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HRM Practices in Government Companies of Bangladesh: A

Study on Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company

Limited (TGTDCL)

Internship Report

Prepared By
Miraj Mahamud
MBA Program 2019 (21st Batch)
MBA serial no: 021-113
Roll no: M-111
Section: A

Supervised By
Prof. Dr. Md. Ataur Rahman
Department of Management
University of Dhaka
Dhaka 1000
HRM Practices in Government Companies of Bangladesh: A
Study on Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company
Limited (TGTDCL)

Internship Report

Prepared By
Miraj Mahamud
MBA Program 2019 (21st Batch)
MBA serial no: 021-113
Roll no: M-111
Section: A

Supervised By
Prof. Dr. Md. Ataur Rahman
Department of Management
University of Dhaka
Dhaka 1000

15th January, 2021

Letter of Transmittal

Date: 15/01/2021
Prof. Dr. Md. Ataur Rahman
Department of Management
University of Dhaka
Subject: Request for considering the report paper.

Dear Sir,
With due respect, I would like to state that, I am a student of Dept. of Management, MBA
21st batch, University of Dhaka. It is my great pleasure to inform you that I have completed
my term paper on `` HRM Practices in Government Companies of Bangladesh.’’ I have
gathered a few ideas about HRM practices in Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company

I believe this report paper would meet the level of your expectation. I will be thankful if you
kindly approve the report paper.

Sincerely yours,
Miraj Mahamud
MBA serial no. 021-113
Roll no: M-111
MBA 21st Batch
Department of Management
University of Dhaka

Supervisor’s Certificate
It is my pleasure to certify that Miraj Mahamud has completed a Internship report on
“HRM practices in Government Companies of Bangladesh: A study on Titas Gas
Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd.
Further I certified that he has worked hard in preparing this report for last two months and
finally completed it successfully. He is permitted to submit the Dissertation.


Prof. Dr. Md. Ataur Rahman

Department of Management

University of Dhaka


I am Miraj Mahamud, hereby declare that the presented survey of Internship titled HRM
Practices in Government Companies in Bangladesh: An Evaluation, is uniquely prepared by
me. It also confirm that, this only prepared to my academic requirement not any other
purpose. It might not be used with the interest of opposite party of the corporation. No part
of this survey has been previously submitted to any other University/College or
Organization for any academic qualification.


Signature of the Student.

Miraj Mahamud.
MBA serial No: 021-113
Roll no: M-111
Section: A
21st Batch MBA
Department of Management.

At first I give thanks to Almighty Allah who gave me the opportunity to prepare this report
paper. I want to express deep regards and profound gratitude to my honorable sir, Prof. Dr.
Md. Ataur Rahman who provided me ideas and helped me to prepare this report paper. This
report paper properly made by the information from internship, website and articles, lecture
and my own analysis. It will help me in my course study. From this report paper. I came to
know HRM practices in Government companies of Bangladesh: A study on TGTDCL. I
tried to bring something new in my report paper.

I would also thank the whole respondent who provided me the best knowledge and for their
help and cooperation throughout the paper.

Table of Content

Letter of Transmittal............................................................................................................................. i
Declaration ......................................................................................................................................... ii
Supervisor’s Certificate....................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................. iv
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................ v
Chapter One: Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope of the Study ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Objectives of the Study ................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Limitations of the Study ............................................................................................................... 2
Chapter Two: Literature Review………. ................................................ ...............................................3
2.1Concept of Human Resource Management................................................................................... 3
2.2 Importance of HRM in 21st century .............................................................................................. 8
2.3 HRM practices in Bangladesh……………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Chapter Three: Research Methodology .................................................................................. …………9
3.1 Sampling ....................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Data processing method……………………………………………………………………………….…………………………10
3.3 Data analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….10
3.4 Limitations……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...11
Chapter Four: Organization Profile ................................................................................................... 12
3.1 History of TGTDCL……………….. .................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Organizational Structure of TGTDCL…………………........................................................................ 13
3.3 Branches on Map of TGTDCL……………………………………………………………………………………………………13
3.4 Hierarchy of TGTDCL……………….. ................................................................................................ 14
3.5 Marketing and operational activities of TGTDCL .........................................................................15
3.6 Development and Financial activities of TGTDCL ....................................................................... 16
Chapter Five: Major Findings & Analysis .......................................................................................... 17
Chapter Six: Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................ 38
6.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................. 39
6.2 Recommendations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41
References ........................................................................................................................................ 43

Chapter-1: Introduction

1.1. Background of the study

Human Resource Management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and
compensating employees and to attend their labor relation, health and safety, and fairness
concerns. The policies and practices involve in carrying out the human resource aspect of a
management position, including, planning, recruiting, selecting, training and orienting,
rewarding/compensating, appraising, communicating (interviewing, counseling and
disciplining), building employee commitment etc. Human Resource remains the most
important factor in modern organization. If an organization’s human resource is not
properly managed, it will hire wrong person for the job and will experience high turnover. It
will waste time with useless interviews and company will be taken to court because of
discriminatory actions (Dessler, G., 2010).
TGTDCL is one of the largest State Owned Public Limited Gas Company operating energy
sector of Bangladesh under the Corporation of Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources
(Petrobangla) and Supervisory Ministry of Bangladesh Power, Energy and Mineral
Resources. Its total manpower is 2,448, including 1,016 officers and 1430 staffs (Annual
Report- 2011-2012). In addition to that there are more than one thousand outsourcing and
casual employees. Among the Five Gas Transmission and Distribution companies the
Market Share of business of TGTDCL is 63% (Annual Report-2011-12). HRM system of
this organization follows Bangladesh Service Rules (BSR) and unified service rules of
Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources (Petrobangla’s) different companies and it own
service rules i.e. Service Regulation of TGTDCL-2008 and 1987. Though, it is largest
revenue earning, income generation and poverty alleviation of the country, there is hardly
integrated, comprehensive and modern Human Resource Management policy and practices
of this organization. Though, there is scope of changing HR management policy through the
approval of Board of directors, traditional, backdated Human Resource Managements
systems are followed. However, it has three departments like Human Resource Department,
Administrative Department and Establishment Department that formulate, maintain and
implement HR plan. There is no unique Human Resource Management
Division/Department of this company.
Now-a-days Human Resource Management is much talked and burning issue in
Bangladesh. It is most important for all organizations for sustainable management,
efficiency, effectiveness and ever competitive business environment of the organization.
Hardly a few research studies have been conducted in this field for development and
management of human resources in sustainable manner in the Government organization like
Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd (TGTDCL and to provide the
suggestions to the improvement of human resource management systems of this company.

A comprehensive and systematic research has been conducted through questionnaire survey
“HRM Practices in Government Companies of Bangladesh: A Study on Titas Gas
Transmission and Distribution Company Limited” to find out present HR practices and
systems of this company and its impact on this organization.

1.2. Scope of the study
A systematic practice of HRM is very important in Government organizations. A sincere
HRM department can protect and improve the organizational reputation through recruiting
the better employees than others. It is more important because it increases organizational
efficiency. Best employee recruitment is a competitive advantage that helps the organization
to expand its customer base and increase revenue. Sometimes organization well known for
its best HR practices conduct are able to attract and retain qualified and skilled employees.

1.3. Objective of the Study

 To describe the Human Resource Management Systems of TGTDCL
 To find out the effectiveness of HR practices of TGTDCL
 To find out the Problems of HRM Systems of TGTDCL
 To provide some suggestions for the improvement of present HR Management
Systems of TGTDCL.

1.4. Limitations of the study

There are certain limitations while conducting the study. Those are:

a. Less time to complete report.

b. Samples are taken only from 2 branches due to Pandemic

c. Lack of published relevant documents

e. Lack of website information to reach on any nice ending.

d. It was difficult to find out the gap between rules and regulations and real life practice.
So, I went under a huge stress to find out those matters.

Chapter-2: Literature Review

2.1. Concept of Human Resource Management (HRM):

Human resource management (HRM or HR) is the strategic approach to the effective
management of people in a company or organization such that they help their business gain
a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an
employer's strategic objectives. Human resource management is primarily concerned with
the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and systems.
The overall purpose of human resources (HR) is to ensure that the organization is able to
achieve success through people. HR professionals manage the human capital of an
organization and focus on implementing policies and processes. They can specialize in
finding, recruiting, training, and developing employees, as well as maintaining employee
relations or benefits. Training and development professionals ensure that employees are
trained and have continuous development. This is done through training programs,
performance evaluations, and reward programs. Employee relations deals with the concerns
of employees when policies are broken, such as cases involving harassment or
discrimination. Managing employee benefits includes developing compensation
structures, parental leave programs, discounts, and other benefits for employees. On the
other side of the field are HR generalists or business partners. These HR professionals could
work in all areas or be labor relations representatives working with unionized employees.
HR is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th Century, when
researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic
management of the workforce.[6] It was initially dominated by transactional work, such
as payroll and benefits administration, but due to globalization, company consolidation,
technological advances, and further research, HR as of 2015 focuses on strategic initiatives
like mergers and acquisitions, talent management, succession planning, industrial and labor
relations, and diversity and inclusion. In the current global work environment, most
companies focus on lowering employee turnover and on retaining the talent and knowledge
held by their workforce.[citation needed] New hiring not only entails a high cost but also increases
the risk of a new employee not being able to adequately replace the position of the previous
employee. HR departments strive to offer benefits that will appeal to workers, thus reducing
the risk of losing employee commitment and psychological ownership.

2.2. Importance of HR in 21st Century

All major activities in the working life of the worker- from the time of his or her entry into
an organization until he or she lives- come under the preview of Human Resource
Management. Specially, the activities included are HR planning, Job analysis and design,
recruitment and selection, orientation and placement, training and development,
performance appraisal and job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration,
motivation and communication, welfare safety and health, industrial relations (IR). HRM is
most important part of any organization but very few researches have been conducted in

these field. Different researches conducted throughout the world are in perspective of HRM
are discussed below:
Recent Study of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) identifies
nine human resource areas- Training and Development, Organization and Development,
Organization/Job design, Human Resource planning, Selection and staffing, Personal
research and information systems, compensation/Benefits, Employee assistance,
Union/Labor Relations. These nine areas have been termed spokes of the wheel in that each
area impacts on the human resource outputs; quality of life, productivity and readiness for
change (ASTD, 1983)
Research has been found that status of HR department in total organization depends on
whether a unit is small or large. In most of the small organization, there is no separate
department to co-ordinate the activities related to personnel. In fact, there may other in
some organization there is no personnel department. Services of outsiders who specialized
in maintaining accounts and record relating to provident fund, pension and other statutory
retained for a fee for maintaining HR activities. A large scale unit has a manager /director
heading the HR department. His or her status is equal to that of any executive (Aswathappa,
K. 2009).
Research found that political-legal, Economic- supplier, customers’ technological and
cultural factor comprising external environment which influences the HRM practices.
Internal forces like strategy, task and leadership, union, organizational culture and conflict,
professional bodies comprising internal environment which impact HR activities. HRM
policy and planning is also regulated generally government regulation, labor relation and
management practices. The Equal employment opportunity act (EEOA), Occupational
Safety and Health Act (OSHA), Age discrimination act, the laws and court decision also
impact on HRM polices ( Decenzo, D. A and Robbins, S. P, 2008)
A research found that Ford Motors Company facing huge losses and hemorrhaging market
share to Toyota and Nissan, knew it needed a new strategic plan. Competition was fierce,
Ford’s costs were higher than competitors and Ford’s unused plan capacity was draining
profits. Ford manager devised “the way forward” the new strategic plan entailed closing a
dozen plants and terminating 20,000 employees (Dessler, G, 2010).
It is found that HR manager himself/herself formulates strategies. He or she is the member
of a core team which formulates company strategies and ensures it implementation (Belourt,
M; Mcbey, J.K. Strategic Human Resources Management, 2nd Edition).
Human Resource planning (HRP) mainly done to the estimation of the number and the type
of people needed. HRP is significant as it helps determine future personnel needs, ensures
protection to weaker sections, act as basis for other personnel functions, help overcome
resistance to change and so on. (Mello, J.A; Thomson, 2003, Strategic Human Resource
Management). HR demand forecasting is done by managerial Judgment, Ratio-trend
analysis, Regression analysis, Work study technic, Delphi technic, Flow models, etc. (Loyal
L, Byars and Lesile W, Rue, Human Resource Management, McGraw-Hill).
Succession planning is most important for any organization. Managerial Succession
planning is found in most prominent organization. Managerial succession planning include
top management involvement and commitment, high level review of succession plan,
formal assessment of the performance and the potential of the candidates and written

development plan for individual candidates. (A broader view of Succession planning,
Personnel Management, September 1993).
Organizations consist of jobs that have to be staffed. Job analysis is the procedure through
which we determine the duties of these positions and the characteristics of the people to hire
for them. Job analysis produces information used for writing job descriptions (Clifford, J,
Public personnel Management, 1994).
Recruitment is the process of searching for and obtaining applications so as to build a pool
of job seekers from whom the right people for the right jobs may be selected. It also
influenced by the external and internal factor. (Heneman, H.G, Human Resource
Management, 1986).
Selection refers to the process of picking the right candidates from the pool of applications.
Selection is significant as it has its impact on work performance and employee cost. There
are some barrier in selection process is- perception, fairness, validity, Reliability, pressure
etc. (Thomas, H. Stone, Understanding personnel management, 1989).
After an applicant has been hired the employee must be oriented and placed on the chosen
job. Orientation relieves the new employee from possible anxiety and makes him or her feel
at home on job. Prominent user companies are the Taj group of Hotels, Citibank, Colgate-
Palmolive, Hindustan Unilever and P & G. HR specialist must use assessment classification
model for placing newly hired employees (Robert, L, Mathis and John H. Jackson).
Training and development activities are designed, considerable costs notwithstanding to
impart specific skills, abilities and knowledge to employees. Skills, Education,
Development, ethics, attitudinal changes and decision making skills must go into any
program of training and development (Randall, S. Schuler, Effective Human Resource
Management, 1969).
An organization’s goals can be achieved only when people put in their best efforts. How to
ascertain whether an employee has shown his or her best performance on a given job? The
answer is performance appraisal. It is an objective assessment of an individual’s
performance against well defined benchmarks. Performance appraisal contributes to firm
competitive advantage (Terry L, Leap and Michael D. Crino, Human Resource
Management, 1990).
Job evaluation refers to the process of determining the relative worth of each job for the
purpose of establishing satisfactory wage and salary differential. It is used to determine the
organizational pay structure. (David W. Belcher, Compensation administration).
Remuneration is the compensation of an employee receives in return for his or her
contribution to the organization. Remuneration occupies an important place in the life of an
employee. His or her standard of living, status is society, motivation, loyalty and
productivity depend upon the remuneration he she receives. Remuneration includes both
financial and non financial benefit like wage and salary, incentives, fringe benefits,
perquisites, and non-monetary benefits. Employees de-motivation, absenteeism, agitation,
job dissatisfaction mainly due to they feel they are not paid enough i.e. remuneration is not
sufficient. In survey it is found that more than 50 percent workers indicated that they
believe they were paid too little, while only 23 percent expressed satisfaction with their pay.
(Robert L, Mathis and John H. Jakson, Human Resource Management, 200 3). Attractive

remuneration enables an organization to attract, retain and motivate competent people.
(Michel, R. Currel, et al. Human Resource Management, 1992).
Reward, Job design, Job enrichment, job rotation, Participative management, Empowerment
and promotion are the most important technique for employee motivation. For instances in a
recent survey of 210 large firm in Tokyo, Japan, 24 percent awarded pay increases on the
basis of performance and seniority ( Corporate Restructuring Sweeps Japan’, 1996). HR
specialist emphasis job design the job itself as a source of motivation.
Empowerment is one of the concepts discussed much in HRM. It is more than monetary
rewards, the feeling that employee ‘owns’ the job that motivate him or her now-a-days.
Wipro Corporation has already 30 teams, Titan, ABB, Tata Information systems to have
their own empowered teams (Mirza, S. Saiyachian and Arun Monappa, 1992).
Disciplinary process must be fair, equitable and consistent practiced. The typical
progression of discipline moves from an oral warning, to a written warning, to suspension,
and, if necessary, to dismissal. Management might also consider the use of demotion and
pay cuts as an alternative to dismissal (Wallace, W, Effective Discipline in Employee
Relations; 1975).Transfer is a horizontal or lateral movement of the employees in an
organization. Transfer takes place at a valid reason. HR manager needs to handle transfers
with caution (Edwin, B. Flippo, Personnel Management, McGraw-Hill, 1984).
Industrial Relation (IR) is concerned with the relationship between the management and
workers and the role of regulatory mechanism in resolving any dispute. IR is significant as
it has an impact on productivity and has ethical dimensions. Employees, their respective
association, government and judiciary are the parties which have stakes in IR.

Related information has been collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary
data was collected from the selected respondents of employers and employees.
Questionnaire method has been used to obtain data from primary source. Two sets of
questionnaire have been used for the survey. One set was for the management and other set
for the employees of various department/section.

Chapter-3: Research Methodology

3.1 Sampling
There are two sources of data collection. They are primary data and secondary data. Primary
data: Primary data is collected from the employees of TGTDCL headquarter in Dhaka &
TGTDCL Narayanganj Branches by conducting a survey through the questionnaire,
practical desk work and direct observations.
Secondary data: Secondary data is collected from various websites, previous work on
TGTDCL and annual report of the TGTDCL.
Primary Data was collected through questionnaire survey. The subject matter of
questionnaires was circulated among the key personnel and above mentioned employees of
TGTDCL for providing information about the Human Resource Management practices in
the organization. Face to face interview has also been conducted and verified collected data.
Data was obtained from different Annual Report, Internal MIS Report, Human Resource
Management Related Books, Journal, periodicals Publication, Internet.

3.2 Data Processing Method

After collecting data from primary and secondary sources, the data were compiled and
tabulation is done by using computer.

3.3 Data Analysis

Data was analyzed by Computer Software like SPSS Software.

3.4 Limitations
The research has been conducted with utmost sincerity, honesty and dedication. Though our
full hearted and relentless effort to make research more fruitful and effective but some
limitation were encountered during research are- Lack of experience of research in this
field, inadequate time for completion of the research work, lack of interviewer, very limited
information related in this field, conservative policies of this organization to give
information to disclose outside, No financial or other incentive allocation to make research.

Chapter-4 : Organizational Profile

4.1. Description of TGTDCL
The discovery of a huge gas field on the bank of the Titas River in Bharamanbaria in 1962
created new horizon for the utilization of natural gas. TGTDCL established on November,
20, 1964. The company began its commercial operation with the commissioning of gas
supply in Siddirganj Thermal Power station n April 28, 1968 after construction of 14 inch
dia 58 miles long Titas-Demra Gas pipe line by the then East Pakistan Industrial
Development Corporation.
At that beginning 90% of Shares belonged to the then Pakistan Government and Pakistan
Shell Oil Company owned the rest. Under the Nationalization order of 1972, all the
Government owned shares of the company were vested in the Government of Bangladesh
(GOB). In 9August, 1975 remaining 10% share was transferred to Government through
Petrobangla in exchange for a lump sum payment.
After the Independence of Bangladesh in 1971, the company started its journey as a
company of Petrobangla with the authorized and paid up capital of Tk. 1.78 crore. At
present the authorized and the paid up capital of the company are Tk. 2000.00 and Tk.
989.22 crore respectively (Figure.-1, Figure -2 and Figure -3).
4.2. Marketing and Operational Activities of TGTDCL
Based on gas demand and allocation of Petro-bangla the targets for purchase and sale of
gas were set at 13,146.00 MMCM and 13,127.30 MMCM respectively for the financial year
2019-20 against of which gas purchase and sale achieved during the year were 13,426.29
MMCM and 13,600.96 MMCM respectively.

Figure 1: The Map of Franchise area of TGTDCL.

Figure 2: Approved Organogram of TGTDCL (Internal Source of TGTDCL)

Table 1: Different Foreign training/Conference participating employees of TGTDCL Last
five years (20014-2019) as per their job requirement. (Source: Different year wise annual
report of TGTDCL)

At present four gas distribution companies are supplying gas to their customers of
respective franchise area through installation of gas pipeline network. TGTDCL has the lion
share and presently approximately two-thirds of the total gas consumed in the country is
being distributed by Titas Gas. About 80% of gas marketed by the company is used for
power generation. The gas sales of 5 (Five) distribution companies during FY 2011-12 are
shown in Figure 4.

11% 4%
14% 63% PGCL

Figure 3: Market Shares of Five Companies under Petrobangla during 2014-19
(Source: Annual Report-2018-2019, TGTDCL)

4.3. Development and Financial Activities of TGTDCL

A brief description of the development activities of the company is given below. The
completed development activities projects include (i) System Loss Reduction Program (ii)
Energy efficiency related activities (iii) Pipeline Network Expansion and Modification
16.35 km pipeline of different diameters have been laid in kuliarchar-bhairob areas of TFA
from company’s own fund.

Gas supply has been started to Aggreco, 145 MW Ghorashal Power Plant from January 6,
2012. The projects completed are: (i) Implementation of Monohordi-Narsingdi Loop Line
Project (ii) Installation of Prototype Pre-paid Gas Meter Pilot Project. The Development
Activities and Projects to be implemented soon are: (i) Supply Efficiency Improvement
Project (ii) Modernization of IT system (iii) Introduction of Bill Pay System.

The brief account of the financial activities of the company is given bellow. The sales
revenue during FY 2011-12, a total of 13,600.96 MMCM of gas was sold and a sales revenue
of Tk.7,071.15 crore was earned, compared to previous year’s revenue of Tk. 6,781.37 crore.
Titas Gas has earned a pre-tax profit of Tk. 1,201.17 crore during FY 2011-12. The
Company’s net profit after tax during FY 2011-12 was Tk. 891.21 crore, the annual rate of
return on fixed assets of the year under review was 81.33%. It also plays an important role
in the national economy by contributing significantly to the National Exchequer through
regular payment of CD/VAT, Corporate Tax, Dividend and DSL.

Chapter-5: Analysis and Findings

To analyse the data there have been used different tools like Microsoft word, Excel, Table,
Chart, SPSS software etc. These data are presented by table, pie chart etc. These data are
totally primary data that are collected by survey. To conduct the survey there has been made
a questionnaire which consists of 21 questions. 50 managers and employees Titas Gas
Transmission and Distribution Company Limited (TGTDCL) are the respondents of the
questionnaire. There are both closed and open ended questions. These collected data are
analysed carefully and shown the result of perception of people towards TGTDCL. This
analysis is shown below:

1.HRM department has direct contribution for the progress of any organization .
Likert scale No. of responders %
Strongly Agree 16 32
Agree 24 48
Neutral 07 14
Disagree 03 06
Strongly Disagree 0 0
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It indicates that the most of the responders which is about 32% are strongly agree and 44%
are agree and 14% are neutral, 06% are disagree and none of the responders are strongly
disagree about the statement that HRM department has direct contribution for the progress
Of any organization.

Figure no. 1. HRM has direct contribution for the progress of any organization.




Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: they absolutely believe HRM has much effect on the progress of an
organization. Because we know that without the support of HR, machines remain idle, raw
materials lie stacked, money get tied up, and other wings of the organization crake down.
So it appears that the majority portions of the employees express their support on the
relationship between the HRM and the progress of any organization.

2.The standard criteria is followed in the recruitment and selection process of TGTDCL.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 03 06
Agree 17 34
Neutral 13 26
Disagree 15 30
Strongly Disagree 02 04
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that 06% of respondents strongly agreed with this statement and 34% respondents
agreed with this statement that the standard criteria is followed in the recruitment and selection
process of TGTDCL. High number of responders of 26% neutral with the statement, 30% of
responders are disagree and 4% responders are strongly disagree with the statement.

Figure no.2.The standard criteria is followed in the recruitment and selection process of TGTDCL.

4% 6%




strngly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: TGTDCL has no formal HR department, so the recruitment and selection process
is standard but ineffective due to lengthy, irregular, and outdated implementation systems.

3.Transparency in recruitment increases morale of the employees who are working in the organization.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 33 66
Agree 15 30
Neutral 02 04
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It indicates that the most of the responders which is about 66% are strongly agree and 30%
are agree and 04% are neutral and none of the responders are neither disagree nor strongly
disagree about the statement that Transparency in recruitment increases morale of the employees who
are working in the organization.

Figure :3. Transparency in recruitment increases morale of the employees who are working in the




strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: so, there is positive relationship between transparency and increase of
employee morale. Every organization should implement transparency in every sector of the

4. Islam emphasizes on transparency in recruiting process in organization for reducing corruption.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 24 48
Agree 22 44
Neutral 03 6
Disagree 01 02
Strongly Disagree 0 0
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that 48% of respondents strongly agreed with this statement and 44% respondents
agreed with this statement that Islam emphasizes on transparency in recruiting process in
organization for reducing corruption. The rest of the responders of 06% neutral with the
statement, 02% of responders are disagree and none of the responders are strongly disagree with
the statement.

Figure: 4. Islam emphasizes on transparency in recruiting process in organization for reducing






strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: Islam is the complete code of life. If the rules of Islam are applied in every
sphere of life, society will be free from any kind of problem like corruption.

5. Nepotism is one of the hurdles to select the best suited person in a government organization.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 15 30
Agree 21 42
Neutral 04 08
Disagree 07 14
Strongly Disagree 3 06
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It indicates that the most of the responders which is about 30% are strongly agree and 42%
are agree and 08% are neutral and 14 of the responders are disagree and 06% strongly
disagree about the statement that Nepotism is one of the hurdles to select the best suited person
in a government organization.

Figure: 5. Nepotism is one of the hurdles to select the best suited person in a government





strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: Nepotism is one of the hurdles to select the best suited person in a government
organization. It deters the organization to select the best suited employees. So TGTDCL is also try
to abide by this policy.

6. Religious leaders can provide maximum encouragement for the reduction of corruption in public

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 14 28
Agree 27 54
Neutral 06 12
Disagree 02 04
Strongly Disagree 01 02
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that high numbers of respondents which is about 28% strongly agreed with this
statement and 54% respondents agreed and 12 % of responders are neutral with the statement,
04% of responders are disagree and 02% responders are strongly disagree with the statement.

Figure: 6. Religious leaders can provide maximum encouragement for the reduction of corruption
in public sector.





strongly agree agree neutral disaree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: Religious leader can play great rules for increasing awareness among
the people. They have great influence on the society. People try to follow their advice. So
religious leaders can provide maximum encouragement for the reduction of corruption in public

7. Your organization provides training based on training need assessment (TNA).

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 07 14
Agree 11 22
Neutral 07 14
Disagree 20 40
Strongly Disagree 05 10
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that the numbers of respondents which is about 14% strongly agreed with this
statement and 22% respondents agreed and 14 % of responders are neutral with the statement,
44% of responders are disagree and 10% responders are strongly disagree with the statement.

Figure: 7. Your organization provides training based on training need assessment (TNA).





strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: HRD and establishment departments. Study also shows that the HRM
activities of TGTDCL are still traditional, backdated and not motivating to the skilled,
brilliant and efficient employees of the company. There is formal Human Resource and
Succession Planning. So, Organization should provide training based on training need
assessment (TNA).

8. Performance appraisal system is up to mark in your organization to motivate the employees to

provide more efforts for increase in efficiency.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 05 10
Agree 14 28
Neutral 04 08
Disagree 22 44
Strongly Disagree 05 10
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that 10% of respondents strongly agreed with this statement and 28% respondents
agreed with this statement that performance appraisal system is up to mark in your organization to
motivate the employees to provide more efforts for increase in efficiency. High number of
responders of 08% neutral with the statement, 44% of responders are disagree and 10%
responders are strongly disagree with the statement.

Figure: 8. Performance appraisal system is up to mark in your organization to motivate the

employees to provide more efforts for increase in efficiency.

10% 10%




strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: performance appraisal system of TGTDCL should be more updated.

9. Firing benefits offers in your organization more than other government employees.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 15 30
Agree 22 44
Neutral 06 12
Disagree 04 08
Strongly Disagree 03 06
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that 30% of the respondents are strongly agreed and 44% respondents agreed with
this statement. Among the responders about 12% are neutral with the statement, 08% of
responders are disagree and 06% responders are strongly disagree with the statement.

Figure: 9. Firing benefits offers in your organization more than other government






Personal opinion: The employees of TGTDCL is satisfied with the firing benefits given from the

10.There is a good peer relation between the management and the trade union.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 17 34
Agree 21 42
Neutral 04 08
Disagree 06 12
Strongly Disagree 02 04
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that 34% of respondents strongly agreed with this statement and 42% respondents agreed with this
statement that there is a good peer relation between the management and the trade union. The number of
responders of 08% neutral with the statement, 12% of responders are disagree and 4% responders are strongly
disagree with the statement.

Figure:10. There is a good peer relation between the management and the trade union.





strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: a good peer relationship between the management and trade union make a discipline and
stable situation which is vital for the success of an organization whether it is government or not.

11.Employees welfare, safety and security measures are satisfactory compared to other government

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 10 20
Agree 21 42
Neutral 07 14
Disagree 09 18
Strongly Disagree 03 06
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that 20% of the respondents are strongly agreed and 42% respondents agreed with
this statement. Among the responders about 14% are neutral with the statement, 18% of
responders are disagree and 06% responders are strongly disagree with the statement.

Figure:11. Employees welfare, safety and security measures are satisfactory compared to other
government organizations






strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: TGTDCL Compensation, incentives, benefits and Services are more or
less as government rules. Its salaries and benefit is according to Government pay scale. The
basic salary of different category officer/staffs of the organization. Titas Gas Transmission
and Distribution Company Ltd is satisfactory level.
12. Corruption is the cause of successive loss of different public company.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 15 30
Agree 23 46
Neutral 04 08
Disagree 06 12
Strongly Disagree 02 04
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that 06% of respondents strongly agreed with this statement and 34% respondents
agreed with this statement that the standard criteria is followed in the recruitment and selection
process of TGTDCL. High number of responders of 26% neutral with the statement, 30% of
responders are disagree and 4% responders are strongly disagree with the statement.

Figure: 12. Corruption is the cause of successive loss of different public company.






strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly agree

Personal opinion: Corruption is one of the main problems in our country. To be enlisted as developed country
our government have to take proper step to get ride of this havoc problem. And particularly different public
organization face successive loss for this problem.

13.HR department always could recruit the skilled people who have practical knowledge to function the
organizational task.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 20 40
Agree 12 24
Neutral 13 26
Disagree 05 10
Strongly Disagree 0 0
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It indicates that the most of the responders which is about 40% are strongly agree and 24%
are agree and 26% are neutral and 10% of employees are disagree and none of the

responders are strongly disagree about the statement that HR department always could recruit the
skilled people who have practical knowledge to function the organizational task.

Figure: 13.HR department always could recruit the skilled people who have practical knowledge to
function the organizational task





strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: HR demand and supply forecasting should be undertaken and matched
demand and supply of manpower of the organization; they should keep in mind that skilled
people are the assets of the organization. The selection of employees is to be based on merit,
practical skill and interpersonal skill.

14.Recruitment exam in the government organization should be more updated and transparent.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 16 32
Agree 18 36
Neutral 09 18
Disagree 06 12
Strongly Disagree 01 02
total 50 100

Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that 32% of respondents strongly agreed with this statement and 36% respondents
agreed with this statement that the standard criteria is followed in the recruitment and selection
process of TGTDCL. 18% of responders show neutral with the statement, 12% of responders are
disagree and 2% responders are strongly disagree with the statement that recruitment exam in the
government organization should be more updated and transparent.

Figure:14. Recruitment exam in the government organization should be more updated and transparent.






strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: the recruitment should be more updated. Specialized candidates can
perform better for completion of their task.

15. Accountability to Almighty can encourage anybody to refrain from fraudulent with customers and prevail
transparency in duty in govt. job holders.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 27 54
Agree 19 38
Neutral 02 04
Disagree 02 04
Strongly Disagree 0 0
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL. It indicates that the most of the responders which is
about 66% are strongly agree and 30% are agree and 04% are neutral and none of the

responders are neither disagree nor strongly disagree about the statement that Transparency in
recruitment increases morale of the employees who are working in the organization.

Figure: 15. Accountability to Almighty can encourage anybody to refrain from fraudulent with customers and
prevail transparency in duty in govt. job holders.


38% 54%

Personal opinion: faith in Allah makes a person obliged to do his /her duty more sincerely. He/ she believes
that what he/she is doing all the deeds are seen by Almighty Allah. So, accountability to Almighty can
encourage anybody to refrain from fraudulent with customers and prevail transparency in duty.
16. HRM of TGTDCL can support the top level management according to their requirement.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 10 20
Agree 11 22
Neutral 06 12
Disagree 19 38
Strongly Disagree 04 08
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It indicates that among the responders which is about 20% are strongly agree and 22% are
agree and 12% are neutral, 38% of the responders are disagree and 08% strongly disagree
about the statement that HRM of TGTDCL can support the top level management according to their






strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: as there is no unique HRM department in TGTDCL, it is hardly can support top level

17.Your organization properly is able to fulfill the customers demand.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 23 46
Agree 17 34
Neutral 04 08
Disagree 06 12
Strongly Disagree 0 0
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It indicates that among the responders about 46% are strongly agree and 34% are agree and
08% are neutral, 12% of the responders are disagree and none of them are strongly disagree
about the statement.

Figure:17, your organization properly is able to fulfill the customers demand.





strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: service system of TGTDCL is needed to be upgraded to facilitate.

18. Political influence interferes on the recruitment process.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 04 08
Agree 10 20
Neutral 20 40
Disagree 08 16
Strongly Disagree 08 16
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that 08% of respondents are strongly agreed with this statement and 20% respondents
agreed and the number of responders of 40% are neutral, 16% of responders are disagree and 16%
responders are strongly disagree with the statement.

Figure:18. Political influence interferes on the recruitment process.





strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: organization should be free from pollical influence. It may cause the
indiscipline in the organization.

19. Separate HRM department can be practiced in your organization to increases efficiency and scrutinize an
effective recruitment system.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 21 42
Agree 23 46
Neutral 01 02
Disagree 05 10
Strongly Disagree 0 0
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL

It indicates that among the responders which is about 42% are strongly agree and 46% are
agree and 02% are neutral, 10% of the responders are disagree and none is strongly disagree
about the statement that Separate HRM department can be practiced in your organization to increases
efficiency and scrutinize an effective recruitment system.

Figure: 19. Separate HRM department can be practiced in your organization to increases efficiency and
scrutinize an effective recruitment system.

2% 10%



strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: the most of the employee support that separate HRM department can be practiced in your
organization to increases efficiency and scrutinize an effective recruitment system.
20. Due to unemployment problem, the government policy pressurizes to recruit more than the required
numbers in your organization.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 07 14
Agree 08 16
Neutral 02 04
Disagree 19 38
Strongly Disagree 14 28
total 50 100
Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It illustrates that 14% of respondents are strongly agreed with this statement and 16% respondents
agreed and the number of responders of 04% neutral with the statement, 38% of responders are
disagree and 28% responders are strongly disagree with the statement.
Figure: 20. Due to unemployment problem, the government policy pressurizes to recruit more than the
required numbers in your organization.

22% 22%



strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: unemployment problem is one of the main problems in our country. So, government
sometimes has to take different policies that may cause the inefficiency in many organizations.

21.Government does not provide sufficient remuneration to the government employees.

Likert scale No. of responders %

Strongly Agree 10 20
Agree 16 32
Neutral 09 18
Disagree 10 20
Strongly Disagree 05 10
total 50 100

Source: Field Survey in TGTDCL.

It indicates that among the responders about 20% are strongly agree and 32% are agree and
18% are neutral and 20% of the responders are disagree and 10% are strongly disagree
about the statement that government does not provide sufficient remuneration to the government

Figure: 21. Government does not provide sufficient remuneration to the government employees.




strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Personal opinion: the answer of the question largely depends on the perception on
satisfaction level of employees.

Chapter-06: Conclusions and recommendations

6.1. Conclusions
Human Resources are most important aspect of any organization like TGTDCL. An
organization might lay brilliant plans, draw clear organizational charts, set up modern
assembly lines and use sophisticated accounting controls. But it fails by hiring wrong
people or not motivating human resources of this organization. Many organizations of the
world achieved higher growth and development due to efficient and effective human
resource management. So, proper and systematic human resource management is inevitable
for the sustainability of the organization. Most of the government and semi-government and
autonomous organization of Bangladesh are less profitable and less developed due to very
few attention and emphasis on this field. Due to realization of this issue a study has been
conducted in the largest state run organization in Bangladesh –TGTDCL. It found no
systematic, comprehensive human resource management system are followed. There is a
traditional, back dated and partial HR policy based on Bangladesh Service Rule (BSR),
Unified service rules of petrobangla’s different company and its own service regulation are
followed. There is no modern, proper and effective HRP, Succession planning, recruitment,
selection, orientation, placement, job description, Training and development,
compensation, services and fringe benefit, performance appraisal system, promotion and
transfer, leave rewarding, employee disciplining, labor relation, employee welfare
activities. To overcome these problems above segment of HR should be managed according
to recommendation mentioned earlier. It is pertinent to develop proper, scientific and
updated Human Resource Management policy through the consent and approval Titas
Board of Directors. It will lead to the poverty alleviation, increases employment, and
efficiency reduces cost and wastage of organizational valuable resources, increases
profitability ultimately leads the national development.

6.2 Recommendations

TGTDCL is the most important state run organization in Bangladesh in terms of

employment generation, revenue earning, and industrialization of the country. To achieve
its organizational objectives and goals human resource is most important factors. To
overcome drawback human Resource Management system some recommendation are given
 Organogram of the TGTDCL should be rearranged and modified according to Titas
Board approval. There should be established unique of Division of Human Resource
Management (HRM) which should be headed by General Manager (GM)/ Director
(HRM) is controlled by Managing Director/CEO. Under the HRM Division DGM
Personnel, DGM Administration, DGM HRD, DGM IR. Under the DGM of Personnel-
Manager HRP, Hiring, Grievance Handling, Compensation. Under the DGM
administration- Manger Public Relation, Medical, Welfare, Transport and legal should
be in the organogram incorporated;

 Proper HRM outcome and lack o proper HR management of the organization should be
quantified. These initiatives undertaken to quantify the contribution of HRM in
organizational profit provided this information of higher management to known about
the importance of HRM in organizational perspective;

 Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats (SWOT) analysis should be undertaken

in organizational long terms perspective as well strategic HRM policy development.
Proposed amendment should be placed and motivate the board members and CEO for

 HR Planning i.e. HR demand and supply forecasting should be undertaken and

matched demand and supply of manpower of the organization;
 Top management should be involved in succession planning process. Proper and
effective succession should be introduced in the organization for long term sustainable
organizational development;

 Effective and updated and more informative Human Resource Information System
(HRIS) data base should be established and it should be updated time to time and
modified according to organizational as well as global need.

 Periodically job analysis of the organizational employees should be undertaken.
According to updated job analysis job description and job specification and job design
of its division, department and section as well as individual employees established; On
the basis of job analysis Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and selection,
Training and Development, Job evaluation, Remuneration, performance appraisal and
safety and health policy should be undertaken;;
 All the process of recruitment and selection system should be expedite. The modern E-
recruitment system and obligation of time frame of different steps of recruitment and
selection to introduce the organization to reduce time and money as well as effective
recruitment. Recruitment and selection system should be fair, transparent, impartial,
regular basis and devoid of political and unions pressure;
 Formal and informal and modern, need based orientation/induction/ socialization
program should be introduced. After orientation placement of the employee should be
made according to match the employee qualification, experience and job criteria. HR
specialist must use assessment classification model for placing newly hired employee;
 The organization should conduct Training Need Assessment (TNA) of employees.
Without it organization required to incur a lot of resource, time and money without
positive output; After need assessment of employees, the organization should be
developed training manual in written for home and abroad for trained its employees;
 Promotion Policy of this organization should be upgraded and updated with the approval
of the Titas Board to attract brilliant, skillful and efficient employees. In promotion
system merit should be over emphasize than the seniority. Discrimination of promotion
in direct recruitment and promotable and education criteria should be amended to avoid
suit in different court both High court and lower court during promotion time.

 The performance appraisal system is Annual Confidential Report (ACR) based which is
traditional and backdated. The appraisal system should be two ways, 360 0 appraisal
system and appraise should be incorporated in appraisal process. It should be free from
supervisor biasness, partiality during appraisal process;
 Compensation, Salaries and benefits of the employees should be updated and modified
to retained skillful and efficient employees. Independent pay scale and more fringe
benefits (both monetary and non-monetary) should be introduced according to the
approval of the Board of Director.

 The disciplinary action and grievance handling procedure should be modified and
updated. Disciplinary action should be fair, transparent, bias free, expedite and devoid of
political and union pressure;
 The safety precaution and environment rules and regulation transmission and
distribution of the gas pipe line construction should be maintain more sickly and
 Employee should be empowered and participation in highest level. Not only higher level
management but lower level employee should have representation of Titas Board level.
 The separation of the employees like quits, retirements, discharge, resignation should be
carefully handled and managed;

 Horizontal movement of employees like transfer should be carefully managed. The
principle and policy of transfer, deputation should be maintained properly. The transfer
of employee should only according to government policy, principles and greater interest
of organization rather than personal interest, union pressure, political interferences;
 Trade union/ collective bargaining agent (CBA) should work organizational greater
interest rather than their own interest. The trade union should be free from political
interference and external agents;
 The organization should developed code of ethics. Religious value, legal system should
be widely published for avoiding corruption and unethical behavior.

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A.1 survey questionnaire
HRM practices in Government Companies in Bangladesh: A study on
Respected participants,
The aim of this survey is to identify the scenario of HRM practices in
TGTDCL in order to complete my internship report for the completion of
Masters of Business Administration. The information collected through this
survey will be kept confidential and will only be used for the purpose of
completing the study. I sincerely appreciate your kindhearted participation.
Thank you.

Sl Statement 5 4 3 2 1

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree Disagree

1 HRM department has direct contribution
for the progress of any organization.

2 The standard criteria is followed in the

recruitment and selection process of

3 Transparency in recruitment increases

morale of the employees who are
working in the organization.

4 Islam emphasizes on transparency in

recruiting process in the organization for
reducing corruption.

5 Nepotism is one of the hurdles to select

the best suited person in a government

6 Religious leaders can provide maximum

encouragement for the reducing
corruption in public sector.

7 Your organization provides training

based on training need assessment

8 Performance appraisal system is up to

mark in your organization to motivate
the employees to provide more efforts
for increase in efficiency.

9 Firing benefits offers in your

organization more than other government

10 There is a good peer relation between the

management and the trade union.

11 Employees welfare, safety and security

measures are satisfactory compared to
other government organizations.

12 Corruption is the cause of successive loss

of different public company.

13 HR department always could recruit the

skilled people who have practical
knowledge to function the organizational

14 Recruitment exam in the government
organization should be more updated and

15 Accountability to Almighty can

encourage anybody to retain from
fraudulent with customers and prevail
transparency in duty in govt. job holders.

16 HRM of TGTDCL can support the top

level management according to their

17 Your organization properly is able to

fulfill the customers demand.

18 Political influence interferes on

recruitment process.

19 HRM practices increases cost for the


20 Due to unemployment problem, the

government policy pressurizes to recruit
more than the required numbers in your

21 Government does not provide sufficient

remuneration to government employees.


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