List of Activities For LSC Project - (16-May-2022)

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8- Working Activities: AALI Location of oe Boilies Block Floor Zone oats wore jone FIRE STATION BUILDING: ZONE 1 1. | Block Work-Parapet -Partc2 _| Fire Station Building Ongoing | _a5% 2__| Plastering Work Part Fire Staion Building | FF Ongoing | 85% 3. | Plastering Work Para Fire Staion Building | SF Ongoing | 50% 4_| Plastering Work —Part2 Fire Station Building | FF Ongoing | 80% 5 Plastering Work - Part-2 Fire Station Building ‘SF A ‘Ongoing 65% 6 | Screed work Part 2 Fire Station Builing | SF Ongoing 7, | Screed work Part 2 Fire Staion Bulling | Roof op ongoing a | Sura Preparation or pastor | Fry Station Builing | SF Ongoing 9. | Surface reparation for piaser= | Firestation Building | _ External ‘ongoing | 70% 40, | Suttace preparation for Basie | Fie uation Bullng | SF ‘ongoing 11_| Plaster work Port Fire Station Bulaing | _ External Ongoing | 50% 42_| Painting work Part (stucco) Station Building | __ GF Ongoing | 60% 13 | Painting work Part2 (stucco) | Fire Station Building GF ‘Ongoing on | 44 | Painting work Part (stuece) | Fire Station Building | __ FF Ongoing | 60% 45, | Painting work Part2 (stucco) | Fire Staion Bullang | __ FF Ongoing 16 | Painting work—Part1-Texture | Fire Station Building | External (Ongoing 50% 47_ | False coling work Part + Fire Station Building | OF Ongoing 48 | False celing work Part Fire Station Buiaing [| __FF Ongoing 419_ | False colling work —Part2 Fire Station Bullaing | GF Ongoing 20_| False celing work Part 2 Fire Station Bullaing | FF Ongoing 21 ‘| Porcelain work - Part 1 Fire Station Building GF Ongoing | 22, | Porcelain work Part 2 Fire Station Building | __ GF Ongoing 23 | Porcelain work Part 2 Fire Staton Bullding | FF ‘Ongoing | s0% Baa] Su fe xgreration for Fire Station Building | Roof top ‘Ongoing 50% 25 | Cable pulling for ACS Fire Staion Bullding | pp ‘Ongoing 26 | Cable pulling Tor BMS Fire Staion Bulding | pp ‘ongoing | — og 27 | Cable paling Yor Telecom & COTW | Fire Station Bulling | pp ‘ongoing | — ay, 28 | Electric room Fire Station Building CF ‘Ongoing 20% 29 | Elecvic room Fire Staion Bulding | pp ‘Ongoing 30 | Electric room Fire Station Building SF i ‘Ongoing = | DF room Fire Station Bullding | gp ongoing | som @ | OF room Fire Station Bulaing | pp ongoing 33 | DF room Fie Station Bullding | gp Ongoing 24, | Mechanical Drainage work Fire Station Bulling | External ‘Ongoing | 72% 36, | Mechanical Drainage work Fire Station Bulaing | FE 11% EGEC-OACS-R-10 05-Dec-17 4123 REGEC AALI 36. | Mechanical Chilled Water Fire Station Building FF ‘Ongoing N% ‘37 | Mechanical Fire Fighting Fire Station Building OF ‘Ongoing 72% 38 | Mechanical Chilled water Fite Station Building | GF Ongoing | 72% 39, | Mechanical Fie Fighting Fire Station Building | 1F Ongoing | 74% 40_| Mechanical chilled water Fire Station Building | 2F Ongoing | 70% 41 | mechanical Fire Fighting Fire Station Building 2F Ongoing 78% 42 | Peo tntallationinvier 2S _| Fire Station Building oF 7 Ongoing 83% aa_| Mechanical Wall Chipping 8WS | tation Bulding | __ FF ongoing | 90% 44 | Mechanical Water Supply Works | Fire Station Bulding | __ GF ‘ongoing 25% 45 | Mechanical Water Supply Works _| Fire Station Building fr ‘Ongoing 83% 46. | Mechanical Water Supply Works | Fire Station Bullding | SF ‘Ongoing am 47 | Drainage works Fire Station Building oF Ongoing 85% 48, | Mechanical external storm water | Fire Station Bullaing Ongoing 90% 49. | instalation of AG ducts Fire Station Building | pp Onsoing 0% 50 | Installation of ventilation ducts pasnmmsentmnens.! FF ‘Ongoing 60% ‘PREVENTIVE SECURITY BUILDING: ZONE 1 S| Surace preparation tor plaster | PTVSMESSOHO | extemal ongoing | som 52 | Plaster work Prevent S87 | Seema [ongoing | 75% 39. | Plaster Work Preventive Secoty oF ongoing 0% 54_| Painting work- Stucco Praventve Senatiy or Ongoing 60% 38 | Painting work - Stucco iki oan Fr ongoing 00% 36 | Painting work-Stucco Preventive sesity | ap ongoing | 60% 57_| Painting work. Texture Preventive SecuFY | External ongsing | 50% 8_| False ceting work Foie | gr Ongoing 59. Fase coling work Proverine S007 |e Ongoing 60, | Fale cating work Penge toni | ar Ongoing | Poreian work ae Ongoing | 6. | Porctan work Fecmgely ongoing | 5% 6 | Poreaain work Preventive Seaurly |p Ongoing | 50% 04 | Surtce preparation orwaterproot | Prvertvn SH | Root top Ongoing os, | Sas Preparaonorwaiooroot | Preventive Seeuriy | gp oan se_| Sulac preparation orwatrrool_| Preven Seuniy | ‘oneera, | CR GTA Pvt Seay | a ‘ongoing ge | Eleaiic room revenue aauriy |p ‘onsoing | go ‘g9. | Elositie room Preven Seauriy fe ‘ongoing | 95x 0 | Eieatie room Preventive Securiy | gp ‘O7g8I3 ——goy, +4 | DF room ProvenuveSecuriy | ‘Ongoing | — soy, EGEC-OA.CS-R-10 05-Dec-17 Rev. 00 5123 prem ereccorpe rer] REGEC ARAL! [aa] PF rom Prevents Seety ral Ta | DF room ravente See | onan Tom 74 | Mechanical - Drainage Work rere | ee ce 75_| Mechanical ~ Drainage Work Frere SSG | ongoing | oom | 7a_| Megha WaT hppng BPipe | Pravetve BCU | oe caaeg EH Fete 77_| Mechanical water supply works | Preventive Security | gp ongoing | 85% 78_| Mechanical waer supply woke | Provotive Securly | pp, or ongoing | 00% 73. Mochanicl Fre Fighting Prevennveseeity: |i iok ongoing | 76% 80 | Mechanical Fire Fighting eee FF Ongoing 19% 81 | Mechanical Fire Fighting Frprsouve Seeariy 3 Gualig 7% 82. | Mechanical Chilled Water Preventive Seeuniy | ae, 2 Ongoing | 77% 83| Mechanical Chitea Water Fix | Preventive Secunty oF Ongoing 19% 84 | Mechanical Water Supply Provenive Security SF ‘Ongoing 18% [ia epee ST Crpetng Pipe | Prevents Seeety fe a ok ‘GUARD HOUSE2:Z0NE1 86 | Painting Finishing Guard House Internal Oneoing a7_| Cable puing Tor ACS Guard House | gp ‘Ongoing gp Caio paling for Telecom & COTW | — Guard House ‘Onaoing 80_| Mechanical Water Suppiy Guard House Ongoing | 55% SUBSTATION: ZONE Guard House 80 _| Epoxy work for floor Substation | _ Ongoing ACCOMMODATION BUILDING: ZONE 2 | at | Painting work Stucco eee oF ongoing | 90% | 92 | Painting work Stucco eee Fe Ongoing | 00% 93_| Paiming work- stucco aes SF Ongoing | 90% 24 | False cong work ae oF Ongoing | 15% | 95 | False cating work taiging Fe Ongoing | 15% 26 | False coting work bulging SF Ongoing | 15% 7 | Poreaain work Renee oF [ongoing | 00% 08 | Porcelain work a FF Ongoing | 60% 99 | Porcelain work atging SF Ongoing | 60% 100 | Fixing aluminum window frames | Accommodation or Ongoing | 90% | 101 | Fixing aluminum window ames | Aegemmodation Fr Ongoing | 20% 102 | Fixing aluminum window ames | Aecommodation SF Ongoing | 90% tos | Surface preparation for Acggmmodation | Rooftop ongoing Eiag| (stslation of weterprooting eeerneein Roof top Ongoing 80% 105 | Waierleaktest batange | Reofton Ongeing | EGEC-OACS RAO O5-De-17 Rov.00 6123 GEC EGEC oat AALI Toe ] Sie paling foracs ‘econmodaion = ‘nacre Tome “07 | Elettevoom Acconmodaion oF ‘onaoind | apy, oe | TF oom Acnimosaton ae ‘onasing | sy “09 | DF oom Acconmaiaion i a no | DF room tan Pa ~Svasna | oom | 441 | Mechanical Fire Fighting Fix | Accommodation oF Ongoing | 05% 112 | Mechanical Fir Fighting [rl 1F [ongoing | 85% | 113 | Mechanical Fire Fighting eet 2 [ongoing | s2% 414 | Mochanial Chilled Water gumoaton oF Ongoing | 82% 116 | Mechanical Ghied Water Aceon F 7 ongoing | 82% 416 | Mechanical drainage work feccrenodaton External Ongoing | 12% 47 pecoreoiaton oF orseing | 99% | 118 Pezernodeiion SF Orscing |e | 119 | Mechanical watr supply Peospocelion oF ongoing | 95% | 4120 | Machanical water supply eating Fr Ongoing | 95% 421 | Siopyinstalatonin wal” | bulging be Snape [ae 422 | Mechanical water supply in wan | Aecgmmodation FF 7 ‘Ongoing 99% 4123 | Mechanical wator supply fou SF Ongoing | 09% ta | War apa Teagan cennoaon = easing cal crore 425 | CHW pipe insulation oa oF Onacing | oo 4126 | CHW pipe insulation focwomten FF Onecing | om 127 | instalation of venation duct___| Agcommodation 7 Onasing | 0% 4128 | Insulation veo eeemeonstonie tear Orson | om 4120 | Duct sealant ting f Ongoing | 28% 130 | CHW pipe insulation caiging SF Onacing | 0% 491 | G1 duct installation riser oe, Seeing 40% WORKSHOP BUILDING: ZONE® 432 | Plaster work Workshop Building | External Ongoing | 40% 133 | Surface preparation for plastor Workshop Building | External ‘Ongoing 50% 494 | Pointing work: Texture Workshop Building | External Ongoing | 40% 435 | installation of polyfoam Workshop Bullaing | Rooftop Ongoing | 90% 136 | Wator leak tost : Workshop Building | Upper root [ongoing 99% 437 | Fixing insulation foam Workshop Building | Rooftop ‘Ongoing | 95% “38 | Cable pulling or ACS Workshop Building | Gp ‘racing 439 | Cable paling for BMS Workshop Building |g ‘onaving | 7a “ap | Cable paling YorTlecom & CCTV | Workshop Building | gp ‘onasing | — asx 4141 | Mechanical water supply work |Workshop Building : Ongoing | 46% EGEC-OA-CS-R40 05-Dec17 Rev. 00 7 ARAL! | 142 | Mechanical fire fighting work Workshop Building Ongoing 46% 746 | Mechanica Chile water work | Workshop Bung Ongoing | 85% GUARD HOUSE-1: ZONE 2 144 | Plaster work erin | > nl Ongoing | om sas | le Pung TRS aa orgsig sae | CT Png TANS ard Woase nrg sag | Cable pang ar Teacon & CON} Guava ose rE 148 | Mechanica drainage works GunndHoue | Unieroand Onmoing | a 149 | Wochania water eupty worse | Guard Howe ongoing | a POLICE STATION BUILDING: ZONE 3 Folie Staton 180 | Plaster work fF Ongoing | Bullding ‘going 181 | Painting work Stucco Pole Staton or Onecing | 75% 42 | Painting work-Steco Folie Staton fF ongoing | 7% Pata Staton 158 | Fase cang work os Sa or ‘Onaeing 454 | Fixing amin window fames | Poles saion oF Onecine 485 | Fixing aluminum window ames | Poles Sain fF ongoing | 85% 156 | instalation of ptyoam Fal Sinton Roottop Ongoing | 90% Fates Stafon 1 151 | Porcelain work Building | __OF Ongoing | 55% FY rentn wor Faggian | ee ea lene ts Staton 159 | Ceramic wort tlt wate =o or ongoing | 2% Poe Staton 190 | Waterproof membrane —fretiayer | Poles Sa oottop Ongoing | amr 464 | Water oakage test rooftop Face sialon | Rooftop ongoing | 00% Cabo paling for ACS ols Staton Tag ca Building ud so | C28 ling Tr BMS Pete aon - naira} ag Fe Feac wom Fete san 3 Oras | os fe Beaten Polson = Oreo | os, (epee Fate sion = Ora9T | gay ‘BF room Pole Staton ongoing et. Building = bcd ao rote San a= Oreo | aon “eo | From Fate ton = oreo | as 470 | Mechanic ranage Works Paice Salon | Exe ongoing | 0% Pole Staton 47 | ochanical Drainage Works Sulsing oF Ongoing | o0% ance Staton 42 | echarical Drainage Works Suen fF Ongoing | 79% Hechanical ip sialon Wall | Police Staton ; 173 | for WS & Drainage Building FF Ongoing 35% 474 | wal cupping or aranage pos | Poa Staton Ongoing | 99% Batic Staton 175 | wer sup Fier oul ore ongoing | 23% EEC-AACS-R10 05 Dec-17 Rev. 00 3/23, Vase ates me _aenaaletiailay bay me (EGEC ARAL 76 | echoes Chita Water Peli Son or ongona | 83% 177 | Mechanical Cited Water ane 1 Ongoing | 03% a6 | Mechanial Fire Fighting Pipe Poles sito | ar : ongoing | _a% 479 | Mochanical Fir Fighting Folie Sinton So onaona | eat seo | Mechanial Water Supiy Poles sion oe Sagiiig mh 481 | Fire Fighting First Fic aren oF Ongoing 98% 482 | wetor Supply Wall Chipping Folie Staton F ongoing | 04% 488 | uct support xing Fas Sean oF onasing | oom 184 | instalation of AG duct Foie Sion oF a 485 | insulation veo Folie Staion oF [oma | oan 4186 | installation of ventilation duct rae sae al Onacing | sw 127 | Pipe ineuation COP Folie Staion F onecing | 70% 486 | instalation of ventilation et Folie Staion F Onasing | 5% 19 | CHW pipe insulation Folles ston il onan | oa 480 | Duct suppert xing Fie Sian FF ‘Onaeing | osm 4181 | CHW pipe insulation ean FF Gogeln 40% 482 | COP pipe insulation — | onan | as ‘DRILL TOWER: ZONES 499 | Surface preparation for paster Dri Tower External Ongoing | 80% 494 | Surface preparation for pastor Drill Tower “ar Hy ‘ongoing 495 | Plaster work Drill Tower * ‘ongoing 496 | Plaster work Dri Tower External ‘ongoing | 80% 497 | Painting work Drill Tower External Ongeing | 60% 498 | Painting workctexture Dai Tower External ‘Ongoing | 80% 199 | Screed work Drittower | SF Ongoing 200 | Surface preparation for waterproof Drill Tower Upper roof Ongoing 201 _| Firefighting pipe instalation Daitower ongoing | 70% na Dillltower ae ~Ongaing Foe | Cab paling Tor BMS Dal tower ie ‘ongoimg | — gov 204 | Cable pulling Tor Telecom & COTW Dail tower F ‘onaerg | 79m “GUARD HOUSES 208 | Surface preparation for plaster Guard House Internal Ongoing zoe | EREfeat= Wrepaing 0 TaMand | Guard House ‘Onaoing | — gave 207 | Cable pulling for fire alarm ‘Sundtiome ‘Ongoing 90% 208 | Cable pulling for public address neers ‘Ongoing 90% 200 | able pulling for ACS ‘Guard House Onacing 210 | Cable paling or BMS ‘Guard House ‘Ongeing | sox aa | Cable paling Tor Telecom & CCTV | Guar House ‘Onacing EGEC-OACS-R-10 ; 05-De0-17 Rev. 00 9123 a EGEC tannins AAL| Za | mechanical water supply works Guard House Ongoing | o7% [BOUNDARY WALL zr | sala footing offence, Beam | Boundary wall Ongoing | _a5% 214 | Fixing steel fence Boundary wal i Ongoing 65% PUMP ROOM + 246 | Surface preparation for plaster Pump Room 4 Internal Ongoing 246 | Surface preparation for waterproof Pump Room 1 Roof top ‘Ongoing iE a7 | Cable pulling for ACS Pap Room 4 = ‘Ongoing 21a | Cable pulling for BMS Pump Room oe ‘Ongoing = Zip | Cable pling Tor Telecom & CCTV | — Pump Room i ‘ongoing PUMP ROOM 2 220 | Surtace preparation for plaster Pump Room 2 Internal Ongoing | 90% 221 | Plaster work Pump Room 2 | __tnteral ‘Ongoing | 20% 222 | surface preparation for plaster Pump Room2 | _ External onaeing 223 | ERS = We ling oFahTa6E | Pip Room 2 ‘Ongoing | — pox 224 | Cable pulling for fire alarm Pump Room 2 Ongoing 85% 225 | Cable pulling for public address Fey Room ‘Ongoing 85% 226 | Gable pulling for ACS Pump Room? ‘Ongoing ay | Ce pling Tor BS Pump Room 2 ‘onacing aap | Cable pling Tor Telocom & COTW | — Pump Room? ‘anaes | — gov “CONMUNICATION ROOM 229 | surtace preparation for plaster Communication | gerna ‘ongoing 290 | Plaster work a ongoing | 65% 231 | Painting work - Texture Communication | Extarnal ~ Ongoing 20% sz | Surace reparation for Communication” | Root top Ongoing zao | Eecttel—Wrepuling oan and | Coninuncaon ‘ongoing | — o0y 224 | Cable pling fr fre alarm aa Onecing | gow 228 | Cable puling for public address | _ Communication Sracing | gave 0 | Cable pulling For ACS Communication ongoing ‘or | Cable pulling for BUS Communion Onaoine roa | Cae ling Tr Tales CEN | Commueaon ‘onacing | sox, Esr8:ROOW 239, | Surace preparation for plastor ETS Room Interna Ongoing | 99% 240 | Plaster work ~ELT.S Room External ‘Ongoing 90% 241 | Plaster work ETS Room Internat Ongoing | 29% 242 | Painting — stab & wall E.T.S Room Internal ‘Ongoing 20% 2a | Ebetiesl= Wie pling orTobland | ETS Room Grssng 9 oo Cee ETSRoom ‘ongoing | — ox EGEC-QA-CS-R-10 05-Dec-17 ce Rev. 00, 10123 Q EGEC catamaran coc AALI 248 | Cable puiling for public address ETS Room onaoing | eo 2ae | Cable pling Tor ACS ETS Room ‘ongeig 247 | Cable pulling or BS ETS Room ‘Ongoing 2ae | Cable palling or Telecom & CCTV | ETS Room ‘ongaing | Foy CAR PARK SHADE I 249 | Casting footing ‘Car park shade Ongoing | 48% EXTERNAL WORK zen | oleproting fr Wal ESD Sem waartont craora | 008 251 | Waterproofing for wal & slab ‘Storm water tank 2 Ongoing | 60% 252 | Back filing Storm Water tank ‘Ongoing 258, | Back ling ‘Storm Water enk 2 ~ | ongoing 254 | Fixing curbstone External Works ‘| ‘Ongoing 20% 255 | External ight External Works ‘onasing | 4% 286 | External ELV External Works ‘ongoing | ~ 39% 257 | External power cable External Works nacing 258, | suitace preparation for epoxy work | __ GRP Tank ‘Ongoing 9- Expected Working Activities Tomorrow: Sor. Activities Block 7 ete sae Status FIRE STATION BUILDING: ZONE 1 1_| Bock Work-Parapet-Part 2 | Fie Station Bung Ongoing 2_ | Plastering Work - Part-1 Fire Station Building FF Ongoing 3. | Plastering Work= Part Fire Station Bullaing | __ SF ongoing 4 _| Plastering Work Partz Fire Station Bulding | FF [ongoing | Plastoring Work Part2 Fire Station Bulding | __SF Ongoing © | Screed work Pana Fire Station Bulaing | SF Ongoing 7_| Screed work— Part 2 Fire Station Building | Roof top Ongoing 3. SUReeepaeton TBA TF sion icing | SF Comat | Surface preparation for iasier— | Firestation Bung | _ Exeral Ongoing 10 | Site FrepaaSONTOTRERT= | i taton aang | SF oman M1 Plaster work Pert t ‘Station Bulging | _ External ‘Ongoing 42 | Painting work-Par 1 (stucco) | Fire Staion Building | __GF ‘Ongoing 413 | Painting work Port 2 (stucco) | Fie Station Building | __ OF Ongena 44 | Painung work—Part (stucco) | Fite Station Bulaing | FF Ongoing 45_| Painting work Part 2 (stucco) | Fire Station Building FF Ongoing EGEC-QA-CS-R-10 05-De0-17 Rev.00 11/23 Yoee Heated ne = le at RREGEC ARAL! 48, | Painting work=Pan Texture | Fire Staton Bulding | Ewa Onscing FE Foon cling work Part Fire Staton suting [oF a 48 | Fase colng work Part Fire Station Bung [FF chore Eee Fire Staton Butng | oF Oneahg BB | Faee cating work Part? Fire Staton Bung [ FF ongoing BD) Porcatan work—Parts Fire Staton Bung | oF Ongoing B_[ Porcelain work Part? Fire Staton Buling | oF Ongena BE Fovcaten work Penta Fire Station Bung [FF hgeing 2 | SurBee preparation er Fire Station outing | _ Root top Ongeing B | cae aingiorkes Fie Staton Baling | —pp ralig a | CT lng For BS Fire Son Bung | pr ong 2z_| Sibi pling or Teeson & CET | Fr Staton Baling | —ce rag fe Basico Tie SaionBallra | gp ngs Fa eeatic toon is Sion Baling | pp ae Be eae om Fir Salon Balding | gp ai | OF room ie Siaton Baling | op Ong OF on Fire Salon Bung | pp ag faa Fie Siaton Bulng | gp Org 34_[ Mechanica Drange work Fire Station uling | Exel Ongoing 35. Necharical Drainage Work Station Bung | FF Sapg 96 | Mechaicl Chie Water Fire Station ullng | FF Ongetng 37_| Wecharical Fire Fighting Fie Staton Bulking | oF Ongar 90 _| Mechanical Chita water Fire Station Bung | 6 Ongeing 29, | Mochania Fre Fighting Fie Staton Bulking | aF nme 40 _| Wechanicalchitea water Fire Station ulang | 2F Ongoing 48 Mechanical Fire Fighing Fie Staton Buting | 2F ero az | Rectan Wal CnppIG AWS ey, seston auaing | oF — Boa Mechanica Wall Saeko EWS | we saion Butang | ongoing 4 | Mechanical Water Supply Woks | Fre Staton Bulding | OF ore 45_| Mechanical Water Supply Works | Fr Staton Balding | pani 46_| Mechanical Water Supply Works | Fre Staton Buling | SF chien == Fie Station Buting | oF Biking 48 | Mechanica extemal stom water | Fire Staion Bung ongoing 49. | Installation of AC ducts Fire Station Budding FF Onseing 50 _ Installation of ventilation ducts Fire Station Building FF ‘Ongoing ‘PREVENTIVE SECURITY BUILDING: ZONE 51 | Swtce preparation fr pieer | PVE SEAT Eaema Ongoing [2 | preter work Proventve S000 | ereenal Ongeing EOEC-AHc8-R-10 05-De0-17 Rev. 00 12/23 LSqnHhh GEC EC eyusaaly beat AALI eee Preventive Security a pean 83, | Plaster Work ae Preventive Security oF ‘Ongoing 54_| Painting work- Stucco mae : Preventive Security ‘Ongoing 55, | Painting work- Stucco Bldg. = Preventive Security FS Gnaok, 56. | Painting work Stucco cm reventive Securify = ‘Ongoing '57_| Painting work- Texture ae Ext! Preventive Security or ‘Ongoing 458, | False ceiling work Pe Preventive Security FF ‘Ongoing 59 | False ceiling work nee 7 Preventive Securiy gp Gaus 60_| False coiling work pits Preventive Security er Ongoing 61_| Porcelain work ee Preventive Security i a 62 | Porcelain work ais Preventive Security ow ‘Ongoing 63, | Porcelain work nag Preventive Securlty | poor to Gopclig 64 | Surface preparation for waterproof ee Roof top urface preparation Tor waterproof | Preventive Securly oF ‘Ongoing 85 | totes 7 ag. ‘Surface proparation for waterproof | Preventive Security FF ‘Ongoing £6 | attoilts Bldg. a Cable pulling for ACS Preventive Security i < mes ~ Ongoing +¢9. | Elecite toon Preventive Security oe a. ‘Ongoing Elect room Preventive Security = na = ives ‘Ongoing 70 | Ect reom Preventive Secu Po s in TF room Preventive Security a ‘Ongoing = ies ‘ongoing IDF room Bravontive Security FF = vee ‘Ongoing TDF room reventive Security oF B Bid, Preventive Security Ongoing 74 | mechanical - Drainage Work Bldg. 1 = Proventve Security . ‘ongoing 75, | Mechanical ~ Drainage Work mee 2 anical Wall Chipping & Pipe | Preventive Security oF Ongoing 78 | Wetasuen ig Preventive Security oF Ongoing 77 | Mechanical water supply works es Preventive Security f ‘Ongoing 78 | Mochanical water supply works nes FF, Si Preventive Security Orgone 79 | mechanical Fie Fighting Bldg. oF iE Preventive Security ‘Ongoing 80, | Mechanical Fire Fighting es FF raventive Security oF ‘ongoing ‘8t_| Mechanica Fire Fighting Big. Preventive Security ‘Ongoing 182, | Mechanical Chilled Water Bldg. 1F, 2F 5 Preventive Security Ongoing 183, | Mechanical Chilled Water ™ Fix nee cr rovontive Security oF ‘Ongoing ‘84 | Mechanical Water Supply Bldg. Mechanical Wall Chipping & Pipe | Preventive Security FF ‘Ongoing 85_| instalation Bldg. Internal ‘Ongoing 86. | Painting- Finishing ‘Guard House inte ° 7 Guard House going e7_| Cable pulling for ACS oF Rev. 00 EGEC-QA-CS-R-10 05.-Dee-17 43123 EGEC Menaaladeisielly_bhSient RAL! ‘ongeing Ge] able paling for Telecom & CCTV | Guard House ‘Ongoing 89 | Mechanical Water Supply earth ‘SUBSTATION: 20NE 4 Guard House Ongoing 90 | Epoxy work for floor ‘Substation ‘ACCOMMODATION BUILDING: 2ONE 2 — ‘Recommodation i Ongoing 31, | Painting work Stucco accor ‘Accommodation = Ongeing 82. | Painting work Stucco poco ‘ecommodation 7 ‘Ongoing 98, | Painting work. Stucco comm ‘ccommodaton = ‘Ongoing 94 | Fase cong work penne ‘Accommodation = ‘ongoing 95 | False celling work feos ‘ecommodaton a Ongoing 96. | False coling work aa 7 ‘Accommodation = Ongeing 97 | Porcelain work a ‘Accommodation = ongoing 86 | Porcelain work ina ‘Aecommodation = ‘ongoing 0 | Porcoiain work eee ‘Accommodation i Ongoing 400 | Fixing aluminum window frames | Aecorim L ‘Accommodation i ‘ongoing 401 | Fixing aluminum window frames | Accomm ore ‘ecommodation 7 going 402 | Fixing aluminum window frames | Accomm arface preparation Tor ‘Accommodation medio Ongoing 408 | Mrterprocting. bulging = installation of waterproofing ‘Accommodation Roof going sot | Sembrane bulging ? oe ‘ecommodation io aoing 405. | Water loak test bataing Roof top ones able pling for ACS ‘Recommodation ae 108 building ‘Ongoing Elecire room ‘Accommodation 7 407 bulieing ‘nang DF room ‘Accommodation ar 408 bulding aa Deo ‘Accommodation = 109 building a OF room ‘Accommodation 110 building = ‘Accommadation 7 ‘ongoing 411 | Mechanical Fie Fighting Fix | AZeOMm ‘ecommodation iF Ongoing 112 | Mechanical Fire Fighting farang ‘Accommodation oF ongoing +49 | Mechanical Fire Fighting fanaa ‘Accommodation ow ‘ongoing ‘144 | Mechanical Ciled Wator aa ‘ecommodalon Ongoing 445 | Mechanical Chilled Water building a ‘Accommodation External Ongoing “46 | Mechanical drainage work om ‘Accommodation oF ‘ongoing 417 | Mechanical drainage fst fix Room ‘Accommodation Ongcing 418 | Mechanical Drainage Work peoame ‘Accommodation a ongeing 419 | Mechanical water supply butging ‘Accommadation ¥F ‘ongoing +120 | Mechanical water supply bulging : ommodation | ‘Ongoing chanical Drainage & Water | Accommodal of 124 | Supply installation in Wall building t Rev. 00 EGEC-QA-CS-R-10 06-Dec-17 14123 Spare carvenmnemass samme eave vacant arencl eeeeoeoed REGEC AALI 4122 | Mechanical water supplyin wat | Asggmmodation [ge | Ongoing +23 | Mechanial water supply decomenedater SF Ongoing 424 | Wa cippina or araiage and Assammedaon = meae 428 | CH pipe insulation Qecomnodaten oF Onasing 426 | CHU pipe insulation er FF Ongoing 4121 | instalation of ventiation duet | Aceemmodation =r Ongoing 428 | inoulation veo eee SF Ongoing +29 | Duct sealant Assecenotation oF ‘Ongsing 430 | CHW pipe insulation aan SF Onaeing 4131 | Gl duct installation riser en Onaeing WORKSHOP BUILDING: ZONE 2 432 | Plaster work Workshop Building | Extomal Ongoing 199 | Surface preparation for plaster | Workshop Building | External Ongoing 434 | Painting work. Texture Workshop Building | Extomal Ongoing 135_| Installation of polyfoam Workshop Building Roof top ~ | ongoing 426 | Wator oak ost Workshop Builsing | Upper root Ongoing 431 | Fixing ieuatin foam [workshop Butang | _Reettop Ongoing “ae | Gable pulling for ACS Workshop Building | op ‘Onasine 430 | Cable pulling for BMS Workshop Building | gp Onasing “40 | Sable pulling Tor Telecom & CCTV | Workshop Building | gp ‘onacing 141 | mechanical water supply work | Workshop Building Ongoing 4142 | Mochanical fie fighting work Workshop Building Ongoing 443 | Mechanical Chie water work | Workshop Bu Ongsing [GUARD HOUSE-t: ZONE 2 144 | Plaster work Guard House Internal Ongeing ap | O2DIe paling Yor ACS Guard House “ngoing 44g | Cable pulling for BMS “Guard House ‘Ongoing a7 | Cable paling Tor Telecom & CCT | Guard House Ongeing 448 | Mechanical drainage works Guard House | Underground Ongoing 4149 | Mechanical water supoly works ‘Guard House Ongeing ‘POLICE STATION BUILDING: ZONE 3 40 | Paster work eee | Ongoing 451 | Painting work- Stucco Poe oF Ongeing 42 | Pamting work- Stucco Police Station FF | eracina 188 | Fats colting work ae oF Ongoing 484 | Fixing suninum window tramee | _ Potengaion or Oneeing 485 | Fixing atuminum window ames | Police Saton FF ongoing EGEC-OA-CS-R-10 05.Dee-17 Rev. 00 15123 an | EGEC eeceiak easly bon ARAL! 156 | Installation of polyfoam 7 Roof top Ongoing 187 | Porcelain work Poke ceaon. GF Ongoing Fe roan wre fees gee eae 4160 | Waterproof membrane—frstiayer | Poteastation | Roottop ‘Ongoing | FO i tata trot on Fete ion | Root aa 462 | Cable pulling for ACS etc Staion a Ongoing sea | Basico Poles talan a rasiag Tei rom Felce Staton ongsing “| eta oom ee coanee ser | Dom Fok son = rastag see | BF oor Fates tn _ ongsing seo | BF reer Fates 7 onesie 470 | mechanical Drainage Works Pepiiing.” | _ Extemal ‘ongoing 472 | Mechanical Drainage Works Pemigng.” | FF Ongoing sro | Hehe Pis tater nia | Pon Sian a oa 474 | wat cipping or drainage pines | Pateasation ongoing 475 | Water Supply First Fix Pomoning. | SRF Ongoing 176 | Wechania Chie Water "eaiaeg” | SF ongoing I icici wake rage ilar = ‘7@_| Hochanicl Fire Fighting Pipe reece GF Ongoing 47® | Mechanical Five ing Pate statin a Ongoing © | iam Pea | oF = 481 | Fire Fighting First Fix Relica Staton GF Ongoing 482 | Water supy Wal ciping Fats gator fF ongoing 489 | Dect support xing Pee sion ad Svat 4184 | Installation of AC duct, Poles aie r ‘Ongoing sas ace Staton arash fo [ruta |g | oF na 187 | Pipe insulation CDP r ‘Ongoing 188 | instalation of ventilation duct Botics pstou ¥F [_oreeing 409 | CHW pipe insulation ra oF [_Onacing 490, | Duet support fixing pole Seon FF ‘onasing 191 | CHW pipe insulation Poles Station FF Orgeing EGEC-ACS-R-10 06.0007 Rov. 00 16728, A EGEC curr emrmctoa ARAL! 122 | COP pipe sutton Polis Station rr ‘Ongoing DRILL TOWER: ZONES SrScaaae 498, | Surface preperation fr pas itt Tower | External Ongoing 794 | Surtace preparation for pater aF “ongoing 495 | Plaster work oF Ongoing 796. Plaster work extemal Ongoing 17 | Painting work Dit Tower | _ External Ongoing 48 | Pening worktexture DritTower | _ extemal Ongoing 499 | Scroedwork Drill Tower F Ongoing a0 | Surtacepreparadon orwaterproot | __DrilTower | _Upperroot Ongoing 2at_| Fire ghting ppe instalation Dail tower ongoing aaa | Cable pling for ACS Dal tower 3 Ongoing os] CoB pling Tr BMS Da tower a ‘Ongoing aaa | Cable pling for Telecom & COW brewer ie Ongeing ‘GUARDHOUSES | 205 | Surface preparation for plaster | Guard House Internal Ongoing aay) Cerone paling or Tat and | Guard Howes Ongoing 207 | Cable pulling for fire alarm a aes ‘Ongoing 208 | Cable pulling for public address ‘anee teeee ‘Ongoing 25 | Cab paling for ACS Guard Rouse ongoing able palling for BW Guard House ‘Ongoing 7 ie paling Yor Toiecom & COTY Guard House ‘ongoine ZA2 | Mechanical water supply works Guard House a ‘Ongoing BOUNDARY WALL 21g | Isang foting oF face, Bears unary wl ‘ongoing 24 | Fining sto fence Boundary wall ongoing PUMP ROOM 1 215 | Surface preparation for plaster Pump Room 1 Internal, Ongoing 7 216 | Surtace preparation or waterproof | PunpRoom1 | _ Rooftop ongoing za | Cable pling for ACS Pump Room a ‘ongoing Ze | Cae piling Tr BMS Pump Room ze ‘ongoT9 | Calo paling Tor Talacam® Go| Pump Room zs ‘ong9ie puMeRooM2 220 | Surface preparation for plaster Pump Room2 | —_tntrat ‘ongoing 221 | Plaster work Pump Room 2 Internal ‘Ongoing Al 222 | Surface preparation fr pastor Pump Room? | _ External ‘Ongoing ma | Evectieal- Wire paling or igh and] Pump Room? nao power, (224 | Cable pulling for fire alarm Faas oes (225 | Cable pulling for public address Pump Room 2 EE ‘Ongoing EGEC-OACS-R-0 05-Dec17 Rev. 00 47123 one Westie me EGEC ietoonren anemone ARAL! (Gg | able puting for acs Pump Room 2] ‘Ongoing ] 22 | Cable pulling for BMS Pump Room 2) ‘Ongoing ‘229 | Cable pulling for Telecom & CCTV Pump Room 2) ‘Ongoing COMMUNICATION ROOM 230 | Plaster work bees eae External, ‘Ongoing 234 | Painting work Texture Communication| External ongoing aaa | Sues preperation for Communication| Roottop | ongoing 234 | Cable puting for re alarm Communication Ongoing 235 | Cable puting for public address Pepmumiertion Snaeing ETS.ROON 229 | sac ropartion for pater ETSRoom | ema ongdne 20 | Plaster wok ETSRoom | External ongoing 2a | Plater wok [ets teow | tema Ongoing aes | Biel -Wis pallor tahtwrd| ETS Reom Oras 244 | Cable pulling for fire alarm Riana Lute (245 | Cable pulling for public address: ET.8 Room i Listing se | Cab linger ACS ETS Room nasa ay | Cab ing TFBS ETS Room onaohe saa | Cale paling ar Tecan BON] ETS Room Oras (GAR PARK SHADE 749 | costing toting __—_——_~+|_arpaanae onasa EXTERNAL WORK 25 a ia) EE | stormwater tonkt ongeing 261 | Waterroong orwall Ss | ‘Stow Water trk? Ongoing 252 | Beck fing Storm Watt Ongoing 25 | Back ting Storm Watrtonk2 Ongoing 254 | Fixing cubsore Exwrel Werks onaoia 255 | External light Extemalwons | ‘Grgoing | 256 | External ELV External Works Segiag 257 | External power cable External Works Hee Ungsing 258 | Surface preparation for epoxy work GRP Tank ‘Ongoing : EOEC-AAS-R-10 os Dee-17 Rev.00 18/23 Soames ne 10-Inspection: EGEC smote ARAL! ay] Location D if ] Ser. Activities aaa ene Status | Remarks | 4 _| 2.0ats (ST proof) waterproofing on wet Fire Station ee ] areas. building, Part2 | 2 coats (GT proaf) waterproofing on wet | Preventive Security 2 | areas. building, F eH | ‘11- Test Performed Location Ser. Activities Bae aa ici Status | Remarks | 4 | None | EGEC-OA-C5-R-10 05-Dec-17 Rev. 00 19/23

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