CHN Rationalization 9 16

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1. Which of the following agencies will be responsible for the protection and promotion of the people’s

a. Local Government Unit

b. Department of Interior and Local Government

c. Department of health

d. Barangay and Municipal Councils

Answer: A

2. A method wherein the superficial soft parts of the body are rubbed, stroked, kneaded, or tapped for
remedial, aesthetic, hygienic, or limited therapeutic purposes

a. Massage

b. Chiropractic

c. Acupuncture

d. Acupressure

Answer: A

3. The Department of Health adopts measures to augment basic services and facilities assigned to LGU’s.
which of the following are priority areas for the provision of assistance by the DOH?

a. Areas where studies/researches on health are conducted

b. Selected areas in the city

c. Areas recommended by government /local officials

d. Less developed and deserving local government units.

Answer: D

4. Which of the following assistance is/are far given by the DOH to the LGU?

a. Provide health information statistics and other necessary data

b. All of these forms of assistance

c. Ensure that public have access to higher and more advanced facilities

d. Monitor and evaluate local health projects, programs and services

Answer: B

5. Primary health care as a strategy in the delivery of health care services is best characterized by:

a. Essential health services accessible and acceptable to the community

b. Partnership between and among the health workers

c. Provision of health services at the district level

d. Top-down decision making

Answer: A

6. The following are strategies of primary health care, EXCEPT:

a. Reorientation and reorganization of the health care systems with the establishment of functional
support mechanism in support of the mandate of devolution under the local government code of 1991.

b. Effective preparation and enabling process for health action at all levels.

c. Mobilization of the people to know their communities and identifying their basic health needs with
the end in view of providing appropriate solutions leading to self-reliance and self-determination.

d. None of the above.

Answer: D

7. The devolution of health services to the local government unit was mandated by:

a. R.A 7160

b. Executive Order 51

c. R.A. 7305

d. R.A. 7164

Answer: A

7. What care strategy has the Department of Health used for accessibility of health?
a. Deregulation of health services

b. Regionalization of health services

c. opening barangay wellness clinics

d. Primary Health Care

Answer: D

8. Which of the following herbal can be recommended for scabies?

a. kakawati fresh leaves

b. kaymito leaves

c. kabuyao leaves

d. lagundi leaves

Answer: D

9. Which of the following alternative care can be recommended for alleviating pain by applying pressure
on the body surfaces?

a. Acupuncture

b. Acupressure

c. Aromatherapy

d. Pranic Healing

Answer: B

10. Should you teach a member of household on the use of niyog-niyugan, what possible disease
condition could be remedied?

a. parasitism

b. none of these

c. fever

d. Constipation

Answer: A

1. A nurse demonstrated caring by helping the family members to: Select that all apply.

a. Become active participants in care

b. Remove themselves from personal care

c. Make health care decision for the patient

d. Have uninterrupted time for family and patient to be together

e. Have opportunities for the family to discuss their concerns

Answer: A, D, E

2. Which of the followings most greatly affects a family’s access to adequate health care, opportunity for
education and sound nutrition?

a. Development

b. Family function

c. Family structure

d. Economic stability

Answer: B

3. Which of the following family assessment are most important for successful family caregiving? Select
that apply:

a. Educational level of family members

b. Cultural references

c. Collaboration between family members

d. Social support

e. Conflict resolution practices

Answer: C, D, E

4. Which of the following phases of parental process that changing identities and role of both husband
and wife are sources of anxieties concerns?
a. Establishment Phase

b. Expectant Phase

c. Parenteral Phase

d. None of the above

Answer: B

5. Particular societal trends may have an influence on the overall health of families and create a
challenge for health care providers, especially the nurses. Of the following trends, which represents the
greatest current health care challenge to nurses?

a. Single-parent families

b. “Sandwiched” or middle generation

c. Alternate relationship patterns

d. “Homelessness”

Answer: D

Rationale: Homelessness is identified as one of the greatest health care challenges to nurses.

6. When a nurse is working with families, the nurse may view the family as context or client. Which of
the following examples demonstrates the view of the family as context?

a. The client’s ability to understand and manage his or her own dietary needs

b. The family’s ability to support the client’s dietary and recreational needs

c. The adjustment of the client and family to changes in diet and exercise

d. The family’s demands on the client based on his or her role performance

Answer: A

Rationale: When the nurse views the family as context, the primary focus is on the health and
development of an individual member existing within the client’s family. The client’s ability to
understand and manage his or her own dietary needs is an example of viewing the family as context.

7. Nurse Jay is observing for the signs of a healthy family. In an assessment of a healthy family, nurse Jay
expects to find that:

a. Minimal influence is exerted on the environment.

b. The structure is flexible enough to adapt to crises

c. A passive response exists to stressors.

d. Change is viewed as detrimental to family processes.

Answer: B

Rationale: A healthy family has a flexible structure that allows adaptable performance of tasks and
acceptance of help from outside the family system. The structure is flexible enough to allow adaptability
but not so flexible that the family lacks cohesiveness and a sense of stability.

8. Nurse Luna is visiting Mrs. Panalo and her family in the community for the first time. In completing
Mrs. Panalo and her family’s assessment, the nurse should begin by:

a. Evaluating communication patterns

b. Testing the family’s ability to cope

c. Determining the family’s structure and attitudes

d. Gathering the health data from all the family members

Answer: C

Rationale: The nurse begins the family assessment by determining the client’s definition of and attitude
toward family and the extent to which the family can be incorporated into nursing care. The nurse also
assesses family form and membership

9. Nurse Sheena is visiting the client and family in the home after the client’s discharge from the Changi
Medical Center. Nurse Sheena seeks to assist the client to return to the home environment. In
implementing family-centered care, the nurse:

a. Assists family members to assume dependent roles

b. Provides his or her own beliefs on how to solve problems

c. Offers information about necessary self-care abilities

d. Works with clients to help them accept blame for their interactions

Answer: C

Rationale: When implementing family-centered care, the nurse adopts the role of educator and offers
information about necessary self-care abilities.

10. Nurse Robert is observing the interaction of family members during a home visit. Nurse Robert
recognizes that the optimal goal of effective communication within the family is:

a. Better financial conditions for the family

b. Socialization among individual members

c. Problem solving and psychological support

d. Role development of individual members

Answer: C

Rationale The optimal goal of effective communication within the family is to be able to problem solve
and provide psychological support for its members.



1. A nurse is preparing to conduct interview survey. Which of the following data should the nurse collect
as a component of the assessment (Select that all Apply:

a. Family structure, characteristics and dynamic

b. Individual who holds power within the community

c. ethnic background and religious affiliation

d. stress management of other healthy lifestyle activities,

Answer: A, C, D

Rationale: Individual who hold power within the community is part of the community assessment not in
the family health nursing assessment

2. A nurse is completing a need assessment and beginning analysis of data. Which of the following
actions should the nurse take first?

a. Determine health patterns within collected data

b. Compile collected data into a database

c. Ensure data collection is complete

d. Identify health needs of the family

Answer: B

Rationale: in order to adequately and appropriately analyze collected data, the nurse must compile
collected data into a database. Then the rest of the choices will follow.

3. A nurse is collecting data to identify health needs in the family. Which of the following examples
should the nurse identify as secondary data? Select that all apply.

a. Birth statistics

b. Previous heath survey

c. Interview survey

d. Community forum

e. Health records

Answer: A, B E

Rationale: Interview and community forum are methods of collecting direct data

4. A nurse is conducting a family assessment. Which of the following data collection methods is the
nurse using when having direct conversation with individual in the family?

a. Key informant interview

b. Participant observation

c. Focus group

d. Health survey

Answer: A

Rationale: Participant observation, focus group, survey do not involve direct conversation with the family

5. A nurse is planning a family health program. Which of the following actions should the nurse include
as part of the evaluation plan?

a. Determine availability of resources to initiate the plan

b. Gain approval for the program from the family leaders

c. Establish a timeline for implementation of intervention

d. Compare program impact to similar programs

Answer: D

Rationale: the nurse should include a comparison of program impact to similar programs as part of the
evaluation plan. The comparison assists with determining the efficiency of the program.



Determine the family health problems in a given situation (Cues/Data)

Cues and Data First level Second level

1. 37 years old mother of
seven at 21 weeks AOG,
with BP of 140/90 and slight
pedal edema; wt.: 118 lbs.
1. Inability to recognize presence
● Mother verbalized “… I
of a possible complication of
did not have problems
pregnancy due to lack of
during my previous
pregnancies, and even
with my present
2. Inability to provide adequate
pregnancy… It just
nursing care to pregnant
happens that I passes
member due to:
by the health center on
a. Lack of knowledge on the
my way to my in-laws so
nature and management of
I thought of dropping by
the health condition
the clinic…. But actually,
b. Lack of knowledge on the
I feel alright…... I don’t Health deficit
nature and extend of
think I have to worry Health threats
nursing care needed
because I have had
3. Failure to utilize community
seven pregnancies and
resources for health care due
they were all normal
a. Failure to perceived
● Busy with work as fish
benefits of health care
vendor, hardly has to go
b. Physical inaccessibility
to the health center for
of required service
follow up
facility or urinalysis in
terms of distance from
● Health center is 3 km.
the house
from the house
● Laboratory for urinalysis
is 10 km away, not
situated within the
4. Rina, three-year-old, weighs Malnutrition as a Health 1. Inability to recognize the
10 kgs, look pale, lethargic Deficit presence of malnutrition in a
and apathetic, markedly dependent member due to lack
underweight and of knowledge
undernourished 2. Inability to decide about taking
appropriate health action due to
failure to comprehend the
nature, magnitude and scope of
● Mother verbalized “Rina
the problem
is really small built since
3. Inability to provide adequate
she was a baby. She is
nursing care to a member
not fond of eating too.”
suffering from malnutrition due
● Three preschooler
a. Lack of knowledge
members usually are
about health condition
left to care of eight-year-
b. Lack of knowledge on
old sister when parents
the nature and extent
are working and other
of nursing care needed
children are in school
c. Inadequate resources
for care
1. Inability to provide adequate
nursing acre to preschooler
5. Three preschoolers have
with scabies due to:
a. Lack of knowledge
● Mother verbalized, “I
about health condition
have such a lot of things
b. Inadequate knowledge
to attend to as a fish
of the nature and
vendor that I could
Scabies as Health Deficit extend of nursing care
hardly see the needs of
the children……
c. Inadequate family
● Family income is
resources for care:
P500.00 a day
i. Financial
● Water supply is taken
from a public well ½ km,
ii. Physical
from the house




Instruction: For 20 points, accomplish the family plan of care of a family with scabies as a health deficit.

Name of Family __________________________

Health Problems Family Nursing Problems Goals Objectives

Scabies as 1. inability to recognize the After nursing After nursing

Health Deficit presence of the problem due intervention, the intervention, the family
to ignorance of facts parents will manage members will
2. inability to provide home care for the children accomplish the
that is conducive to with scabies following:
maintaining health
maintenance a personal 1. become aware and
development due to: knowledgeable of the
a. inadequate family presence of health
resources problems among the
b. lack of information family
regarding preventive
2. be acquainted of the
nurse and extent of the
3. Failure to utilize
community health resources 3. Implement the agreed
due to upon measures in
a. lack of appropriate preventing the
information reoccurrence of the
b. negative attitude (hiya) illness by improving
personal hygiene and
home sanitation despite
limited resources

4. be proficient in
providing nursing care
to family members at

Intervention Methods Methods of Nursing Resources Required Evaluation

Family Contact

Help family members Home Visit Time and effort of both Criteria: knowledge on
understand the nature the nurse and the family caring for scabies
of the present problem
by intensively Monetary allowance for Standards
explaining and nurse’s transportation
expenses. In 2-3 visits, the mother
discussing with the
will demonstrate how to
family members.
care for a child with



The instructor will prepare 10 questions that can enhance critical thinking skills. Students will work by
themselves to answer these questions and write the rationale for each question.

Multiple Choice (For 1-10 items, please refer to the questions in the Guided / Rationalization Activity)

1. With regards to illness prevention activities as part of nursing care, which of the following will help
clients most?

a. Maintain maximum functions

b. Identify disease symptoms

c. Reduce the cost of health care

d. Promote health habits

Answer: D

2. Nurse Febe is scheduled for a home visit to achieve the best of health care in the home. The first step
during a home visit is one of the following:

a. Count the available appliances

b. Explain purpose of the visit

c. Greet client and introduce self

d. Wash hands and perform procedures

Answer: C

3. Which one of the following is an important principle during a home visit?

a. Inquiry about health and welfare

b. Performance for health assessment

c. Use of available information about the client

d. Evaluation of past services to the family

Answer: A

4. The frequency of a home visit is determined by which one of the following?

a. Administration of medication

b. Need for health teaching

c. Result of health studied

d. Acceptance of the family

Answer: D

5. The procedure of the proper bag technique during a home visit is to implement which one of the
following principles?

a. Replace supplies fully every visit

b. Avoid transfer of infection

c. Clean supplies ready for use

d. PHN bag is an indispensable equipment

Answer: C

True or False: Write FAMILY if the statement is true and HEALTH if the statement is false.

1. Health Education is a cooperative effort requiring all nurses to work together in close teamwork with
families, groups, and the community.

Answer: Health/ FALSE

2. Health Education aims to help people make use of their own efforts and education to improve their
conditions of living.

Answer: Family / TRUE

3. Health Education makes careful evaluation of the planning, organization, and implementation of all
health education programs and activities.

Answer: Family / TRUE

4. Health Education makes use of supplementary aids and devices to help with the verbal instructions

Answer: Family / TRUE

5. Health Education meets the needs, interests, and problems of all people.

Answer: Health / FALSE



The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students and will encourage them to ask questions
and to discuss among their classmates for 20 minutes.

1. Which of the following personnel do not have the “right to know” medical information?

A. The facility’s Performance Improvement Director who is not a healthcare person and has no direct
contact with clients.

B. A nursing student who is caring for a client under the supervision of the nursing instructor.

C. The facility’s Safety Officer who is not a healthcare person and who has no direct contact with clients

D.A department supervisor with no direct or indirect care duties

Answer: D

Rationale: A department supervisor with no direct or indirect care duties does not have the “right to
know” medical information; all of the others have the “right to know” medical information because they
provide direct or indirect care to clients.

2.The nurse is talking with the family of an 18 months-old newly diagnosed with retinoblastoma. A
priority in communicating with the parents is for recording and reporting to the respective health

A. Discuss the need for genetic counseling

B. Inform them that combined therapy is seldom effective

C. Prepare for the child's permanent disfigurement

D. Suggest that total blindness may follow surgery

Answer: A

Rationale: Discussing the need for genetic counseling, the hereditary aspects of this disease are well
documented. While the parents focus on the needs of this child, they should be aware that the risk is
high for future offspring
3.The patient records obtained by the nurse should be reported to the concerned health agency to
protects clients in terms of their rights to what? Select all that apply.

A. Privacy and to have their medical information confidential unless the client formally approves the
sharing of this information with others such as family members.

B. Make healthcare decisions and to have these decisions protected and communicated to others when
they are no longer competent to do so.

C. Be fully informed about all treatments in term of their benefits, risks and alternatives to them so the
client can make a knowledgeable and informed decision about whether or not to agree to having it.

D. Make decisions about who their health care provider is without any coercion or undue influence of
others including healthcare providers.

Answer: B, D

Rationale: supports and upholds the clients’ rights to confidentially and the privacy of their medical
related information regardless of its form. It covers hard copy and electronic medical records unless the
client has formally approved the sharing of this information with others such as family members.

4. The community health nurse monitor clients registered in long-term regimens, such as the Multi-Drug
Therapy, which component will be most useful?

A. Tally report

B. Output report

C. Target/client list

D. Individual health record

Answer: C

Rationale: The MDT Client List is a record of clients enrolled in MDT and other relevant data, such as
dates when clients collected their monthly supply of drugs.

5. Which of the following is the mission of the Department of Health?

A. Health for all Filipinos

B. Ensure the accessibility of recording and reporting the result of health care delivery system.

C. Improve the general health status of the population

D. Health in the hands of the Filipino people by the year 2020

Answer: B

Rationale: Ensure the accessibility and quality of health care

6. RA 7160 mandates devolution of basic services from the national government to local government
units. Which of the following is the major goal of devolution?

A. To strengthen local government units

B. To allow greater autonomy to local government units.

C. To empower the people and promote their self-reliance

D. To make basic services more accessible to the people

Answer: C

Rationale: To empower the people and promote their self-reliance

People empowerment is the basic motivation behind devolution of basic services to LGU’s.

7. As an epidemiologist, the nurse is responsible for reporting cases or notifiable diseases. What law
mandates reporting cases of notifiable diseases?

A. R.A 11332

B. RA.3753

C. RA 1054

D. RA 1082

Answer: A

Rationale: R.A. 11332, the Law on Reporting of Communicable Diseases, mandated the reporting of
diseases listed in the law to the nearest health station.

8. Which type of family-nurse contact will provide you with the best opportunity to observe family
dynamics during the collection of family information for data purposes?

A. Clinic consultation

B. Group conferences

C. Home visit

D. Written communication

Answer: C

Rationale: Home visit. Dynamics of family relationships can best be observed in the family’s natural
environment, which is the home.
9. Which of the following is an epidemiologic function of the nurse during an epidemic?

A Conducting assessment of suspected cases to detect the communicable diseases

B. Monitoring the condition of the cases affected by the communicable disease

C. Participating in the investigation to determine the source of epidemic

D. Teaching the community on preventive measures against the disease

Answer: C

Rationale: Participating in the investigation to determine the source of the epidemic. Epidemiology is the
study of patterns of occurrence and distribution of disease in the community, as well as the factors that
affect disease patterns. The purpose of an epidemiologic investigation is to identify the source of an
epidemic, i.e., what brought about the epidemic.

10. The Field Health Services and information System (FHSIS) is the recording and reporting system in
public health) care in the Philippines. The monthly field health service activity report is a form used in
which of the components of the FHSIS?

A. Tally report

B. Output report

C. Target/client list

D. Individual health record

Answer: A

Rationale: A tally report is prepared monthly or quarterly by the RHU personnel and transmitted to the
Provincial Health Office.



The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students and will encourage them to ask questions
and to discuss among their classmates for 20 minutes.

1.Which minerals and vitamins usually are recommended to supplement a pregnant woman's diet?

a. Fat-soluble vitamins A and D

b. Water-soluble vitamins C and B6

c. Iron and folate

d. Calcium and zinc

Answer: C.

Rationale: Fat-soluble vitamins should be supplemented as a medical prescription, as vitamin D might be

for lactose-intolerant women. Water-soluble vitamin C sometimes is consumed in excess naturally;
vitamin B6 is prescribed only if the woman has a very poor diet. Iron generally should be supplemented,
and folic acid supplements often are needed because folate is so important. Zinc sometimes is
supplemented. Most women get enough calcium.

2. With regard to nutritional needs during lactation, a maternity nurse should be aware that:

a. The mother's intake of vitamin C, zinc, and protein now can be lower than during pregnancy.

b. Caffeine consumed by the mother accumulates in the infant, who therefore may be unusually active
and wakeful.

c. Critical iron and folic acid levels must be maintained.

d. Lactating women can go back to their prepregnant calorie intake

Answer: B.

Rationale: Vitamin C, zinc, and protein levels need to be moderately higher during lactation than during
pregnancy. A lactating woman needs to avoid consuming too much caffeine. The recommendations for
iron and folic acid are somewhat lower during lactation. Lactating women should consume about 500
kcal more than their pre-pregnancy intake, at least 1800 kcal daily overall.

3. When counseling a client about getting enough iron in her diet, the maternity nurse should tell her

a. Milk, coffee, and tea aid iron absorption if consumed at the same time as iron.

b. Iron absorption is inhibited by a diet rich in vitamin C.

c. Iron supplements are permissible for children in small doses.

d. Constipation is common with iron supplements.

Answer: D

Rationale: These beverages inhibit iron absorption when consumed at the same time as iron. Vitamin C
promotes iron absorption. Children who ingest iron can get very sick and even die. Constipation can be a

4. Which suggestions should the nurse include when teaching about appropriate weight gain in
pregnancy? Select all that apply.

a. Underweight women should gain 12.5 to 18 kg.

b. Obese women should gain at least 7 to 11.5 kg.

c. Adolescents are encouraged to strive for weight gains at the upper end of the recommended scale.

d. In twin gestations, the weight gain recommended for a single fetus pregnancy should simply be

e. Normal weight women should gain 11.5 to 16 kg.

Answer: A. B, C, E

Rationale: Underweight women need to gain the most. Obese women need to gain weight during
pregnancy to equal the weight of the products of conception. Adolescents are still growing; therefore,
their bodies naturally compete for nutrients with the fetus. Women bearing twins need to gain more
weight (usually 16 to 20 kg) but not necessarily twice as much. Normal weight women should gain 11.5
to 16kg.

5.The nurse is discussing storage of breast milk with a mother whose infant is preterm and in the special
care unit. What statement would indicate that the mother needs additional teaching?

a. "I can store my breast milk in the refrigerator for 3 months."

b. "I can store my breast milk in the freezer for 3 months."

c. "I can store my breast milk at room temperature for 8 hours."

d. "I can store my breast milk in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days."

Answer: A

Rationale: If the mother states that she can store her breast milk in the refrigerator for 3 months, she
needs additional teaching about safe storage. Breast milk can be stored at room temperature for 8
hours, in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days, in the freezer for 3 months, or in a deep freezer for 6 to 12
months. It is accurate and does not require additional teaching if the mother states that she can store
her breast milk in the freezer for 3 months, at room temperature for 8 hours, and in the refrigerator for 3
to 5 days.
6.With regard to the nutrient needs of breastfed and formula-fed infants, nurses should understand that:

a. Breastfed infants need extra water in hot climates.

b. During the first 3 months breastfed infants consumes more energy than do formula-fed infants.

c. Breastfeeding infants should receive oral vitamin D drops daily at least during the first 2 months.

d. Vitamin K injections at birth are not needed for infants fed on specially enriched formula.

Answer: C

Rationale: Human milk contains only small amounts of vitamin D. Neither breastfed nor formula-fed
infants need to be given water, even in very hot climates. During the first 3 months formula-fed infants
consume more energy than do breastfed infants and therefore tend to grow more rapidly. Vitamin K
shots are required for all infants because the bacteria that produce it are absent from the baby's
stomach at birth.

7.All parents are entitled to a birthing environment in which breastfeeding is promoted and supported.
The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative endorsed by WHO and UNICEF was founded to encourage
institutions to offer optimal levels of care for lactating mothers. Which instruction is not included in the
"Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding for Hospitals"?

a. Give newborns no food or drink other than breast milk.

b. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is communicated to all staff.

c. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within one half hour of birth.

d. Give artificial teats or pacifiers as necessary.

Answer: D

Rationale: No artificial teats or pacifiers (also called dummies or soothers) should be given to
breastfeeding infants. No other food or drink should be given to the newborn unless medically indicated.
The breastfeeding policy should be routinely communicated to all health care staff. All staff should be
trained in the skills necessary to maintain this policy.

Breastfeeding should be initiated within one half hour of birth, and all mothers need to be shown how to
maintain lactation even if they are separated from their babies.

8. Nutrition is an alterable and important preventive measure for a variety of potential problems such as
low birth weight and prematurity. While completing the physical assessment of the pregnant client, the
nurse is able to evaluate the client's nutritional status by observing a number of physical signs. Which
physical sign indicates to the nurse that the client has unmet nutritional needs?

a. Normal heart rate, rhythm, and blood pressure

b. Bright, clear, and shiny eyes

c. Alert and responsive with good endurance

d. Edema, tender calves, and tingling

Answer: D

Rationale: The physiologic changes of pregnancy may complicate the interpretation of physical findings.
Lower extremity edema often occurs when caloric and protein deficiencies are present; however, edema
in the lower extremities may also be a common physical finding during the third trimester. Completing a
thorough health history and physical assessment and requesting further laboratory testing, if indicated,
are essential for the nurse. The malnourished pregnant client may display rapid heart rate, abnormal
rhythm, enlarged heart, and elevated blood pressure. A client receiving adequate nutrition will have
bright, shiny eyes with no sores and moist, pink membranes. Pale or red membranes, dryness, infection,
dull appearance of the cornea, or blue sclerae are signs of poor nutrition. A client who is alert and
responsive with good endurance is well nourished. A listless, cachectic, easily fatigued, and tired
presentation would be an indication of a poor nutritional status.

9. What are the breast milk composition? Select that all apply

a. Triglycerides

b. Lactose

c. Whey proteins

d. Vitamins, Minerals, and Trace Elements

Answer: A, B, C, D

Rationale: All options are correct.

10. What deficiencies to be aware of during the complementary feeding stage?

a. Vitamin A and iron

b. A

c. E

d. Vit D

Answer: A

Rationale: Iron deficiency anemia impairs immunity and reduces physical and mental capacities of
populations. Iodine deficiency is the leading cause of mental and physical retardation in infants and
children worldwide. As with vitamin A and iron, iodine deficiency increases the risk of death in

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