Recruitment Cycle

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The recruitment life cycle is the process that begins with a need
or requirement for a candidate and ends when the candidate is successfully hired or
placed. It encompasses everything from that first moment that you decide you need a
new employee to the process of onboarding your new hire.
1) Preparation stage
The first stage of the recruitment process is preparation. In this stage, you are defining
the ideal candidate and preparing your search for that ideal candidate. There are plenty
of factors that you will want to likely consider.
Following are the factors to be considered:

 Hard skills and experience

 Soft skills i.e personal characteristics
2) Sourcing
Next is the sourcing stage. Here, you will want to be searching for both active and
passive candidates. Candidates can come from anywhere, so you’ll definitely want to
cast a wide net.
Some of the places where you can source candidates include your website, social
media websites (like LinkedIn), and job boards. Employee referrals are also an
outstanding source of potential hires.
3) Screening
The third stage is screening. This occurs when you have sourced a large number of
applicants. You and your team will go through the applicants’ resumes to determine
which candidates are qualified.
If you are interested in any applicants, you will likely schedule in-person or phone
interviews. While this stage in the recruitment process can be lengthy, it’s important to
be patient and add promising candidates to your shortlist.
4) Selecting
Selecting is the fourth stage. This is when you actually interview the candidates. It’s
important to remember that a candidate’s CV only reveals so much. You’ll want to ask
detailed questions about the candidate’s experience, skills, and knowledge about your
company. Behavioral interview questions can also be insightful. Finally, depending on
the position, you may need to conduct reference checks or formal background checks.
5) Hiring
The fifth stage is hiring. At this stage in the recruitment process, you’ll choose the
qualified candidate that you want to hire. While this can be difficult, it’s important that
you make the decision based on the role you are hiring for.
6) Onboarding
Finally, onboarding is the sixth stage. Upon the candidate accepting your offer, you will
want to start familiarizing him or her with your organization.
This may include everything from a formal orientation and mandatory training programs
to an organized lunch with the new hire and their colleagues. Don’t slack on this stage,
as it is extremely important to the future success of your new hire.

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