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Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing


MSDNet: a deep neural ensemble model for abnormality detection

and classification of plain radiographs
K. Karthik1   · S. Sowmya Kamath1 

Received: 30 June 2021 / Accepted: 28 March 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

Modern medical diagnostic techniques facilitate accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations in healthcare. Such diag-
nostics procedures are performed daily in large numbers, thus, the clinical interpretation workload of radiologists is very high.
Identification of abnormalities is a predominantly manual task that is performed by radiologists before the medical scans are
available to the patient’s referring doctor for further recommendations. On the other hand, for a radiologist to delineate the
imaging study’s findings/observations as a textual report is also a tedious task. Automated methods for radiographic image
examination for identifying abnormalities and generating reliable radiology report are thus a fundamental requirement in
clinical workflow management applications. In this work, we present an automated approach for abnormality classification,
localization and diagnostic report retrieval for identified abnormalities. We propose MSDNet, an ensemble of Convolutional
Neural models for abnormality classification, which combines the features of multiple CNN models to enhance abnormality
classification performance. The proposed model also is designed to localize and visualize the detected abnormality on the
radiograph image, based on an abnormal region detection algorithm to further optimize the diagnosis quality. Furthermore,
the extracted features generated by MSDNet are used to automatically generate the diagnosis text report using an automatic
content-based report retrieval algorithm. The upper extremity musculo-skeletal images from the MURA dataset and chest
X-ray images from Indiana dataset were used for the experimental evaluation of the proposed approach. The proposed model
achieved promising results, with an accuracy of 82.69%, showing its significant impact on alleviating radiologists’ cognitive
load, thus improving the overall efficiency.

Keywords  Abnormality detection · Health informatics · Medical image classification · Automated report generation

1 Introduction and pneumothorax. As per statistics published by the United

States Bone and Joint Initiative (BMUS 2014), more than 1.7
X-ray imaging serves as a valuable tool for a wide variety billion people worldwide are affected by musculo-skeletal
of medical examinations and diagnostic procedures. One conditions. It is also reported that the occurrence of chronic
major application is the detection of bone fractures, identi- musculo-skeletal conditions in adults is significantly more
fication of types of injuries and existence of foreign objects than that of coronary and heart conditions, and double that
in the concerned area etc. In chest disease diagnosis, X-rays of chronic respiratory conditions, which are ranked at the
play a major part in diagnosing diseases like pneumonia, second and third position as the most common health condi-
cardiomegaly, pulmonary edema, opacity, pleural effusion, tions in the world. Musculoskeletal conditions cause severe
long-term pain and disability (Woolf and Pfleger 2003), and
it has been reported that an average of 30 million people
* K. Karthik visit hospitals every year. This number has steadily increased
year on year, thus causing significant surge in the volume of
S. Sowmya Kamath radiology scans ordered by referring doctors for enabling
diagnosis. At present, identification of abnormalities is a
Healthcare Analytics and Language Engineering (HALE) highly manual task that is performed by radiologists. The
Lab, Department of Information Technology, National medical scans are forwarded to the patient’s referring doctor
Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangaluru, for further recommendations. A radiologist’s routine work
Karnataka 575025, India

K. Karthik, S. Sowmya Kamath

thus requires handling a large amount of data, and the possi- pattern in the medical image. These patterns can be from
bility exists that the intensive labor may lead to misdiagnosis a collection of geometric shapes, like corners, edges, lines,
(Ying et al. 2016). A study carried out to measure radiolo- circles, contours, etc. These shapes are detected by means of
gist exhaustion during the process of interpreting musculo- a specific method or technique, for example, fracture lines
skeletal radiographs (Krupinski et al. 2010), reported that can be detected by various edge detection techniques. How-
a significant decrease in their overall efficiency during the ever, these can be obscured in some scan view orientations,
process of fracture detection from diagnostic scans, at the affecting the detection performance Karthik and Kamath
end of the work day when compared to the beginning. (2021b). Further, the performance of detecting the abnor-
Musculo-skeletal Disorders (MSDs) are often debilitat- malities can be improved by integrating prior knowledge
ing and affect a person’s daily activities to a large extent. of abnormalities, such as the location, size or orientation.
Hairline fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome, ligament tear are With the advancement of applications of artificial intelli-
some examples of such disorders, the potential causes of gence (AI) based models for healthcare, research in Machine
which could be work-related accidents, workplace fatigue, learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) have shown great
sport injuries etc. The daily routines of busy professionals promise in clinical tasks like disease diagnosis (Mukesh
like those who do repetitive tasks on computers (banking, et al. 2021; Katara et al. 2021), medical image classification
software professionals etc), have seen increasing occur- (Faes et al. 2019; Kumar et al. 2016; García-Floriano et al.
rence of neck and lower back pain. Researchers that studied 2019) and image retrieval (Mandikal et al. 2019; Soundal-
occupation-related cases of such professionals observed that gekar et al. 2018; Karthik and Kamath 2021a) among oth-
physical and individual factors affected the health of the ers. The performance of these systems in clinical settings
worker’s musculo-skeletal system over time (Silvian et al. can revolutionise the way healthcare services are delivered,
2011; Wærsted et al. 2010). Playing Related Musculo-skel- especially in a labor-intensive field like radiography, where,
etal Disorder (PRMD) is a common ailment affecting career the radiologist is expected to manually check each scan and
musicians, it has been reported that string quarter players write a list of observations, for enabling diagnosis by the
experience more MSDs than other instrumentalists (Baadjou referring doctors.
et al. 2016). Early diagnosis can help and emerging diagnos- Image processing and Computer Vision (CV) based
tic procedures like physiotherapy, shock wave therapy etc techniques have been applied for designing applications
have been used to treat any mild to medium symptoms of for surgical and imaging interventions. Such systems are
pain caused by MSDs. Primarily, such treatments can help extend clinical decision making capabilities to the healthcare
give some relief in disorders like tendonitis and osteoarthri- professionals, by automating certain tasks related to diagno-
tis (which cause pain, swelling in the elbow, wrist, finger, sis, or by forecasting the severity of several abnormalities
thigh, and other parts of the body, due to overuse) and bone (Nedumkunnel et al. 2021; Mayya et al. 2021). Incorporat-
fractures (Ioppolo et al. 2014). ing AI in these systems to support learning behaviour so
Early detection and effective diagnosis for assessing any that systems can detect abnormalities at the earliest disease
abnormalities in scans, is thus crucial for further treatment. onset in a wide variety of diagnostic media are of critical
Currently, such abnormality detection is predominantly a importance. The radiologist can utilize these insights for
manual task performed by expert radiologists or orthopae- enabling and optimizing the quality of diagnosis (Katara
dists, making it a time-consuming process demanding sig- et al. 2021). The marked region can help the physicians to
nificant time and effort from trained healthcare profession- focus on early and effective treatment recommendations.
als. Given the large volume of diagnostic scans undergone Further, automated retrieval of radiological diagnosis reports
by patients each day in hospitals, this is a significant burden will minimize the manual work involved in reporting obser-
on available healthcare resources, often delaying treatment vations from the radiological images, while also alleviat-
(Dalia et al. 2021). In view of this, automated algorithms for ing the cognitive burden of the radiologists due to the huge
classification and detection of anomalies is a crucial require- load of cases that they typically handle each day. The major
ment and can revolutionize the ways in which healthcare can contributions of the research work presented in this article
be delivered at the point-of-care. are listed below:
Abnormalities that exist in medical images can be char-
acterized and detected in various ways. A traditional and 1. Design of ensemble deep neural model for classifying
common categorization is using a shape model. Certain abnormal radiography images.
abnormalities have unique geometric shapes, and their sizes 2. Design of a boundary detection algorithm for identifying
are helpful for detection of disease staging and prognosis. the region of interest for facilitating anomaly detection.
Considering an example, some tumor regions are round in 3. A content-based medical report retrieval approach for
shape and tend to grow in size. In such cases, detection of automatically generating diagnostic text reports for a
abnormalities can be considered as a task with particular

MSDNet: a deep neural ensemble model for abnormality detection and classification of plain…

given image based on the anomalies identified by the detection using musculoskeletal radiographs. Their model’s
proposed models. performance was not satisfactory as its Cohen Kappa score
was lesser than that of the DenseNet169 model (Rajpurkar
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, we et al. 2017a), but in terms of F1 score, it outperformed the
present a detailed discussion on available recent work in the DenseNet model. Solovyova and Solovyov (2020) proposed
area of interest. Section 3 details the proposed methodology a 169 layered Deep CNN model for abnormal X-ray image
for abnormality classification, localization and text retrieval classification. To increase the quality of the initial pre-pro-
for different radiograph classes. The details of experiments cessing for identifying the region of interest, they used dif-
conducted for benchmarking the proposed approaches are ferent augmentation techniques. Their model performed well
presented in Sect. 4, followed by conclusion and future work. on bone abnormality classification, however, it is limited to
the binary classification problem, i.e., whether an anomaly
exists or not.
2 Related work An ensemble model built on Inception V3, ResNet,
and Xception was developed by Kitamura et al. (2019).
Recent advancements in machine learning and deep learn- The model’s performance was measured considering the
ing architectures have emphasized the potential improve- multiple views of the ankle radiographs, to determine the
ments in classification tasks, with major impact in the field effect of fracture detection. However, the model was trained
of diagnostic image analysis and management. The avail- and tested on a small dataset consisting of 596 normal
ability of large diagnostic image datasets have also helped and abnormal ankle cases. Chung et al. (2018) proposed
in the development of deep learning models for different a deep CNN after augmenting the training dataset to clas-
tasks such as image classification, recognition, segmentation sify proximal humerus fractures. They claimed that their
and so on. Efforts are in progress for developing large, open model showed superior performance when compared with
and standard repositories for facilitating medical image man- the human groups of general physicians and orthopedists.
agement. The MURA dataset made available by Rajpurkar However, their study neglected to address the clinical task
et al. (2017a) consists of an extensive collection of musculo- of fracture region detection, which is of primary importance.
skeletal studies of upper extremities like hand, wrist, elbow, Gale et al. (2017) proposed a hip fracture detection approach
finger, forearm, humerus and shoulder radiography classes. based on deep neural networks on a small annotated data-
The Indiana university dataset (Rajpurkar et al. 2017b) pro- set which includes 3,354 images, with 348 fractures, and
vides chest X-rays with textual reports reporting observed reported good results.
abnormal conditions. Yahalomi et al. (2019) proposed a Faster R-CNN based
Automatically deciding if a radiography study is normal model for identification of fractures in anteroposterior hand
or abnormal is a task that can significantly reduce the bur- X-ray images. Their model was reported to be more accurate
den of radiologists who handle a large volume and variety in detecting the fracture regions than by the radiologist’s
of radiological images each day. Rajpurkar et al. (2017a) findings, however, the model used a small set of diagnosed
developed a deep 169-layer convolutional neural network X-ray images and was pre-trained on the Imagenet dataset.
for predicting the abnormality of musculoskeletal studies. Kim and MacKinnon (2018) used Inception v3 as a trans-
The model predicts a study as abnormal if the prediction rate fer learning approach for deep CNNs for classifying wrist
was found to be greater than 0.5. Here, the variable-sized radiographs into fractured/no-fracture classes. However,
images were scaled to 320×320 and the network weights they used a very small dataset and thus their approach is not
were set according to the pre-trained ImageNet model with a scalable. Krogue et al. (2020) proposed a DenseNet deep
learning rate of 0.0001 and minibatch size of 8. Their results learning model for identification and classification of hip
performed best for wrist and humerus classes using Cohen’s fractures. The model considered a single class image for
kappa statistic with a 95% confidence interval compared prediction, unlike a human interpreter, who may look at sev-
with the three best radiologists. eral views for abnormality classification. Cheng et al. (2019)
Saif et al. (2019) developed a model based on the Capsnet used a deep CNN model to detect and visualize hip fractures.
architecture called a capsule network for identification of Further, their model used Grad-CAM models to check the
abnormalities present in musculoskeletal radiographs. By model’s prediction by highlighting the fracture region.
varying the image size to different pixel sizes, the perfor- Tataru et al. (2017) used three different kinds of CNN
mance of the network was observed at each cases. Also the models like GoogLeNet, InceptionV3 and ResNet, for
proposed capsnet model achieved an improved kappa score classifying chest X-rays as either normal, abnormal, or
of 10% when compared to the 169 layered Densenet model, extremely high-risk. The original image sizes were down-
while using 50% less training data. Banga and Waiganjo sampled to 512*512 and 224×224 from 3000×3000 pixels
(2019) proposed an ensembled 200 model for abnormality before feeding them to the neural model. Among the three,

K. Karthik, S. Sowmya Kamath

GoogleNet performed the best for the chest X-ray image extremity classes like Hand, Forearm, Wrist, Finger, Shoul-
classification task. Adding to this, detecting the abnor- der, Humerus and Elbow. The second dataset, Indiana Uni-
mal region or including the text reports already available versity dataset consists of chest X-ray images, along with
for chest X-rays in the generation of the reports could be indications, findings, and impressions in a textual form
added in their methodology pipeline. Aowal et al. (2017) for each image. These two datasets were together used for
employed DCNN based models for abnormality detection addressing the three different clinical tasks, each involving
in chest X-rays. Their approach showed consistent detection data belonging to two data modalities, X-ray images and
results even when the number of available training examples clinical text reports, thus resulting in multimodal data-
were low, and when random & multiple train-test data splits sets. Due to this, the proposed ensemble models are more
were used. However, the DCNN did not perform well across robust, capable of dealing with varied types of abnormali-
all abnormalities. Their study considered only frontal chest ties in underlying radiographic images. The three clinical
X-ray images and text reports were also not incorporated. tasks undertaken form a significant part of a typical clinical
Harzig et al. (2019) proposed a dual-word LSTM sentence workflow that is managed on a daily basis by a radiologist
generation model separately for abnormal and normal chest in hospital scenarios
X-ray images. They reported that dual-word LSTMs helped
increase the number of distinct sentences, but, failed to iden- 1. Classifying a given diagnostic image as either normal or
tify abnormal regions in the image. abnormal.
Table 1 summarizes the major research works related 2. Abnormal region detection for localize and visualizing
to abnormality classification, localization of the abnormal identified abnormal areas.
region and text report summary for a given image under 3. Automated diagnostic text report generation.
test. From the extensive study of existing works under-
taken, we observed that the problem of classification and The proposed methodology is illustrated in Fig.  1. The
identification of abnormalities still evince significant scope images are first pre-processed, after which they are fed into
for further research. Several challenges exist that need to the proposed neural network model for abnormality classi-
be addressed, introduced due to the multimodal nature of fication. For preprocessing, the images present in the data-
diagnostic images, i.e., the complexity of the image and the sets are of different sizes. The height and the width of each
extensive variations across different imaging modalities. image are not uniform, hence these are resized to a standard
After an image is classified as abnormal, identifying the size of 256 × 256 for AlexNet and 224 × 224 for ResNet
fracture region or detecting the area of abnormality has not to train our models efficiently. The input size was selected
received much attention. It was also observed that, diagnos- based on the input layer of the neural network to preserve
tic text report generation based on the observations obtained the information as much as possible and simultaneously to
from the underlying neural models is under-explored. In the reduce the overall computational cost during training the
overall process of radiography image examination, the inclu- model. Any abnormal regions are identified by the proposed
sion of the identified findings in the form of an automatically abnormal region detection algorithm by marking a bounding
generated textual report would be an added advantage for box around the identified region. Next, the task of automatic
physicians. retrieval of diagnosis report for the given image under test,
In view of these observations, our work encompasses is performed. The methodology adopted for addressing each
developing an ensemble deep neural network model for of these tasks are discussed in more detail in the subsequent
automated abnormality detection and classification. The sections. The proposed MSDNet ensemble model is the core
abnormalities present in the images are identified using our of the pipeline that is used for the three clinical tasks, which
developed abnormal region detection algorithm. Further, the is trained to extract features and image index values that will
features generated by the ensemble neural model are used for facilitate the classification, identification and localization of
the auto retrieval of radiological text reports, thus reducing anomalies, and also automated diagnostic text report genera-
the radiologist’s workload and making it more manageable. tion for a given input image.

3.1 Abnormality classification
3 Proposed approach
The architecture of the proposed MSDNet model is depicted
The proposed approach for abnormality classification, in Fig. 2. The proposed network is built as an ensemble of
abnormality localization and automated diagnostic report the AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al. 2012) and ResNet18 (He et al.
retrieval we used two publicly available standard datasets. 2016) architectures for initial classification of the category of
The first one, the MURA dataset (Rajpurkar et al. 2017a) the image, i.e. abnormal or normal. The global features are
provides musculoskeletal radiograph images of seven upper obtained from the first model by directly feeding the original

Table 1  Summary of key works on abnormality detection and report generation
Author & Year Methodology Merits Observed limitations

Rajpurkar et al. (2017a) Deep CNN model with 169 layers Abnormality prediction if threshold >0.5, binary Only Cohen’s kappa statistic used for evaluation
Tataru et al. (2017) GoogLeNet,InceptionV3 and ResNet Visualization results demonstrate that macroscopic Abnormal region detection is not performed
features are learned effectively by the model
Aowal et al. (2017) Different CNN based models Showed good consistent detection results when the Models did not perform well across all abnormali-
number of training examples is low ties. The study considered only frontal chest X-ray
Kim and MacKinnon (2018) Inception v3 Transfer learning approach, pre-trained on non- Initial dataset size 1,389 wrist images was increased
medical images, applied to the problem of to 11,112 using data augmentation techniques
fracture detection in plain radiographs
Chung et al. (2018) Deep CNN CNN showed a high performance and when com- Small dataset of 1,891 humerus images was used in
pared human groups, the CNN showed superior the study
Saif et al. (2019) Capsule network architecture Performance of the network features vanquished No abnormality region detection
the limitations of CNN
Banga and Waiganjo (2019) Ensembled200 model The model outperformed DenseNet model Cohen Kappa’s score was not computed. No
bounding-box or abnormality region detection
Chada (2019) DenseNet-169, DenseNet-201 and Inception- All three models showed good performance on Only two classes were used for the study, other
ResNetV2 models humerus and finger class of MURA radiograph classes not evaluated
Yahalomi et al. (2019) Faster R-CNN Achieved an accuracy of 96% in identifying frac- A small dataset including hand X-ray images (single
MSDNet: a deep neural ensemble model for abnormality detection and classification of plain…

tures for augmented antero-posterior hand X-ray class) was used and pre-trained on the Imagenet
images dataset
Kitamura et al. (2019) Ensemble Models (Inception V3, Resnet, Xception Models used 3 views for each case and achieved an Only one single class which included 298 normal
CNNs) accuracy of 81% and 298 fractured ankle studies were used
Cheng et al. (2019) DCNN and Grad-CAM Localizing fracture lesions Only four classes, Ankles, elbows, feet, and wrists,
were used in the study
Krogue et al. (2020) DenseNet and bounding box Classification and identification of the model for Limited data size which included only 1849 images
hip fractures achieved with at least expert-level of a single class in its study
Harzig et al. (2019) Dual word LSTM sentence generation model Results proved that the dual word LSTM helped to Did not capture the findings or identification of
increase the number of distinct sentences abnormal regions in the image
Solovyova and Solovyov (2020) Pre-processing and deep 169 layer CNN based The model showed a good results in bone abnor- focused only on the binary classification problem
neural model malities detection

K. Karthik, S. Sowmya Kamath

Fig. 1  Proposed methodology for abnormality classification, detection and report formation

Fig. 2  Architecture of the proposed MSDNet model

input image, while ResNet18 is used to generate the local fea- K M

1 ∑∑
tures, for a pre-processed image fed into the neural network. Jwcce = − w × ykm × log(h𝜃 (xm , k)) (1)
M k=1 m=1 k
A pre-processed image is obtained by finding the maximum
connected components of a binary image. For this, firstly, the where, M gives the number of training examples; K gives
convex-hull of the image is generated and the obtained binary the number of classes; wk is the weight for class k; ykm is the
image is superimposed on the original image to obtain the target label for training example m for class k; xm is the input
maximum connected component. Global and local features for training example m and h𝜃 represents a model with neural
are then combined to form a composite feature set. These con- network weights 𝜃.
catenated features are then fed into the fully-connected layer For the training process, we experimented with different
for final abnormality classification. For this purpose, the final batch sizes like 8, 16, 32, 64 and finally the learning rate
three layers were adjusted as per the requirements of the clas- was set to 0.0001, with batch size of 16 and the number of
sification task. Here, the last three layers were replaced with epochs as 10. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum
a fully connected layer, a softmax layer, and a classification (SGDM) was used as the solver optimizer as it can switch
output layer. The final fully connected layer was redesigned back and forth to reach the optimum path. Hence, momen-
according to the number of classes in the new data for clas- tum parameters were added to reduce the switching problem
sification outputs. The images are fed into the network for gen- (McHugh 2012). The values of SGDM are calculated and
erating the probability of occurrence of any abnormalities in updated as per Eq (2), where, 𝓁 is the iteration number, 𝛼 > 0
each image. If the probability value is equal to or higher than is the learning rate, 𝜃 is the parameter vector, E(𝜃 ) is the loss
0.5, then the image is classified as an abnormal study. Here, the function and 𝛾 determines the contribution of the previous
task is to classify the given image into the category to which gradient step to current iteration.
it belongs. Hence, it is a single-label categorical classification
(i.e., softmax activation), and the standard weighted categori- 𝜃𝓁+1 = 𝜃𝓁 − 𝛼∇E(𝜃𝓁 ) + 𝛾(𝜃𝓁 − 𝜃𝓁−1 ) (2)
cal cross-entropy loss is given by:

MSDNet: a deep neural ensemble model for abnormality detection and classification of plain…

To avoid considering the same data segments at every epoch,

a shuffling parameter value was set before each training
Algorithm 1 Abnormal Region Detection
epoch. i.e., if the mini-batch size cannot uniformly distribute
the training samples, then trainNetwork discards the training Input: An Abnormal Image
data that does not fit into the final complete mini-batch of Output: Boundary region on Abnormal
each epoch. To learn faster in the new layers, we increased Image
the WeightLearnRateFactor and BiasLearnRateFactor val- 1: for i = 1 to length(TestImage) do
ues of the fully connected layer. This was heuristically set 2: IT ← TestImage  Read the test image
to 20, the learning rate is determined by multiplying this 3: Compute the histogram of the image.
factor by the global learning rate, for deriving the biases in 4: Find total histogram values > 1000.
the fully connected layer. The cross-entropy loss function is 5: binaryImage ← grayImage < x-axis value
used as an encoded output. For a single image this loss is with last peak from histogram  Binarization
computed as per Eq. (3), where, M is the number of classes 6: binaryImage ← bwareafilt(binaryImage,
and ŷc is the model’s prediction for that class (i.e. the output 2)  Extract only the two largest blobs
of the softmax for class c). y is a (2× 1) vector of one’s and 7: labeledImage ← bwlabel(binaryImage) 
zero’s, yc is either 1 or 0. Finally, the predicted class label of Label Connected Components
an input X-ray image is obtained at the output layer. 8: binaryImage2 = labeledImage ← 0
M 9: binaryImage2 ← imfill(binaryImage2,
’holes’)  Fill holes

Cross − entropy loss = (yc ⋅ logŷc ) (3)
c=1 10: TestImage(∼ binaryImage2) ← 0  zero
out the other parts of the image
3.2 Abnormal region detection 11: Mask ← grayImage > call  Get a new
binary image
After an image is classified as normal or abnormal, an auto- 12: Mask ← imfill(Mask, ’holes’)  Fill holes
mated analysis of the type of abnormality present in the 13: Mask ← bwareafilt(Mask, 1)  largest
image is of critical importance. The objective is to identify blob selected
potential abnormality findings like hardware artifacts and the 14: Mask ← bwconvhull(Mask)  Take
existence of fractures in the scan image. Boundary detection convex hull
in abnormal images is one of the crucial steps while gener- 15: Get the Centroid points.
ating X-ray scan reports. Currently the abnormal regions 16: Mark bounding box & centroid points for
are manually marked by expert clinicians/physicians. The abnormal regions
developed algorithm can make a change over in the Com- 17: Output abnormalities.
puter Aided Diagnosis medical system, where the boundary 18: end for
will be marked by the system itself if it finds any abnormali-
ties present in the image. In our work, a boundary detection 3.3 Automatic diagnostic report generation
algorithm is incorporated to detect the abnormalities present
in the image. Algorithm 1 illustrates the process of identify- For this task, we attempt to use the modeled features
ing the abnormal regions in the radiograph images. For each extracted from the X-ray images and the expert-written
image, the histogram of the abnormal image is plotted and diagnosis reports for capturing the findings and impres-
the last peak value along the x-axis of the histogram value is sions as a text report for the identified abnormal chest
used to find the two largest objects/blobs on the image. The X-rays taken from the Indiana University dataset.
binarized image with less than the bin location is then used The convolutional layers that build up each of the two
to determine the largest blobs/regions in the image. Next, adapted models based on the architectures of AlexNet and
the connected components of these two blobs are obtained, ResNet-18 were trained to extract disease-specific features
after which the centroid points are found from the convex from the X-ray images. Using these extracted image fea-
hull masked image. Using the centroid points, a bounding tures and the image ID’s, we tried to incorporate the find-
box is marked around the abnormal region of the image. ings and impressions of the image readings as a natural

K. Karthik, S. Sowmya Kamath

Fig. 3  Automatic report generation process for chest X-ray images

language text report for a test chest X-ray image. During

experiments, it is observed that the ensembled high-level
Algorithm 2 Automatic Report Retrieval Algo-
image feature set contributed more to achieve the best
performance for the inclusion of text reports compared
Input: A Sequence of Images and its corre-
to the individual features from ResNet and AlexNet. Fig-
sponding Report.
ure 3 illustrates the process of automatic diagnostic report
Output: Image and its corresponding
Algorithm 2 shows the report retrieval process after the
image classification process. During feature extraction, each 1: For each test feature set

image in the training and test sets is processed for generat- 2: ID’s ← Find the nearest distance in train

ing a feature vector. When a test image feature vector is feature set.
given as a query, the pairwise distance measure is used to 3: Read text report file.  Image’s Report.
compute distances to obtain the matching feature vector with 4: Text ← IID , Indication, Findings & Impres-
the smallest distance from the images in the training set. For sion.
each observation in Y (Test image features), the pairwise 5: for i = 1 to length(TestImage) do
distance method finds the smallest distances by computing 6: I ← TestImage  Read the test image
and comparing the distance values to all the observations in 7: Il ← TestImageLabel  Abnormality label
X (Training image features). It was observed that Cosine and of test image.
Standard Euclidean achieved the smallest distance measure 8: for j = 1 to length(ID) do
with an overall accuracy of 78.03% and 77.26%. Hence, for 9: MI ← TrainImage(ID[i,j])  nearest
this report generation experiment, we used Cosine as the dis- matched train image.
tance measure. When a test image is fed into the model, the 10: Lbl ← TrainImageLabel(ID[i,j]) 
Cosine distance is computed to find the training set’s nearest Abnormality label of matched image.
match. Its equivalent index number is the closest reference, 11: Index ← ID[i, j]  Index number of
using which the image and its description (Indication, Find- matched image.
ings & Impression) are retrieved and displayed. 12: Ind = Text(Index,a)
13: Find = Text(Index,b)
14: Imp = Text(Index,c)  Store
Indication, Findings & Impression of the rel-
evant Index row., where a, b & c are Indica-
tion, Findings & Impression column number
of Report file.
15: end for
16: Display I, Il , MI , Lbl, Ind, Find and Imp.
17: end for

MSDNet: a deep neural ensemble model for abnormality detection and classification of plain…

4 Experimental evaluation hardware artifacts, degenerative joint diseases and other

miscellaneous abnormalities, including lesions and subluxa-
For the experimental evaluation of the proposed model two tions. A sample of normal and abnormal images is shown in
publicly available datasets were used - the MURA and Indi- Fig. 4. The Indiana dataset (Demner-Fushman et al. 2016)
ana Datasets. The MURA dataset (Rajpurkar et al. 2017a) includes 7,470 chest X-Ray images having both frontal and
is provided by the Stanford Group, and consists of mus- lateral images with annotations, which consist of indications,
culoskeletal radiography images of seven upper extremity findings, & impressions in a textual form. We use this data-
classes. The scan images are represented as per the Picture set for the clinical task of abnormality classification and for
Archive and Communication Systems (PACS) specifica- retrieving the reports for a given test image. Hence, only the
tions. The MURA dataset consists of 14,863 studies taken frontal chest X-ray images (comprising of 4,000 images) to
from 12,173 patients, consisting of 40,561 radiography extract the image’s relevant features at the training phase. A
images in total. The dataset is split into training (36,808 sample of this is shown in Table 2.
images, 13,457 studies from 11,184 patients), testing (3,197 First, the predicted class labels are obtained from the deep
images, 1,199 studies from 783 patients) sets. There is no ensemble model. It is observed that, for the seven classes of
overlap in patients between any of the sets and each study the MURA dataset, a total of 3,197 images - 1,667 images
has been labeled manually as either normal or abnormal, were normal and 1,530 images contain abnormal findings
by Stanford Hospital’s board-certified radiologists. Abnor- (fractures, hardware artifacts and joint diseases). In the Indi-
mal images in the dataset contain anomalies like fractures, ana dataset, abnormal/ disease annotations like cardiomegaly,
opacity, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, pulmonary edema,

Fig. 4  Sample images of MURA dataset in hand, forearm, wrist, finger, shoulder, humerus and elbow classes (Upper row—abnormal images;
Lower row—normal images)

Table 2  A sample of Indiana dataset chest X-ray images and its description

Image Indication Findings Impression

Preoperative renal transplant The lungs and pleural spaces show no acute abnormal- No acute pulmonary findings. Mild cardiomegaly
ity. Stable left upper lobe calcified granuloma. Heart
size is mildly enlarged, pulmonary vascularity within
normal limits. Mild tortuosity of the descending
thoracic aorta
Chest and midback pain Stable cardiomediastinal silhouette with tortuous Stable exam with no acute abnormality seen
thoracic aorta. No pneumothorax, pleural effusion or
suspicious focal air space opacity. Stable right lung
base scarring
Shortness of breath The cardiac contours are normal. The lungs are Emphysema without superimposed pneumonia.
hyperinflated with flattening of the diaphragms and
tapering of the distal pulmonary vasculature. There
is no focal consolidation. Thoracic spondylosis. Mild
dextroscoliosis of the spine. Prior anterior cervical

K. Karthik, S. Sowmya Kamath

Table 3  Classification accuracy w.r.t AlexNet, ResNet18 and pro- Table 4  Classification performance w.r.t different classes for the pro-
posed MSDNet model posed MSDNet model
Classes AlexNet ResNet18 MSDNet Classes Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Kappa

Elbow 0.7867 0.8218 0.8317 Elbow 0.8317 0.8383 0.7004 0.736

Finger 0.7113 0.8059 0.7994 Finger 0.7994 0.7897 0.7263 0.671
Forearm 0.7450 0.8112 0.8394 Forearm 0.8394 0.8533 0.6894 0.792
Hand 0.7082 0.7603 0.7832 Hand 0.7832 0.8413 0.6732 0.754
Humerus 0.7985 0.8549 0.8586 Humerus 0.8586 0.7905 0.8086 0.676
Shoulder 0.6956 0.7937 0.7935 Shoulder 0.7935 0.6877 0.7635 0.731
Wrist 0.8067 0.8469 0.8447 Wrist 0.8447 0.8874 0.7458 0.855
Chest 0.8221 0.8571 0.8827 Chest 0.8827 0.8911 0.7231 0.758
Overall 0.7625 0.8218 0.8269 Overall 0.8269 0.8179 0.7662 0.746

fed throught the subsequent layers, to finally produce the

and shortness of breath were identified in the study. Of these local features. In view of this, the global features extracted
sets, 81.79% of images were correctly classified as normal by AlexNet and the local features generated by ResNet were
and 76.62% of images were predicted to be abnormal. The concatenated and fed into the fully-connected layer for final
proposed approach’s performance is measured using standard ensembled classification model that forms MSDNet. The
evaluation metrics like accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and results of this were evident, as the proposed MSDNet mod-
kappa statistics. Sensitivity is a measure of the true positive els outperformed both ResNet and AlexNet, emphasizing
rate or probability of detection, i.e., it indicates the percent- the effectiveness of the global+local feature representations
age of medical scans correctly identified as abnormal. Speci- towards anomaly classification.
ficity (True Negative Rate) gives the percentage of normal The models performed best for the Elbow, Forearm,
medical scans correctly classified as normal. Humerus, Wrist and Chest classes achieving >80% accuracy
Cohen’s kappa statistics (McHugh 2012) measures the which can be seen in Table 4, while, they showed satisfactory
precision or inter-observer agreement, and is especially use- results for the Finger, Hand and Shoulder classes. The other
ful when similar score is assigned to the same data items. two metrics, sensitivity and specificity, capture some addi-
Hence, the outcome is to predict whether the data sample tional aspects of the classification performance. The observed
under test is normal or abnormal. The importance of this sensitivity scores for the Elbow, Forearm, Hand, Wrist and
metric lies in the correct representation of the data meas- Chest classes were in the range of 83% to 89%, indicating
ured. Its range is -1 to +1; a value of 1 indicates a “perfect that the abnormal samples were correctly classified for these
agreement” and a value less than 1 shows “less than a per- classes to a larger extent. However, the specificity scores of
fect agreement”. In some rare situations, the Kappa value classes like Forearm and Hand indicate that the percentage of
can also be negative, signifying that the agreement score normal scans correctly classified as normal was lower than that
is much lower than expected. It is computed as per Eq. (4), of the other classes. The lowest sensitivity score was observed
where Pr(a) is the actual observed agreement, and Pr(c) is for the shoulder class, indicating that the model could not very
the chance agreement. well distinguish between normal and abnormal images, thus
Pr(a) − Pr(c) requiring more detailed scrutiny and analysis. On average,
Kappa = (4) the proposed approach achieved an accuracy rate of 82.69%,
1 − Pr(c)
with sensitivity and specificity scores of 81.79% and 76.62%,
The results of the experimental evaluations conducted respectively, which indicates good classification performance.
with each neural model selected for the comparison are tabu- As discussed earlier, the average Kappa statistic value
lated in Tables 3 and 4. From these results, it was observed was 0.746, which indicates a substantial agreement on the
that ResNet outperformance AlexNet, which can be attrib- test samples with the expected values. However, radio-
uted to its 71 layer deep architecture, in contrast to AlexNet’s graph findings are often judged subjectively, hence we also
25 layer architecture. The feature representation learnt by the used other metrics like accuracy, specificity and sensitiv-
convolution layers of ResNet with different batche sizes also ity, to gain more refined insights into the proposed model’s
contributed to greater accuracy. Another significant reason performance. A graphical plot that illustrates the diag-
is the inclusion of local features, by locating the maximum nostic ability of a classifier system in terms of the Area
connected component on the binary map. The local area is under the ROC1 curve (AUC) is illustrated in Fig. 5. An
cropped from the input image (preprocessed image), and it
  Receiver Operating Characteristic.

MSDNet: a deep neural ensemble model for abnormality detection and classification of plain…

Table 5  Proposed model’s Classes Rajpurkar et al. Saif et al. (2019)∗ Banga and Solovyova and MSDNet
performance w.r.t Kappa Score (2017a) Waiganjo (2019) Solovyov (2020) (pro-
against State-of-the-art models posed)

Elbow 0.710 0.733∗ 0.617 0.715 0.736

Finger 0.389 0.735∗ 0.653 0.395 0.671
Forearm 0.737 0.785∗ 0.695 0.730 0.792
Hand 0.851 0.835∗ 0.584 0.862 0.754
Humerus 0.600 0.754∗ 0.599 0.602 0.676
Shoulder 0.729 0.855∗ 0.659 0.735 0.731
Wrist 0.931 0.907∗ 0.740 0.942 0.855
Chest – – – – 0.758

Approach marked with * used 50% of the data

Table 6  Benchmarking proposed model against state-of-the-art models using standard metrics

Models Layers Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Kappa

MSDNet (Proposed) 25 0.82 0.81 0.76 0.74

DenseNet-169 (Chada 2019) ∗
169 0.79 0.72 0.88 0.60
DenseNet-201 (Chada 2019)∗ 201 0.82 0.81 0.84 0.64
InceptionResNetV2 (Chada 2019)∗ 164 0.82 0.81 0.83 0.64
EnsembleD [Dense, MobileN] (Banga and Waiganjo 2019) > 0.83 0.92 0.73 0.66
EnsembleE [Dense, Xcep] (Banga and Waiganjo 2019) > 0.71 0.77 0.63 0.41
MobileNet (Single) (Banga and Waiganjo 2019) 88 0.67 0.73 0.61 0.34
EnsembleD [MobileN, Xcep] (Banga and Waiganjo 2019) > 0.65 0.73 0.56 0.29

Note: Approach marked with * used Finger and Humerus class only. Average of two class results is pre

The classified images are fed into the proposed abnormal

area detection process (as illustrated in Algorithm 1). The
first phase of the algorithm is to plot the histogram of the
given image i (Fig. 6b), the last peak value along the x-axis
of the histogram value is used to find the two largest objects/
blobs on the image (Fig. 6c). The connected components
of these two blobs are obtained (Fig. 6d), after which the
centroid points are captured from the convex hull masked
image (Fig. 6e). Using the centroid points a bounding box is
marked around the abnormal region of the image (Fig. 6f).
Abnormalities like fractures and cracks, or even hardware
artifacts used for setting bones like metal inserts and screws
are automatically detected and boundary region was marked
using the abnormal detection algorithm. During experimen-
tal validation, it was noted that among a total number of 538
abnormal case images, the algorithm correctly identified 445
Fig. 5  AUROC performance of the proposed ensemble model During the diagnostic report retrieval phase, for each
observation in Y (Test image features) to all the observa-
tions in X (Training image features), the pairwise distance
AUC value of 0.9038 was obtained, indicating good per- is measured using Cosine similarity and Standard Euclidean
formance in distinguishing anomalous and non-anomalous distance measures. It was observed the overall retrieval accu-
scans. racy was 78.03% and 77.26% with reference to the two tech-
niques. Due to its comparatively superior performance, we

K. Karthik, S. Sowmya Kamath

Fig. 6  Illustration of the abnormal area detection process for sample images from the Shoulder class

Fig. 7  Sample of the model

generated report, along with the
ground-truth data

used Cosine similarity as the distance measure. When a test one evaluation metric, i.e., Kappa, hence, it is difficult
image is fed into the model, the Cosine similarity is com- to analyze the result because other standard evaluation
puted to find the nearest match with the Indication, Findings metrics like Accuracy, Sensitivity and Specificity were
& Impression parameters. A sample report that is retrieved not reported for their model. However, the deeper layers
by the model for a given test image is shown in Fig. 7. might have contributed more to those specific classes as is
The proposed model was benchmarked against state- evidenced in the better kappa scores. Several other state-
of-the-art models using Kappa score, the results of which of-the-art models were considered for the benchmarking
are tabulated in Table 5. It can be observed from the table experiments, and were compared with the proposed model,
that the proposed MSDNet model showed substantial the results of which are presented in Table 6. Our model
improvement over other models. However, it underper- outperformed all these state-of-the-art models (in terms of
formed slightly for the Hand and Wrist classes when com- Kappa score), proving its dominance in the abnormality
pared to Rajpurkar et al. (2017a)’s model. They used only prediction clinical task.

MSDNet: a deep neural ensemble model for abnormality detection and classification of plain…

5 Conclusion and future work References

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