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Homo Sapiens.

Homo Sapiens. The only human species that lived and became
ruler of the world, even though 150.000 years ago Sapiens were
just marginal creatures, everybody that we meet is a Homo
Sapiens. Sapiens evolved from apes with heights around
130-210 cm and weighs around 30-150 kg but there is one
important distinction that Sapiens had a larger brain. This is
important in our human journey.

Sapiens in Latin means “Wise Man”, with our intelligence we

invent a language for communication. If monkeys can only
express danger “there’s a lion”, Sapiens use language that has
abundant sounds that they can use to express their thoughts,
expressing dangers, and many other things, with language
Sapiens can cooperate in a more larger group.

Sapiens with his brain also had the ability to speak about
fictions, an advantage that no other animals had. With fictions
Sapiens could create a set of rules to live by together therefore
we can live in a large society. We also create imaginative
institutions and believe that such institutions exist, for example
we believe that there is a school named Saint Peter and then
every Monday until Saturday students will come in at 7:00
clock sitting and watch the teachers talk. Consider the opposite,
if we tell a monkey that there is a Saint Peter School he
wouldn’t see the same thing, He will only see that it’s a
building painted green.
Sapiens lived a very different life in the past, they were hunter
gatherers and live nomadic. Their lives were simple and
sufficient, they would live in constant locomotion, searching
for food in nature and moving around when there are no food
left. They lived happily with nothing to think about except what
to eat today. But around 10.000 years ago Sapiens began
developing a new way of their life called the Agricultural
Revolution, by devoting their time to take care of plants and
animals with the hope to produce more food for themselves and
they began to settle. But the hopes are not fulfilled, rather than
abundant food for them, what they had is famine because the
crops are hard to take care of and what they get most of the
time is the crops that failed to harvest. The agricultural
revolution was a mistake but going back to being nomadic is
not an option too because it’s already too late, the human had
already lost the knowledge to live like nomadic.

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