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School :Smp negeri 1 silahisabungan

Subject :English
Grade/Semester :Ix
Topic :Let’s live in a healty life
Time Allocation :2x40 minutes

KI-1: Appreciate and live up to the teachings of the religion they adhere to.
KI-2: Demonstrate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (tolerant, mutual
cooperation), courteous, and confident in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment within the range of relationships and existence
KI-3: Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on curiosity about
science, technology, art, culture related to visible phenomena and events
KI-4: Trying, processing, and presenting in the concrete realm (using, unraveling, assembling,
modifying, and making) and the abstract realm (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and
composing) in accordance.


Basic Competence Indicators Of Competency Achievement
3.2 applies social, text structure, and 3.1.1 Pronounce several expressions about
linguistic elements of transactional agreement and disagreement expressions
interaction text oral and written whose along with their responses according to the
functions involve giving and asking for context of their use
action information of intent, related to 3.1.2 Identify several expressions about
objectives, consent to carry out an action / agreement and disagreement expressions and
activity, according to the context their use. their responses, according to the context of
(Note the linguistic elements of the to, in their use in the available dialogue
order that to, so (dis) 3.1.3 Classify some expressions about
agreement expressions and disagreement in
accordance with the context of its use in the
available dialogue along with the response to
the language of the expression along with
3.1.4 Determining the agreement element
and the disagreement response according to
the context.
3.1.5 Determine the linguistic elements to, in
order to and so that the agreement and
disagreement disclosures and their responses
match the context correctly.

4.2 compile a very short and simple oral and 4.2.1 Using the right text structure for the
written transactional interaction text that expression carrying out the social agreement
involves the act of giving and asking for and disagreement function and the response,
information related to the intent, purpose, in accordance with the context Its use
agreement to carry out an action / activity,
taking into account social functions, text 4.2.2 Using the right linguistic elements to
structure, correct language and elements and carry out the social functions of the words
in contex. to, in order to and so that in terms of
agreement and disagreement along with
response according to the context of its use.

4.2.3 Write expressions of agreement and

disagreement along with their responses with
the correct text structure and linguistic

4.2.4 Write the words to, in order to and so

that in the agreement and disagreement
disclosures and their responses with the
correct text structure and linguistic elements.

4.2.5 Conduct a simple dialogue that

expresses disagreement and its response with
the structure of the agreement statement and
the appropriate text and linguistic elements

4.2.6 Conducts a dialogue using the words

to, in order to, and so that the disagreement
statements and their responses with the
correct text structure and language elements
simple with the agreement and.

C. Learning Objectives
Meeting 1:
After completing the learning activity, students are expected to be able to:
1. Recite several expressions of agreement and disagreement expressions and their responses
according to the context of their use.
2. Identify several expressions about agreement and disagreement expressions and their
responses, according to the context of their use in in the dialog provided.
3. Classify several expressions about agreement and disagreement expressions and their
responses according to the context of their use in the available dialogues.
4. Determine the language elements of agreement and disagreement expressions and their
responses according to the context.
5. Using the right text structure to carry out the social function of the expression agreement and
disagreement and the response, in accordance with the context of its use
6. Writing the expression of agreement and disagreement along with the response with the
correct text structure and linguistic elements.

Meeting 2:
After completing the learning activities, students are expected to be able to:
Carry out a simple dialogue in front of the class in turn to express the statement of agreement and
disagreement along with the response with the appropriate text structure and linguistic elements
based on the topics provided

Meeting 3:
After completing the learning activities, Students are expected to be able to:
1. Determine the linguistic elements to, in order to and so that the disclosures of agreement and
disagreement and their responses are in accordance with the context correctly.
2. Using appropriate linguistic elements to carry out social functions from the words to, in order
to and so that in the agreement and disagreement disclosures and their responses in accordance
with the context of their use.
3. Write the words to, in order to and so that in the expression of agreement and disagreement
along with the response with the correct text structure and linguistic elements.
4. Conduct a simple dialogue using the words to, in order to, and so that in the expression of
agreement and disagreement statements and their responses with appropriate text structures and
linguistic elements.
Meeting 4:
After carrying out learning activities in groups, students are expected to be able to:
1. Recite several expressions of agreement and disagreement expressions along with their
responses according to the context of their use.
2. Identify several expressions about agreement and disagreement expressions and their
responses, according to the context of their use in dialogue available.
3. Classify several expressions about the agreement and disagreement expressions and their
responses according to the context in which they are used.

1.Regular Learning Materials
a.Agreement and disagreement expressions
Expressions of Agreement Expression of Disagreement
I agree I disagree
I think so I do not think so
I am on your side I cannot go along with that
I could not agree more I do not think it is a good idea
I absolutely agree I do not like your idea
I agree with your opinion It is nonsensel
I like your idea I am not sure about that
That is a good idea It my sound a good idea,but...
That is a briliant idea You could be right,but...
I can go along with that Do you really think that...?
I am with you on that one That is an interesting idea,but...
Great mindsthink alike No
You have got a point there I don’t agree

b.Use to ,in order to, and so that in agrremet or disagreement expressions

 In order to.........................di ikuti oleh......................(verb/kata kerja).
 So that ..............................di ikuti oleh ................................(subject)

Example: 1.Yanti is learning frech so that she can study in france

2.We should keep our home and school clean in order to be healty

E. Learning Methods

Scientific Methods:

Cooperative Learning Methods (STAD)



1. Media
- Power point presentations
- Whiteboard

2. Materials - Pens / markers

- Bufalo paper
- Chalk
- Other materials

Teacher's handbook English textbook "Think Globally Act Locally" for Class IX SMP / MTs Ministry of
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia 2017, student handbooks, environment, class /
school / school canteen, and the internet.


Activities Activity Description Time

Introduction 1) The teacher opens the lesson with greetings and invites to 10
pray together led by a student with full reverence. minutes

2) The teacher pays attention to the readiness of students and

conditions fun.

3) The teacher asks questions related to the material to be


4) The teacher leads the participants to the problems or tasks

that will be carried out to study a material and explains the
objectives of the learning atmosphere for the learning or basic
competencies to be achieved.

5) The teacher provides an outline of the material coverage and

an explanation of the activities that students will undertake to
solve problems or assignments.

6) The teacher conveys the scope of the assessment which

includes attitude assessment, knowledge assessment, and skills

Step 1. Observing (Observing) 60

Core * The teacher asks students to listen to several short minnutes
dialogue films about "expressions of agreement and
disagreement and the response".

*The teacher asks students to observe several examples of

dialogue in a power point slide about the "response
expression" agreement and disagreement.

* The teacher asks students to observe several examples of

dialogue in the "expression form flash card agreement and
disagreement and the response"

Step 2. Questioning
*The Teacher ask students to read the conversation in the text
*The Teacher ask students to translate the core of the
conversation text.

Step 3.Data Collection

*The Teacher asks students to imitate the examples that have
been given to them about “agreement and dis agreement
expressions and responses” thorough the book.

Step 4. Associate
* The Teacher ask students to make the conversation about
the Agree or Disagree text and then the student make the
Statement Agree or dis agree and then make the reason of
their opinion.
Closing 1) Teachers together with students and / or themselves make 10
summaries / conclusions about the lessons they learn. minutes

2) The teacher evaluates and / or reflects on activities that have

been carried out consistently and programmed.

3) The teacher provides feedback on the process and learning.

4) The teacher conducts an assessment by means of an oral test

and assigns both individual and group assignments according to
the learning outcomes of students which will be discussed at
the next meeting.

5) The teacher conveys the material to be studied at the next

meeting and the learning activities.

6) The teacher and the students close the lesson by praying and
then saying the closing greeting.

Make a dialogue with your group about agreement and disagreement expressions by using your
own Topic.
G. Assesment

Assessment techniques: Observation (attitude), written test (knowledge), and work

performance (skills).

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