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TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022

Mata Uji : Qualitative Research in ELT

Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu : 90 menit
Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Tingkat/Semester : 3/VI
Dosen : Dr. Agis Andriani, S.Pd., M.Hum
Arini N. Hidayati, M.Pd.
Fuad Abdullah, M.Pd.

Organise the Tentative Research Proposal Framework Based on the Subsequent Requirements:
1. Write a tentative research framework (plan) in the field of English Language Education (e.g.,
Lesson Planning, Language Teaching, Language Learning, Language Evaluation, etc.) or
Applied Linguistics (SFL-Informed Scrutiny, Genre Analysis, Corpus-Based study in English
Language Education, Discourse Analysis, Critical discourse analysis in English Language
Education, Multimodal Analysis in English Language Education, Pragmatics in English
Language Education, etc.);
2. Employ the relevant and consistent topic of your research proposal based on the previous
submitted annotated bibliography in the middle test;
3. Utilise the most recent APA referencing style to write the research proposal (APA 7 th
edition);use the Referencing Manager Mendeley to do this
4. Proofread your tentative research framework with grammar checker (s) to minimise the
grammatical errors (e.g., Grammarly or Google Docs);
5. Submit your tentative research framework to your Google Classroom, your lecture’s email or
Google Drive punctually (Note: this is based on your negotiation with your lecturer);
6. Avoid plagiarising acts since your work will be initially checked by a plagiarism checker;
7. Follow the attached skeleton of the tentative research framework.

Good luck

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Theme of the Research (Maximum 5 words)

Developing Student’s Vocabulary Trough Fun Learning

Tentative Title (Maximum 21 words)

Students’ Perception on Learning Vocabulary trough English Songs

Rationale/ Reason of Choosing the Title (Maximum 40-70 words)

Because I think songs is a very effective way for EYL. Songs can be a useful tool for
teaching and learning. Songs can be used to help students improve their listening skills and
pronunciation, as well as to teach vocabulary and sentence structures. The fact that songs
are pleasurable is probably the biggest advantage of employing them in the classroom.

Research Problem (s)/Research Question (s) (Maximum 20-40 words)

1. How does student’s perception in learning vocabulary through English songs ?

2. How can English songs help students learn vocabulary?

Theoretical Foundations (Maximum 20-40 words)

Vocabulary is one of the components that plays a vital part in English. It is the foundation
for someone's listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. As a result, no matter how
well someone knows grammar, pronunciation, or any other aspects of a language,
communication cannot take place in any meaningful way without a large vocabulary
(Nathan, 2011). As a result, it is common for young learners to be taught vocabulary early
on because it aids in their acquisition of English. One of the teaching techniques that can
be used to teach English vocabulary to the students is song.

Research Design (Maximum 20-30 words)

The descriptive qualitative research design was adopted in this study. According to Ary et
al. (2010), qualitative research is study that focuses on the image rather than breaking it
down into factors in order to comprehend a phenomenon. Descriptive research, on the
other hand, is data acquired in the form of meaningful words, sentences, or pictures
(Nugrahani, 2014).

Technique (s) of Collecting and Analysing Data (Maximum 20-30 words)

Data was gathered through a questionnaire and student interviews. The information is the
outcome of a survey (primary data). Primary data, according to Hox and Boije (2005), is

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original data obtained for a specific study aim and interview (secondary data). According
to Hox and Boije (2005), secondary data is information that was originally acquired for a
different purpose and is now being used to answer a different research issue. After then, the
data would be selected and further evaluated.

Aim (s) and Contributions (Maximum 20-40 words)

The aims of this study is

1. To know how does learning English using song is effective

2. To know the way songs help students in learning English

References (Minimum 20 references )

Apriani, N., Winarto, E. R., & Aprianti, F. (2021). Students’ Perception on Learning English
through Songs to Enhance Students' Speaking Ability. In National Conference on
Language, Education, and Technology Proceeding (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 41-51).
Arikunto,Suharsimi. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian (Suatu Pendekatan Praktik). Rineka Cipta.
Asyiah, D. N. (2017). The vocabulary teaching and vocabulary learning: perception,
strategies, and influences on students’ vocabulary mastery. Jurnal Bahasa Lingua
Scientia, 9(2).
Bavi, F. (2018). The effect of using fun activities on learning vocabulary at the elementary
level. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 9(3), 629.
Bawawa, M. (2020). Teaching English Vocabulary Using Songs To Developing Students’
Vocabulary Mastery. Kajian Linguistik, 8(1).
Crowe, S. (2011, June 27). The case study approach. National Liberary of Medicine.
Desk, P. (2018, December 17). 7 english classic songs to sing out loud with children. The
Indian Express.
Erviana, D. D. (2020) Senior High Schoo students’ Perception on The Use of English Song to
Help Students Memorize Vocabulary at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN
1Tuntang.Semarang. A thesis
Faitaki F., Hessel A., Murphy V.A. (2021) Vocabulary and Grammar Development in Young
Learners of English as an Additional Language. In: Schwartz M. (eds) Handbook of
Early Language Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer,
Gushendra, R. (2017). An Experimental Study : Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by
Using English Songs. IJIELT (Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language
Teaching), 3(1), 53-63.

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Harmer. (2007). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Fourth Edication.
IndonesiaJakarta: Erlangga Jaakarta:Prenada Medi Group
Hutabarat, M. K., Limbong, Y. D. P., & D, M. (2021). Students’ Speaking Skill Trough
Storytelling Technique At Smp Negeri 4 Tanjung Morawa. English Language
Teaching Prima Journal (ELT), 3(1), 15-30.\
Hox, J.J., & Boije, H.R (2005). Data collection, primary versus secondary.
Kayyis, R. (2015). Building vocabulary using pop song. Journal of English Language
Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 1(1), 1–7.
Kusumawati, F. P. (2018). Developing English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Module for
Computer Science Students Vocabulary Mastery. English Language Teaching
Educational Journal, 1(1), 13.
Moleong, Lexy J. (2007) Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung: Penerbit PT Remaja
Rosdakarya Offset
Nugrahani, F. (2014). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dalam Penelitian Pendidikan
Bahasa .Solo: Cakra Books
Saputra, D. (2018). Developing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Video Game. Qalam :
Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan, 6(1), 47.
Sugiarto, Eko . (2017). Menyusun Proposal Penelitian Kualitatif : Skripsi dan
Tarigan, (1987). Teknik Pengajaran Keterampilan Berbicara Bandung: Angkasa.Tesis.
Yogyakarta : Suaka Media.

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