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Test 5


I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from

that of the others.

1. A. gather B. there C. ethnic D. although

2. A. lane B. man C.can D. fan
3. A. beside B. seaside C. revise D. recipe
II. Choose the words that has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. explain B. prepare C. prefer D. pretty

2. A. register B. regular C. referee D. reference


I. Chose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (10 points)

1. Doctor: Does your leg ...............? Michael: a little.
A.paint B. ache C. hurt D. wound
2. Why don’t we go to the park .......................? the car B. with a car C. with car D. by the car
3. I telephone the station to make .............of the time of the train.
A.sure B. true C. real D. right
4. He has just taken an examination .....................chemistry.
A.on B. about C. for D. in
5. He likes to sit ...............the river and fish.
A. at B. next C. beside D. along
6. I had to wear ............uniform when I worked in the hotel.
A. a B. some C. any D. an
7. Travel is said to ...............our knowledge.
A. wide B. widen C. be wide D. width
8. I was in such hurry that I left one of my bags ...............
A. out B. aside C. on D. behind
9. We didn’t the station in time to catch the train.
A. get B. reach C. arrive D. make
10. Jane lost her case because it didn’t have ............with her name on.
A. a ticket B. a poster C. a label D. an identification

II. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. (10 points)
1. There (be) no guests at all since I left.
2. I know, but I can’t help ( have) a cup of tea after dinner. It is one of my
greatest pleasures since I quit (smoke).
3. By the end of this week my illness (cost) me $ 100
4. Did you hear me come in last night ? No, I (be) asleep
5. He shouldn’t (tell) about our plan. He can’t keep any secrete.
6. We (have) only bread and butter to eat with our tea as the other tourists (eat)
all the sausage and cakes.
7. If I (tell) before, I would have come to your wedding.
8. She gets used to (take) to the zoo on weekends.

III. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete following
(10 points)
1He is looking ..............thinner
2.The water in this lake is rather ................, like sea water.
3.The.............of his wife was a great blow to him.
4.We'll...........our room with some roses
5.Trung's sense of humor ..........him from other students.
6.The homemade ice-cream ...........after it had been in the freezer for an hour.
7.Where is the his shopping centre?
8.There's no easy this problem.
9.Don’t be so...........; we've only been waiting for a few minutes.
10. In ancient Greece, the owl was a symbol of ............

IV. Change the following sentences into passive form. (5 points)

1. They have to pay the bill before the first of the month.
2. Somebody has locked the box and I can’t open it.
3. They had eaten all the dinner before they finished the conversation.
4. Did the clown make you laugh a lot last night?
5. I hear them singing a sad song.


I. Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each gap. (10 points)
Most people agreed that pop music (1) _____________ in the United
States in the 1950s and that it developed from black American music. Since its
advent, it was especially (2) _____________ young people. In many countries,
they liked listening to it and dancing to it (3) _____________ it was exciting
and it was a way of rebelling against their parents’ generation. Many parents
strongly (4) _____________ of it. They disliked the way many pop stars looked
and acted. They thought the music was rubbish (5) _____________ the group
couldn’t sing or play their instruments properly. They said that pop music
wouldn’t last for long.
Today, attitudes are different. Many of today’s parents are people (6)
_____________ loved the music when they were young and still do. As a result
of this, pop music is no longer for the young. (7) _____________ addition,
some of the stars (8) _____________ careers began a long time ago and who are
now middled-aged are just as popular today as they were then. Their original
fans still like them, perhaps, because they (9) _____________ them of when
they were young. At the same time, new generations of young people buy their
records and go to their concerts. So pop music was not just brief fashion. All
these years (10) _____________, it is more popular than ever.
1. A. had B. started C. was D. invented
2. A. to B. in C. for D. about
3. A. because B. when C. before D. although
4. A. disliked B. discussed C. hated D. disapproved
5. A. or B. so C. and D. then
6. A. who B. whom C. whose D. they
7. A. At B. In C. On D. To
8. A. who B. that C. whom D. whose
9. A. cause B. help C. remind D. advise
10 A. since B. later C. again D. then

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits space .Use
only one word in each space. (10 points)
Football is the most popular game in Britain. You can see that if you go
to ..............(1) of the important matches. Young and old people shout and
cheer ............(2) one side or the onother. Nearly every school ................. (3) its
football team and every boy in Britain ..............(4) much about the game. He
can tell you the name of the ..................(5) in most important teams. He has a
picture of ............(6) and know the results of many matches.
In Britain the football season ................(7) in the middle of August,
usually ...........(8) the second Saturday and ends on the last Saturday in April. At
the beginning of the ................(9) all the school teams and the professional
teams ..............(10) very hard. They want to win their matches.


I. Complete the 2nd sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first
one. (20 points)
1. I find his handwriting very hard to read.
I have .................………………………………………..………………………..
2. He got down to writing a letter as soon as he returned from his work.
No sooner…………………………………………………………………….…..
3. Success depends on your hard work.
The harder .........…………………………………………………………..…
4. “If I were you, I wouldn’t accept his marriage proposal”, said Nam to Lan.
Nam ...……………………...………………………………………….………
5. No matter how hard I tried, I could not open the window.
Try ……………………………………………………………..…….
6. She and I had never been there before.
Neither ....……………................................................…...............
7. Getting a good job doesn’t interest her.
She isn’t ...………...................................................................
8. He was sorry he hadn’t said goodbye to her at the airport.
He regretted ...............................................…………………………..............
9. She has to quit smoking or she will die.
If ...………...........................................................…………....................
10. It is pointless to have that old typewriter repaired.
It is ....................………........................................…………………...............
11. I’m having a number of troubles now because I lost my passport last week.
If I...........................................................................................
12. She had hardly begun to speak before people started interrupting her.
3. “You should have waited for us,” the team leader said to John.
The team leader criticized.......................................................
14. I only made that terrible mistake because I was thinking.
If I...........................................................................................
15. When the police caught him, he was climbing over the garden wall.
The police caught....................................................................
16. It was a bit difficult to get into work this morning.
17. It’s possible that he didn’t get my letter.
He might.................................................................................
18. It’s sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.
19. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.
 Much to...................................................................................

II. Write a paragraph of 120 to 150 by topic below: (20 points)

"Why have many people died of cancer recently?"

Key to test 5
I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
that of the others.(0.6 points)

1. C 2. A 3. D

II. Choose the words that has a different stress pattern from the others.
(0.4 points)

1. D 2. C


I. Chose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (10 points)

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. C
II. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. (10 points)

1.have been 2. having – smoking

3.will have cost 4. had been told
5.have been 6. had – had eaten
7.had been told 8. being taken
III. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete following
sentences. (10 points)
1. appreciatively 2. salty 3. loss 4. beautify 5.
6. hardened 7. entrance 8. solution 9. impatient 10.
IV. Change the following sentences into passive form. (5 points)

1. The bill has to be paid before the first of the month.

2. The box has been locked and it can’t be opened.
3. All the dinner had been eaten before conversation was finished.
4. Were you made to laugh a lot by the clown last night?
5. They are heard to sing a sad song.
I. Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each gap. (10 points)
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C

6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. C
II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits space .Use
only one word in each space. (10 points)
1. one 2. for 3. has 4. knows 5.players/ footballers
6. them 7. begins/ starts 8. on 9. season 10. train
I. Complete the 2nd sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first
one. (20 points)
1. I have difficulty (in) reading his handwriting.
2. No sooner had he returned from his work than he got down to writing a letter.
3. The harder you work, the more successful you are.
4. Nam advised Lan not to accept his marriage proposal.
5. Try as hard as I might, I could not open the window.
6. Neither she nor I had ever been there before.
7. She isn’t interested in getting a good job.
8. He regretted not saying goodbye to her at the airport.
9. If she doesn’t quit smoking, she will die.
10. It is not worth repairing that old typewriter.
1. If I hadn’t lost my passport last week, I would not have had troubles
2. Hardly had she begun to speak when people started interrupting her
3. The team leader criticized John for not waiting for her him
4. If I hadn’t been thinking, I would not have made that terrible mistake
5. The police caught him when he was climbing over the garden wall
6. Getting to work this morning was a bit difficult
7. He might not have got my letter
8. We were going to visit our grandmother so we left early in the morning
9. Sad as it is, unemployment is unlikely to go down this year
10. Much to our regret, your application has not been successful

Much to : nhìu, lắm, trước

III. Write an essay of 120 to 150 by topic below: (20 points)

"Why have many people died of cancer recently?"

- Grammar & Vocabulary: 30%
- Style: 30%
- Content: 40%
THANG ĐIỂM: - Tổng toàn bài : 100

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