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Perkembangan Istilah Brand

Pada awalnya brand sekedar pembeda (Brandr -

Scandinavia untuk cap pd sapi -atribut fisik).
Namun dalam perkembangannya lebih dari sekedar
1. Kesan apa yang diberikan
2. Pengalaman apa yang diperoleh
3. Keuntungan apa yang diraih
4. Hubungan apa yang dihasilkan

Dengan demikian Brand lebih menonjolkan atribut-

atribut psikologisnya yang dinilai oleh konsumen.
It’s not a company logo or advertising. Those things are
controlled by the company. Instead, a brand is a customer’s gut
feeling about a product, service or company
if a brand is a customer’s gut feeling, then
what’s the definition of branding? briefly,
it’s a company’s effort to build lasting
value by delighting customers.
a brand is
about performance
identity + behavior + performance


how others
perceive us

identity behaviour performance

what we believe in how we act & behave what we do and how
what we stand for what we stand for we deliver it
our personality and the relationship we the value we deliver
how we express it form and experiences
people have us
if a brand is a customer’s gut
feeling, then what’s the
definition of branding?

briefly, it’s a company’s

efforts to build lasting value
by delighting customers.
brand value
the actual
financial worth of
the brand
brand equity
the descriptive aspects
of a brand, whether
symbols, imagery,
consumer association and
to reflect the strength
of a brand in term of
consumer perception
is not in the business of
marketing sports shoes and
accessories: the brands
want to get athletes and
ordinary people get the
best out of themselves

Hallmark Inc:
the company is the business of manufacturing and
selling greeting cards. The Hallmark brand is
focus on the “relationship” business and the
brand wants to be the best of helping people to
express their feeling and strengthen the
important relationship in their lives
Janji Sebuah Brand (Brand is a promise)

Di sebuah brand, ada janji (promise) yang ingin

disampaikan oleh perusahaan. Corporate brand tersebut
dirumuskan melalui cara jurnalis menyiapkan berita
dengan mengadopsi unsur 5W + 1H.
What is your category?
How are you different?
Who are your costumer?
Where are they located?
Why are you important?
When do they need you?
(Neumeier, The Brand Gap, 2007)
Harley Davidson:
WHAT : the only motorcycle manufacturer
HOW : that makes big, loud motorcycle
WHO : for macho guys (and macho “wannabees”)
WHERE : mostly in the United States
WHY : who want to join a gang of cowboys
WHEN : in an era of decreasing personal freedom
Brand and Product
Menurut Stephen King dalam Developing New Brands, “a product is
something that is made, in a factory”. A Brand is something that is bought by
customers. A product can be copied by a competitor, a brand is unique.
A brand is not merely a name of a product, it can also be a name of a
Corporate Brand as a distinct area

There are 3 core attributes that define the corporate Brand as a distinct area:
1. Intangibility
2. Complexity
3. Responsibility
When we buy shampoo, we can touch, feel and smell it. We may not know
the chemical make up, but we can describe is attributes with a fair degree of
The use of corporate naming have 2 potential benefits:
1. Economics of communication
2. To communicate to professional audiences such as investors, the
strength of the company, brand portfolio.
Corporate branding is more complex than traditional brand marketing
Ethical imperative
Consumers, investors, and suppliers who believe in Body Shop ethics are not
only buying products but a set of values. Ethics issues confront all companies.
A company doesn’t exist independently of the society within which it operates

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