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Majority of the 30 families interviewed in the area was found to be married

representing 38% of the female and 40% of the male population. On the other hand, the
number of the students in the said vicinity also represents a big bulk of the total
population which was found to be 29% in the female and 28% in the male respectively.
Meanwhile the number of population in the other sectors of the interviewed families is
16% for male singles, 15% for the female singles, 16% for male and 10% for female
who are 0-3 years of age,6% for the widow and 2% for the separated.

The graphs show that marriage is still deeply valued in the said community as
evidenced by half of the interviewed families as married for both male and females.
Moreover, the number of students for both male and female give an idea that majority of
the youth there are deeply rooted in education. On other sectors, 0-3 years old male
was larger than 0-3 years old females by 6% which can serve as a basis of computing
for the ratio of male to females population. Widow and separated are present in females
than the males which means that women outlived men by different factors including
lifestyle. On the other hand, there are single men are larger in amount than single
women by 1% which is due to undetermined cause.
Majority of the families interviewed with 86% is said to be nuclear family which
means that a big percentage of them are potential and capable of living and supporting
their own family which includes member specifically the father, mother and their
children. On the other hand only 14% of interviewed families is said to be extended
families which means that these families can include parents and their children,
spouses of their children, cousins, aunts, uncles and other family members in the same
household. Family structure can serve a big role in determining socio- economic status
of a community because the more number of members in a family the more likely to
have financial incapabilities because of increase in demands and needs of the family.

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