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Tissue – a group of cells that usually have a common origin.

- gives rise to epidermis and nervous system.
- epidermis, nervous tissue

- produces mucous membrane of respiratory tract, thyroid gland, secretory parts of pancreas.
- lung tissue, thyroid tissue, pancreatic tissue.

- gives rise to connective and muscle tissue.
- cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, bone, blood, smooth muscle (gut).

o To found in:
– body coverings
– body linings
– glandular tissues

o To function as:
– protection
– absorption
– filtration
– secretion

o To find as:
– fit close together
– layers has one free surface
– has basement membrane
– avascular
– regenerate easily if well nourished

Cell shape
- Epithelial cells may assume one of three basic shapes:
o Squamous – thin and flat cells
o Cuboidal – cube-shaped cells
o Columnar – tall thin cells

Cell Layers
A. Epithelia may appear as single or multiple layers in simple epithelia.
- shape: simple squamous tissues
- consist of a single layer of flat, scale-like cells
- alveoli

B. Simple Cuboidal Tissue

- consist of a single layer of cube-like cells
- secretes and absorbs
- common in glands and their duets
- forms wall of kidney tubules
- covers the ovaries

C. Simple Columnar Epithelial Tissue

- consist of a single layer of tall cells
- absorption often includes goblet cells
- line the digestive tract system

D. Simple Pseudostratified Epithelial Tissue

- consist of a single layer of irregularly shaped columnar cells
- protection and mucus secretion
- sometimes ciliates (respiratory tract)

E. Stratified Squamous
- contains multiple layers (making it stronger)
- found as a protective covering where friction is common
- resist abrasion and penetration of pathogens
- epidermis of skin: mouth and esophagus: vagina/vaginal wall

Two Layer of Cuboidal Cells

- surface cells are columnar cells - stratified cubiodal
- rare in human body - stratified columnar
- found mainly in ducts of large glands - stratified cuboidal and columnar

F. Transitional Epithelium
- multiple cell layer
- shaped depends on amount of stretching
- stretch to allow filling
- line the organs of the urinary system

G. Glandular Epithelium
Endocrine Glands Exocrine Glands
- ductless - ducts to surface
- secretes hormones - oil and sweat

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