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The Economic Stability of the Philippines

Our country since the time and regimen of our previous presidents is
considered as one of the richest country here in Asia. Since those times, different
races are migrating here in our country to look for more comfortable and
pleasurable life. They tend to look jobs here for they know that our country can
supply all their needs. However if we will seriously look and observed the things
that are happening now her in the Philippines, we can say that there have been a
lot of changes when it comes our economic stability.

One of the major reasons of poor economic stability is the uncontrollable

graft and corruption which makes our country lack of financial fund. Because of
this our countrymen who are in need especially the less fortunate do not receive
enough support from the government thus increasing the number of hungry
stomach and undergraduates who are not able to receive education.Through
these things I can say that poverty and poor economic stability is the major
problem of our country as of today.

As early as now we Filipinos must do something on this uncontrollable

issue.We should think of something that can help resolving this problem. We
should think critically as we vote for our government officials to destroy graft and
corruption, exercise being perseverance and patience in all thing to somehow
make up for poverty and most importantly we must strengthen our faith in God
because He is the only who can make all things possible.



Submitted by: Beverlyn D. Vicedo

Subitted to: Sir Ryan Marquez
Section: BS Psych 1-1
Date: December 13, 2008

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