EVS CLass 3 Fianl Last Worksheet

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SESSION 2022 – 23
EVS Revision Worksheet
Name: Date: ____________

Q.1. Multiple Choice Questions.

a. Which of these types of plants need a support to grow.
(i) Herbs (ii) Creepers
(iii) Climbers (iv) Trees

b. I am the flat green part of a plant. I make food for plant.

(i) flower (ii) root
(iii) leaf (iv) stem

c. The edge of a leaf called.

(i) apex (ii) leaf margin
(iii) lamina (iv) None of the above

d. Leaves have a green pigment called.

(i) Chlorophyll (ii) Melanin

e. Rats and snake live in

(i) holes (ii) burrows
(iii) hives (iv) hills

f. These animals are kept by people for their milk, fur, feather or meat.
(i) Domestic animals or farm animals (ii) Wild animals
(iii) None of these

Q.2. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False.

a. Bees and Wasps live in hives. [ ]
b. Carrot is a stem. [ ]
c. Plants give out carbon dioxide. [ ]
d. Stomata are visible to naked eye. [ ]
e. Rose and lily plant is used to make perfume. [ ]

Q.3. Fill in the blanks –

a. dinosaurs and dodo are _______________________ animals.

b. Cauliflower is a _________ that we eat.

c. Grass and onion plants have _____________ roots.

d. Whale, shark and jellyfish live in ___________________,

e. A mangrove a plant that grows in a ____________.

Q.4. Name the following.

a. The green substance present in leaves. _________________________________

b. Gas given out during photosynthesis. __________________________________

c. The part that connects the leaf to the stem. ________________________

d. Friendly animals are called ________________________________________

Q.5. Match the following.

a. heart shaped leaf i. banana
b. round leaves ii. pine
c. needle like leaf iii. mint
d. very large leaf iv. lotus
e. tiny leaf v. peepal

Q.6. Give two examples.

a. Medicinal plants_________________________________________________

b. land animals_____________________________________________________

c. Stem____________________________________________________________
Q,7. What is photosynthesis? Draw the diagram also.




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