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The derivative is one of the key ideas in calculus, and is used to study a wide range of
problems in mathematics, science, economics, and medicine. These problems include finding
points where a continuous function is zero, calculating the velocity and acceleration of a moving
object, determining how the rate of flow of a liquid into a container changes the level of the
liquid within it, describing the path followed by a light ray going from a point in air to a point in
water, finding the number of items a manufacturing company should produce in order to
maximize its profits, studying the spread of an infectious disease within a given population, or
calculating the amount of blood the heart pumps in a minute based on how well the lungs are

Tangents and the Derivative at a Point

In this section we define the slope and tangent to a curve at a point, and the derivative of
a function at a point. The derivative gives a way to find both the slope of a graph and the
instantaneous rate of change of a function.

Finding a Tangent to the Graph of a Function

To find a tangent to an arbitrary curve y = ƒ(x) at a point P(x0, ƒ(x0)), we use the procedure
introduced in Section 2.1. We calculate the slope of the secant through P and a nearby point
Q(x0 + h, ƒ(x0 + h)). We then investigate the limit of the slope as h S 0. If the limit exists, we
call it the slope of the curve at P and define the tangent at P to be the line through P having this

In Section 2.1, Example 3, we applied these definitions to find the slope of the parabola
ƒ(x) = x2 at the point P(2, 4) and the tangent line to the parabola at P. Let’s look at another

(a) Find the slope of the curve y = 1>x at any point x = a ≠ 0. What is the slope at the point x = -

(b) Where does the slope equal -1>4?

(c) What happens to the tangent to the curve at the point (a, 1>a) as a changes?


(a) Here ƒ(x) = 1>x. The slope at (a, 1>a) is lim hS0 ƒ(a + h) - ƒ(a) h = lim hS0 1 a + h - 1 a h =
lim hS0 1 h a - (a + h) a(a + h) = lim hS0 -h ha(a + h) = lim hS0 -1 a(a + h) = - 1 a2 . Notice how
we had to keep writing “limhS0” before each fraction until the stage at which we could evaluate
the limit by substituting h = 0. The number a may be positive or negative, but not 0. When a = -1,
the slope is -1>(-1)2 = -1.

(b) The slope of y = 1>x at the point where x = a is -1>a2 . It will be -1>4 provided that - 1 a2 = -
1 4. This equation is equivalent to a2 = 4, so a = 2 or a = -2. The curve has slope -1>4 at the two
points (2, 1>2) and (-2, -1>2).

(c) The slope -1>a2 is always negative if a ≠ 0. As a S 0+, the slope approaches -q and the
tangent becomes increasingly steep. We see this situation again as a S 0-. As a moves away from
the origin in either direction, the slope approaches 0 and the tangent levels off becoming more
and more horizontal.

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