic Photographs Of Dezo Hoffman Dezo Hoffman
(Omnibus Press 1982)
Who's Who In Rock Wtlham York (Ommbus Press 1982)
Yellow Submarine Lee Minoff/ AI Brodax/ Jack Mendelsohn / Ench Segal (New Enghsh
Ltbrary 1968) Bibliography 231


Index 233
This index only refers to the Beatles and Yoko Ono's solo recordings, and does not include the "guest"
recordings as listed in "With A Little Help To Their Friends". Album titles are in UPPER CASE, ;md where page
numbers are repeated, this indicates that the song appears more than once on a page. The initial letters after
each title indicates the section in which the main entry for that title appears.

Admiral Halsey (P) 60, 88, 103, 108, 110 Beware M y Love (P) 77, 78, 107
After The Ball (P) 89 - Beware My Love - live (P) 81
Again, And Again And Again (P) 89 Beware Of Darkness (G) 116
Ain't That A Shame (J) 39, 47 Beware Of Darkness - live (G) 120
Airmale (Y) 217 Be What You See (P) 100
Air Talk (Y) 221 Big Barn Bed (P) 67
~~asen (J) 34, 45 Bip Bop (P) 63
All By Myself (R) 162, 182 A Bit More Of You (G) 131, 148
ALL THINGS MUST PASS (G) 115, 144 Blackbird - live (P) 8 1
All Things Must Pass (G) 139, 140, 148, 148 BLAST FROM YOUR PAST (R) 165, 177, 180, 182
Amsterdam (J) 19 Bless You (J) 35
Angela m 29, 51 Blindman (R) 154, 178
Angry Young Woman (Y) 221, 228 Blood From A Clone (G) 139
Another Day (P) 59, 88, 103 Blow Away (G) 136, 136, 147, 147
The Answers At The End (G) 131, 148 Blowin' In The Wind (Bob Dylan) 120
Aos (Y) 215 Bluebird (P) 71, 105
Apple Scruffs (G) 116, 144 Bluebird - live (P) 81
219, 228 Blue Turning Grey Over You (R) 150
Approximately Inf'utite Universe (Y) 219 Boat Ride (R) 173
Arrow Through Me (P) 89, 108 Bogey Music (P) 94
Art Of Dying (G) 116 Bony Moronie m 39, 47
Attention (R) 176 Born In A Prison (J) 29, 51
Attica State (J) 29, 5 1 Bridge Over The River Suite (Country Hams) (P)
Au (J) 29 72, 106
Awaiting On You All (G) 116 Bring It On Home To Me (J) 39, 47
Awaiting On You All - live (G) 120 Bring On The Lucie (J) 34, 46
The Broadcast (P) 89
B Side To Seaside (Linda McCartney) (P)
90, 90, 95, 95, 107
Baby Don't Run Away (G) 143 Bye Bye Blackbird (R) 150
Baby's Heartbeat (J) IS Bye Bye Love (G) 127, 138, 146, 147
Baby's Request (P) 89, 90
Back Off Boogaloo (R) 154, 165, 177, 178, 180, 182
Back Off Boogaloo (version two) (R) 176
The Back Seat Of My Car (P) 60, 60
BACK TO THE EGG (P) 89, 108 Cafe On The Left Bank (P) 84
Backwards Traveller (P) 83, 84, 107 can Me (R) 161, 162, 179, 182
BAD BOY (R) 173, 181 Call Me Back Again (P) 76
Bad Boy (R) 173, 18 1 Call Me Back ,figain - live (P) 81
The Ballad Of Sir Franlde Crisp (G) 116 Cambridge 1969 (J) 15
Ballroom Dancing (P) 100 Can She Do It Like She Dances (R) 170, 181
Baltimore Oriole (G) 140 Can't Stop Thinking About You 131, 148
BAND ON THE RUN (P) 71, 104, 109 Catman (Y) 219
BAND ON THE RUN (Picture clisc) (P) 108 Check My Machine (P) 95, 109
BAND ON THE RUN (Half·speed master) (P) 110 Children Children (P) 84
Band On The Run (P) 71, 72, 88, 105, 110 Circles (G) 143
Band On The Run live (P) 81 Clean Up Time (J) 45
BanglaDesh (G) 119, 135, 140, 145, 146 C Moon (P) 64, 104
Bangla Desh - live (G) 123 Coffm Car (Y) 221, 228
Bangla Dhun (Ravi Shankar) 120 Cold Turkey (J) 16, 41, 49, 53
BEAUCOUPS OF BLUES (R) 153, 178, 182, 182 Cold Turkey live one (J) 20
Beaucoups Of Blues (R) 153, 165, 177, 178, 180, 182 Cold Turkey - live two (J) 29
Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) m 45, 48, 54, 54, 54 Coming Up (P) 93, 94, 109
Beautiful Boys m 45, 46, 53, 54 Coming Up (Live At Glasgow) (P) 93, 109
Coming Up live (P) 98
Beautiful Girl (G) 132
120, 145, 154, 178
Beef Jerky (J) 34, 35, 52
(P) 97, 110
Behind That Locked Door (G) 116
132, 140, 146 Cookin' (In The Kitchen Of Love) (R) 166, 180

234 Working Class Heroes

Cook Of The Roue (P) 78, 78, 106, 110 Famo- Groupies (P) 84
Country Dreamer (P) 68, 104 Fantuy Sequins (G) 112
Cowboy Music (G) 112 Far Eut Man (G) 127, 138, 146, 147
Crackerbox Palace (G) 132, 147 Faster (G) 136, 137, 137, 147
Cripple luide (J) 25 Fastest Growing Heartache In The West (R) 153, 182
Crossroads Theme (P) 76 FEELING THE SPACE (Y) 221, 228
Cryin' (G) 166, 169, 180, 180 Fiddle About (R) 157
Crying (G) 112 $15 Draw (R) 154, 182
Cuff Link (P) 83, 84, 107 FLY (Y) 216, 226
fly (Y) 217
Front Parlour (P) 94
Frozen Jap {P) 94
DARK HORSE (G) 124, 137, 145, 147
Dark Bone (G) 124, 127, 127, 135, 138, 140, 145, 146,
146, 147, 147
Darkroom (P) 94 Gat Kirwani (G) 112
Dark Sweet Lady (G) 136, 147 Gave It All Up (R) 169, 181
The Day The World Gets Round (G) 124, 148 GEORGE BARRISON (G) 136, 147
Daytime Nightime Suffering (P) 88, 88, 108, 108 Get It (P) 100, 101, Ill
Dead Giveaway (R) 176 Get On The Right Thing (P) 67
Dear Boy (P) 60 Getting Closer (P) 89, 90, 108, 109
Dear Friend (P) 63 Girlfriend (P) 84
Dear One (G) 132 The Girlls Mine (P) 101, 102, 111
Dear Yoko (J) 45, 48, 54 Girls School (P) 83, 107
Death of Samantha (Y) 219, 221, 228 Give Ireland Back To The Irish (P) 63, 103
Deep Blue (G) 119, 145 Give Me Love (Give Me Pe ace On Earth) (G)
Deliver Your Children (P) 84, 87, 107 123, 124, 135, 140, 145, 146, 148
Devil Woman (R) 161, 161, 176, 179, 182 Give Me Something m 45
Ding Dong Sing Dong (G) 124, 127, 128, 146, 146, 147 Give Me Some Truth (J) 25, 48
Dizzy Miss Lizzy (J) 20 Give Me Peace (J) 15, 41, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54
l>o9town (Y) 224 Give Peace A Chance live one (J) 20
Don't Count Waves (Y) 217 Give Peace A Chance live two (J) 41
Don't Let It Bring You Down (P) 84 Glua Box (G) 112
Don't Let Me Wait Too Long (G) 120, 148 Gluaes (P) 56
Don't Worry Kyoko (J) 16, 49, 217, 226 God m 22
Don't Worry Kyoko - live one (J) 20 God Save Us (Elastic Oz Band) (J) 22, SO
Don't Worry Kyoko - live two 29 Going Down On Love (J) 35
Do The Oz (Elutic Oz Band) (J) 22, SO GONE TROPPO (G) 140, 148
.A Dose Of Rock And Roll (R) 166, 169, 180, 180 Gon.e Troppo (G) 143
DOUBLE FANTASY (J) 42, 53 Go Now live (P) 8 1
Down And Out (R) 158, 179 Goodbye Sadness (Y) 224
Do You Wanna Dance m 39, 47 Goodnight Tonight (P) 88, 88, 108, 108, 109
Dream (R) ISO GOODNIGBT VIENNA (R) 162, 179, 182
Dream .Away (G) 143 Goodnight Vienna 162, 180, 182
Dream Love (Y) 225 Goodnight Vienna (repme) (R) 162, 182
Dream Scene (G) 112 Got To Get You Into My Life - live (P) 98
Dress Me Up As .A Robber (P) 100, 101, 11 1 Greasy Legs (G) 112
Drilling A Home (G) 112 Greece (G) 140, 143, 148
Drowning In The Sea Of Love (R) Greenfield Morning I .Puahed An Empty Baby Carriage
169, 169, 181, 181, 182 All Over The City (Y) 215
Drumming Is My Madness 175, 176 Grey Cloudy Lies (G) 131, 148
Growing Pain (Y) 221, 228
Guru (G) 112
Gypsies In Flight (R) 170, 181
Early 1970 (R) 154, 165, 177, 178, 180, 182
Easy For You (R) 162, 182
Eat At Home (P) 60
Ebony And Ivory (P) 99, 99, 100, 110, 110
Ebony And Ivory (solo version) (P) 99, 110 Bands Of Love (P) 67
ELECTRONIC SOUND (G) 115, 144 Happy Xmas (War ls Over) m 30, 41, 48, 51, 53, 54
Even When You're Far Away (Y) 224 A Bard Rain's Gonna Fall (Bob Dylan) 120
EYery Man Bu .A Woman Who Loves Him (Y) 45 Bard Times (R) 173, 181
Every Night (P) 56 Bard Times Are Over (J) 45
Every Night live (P) 98 Bari's On Tour (Express) (G) 127, 127, 138, 146, 146, 147
Extension 33 (Y) 224 Have I Told You Lately That I Love You (R) ISO
EXTRA TEXTURE (READ ALL ABOUT IT) (G) Have You Seen An Horizon Lately (Y) 219
128, 146, 148 Have You Seen My Baby (R) 158, 175, 181
Bear Me Lord (G) 116
Heart Of The Country (P) 60, 60
Heart On My Sleeve (R) 173, 174, 181, 181

Index 235
Belen Wheels (P) 68, 104, 105, 110 It Takes A Lot To Laugh/It Takes A Train To Cry
Here Comes The Moon (G) 136, 147 (Bob Dylan) 120
Here Comes The Sun - live (G) 120 I've Ba d Enough (P) 84, 87, 107
Here Today (P) 100 I've Just Seen A Face - live (P) 81
Bey Baby (R) 166, 169, 180, 180 I Want My Love To Res t Tonight (Y) 227
Hi Hi Hi (P) 64, 88, 104, 108 I Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way (R) 154, 182
Hi Hi Hi - live (P) 81
Birake (Y) 217, 226
His Name Is Legs (Ladies And Gentlemen) (G)
131, 148
Bold M e Tight (P) 67 JAMES BOND GREATEST BITS (P) 98
Bold On m 21 Jamrag m 29
Hong Kong Blues (G) 140 Jealous Guy (J) 25, 48, 54
Bot A.s Sun (P) 56 Jet (P) 71, 72, 88, 90, 105, 105, 105, 108, 110
Bow ? m 25 Jet - live (P) 81
Bow Do You Sleep? m 25 John And Yoko m 19
Husbands And Wives (R) 162, 182 John John (Let's Hope For Pe ace) (J) 20
Bushabye Bushabye m 12 JOHN LENNON (box set) (J) 47
John Sinc1air (J) 29, 51 '
Jumpin' Jack Flash (Leon Russell) 120
I Am Your Singer (P) 63
Junior's Farm (P) 75, 75, 88, 105, 106
I'd Be Talking All The Time (R) 153, 182 Junk (P) 56
I'd Have You Any Time (G) 116, 144
Just A Dream (R) 169, 181, 181
I Dig Love (G) 116
I Don't Care Anymore (G) 124, 145
Just Because m 39, 48
Just Like A Woman (Bob Dylan) 123
I Don't Know Why (Y) 224
(Just Like) Starting Over m 42, 45, 48, 53, 54, 54
I Don't Want To Be A Soldie.r Mama m 25
I Felt Like Smashing My Face In A Clear Glass
Window (Y) 221
If Not For You (G) 116
If Only (Y) 221, 228 Kite Song (Y) 221
I Found Out m 21 Kiss Kiss Kiss m 42, 45, 53
If You Believe (G) 136, 147 Kreen - Akore (P) 56
I Have A Woman Inside My Soul (Y) 221, 226
I Know A Place (R) 173
I Know (I Know) m 34, 46
I Lie Around (P) 68, 104 Lady Gaye (R) 166, 169, 180, 180
I'll Give You A Ring (P) 101, 101, 111, 111 Lady Madonna - live (P) 81
I'll Still Love You (R} 166, 180 Las Brisas (R) 166, 180
I'm A Fool To Care (-R) ISO Lazy Dynamite (P) 67
IMAGINE m 25, SO Learning Bow To Love You (G) 131, 132, 146, 147
Imagine m 25, 40, 41, 42, 48, SO, 53, 54 Let 'em In (P) 77, 78, 88, 107, 108
Let 'em In - live (P) 81
I'm Carrying (P) 84, 87, 107
rm Losing You m 45, 54 Let It Be - live (P) 98
I'm Moving On m 45, 54 Let It Down (G) 116
I'm The Greatest (R) 158, 165, 174 175 177 180 Let Me Roll It (P) 72, 72, 105, 105
181, 182 ' ' ' ' Let Me Roll It - live (P) 8 1
I'm Your Angel (J) 45, 47, 54 Let The Rest Of The World Go By (R) 150
Instant Karma m 20, 4 1, 48, SO, 53, 54 Let The Tears Dry (Y) 224, 225, 229
In The Park (G) 112 Letting Go (P) 76, 77, 106
Intuition (J) 34, 46 Letting Go - live (P) 81
I Really Love You (G) 143 Life Itself (G) 140
I Remember Jeep (G) 116 LD'E WITH THE LIONS m 12, 49
I Saw Her Standing There (Elton John) 40, 46, 52 The Light That Has Lighted The World (G) 124, 148
I See Rainbows (Y) 225 Lipstick Traces (On A Cigarette) (R)
Isn't It A Pity (version one) (G) 116, 144, 144 173, 174, 181, 181
Isn't It A Pity (version two) (G) 116 Listen The Snow Is Falling (J) 29, 51
Isolation (J) 21 Listen To What The Man Said (P) 75, 76, 106
Is Winter Here To Stay (Y) 221 228 Listen To What The Man Said - live (P) 81
It Don't Come Easy (R) 154, 16S, 177, 178, 180, 182 Little Lamb Dragonfly (P) 67
It Don't Come Easy - live (R) 120, 154 Little Woman Love (P) 64, 104
It Happened (Y) 223, 229 LIVE AND LET DIE (P) 68, 104
It Is "Be" (G) 127, 138, 146, 147 Live And Let Die (P) 68, 68, 88, 98, 104
IT'S ALRIGHT (I SEE RAINBOWS) (Y) 225, 229 Live And Let Die - live (P) 81
It's Alright (Y) 225 LIVE PEACE IN TORONTO 1969 (J) 20 49
It's Johnny's Birthday (G) 116 Living In A Pet Shop (R) 170 '
It's No Secret (R) 170, 181 LIVING IN THE MATERIAL WORLD (G)
It's So Bard (J) 25, SO 123, 145, 147
It's What You Value (G) 132, 135 Living In The Material World (G) 124, 148
LONDON TOWN (P) 83, 107

236 Working Class Heroes

London Town (P) 84, 87, 107 My Love - live (P) 81
Loneliness (Y) 225, 229 My Man (Y) 224, 225, 229
Lonely Old People (P) 76 My Mummy's Dead m 21
The Long And Winding Road - live (P) 81 Mystic&! One (G) 143
Long Haired Lady (P) 60 My Sweet Lord (G) 116, 119, 135, 135, 137, 138, 14{),
Look At Me m 22 144, 144, 146
Looking Over From My Hotel Window (Y) 221, 228 My Sweet Lord - live (G) 120
The Lord Loves The One That Loves The Lord (G)
124. 148
Loser's Lounge (R) 154, 182
Loup - lst Indian On The Moon (P) 67
Love m 21, 48, 48, 54 Name And Address 84
Love Awake (P) 89 Never Say Goodbye (Y) 225, 229
Love Comes To Every One (G) 136, 137, 147, 147 New York City m 29, 51
Love Don't Last Long (R) 153, 182 Nice Way (R) 176
Love In Song (P) 75, 76, 106 Night And Day 150
Love la A Many Splendoured Thing (R) 150 Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five (P) 72, 105, 105
Love la Strange (P) 63 No Bed For Beatle John m 15
The Lovely Linda (P) 56 Nobody Knows (P) 94
Love Scene (G) 112 Nobody Loves You When You're Down And Out m 35
The Luck Of The Irish m 29, 51 Nobody Sees Me Like You Do (Y) 224
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Elton John) 46 No, No, No (Y) 224
Lucille live (P) 98 No No Song (R) 162, 165, 165, 177, 179, 180, 182, 182
Lunchbox/Odd Sox (P) 93, 109 The Note You Never Wrote (P) 77
Not Guilty (G) 136, 147
No Time Or Space (G) 115
No Words (P) 72, 105
Now Or Never (Y) 221, 228, 228
A Man Like Me (R) 173, 131
No. 9 Dream m 35, 36, 41, 48, 52, 53, 54
Magneto And Titanium Man (P) 76, 77, 106 Nutopian National Anthem m 34, 46
Magneto And Titanium Man - live (P) 81
Manunia (P) 72, 105, 105
Man We Was Lonely (P) 56
Mary Bad A Little Lamb (P) 64, 104
Maya Love (G) 127, 131, 138, 146, 146, 147 Occapella (R) 162, 182
Maybe I'm Amazed (P) 56, 109 Oh My Love m 25
Maybe I'm Amazed live (P) 81, 82, 107 Oh My My (R) 161, 165, 175, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182
McCARTNEY (P) 66, 103, 109 Oh Woman Oh Why (P) 59, 103
McCARTNEY D (P) 94, 109 Oh Yoko m 25
McCARTNEY INTERVIEW (P) 96, 109 Old Dirt Road m 35
Meat City m 33, 34, 46, 51 Old Siam Sir (P) 88, 89, 108
Medicine Ju (P) 76 Old Time Re-Lovin' (R) 173, 174, 181, 181
Medicine Ju live (P) 81 One Day At A Time m 34, 46
Men Men Men (Y) 221, 221, 228, 228 One More Kiss (P) 67
The Mesa (P) 64, 104 One Of Those Days (P) 94
Microbes (G) 112 Only People m 34, 46
Midsummer New York (Y) 215, 217, 226, 226 Only You (R) 161, 162, 165, 177, 179, 180, 182, 182
Million Miles (P) 89 On The Bed (G) 112
MIND GAMES <n 33, 45, 52, 53 On The Way (P) 94
Mind Games m 33, 34, 41, 45, 48, SI, 63, 54 Ooh Baby (You Know That I Love You) (G) 131, 148
Mind Boles (Y) 217, 226 Oo-Wee (R) 162, 165, 180, 182
Mind Train (Y) 217, 217, 226 Oo-you (P) 56
Mind Weaver (Y) 224 Open Your Box m 22
Miss O'Dell (G) 123, 145 Ont or The Blue (G) 116
Momma Miss America (P) 56 Out On The Streets (R) 170, 181
Money m 20 Out The Blue m 34, 46
Monkberry Moon Delight (P) 60 0 'Wind (Y) 217, 226
Monkey See Monkey Do (R) 173. 181
Mother <n 21, 41, 50, 53
Mother Of The Universe (Y) 224 Paper Shoes (Y) 215
A MoWie Like Me (R) 173 Party Secombe (G) 112
Move On Fast (Y) 221, 228, 228 1969 m 20. 49
Move Over Ms. L m 40, 52 Peggy Sue m 39, 47
Mrs. Lennon (Y) 215, 217, 226. 226 Peter The Dealer (Y) 219
Mrs. Vandebilt (P) 71, 105 Photograph (R) 158, 158, 165, 175, 177, 179. 181, 182
Mr. Tambourine Man (Bob Dylan) 120 Pica.uo's Last Words (Drink To Me) (P) 72. 105
Mull or Kintyre (P) 83, 88, 107 108 Picasso's Last Words (Drink To Me) live (P) 81
Mumho (P) 63 Plug Me In (G) 116
Must Do Something About It (P) 78 The Pound la Sinking (P) 100
My Love (P) 64, 67 88, 104, 108 109

Index 237
Power Cut (P) 67 Soft·Bearted lla.Da (G) 136, 137, 147, 147
Power To The People (J) 22, 41, 48, 50, 53, 54 Soft Touch (G) 136, 136, 147, 147
Private Property (R) 176, 182 So Glad To See You Bere (P) 89
Pure Gold (R) 166, 180 Soily - live (P) 81, 82, 107
Pure Smokey (G) 132, 135 Somebody Who Dares (P) 100
Some People Never Know (P) 63
Something - live (G) 123
Radio Play (J) 15 SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND (G) 139, 148
Rainc:loud.s (P) 99, 99, 110, 110 Song For John (Y) 219
Ram On (One) (P) 60 AWAY (R) 174
Ram On (two) (P) 60 s.o.s. (R) 173
Ready Teddy (J) 39, 47 So Sad (G) 127, 138, 146, 147
Reception (P) 89 Spec: Of Dust (Y) 225
Red Lady Too (G) 112 Spin It On (P) 88, 89, 108
RED ROSE SPEEDWAY (P) 67, 104, 109 Spirits Of Ancient Egypt (P) 76
Remember (J) 21 Spirits Of Ancient Egypt - live (P) 81
Remember Love (J) 15, 49 Spooky Weirdness (R) 166, 180
Richard Cory - live (P) 81 Stand By Me (J) 39, 40, 47, 48, 52, 53, 53
RINGO (R) 158, 175, 179, 181 Star Dust (R) 150
RINGO'S ROTOGRAVURE (R) 165, 180 Steel And Glass m 35
RINGO THE 4th (R) 169, 181 Step Lightly (R) 161, 175, 179, 181
Rip It Up (J) 39, 47 STOP AND SMELL TBE ROSES (R) 176, 182
Roc:kestra Theme (P) 89 Stop And Take The Time To Smell The Roses (R)
Roc:kestra Theme - live (P) 98 176, 182
ROCK 'N' ROLL (J) 36, 47, 52, 53 Straight Talk (Y) 221, 228
Roc:lt Show (P) 76, 77 Sue Me Sue You Blues (G) 124, 148
Roc:lt Show - live (P) 81 Summer Day Song (P) 94
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reggae (P) 90, 108 TBE SUMMIT (P) 93
Running Free (R) 173 Sunday Bloody Sunday m 29, 51
Run Of The Mill (G) 116 Sunshine Life For Me (Sail Away Raymond) (R)
Run, Run, Run (Y) 221, 221, 228 158, 175, 181
Sure To Fall (In Love With You) (R) 176
Surprise Surprise (Sweet Bird of Paradox) (J) 35
Sweet Little Sixteen (J) 39, 47
Sally G (P) 75, 75, 105, 106
San Ferry Anne (P) 78
Save The World (G) 35
Scouse's Dream (RJ 170 Tabla And Pakavaj (G) 112
SCOUSE TBE MOUSE (R) 170 Take It Away (P) 100, 101, 104, Ill, Ill
Scouse The Mouse (R) 173 Tango All Night (R) 169, 18 1
Scumbag (J) 29 Teardrops (G) 140, 140, 148, 148
Seaside Woman (Linda Mc:Cartney) 90, 90, 95, 95, 107 Teddy Boy (P) 56
SEASON OF GLASS (Y) 224, 229 Telephone Piec:e (Y) 217
Secret Friend (P) 95 Temporary Secretary (P) 94, 95
See Yourself (G) 132 Thanks For The Pepperoni (G) 116
Send Me Some Lovin' a> 39, 47 That Is All (G) 124, 148
SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY (R) 150, 178, 182 That's The Way It Goes (G) 143
Sentimental Journey (R) 150 That Which I Bave Lost (G) 140
SHAVED FISB (COLLECTABLE LENNON) (J) 41, 53 That Would Be Something (P) 56
She Gets Down On Ber Knees (Y) 224 THIRTY THREE & lfJ (G) 131, 147
She Bits Back (Y) 221, 228 This Be Called A Song (R) 166, 180
She's My Baby (P) 77 This Guitar (Can't Keep From Crying) (G)
Shirankatta (Y) 221 131, 131, 146, 148
Silent Homecoming (R) 154, 182 This Song (G) 131, 132, 146
Silly Love Songs (P) 77, 78, 88, 106, 110 A Thousand Times Yes (Y) 221, 228
Silly Love Songs - live (P) 81 3 Legs (P) 60
Silver Horse (Y) 224 TBRILLINGTON (Perc:y Thrillington) (P) 82
Simple Love Song (R) 170, 181 Tight A$ (J) 34, 45
Simply Shady (G) 127, 138, 146, 147 Time To Bide (P) 78
Singalong Junk (P) 56 Time To Bide live (P) 81
Singing On (G) 112 Tired Of Midnight Blue (G) 131, 148
Single Pigeon (P) 67 Together (J) 12
Sisters 0 Sisters (J) 29, 51, 51 Toilet Piece/Unknown (Y) 217 226
Six O'Cloc:k (R) 161, 175, 181 TOMMY (R) 157, 179 '
Ski-ing (G) 112 Tommy's Holiday Camp (R) 158
Slippin' And Slidin' (J) 39, 47 Tomorrow (P) 63
Smile Away (P) 60 Tomorrow May Never Come (Y) 225
Sneaking Sally Through The Alley (R) 170, 181 Tonight (R) 173, 174, 181
Snookeroo (R) 162, 165, 179, 182 Too Many People (P) 60, 103

238 Working Class Heroes

Touch Me (Y) 215, 226 Will You Touch Me (Y) 224
Toyboat (Y) 224 Wine Women And Loud Happy Son!l)l (R) 164, 182
To You (P) 89 Win;. (R) 169, 181, 181
Treat Her Gently (P) 76 WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND (P) 77. 106, 110
True Love (G ) 132, 135 WINGS GREATEST (P) 87, 107
Try Some Buy Some (G) 124, 148 WINGS OVER AMERICA (P) 78, 107
TUG OF WAR (P) 99, 110 Wino Junlco (P) 77
Tug Of War (P) 100, 101, Ill Winter Rose (P) 89
Turn Of The Wheel (Y) 224 Winter Song (Y) 221
Two Minutes Silence m 15 With A Little Luck (P) 83, 84, 88, 107
TWO VIRGINS m 12, 49 Without Her (R) 153, 182
Two Vuvins m12 Woman m 45, 4S, 48, 53, 64, 54
Woman Don't You Cry For Me (G) 132, 135
Woman Is The Nigger Or The World m
29, 41, 61, 51, 63, 53
Uncle Albert/Admil'al Balsey (P) 60, 88, 103, 108, 110 Woman Or Salem .m 221, 225
UnconscioUSlleu Rules (G) 140 Woman Of The N1ght (R) 153, 182
Under The Merse y Wall (G) 115 Woman Power (Y) 221, 228, 228
UNFINISHED MUSIC No. 1 m 12, 49 Wonderlul Chl'Urtma.stime (P) 90, 108
Unknown Delight (G) 143 Wonderwall To Be Here (G) 112
Working Class Hero m 21, 40
World Of Stone (G) 128, 14S, 148
Wrack My Brain (R) 175, 176, 182
Writing's On The Wall (G) 139, 140
Valentine Day (P) 56
VENUS AND MARS (P) 75, 106, 109
Venus And Man (P) 76, 77
Venus And Man - live (P) 81 Yang Yang (Y) 217, 221, 228
Venus And Man Reprise (P) 76 Ya Ya (one) m 35
Ya Ya (two) m 39, 48
Yellow Glzl (Y) 221, 228
Yer Blues m 20
Wah Wah (G) 116, 144 Yes I'm Yov Angel m 47, 64
Wah Wah - live (G) 120 Yesterday live (P) 81
Waiting (R) 154, 182 YOKO ONOIPLASTIC ONO BAND (Y) 215, 226
Waiting For The Sunriae (Y) 219 You (G) 128, 131, 135, 140, 146, 146, 147, 148 Up (Y) 225 You (Y) 217 Up My Love (G) 140, 143, 148 You Always Blll't The One You Love (R) 150
Walking In The Park With Eloise (Country Ram.) You And Me (Babe) (R) 161, 175, 182
(P) 72, 106 You Are Here m 34, 4S
Walking On Thin Ice (Y) 223, 229 You Belong To Me (R) 176
WALLS AND BRIDGES m 34, 52 You Can't Catch Me m 39, 47
Wanderlust (P) 100 You Don't Know Me At All (R) 166, 180
Warm And Beautiful (P) 78 You Gave Me The Answer (P) 76, 17, 106
Watching The Wheels m 45, 47, 48, 54, 54, 54 You Gave Me The Answer - live (P) 81
Waterfalls (P) 94, 95, 109 Youngblood (Leon Ruuell) (G) 120
THE WEDDING ALBUM m 16, 49 You're Sixteen (R) 161, 161, 165, 175, 177, 179, 180,
Well (Baby Pleue Don't Go) m 29 181, 182
Well Well Well m 21 Yov Love Is Forever (G) 136, 137, 137, 147
We're All Water m 29, 51
We're Open Tonight (P) 89
What A Bastard The World Is (Y) 219
What A Mea (Y) 219 Zoo G 72
Whatever Gets You Thl'u The Night m 34, 35, 41, ang (P)
48, 52, 53, 54
Whatever Gets You Thl'u The Night (Elton John) 46
What Is Life (G) 116, 117, 135, 135, 140, 144 14Q
What's That You're Doing (P) 100
What You Got m 35, 36, 52
When The Night (P) 67
Where Did Our Love Go (R) 173, 181
While My Guitar Gently Weeps live (G) 120
Whispering Grau (R) 150
Who Can See It (G) 120, 148
Who Has Seen The Wind m 20, 50
Who Needs A Heart (R) 173, 181, 181
Why (Y) 215, 226
Why Not (Y) 215
W1LD LIFE (P) 60, 103, 109
Wlld Life (P) 63

Index 239

i'l llillilll lmi'~UI~nll~~illll
3 6490 011 05 1 8 5 2

Working Class Heroes continues the story
of the Beatles since their break-up in the
early seventies. An extraordinary compilation
of facts, figures and anecdotes, it covers
every record, official and unofficial, ever
made by Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and
Starr . . . who wrote the songs, who played
on them, when , where and why.

lt traces their ups-and-downs as solo per-

formers, documenting - in the familiar style
of Beatles' expert Neville Stannard - the
aftermath of the most popular and successful
group the world has ever known.

Illustrated with many rare and previously

unpublished pictures, Working Class Heroes,
together with its companion volume, The
Long & Winding Road, answers any ques-
tion about every Beatles' song ever written
or released.


£5.95 Cover des1gned by Catty & Ph1/ at Watdo s 1983

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