Phase Plot of A Gravity Pendulum Acquired Via The MEMS Gyroscope and Magnetic Field Sensors of A Smartphone

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Phase plot of a gravity pendulum acquired via the MEMS gyroscope and magnetic field sensors of a smartphone T. Splith, A. Kaps and F. Stallmach Gitation: American Journal of Physics 90, 314 (2022); doi: 10.1119/10.0009254 View online: https:/ View Table of Contents: https://aapt.scitation.orgitoc/ajp/90/4 Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN ‘The analog computer: Beyond the museum artwork, a tool for studying linear and nonlinear systems ‘American Journal of Physics 90, 263 (2022); htips:/ Energy-mass equivalence from Maxwell equations ‘American Journal of Physics 90, 305 (2022); https:/ How physics textbooks embed meaning in the equals sign ‘American Journal of Physics 90, 273 (2022); Continuous gravitational waves in the lab: Recovering audio signals with a table-top optical microphone American Journal of Physics 90, 286 (2022); https://do'.org/10.1119/10.0008408 Marinated eggs: An engaging quantitative demonstration of diffusion ‘American Journal of Physics 90, 317 (2022); hitps:/ Balloon-bome two-channel infrared spectral photometer for observation of atmospheric greenhouse effect by undergraduates American Journal of Physics 90, 256 (2022); whe SUMMER MEETING July 9 - 13 Grand Rapids, MI INSTRUCTIONAL LABORATORIES AND DEMONSTRATIONS John Essick, Editor Deparment of Physics, Reed College, Poriand, OR 97202 Atle in this section del with now ideas and techniques fr istration laboratory experiments fo ‘Semonsiations, a Tor equipment hat can he used in iter. Although these facets of nstrction also ‘appear in regular aries, this section i for papers hat primarily focus on equipment, materials and how they as used in instruction. Manus should hese using the web-based system tt can = ascesied via the American Journal of Physics home page jpaapor, and will be forwarded to the L&D iio for cvsiderston Le) Phase plot of a gravity pendulum acquired and magnet field sensors of a smartphone T. Spiith”? Center for Teacher Training and School Research, Leip Germany A. Kaps and F. Stallmach Didactic of Physics, Leipzig University, Linnéstraie 5, 04103 Leipsie, Germany (Received 19 April 2021; accepted 10 December 2021) University, Prager Strape 38-40, 04317 Leipz, ‘A gravity pendulum experiment in which a smartphone serves as pendulum bob and as ‘measurement device is described. As the pendulum oscillates, the smartphone gyroscope and ‘magnetometer sensors are used to simultaneously record the bob's angular velocity and angular displacement, While the angular velocity is measured directly via the gyroscope sensor, the angular displacement is deduced from the change of the magnetometer reading while the smartphone ‘oscillates in the constant magnetic field of the Earth, These two independent measurements enable tus (0 derive the phase space representation of the pendulum motion directly from experimental data, Further data analysis yields energy plots, including the periodic change between the pendulum’s kinetic and potential energy and the energy dissipation due to friction, Detailed instructions on how to adopt the experiment, which is both suitable as a lecture demonstration as well as an instructional laboratory experiment, are provided in the supplementary material the MEMS gyroscope '© 2022 Published under an exclusive license by American Associaton of Physics Teachers Intps:f{ L INTRODUCTION Asa supplement to lectures, encouraging students to conduct experiments using their own smartphones and tablets is a developing pedagogical technique.’ For such leaning exper: ences, a number of oscillation experiments have been proposed, incorporating smartphones and tablets with their intemal digital sensors as measurement devices,”'* Harmonic oscillations and the osellation equations are a fundamental part of experimental nd theoretical mechanics lectures. However, the representation Of the oscillation in phase space, which later in the curriculum, is needed for more complex mechanics and electrodynamics systems,"®"” is an important, but often neglected, concept in introductory physies courses. In order to describe the oscillation of a gravity pendulum in phase space, in which the position is plotted as a function of the momentum, one needs to measure the angular dis placement and the angular velocity « independently. If Smartphone is used as the pendulum bob, both quantities must be detected with its intemal sensors. While nearly every smartphone has a gyroscope sensor that measures the angular velocity (for experiments using this sensor, see Refs, 18-21), there are no intemal sensors that measure the 36 Am. J. Phys. 9064, April 2022 taptorelio angular displacement directly and independently of the gyro- scope. Usually, the smartphone’s acceleration sensor is used to obtain the orientation of the smartphone relative to Earth's gravitational field. However, in Ref. 22, it is shown that nei- ther this sensor nor the viral linear acceleration sensor, which uses additional information from other sensors, are suited to obtain the angular displacement in an accelerated system, ‘We propose measuring angular displacement via the ori- entation of the smartphone with respect to Earth's local mag- netic field using the smartphone's magnetometer. Together with the pendulum bob’s angular velocity. the phase space representation of the pendulum can then be obtained. In this paper, we will present the experimental setup and analyze the phase plot it produces. A detailed description of the setup, experimentation instructions, QR-code that in com- bination with the phyphor application’ (RTWH Aachen, Germany) can be used to reproduce the experiment, and step- by-step data analysis is included in the supplementary mate rial.?* The corresponding results obtained using the linear accelerometer sensor forthe detection of the angular displace ‘ment are also included and discussed in the supplementary ‘material, Furthermore, all data shown in this paper and {© 2022 Published underan exclusive license by APT 314 Jupyter notebook file that contains the numerical data analysis are provided. Il, DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENT Our gravity pendulum setup consists of a smariphone as pendulum bob, which is suspended with VELCRO-fasteners ‘on four cords of 1.19 m-length as shown in Fig. 1. The four cords ensure a stable oscillation around the internal y-axis of the MEMS gyroscope sensor after displacement of the smart- phone from its equilibrium position. The period of oscillation is about 2.2s, The gyroscope and magnetometer data are recorded via the phyphox app to fully characterize the angu- lar velocity and angular displacement of the smartphone as function of time. For details of the experimental setup and the equations used to transform the time-dependent magne- tometer readings to the angular displacement, we refer the reader to the supplementary material Sec. I, “Materials and Methods." II, RESULTS: ‘The time dependencies of the angular velocity «() and angular displacement ¢9(¢) obtained via the gyroscope and the magnetometer sensor, respectively, are presented in Fig. 4 of the supplementary material. By plotting the angular dis- placement as a function of the angular velocity, the phase space representation of the oscillation is obtained. This phase plot is shown in Fig. 2, where the lightness of the spiral-like curve decreases with inereasing time. For harmonic oscillations, the phase shift between the angular displacement andthe angular velocity is 90°, t Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the smartphone suspended an fur cords ‘of equal length The intemal axes ofthe smiiphone sensors are shown 3¢ xen as MS Am.J. Phys, Vol.90,No. 4, Api 2022 O75 “050 “025 0.00 0:35 wiraais 0500.75 Fig. 2. Dampod oscillation ofthe gravity pendulum shown in phase space. ‘The angular displacement i obtained fom the magnetometer data, resulting in a circular phase-space representation. Because the pendulum is dampened, the curve is expected to become spiral-like.'° While the phase space plot obtained from the magnetometer data is quite noisy, it shows the expected behavior, Figure 3 shows the movement of the pendulum in a three- dimensional plot with the angular displacement (from the ‘magnetometer data) on one, the angular velocity on the other, and the time on the third axis. We expect an oscillation with a weak damping; therefore, the angular displacement, ccan be described with the equation!” 1) = ecou(te + p)exn( 5) w where @» is the angular displacement extrapolated 0 *=0,, Py is a phase offset, + is the time constant of the damping, and @ is the circular frequency of the dampened oscillation. From Eq, (1), one can easily find an equation forthe angular velocity’ 2 (0) =0y( sins py) —!e0s(+m) Jes ) In order to fit the experimental data from our pendulum experiment shown in Fig. 3, Eqs. (1) and (2) were combined, to a thrce-dimensional model. ‘The resulting fit parameters, and the fit function are shown in Table I and Fig. 3, respec~ tively. The fit represents the data very well, showing the con- 'y between the two quantities measured in this experiment by the oscillating smartphone. From the phase space representation, the energy plot of the escllation can be obtained. This plot and a short analysis can be found in the supplementary material (see Fig. 6 and Sec, 11D). ‘The data obtained using the linear accelerometer as source for the determination of the angular displacement also show a periodic behavior. These data are presented in Fig, 4 of the supplementary material and are included in the Jupyrer note~ book file.”* However, one can clearly idemtify an additional phase shift between the angular velocity and the angular Split Kaps,and Staimach 315, Fig. 3, The-dimensioal phise guce epresentation ofthe gravity pend Jum, The dita obtained from the magnctemeter andthe gyFoscope Sensor ‘wor fied with Eqs. (1) and (2) the fi 6 represented by the continuous Tie displacement and an erroneous amplitude in these data. It is clear that the phase space representation using these data (shown in Fig. 5 of the supplementary material) does not describe the observed pendulum motion correctly. IV. CONCLUSION ‘This paper describes an experiment that represents an intui- tive approach to the phase space representation of a gravity pendulum. The key idea is to employ a smartphone as an oscil: Jating pendulum bob and to acquire two independent simulta- ‘neous measurements from the smarphone’s gyroscope and ‘magnetometer sensors in order to derive the time-dependent angular velocity and the angular displacement of the pendu- Jum, While the angular velocity is directly measured with the ‘gyroscope sensor, the angular displacement is calculated from the acquired magnetometer data using the orientation of the ‘smartphone in the Earth’s magnetic field. The experiment can bbe reproduced with a smariphone and the open source applica- tion phyphox. For further evaluation, the experimental data are fitted in the three-

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