Tutor PLC 1

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GX Work 2

 Online => Read From PLC => PLC Server (EXCPU) => ok
 Transfer Ref Up Conecton => ethernet board (klik) => yes => PLC module =>
search for ex cpu on network => klik => muncul IP adress => klik yang akan dipilih
=> ok => conecton test (ok) => OK
 Online data operaton => select all => execute
 Project => POU => program=> klik program yang dipilih

Setting Display P C b r r( atO ) a yen .) aG Gob 9G000000000

1. Comunicaton => comunicaton confguraton => PC Side I/F pilih ethernet => OK
2. Comunicaton => Read from GOT => GOT IP adress => (masukan alamat yang
ingin dipakai => OK => GOTread => yes => Ok
3. Ubah display harus write from GOT

Tr ining C b Scheider Sim ntc

=> Progam kontrol turbidity (parameter air) deepwhell
=> PLC Siemens
=> Bahasa SCL
=> Compile, terintegrasi semua
=> Firmware harus sesuai spek
4. Harus beli laptop 64 bit ram 8 giga

boplaP D b
=> Read from PLC => Select PLC Series ( pilih PLC yang sesuai ) misal FXCPU => OK =>
Serial USB =>USB GOT => OK => Conecton Test => Succesfuly Coneced with the FX3U
(L) CPU => OK => muncul read from PLC => main PLC parameter atau klik param +
prog => excute => yes => OK => Close

=> Send D b
Online => write PLC => klik pram + program => excute => yes => yes => OK
=> Modif plarogr m C b s b t(nning
Online=> monitor => monitor write mode
Stelah selesai ; convert => convert => convert (online change)

PLC baru untukl line 3 harus setng IP Adress ( untuk PC baru )

Setng Lan => internet protocol version A klik 2x.

C b 6xwork2

IP address 3.15 (ozzone) 3.15 => HMI 16

IP address 3.17 (RO) 3.17 => HMI 18
IP Address 3,19 (WTP) 3.19 => HMI 20
1) PLC Baru (Nelsof Series GX works 2)
2) PLC lama (Nelsof Series GXDeveoper)
Bahasa PLC : Leader
Fucton Block

 Project => New -- Series FXCPU => Type => FX3u/FX3UC => CX
 (Prog) write main, klik kanan => edit => insert row
 Setelah selesai program compile build\

bor sim(y si
 Debug => start/stop simulaton => write PLC tunggu => Close
 M, bit memori yang akan dionkan, tekan /klik => debug => modify value => tekan
off => tekan ON
 Matkan simulasi... Debug => start / stop
 Saat mau edit program harus ( write mode ) jangan read mode
 Berikan nama label, masuk edit => Documentaton => device comment =>
double click yang ingin diberikan name
 Memberi nama program dalam sat pile, edit => documentaton => statement
 53(-) soket ke inverter reduce speed
 55(+) soket ke inverter increase speed

Crogr m bonbroy aIndirecb) a C b Siemenb SPm ntc

1 byte = 8 bit
1word = 2 byte = 16 bit
1DWord = 2 Word = 4 byte = 32 bit

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