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by Owen Williams his level of cost was cheap enough to allaw many more people to have an image recorded, but was s0 expen- sive that these people could only afford one image in their ives. So, what did Vietorians choose 10 photograph for this once in a lifetime porunity? Death, In contrast to today, death in Victorian Britain was nottaboo. Poot medical care, plagues, bad living con- ditdons and low ifeexpectancy meant that death was commons a part of life. Strong religious views provided reassurance that death wasthe start of peaceful afterlife and often an end to earthly suffering “THesewo factors crete society ‘where death was the perfect time to have a photo taken, with families spending large sums of money on | having heir deceased relatives image captured, to help them live on and bye remembered. In the photos, the post martem | lac posrietay tobe inone'sinfaney | bye owas poceatawe fa equipment | sorcet, ype owned | posiadary onvenint | god, previous | wczesnis: captured | vchuyeony toallow sto do sth | coral kemué na z/robiene crogos twafford sth | méc r using specialist equipment, ow! Post Mortern Photography ‘What did Victorians pry Peet tars eee arts oncein a fetime opportunity | zycowackazia plague lite expetaney | szacowana dugost reassurance | ugewnen si pownnie atte | 2yclepozagrbowe earthy | zest factor | ceynnik deceased | sma relative | kceuny I plaga,zarara tua In Victorian Britain the art of photography was in its infancy. Single photos were taken, ned by professional photographers. As a result, having a photo taken was very expensive. However, it was a lot cheaper and more convenient than the only previous way of having an image captured: a painted portrait. bodies were sometimes ving peace- fully surrounded by fers, bt more commonly they were made o appear alive: they had eyes painted on their tye nl were positioned intypical Tite poses with favoured objecs and possessions. Even more disturbing for most people today isthe lifelike comes ‘wer reali accompanied by family embers creating a beyond he-gave family poait. The practice was par ticutarly common in cases of child death, Here the body was normally held in position hy the mother who ‘was hidden fom view bya blanket These photos, which still exist, are most bizarre and morbid to | people today, but at the time they | ‘were something to love, cherish and be proud of for the few who could afford them, A situation almost unthinkable to modern man, but photos that in the Vietrin era, were ones to die fr! 7 2 Yo appear | tu wydwat sie, wladat eyelid | powieka disturbing | regalo corpse Laos common | ponszechny hide | ubey bizzare | daca ‘morbid | iegokjacy, makabrycany to cherish sth | cat, pohbe=a6 cnthinkable | niet pomysten todieforsth | umierat za c08

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