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- atoms, ions, molecules, or compounds interact

either to form or to break chemical bonds.
- the substances that go into a chemical reaction are
called the reactants, and the substances produced at
the end of the reaction are known as the products. 
- a reverse of a synthesis reaction
- larger reactant is chemically broken down into two
or more smaller products

HYDROLYSIS REACTION (water dissolution)

Three Important Points Made About Chemical
- process by which chemical compounds are broken
apart by the addition of water
1. In some reactions, less complex reactants are
- a reaction with a water molecule that breaks large
combined to form a larger, more complex product.
molecules into smaller ones
(ex. amino acids → protein molecule)
- water is split into two parts
2. In other reactions, a reactant can be broken down,
(ex. breakdown of disaccharide into glucose
or decomposed, into simpler, less complex products.
(ex. carbohydrate molecule → glucose molecule)
3. Atoms are generally associated with other atoms
through chemical bonding or intermolecular forces;
therefore, to synthesize new products or break down
reactants, it is necessary to change the relationship
between atoms.
- all of the synthesis reactions that occur within the
Classification of Chemical Reactions
body are collective called anabolism
SYNTHESIS REACTION - synthesis of complex molecules
- when two or more reactants chemically combine to - growth, maintenance, and repair of the body could
form a new and larger product. not take place without anabolic reactions
- synthesis reactions produce the molecules
characteristic of life, such as ATP, proteins, CATABOLISM
carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. - decomposition reactions occurring in the body are
(ex1. formation of adenosine triphosphate) collectively called catabolism
- large, complex molecules in the body are broken
down into smaller, simple ones
- it includes digestion of food molecules in the
(ex2. protein synthesis) intestine and within cells, the breakdown of fat stores,
and the breakdown of foreign matter and
microorganisms in certain blood cells that protect the


- the process of combination of two molecules with
the  elimination  of water molecule is called
dehydration synthesis.
- a chemical reaction in which a water molecule is
eliminated from the reactant molecule.
- synthesis reaction in which water is a product.
(ex2. combination of 2 amino acids to form a
- all of the anabolic and catabolic reactions in the
body are collectively defined as metabolism.
- describes all the chemical processes that go on
continuously inside your body to keep you alive and
your organs functioning normally, such as breathing,
repairing cells and digesting food. These chemical
processes require energy.

- reaction can proceed from reactants to products or
from products to reactants
- when the rate of product formation is equal to
the rate of the reverse reaction, the reaction system is
said to be at equilibrium.

- the capacity to do work—that is, to move matter.
- energy can be subdivided into potential energy and
kinetic energy.

Potential energy
- stored energy that could do work but not doing so.

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