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Can India become a Beggar Free Country?

There is frequent mockery going around that India is a Beggar’s country. This is what
foreigners believe. Almost all the site seeing places in India, be it our Capital city or other
main cities and cultural sites, the number of tourists visiting India is increasing and so are
the number of beggars. These beggars do create trouble for the tourists.
Few institutions report states that 21% beggars in India are 12th failed. So, is begging a new
career option for them? Sounds strange.
Before understanding whether India can become a beggar free country or not, let us see
few categories of beggars:

 There are cases where one cannot be blamed for being poor and therefore start
begging. It is the grim irony of fate, which is responsible for their poverty and the
man is helpless against the iron hand of the destiny.
 The second category comprises people who are fit enough to work and earn living
but maybe they are lazy or whatever the reason maybe they choose not to work.
 The last category is a dangerous one. This includes young children and they are
operated by mafia racket who suppress these children and compel them to work.
If any Government really wants to make the country beggar free, it is important that
beggars rehabilitation centers are established and beggars of the second category can be
involved in simple employment. This can help them feel dignified. Now, the question arises
how do we employ so many people as there is always this dearth of employments available
in our country. To combat this, it is important that capitalism is encouraged and not abused.
When a company earns huge turnovers, it becomes mandatory for them to carry certain
Corporate Social Responsibility. Through this, institutions that help in poverty eradication
can be funded.
There should be some free primary schools and credit societies to give poor people some
sort of education and teach them work and to save them from begging.
The harsh truth here is that since the time of independence, our governments have made
them a medium to acquire votes. If these beggars and poor people do not exist, they will
have no one to make false promises to. These poor people are vulnerable and easy to
manipulate. So, India becoming a beggar free country does not appear to be a near and real
Otherwise also, this problem cannot be nullified because beggars exist in America too
besides it being a developed country.
Even if all the required measures are practically implied, beggars will still remain as it is said
that begging is more of a psychological problem. Making India a beggar-free country is heck
of a task and is impractical.
What is practical is to focus on reducing the number of beggars and this goal can be
achieved if there are action plans and schemes that address destitution.

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