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1. Isilah Nama, No. Absen, dan Kelas.

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No. Absen


Setiap Soal
Competence Test Bernilai 2 poin.

A. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!

1. Mother : Don’t have too much ice cream.
You will have ….
Riska : Yes, Mum.
a. a backache
b. a sore eye
c. measles
d. a cough

From the picture, we can conclude that ....

a. the boy has eaten too much candy
b. the boy was caught in the rain
c. the boy has just eaten spicy food
d. the boy likes to do sport
3. Mother brings … to the pharmacy.
a. injection
b. stethoscope
c. medicine
d. prescription
4. Tia : …
Yuli : No, I am not. I feel ill.
The correct expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Are you all right?
b. Good day.
c. Is there anything I can do?
d. Are you ill?
5. Doni is ill now. His mother takes him to meet a ….
a. teacher
b. coach
c. doctor
d. shopkeeper
6. If we have got a toothache, we should go to the ….
a. dentist
b. fruit seller
c. shop
d. supermarket
7. Nina : …
Deni : I’ve got a stomach ache.
The correct expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. How often do you take the medicine?
b. Have you met a doctor?
c. What’s wrong with you?
d. Are you still ill?
8. A : What’s the matter with your eyes?
B : I’ve got a ….
a. sore throat
b. headache
c. sore eye
d. broken leg
9. Rika’s forehead is warm. She looks so pale.
She has ….
a. a cough
b. a cold
c. a fever
d. measles
10. From the picture, we can conclude that ….
a. I will have a sore eye if I eat the food
b. I will have a stomach ache if I eat the food
c. I will have a toothache if I eat the food
d. I will have a headache if I eat the food
11. Doctor checks patient’s heartbeat using a ….
a. injection
b. stethoscope
c. medicine
d. prescription
12. “Adi doesn’t go to school today. He has headache and fever.”
Based on the sentence, what is the suitable advise for Adi?
a. Adi should run.
b. Adi should take a rest.
c. Adi should swim.
d. Adi should take a vacation.
13. Dani : I can’t eat
Beni : Are you all right?
Dani : No, I am not. I have a ….
Which word is suitable to complete the dialogue?
a. sore eye
b. broken leg
c. sore throat
d. measles
14. You – okay – ? – are
The correct arrangement of sentence is ….
a. Are you okay?
b. Okay are you?
c. You okay are?
d. Are okay you?
15. Linda got a … because she likes eating chocolate and sweets too much.
a. stomach ache
b. headache
c. cold
d. toothache
16. The antonym of ‘healthy’ is ‘….’
a. ill
b. cold
c. cough
d. recover
17. A : What happens to father?
B : He has a ….
a. earache
b. sore eye
c. backache
d. headache
18. A : What’s wrong with you?
B : I have a ….
a. flu
b. fever
c. cough
d. headache
19. Based on the picture, what happens to the boy?
a. The boy has a broken leg.
b. The boy has a cold.
c. The boy has measles.
d. The boy has a broken arm.
20. The English of ‘campak’ is ‘....’
a. cold
b. toothache
c. stomach ache
d. measles
Setiap Soal
Bernilai 2 poin.
B. Isilah dengan jawaban yang benar!

1. Ria :

Tari : No, I am not. I have got a headache.

2. Mika is ill now. She has got a fever. Her mother takes her to meet a
3. A : What’s wrong with your grandfather?

B : He has got a

4. Toni has got a because he is lazy to brush his teeth.

5. Wina likes eating spicy food. Now she has got a

6. A : What’s wrong with you?

B : I have

7. Rina has a runny nose. She has

8. Wendi : What’s wrong with your leg?

Dino : I have got a because of the

accident last week.

9. Marina has got a cough now. She takes three times a day.

10. The Indonesian of ‘headache’ is

Setiap Soal
Bernilai 8 poin.
C. Isilah dengan jawaban yang benar!
Mother :
Rita, wake up. It’s already six o’clock. You’ll be late for school.
Rita :
Mum, I feel bad today.
Mother :
Oh, you look pale, and your forehead is warm. I think you have a fever.
Rita :
I think so, Mum. I have headache too.
Mother :
Wait a minute, dear. I will get you a medicine.
Take this pill. I hope you will get better.
Rita : Thank you, Mum.
Mother : You are welcome.
1. Where does the dialogue take place?
2. What’s wrong with Rita?

3. What’s the matter with Rita’s forehead?

4. What does Rita’s mother do?

5. What should Rita do after taking the medicine?


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