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The power of dress-up

It is often said, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. On the flip side, if the cover
is fantastic, the book is likely to not get desired attention but also appreciation it
may deserve.

Quite evidently, our appearance has a huge role to play in the impressions we
leave on people and the way we are perceived in everyday life – professionally
and personally. So, if clothes make such an impact, then why must something
keep you from nailing it…….

Corporate dressing refers to the art of dressing formally and correctly.

Corporate dressing helps an individual to dress according to his work profile
and organization culture. Formal dressing, if done correctly goes a long way in
shaping one’s personality. People take you seriously if you are dressed sensible.

Going to work in well dress-up helps you create a good image yours and you
stand apart from the rest and be a role model for others.
What is W.W.W. ??

The meaning of www is – WHO, WHAT, WEAR

Every person has different type of personality so, it is vert important that which
type of outfit you wear.When I talk about importance of dressing well, I am not
referring to the professional context only. It is something that extends to all area
of your life since your clothes are a large part of who you are as a person.
On a lighter note, imagine yourself dressed shabbily at work place, it may not
only ruin chances to getting noticed but may also put a permanent end to things
before they start. Most important, the professional attitude focus us into a mode
of productivity. This is the most important reason for dressing appropriately foe
work. In dressing for work, we are affirming to ourselves a commitment to
actually do the work.

Your clothes not only add to your presentation, but also contribute to your
behavior therefore defining your body language. When you look confident and
approachable, you become more confident and approachable. Having listed so
many logical reasons to dress well and pepper up your style a bit and get that
magic going already.

BY- Anshika Katiyar

MBA (2021-2023)

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